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Durham Review (1897), 8 Aug 1907, p. 1

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-V0h. XXVIII, N0. 32 To U. S. Samson: -t..-BT e new Postal Law we ere oil-polled ttt charge il,50 per annum In edvenee 1m- the Renew to “heathen in the United Sum. Will those when e,aNr expire this month or Who ere in arrears. kindly take 00600 and re- nvw during July, so as to he no Impen- ONE.“ IlVIPORTANT 1-233333EEEW 33% i :ii‘i: Wd xaairxaasrxxsyiamirtar?irrrlilifrr] Interesting items It's early, -but not too early to get your Fall dress. The gm us are here now-new and treah-and lots of them. They are here in all the fashionable colon end ,nsteruls-ptain colon. tar- tans, tweeds, fancy plaids and the beautiful new shadow plaids. wan he pleased to show you our new goods. \‘(lu'll find excellent values at ...... .... .... 50c to ISO Annual Mid-sum’r Sale l l INNER , . e r DUI an an“ “-- We rem a hurry now 'tdl “mm: Goons Odd lines of la- dies' vests, rg sayi and ssc-only a few of these--aoc each If yJfrTi2oTiriif for basins in Summer Goods, here. Odd lines :nd sizes of Ladies' iVritsts Lisle was" worth ll? to 45e ouch. On sale a 2%. Rated skikT, Gai; Summer Suits tttlei-deter-tree.'.. Ladies' communion mu. ribbod Hale. reg-s pm” $1,75, "iiirstttor $1.25 per unit. In addition to being rainptool, they are dust proof and are 'A F vrth more than the price a: a protection when driving. The pri- crs are cut at this rate. 3.» oo Raincoat: for......7-50 5 00 8.so Raincoat: for...... . 3 50 S53nd$6Raincoatsfor...... 0 100 Underwear Our Shoe Department is in trouble Mums- Gingham thLteter,p11trred1r.1titt11ret.t IV ends, t per yd on Because there are more shoes in it than there is room for. The mom of zoo pairs would help us wonderfully, so 200 pairs will be rint out at bargain prices. l0 CENT BARGAINS IN MUSE-INS -a., a Four short lengths thrown in, m Bargains w special long »ecial long silk gloves in black and White mm um... flgttrert' and thumba- 750 pair. Be sure and be early fhis week as the goods listed are genuine. bargains, nothing is advertised as special which a, ont strict y so. The goods are marked in plain fig- genuine. 'def,',":','.' , is not strict y so. ares for all to Bee. Rubber Raincoatu. worth $5. for... ... .... New Fall . . . Dress Goods James Ireland Ladies' Cravenette Coats . . at Bargain Prices . . 1 Balcony... - a few short lengths thrown in, Isak 100 per " The House oi Quality __ - -- -4, - , l $1.00 $1.00 x "r, Lawn Waists I. i great offering 3 for A certain mnnuhcl- nrer offered as a bie bargain in white veins provided we took all be had of the lot. After a considerable concession on his part. '0 took all he had. travellers nam- plegpnd all. ' "r"iiiiriui%omprite A great vuriesy ot designs in fine lam} (any. oy- tet and shadow tttrt- broidery and latte trim- med ditrerertt length sleeves. moat of them, buttoned pp buck. Sale piioo " the first week of MtytNKI,,Eiifil. cut prices in Neckwear. 11127100313 or QUALITY. On sale per pr, just i the thirufortxfys.latte i sizas 8 to IO, worth 200 y for 12e per pr. i 250 stockings tor 1% E ans‘ or Womens' E ribbed hose. doub- i, lo knee. sizes 8to _ IO, smaller sizes 5 to " tor 2Oe ulna 15. Chlldvon: Hosiery for o This is; line which m our crowded store was overlooked and never put on sale. We hue it iatattt ell sizes so here goes; Childrens black rubbed cotton. bozo sizes. 5 to Ty, reg. 15e ulna-9 cents 3 Sale of short 10 worth up to 25c ._15c. Hosiery Em: 3.00 ii, our great ()lllilllll l iiiaiiiiiifBTt1') A. H. Jtckson is an Issuer of Mar. riage Licenses, Durham, Ont. Owing to a change In the bushes! All Accounts due me must be paid in by 18th August. MISS DICK. A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yacant lots in Durham for sale. . Miss J.p. Alla eye-sight. specialist and retracting lician will he at Hahn’s Hotel. Th adur, Aug. 15. The many tth',', of Mr. Charles Livingstone, Stay!) r, will be sorry to hear of his death which occurred but. week. Just as we no to press we learn than Mr Alex McCormick an. hear Aber. deen hm passed away. Particulars next week. h Fon BaLm-One bedroom Bet, high back, one lounge 5 d kitchen table. Apply to Mrs. Bro er at Mrs. Geo . Wilson’s. ‘ Fon BArne.