West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Aug 1907, p. 4

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gmmmmmmmfimfiafifig Then we should like to burn into your bra that for $15 you can get all the style and as p as can be put into a tutit--aa much as ifyou p Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the tri luxurious. but every other way the $15 suit i with the highest cost clothing. JUST ARRIVED These Coats are just the thing for the Fall wear. They are the most useful They serve you as Spring or Fall Overco well. We are showing a large assort- " merttofthetnfrom...C....CCC, l maids, neat Jiri] taxes in a great M0RL0CK'S s $15 your price for a Suit? I I you do not Wear Progress Brand Clothing, examine our large stock of Menu Boys' Ind Children', Suits and you will find that they have a snap and style about them that are superior to moat of ready-made Cloth. ing. They are nude from all wool tweeds and Wor- steds of the very latest patterns. frogress B r a n d Cloihing Prc B r .See the, natty . F. MORLOCK is sold where tr: Sole Agents for Progress Brand _ , . ens Raincoats 'f?.'.".'.'.".'.".'.".".".".'.'.- 7.50 to 12.00 Some Choice Ready Made Suits . A. Glass, u ~- vvv- -"-'""9"" -v- “0': the most useful coat , 'en can byy. ‘en’s Suits . Flarity :wwwwtrermm; \W as much as if you baid $28. so fine, nor Ehe .trimrpings, so bum into your brain the fact the 1tyle Irld as perfect afit Overcoat and a wateipai"G PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING cool evenings for e_a rly Manager G' Cutte is ideniical m Lot 27, 28. Con. l S. D, R. f.'l",t/gi 88aeree cleared, 7 acres hush. We] watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Barn (45:00.) {mile from gro- gosed station on new c. B. u. L ne. ovenient to School and P. o. Fur- ther particulars spply on the premium. - "fl V__v ""-""'.Vvuq.o UI li‘lHIlla = o, from the senor-I public. For their bertetit we might any it in mtuntod ll males can ot the "ment lake. 4 unlo- sauth of Banana. 1nd 81 miloa N. W. from Dromore, " the crow fhUn, that is. it he goo- straight. Mr JI. G. Ruynor, Ottawa, lnspvotor of the Can. Seed Growers' Asaoclntion. visited thm med plots on the farm at Mr Wm anage on Friday last. " ter much dsftitmitr in securing inform- ation as the wherogboupa of This“. P. Mr Geo. and Miss Bella. Lothian tigited friends in I'ricevillb lac week. while the former was up on business in ttoutteetion With tho progressive show usually hell in town and remained over night. Miss Minnie Halpenny, being home on her well earned hohdaya. visited with her lriend Miss E. Laughton In: week. Toe {Sunday services at the Hall are Doing well. attended. the well eous.iilyed discourses so fur by the new minister Iur. Berry being listened to With up precuuion. l, Most of the families of the western half of this northerly quarter of Egre- mont were represented at, the large I. o. F. picnic held not" Durham. Mr and Mrs R. P. Legato and Miss Muriel visited at the homes of Messrs ll. Legate. D. Coleridge and Wm Rum- age on Sunday. The newlv untried couple Mr and Mrs Jas H. Coleridge arrived home on Monday of Inst week after an extended tr p south. and were the recipients of many hearty eougratuhuions and well wishes from their numerous friends at both churches yesterday. l Mu Smith Seaman. Ithaca, N. Y. " visiting at the home of Messrs Wm Hunter and D. Hamilton accompanied by her daughter and son. now a young man. vustting at the homéb} iiijai'Gri Lic' " Mr Joseph Moon: and other friends last week. Mrand Mrs D. McKelvey of New Lis- key) after an absence_ of lop years were Mr Frank Stothart, for three years comPetent foreman on the dredge at the ake left on Tuesday for Hanover to make preparation, for the haul- ing of the marl from there in the near future. Mr Wes Arnott will be fore. man in his absence we understand. Mr