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Durham Review (1897), 8 Aug 1907, p. 7

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, RESPITE toft nthleli CAPEllI. Mother and son Go Down to Death in Canal Try- inl to Escape Prom Explosion of Gasoline. ths-ttou-tet/aG-oo daath,xr-tuirmotor-ttoattrumt1rsto “lulu-untangollimm fy: aged ' yous, won (honed " " o'clock hot night. Tim others 1"“ Into tho um, battle, m " N "to! tho but. no he In our "trtsuadotaosatatasedhrt'" " the undoubt- to light in pip, ttr “h. off and My on a poll-o ”that! Pea in the bottom of the boat. Bed a the drowned persons, that. in the bout were Claude Heindbrook, Juno: haddock, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Immediately Alter otriking the much the recently and this w” it. tint trip. The party embuked a the Lexington ave- _-.------ IXICV‘IIOII posrronv 11c: nun-ton. r. F. 3. Lean. ___. --- -_v - Omned In. Say: a. Mae Evidence Which Will - the cm to Manslaughter- Were Autumn Maid? 'tii. we. 'v_--_.._,_ - Mum was “1qu not guilty ot com- phcity in ID utnnl murder, but was nuanced to three years in Kingston on u change ot ',itteht,,eiW,,','tl'i, Parry Sound nnd t surrounding dis trict is lull of Italians employed on nil- way construction work, a both the can. adian Ptscitk and the Canndhn North- ern are building line. through here The“ men naturally "poured the cause of their fellow-countrymen And eontritr uted so libernll to a this!“ fund that, utter paying sf! the expenses of thin trust, the two prisonera hue now to their credit in the bank here over 01,000. tupetliu sentence in: received with bad grace by the Italians of the district, and fur weeks there had been mutter. my of discontent. culminating in open thrvats that the law would not be nllow- wl to take the prisoners life. It would have needed only a tret-head. 0.1 leader and a few score violent-pair li. nunml aliens to precipitate an attack on l the jail in the early hours of the worn 1 lug. Repairs now being made to the ', rvgistry office, adjoining the Court f,: House, would have furnished a hesieging mob with abundant ammunition in the shape of loose bricks, while the ever- 1 ready dirks which the Italian. Irry, or the revolvers with which Iany are armed, would have placed in jeopardy the lives of the jailer. the turnkey and the three or tour constables, who repre- n‘nl. the militant force of the law. Bo far there one been no aver loves on the part of Capelli's srmra9ittrs, but the undereurrent of intense dealing was apparent and the authorities were decid- edly uneasy, as they wondered what to morrow morning would bring forth. The most regrettable feature of the bat affray was that the slain, who was little more than a boy and very re apt‘ctably connected, was the only sober non of the party, and he interfered in tho row with the intention of protecting old Mrs. McCormick from, what he con- sidered, a wanton insult. There are not lacking, however, many citizens who favor the imposition of the extreme) penalty on Capelli. tthey point out that' the Italians are much too prone to in- dulge their propensities for taking sud- den and violent vengeance by the we of desperate weapons, and they any that it is time a punishment was iiinkted which will net as a deterrent. If Capelli escapes the gallows, say those who hold this view, there will be an increase in the reckless use of lethal weapons , the foreigners, who now form so arable a ttet of the floating ”Nation 0 the district. - hi- .. AI_-_.I- uni-4L “It .n M h JUMPED TO A WAIERY GRAVE. Reefer, Counsel for the Col- ve {tarnished a besieging but ammunition in the Nicks, while the ever -h the Italians any, or BY 10$ into III]! all-s use“: - -N-- . a short distance when it urns found that psoiine wss leaking from one of the plpee. Mr. Greg stopped the leek end soon afterward started to light his pipe. may after striking the new: the boat burst into fhunms. Urged on by the heat of the flames and believing it impossible to extinguish them, all of the party except Heidenbrook jumped into the voter. Mrs. Clerk and her son were close together when they Jumped snd didn't rise to the surfsee slter sinking the first time. A young man sanding on the heat jumped in and rescued Mr. and Mrs. Gregg and Moddock ”an: ashore unaided. Heidenbrook, although hard