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Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1907, p. 7

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Ely, Minn., July 29.--Atfred Lull- urom, new crying: for the Wanton Pedant-ion of Minn, m run out ot M: My by “I. In. Land- amn wont into .mmmu- t-tetml to form a o-tion upon. the cloth. Th’duh “and the was at the shop, and 1amd.teoen van his“ dom, “will time. tr In pro- ML The ”in" tooh to bk boob the and. followed for annulm- Fi; "in keeper, who N hill not“... hegot within M. I.“ m alumni armqtqd on Town Franny: Protection to All Miners Who Want t Work-Down on Agttators. no can: or even! My... man. Who: More the maidpd court I. PeoAed to lave town, “M to Co. Ptl'III-don In. give. uld Lind- ("MA "e enacted try a boring mud DEPUTY cam STARK, or 1030110, on nun. BY rm: mama. Mons eye on the pro” ”all. Tull the iaiiGtrhs.iueer1t1..lef, Nine. him" to be a victim. . mir- tyr. "Antonia! to conviction by per- hm-d lice office“. aided by . - 'il'a'lClrl,'ll jury. Eve-unseat tictiort in secured a petition I. - lnted. Politicians of high and low b 'tree. ministers of religion tad other npuuble citizen. injudkionnly dz- these petitions. Ind a terrible r,T,,'l',t m ported often by "nation: peer', in lil',',',',,';;,', to bear on the Minister: of the Crown. and frequently a crimind is let loose. The trouble with the" pe- titiono is that. being panned in t't 'tlt, Itth not up has that no a o- t7t,r incorrect. and more. other! :at 'ar" most pertinent. Politic“ W9- “n'v in brought to bear from sll m. m)". it in a ACTOR“ - 'ndeed who can heist the combination.” Reveral, of the deletes due-ed the Tuber T.ieut.ieouaLerwood aeearqd "I? thr. right of petition could not be mpprou».!_ M it was " the hull of _ -7 ---a, 'iirJ," Gil he eAminal W nun to be you! In that 'seethitihool "lf. however, the magi-true h u- r-u-a. the ”nation for hi! i. renewed in open court, with th. In!!! grand mud play, denunciation of pm liee methods. and an :M to the public uttered d) the time 'rtth t.tt um A Montreal dcspotch: After boning oeveru pup." read during the dur- noon and deciding unanimouuly to hold the In). mum at Quota, the Chief W’ man ot 1unadaaAiouidtoa1iowtu-- beeatoattemithePorteetrn-int" municipal, prIOVhdd "oe "fearat. An effort is and. to bhtain m privately. If the qudeQR 01mm." what is known a "dead any," n a? hood. but last night was said to be much alive. in spite of the dim printed on Monday und the fall. On Monday morning It: Undertaker wont to cm the body and found Mr. Hays In. dive but in . common condition. Th nono- gonarian revived mt all today Petition. Are one. .V.___. -"v "m the V ttil b rt ttNolte., 4H- “not! DEA"! ANNOUNCED ntolit THE PihPIT But Embalmer Pound Him Alive-Saved and Gave Much Money to the Church. anw. Ind., July 'th-EN" my; . phiranthrorist, aged 90 year- old, whose death no unmanned hot Slut] hom a it“! pulpit, in “in Inn. At hi. home yeamdty he walked to . win- dow. fell und out I severe (tab In Us no): ple morn oars-(Ill about ltd“ - r,',',,",',,','.'.',:'. and then a when ahrqhq up web a petition would or“ w care _ Otiet (Iceman. of RHINO“ d; paper an tho norerm'tr of no.” thr men on polire dutv. wMU Brrqte Thompson. of the ontario Ju"d Pour". read an intnutin‘ -orntt tho working " the Junie om"ee, Ad in Ontario. _ A E. mum... chief detect!” It... httereo.'oni,,; ttem. who Ittatgt' vu elected a member of the _ Then came- the fight for the -e, tlon mt you. The rote - H two to one tor Quebec and St - - unanimous. Papa Read Before the Convention of Police Chief.--) lat MeettutgPUee. BLOCKS JUSIICE. RAN ORGANIZER our or TOWN. int of seven! ment ' U] 'V" 'I'I‘Il- -- - a it was at the Min of 'nmtitution. Me In.» that some not" wt reach those who suited, m when they eta-Mined PM This would with earMul about It!!! “In. "ue-l-tPei, cum Although She um: Sum Before ofthe ',rsrrp0RIED A WOMAN m rm: I wan FOR TWO nouns. Antidpating violent action by the Western Fedomtion of Miners, citizens hold s m may last night, In which the dty lowed armed protsetion to all all." Jo Wanted to work. About 3,- 000 pone“. My all in.