Willie Wilson on Lot 20 ; Con. 20 (twenty twenty farm might be a good name for it) is having a founda- tion built for the fine house which he contemplates building. Mr Chas Smail having first laid a good foundation for his barn last your very propprly is now fixing it off with a new root being assisted in the work by his brother Robert. Mrs i'fl"& Snell visited " the home of Mr and rs Geo. Binnie last week at Bunessan. A garden party will be held " the home oer Jas Blyth, Varncy. on Tues evening. Aug 13. Alan game of baseball between Egremont and Varney Sunday schools early in the evening, anda short but good pro- gram will be included among the attractions of the evening. Next Sunday, Augll. the sacra- ment ofthe Lord's Supper will be ad- ministered in the Methodist church, Varney. Rev Mr Jameson, ot Dar- ham, will Iakecharge of the service. Preparation is being made for a garden partv, to be held on the grounds at Mr T. H. Lawrence on the 16th of August. We were indeed surprised to hear of the sudden death ot Mr Wm Bail. ey ot Lamlssh at the age of fifty-one vidra. Deceased was in his usual health, bat on Tuesday he took s paralytic stroke after which he lived only twelve hours, dying Wednes- day, Messrs Jno Bailey and David Adlam from here attended the fun- eral on Frxday of last week. The remains were interred in Hanover cemetery. Among the successful entrance candidates we were pleased to notice the names of Wilford Livingston and Nathan Grierson. Congratulations to pupils and their earnest teacher Miss McLeod. Mrs Geo Hopkins and daughter Selina ofHutton Hill visited Mr and Mrs Chas wanton. recently. Miss Mary Vickers visited friends in Lamlaeh and Louise last week. Mien Annie E. and Master Rex Lawrence visited their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs M. Campbell of Hutton Hill, one day last week. Mina Ada Rear visited her aunt Mrs Fred Buy a. few days last week. Miss Zeta Brigham, who is train- ing as a. nurge in Fergus hospital spouts. fortnight at her home at Allan Park. Rev Mr Rogers has commenced holdingwyrnyer meetings in the church ednelday evening; Miss Lizzie Comte who came up from Toronto on M30001“ ot her fath- om serious illness has returned. Her tether bu become much better. “M15349 Rear. vieited her aunt {ifs Joteplt Sgell visited " the home North Egremont. Farm tor bale. Jami lemming, ------io- Vickers. Varney. "lti T4 THE DURHAM REVIEW All pelsone interested, or whose lands may or might. be prejudicially affected by such proposed By-law are required to attend at said meeting, when they mil he heard in person or by counsel or so!icitor with reference thereto upon petition to be so heard. Dated the 6th day of August, 1907. I Said strip of land cirniainintru2s acres more or en. - V V "v. - --_...‘, n: .1; 'r'" VJ 1.. r. Illnlnlll'l: I“ I IL feet; thence easterly on a straight line whose course In N.86009" E. a distance of 1760fect; thence r'oqttyyssterly on a straight line whose course is S. 620 30" E. a distance of L36 tvet In the southerly limit of said lot 5, con. 2, S. it. R., which is the point otpctrirutittg. - ,V ,.V,__°... n..- .. "my- ”nun. '" u. In.."uu n. i a distance of 18 feet ', thence westerly on a trtmsittht line whose course is H. 80009" W/, a dis. tance 011744 it ; thence westerly on a straight line whose course is S. 75009" W, adistauce of 11011.: thence "cstPrly on a straight line whose course is 8. w: M" W, a distance of #16 feet; thence wes- teriy on it straight hue whose course is N.7tiogtr' W. a distance of Hr. feet ; thence syt1rtluvpsterly on I straight line l', mm- courae is N. Geo oo" W. n distance of tiN, feet. to the westerly limit " said lot I, Concession 2, S. i). It,; thence northerly ulong the westerly limit of said lot l, a distance of 84 feet ; thence southeasteriy on a straight line whose course is S. 62°00" E. a distant-e oi 710 feet: thence easterly on a straight line whose course it 8. 