West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Aug 1907, p. 8

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iii Clothing & Furnishings iill Lawns, Muslins 3"} at? ".". ’7 Ltak ,-1,'r4 URNETT 'lit .1 l. . -ce, ROBERT B at: .1).- . :va 3:" E." " c. " K' " " B_tM1h'r'i' g. -iiglltrg ttiBigtialgillr'illi'i' i'g'iriilll 7:12,“; " Mttiilt5l . 'il-NI . 4"4 MaiiEmMrtt' - - "IU" m x n . "" - , " "-" " “‘ '~" . - NOTICE is hereby given 3thst the l Mumcwal Council ot the township of f (ileuelg will st e meeting to be held on l Sunni". the tenth dey ot August. 1907, at the hour of ten o‘eloelt in the torenonn I at the Township Hell in the said town- ship consider three seversl bylaws for llm purposes following. nemely: for closing, stopping up. selling end eon- vrytng the following portions of high- ways respectively. namely; Fui'.tri'LY. A portion of Hervey St.; ill the villsge of Priceville. more per- tscaltrrly described as follows; Begin- mug at the intersection ot the northerly lnu-ts oft-lsrvey Street end the westerly lnuits ot the township line between the townships of Glenelg end Altelneeie; thence westerly slong the northerly lim. list ot Harvey Street s distenee of seven hundred end eighty-eight tt88) mart to the " cuterly limits of the villus ot Prieeville ; thence southerly along the westerly lim- Ital of the villus of Prieenlle. s dietenoe l of tuirtr-fitre (85) feet ; thence northeast- :rly on s strstght line whose courseis‘ north seventy nine decrees thirty three minutes eest (N W' " E) e distsnce of three hundred and twelve (312) test; thence southerly end " right snglee to the lest described tine, e distsnee of " um: (15) feet ; thence northeuterly on s: straight line whose scores is north sev- I only nine degrees thirtythree minntes‘ ssst $1.79" " E.) e distsnoe M tone hundred end seventysix (476) test; _ the westerly limited the town line I» tween Glenele end Arte-eels prodded southerly; thence northerly elem be westerly limits at the town line tent southerly s distssee at twenty ss (28) (set to the point of Winning; mid treetollsnd eontsiein. It, "et hue- dredths (0.55) sores. more ' “For ll! %’g_c: o _Whi'MM' -1 DIAMOND HALL SECON DLY. A portion of Gland. Street in tho villa. of Pricovillo. mor- puticnlnly ductibed as follows; Me. giuning " to. interaction of tho out- erly limits ot Glonolg Sue“ Ind tho northerly limits of Envoy Btgoet l than” Doubt!" nlong the -rtr limits oi Glenn; 8; n alumna of on. hundrod and 'iahty nine (139) to“ ', the!“ south- Wosmly on n 'tmittin Inna who” can!» is gonna county um than“ thirty- ;huo-ium “is. " W). din- Here in where they are tsoia---the styles are correct The fit perfect and the materials ot tha best value. OVERALLS THE PEOPLE'S STORE Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. Boots and Shoes " THE REGENT AND PICADILLY BRAND" fill Ilillil f Our Stock is now complete in all lines , , k " I connected with the Jewellery trade q such as the following : Watches, ff8-llltNcq Clocks, Rings, Brooches, Silverware. Our 8th of RINGS and BROOCHES of all kinds could never he better than at the present time. We take great pleasure in showing you through our high class stock and consider it a favor rather than a trouble to do go. All Watches and Jewellry for Repairs has personal attention. Watchmaker. Fall in line ind use the Best Clothing. Thu department is atwar u buy place in our stores We carry everything in the Gent's line. Hero is the place to buy overalls mocks. Puma. and shoes tor the working man. Our muslin dopamon: is filled with the newest in thier', and colored muslin. Also a {all noel: of luvns. hue” and muslin. "Imperial Shoe." iswhat you ought to wen- u 1 use comfort, style and we”. Atnlllino . hand in Patent, Kid, Dongols and Canvas. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. READY Ill) WEAR SUITS . A WEBSTER is what you ought to won it you - 'le und war. A lull line “ways on Jeweller adding Season) tunes of any JWr) feet to the "may limit-o! Glenelg Street. ', thence souther- ly Along the westerly limits of Ulonelg Street: dinunoe ot one hundred and eightreultt(tM) loot. lo the northerly limits of Harvey Street ; thence enswrly along the northerly [units of Hnrvey Street produced easterly 3 distance of sixty ux (66) feet to the point ot begin- ning; MM "not. of land containing twen. ty-eight hundredihu (0.28) urea. mun or loan. THIRDLY. (Subject to e similar by-luw being paced by the municipal council of the Towndup of Artemesia and subject to the provisions of the Municipal éct.) A portion of the town line between ihe townuhipe ot Gleuelg and Anemone. more particularly de- scribed " (allowe: Beginning " the in. tersection of the eesterly hunts of the townehip line between Glenelg end Arte- mute end the northerly limits of 'Her- vey etreet in the yillege ol prieeville; thence northerly along the easterly limits ot the township line bemoan Glenelu end Artemeeia e distance of! ;iwo hundred end three (203) loot; thencei south westerly on it straight line whose; course in wuth seventy-nine degrees; thirty-three minutee West (8. Ttr' 3,3 l lW.) e dtetattNt of sixty-six (66) feet ito the wertsurrlrlimitts of the township 'line between Glenelg end Artemeeia , i thenee southerly elong the westerly lim. _ite of the town line between Glenelir :end Amelie e dietenee of two hun- dred end twenty the (225) feet ', theuee north meter]; on e “night line whoee eouue is north seven ty-nine degreee thirty-three min. 1etee eeet (N. T9"88' E.) e di~teme of euty-ei; (66) leetto the easterly lunite of the see}- line between the township- ot Glenela end Artemeeie; thence northerly does the teeter" limite of the-dd town hue e dieteeee of twenty two(28) feettothe poeet of beginning. eeid treet of lend containing thirty-tour hundredth (Q34) wee. more or .ue. Allpononl intended or whole lend- may or might be pnjndicially ofreeted by pooh proposed by-lnn or may of than no required to attend u the said meeting. when they will be bend In person or by conned or solicitor with ntmnoe thereto upon petitioning to be no beard. Dated this no: thy ot Jane A. D. 1907. J. B. Duo: Glut. Tow-obi; Glenda ;. working chit”. Optician Mr Ju Comma. or Iowan» w holidaying no home. l Miss Clams Seisner is . guest under the parental root at present. Mr. John Williams left Monday to visit " daughter in Toronto. Mrs. B. A. Rowe and two children axe visiting relatives in Guelph. Mr. Raymond at tended the funeral l of a niece in Ptuntesrtttort 'lhsedey. l Mr. Wm Laidlaw deft Tuesday for th' trip to Gslt. Brenton l and Tomato. Miss Annie Ireland' left {at week for a position in Brant (on! hospital. Ire. Root Curran is attending the Old Boy's Reunion in G. at this week. Mrs. Geo. Stlnson a rd baby left Tuesday to visit relatives in Toronto. Mr. Arthur Allan is opeeding " holidays in Toronto and o ther places. Mr. Bean is at present st Preston Springs taking the baths for NI health. ‘MriDundu. Markdale, left from the station here on a trip to London. on Monday. Conn. McMillatn. of Glenda, was in town last week seeing some friends " on the train. Miss Clara. Aljoe is holidaying In Port Elgin with her friend. Miss Bue- lah Culling. The Bahia sauna: School held their annual picnic in Holstein on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Barbara Watt. roronto. in the guest. of her parents, Poplar Hill, and other relatives in town. Miss Robena Fletcher left Tuesday, to take a situation in a wholesale mill. inery store in Toronto. Misses Maud and Inno Davidson left Saturdav to spend their holidays in Grand Bend on Lake Huron. Miss Eliza McDonald returned to her home In Toronto after visiting the McDonald families in town. Miss Lottie Harhome returned Sat-i urdav after a. month’s holiday with her aunt Mrs. Miller in Bruntford. l Mr. Thou Livingstone and two childs ran left on Suturday to visit. friends in Gravenhurst and Victoria Harbor. Mina L. Dauroch. of Collingwood, is the guest of Miss Margaret McKenzie on her return from the Mackinaw trip. Mr and Mrs Thus. McGirr And daugh tar Bella were in Dornoch on Sunday. The Intel-is remaining