pressed by the fumes, steered the boat ashore. The names subsided nlmmt immediately and the boat we. scum-iv dun-god. The bodies of Mrs. Clark an?! her son were recovered soon afterward. nus an] bridge ed teAtrrte.tf all! upper timbers of the yellow: eon be neon from my paint. Mt the town. It won the intention to unwound the whole structure with blankets, laving " only the lid. toward the joil build: Rndclive return. to Toronto in the mom- Hon. Mr. Scott, when naked this even- ing about the cue, aid that the law le t him no rocoune but to confirm the any of execution ordered by Judge Brit- ton, under section 1063 of the Criminal Code. PATROL” EXPELLED FROM NEW YORK CITY FORCE. Stephen Walsh Stripped of Big Shield New York, Aug. 6.-For the first time in thirty years one of New York'. patrolmen was to-day adjudged guilty of cowardice, and was expelled from the force. He was Stephen G. Welsh, who, according to the charge made against him last week, fled from an armed man who had shot and killed a woman. The keen Interest with which the unusual ‘cue was followed rose to a point of (dramatic intensity when Police Com- miuioner Bingham, who had presided lpenonally at the trial, announced in a voice choked with emotion that the charge agalnst the unfortunate man had ttttttpros. . . . A, .______-.,. riiViaGiissioner turned to Inspector Richard Walsh, in whose district Stephen Walsh wss s Patrolman, snd directed the inspector to strip Walsh of his shield and uniform buttons so that he might not leave the trial room with the em- blems of his former position " a potiee- man in good standing on his person. Walsh objected to having his buttons tom off before his former comrades, and wss escorted to the door and ejected by his inspects)! The specific charge Igainat Walsh was that he had fled from Frank Warner lust week and permitted the latter to “capo liter killing Esther Norllng in 42nd street BUT KING or DENMARK SAYS ICE- LANDERS ARE A FREE PEOPLE. er: ensured." in the Presence of Bis Comrade-- The Pint Man to be no Bumi1iated in Thirty Years. Putor of Drummond Hall PrestrrterUrt Church, Niagara Pam. Niagara Fills despatch: Rev. Frank C. Hyper, lately of Pickering, was to- night inducted to the pastorate of Drum- mond Hill Presbyterian Church, this city. Rev.,John Crawford of St. Andrew's Church presided as Modenton The ser- mon was preached by Rev. George H. Smith of Knox Church, St. Cathtrines, Rev. A. )Iacdonnld, of the Haynes Ave- nue Church, St. Catharines, delivered the charge to the new minister and Rev. R. Garside, of St. Catharina, addressed the ‘oongregation. m. Candidature Endorsed by Republicans. Columbus. Ohio. Aug. 6.--At a. meeting of the State 1tepttblimut Central Committe to-dnr B resolution W33 ad- opted endorsing Secretary Taft for the Presidency by a vote of " to a. An m- endment. proposed try the Men of Taft and ogpoaed by Foraker men, was ad- opted y a vote of It to 10, laying in “(at that them is no intention to di- nhnto Benton Fonker or Dick from politics In Ohio. . WAS A COWARD. KINGDOM A UNIIY, C. HARPER INDUCTED. FOR PRESIDENT. AIM of lam Summit Mind!“ Over My Creek itch D--- !oul end But. Dun ht. the meadow 'umyqr My... Syruule, N. Y., Aug. 6.--The nrehee of unwary which support the bed of the Erie Canal at n point nee: the centre of this city where it pence over Onondaga Creek gave way this dternoon, end tour can! bonte were drawn into the bed of the creek beneath. Filty feet of the wall of the three-atoney Empire nearing mill were precipitated into the WSW, end the Bartel: and Greenwny breweriee, re- Ipectively on the north end mth honk- of the canal, were threatened with daw- lition, The Peter I Roller, loaded with guy“, was carried into the-bruk in two Fred. Race, the owner ot the but, night has wife and eight-yarold magma: on deck, and when the but neared . ate section of the well nil jumped to shore. Henry Been, no pun old, lather of the owner, we. pulled off the boat by some employees of the sun- dard Milling Co. The canal level " this point is five miles in length and Division thgmrintend. out Thoma Wheder immediately order. ed the water drawn off. He aid tut the break was eattggd by the arche- of the aqueduct over Onondaga Creek giv- ing way. When the level is emptied the danger of flood in the creek section and: to Onondaga Lake will pool, and the bucked-up waters of the creek will flow uninterruptedly by the boots. All canal traffic is tied up, and it will be levenl days " Uaat before the am. up can be repaired. The boats and en- goeo are total loud. go HORSE-POWER CAR TURNS TUR- TLE AND TOSSES MILLIONAIRE. Chicago, Aug. tr.