76o 20" E. a. distmce of 100 feet ; thence easter- ly on I straight line whose course is N. 880.30“ E. I distance of 78 feet ', thence caster! I on u straight line when course is.N. 78o 09" E. a isianee of 110 durable. FOR SALE BY FOR SALE BY N.,G. are the best mixed paints on the market. Made in 60 diffisrtsnt tints. Always ready for use. ISMND CITY FLOOR 20mm: ' dry hard in 8 hours. Always reliable, economical and A strip of land 66 tect wide in Lots l, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Con. 2. S. D. R., vanshilp of (alcmlg, (‘oumy 'd Grey, being more panicu urly described as tor. ows _ Beginning " a point on the musherly limit of Lot 5, con. 2, B. D. R.. which point is 78 feet eas- terly from the lot line between lots 4 and 5; thence westerly along the southerly limits of said lots 4 Ind 5 a distance of Im feet; thence north-wester- 1y 29 a straight [gig whose pout-w is N. 62030" W. And for establishing a highway i lieu thereof, the following, namely: 8nid tmet ot land comainin orless. l A trIct of land of irregular shape, being part of road allowance between ('oll.‘.'!\lld (3011.3. 8. D. it., Township of Glenn-hr. County of Grey, laid tract being more particularly described as follows c-. Beginning " a point on the southerly limit of mud allowuice between eon. 2 and vomit. S. D. R. which Pointis Trice: easterly from the easterly llmlto lot 4 S. con. :l, when measured along: the aid southerly limit of road allowance; thence waterly along the said southerly limit of road 'ullowtuiceadfsfatkul ot 152x feet ;' thence wept- erly on a straight line whose course is s. mom" w. ndismnce ot60 feet to a point on awn-oi curve; thence westerly on a spiral curve to the right a distance of 243.1 feet: thence westerly on acurved line to the right whose radius is 1980 feet, a distance of 2tit; feet to the northerly limits of road allowance Donn-en Con. 2 and Con. 3, SD R: thence easterly along the Mid northerly l limits of road allowance B distance 01ml feet : 3 {hence easterly-Jilin a sunlight line._ whose course is N. Mo 09" E. idiiGnGili'i' "ir/iThiit' $331}: 3531111 erl limits of road allowance, which is the point ot {winning When You Paint Use follows .: For the purposr of stopping up, ttcll, ing and conveying a portion of the hiqhu‘ay belu'cen t:otttwritsionr: two and £11296, S. b. It. (Handy, detwvibed as NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENl that the Municipal Council of the! township of Glenelg will, at a meeting, to beheld at the Township Hall inf said township. on Saturday. the unlli' day of August, 1007, at the hour iii/l o'clock in the forenoon, consider a by- law TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG EAM. or BrrAcusurirum.-oot all Divine institutions. I maintain the most Divine is that which secure“ a day of rest for yuan. If there is a. con- sidemtion connected with this subjecl, which I think ought no: to be absent from younlordshlps' minds on this oc- GREAT WORDS OF GREAT MEN CORPORATION . S. HUNTER, . S. BLACK, Clerk, Township of Glenelg --OF THE-- " " 5061 lines are {be standard of excellence Binder Twine achine Oil acres, mow Island City I I” Cdr' J. McKECHNIE. DURHAM in Six months' notice in wrimng should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion land: " Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. w. w. CORY. Deputy ot the Minister of the Interior N. B -L'msuthorir,ed publication of this nd. verttsetneut will not be paid tor. 8. It the settler has t upon fanning laud own trinity of his homesteml residence may be tatisti, said Isnd. 2 Xfthclathor (or mother, if (1:509:5ch of the homesteadisr re tarm in t e vicinity ot the land eub requirements as to residence may by such person residing with t] mother. 