for a couple Weeks. Mr and Mrs Brown. London, were guests of Mrand Mrs Doug McKechnie for a. few days and are now visiting relatives in mtsmsitt. Mr. J. B. Drysdale left last week for Glencoe where he has secured a position. He will be much missed in the music tl circles here. Mr. J. S. Buckm accompanied by Mr Cameron McKenzie left last Thursday morning by way of o. Sound for Bus- katehewan. The foxmer has tnken a school in Girvon. Dr, Button and daughter Margaret went to Fergus to see Mrs. H. in the hospital. who is improving " well As can be expected after the operation. We extend congratulations to Miss Allie Blackburn, who has secured lat honors at London Normal and cap- tured the Governor-general'n medal. Mr. E. A. Featheratone, Hamilton. was in town Wednesday, He is visit- ing relatives in Holland and a: a mem- ber of the printing humanity gave us " call. Mr. Don. McKinnon, ot the Simpson tlrm, Toronto, accompanied by a friend Mr. A. M. O'Brien, is in town for a few days and will test the Rocky fishing grounds. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Staples left Wed- nesday morning on their return trip to their western home, Mrs. Jun Staples accompanied them as tar' as North Bay, where she visits relating. Miss Lauder, who has been A nurse in-training at Montreal ' buspntnl. is visiting her relatives. the [under and Gun families In town this week, while on her way to her home in Kamloops Mr. and Mrs. Wm Jansen, of Port Huron. visited his cousin Mr. John McMillan, Glenda. for a few days, They haw been making n-tour of Quebec. visiting Montreal and other cities. Dr A. W. Hunter returned last Sut- urduy to the Montreal Gen. hospital to resume his duties there, but on the higher plane of Senior House Surgeon having lately been promoted to that post. Congratulations. Mr Rom Hughes. who formerly] clerked in Max-lock}: etore and latterly l was Mr Ireland's right hand man. left town Monday morning to usumej agood position in a Toronto whole, eale bone, All well " in eoclal clrclee, Robt will be much mined in the Band, the Junior lacrosse team. and the I. o. 0.. P, where he held the oiBee of ViceoGraad. A: e recognition or his work for that moiety. the blethren met the other evening and presented him with a haudeome travelling bag. We will: him enc- .eeeeln Ina nowhere. ttii2mriathtt REVIEW " . i att A mxuazut of town visitmn Dr Park, l Hamilton in I ndin . holiday with " mother In Efll'dl,f. Mrs, Malibu nun ed. aim 0hr. no out of town " Ming friends in Formo- Mrs. Ihuder and daughter spent Tuesday the an.“ of In. Bonnet. Glenelg. Miss Tenn. Roan accom . father lo tttrattotil and 5:0??- 'a tatroraLle. Mrs. Lieu. Young and daughter Detroit, are visiting her pan-ma .512: 3nd Mu. limit; Miss hyte Simmn. of Berlin. in visiting at L Io parental home Ind with her sister Mrs. Bert Willis tn town. Miss bush Dennet Utt Wodnuday to spend some tune with Markdale friends priur to leaving for Toronto. Mrs. Schooley and master Joe Whit. chur ch are waiting Toronto friends while Mrs Whitcluitch is in Stanford. Maater Peter E. Nichol arrived in town Pnday to spend a. month at the home of " grandparents Mr. and Mn Walter Nic ol, Mr. Wilson, of Toronto, I: vinitin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Et'. clay. Miss Florance accompanied him back she has been visiting her ulster- tor some time there, Mrs. W. D, Mills. and two children, and Mrs. I A. Harris and Misc Lillie. left Wednesday for a few weeka' holl- day at Eugenia. Mr. Hugh Rosa, tit. Louis, U. 8.. in home mm? his many old friends and relatives. 9 with a number or other. we camping " the Rocky. just had '0 wait till the social features pind priane chum had run their course; then they filled the church and waited contentedly through an excellent ro- gram. till 11.30 p. m., everyone ton-ring that this violation of .. elderU 'oors " was Justifiable once in 50 years. Pastor McDonald very worthlly fill. ed the chair and must have been proud that under his care and nversighl. the jubilee servnces had been so successful. l'he program he had Was a unique one, vith becoming humility the ministers had put themselves to the end of the progmm and with neroming iitness the pioneers weregivunthe place a! honor. It was a rare ",T,'.le,t',' ta tind in one congregation t ree men all over 80 years, who could (mks the platform and tell the story, and tell it well. nt (I) continuous gears of work ln one place in months!) 