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Durham Review (1897), 15 Aug 1907, p. 2

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it! subdued its ir!htmitoutrt, but was not aqua] to utr. and a drew back to the willingne- death. 32. Evil ernrt....em Now Ilbliot grows. At first it a Ingestion "I. 28. 29). then an nwtion fe. 3]). then it the form of an “evil III-m4” "Tynan“ Inc (This of the nation's. march is reached. Standing on the very burden of Canaan tllre pabple evince an mime»... for the pmmised inheritance and ext-hide themeive,, {mm its poison- sion. Had the lanolin-n My: animated by faith in God they might hare marched straight into the. land and immediately subdued its inhhimmu L... A: .- n“ .um "an no; before. The 10 spies are inerm Opposition. The wish of march is reached. '3tartktirw bordem of Cum-v. tet., ___--, urlvmg making 14“ um go up at grasp; a pron-gent " oo. salvation. The for fear than an" that the trying tim the battle to begin Psolution.-wsii. In chapter " 8. ft of (my; faith. “I knew that he w“... wim, through whit was W; to bee ieo, that be was so overcome ir-r'orty then an old mm. H: IV. Courage and faith (v. 30). " -The spy tmm the tribe of Me begins the minority 'eport l unwavering trust in Gud, Ju-h: ('llllli Steel IV. ih, tr th held "iite The. A m st rung had air lied. The Warfare b children JI Rial"! don-4r of rib W V "um..."- puree Dec-arm the lsruelites' pivotal point througl thei: remaining thirty~eight your: in the denert.--Petoui,'ei. unto all the emigre. gntinn» Imagine the eager throng gnttr ered to listen to the report. ahewed them the fruit-They had brought back grapes, pomegranates and figs. The bunch m grapes was very large (v. 23) 27. flou'eth with milk and Ittrney--ThU " " poetical description of a country rich in puslumge und produce. Thus for the reports of the spies agree. They all commend the richness and fruitfuines, ot the soil 28. wevertheletsss--The "In" wa, given publicly and it was art ully arranged to begin' with eo"anetsdatiomi, in order that their subsequent slanders might rvveive "edit.--J., F. k B. This “(ml introduces the godless majority re, purl, there is in it no reference to Jeho- vah.-riteeit.. strong Large and trained“ to War. cities are svrut'd--iveit forti. iiml. The Israelite» had no means ot warfare, by which they could be taken. rhildn-n of Anak -"l.om_mw.-L»ml f........., m n the il their I desert. gallium ered t them t 'trapes bunch It rr " 13 n mm! miles wide, large e for Israel'g camping ground. A nth-am flows from a eliff and fill wells nnd " laroe- pool. The Ant it Ain 0min».- --n--» K_t _.-- it Ain Flees, Trauma" has "the holy") lu: Wrinu‘W. 11m V..- ..r. a Juurney of 2G0 miles into the vicinity of Harnath-. and tlw return. The Wies could rest six Sabbath» and travel Goo miles, going at the rate of lens than fifteen miles a day. " in not probable that they went in a bmly, but singly or by twos.” Ill. The report of the spies (n. 26-29). Di. to Kydish--EuvA dayn' journey from Sinai (Oeut. 1:2), in the desert of Zin, tlu. northern part of the desert. at Parnn, is a: lovely oasis "of I New Eng. land aspect," surrounded by hills which form thc suntliern rarnpart of Palestine. it i, n mm! miles wide, large enough for Israel's cnmninn ---" _ th word. hat h out the gigantic , "th his own (. impysragmnent (rs. _ 'ttk--htu had not Thomspiu Ire in". In!” W.