---A' number of town lots on Queen and ‘uuntesa tits., good IOCOMOD. prices re enable. Apply to Thomas saitt or a the Pogtottice. AtJaa. Gun' Drug Store appoint: ments can be m ie for exmuinauon of the eyes, Thurs ay next. Aug. I5. My Muss J.1J All: Ca.ye-siotwe/Glist. Dr. Brown, eye. HP, uuse and tin-mu, will be M Hahn H el, Durham. Aug, 10. Hours 11 a. III. to 5 p. In. Eyes testcd and glasses ts plied. . l GUILD PICNIC --Als ut forty of the young people of the Prcahylerinn Guild spent an enjoyable Mternoon and evening on the cumpmg grounds at A herdeeu. IMPROVED srrur.rrrs---By the Use of the grader a verv tine job has been made of the Main St. and imprrve- Put-mu are in progress on the other tttpeettt this week. The South G ray Temperance Assoc- l intion will hold their reUular monthly meeting in the Baptist Uhuch on Fl i- 1 ittss,tsGorro.w) evening at. 8 o'eioek when important buninetin will be brought up for discussion. Accompaniedby the Band, a large number of the brethren of Grey LodgeJ. o. o. F. "ttended Divine service in a body to the Methodist church last Sunday awning. Rev Mr Jamieson preached an appropriate sermon. Now $1.O.-- We would remind Uni- ted States subscribers that it coats $1.50 to renew for the Review for one year. The law requiring a stamp Mtlxed to each pill)“ crowing the boundary forces: this price upon no. Prompt rd. newalu are also necessary to prevent loss of any issues. ', I four times a your on an away. Bank deposits. l savings Bank Department in Comedian will Brandi?- Filling is in program for the em- h hankment at east. end of the C. P. R. bridge east of the river in town. Next t week we. understand the moving of i Dr Bolton's house begins, to be 'i, tollewedhy grading west of Linratraxa I street. The contour of George St is I already altered completely. t Estor-rt.uusp--A,t, the first meeting s of the quarterly omcial board of the Methodist church held on Monday on t appropriation of 81000 was made toil the pastor fot sulury. This is a larger i 1 sum than has yet, been paid and he“ speaks the growth of the congregation l ind appreciation of the work and lab- or of the ministry. CorwtytultuuotMr. A Garden Party will l held at IVit-keru on Fridav evenin August 16, on the. grounds of Mr. T H. Lawn] once. A good plogram co sisting ofI addresses, instrumental sele ions. etc I is being provided. A chief More of g the evening will he a. tooth l mulch ', between the Hampdenand Al Ill Pork i teams. Admission 10c. Lu ch andi other refreshments extra. Ev yliodv; welcome. 1 Aisiuosrm--'1'he Farmers' Man. & um they have longer rut Supply co, made an nesigmuent a few ' than” marl is freer from days ago to Mr. A, H. Jackson. We 1 “mm”, and there you are. hope the business ditt1culties that led ; new”, offer to allow burr, tothia step may be soon overcome. _ other mills to be PM on t And that the flne premises will iirtii'/i',i'ili, that it is no fault oi again be' "going" in useful industry pluyees and what can you and able to meet all oiiiigntious to the supposed Giae-cpmuuyiy town. his mutter for deep regret promised us faithfully last that an industry so happily conceived said to be ineffective or prot and supplying staple wants to out" to cost and results. and ther ( tarnnng communily should be unable i lief in tttat direction. " Hot, lto keep arguing. witnessed as it 1tsidistvy1td mother, “can i been by generous stock buying on the I rm boy wearing out h part of the public. The institution 1 .. Easily rur'at " was the re was a benefit to Durham and we IT,', I can get some other boy to v u we have said the ditriculties may e out or you um kill the boy/ tided over and the wheels again set. in the last drastic remedy will _,..