1. At least six n cultivation of the l year-- The homemade: in require homestead conditions under ing plans ; Entry must he made personally at the Loul Land (Mme for the district In which the land in “tune. Entry by proxy may. however. be made on certain comhtious by the mt her, mower, son. daughter, brother or sister ot an intending horned stander. Any oven numbered section of Dominion in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Al ,',i'eff/)ii"/y2e.d 26, not reserved may be. ntem ed byany person who is the sale h a family, or any male over 18 .vrtr. of age ; [,'rtl)Pt one quarter section of 160 acre: or (-5.1. and TliE REVIEW for balance of the year 25c, to new subscribers. - ...n.-_‘_ ..W-.%. nun III a couple of Jays after could not find one. all having dlsa vpeared, and still the damage seemetl to no on. This Won] I lead us to think that the injury N a 'll/ICI/l blight of some kind and not n'ttrihutahle' to insects at all. Fur- ther light on the subject is anxiously awailed.--h'x. _ . ,, n" -. ‘0‘-” 11-50. wulcu would not do the injury. Prof. Fletch- or believes the inst-c1, which is doing the injury to the grain aphis, a. small ily, but says it, is seldom this insect does much harm lorrnps attacked, und is usually held in chvck by parasites of various kinds. Another gentleman whom we consulted said he found the grain uphia; on his blighted 'eld and in at ;; Something in the nature of A blight has struck the oats nll uvvr the muntly and there is a fear that the crop will be utterly destroyed. A gentleman hand- ed The Advanive an oat leaf cuntnining an insect which hesaid was dom the damage. This we suhmitletl to ii’rof. Fletcher of the Dominion t'dxperiment- al farm, who replied that it was 0an a pup? of one of the typhuOiet, which I... ..tA__s, " .. . . V Pure Prepared \Vxnsnm.~“ Sunday is nature’s law as well as God'e. No individual or ttttion habitually disregarding it has failed to fall upon disaster and grief." tmt OI (liggg 1lirllr-lllgl a _-__ .......v..... , ...... it, would he very diffieult to estimate what might be the deleterious ethseAs, even upon the health of the people. if there were cessation from that constant: toil and brain-work which must, ever characterize A country like this. BO advanced in its pursuits and ciyiliu- ttwn." WAsuiNurox..-" That our troops may have opportunity to attend public worship and take some rest. the Gen- eral excuses them from fatigue duty on Sunday. We can have little hope for heavenly Messing if we insult It hv our impiety and folly." melon, it is this, would it have been possible to have. secured A day of rest for man unless it had been connected with the. religious aenmment? To my mind it would have been utterly im- poussihle: and itie the religoua pricel- ple which, to a certain extent, is admitted by ttll-tst lead, by all class“ that, have influence and number, in this country: it is that principle we must take care should not he disaetsrded if we wish to nmintnin that day of rest, which I hold to he the most valuable lv‘easing ever conceded to man. It is the comer-stom- of, all civilization l and HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS aints ER” cater}? jg reaqired to mun-r (or mother, If the “the! ie of the ttornvstetuiier resides upon A vicinity of we mm entered lor, the u“ 0n pm ......A .