--ATmme 11. In. he I". Report. or the 'gi-ahm. u: "'30, "us C-starr-a. The spies lent out his. 1-20). The people were afraid to so lorwurd and had inked Moses to and Ipies to search out the land qDent. l, at. Although it would have been better for them to have had faith in God and to have at once entered upon their prom- _ is: d pneudons, yet in order to satisfy 1 the people the Lord ordered Moses to mend the spins. Moses, seleetmd twelve I nding men "every one . prince" (R. vo. I in order that the best possible result! might be realized. " is well to remem- her that in numbering the tribes the tribe of Joseph had become two tribes, according to the prediction of the dying Jacob (Gen. 48, G, 6), and the tribe of Levi is not counted. “The object of the expedition was (I) to lenrn what were the attractions of the country, (ct; to discover the dittieultie, in the way of taking possession, til) to find out the [ best way of reaching the country, (4) to learn what Preparations it mu necessary to make," In very-4 Hi) we have the I name» ot the npie-. In “Wiles 17e,0 Monet l gave them special directions. They were I to travel the whole length of the land I to the Lebanon mountain region, and t find out all about the land and the poo- t ple, and to oring Inn-k some of the fruit l of the land. On their return they would be expected to make a detailed report. , H. The spies return (vs. 23-25). 23. I Brook of Fislscol " stream near Hebron. In Eshcol means "a elm-tar." and Wits so Bt named by the dill"! because of the fine ft elusiter of grapes they found there (r. 24). They plucked the grapes on their 1 return from the north. "are it between f two -nhis was not llPt'H-ull‘y became of il the great weight. but to protect the grapw from being bruised. There are " cluster, of grapes produced in Pnlegtine tt whirh weigh twelve pullllda. and by enre- tr ful onltimtiun bunvhes have been pro- ttr, 'l"""'l w"ighing In" twenty pmmds. '% Potrrvs,rrauriie, ut fruit of the apple kind. 21 1.". After forty days it'orty days be "Y" wifivio-nt for a journey of 2.itt th lull" into the vivinitd "I um“...- _--- ti us al an ne was l 'ough which ch: to bur be was so ul [and pinion, alum. There is no be than action. Old so: trying time in who" ty e to begin. limitation Sunday $iiiirif, n a W..-... "nu-u“: :lvm-uxdants hum Arba, founder why of 1lolart"t. The spies were I at sight of them." n Amalekites. run-Those people mly attacked the Israelites once [Tm-Ni). 'l‘iu- Hittite-s were a warlike people. The Jebuaites I region round about Jerusalem. "rites were mrr"rttainoers. Refer. trude to them '" Amos 2:9 "The mid rowpvcting the streutrtlt of ‘ml cities and th. Canaanitistt (-upying Jim-rent parts of the lit the oninmn- "sr-s,-' -_-, at! terrihmi ma n 28. Yvertheleatr--The re rt publicly and it was anme , begin with Commendation:), at their subnoquenl. slanders a”. men it Ruined 'evil wort." The spies th urgranates and fig; The Hres was very large (r. 23). with milk and Itortey--ThU III description: of a country Inum um: _---I--r "“ - w ”at throng of at omt--Geetuia, t Gm! and an imam There is no hem action. Old addit- ' lira? pool. The Arabs on" lees, "the holy well," Ind Dr. nu identified it as Kadesh Carnet ("the dosert of wan~ Hm beautfiui place became tes' pivotal point through - ".uu all 311108 I rapt-cling the an in and tlr. Cat: :3 Jim-nut parts . ("muons exprm, 1wrlful (award l m n! Egypt. and _ Bar “pun '0 built" J' yearn If eight) rnqun'iw,‘ Com. Welt am , we have the gm " “:18 has)!" ( ttil toward him who rt Egypt. and had pro- "ll onumim from the nu are as culpable for for their arts, since roots of cottduet.'U... It‘d the ten mtie Anakim FTt (Josh. " hm. 31-33.) 31 might. but to protect the being bruised. There are upon produced in Palestine weln- pounds, and by care- t hunches have been pro- g over twenty pounds. -A fruit of the apple kind. 