-E. R. Thomas, tho millionaire turfman, and two Chicegoanl narrowly escaped death yesterday when the his ninety-horse power Dedrick Bu. tomobile belonging to the race track man turned turtle when rounding tb curve near Lake Bluff, throwing the oc. cupants to the ground.. . ""fiiriGieTa1"surJiruised and shak- en by the fall, but none was seriously injured. ---- . ... ___., L t, __2,1 6.. 1.. "am“. The automobile, which is said to be the largest touring car in America, wu completely demolished. Misa Beatrice Niehtpng Run of He! Brother's Death. A Guelph despatch: Another and itsei. dent in connection with the drowning of the nine young men in Humber Bar, v. In"; .....- ,0“, __ V Toronto, was witnessed on the train 30- ing to Palmerston this morning. Mus Beatrice Niehrgang, of Palmerston, who bu been visiting in the Northwest for the past month, came home to-day u a surprise to her friends. In coming from Toronto this morning a lady sit. ting behind her was reading an acmnt of tho drowning of nine Toronto June. tion men on Friday morning. Miss Niehrgang happened to hear the name "rf Niehrgang, and found that one of Item wan Dawson Niehrgang, her broth. ‘er. The young lady was prostrated with grief, and she was weeping violent. ly on the arrival of the train here. The remnina of her brother were conveyed lyuterday to Palmerston for interment. MYSTERY CLEARED UP. Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug, li.-- Amos R. Rumbangh. who shot himself yesterday rather than testify at the in. quest. over the body oi-s friend, Miss Laura Matthews, died to-day. Pitstburg, July 31.-Tho suicide of Ames R. Rumbaugh, at Colorado Springs yesterday, has cleared the mystery of his disappearance from his home at Mount Pleasant, Pa., near here two weeks ago. _ Rumhaugh was married and was one of the most prominent citizens of Mount Pleasant. Two weeks ago last Monday he left home without informing anyom where he was going. French Optician Uses Light From Her- cury Vapor Lamp. Paris, Aug. .5.--A new eontrivnnee likely to be of great sen-ice to eye diag- nosis is reported by the Academy of Sci- ence. Dr. Fortin has discovered that light from a mercury vapor lamp, pass- ing through two sheets of blue glass and reflected into the eye by a new lens, re- veals the internal condition infinitely ‘better than ordinary white light. By lplacing n screen with a pinhole between the light and the eye a inagnified image of vessels at the. back of the retina, which have been hitherto almost invisi- ble, has been obtained. Capillary veins, the diameter of which is only two-thou- sandths of a millimeter, are seen to die- tend with each heart beat, and it is even possible to count the blood glob. BED GAVE WAY. ulea. The Queen of England Bu Set a Novel Fashion. London. Aug. 5.--The Queen but not a new fashion which, it is said, is likely to become one of the most popular fan- ciu of the year. This is the summer muff, a dainty trifle made of flowers, feathers and chiffon or tulle, which must notch the wearer's toque and ruffle. Besides being declared artistic, the sum. not mutt will be a boon to the woven 0' pocketleu gowns, as it ls fitted with a pocket large enough to hold t bud- kmhief and purse. no“ " in nu can. " mu. ultliy ESCAPE. A tatmtrt's GRIEF. A SUMMER m. STAR or NEW YORK WANIS CRUISER ON thlit ONIARIO. There Will be No' Guns on Board 'md, Canada May Not Object. Ottawa, Aug. 6.--tstteeisu0-- Tho United States Government hu made an. other appucution for . training Ihip on the great lakes. Some that ago on up- tttttdt', nude and granted for . nitod sum smile! to go through the éGajGeauutoulutilieAe.. tubing ship on lake Erie. This time the npplicntlon " made for one on Like Ontario. While the United Stun bu formally made the I pliution to the Dominion, It is rally new the State of ENGINE BOILER EXPLODED “Hills, TENN. Memphis, Tenn., Aug. ir.