'ts-tlets), more too, to tind seven in one congregation who have bridged 50 years M a comnmnlon table and rural gtill to tind one at there Mrs. Halliday, taking in Sunday and Monday services at the age of 94. It all heapeaks the vlgoroua stock from which they sprungvngoronn in spiritual thing: too as we the pointed out my the shining. Rev'ds Shepher l. of Markdole. Currie. of Kendy, MeNab, of Kilerth. neigh- tsor'mRtuittisters. were resent besides the speakers of "is'il'Cl'll'.' The first named having to leave ently, was brought on first and conveyed to the eongregation the greetingsof the Pret. hytery in felicitous terms. mattered them for the work they had done for the church and hoped the muthon and their sons would still keep the interest of the church in view, John Co Ilett had to tell the story of _ the buildings and went back to 1816. Then only one church in Go. Grey. m Brooke, adjoining O. Bound, He yiv- idly pictured the early days I no roads, no church. no settlers back from the front. As settlement pl )gressed they yearned for the services of the sanc- tuary as in the old land, and in 1857 a building committee of six was appoin- ted: John Skene. Alex Smith, Don. ald Smith. Wm Murray. Geo Leding- ham, ohn Onllcit, the two 19st named alone nurvivng, A meeting at "settlers was called. site chosen and granted free by John McIntosh. H‘There were giants in the laud those days and the big logs went up like (e/it,',' asserted the speaker vigorous- ( {and the big rafters were borne from t eswump on their shoulders. Peop- le would come through winter's snow or summer heat and in 1867 the church was enlarged l not one of the contract- ors was alive to-dey. He praised the men who had gone from this part. Alert, vigorous, they were like the pists.‘thoy tell on Pt feet. and one wuss! thin ”is: did hey gene; Ily come the: t1 mach tor o til':', (W, mouse was uilt in u. It. s in 'tli, trf.' in ’83 and the present church in II. ht Ha read atonchin letter from a? John hidden. one of of; so en but not shls toio out. He was “his main; at the ttrat church " when he went hams sou thstwork dons to In. t shs remarked genital” CA goes: at LATONA PRttStMWt'N 93%?“ Jubilee at Dornoch iiiUTrt"G" iFiiifiiaa.'C, ttr. Hay though not A pioneer had found In: Continued from page J. greeted 1901, TORONTO to Mr. Geo. Ledingham who hid been a tower of strength to the church. Mr Indiughaln wee then called and] gave " impreuion of the countr; when they landed at o. Sound in 18 told of meeting Rev. Jno. McKinnon near Mt. Forest rent in here on a gruelling toner the 'rllu,","t'ef,' of amilton. rela how there' was at one time a propoeal to unite them with o. Bound to help lustain a minister. Eli-line of addreee wan to be growth l of Sunday Schools and he recalled how his father held meetingl in a small house which had as. School character. There were lots of lgaelic In than darts. There were levera schools established on the main road and later one out out at the lake. No " hel " in those earls daye. they dug deepY; Into the wo of God t thid made strong men ttht." hoped for more of the same tt n Mr, Robt. Corlett we: auigned "the ministers." Hie eerliet memories went to Rocky Seugeen. two etetlooe together. met eometimee at Mr. Me. 10ehnie's, eometimee ct Mr. John Boyd'e houee at the Rocky. He told of the trouble and etrugylee trying to more . common site but without eucceu. He remembered a large meet- log in 1856 at the home of Mi, Arch Cameron to discus: the matter and a eel-man woe preached about the came time in Mr.' John Cameion'e how, " to a houseful and a tttrrdenfuk" him; they could not agree on a me. Tb en came the cell to Jae. Cameron. who