'urty days J‘Furty days t for a innrnev M "T" not been harming _ our. the Dutioh _ and "N'orxlingir Mama» and to fimt it was mtly J then it Mm ms they found there (r. eked the grapes on their . north. "are it between not nwmmry became of I ttttd no hey could aont,"tvvwk; hum Arls ""bBrtrt puree became otal point through rty-eight years in the unto all the congre- P eager throng 33th the report. showed V had brought back tribe of Judah. Wpurt with an '1. Jr-ha., a", 30). Stilled the 500 miie/Voir/i.., "it" fifteen miles a dav. Nahum”. Refer. Amos 2:9 "The the ntrr-ugth of h. Canaanitish l parts of the futtend riiuTii', _d-wett forti. I no means of main] be taken. m-ckod, famous Arba, founder The spies were 'tions. They were mg": of the Land ruin region, and land and the Peo- Insert”! in their '.q.qed are 6 Tm H W ill 'y of 23tt Hannah“ . pure Your lowest words are heaven. Ye spanked the land ye know! When through the cam cry for 'Egypt!' And all the tribes sw despair, We turn to you who I l clusters. For still ye any, ‘Sm fair.'" The minority report 01 was. J. Real. “Go up" (v did not deny the facts. it was an ”my". mm in... ‘by the plague before the Lord" (H I IV. flood report of the two. ( "with "whole hearted," and he "w followed the Lord" (Dvut. l, 36). his name is third in the first tlm the twelve (v. e). Joshua's name is and in the second three (v. 8). It change-d from Hoshua, salvation, Joshua. Johoah, Saviour, for he wa . W"" -- --.v..a ‘1. so. Luv. "land. . . . . .euteth up the inhabitants thereof" (V. 32). Well fed and strong, yet "eaten up." 3. Confusing. They saw 'the people as "giants" and themselves as "grasshoppers" (v. 33). They looked at the things "that are seen" (2. Cor, 4 lu). Instead of measuring giants with God. they measured themsoives with giants They magnified the difficulties and minified God's strength. 4. Costly. The unfair report of the ten misled 600,. 000 men. It turned all israel from the path oi faith (Dent. l. 28). It prevented them from claiming God's promises. It kept them out of Canaan (H, 29). It led to their own chustisement. They "died by the plague before the Lord" (H. 37). IV. Good rem)" of n". o Ix ' . _ ._, -""__ev v-"av- and difficulty with firmness and without tear. H. "Evil report" of the ten. l. Con. firmatory. They said, "Surely it floweth with milk and honey, and this is the fruit of it. Nevertheless the people be strong" (vs. 27. PM). They confirmml the truth of God's word, but ignored His power to fulfil it. 2. Contradictory. The land "floweth with milk and hom/y" (v. 27). 'The people be strong" (v. 28. The ( "land, . . . . .eateth up the inhabitants therpoi" (v. 32). Well fed and strong. yet "eaten up." 3. Confusing. They saw [ha umnuln do F.___'e, . .. . - tlp unnurizy ropnrt of tho hm spies . Real. "Clo up" lv. 30). The two 1t dpny the facts. They admitted ' an ascent and involved difficulty. told the truth. But thsy ignored mgr-rs and discouragements and upon the delights (M. 7-10). The 'ugpuwnis to holy living, Joy, pea-ee, mmiort. fruit, reward, are con- r not before us in the word. In last words to His discinlm “a Ata I , "-0.." r DY mm who o se him." 5 TtT/l/IC', should be calla to the events recorded in chapte' u. The people became despondetit and wept Ill night. They wished they had not left Egypt and actually appointed a captain (Neh. 9; I?) to lead them back to the taskmaster‘e lash. Moses and Aaron fell on their faces. Joshua Ind Caleb rent their clothes as B sign of their great grief. and made a strong appeal ‘ to the congregation in favor of taking the land at once. But the people like a frenzied mob tried to stone them, and were prevented from so doing only by the glory of the Lord shining forth from the tabernacle. God threatened the na. tion with destruetion, and they would have perished but tor the DrnYDl' " ...» .u gramnoppem, ete.--"The fears lot the unbelieving spins magnified their Hoes. They who do not respect themselves will {all to gain the mpoct of others. The man who counts himool! as a grams. hopper when he is sent to represent a great came is apt to be counted as n runs-mo r bv these who o se him." tr TttCT,,', Sdt; be 2'lh'e ". 0-- 3:1. As grasshoppers, ete of the unbelieving Spica m: "- 'I‘Ln, I . cannot no“ that the land van baron and the inhabitant. dying of “line. for the fruit they brought with them and their first report would eontmdiet this; but it has been thought that there ‘was a pestilence in the land at this time, and also that the apies had leaned that the people were constantly engaged in war to maintain their independence. Great *tature--That is, tall men. See the dimensions of King Og's bedstead in Dent. 3. ll. uraged. 