--A deupucn trom Milan, Team, says: Four potion. were killed outright, mother wu‘hcally N0 ARRESTS MADE YET-ONE WAS A TORONTO WOMAN. strayed. New York (leopatch: No arrests have been made so for in the can: of the two young women choked to death in this city on Mondny and yesterday, and the polite to-duy are seeking I trail that will lead to the character of the atm- glers. The bodies of the dead women are ot the morgue unclaimed. One of the bodies has been identified an that ot “Sophie Kehrer, of Buffalo. Her maide tt name wu Traynor. She was about gt years old. The dead woman’s home was origin- ally Toronto, Canada. She cone to this elty about ten year. .30 nod about a. year [out was married to Jacob Kehrer, who " that time kept tb hotel " Military road and Chnniler otreet. The body of the other strangled wom- tn has not been identified. Gathering of United Loam " Benn Stopped. London, Aug. ti.---) Henry Cunp- belrBtusnermtu1 Government has pro- claimed for the first time I meeting convened under the auspices of the United Irish League. It wan to have been held to-day at Bella, County Roscommon, Ireland, where there in I boycotted grazing ranch. -__. .. ,,,,A_._. 5....mn0h‘n thin}. tho Ths, Gri 'iiidrrGleift, suspecting that the meeting would lead to intimidation, notified its promoters, including Lam. ence Uinnell, M. P. for North West- meuth, that the police would prevent the {funnel-mg, using toree, tt necessary. A urge number of police were sent to Bella. The meeting was neverthe- less held at a place two miles distant. Mr. Ginnel told his hearers that the anti-grazing movement had, the sup- iiii and "encouragement, of the Irish l 'arlisunentary party, and urged its con- tinuance. SIRANGLED WOMEN. Woman's Strange Action Before Commit- tion to the proceedings at the imperial ting Suicide. Conference respecting naval questions, Colorado Springs, COL, Aug. g.--At and said the country had heard with the Coroner's inquest held to-day regard. satisfaction the Guvernruent's assurance ing the death of Miss Laura Matthews, that the all-red route would receive whose body was found lying with a bul- careful consideration. Lord Tweed- ( let hole in her head. Miss Green, the mouth said he thought the conference nurse, who has been the dead woman's had gone a long way towards coming companion while in Colorado SpringS. ad. to an arrangement With the colonies re- mitted having written several letters to gaming naval defence. He gave de. friends of Miss Matthews in Chicago and tails regarding the colonial contributions elsewhere, stating that Laura had taken to the navy which, he declared, showed her life before she had been informed that it was unfair to say that the home of the finding of Miss Matthews' body. Government had been indifferent to the She explained this by saying she had interests of are colonies. anticipated such an event. The case of Canada was different from Miss Green also testified that sever- that of the other colonies. Canada had al days ago she and Miss Matthews had always refused to contribute directly to selected a casket, the latter remarking: :the cost of the navy, though now the “This is the kind of casket I wish to be 'Dominion had taken over certain harbors buried in.” Iwhich would be of great service. He re- Richard Rumbach, of Washington, D. l, greeted, however, that the Canadian C., the witness who it was believed could i Government could, not see its wsy to be. shed light on the death of Miss hut. looming more active in naval defence. theWs, shot and killed himself late this But the Dominion had its own views, and afternoon, while the Coroner', jury was the line taken by the home Government awaiting his appearance to testify. was that it should be very much a mat. ----_----"- ter of their own Judgment in what way -..".nvw-.¢ mm: the colonies sho d help. _ British Roads Refine to Recognize mi Organization. London, Aug., g.-Lord Cloud John Hamilton, chairman of the Great East. on Railway, and Henry Cosmo Bonlor, chairman oi the Southeastern Railway, speaking at the annual meetings of their respective companies to-day, both em- phatically refused to recognize the Ainsl- gnmbted Society of Railway Servants, the executive committee of which had de- _iiiiiiltl, the right to represent the mil. road employees in on effort to nettle ltheir grievances. __ _ , __.---- km..."