“ of citizens, attended. Resolution were -d, continuing the “like, pom» mending the trntment worded the In. by the mining companion, and gun- uudn‘ armed protection to all who tmated to work. Epoch! oftteers will be "on in In Any number men-x7 to any m'tth-seottueitr. Near ly every an In the city bu pledged 'ery to gene a tb deputy should tho Reunion in the Beautiful Town 1 Smut Kiwdino fart)',', The reunion of old boy! and git tonight brought peo- ple by the ”nomads to Kimrdine, ind the festivities no nor in full swing. Old boys and girls were here from every quarter 9! North America. Prominent M. Dunn-- 2"""""f -ie"e - at any idiots are 1311., yet their had. an my, wall, when» the bum of my geniuses have been below the DO!" Id, VII their heart. hue bu " uI-Il. _ “We think liter-11y (11 our our H ttiiii,iCtyiij'iiic22rttelst'. ttfe" y irtiriiautrrotthotett. Tho authorities at Bony have given instruction: to turn but all agitator! “mung to enter. There he been little actual trouble at Borer. The nine- m I“ tuning Gli -tiiiaieriui7iir" The Thirteenth Regiment Band, of Hamilton. will be here on Thursday and Friday. The town is orowded every day 3nd it 1. expected that larger crowds will be here on Thursday Ind Friday, when the festivities vi}! tench the high m sble to leave his bed unssskted. In 1887 Mr. Buys gave :11 his property,» outing to $100,000, to the Methodist Episcopsl Foreign Mlsslonsry Society, for use in the eduution of preachers " the Kicholss Low institute at Macedon, Argentina, South Amer-1a. After this gift he received 3n snuulty from the church. In 1004 he turned over to the Foreign Msaionary Society of the Meth- odist Ihureh 821.000. which he had sur- ed out of this annuity. Mr. Hays was . frugal man, often deprived himself of the necessities of life in order to are money for the church. Dr. Simon: In Iberia on the Chunk- try of Thought. Baton, Jul; 29.--The Identific world, through Dr. oseph Simms, of New York, city, who arrived here to-dny from Eu- rope, is.to be treated to another sem- tionni theory concerning the out of thought in human beinp. “We think with our toes and with our than t on much u we think with on] ion of our brain," soy-the witn- tht, who in about to write I book. IN an“ thnt the heart has - to do with the function of thinking tim- tho Ruin. . . _ A A A “I Today the oalithurrttdtut procession attd water mm took We. In the lat- ter clone a water baseball mateh, played in the harbor basin, was a unique event. There me "tall craft anchored for box- es and base., and the fieldirttr was done by bathers. The London Newsboys’ Band was In commission yesterday and to- water mark. Fenland, Ore., Juli 29.-.-MU. Mn - Belle Watson, of Ber ely, al., the T yen-old heroine who Illpported I drown- ing won-n for two bout. that the wreck of the Steamship Columbia, was one of the poo-anger- "thin here on the George W. Elder. _ Stringer. Bishop of Selkirk. neatly re turned from Emlnnd; Rev. Rom. John. ston, od Montreal: It R. Cameron, Reg-ht!" od the t1tispemmt Court, Ot. tawa; o. D. McLean. of Winnipeg. Yes- tenlw Winona: 'efeated Kim-amine in herons by four to nothing. and Aan- berley defected Bowie in football by one to nothing. fl _ - Mia's Wagon with three eompanions amended in estttrfug tt_iifttoat,_trut, , "When I came to the surfaee," said Mi- Watson, Nome persons were 'sing. ing 'Nearer, My God, to Thee,' and other hymns. I had never swam a stroke in mv life We, but somehow I had con- tide- enough to try. I had - but a little way when a wow ms “aside me and caught me around the neck. 1 had to support her with one arm and swim with the other. Several men pass- ed us, but would offer no assistance. I struggled along as best I could until I was picked up more. than two hours alter the collision by Third Olficer llawse and his boat. I insisted that he take the woman in first, which he did, and soon had me out of the water. The women whose life was saved was Kiss Emma Grier, of Cleveland, Ohio." had hardfy been louver“! when the Col- umbin link, the occupants being thrown into the water. -Echo of the Columbia Disaster-. The Shipmkod Pusan" trang "Nearer, My God, to Thee." YOUNG HEROINE. T038 AND FINGERS THINK. Egan- pan out that P, manhunt OLD BOYS. CONFMGRATIOI WIPE!) ovx THE 'mtND3trtLom." District Wu not an Input-g thte-Um Bttirnated " 'rstrtmttr-4tqu" of Royal Elm" Did 0001! Wat. Victoria, B. C., July Mk-The tugeegt fire in the history ot Victoriu raged st the northwestern section of the city y.