2. Resolute. "Go Delay in following God feb. 3, 13; Jan. 4. l3, l4). ‘s to the difficulty. We the time' (Eph. 5, l6; you who bear the ‘7 C-"""". nu... own heart's desire. At every advancement we show ourselves or unqualified to go forward.. nd'n command and promise are iwn. the greatest boldness is any, 'Surely the land Ms are like port of the camp there rings A I , umann. As a reward Jlness Caleb and Joshua to enter the promised rived Hebron " his pos- I has his name changed Joshua, which signifies also honored by being out better than ay backward in , two. Calel, 1d he "wholly l, 36). And first three of song from "Go" (v. 17.) posal to search people, and be- Lord's promise Id commanded. purple - .0“. u\\lllCllly took place in the pulp room of the Tor- onto Paper Compkny"s Mills here late this afternoon. when Frank Lauber, tho 15-year-old son of Isaac Lauber, was caught in a shaft and whirled around it a dozen times. He was picked up uncon- scious and was taken to the General Hospital. One leg was broken so that it had to be amputated end the other was also badly broken. A bud cut across the head and a number of injur- ies were also sustained. It is very doubt. ful if he can recover. Cornwall dear“). took place in t e pul Frank Lawlor, Aged Fifteen, at Cornwall. l we, a position which he has held for the (past three years, is aununuced at the uniu-rsity. It was a step not altogether umxpccted. Dr. Harriss’ home and chief intervsG are in Ottawa, and he was known to have found it very inconven- ient to supervise the work of the conser- vatorium and curry on his work in Otta. ua at the some time. Dr Wilkins, professor of histology, has asked to be released from his work, giving an a touch his advancpd mun- I Mon‘ronl. Aug. P2.--mte res Dr. Charla A. Harriss from l torittt, of McGill Conservator; ( sis, a position which he has h paw three yours, is annonut uniu-rsity. It was a step not unmpectod. Dr. Harriss’ hmm inlervsts are in Ottawa, ant known to have found it very ivnt to supervise the work of 1 vatorium and carry on his wot ua at the same time. Dr, . lie timi the poliee t'uat he had several times: that be was .1111le ; time and did not kms what In (wing. and that he wan snrry. J nan-1y no one was hit by the hulk-t man is u. momborof H Company, Grenadiers. . V "W [VHV‘I Before being taken tttlo custody i'. is mild that Rodwull lad fired at and 1-H Mr. W. H. Apted's guanine launch, thus- ed Spot-Lil Constable Lutemnn With tlu, gun, and fired several Show into Con. stable L'atenian', hon-4:2 lindn'v-El had four Mark ii. military cartridges in his pockvts when searched at, No. 4 puru- station, and a Lee-Enfiuld rifle was 9330 in his possession. A Toronto despatch: Great excitement prevailed last night :mwng the resulntu of Simeon Park, the strip of land iunniv; east from the foot of Cherry street all ng the lake front and better known as Fish. erman's Island, owing to reports of; shooting and rumors that n '_',:,""':",):).'"':')')',..).,',').".,,.] man was running amuek with a rifle. 'lhe excitement was only nllayvd vlw'x Wm. Rodwick, a painter, aged 5'). wru lives at the park, was placed undrr ar rest for shooting wi;h intent, and his. rifle impounded by the police. Private Rodwell, of the Royal Grenadiers, Wildly Fires Several Shots With Rifle-Bits Gasoline Launch and Home. RIFLEMAN CAUSED GREAT EXCITE‘ MENT IN TORONTO LAST NIGHT. wnen the woman, straightening up and wiping tears away from her eyes, looked rat the Magistrate innocently and said, "While I gave a wrong check I consulted a very prominent lawyer in New York about it, and he advised me to go to Canada until I could get money enough to satisfy the cheque." Magistrate Harris listened attentively to the woman's story. When he told her ho would have to remand her in $1,000 bail she wept again. “I haven"t got a friend in New York," she subbed. Defendant will probably have to re. main in the Tombs until her trial is call- ed. No lawyer appeared to defend her. Charles A. Harris, and Dr, Have Resigned. ___ ,7, "'""'"___. 