- a-urea their grievances. Both the chairmen, however, decks-ed that their directors always were ready to discuss grievances with the employees themselves. It is understood that the wments of all the railroads in the United Kingdom hare reached . shuns! decision. IRISH HIRING FORBIDDEN. t'0tlit KILLED. CHOSE BER OWN CASKET. RAILWAYMEN'S UNION. ir.--A delpttch that the New York and nude on behalf of the and militia, with headquarters " Bochuter. It in understood that the Application willlbe grated. Then “If: no you on than on: cannon, in“ on to be not! on training ships. What. mr guns on required for the an! ot. ficers and eadeta wilt be kmnuhoro. The grouting of the nppllon in n- gnrdod u n neighborly not, and in no vny int-don. with the nmngelnent on to cruiser- on the grant hkeo which or into between both countries. A Mas' SQUABBlE. DEADLOCI m SUPER“ COURT 3811181! COLUIBIA. Mt. Aim Will! Baa I Criminal Appeal on Hand. Appeals to the Minutes " Jutice, and Criticizu Junie. Martin Victorin, B. C., Aug. g.--TIMt lint-p difference between some members of the British Columbia judiciary, notably Chief Justice Hunter and Mr. Juntioe Archer Martin, have caused public oom- ment for a year past, and have now culminated in a more serious form, which has been brought to the atten- tion of the Minister of Justice at on |tnwn. Some time mince certain mien were laid down by the Chief Justice with regard to the hearing of the Bit" peals, And one a these constituted an Appeal court of three members, to be designated. Some days since an upped . _ .. - " A____. v.. , A Gi" made to the full court by J. A. Aikman for the trial of his client, who was committed for one year for house. breaking. When the court assembled only the Chief Justice and another Judge were present, and it transpired that Mr. Juetiee Martin declined to sit, not having been notified in writing, Although he evidently wan verbally, ot being re- quired to sit on the case. Yesterday Mr. Aikman nppeared before Judge Irv- ing in chambers applying for a writ of babel: corpus, which Justice Irving re. fused. In making the npplicution, how- t: pm not. LORD CWEEDIOU‘IH SPEAKS " SHARE or THE COLONIES. Regret: That Cumin Government Cal- _ not See it: Way to Becoming lore Active in Naval Matter--- Canada Mag Materially Assisted in Taking Over Harbors. London, Aug. t5.-- 1n the Home of Lords to-duy Lord Brussey walled utter» tion to the proceedings at the lmperinl Conference respecting naval questions, and said the country had heard with satisfaction the Government's mum that the all-red route would receive careful eosutiderauott. Lord Tweed. mouth said M thought the touterere Freely. had gone a long way towards coming to an arrangement With the colonies re- garding naval defence. He gave de. tails regarding the colonial contributions to the navy which, he declared, showed that it was unfair to say that the home Government had been indifferent to the interest: of are colonies. Dealing with the general haul policy, Lord Tweedmouth said the Admiralty had in view a. new extended cube: con- struetion policy. Bin Bead Pinned Between Moist and Floor in Toronto Warehouse. Toronto despatch: John Fraser, n ltock clerk, had his nose nnd face badly injured nt the warehouse of Wm. “lay a Co., 18 Front street east. He just atarted work there yenterrlny. Th1: gaming .lyat “on; nu..- I---“ __ . was “ending on the second floor, 1nd while Iignnlling for the hoist he leaned on the guard site. The elevator we. coming down end he did not notice it, no he was looking down the dent," theft. The elevator pinned hie head be- tween the floor Ind hoist, end remained there until hie held we: relayed. NAVAl DEfENCE. STOCK CLERK INJURED. was: . " . ed would “and otiee Tie plan ”mended oom- mm)! yet". In co now {Loren united in do form, u been I great 3 "Now we no bet 'tten- out. Some of the t London. Aug. g.--Ctrtatrs "rw""' all“ chin to hue (uncovered an 3..