- terdsy between the hours of ' p. m. and 8 p. m,. and in that time, hetero it we. got under control, completely gutted ninety dwelling houses, two churches, s school house, and twenty small cabins. No lives were lost. The "timated dam. Are is $150,000. The fire broke out in the Chin-e quarter nest the waterfront in the rear ot s blscksmith's shop. A strong southwest wind was blowiq and flames spread rapidly, babes utching st irregular intends, sometimes us far " 200- yards tpurt. _ A The burned district is bounded on the west by Shore street, on the south b Herald, as far east as BUnehard, tience it jumped to Pioneer, but in this block only a. few residence were consumed. The south side of North Chatham as tar as Cook street torm- ed the next bouadar , while on the north it extended to iembroke street. Included in the burned area in part of Chinatown. and not a single house in "the tenderloin" remains standim. The residential portion also buffered considerably. This is the second fire which has swept this section of the city, the other occurring about three years ago. Included in 'the Jeitruetion were three churches. The Methodist Mir lion for Indians was the first to go. and it was not ilyng until the fire jumped I. block uni caught the school room of St. John's, and it quickly crossed the street to Calvary Baptiet Church. A fine residence along-Me the church we: burning at the time. A squad of Royal Engineers rendered valuable assistance in tnghting the fire. They were ready with dynamite to blow up any buildings that were deme- ed necessary, but when it was thought the eastern portion oi the city was doomed the wind dropped and the fire. men won got control. Man invalid, were tusaitsted out of their gunning homes by kind-heated volunteers. One lady mu removed to the hoopitd and was reported as being very low. an aged lady with a, crippled daughter, had also to be carried out. “thought is in the soul, which peme to. the entire physical being; The but it A great heat producer, t it In. mu. to do with the function of thinking. We think with our “1110!. or with our tom Great credit is due the firemen for the splendid mmner in which they acted, under adverse circumstances. Everything possible was done, but the fate of this section depended on water and without water it was utterly useless trying to quench the fire. A gallant attempt wns made to stop the tire It a. house on Blanchud street, and a number of volunteers and firemen remained on the roof until Owing to n inndeqnata lupply of with: the fire brigade mu totally un- able to cope With the flame, whith never showed signs of subsiding until shut off by the open country. The car service wu walyzed in conuquenoe of the power station be- ing cut off, Over i'Ah, people are home- less und are billeted in the various hotek of the city. With the heavy wind blowing the cinder: were carried greet disteneee, and it we: not long until the tire wee raging halt e mile may from where it started. Volunteers rendered valuable uni-twee, and in many In- stances all the furniture in the home was saved. In name cues, however, the efforts of the volunteers were with. out mud. Before the goods could be removed from the street, the tire was upon them and they had to be abandoned. The heat will something terrible, and it was impouible to remain mywhere within the heat none for any length of time. several firemen were overcome and had to be dragged to a place of “fay. it was literally ablaze beneath them, and it was with difficulty that they were rescued from their places of danger. Had the water not failed at this point the path of the flames would have been stopped, but at this critical moment the force dwindled away till there was not as much coming through the main hose as could be got from a garden pipe. Dr. Sinus