-.'.,,., to be resorted to. tided over motion. Pure Paris Green and THE sIyijjbARi) BANK EURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST 8, 199 -iuu new. unqu- Bmmud Atas " march m rgttettBF. The Standard Bank pays titan-est U it” " tii OFCANADA HeadOffiee . " " " DURHAM BRANCH "rAttLtqt"tt "" Mr, Phillips. of Witiiamsford, in - gain in the old stand u butcher. wssi.--100Cotd' of Tan Berk} ---- Apply " Harness Bhop. This Bmith, Latona. Presbyterian: Rejoice B " A quantit of! _ RICK Port .- ---. . cheapbrick. lui hie for out builgingl‘ Sunday and Monday last will long than! Brick Works. ibe remem hated by the people of Dy!" 'inoeh and vicinity. The Preobytengn Ten apprentice tilted to learn the) yyyrrttruioa there has reached In millinery beginning tgetpto 5. '/oihtt gt'i,t,'f, a; 'et'? the planing . ' , o us note e an mar s eeia com- Apply " Misa Dick a. l, memorative services were tt',"ll! G, P. It. MAxKa Momrr.--The C._P. 1 lt 'lei',",',' there was a Latona be. R. have issued a statement, T.ry',trlt l foret ere was a Dornoch in this spot shows that the entire earnings of we .und while his majesty’s mail goes to _ _. i n_.,_.. ........ ".,,oortr.. nnrnmh the heart, of the Presbyterian Suuwu I luv-v v... V _. T road, for the past. tucal 'ear, ed to $730900“). , he net pr 825,0u0,000. NEW PsrRtt'r---Mtrion ana """uo"'i"UMontb rresnycermn cnuruu. uuu‘ patent uttm‘nevs. Moqtrepl. have rp- 'uoch." Both are old land names and gently secure? fot 'gll'ild ggi/str, V35“ up Gany atuureiatioms. we. apaten}. or» mo e p [ e con re io ' e . _ i'iiii'i"or'i'iiFiink.1rTty1etl'. ii'iiiiiiii'r(ni2' hats teg/te,'.'-,,,,"),',','] 'i,haevitfl'i tion free by writing to the firm, men-V”s tir t i i t t l . t . P - . . n-i d uuting No 106,600; , up u 9 er, a a a yen: In res tioning Review an q (ttt,et,'l,'.'ei,"ll; who left his Impress on -.------ 0 _------- {helium-e, Rev Jag Cameron. a brother . . of rJohn Cameron of Dulhnm and ‘y I. o. F. Picnic li')., Mrs McLean. Toronto. The he- _ trinnirur well-lunde. the subsequent The picnic under the auspices ot Court Durhuu No lil, I. 0. F. held last Thursday in McGirr’s grove was A great succs-ss in attendance and in- terest. Estimates of the number orerentyan from 700 to Ian and thttt the multitude Warp fed t,nf fed Lah‘ug- [he ulllluuuuc "no ......_.._ “W dantly on a mere invitation to the lad. ies to provide refreshments, hespenka the wh'olehersrted way the inyimtiou, was received. Such" tentful of has-I kets and boxes of cake, pie and wand-! wiches is seldom seen. _ Slight showers ot rain in the after-1 noon prevented the field sports from i being carried out its iotendied, but the ', crowd stuck to the hush uni chatted i and gossiped. or watched the dancers on the spacious platform. A feature of the day woe the presence and sheath of Mr H. ll, Miller, M, P. Though not H. Forester. he was ready I With statistics of the wonderful': growth of the order from the timei the late Dr Uronhyateklm took hold. He told of its roommoth Surplus. the “I: lunu Ill luv ...‘_V_V,, thousands of dollars paid out eyery day in the interest, of widows and orphans in n manner suggesting his fitness for a Grand Organizer or some- thing of that sort. He. entered on an interesting account of the origin of 1 the name Forestry. going back to the l time of Robin Hood and Sherwood t: Forest. showing that that bold outlaw l, had Forestric princigles in mind by " aiding the poor and: istressed though lj he levied on therich in a way not in) accordance with 20th century idea».I The versatile M. P. can make a good‘ thing out of any topic you give him. The band was pt extent and gave gen- ( erous selections of good music. The violins and the organ kept the light[ fantaitlc toe in motion till about 8 p. ' m., when the weather man decided! they had had enough and sent. them home. i The booth did a fine business and‘ the proceeds ofthis and of