- - II. wu 3 much over-mud In. ell JiiiLunoteatttttedtother"tt" of Greet with which New I". hal- ored hill. Eeeent mecha- can“ explorer: that the “new unplel and monument: bearing his all. and thereto" supposedly his work, pee-ex- ieted Itirn by quite e thou-nu! you-u. Furthet {smug-Mono penned“ the. that the King had “as" unity in - immannm.whiehheenu'dtobe cut everywhere. Prof. Neville, on ot iii Gia exploren od "tiqtrttUn about Belle-ea the more mm Wu urethethewuefnud. Kewunot great in my my, but he reigned for ca yearn, which wee fer too long. "Bla unity wee colonel, end Meow tent. with the edulnion of hia own pee. ple, he winged thermal” should an him it hie own v union. To this ‘end he conceived the notion od and“ "tits we to be lnecribed on LTL'lft ple, mm» and monument that lla- eiined would land the tent of the. T e plan succeeded only too well for may yarn. In consequence of it ex- ht,,"?, united in deciding that he and no been . greet Hug. "Now we no begin“ to and him out. Some of the antig the on which his name nppeefl npfAttt tpee nu - "tre-T" _.._, quits n thoiuand {an helm he w born. Gees-tonally e went to the of erasing the mo formerly bone f,' . statue, substituting his own. Bi was never Baden!” u to when an m erased. an! Mum. zlostl with unkind“ Wot. Nuville glott- with smut“ over the Met that Ram I- now nug- ly lying mummified in the Mk Mu. seum, unable to punk.“ Nrtha. dn. ceptionl. RESPONSIBLE FOR L058 " "I (SERIES " OOVIRNHIII C1832. Ottawa, on... Aug. 5.- Jrtaef".l-- The Judid-l Omani.” of the Imperial Privy Council. by e judgment jut - eelved, has refund the upped in on cue of the Bank of Montreal VI. The King. Thi. menl that the bulk. and we the Government, is mpoulbh for the 1,','g1 by the towerin- t'2.u,'2',"tll, the ta out e ' w w mung: convicted end in d'lu't term in the Pennant“). The whole un- out of the (mic. no we between sixty-five and seventy thou-end doll-n. - .. . An___.l-j L- u_‘;-_ "”21 ..wm. -- --' ~77. A part of this wu refunded by Mutin- enu. The auditor-stern! of the (by, Mr. McDougIII. held t the B.ask van no- ponlible. The Bark held otherwise and the judgment in now against tho Bank. ngigon of 6,000 In to SIM“ OVERRAIED MAN. Belfast. Aug. g.--The tenure to uh I settlement of the industrial trouble, and the unrest emong the police here hue cussed the Government to decide to concentnte e Inge military tone In this city. One regiment, the General Highltutdtrs, with I machine gun. Br- rived to-dey. Others ere trut. to ltd" to-night e d to-mqrroy. when here trlil te,-, humber Moo gun; .. .. An official inquiry show. that the die content ot the Bela-t. pollen in It” shared by the Royal Irish Count: throughout the country. It in mum politics], but is due to diaaatufsetioa with the pay and conditions of unite. m... - - ___ "W, - The head consume hen up there will be dirty work it the Government refuses to consider the grievances, but if the Chief Sonata of Ireland will give u promise to d with the matter " the earliest opportunity, he does an think another word will be aid. Two Hundred Corning-ir Anew Iceman Among M London, Aug. li.-mro hundred Cli- grants from Woolwich ue ailing to-dar. They include my arsenal mach-mics. - A I LLAA AL- f‘-n-1II-- - ._.-_.-- --"' . It in tsuggested tut the Canadian bowling team, due here next yuan-haul combine curling engngements, using aru- fichl ice in London. "Sir Henry Primrose Bowed chairman of 1 [KATHY FORCE FOR BELFAST. tht The “than Give the Lie to Dun lunch Story of Evelyn? hum. New York, Aug. 6.--Mta. Evelyn I. bit Thor gen Ltthoritatlve state-It that Ilse bu no present intonthn e! returning to the stage, but mil M her energies to the study of ”I. Thin statement we: called out by a published report that Mm. “1' h- tcnded to take s leading role at P Brod“, theatre. io- M. can. EIIGRANTS FRO! WOOLWICH. NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO GROCERS' WEIGHTS LIGHT. NOT some on use my». BANK 1.0sts. chemo" and Strike". begin“ to and him to antig tie on which n must In.” ' I {an baton in W y e went to the tye um tome!!! borne ntim his own. m W irttdi home can. TIAW'S 0mm 14"“ ' some» [I “I m. oiiiiiLULie" the closing srguuelt be- fom Judas um, of the Superior iLirt,tiunrirtreettetf,Pelt Glsss. Viee- . Isn- ger of the falt'tdtt ttltd sud Tele‘rsph Coup-y, chi-god with brib- ery. F After he had ended Assist-at District Attorney Haney nose sad summed: "When the tile comes for In to die I would ten thou-sud tines rather lave built up 1 reputstiol {a fighting the battles of the people for right sad hon- esty sod My sud justice thsn to have it ssid of as with truthfulness that I ind crossed this greet continent to prostitute my great gifts in defence of ‘s nun who had shot douche of _h_is follow - theatre." To Atttt't the effect of thin speech “my need Del-u squarely, his