deck". that inch world. renownd ninth“ to Mr Willia- mar iltou, of Edinburgh University, and Pro fesaor Von Batman, ot Berlin, wee with him in his theory. By 8 ipeioek further (hangs wen netted, “though mm of min. con- tinued to smoulder for many hour: " towards. Over an uea. of half tb mile homo- hold goods littered the attests, when thouunda had collected, rendering what help they could. The flame. roaredvfully I. handful feet. high, uttering cinden in all di. notions. Cohan; despatch: Min Day, who In. taught in the public schools of Cobourg for . number of years, and who was one of the moat highly-esteemed ladies of the town, wu killed late lat. night in a was!” mint on the tttttr, road. A party of young JSI' e hid driven to the kph. of, Mr. ohn Bow: nun It Cold-wings, where they I t the evening. On the return trip 2gll ll p. m. the homes beanie unmanageable sud dated to run. Mu. Buy and mother Indy jumped from the which. The former Itmk on her head and pun-d any about 6 o'clock this morn- hg‘vlthant hvilg replied m no... New of the out." nut with very when Itatirrie., atthemt* q pee whenever we nu Gem." Comm Plenum Party in a Runny Accident. iririuu, ".ud oUeri - an numb-mm VICIORIA fIRE. TEACHER KILLED. ill London, July 29.---Ltrd Cursor), Obso- eellor of Oxford University, speaking at s banuet given in his honor, um ex- pressing the opinion that the trouble in India is only skin deep, strongly criti- cised what he described so Gnu Brit. nin'e “unscientific bugger-mum meth. oCot nd.pieutrirttt the Emrit" -- lie Add that mr‘country In the world Incl ugh f {earn of “prime and nuthorit in the art of eivii government and male Inch link me ot it. The Cohan] out}?! pg said, wan-dc up. a! pommm officials, my of whom'had never set eyes on the colonies they ad- ministered, end he uked why were Ihould not be en Imperial Contact! of some kind to min in their “ministry WW MIMI. COUNCIL TO LOOK mu In rm. Montreal, July 29.--An action for 08,- 000lotobeukenlgainstthecityhy Mrs. Beach, whose son Richard died I few weeks ego in one of the cell- " police headquarters. The ma wu IT. proud try the police to have been drun ' but it trfterwards turned out that he we: bleeding slightly when Men to the station, but no medical lid we. num- moned. The t,te2 contention in distinct 'sott,whowaa86ye-ofage, wu her sole support, end that the police having neglected to cell a doctor one: having arrested him, were guilty of true negligence. gut it Marv-um: turned out that his had been tanked by three men and ro- ooived B frneture of the .kull. m - The Coroner's jury in their verdict stated that the police had Ihown negli- gence in the treatment of the Vic m, while he was confined in the police Ma. tion, but that there were circumstance. of an extenuating character. Stunned and Burned in London Park- Much Damage Done. A London Ont., delpatch: London to. night was visited by a severe electri- eal storm which did eonaidertsble dam. age in the way of putting telephone. out of order. The motor: on tan street can were burned, and u I re- eult two are came into collieion on the Spring_ lunk __lineL (pig; fm"" In. Bach Brings Action Against City of found. damage to-both. The Bell Telephone people estimated that 100 'phones were out of business. The heavy nin prov- ed too much for the storm seven, and I number of cellars were flooded. Herbert Matthews and Willie Butt, two 'll", boys, were .truek by 15M- ni ln 'ictoria Park this eve ng. Bong: boys were knocked down And stunned. Their clothing caught fire and they were painfully burned. It In expecteu that they wlll be all right in I. few days. Construction Expected to be Commenced t an. mm; " n Early Date. the Sundn Ottawa, July 2tr.