accepted on condition that they Would wait for his return front a trip to the East, a Hey. Mr. Stewart tilted in me lime till he came, and he told Rev. Mr. Stewaxte eurpriee on forming a Bible claee to ttnd them well grounded. Rev. Andrew McLean. Puelinch. and Rev. Graehv were appointed by the Pres. of Hamilton to diepenee the sacrament emonget them. The dates of the paetoratee were as follows t Jas. Osm- eron.1859 to 18N, A McDuu-mid. 1874 --9t, John Little. Itm--98, Wm Ura- ham, ltlW--WB, W. W. Aitchieon 1903 --06 and N. A. McDonald the present water from Dee m, Mr. AlexMcClung though now of the older tort, was not a pioneer, hut re- called the stir there Wain the countr around when news ofthe ordination 'if Rey. Jess. Cmneron got. unread. He had a very warm wor hr Mrs. Cum. eron who gathered the little ones into an old suvmill for a while until a Mr. Gillies f') them is Poattt.. A very large share " the founding of these stations was due to this lady. and the grand work ot theCiuuelon s was doneamong the children. He relished incidents showing the rivalry between the U. Ph, and Free Church tit of the time. bat had the same o story of pioneer earnestness and devotion. That there is good trtuttin tho young~ er generation was shown try the fine recitation of John Smith. Ion of Don- nld. A spirited solo wan sung h Mr. Jas, Boyle, Roman-ks were la, by u, Ram.” and luv "than. C. Smith. teacher, who m addition to n reminis- cent viewuf his early Dm-nnch da . had a mild eritieUmfoi, ministers, wgo prayed 30; liqqs. rulers, and other wife here. wu married by their thrt mini-cor and while not (lbw-gin: an younger elders aid 5 high compliment m Mr. Geo. 'lu'/l'ffd who hid been teachers. Mt Cameron McIntosh anon: elo- quent rousing speech. showxng that this old horned) boy has u striking plutlonn power. He too lauded the piouooro. the true empire builden. the touudntion lave" ot liberty and progress, who. struggling for "i-ees. Iorgot not the fiuet Ihmgs. He pled for a. clout teel. ")1 ot unity . hottest: school and church sud in . closing percmxtion paid . fitae tribute to Clnldl. Pater McDonald at tlb my. road a onrefully [Reign-ed hiatmy' of the church embodying nob that we lave recorled “(in great deal more. and which will likely apps" in I more permanent form Then came Rev'dl Currie Ind MeNah. the former Also tendering greetings of the Presbytery Ind teferring to titeir excellent roputaiinn abroad. Rs hp od they would not bacon. Niet by te, many bus thitW "ml of ilteat,tyut re- member r',',1tlihe, (wed Io Him who «u halo" tll pioneers. Mr.McNab compurol the ovogremvtian to t 1ittho house making clout to thou Cot1ttrewk. lions the path to success and “My. Rev Mr Little briefly recalled the kind. uosaen he lmd always tecoived from his iitht charges. During his " yum be buried 90 people, received imu chmch Invlnberahip, in both congrega- tion: 235 In all. and baptized 42 child- ren and not a few adults. Ho awed them to prom fur-ward and hoped to meet them in the better world, Dr Smith believed the nnspiutiou of to nigh) would had to hem;- thin" wiU.in ourulveu em! without. and hoped many volume." would come to the aid ot Pastor end g S superintendent. Ntsurr McDonald in I {most nppro- prism upsech hmughtthe meeting to a close thanking the workers, the ladies especially " the work done, and “tanking all for tho kindnen and eo. operuion lhst bad marked his putat- ule here. The future was main to work for; n few had lone worthv lives bobind them, may of the young Y, long livgs abut! of mam. “a a hoped way would A,".",',', " worth, n the" fathom he sped-11y vat. unble service: of Durban choir wen iitiiugi, recognized. Prayer and benediction by De Fruor Smith. and Dornoeh jubilee union were over. leaving (”grunt memoriu and furniuhing a stimulus to unity of spirit and action in tho coming yoga. Nous Durhlm Ptubyhriln choir In pron an: and “in, cut did themulvec in the oxoelleuoo rt uriety of their so. lemons. Mr J Tolford “as "Oar tun talk" as t solo, Bud Mino- Hun- ter und Howard ave I due“ Ind both won vainly npplmdod. But tor the thug-toning vegans: a: Monday evening the “arch would not hm held tlm (Sum. Review to Jan. lst--25c tor Kings. rulers. and btber but tel mu for pupils and E3, d Hues? Sept: Ird, '07 Get the Genuine. not the Imitation l Invest your money carefully. Attend Gtr. Yam a Menace! an no you will get "getttriaso" nun-cu Mum. ttom-the kind it par“ to get. n“ mm (mm Sept. and. Write or unique. W. J. ELMO“. Phtsettrat. With I full In! " follow: , J, M, Hanson. B. A, Sputum itt Cloak-s. Mtbtee",-iatitt, French and launch. T. B. Bren-I. B. A. Bpeqialtst In Ion-emotion. tNttleetts,-hb"hetndtus ond arguing. G. A. Gun. m hot. Hm .Gcocn h ' Science Ind Comm-l. ory p y (humane. peppered for I" We. of "when ecrtthcateg And for pun Ind honor motdculouon. run inf0rat.titttt given on nppiieau'on to the undersigned. R.g. Con-In. M. o. NAOGIIGOI. churmm. Beam. Mt. Forest High School commences on Beptember 2nd, 1N7. Three thorough and We“ 00mm of Itudy First clnu equ pmem. Up to date methods of Instruction. Student: given specul nuance n deck. We teach bullion subject: including Book Nesting. Comm-rein! law, Aruhmeuc 2WpJl'l"/'lllii' 2iTgrde'dc','t P'iiiiiiiil Ill typew t ng nu we wot . ' . student! "lined to volition Wrt 'Jlltflf announcement. C. 'f.'rdTIht'] . Notice is _herthr.yrivet.t that l hove transmitted or delivered to the person- mentioned inucuone 8 and 9 of the Ontario Votels' Lists Act the Capt" required by said sect ions to Ite so tuna. mitted or delivered ot the list. made puruunt to said Y,': of all person. up- pouan by the in rented sue-uncut roll of the aid municipality of Dur. hem. to be entitled to vote in the Mid mumcipeiicy " elections tor mam. hen of the [imitative Anemialy and " municipal electione and that the said 1Ut we: lint peeled up an my oiBre on the SAsd 0." at July. 1907 sud remain- thece tor inspection. Elector- u-e called upon to examine the and list. and If any amnion. or unv other emu ire found therein to take Immediate proceeding. to In" {in aid error! corrected according to w. mud this Sltnd day of July. In. W. B. VOLLITT. Clntk out. IMpdity “DU-I. Clerk’s Notice of Posting. Ask to have our Washing Machines explained to you, We have two makes of the latest improved machines. THE BIG STORE Look Here! Farmer! We sell the same brand every year because it gives satisfaction Compare the Deering Twine with any kind you wish and in any way you wish. Count the number of sheayes you tie from one ball of Deering and compare with any other make of twine. That is all we ask. All kinds of Harvest Supplies at the lowest cost TORONTO. ONT. FALL TERM at the etsttttitTtfmV1m ALEX. RUSSELL Owen Sound, Ont. mu. RE-OPKN ON The Best MACHINE oi-None Better Scythe: Snuths Whet Stones Forks Rakes Your Trade Wanted. This is BINDER TWINE w" T7,t'i'd T’Huclml Time We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- gty that we have opened up m A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Coll"! and Tim Gloves and note New! New! New! Mau, cult. Shoes. and much more we can't tell you of this week. All our experience at your service. Call and see us. J. C. NICHOLS STORE on The oldest 3nd Wt hm school. All Mele,': an ot the ban. “at" "$1.195? ?t.tetttA ted new Gents' Furnishings attention Illa I" WW7 ii rim; ITiiiric;aaGG'rt'l'll'hltu'llto'2l't n I, hexeteeg,Jirer maniac Y. M. C. A. "un Y". & mu ttta, 10mm John KRESS, Bu . full lune of ©urtain Pol”. Window Shades. Picture I'm-u Fume- to order of all kinds. , We ere having " Wr- er the tirst week in - month. Anyone ,rbts%toM good. reno- rated “look poodunewehouu “vi. -, will be 'tlee-d to attend to it " once. t ll 'Jtt,Y' , Ma: Moor south "' , o m B lltltrtt AUG” " tr, 1907 T. M. WATSON, prim; BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Harvest Gloves What Stone! Punks Fork Handles n To U. ti. Paul I.“ chute (1.! for the ti the United “In explr arrears. In: new dullnl mm VOL. 55:33 iW IM has, her ple It y --M can od th' new ou ll n tax tt It

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