gen- turel helm infinite worn. The "new Attorney did not lift his 1-ye- from manuscript: he was tending or give any coh- that he had heard. may ended Ml non-eat with u tt p_ed_§or s conviction, hurting tenant: e 'doubt. Sum-tit! henna in In“! “I IAUNTS nyt WAS. Diocese of Toronto In: just tigttea nu report on the preterit. standing of the Anglicnn Church“ in the ten rural dean. eriel which compose the diocese, us well u its program during 1907. Almost every deplrtment shows a sub. suntinl increue. lhose in membership are given n: C'omttttmimtttts, 12,796; cou- tiruution candidates, 137; clergy, ttt9; parishes, minions, em, 307; churches, 246. During the your five new mission- have. been opened, mainly in the en- viron- of Toronto, and a number of others, both in the city and outside. "at addition. three minions, which had been closed for wine time, have been "rGiidii'i.' . San Fund-co. Amt. g.--miphlh M. tel-u mule the elm ttrgutrter" be- in Jul;- 1AM. qt the SW iurt,tiorirtreetttCf,.1e.tlt has, via.» . rand - If " the tgltrMe 1erttye.ted Financially the allowing is particu- larly good, the increuen aggregating 316,468. The increue in clerical stipends w“ almost 00,000. Tie coat of new churches, enlarge-- menu and improvement. during the yen will amount to I total of nearly 8100M. " (he of the “at Show Deliberltoly We the Other. Clinton, Itl., Aug. fy-CA ptrfrt! I.- Toronto dgpuch: port of the (ihiit? of the antents at the atom-ch of rs. Pet Magi“. the first wife of Fred. Mngili, wan received here badly, and saw. Attorney Miller m- nounced that the neport is to the effect that Mrs. Magi“ died from chloroform poisoning. A trace of arsenic Wu Ilia found. It in now believed here that Mrs. Ma. gill committed suicide. Lot H. Herrick, special nan-intuit sum Attorney, “id: The chemist}: report does not wonken our one. We contend that I suicide com- pact existed between Fred. Magi" and his wife, Mm. Pet (Sandy Magi". "The law makes it murder if one per- son agrees with number to commit titti, cide and deliberately deceives the other person. That will be our cue." 'I. IcGaite. a - MottHer, At- My“ W. Toronto despatm Wm. McGuire. aged 38, a moulder. who lives with his wife and two children at 34 St. Lawn-mn- street, made an attempt to commit mi- eide yesterday evening by taking a dow of Paris green. Dr. Glendinniug found him vomiting and he admitted having taken half . cupful of the poison eartier on in the afternoon. Dr. Glenkiinning got . atom-ch pump to work on him, and unneeded in getting most of the poi- aon out of him. No - is “signed for the act. . Two Loot Mr Um in Chinese um Country. New Haven. Conn.. Auk tr.--hdriees received here to-day from nling, China, atate that Rev. Warren B. Seabury and Rev. Arthur tl. Mann have both been drowned. The latter met his death in attempting to rescue Mr. Seabury. Hoa- bury wan connected with the Yale Mia- aion College in Changsha, China. Mr. Mann had been connected with tit. John'a College, Shanghai. Ruling, where the two men met their death, is a hill station visited by many minionurivn during the miller months. ”which” Wu Receives Countl- utiou " St. Boniface. Winni , Aug, Ii.- -Archiiilso ban 9- Vin 'll'llth"dli the silver juhihg- of flit conmntion A. priest, and his gave re- t-eivml the cordial congratulations of the clergy throughout his own dim and from other Parts offanudu. There was a dintinguiahed gathering of clergy to participate in the celebration, over 100 being present. His - omt.iated " pontificnl high man- in the cathedral amidat beautiful deeomtiotur. Among those who had "It: in the sanctuary were Bishop Moot, of Mutual: Bish- or Paul, of St. Albert, and Mgr. Rue, var-39ml of St. MM, and his cousin. Mgr. Dug-u. of New York. Bishop Incite: matched the lemon. -iiiiraGhied her decree in Edinbugh July so. London. Aug. 5.---The Earl of Ros-- Iyn "Imam that he has instructed his attorney- to upped min-u. the decree of divotee gnawed his wife by the boot,- thhoourt. EttoroundofthtHyrreali' not .tatod. The Counta- of Roulyn us tor-erlr Mu. Ann: Robinson, of SUICIDE PACT IS MURDER 10mm LIGHCMS. KISSIONLBIES DROWNID. " TOOK PARIS GREEN. EARL or ROSSLYN in SILVER JUBILEE The Registrar of tho hu juutniuueti his thering of clergy to celebration. over 100 bd

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