--ThU morning Mr. fit, diffti: William Wainwright, fourth vice-preni- 'l,S1 th dent of the Grand Trunk leny, 11- MI '. rived in town and npent some time " lff,,'lUfl the Prime Miniter’n office. It in under d li d owed that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is op- “"{Y t', posed to placing the hotel on Nepean 1'lg, or l Point or where St. John’s Church is now Ilu', located. He hvon the original prop" rum-1 $1011"; nition, which is regarded by all partial tt 'fl wil h 305:1“. best, if the buildings were.n- hnndie the . a-s.._4l-.. Migor Scott was lino sent for by the Premier, and the whole subject Jo" dia- ou-ed hom the city’s sundown. The Premier expects to hnvo the angle straightened out shortly. The Site for It Purchued at St. Multan, tysult. Part of them we union men, but be- lieved the Mire was over. Binding it m not, they would not become Itrike breaker; A. a result they In now without menu of getting beck to their lama. Some of the party nu ma:- Cobalt, July '2'.c-iitrf, 25 men were found stranded in Cobat today, be- - they refused to go to work on the Owning; Mine utter the 'll'd'lt,"i,', had paid ir {as from St. tht rim. to m- we} escorted over to'tho Arl- 1 mo, where they will you the m, tum purl: m will. a mute to Winnipeg. St. Andrew'ss, N. B., uly 29.-Prof. Penhallow, of the Canadian Biological Commission, is here arranging for the erection of a permanent biological stu- tion for Eastern Canada. A lot of had has been purchased near Joe's Point from the C. P. R., and upon this the sta- tion will be built, In addition to a hboratory for twelve operators, there will be an nquurium, museum, men- room and dormitory. A wharf will the be built. ried Men. - - The company it still holding their bag. The station will be similar to that maintained at Woodahole, Mum, by the UnitedTitate. Government. Two Dozen of Them Arrive " Portage In Prairie. Portage 1. Prairie, uly Mr.-Ahe pil- grim Doukhobors arrived here from Wotboune at ghoutib ofclock to-dar. linen Prom St. Cntlnrinel Wouldn't Break Strike. There were twintyJour in the guty, I" prbed in blue mock- uld uvy boots, with ,rHe-brimmed strut uu. Thu lined up at some of the principal point- on the "cane, and chant] Wttr ”up Ineident to their cult, that which "att up " collection. the police tech B hand, at! _ thy CURZON AS amt. DOUKHOBORS’ PILGRmGE. pone: wnu macaw: OTTAWA’S NEW STATION. BIOLOGICAL STATION. TWO BOYS STRUCK. MEN STRANDED. beginning of the Sundsy. If than he- toriu that ere at preunt doing eome work, it would, in nurly all on“, be noes-try that the milk be retained at the homes of the plan“, a the tutor- les " present have not mgr facilities “or holding over until st,',',' y morning this milk and then bundling it with the Sunday and Monday morning milk. The difficulty now met with in the hund- ling of the milk It the home of the put- me in that the patrons hue not stor- llff at ice necessary for the purpoee. In 1 other hem where Baturday night delivery does not take place. or neces- ury for the patrons to make butter at home or to hold the Suturday night'e milk over, along with the Sunday’s milk, until Monday morning. MP IttiMEliT-iitllirRh1. SUPREME . IN ADMINISTRATION or COREA. Putin, July 29.--The Brest correcpond- new convention between Juli-n and Cores we- signed My et 1 pm. the: no "nall opposition by the Goren Court The provisions In believed to be briefly u follows: Dairy Brunch; Pulume' nt Buildings, Dear Sir,--We beg to inform you that we have, under your 'utstruetiona, made awful and thorough enquiry into the question of Sunday work in connection with the manufacture of chem through the thirty-two instructor! employed y this department. From our own pemm" d knowledge of the situation and u s molt of the enquiries nude, ye fool thot Synopsis of the Provisions of a New Convention Between Japan and Goren. Second. nu the enactment of all In" and ordinances, the all important um; um", shall receive the approval of the Incident-gourd. we are pretty Tully informed on to the present situation. In Western Orttario, out of 218 factories, 68 we unanim- Ing cheese on Seturdey night. In Mm Ontario, leu then one-quarter of the 1,000 factories are taking in milk on Beturdny night and rmutufnoturing it in- to cheese. In the majority of cases where milk is taken in on Saturday night, it in found impossible to pro rly complete the work before twelve o'cfcfck. The work u, therefore, continued for A period of from one to four or five hours in the beginning of the Sundsy. If those he- torlu that ere at prelent doing some work, it would, in noel-1y