'Gr"""""'. "I know I gave a wrong cheque, but I wrote to complainant and asked her not to present it." said defendant. " am sorry and will try to make matters right very shortly." Somewhat of a sensation was sprung when the woman, straightening up and wiping tears away from her eyes, looked! at the Magistrate innnl-nnllv mu! “=1 - "“‘l she gave her age as thirty said she was born in Eng lulf crying and trembling the Magistrate in broken CAUGHT IN A SHAFT, Pl! New York, Aug. P2.--aftet restless night in a cell at M police station Eva Fox-Stun photographed and measured heuwluarters to-day and " raigned in Jefferson Marl Court. She was held bv Maui HE RAN AMUCK. Thousand Dollars‘ CHANGES AT M'GILLA Col. 4, lil, buy up the opportunity. Win God open: 1 door and we refuse to go in, the door closes and we Ire shut out altogether or enter alter long delay and hear trials. Afterward when Israel would, tzey could not enter in (14, 40. 45). This was not an arbitrary decree; (they had proved their unfitneu. Such a ‘disohedient, uybelieving people could never have taken impregiabre.Jerieho. 3. Rewarded. Long years afterward the two who brought a good report WPr.t abundantly recompensed (Josh. M, 6-15: Dent. Ill, T; Jonh. 19, 49). God never tails to reward the fidelity of His ser- putts. "A man may lose for Christ, but In the long run shall not lose by Christ." A. C. M. I mad Dollan’ Security Asked by New York Magistrate-tee-d by Dreamaker of Pasaing Worthless Cheque for 8199. SENT‘TO 'iiiiiBs. , smncwus rump To ”can NECESSARY BAIL. I. Harri” trom 'iho HGT; iill Conservatorium of Mu k A and accident $30111 ot the Tor. Th? resignation of 1, Badly Hurt roken syllables. - .wron.g cheque, but I P2.-arter spending: cell at Mercer street 'Strangwnyu wag Wilkins _i. 'llli- Huyxl (il, Hon. Mr. Foy, Attomertunertu, Make: te an Explanation With Particular Re- 9; ference to the Recent Wellington is County Romance. 1. Toronto deapatch: Hon. Mr. Foy, At. r. tornerGenerai, yesterday issued a state- t. ment regarding the position of the Pro- , vincial Government concerning the act .,', passed at hurt session of the Legislature , under which proceedings are now being. ', taken in the Ontario High Court to an- . nul the marriage of Ellen Maria Fasken and Henry Parr, of Wellington County. A despatch from Ottawa yesterday ex- pressed a doubt as to whether the act was within the legislative competence of the Province. Hon. Mr. l-‘oy said that certain of the facts of the despatch were in error. The statement is as follows: "Bofore the young girl, who is meek. _ ing relief in the Ontario High Courts,i commenced action she obtained the _ opinion of two eminent counsel that the i act was within the jurisdiction of the I Province. If the act purported to give 2 power to the court to annul a mar- it riage it would be ultra vines, as the Bl Dominion Parliament alone has jurisdic- " tion in such "am. But the Provincial , Legislature baa exclmive jurisdiction y under the B. N. A. Act an to the eolem- o niution of 1ttHritqm. The PM] " act does not deal with divorce or an- a. provgucun MEASURE Gould. ' 1...... - “an-5 vnnlu LU England. Mr. Gould was " be knight- ed, madame said, but then it is quite likely that no one took this seriously. Very little is known here about Mr. (VA..I.I l She Was in Montreal. _ Montreal, Aug. 1:?..