----, . Durham, Ont. {lot-has his permsnem residence laud owned by him in the vi- ynestead, the requirements so to be stbtistied by residence upon the 'ix. Blight 0n oats momhs residence upon And land in each you fur three Best Paint one o? “1651B; d may be home. the Mile head ot 1t.otnge; tome ot 160 new: more ' be iuii'uuiiii the father or worm the )n lands A (berta, Men 'a Fumiaher, [ from our stock of furnishings and u. cure the best and newest. New Shirta..7ge up New Ties. . .25c up New Hats..l.50 up New Hosiery.25 up You cant be u well suited for the money elsewhere. Choose Your Outfit HARRY BURNET'I: MEN'S FURNISHINGS JOHN CLARK The qunhtiu Farmer: Washers, Sewing Muchinon. H ARVESTERS Inspect our tty nets. Buggy Dust- ers and lap rugs. DEERING Bug Killer and Paris Green in abundance. Have you seen our array of wash- ing machines. Nearly every kind manufactured to pick from. We still have in steak come ”when. snubs. rakes, forks, Pulleyu. rope. harvest mitts. whetstonea. Fork bund- les, sections. socuon grinders. grind- stonea and machine Oll as thick " your arm. We sell the Plymouth Binder Twine and other cheep grades. One good reliable Normunby firmer told us last week that the mine he in now using and procured " our ghee of tgf."'", is the beat twine eever us . Do not forget that we sell the best kind of Grain Cradles in eximnco. also Cradle Tinderl. CUSTOMERS say it in e pleasure to deal in a store where you an get everything from "h needle to in Att. chor" trom a “toothpick to . load of Hay, Ft from a neck of charcoal to l saw log, " from a neck ofthe beat "Att. thracite coal to a tsarload.' HARDWARE and Farm Machinery. JasR0unlkco Easily put on, no wat- er to carry and gives you a better oield than you get by using any other preparation. PARKER'S Potato Bug Killer Fertilized and Insecticide Reliable & Durable We sell tstrictly pare Paris Green - no compound. Put up only by 333655: Is ea8y here because we sell the "STAR" brand. They are choice Patten-u. my ijtting, fut colon. in fact will give you the beat ' worth of shirt satisfaction you ever got. . Black Selecting a Shirt I want. I. Chums, th aeeericr,u,,, on hand. 2?'rtger,tiii Bmkfut Bacon C. MchlitrntW, 1'2uilLagtg---use, 12k and 150 yd. dt,',?. suiitljibsawun his to at 1 it. Merino I.till'/hu'htaT per suit. Bummer Dawns. ak each. Occlu- Romano. use perpr Icon a sac for tanner and tlui-viii;;; at: from 81.25 to I per pr. 11avfti.ii: Protection from wet law-mac. “as. 40, so. " cu 2igapsm; By Fearing our Goods lusllns at 10c per yum. In cream (E wttitss...at; Look out for Locals PEEL, the Shoeman ----A lot of Men's Gaiters, any Weight. size 6. --Childeeo chocolate strap slippen. ----Wmneto Milking Oxfords ---sxne Mines and Women's Dongoln buttoned boots and Oxfords. We Are For $1.00 KEEP Goof WacJar/ano d a. done. Price; " cu. a box It's a purely vegetable prepar- ution that act: directly on these may renewing and strength. ening them to healthy action. You'll feel better after the first Woofer/(mo 's Ahser d A?a,er Pau at Grant’s When you have dull head. Ichu, bucktche and feel gener- ally good tor nothing, it's time to tnke "-arert'a canvu Outing Shoes leather tales. The Kidneys and Liver are really the sewerage system of thebod In they are the organs that riIthe body of all impuri- tim. Without their aid the blood would soon become so im- pun that the heart’s actiEn would become impaired. 53y or ia." do not buy will again. now ready to do bus- iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. (Our stock is new and at- tractive and our pric- es are low. Come and judge for your- selves. We are " way s pleased to show tteta) whether you " ynrd. . you o'. Aeeobeaea,, and Ahses DruggiaU and Book sellers 'ettite--an Over Lace EGGS WANTED AUGUST 8. Itnt Embrouaery Summer Dress I f Slou now you tor lt' fe to L} g Spri Our police trustees g1'l,'r"e','lt,', by tixin our town. No do have to walk in Looms lights an town. Ruin: nearly dt to! than expected. MIMI ago not much We are looking tort nkhus it bu um [and any housed l honing nearly rip (inning to look , talk! ot hay on e Ichnhur t Sons not will Mather}; farm that measured tive I thin in correct for we I AUGUST 8 Dr Hutton, son an The Down We have only . tron either tow WANTED Talcum DARLI Toilet IN For those so line wh 40 line In 25 line DAR Price This ye: WH mOc WW (i IO cd er (I

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