all once, be noes-Irv that the milk be retained It Fir-t. Provide. an ndmiaatmtimt of coretvsuii-thteguiaaseeofthe "pane" resident-general. Third. That the uppointment of all high end reeponlible ottuut. shell re. ceive the uppronl of the uddentrgen- PERMISSION so WORK ON SUMAY MORNINGS RBCOMNDED. Fourth. That only person: recom- mended by the resident-general shall be eligible for offiee in the Coma Govern- ment. Further, we would" suggest that early notification he given to the dairymen of the Province (owners. of cheese factorim, makers and patrons) that it will be ne- cessary next year to fully comply with the requirements of the Sunday Obser- vance Law and that they should now make arrangements whereby either the patrons of factories shall now begin to make provision to keep the milk at home under proper conditions or utilize it " hope, or that the factories shall make such provision as may be neeenary to enable them to handle the milk on Mon. day morning. Respectfully "imbmitted, (Signed), If the law. against dohig' any work in cheese factories during my of the bonus of Sundny were 'rtyktly enlarged Having considered the question from all standpoints and obtained opinions from many persons interested in the question, we beg to recommend that, for the present year. permission be granted to continue the Saturday night work in cheese factories until not later than 5 I. m. Sunday morning. In this connec- tion, we might state that, In the great majority of ones. the work can euily be completed by 2 a. m. but in some ctbtte6 beyond the control of the maker, it may be found impossible to nuke up the cheese at so early a time. . Death of Col. S. new, Celebrated Song- Writer. Louisville. Ky.. July Gh-Col. Will B. Rays, the veteran river editor of the Courier Journal, song writer end poet, died art,his home here yesterday of ver- tigo, caused by a stroke of paralysis suffered in the Iroquois Theatre fire in "tieago, Dee. 30, 1903. Re ran to you! old. Col. Keys they: claimed the eu- tbnhip of the original words of "Dixief and that he was responsible for the ur- rugenent of the music. Col. Ture moat (not long was “Hollie, bulk,” the Idea of which M4 in million euph- in Europe” and Alerts. It wil be can tut, in the future, to handle the milk at patent made up on Saturday night 1nd Sumur'either the hoary must be rttett.roested or equip- pod Jith better facilities. or the bit- you J,',',,"'),',, in additional Appliances at home _ provitle _ieeyrypplies. _ st once, there would, of many, be I, very large wute of milk on the farm in addition to the inducing of the Butt. day work on the part of the producer to u very large ttent... Sixth. That foreigners ulnll be em- ployed only upon consent of the resident. general. Seventh. That the tint chm of the convention of August 22, 1906, providing C. C. James, Deputy Ministar of Agriculture. Geo. A. Putnam, Director. Dairy Instruction. G. G. Peblow, Chief Imtructor. Eastern Ontnrlo. Humble J. P. Whitney, Premier. -irtih. That . distinct denudation dull be drawn between Bdrnirtutmtive mg iuficitl ttfftirs.. A,” AUTHOR " "MOLLY DARLING." SUNDAY CHEESE. oath. Gad, miter I'tt,tfg,t [at night, It which n number of up.“ and oftioem "an the cruise" Thu. kube and Chilor, " well In none M otikerss, wen present, Rear Main! Stockton ptopoeed the health of the Em. peror of anul and of the Japanese navy. In reply, Capt. Tnhaooutehi, of the Teukubu, touted President Roone- val: mg the American mvy. The J3me tailor- In still ttonfined to their ships, And will not be grated Ihore lave until the demure of the Medan squadron this afternoon. t,diith2e,roiitittdr,2t'get Int it in My loeal, having no import- - ,rttat-r to the “We world. It would be wrong to hold the Washing- ton Government responsible." Large have in limbo: of Pilgrim Carried by Rail. Manual, July 29.