the dune- ing more than paid expenses which] was about all that was aimed at. l Bro Wm Johnston. Br., was in den mand at mth points. and wearing the ‘smile that won't come of " at the success of the day. The thanks of the local Comt are Certainly due to the ladies who so Izhumluomely turned out with splendid t. These-three entities met last Fri-'they were celebrating this Bbtltuuu day evening and rousidered the smoke 1Waits natural. But this was not the i nuisance. and that's as far in they got. iattitude of the Word of God; it had in IThere seems to be no remedy. Di- lthe. main a forward look, well shown Mei-tors admit the atRiction and in- in the text, and nothing was better I “it tion, but .uay to lessen the smoke l fitted to enable us to bear the turmoil I loo-ms to decrease the output, below 1 and stress ot life than this faculty or [ lpi .tiiahte production. Then when ‘quality of .' vision." As our vision is. _ (‘nnli'mited With the but or alleged _ so is the quality of our work likely to _ fun, that no other mill has such it re- i, be ' our ideal in life is the pattern we ‘ and for smoke. the statement is made lure all working by. This forward look that they have longer rotaries. or i is the attitude of true parents in re- 'th itthe marl is freer from organic lgard to their children; the teacher of '; tttarte", and there you are. The di- Sunday school or day school Was. ';rwrt,ovr'. offer to allow burnt-re from Without it aiiiere machine, and not Wm”. mills to be put on the Job to the architect and builder of character I piove that it is no fault of our em- he should be. Parent and teacher , ployeea and what can you do? .The should. eee in the child the latent , supposed smoke-consuming devices. [possibilities of good, just as the sculp- ti promised us faithfully last yea; are .tor sees m the rough block of nimble. , l said to be ineffective or prohibitive as the image he patiently develops. , to cost and RESUIES- and there e' no. re- Lack of " vision " leads to discour- ” l li.er in tttat direction. N“ How, traid a agenient: missionaries in foreign land: is t distracted mower, can I prevent; out. for this, would despair. with it. e "IT. “FY trN,".'f, out It We)“. they press on in faith. The great men n .. Easily nw In Wtt8 the rep y. P"' of the past had it and because of it ac- k? I C'tMt get some other boy to 3"" them complished much. So 50 or GU years ’e‘out or you can kill the boy. We hope 380 there were men of visior " ..._ in. and": remedy Will not need who entered the wilderness in Lfeitt provisions. a“... w Mr"? ___" to cost. and mulls. I lief in that direction distracted mother. Directors, Council, oh ill Savings , t1tgityth Marion npd_Mari9n. , statement, which Lire awnings of the iuctsl year. "mount. 'l he net proflbs were Toronto Bug Killer at Barling's -.i---" Citizens. of 1t 'M/itil' there was a Luann be- fore t ere was a Dornoch in this spot and while his majesty’s mail goes to Dornoch the heart of the Presbyterian r/io/e-ite, very properly too-uc/s to t " historic name under which they had their beginning. and so it remmns .. Lawns. Presbyterian church. Dor- noch." Both are old land names and ‘call up ninny associations. Jubilee at Dornoch. I zeareer of the congrogatlon has bean inotahlc for the number of its mem- ‘bers who have entered the ministry. Ithere being no fewet than six who ‘have given, their lives to gospel work. These are Dr J. Fraser Smith. f]! Colm- - _ . _ "V L‘AJ. _ A a... Pastor Jdatym XNVK' luv u...., ._.... . _ t _ to it." He said it had been the custom of all ages Lolook back to the good old days. and " jubilee times such a: they were celebrating this attitude was natural. But this was not the attitude of the Word of God; it had in the main A forward look, well shown . -' '__, -__.r_ “A.In' REV. N. A. MCDONALD, B Wars and present-day troulnleo all, look dark, but the glorious day spoken of vnll surely come; come the quicker by the exercise by all of