--'the Canadian Pu. tsifk and Grand Trunk trife out today the return. of the pilgrim-go tunic up to dug. They have been bigger than anything previously recorded. The Shrine of txAnneeBeauprxsisturointe. “traction. It grows in popularity - for the employment of . fi-tul ad- viser be mull“. The emanation which will now be nub mined to the Privy Council of anu, will be publhhod hem this evening. tte lo Ttttpert-n. PHI-“Jul 'tb-There ttrt' and ”that 1l'd'l'l'a1 tr1tf u ttat,':, vi the J V Admin] . who I. 1ulrl'f1u'r., 'Y him tut of thirty per cent. in the numb: our number curried ova their mum to tho dating 14900. Between 5,000 end Moo were from the city of Manned. It it expected that before the done of the season the total will Aggregate 22,000. grim} te.thy Hilly. abrine_on the My at the St. um manhunt! hourly 20M00. It in believed that the w th'tsr-il1Htrroaeh-terot I million. The thnndinn Pacific gives u the full Rome, July 29.-Three hundred mu- inee were landed at Martin, Sicily, to- day from the buck-ship b'ardegmc The authorities are thus preparing to cope with my further disorders that my urine from the recent arrest of Nundo Nani, ex-Minilter of Public 1mrtruetioes, on u charge ot embezzlement. Nu! k Espular in Sicily, And his arrest bu en followed by men! demontsteuiontr. Artillery bu been mounted in the street. of Palermo, and other war-hips will be sent down. Fen Into a Vat of Aet'd-Bene and SIM Preparations by the Authoritiel to Que“ Revolt: " Pdemo. The nuke of the followers of Nut were swelled yesterday and arch, by the coming in of the adherent; of other political leaders, and the “tintin- throughout Sicily is causing great apprehension. has Men mum Guilty to 0m' the Police. I Toronto despatch: The six defendant. who were chased with obstructing tho 1 police It. different points along the line F '01 mareh of the Grunge roceuion 0- July 12 Int. were brought Lime Magi.- trate Dennison this morning. Three won rent for trial and three pleaded My. Those lent to the Sessions were Jog W. Hugginson, Wm. White and Wm. Oorrin. Thomas Richardson, John Curtin And Samuel Wsrdrobe were each fined a lad cost: or 30 days in jail. All That's Left. Brockville den och: Broeu1ttimt lo- garding the /'2lflt Ttttt (“appen- snce of Sylvegugr _ kul_k[,_npd___ tit Soaking does not 'tter. childnn ot but wetting. The" is l concutuiiouu - tar thin troubie. In. M. Emma. Box W. t, Windsor, Ont., will and free to m "that her ween-Ital home animal, with full inurucuon. Send no non” but wrlo he w-du it your children trouble you in this way. Don't blunt the child, the anneal no it can‘t help it. This treatment the cur. “lulu And and 900910 trouted with urine difficuluos by do or night. Mnhnki was employed Ihoveling chip. into the 18-inch openingI of the lute diguter in which the (- pa no mind with lulphurouc acid. He went to work at 7 o'clock in the morning " and, and continued to work until 11 o'clock It night for another employee. He did not return, nnd his father reported the dia. nppeannce It the mill. yew, emriored in the supine.“ a! the Union Bag And Paper Gimp-my " Wotan, in now n In and. - A Winnipeg, July 29.-The City Council thir afternoon decided to nocept the oNe made by F. A. Heubsch and G. W. ht- rell for the ammo issue of MFrar " bertturea. The price In 04 tut. The city given Ill undertaking not to all my further kind of inane foe " month, And also not to tell for a tire. they period of nix month- tny dehuman- orluu, thin in the fitrtter. BETTER THAN SPANKING In): [an on lust Tokio, July gtt.--tAftemeac)--Ths not given. by My Aw Meme The Gmad Trunk claim- m m A touch totaled IPe bone and B piece AN ECHO or THE ”ELITE. KILL EMPLOYEES DEATH. KARIKES LAND IN SICILY. WINNIPEG DEBENTURES. SHRINK " ST. ANNE. par batse in Disposal of u " run. RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO were in the steernge and fourteen Were offitsega and lumen oi the ill-fated sw- Iel. One life raft and five boats are still unreported, and it is possible that when these come ashore the number of the dead will be lowered. Thirty-ole ourn'vou of the terrible dinner muted this city " l0.30 o'eloek this morning on the newer Pomona, nun; left Eureka " ll o'eioek yesterday. Today the remain. der of the rescued pamngurs and crew arrived on the George W. Elder and told of their harrowing exped- enoee New, after the wreck. The [re-engu- enrvwlng number 105 and the crew 37. San Francisco, July ".--Nirsetr-etght men, women ad children an on the death roll of the Goliath. Of these seventy-five were ubin -ttlrerh aim Of these, thirty are members of the Columbia. crew and the other in Mrs. Uttilil Liedelt, a music tracker. Mrs. Liedelt in the first passenger on the lost steamer to "turn to this city. The country In! announced that the bodies of t victims were being held by the coroner " Eureka pending orders from friends and relatives to have thon nhipped to this city and port Inter. The remains of eastern passengers will be sent home by both router. Iorc Survivors of the Wreck Arrive- Of the oftieerat and on; (0 were saved and 16 are missing. This makes a total of 93 unsucounted for. non PARTICULAIS or In DIS- ASTER m THE PACIFIC. was found in the river. lie “an paid ml Saturday, went. t,traig'ut lo Mi luml'd- ing home, where he opened hU envelop. and paid the ludlndy. Then be and on a friend. And he left home It II p. m., with name 812 on him, and wu never seen again. When the body was found that was only nine cents in hire pocket. Decent-d was an Englishman, recent- ly arrived. lo!! ply“ F?“ " mini; Indiana-'1 Body Foul in live: " lethal. Montreal, July 29.--That Peter Been. mnc VII done to death for his week's puy - almost certain. He disappear- ed Sumtduy night and to-day his body, with the Mk of I blow on the forehead was found in the river. lie IT 1" paid on Irish Extremist: Are Dissatisfied Witl Roland's Policy. London, July 29.--The "ravnge in the Irish party owing to the dissatisfaction of the more extreme Natitmnlista with Mr. Redmond’n policy becomes more pro- nounced. The Sims Fein movement in continually glowing, despite If. M :11th denunciation of it: when in combat!- 'u, 1rmeter_ an!” DoUa, M. P. for North minim, “and; it. and Sir! rd, Jungian: North Wex o randy been declued. has now been for. mal] elected a member. Mr. Doha. n {his in Dublin this evening, said tn had been a deficiency in the or- ganisation of the Nationalist put] for five yearn. HURRICANE CUT A FORTY-FOOT SWATH IN ELGIN COUNTY. Bum Blown Down, Others Struck by Ligtttatitt--D- Done in Lowell -Boys Struck by Lightning. A St. Thomas, Ont., desputch: An elec- trie storm which assumed almost the proportions at a cyclone tswettt through Elgin county immediately west of this city to-dly and wrought havoc with barns. trees and fences. The want deluge done wu in Southwold town’ ship, particularly in the immediate vi- cinity of Middiestmreh, where scverul buildings were demolished by the force of the hurricane. A large hum owned by Joseph Burned, of this city, wu completely destroyed, being literally rated to the ground. Mr. Bornel' lot- on the building and content; u mrtimat- ed " $1,500. The outbuilding: of Geo. titantou's hotel were blown down, entail. ing a loss ot “#30. At Port suotiey two barns ware struck by lightning. Reports from there tstate that the storm wus very severe on Lake Erie. evening, In a stateemnt made by Donald last night he said that he used a combination of gasoline and ammonia In cleaning clothing, and dried the gurments in . small room, which was heated by steam. Lani. night he opencd the door of the dry room. in which garments were hanging. and then turned and opened the door of the boiler furnaoe,only"ew feet away. The gasoline vupor role-Jed from the dry room immediately explod- ed, wrecking the inurior of the ”and "tally burning Demki. Rome, N. Y., July 2g.--hsadore Den- cki, 28 year- old, died today from injur- ies sustained in a gasoline cxplouion in his clothe. cleaning est-Minimum hat. lil Methodist Church suffered t$eh'etNV ly, the front being voiap1eurly blown out. The storm, which wu- accompanied by vivid lightning and heavy rain, came up from the northeast, and cut a swnth 40 feet wide, nprootilg trees and levelling the fences in ita path. GASOLINE EXPLODED m A CLOTHES CLEANING SHOP. "if t0ST touatuh. nt home _t'iLl'oot routes. , reviled trt_1rt the passage-I shown lore l Ludell's fAIAllY BURNED h GREAI SIORM. “RDERED FOR Ox a. RIFT IS WIDENING. in the river. Mo “at paid on went straight to his Imnrd- whftlre, opened " envelope a: H

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