spit-inns! "%iion," for " the mouth of the Lord of but! hath spoken it." Following the thoughtful and well delivered lemma the “eminent of the Lam’s Supper we: observed. end of the. number partaking there were five present who Ibex-ed m the that com- munion tthr yem "o, Geo Ledingo ham, John and Bohett Coriett. In inane“ and Mn Wm Smith. the Int. wi' Lutona and Rocky Saugeen Presbyterian Churches. ter mother of the panther. Beridel the» there ere two otherl living who were not able to be out. “The nee of yore that danced our latency upontheir knee,.... ...... l Bow ere they blotted from the I thing. that be t" Bee Mr Little gore n few earnest re- 1 marks at the cloee improving the oc- cuion and melting lilting re erenoe to the jubilee period on hie own et- tnchment to the locality where he flrat served in the mini-try. EVENING SERVICE Again the church wee crowded and aisle nceomodtstion made neceeeery. Rev Mr Little we: the epeeker arid gave an impulsive sermon on the lost word in Rey. At l. "hereafter" whose tell meaning wee better realized by trenepoeing the compound and think- ing of it are "after here." Some of us have enough of the " here " and are ready for the .. after." some unfortun- ates have too much of the . here' and rush to end it in cowardly suicide. l The word naturally taken us forward to the dying hour .-but that is not the hereafter; we think of the resurrection but still not the hereafter; when cyclee of eternity have gone, the hereafter is still to come. Too many worship the idol 'here'--for it is a. species of idol- tstry---forgettimr the ' atier,' or letting it go. ... r.-. His object was to surround the word with uses and meanings and using tho figures of scales and weights he made apt, Illustrations; the wicked flourish it may be in the ' bere,' but their gains looked nothing when tested with the weight ' hereafter.‘ He would use the word as a. red- light of danger. The great. Mogul en. nines are useful on the mile. but a deaUsdealing agency if they get otf the track for want. of the red light. The sspendthritt, the miner. the weak and the wayward should watch this danger signs]. _ To the poor weary man the wow was a. restorative. David in distress was comforted by the thought that he should iro to his child. Mininters find the word a. stimulant as they face their flocks, and the true B. B. teacher goes to his class in the light of the 7hereafrer.' Its possession of the heart acted as a. disinfectant m the prevention of ',',t',1h"/, diueaue or decay. The word , ould be taken as a tHsh light, made to shine into the dance hall. the bar room and into the gilded bnunzu of sin and force their-(13mm to think of tho hereafter, the " after here." NOTES The congregation has lately in. stalled a fine new orgnn at which Mis- Uexunder presides with grace and effectiveness. - The church is a. fine red brick struc- ture, but needing some tower or dis- tinctive math to an it off. Inside was tastefully decorated With white bunt- lng. looged up with myrtle splays. andont. e front of the platform a bank of beautiful flowers Behind thepulpit on the wall is a framed group of the six ministers who hnye served there. “A. Lise,. from Durham and other; points were E,",.",;'?,); and the [mam-1 may of the ornoch people was vely ' inurl'ted. The jubilee feeling reached its climax at the reumon thin eyenlng. The buc- ment was packed several amen to diacun the daintles 9nd the t"?'tte1i1i. Ill-L'uUl an: "r......." a..- -9e-ee - - things that were there in shundance for inner man and though pastor Mc. Donald htdalong program ready. it The corner stone of St Paul's church Egre mom. near A Ian‘s school. will (D V) he laid nude l the authority of the Masonic GrnnmLodge by M. W., J. A. V. Preston. D. D. 0. BL. assisted by the Durham Lodge on Friday. Aug 16. at 3 30 p m. ' After the. eerem on? 0, ttdad fast game of baseball will be p II‘ between two of the league teamu o arming. At ti.N p, m. a. hot d ner will he served on the grounds a the whole ceremony will he broug to nclose with at good programme misting of chonuaes. quarte!ter, duet .solo:. in- strumentals and addresse Every- bodr come and bring your tnends. Apply to THE DAVIES hsrma CO., “striaton. at. Lim Corner S\one Laying. The Sovereign Bank}?! Canada Ron. D. MCMILIAK, Axcu. CAMPBELL. Esq. I1 A. tt. DVIENT. Wel., If. P. G. Inna". General-MM” 'siriirGifi" SPERM ready. Continued on page 8. 'ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO londny Evening. Barrister). Exams him. Mu RANDOLPH MAcnonAu Interest n be; current rates paid quarterly. um“ swan 7 HEAD Brno: ..-TO RONTO. Paul " Canal.- . . 88.or ianted Sun's Balk Department the wot d Human“. In" First Via-MM at, In" . _ . Scam! irued'tesideat ' Hon. Plan McLAxll. £11.. M.P. W. K. Mcchu'r, 3.1-. M.P. .. M.P. ALEX. Bum. Eq., KC. LiGiited Publisher! of the Wee tG'airituiist,eeht, Pubum OE un- w“_., --- Canada Fame! ensue an to ”to a wonderful clubbing ads. Wo " and the Review " Need, ammo one rent for tbe, only: bull in " vunco. This o will hold good fol-J limited time. ”plan at Review Battslartrusttintt was held on Mon- dsy night t, number of “one: were s hnslncss proceed :',i',ttt"S' the much discussed lire hy-lsw wee meshed. Hers imsyor and council could not some. the Utter insisting nnsnimonsly that the will of the people es “pressed " the citizens' meeting should hear- ried out, snd st once. as the nutter had been left over from time to time since June lest. The myor. rather then put the motion " the ehsit end the council with Reeve Sunder: pre- siding proceeded to business end ost- ried the by-lew. It is pnulingto eccount for this strenge nction ot the mayor but citizens generally will commend the council in the sitnstion. They are certsinly in line with pub- lie sentiment. A meeting wss celled for Tuesday evening to strike the rste. but siter discussion this import- I on: business wee postponed sgsin . till Friday of this week. CHAS BAKAGI. hut-n m nun-II. The Pnriilnu Millinerv Company wish to announce to the Lmde that they have purchased Miss Dick’s Mil. linery stock And will take [muses-ion on [51h of August. We will occupg the “we stand and will carry n muc larger stuck and keep 5 larger out! of competent help. Our buyer leaves on the 20tit ot August. to do our huylng ‘for the full and will visit. the leading whole sale milliner hnuseu in Toronto Detroit and New {'ork. And will he ready for the (all trade by 1st Septem- her Announcement. Trimmed tfats We have everything that is new in Solid Gold Wedding Rings, Pearl Brooches, Peerll’ins, Necklets, Sockets, Brace- lets, Gold Watches and chains, for the June brides. Also the Ingest stock of choice ( Silverware that we have ever I shown consisting of Silver Tea ' Sets. Berry Dishes, Butter Dish- es, Pickle Castom, Salad Bowls and Servers, Bake Dishes, Card Receivers, Bread Trays, Coke Baskets, Bon Bon Dishes, tup. kin Rings, Carving Sets, Pie Sets, Nut Sets, Berry Spoons, Meat Forks. Pie Servers, Knives and Forks in fancy cases, Spoons all sizes. Town Council The Parisian Millinery Co. R. B. Keeler & June Weddings We still have a large number of trimmed hate we want to dispose of by the 15th of August. These hats are 1 bargain as they are all made of the best materinls. We are making numerous ales and giving such bargains that we are sure to sell every hat in the store. Come and choose while selections are at We have just opened up a large usartment of Jap China which makes beautiful wedding pres- entts, of China Dinner and Tea Bets, everything until new in Toilet Sets, and the largest stock of odd piece china in Durham. q-oytntto.tteryyrfstNM The Retylettt their best. All accounts must be paid up by the 15th of August. ----_. VII". "In" ‘VI- v-v"- -H _ - Sun tin-Q16“. you the but rout... v. a (or - not. if - wtth as. Miss Dick Asst. CWKW. The price 33,000,000. Weekly “WT?! b] “I

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