-iforts are beng made by the French police to ascertain ( what connection there is between Ma.l, dame Vere Gould, who until three years 1 ago maintained a swagger dressmaking. establishment in Montreal, and Sir Vere i [and Lady Gould, whose trunks, found at i Marseilles, contained the mutilated body l ‘of Therese Williams. Madame Gould gave up her dressmaking establishment about three years ago and announced that she and her husband Were to go abroad. Since then there has been no clue to her whereabouts. While here Madame Gould/would speak oeeasionally to some of her customers about her high eonneetions in the old land, and would' sometimes refer to the exalted position! of her husband', family in Ireland. I or nor husband’s family in Ireituid. ! At the time of the late Queen Vie. toritt's, jubilee in 1897 the Goulds, hurl L...." --_- I n '* . . -. A I, - ___ -vv. "ax uuluua, nua- band and wife, paid a flying visit to D....l..-.l in, -, . . - , __,.....,..-.. u. ALI'IWIILC G'irodin, of Chateau In Sone, Depaiiment of The Isore, France, and whose addrmm is given in Debrett's Peerage as 56 Drumnmnd street, Montreal,' Canada. Yum Thomas St. Leger Goold was for- merly secretary to the Municipal Boun- daries Commission in Dublin. a Who in Sir Vere Gould? London, Aug. 12.~Vere and Violet Gould are the names given, according to the desputches received in London, by the couple arrested at Marseilles in com nection with the trunk murder. They were married at a Roman Catholic church in London in 1891, and in the 'marriage ctrrtifieate the groom's full name is given as "Vere St. Leger (loold, son of Geo. Ignatius Goold," and the bride is described as "Violet Wilkinson, a widow, daughter of Ilippolite Girodin." The couple seem to have assumed the title of Sir Vere and Lady Gould while living at Monte Carlo, but no Sir Vere Goold appears on the books of reference. There is an Irish baronet, Sir James Ste. phen Gould, living in Australia, who has a brother, Vere Thomas tit. Leger, who married Violet, daughter of Hinmlitn I v 11‘th MEASURE ONLY TREATS OF SPECIAL CASES. MARRIAGE ACT. jewels, At Monte Carlo the body was identi-l fied as that of Therese Williams, a well known frequentor of the gaming rooms. An It is believed she was murdered for her. “m...- The autopsy seemed to upset the story told by the Gouhhr. It was shown that the. murdered woman was seized from behind and held while she was stabbed to death. - ,.,__-_. “an"; "an 1ouuu we body of a woman cut to pieces. The man and woman-a middle-aged mtut-- in charge of the trunk were arrested. They gave their names as Mr. and Mm. Gould, residents of Monte Carlo, but denied that they had committed any crime. When questioned by the examin- ing Magistrate' they stated that they knew the victim but slightly. While she had been staying at their home, Villa Mencsimy, on Sunday, they said, her lover arrived and blew out her brains. The Goulds, fearing they would be cum. promised, tried to get rid of the corpse. The head and feet were in the Goulds' valise and the rest of the body was in the trunk. I'm- trunk in question attracted the attention of the bnggagemaster at Mar. Ieillcs station on August 6, and he caus- ed it to be opened. Inside was found the Inn!" " A --- __ V _ "my throw 1 doubt on Monte Carlo, Aug. P2.-The finding of of the Ontario Leg-Mam the dismembered body of a woman at der to 2',','lQ ngy poa . ' . ' of wall sugge. t at a xi t',t,n'te,1t,'c,er,t, o, [ll “If: 1:133:30. ed be Ftsa ed by the Domi: wo trove era, w o were rs re err u . matter of precuutl to as Mr. and Mrs. Gold, but who have pondent is mistaken in a been identified as persons who,. were tft'gtt,.,i,,t,tto, the got? , . . "c'.. . as session was a e known” here as " Vere and handy Provinciel Gov t. t Gould, has created a sensation ere, quest, but il';17,""Cii' when; the parties were regarded as per- interested in the leginll sons of leisure and respectnbility. The similar not were plead lpolice say the investigation indicates would be no mom for: like: the woman was murdered by the flaw-hunters to august Goulds. Jewels b'elieved to have belong- doubt " to the suffieie ed tn the vietigi were found in the fe. islation." male prisoner's hand satchel. A commis- ---_- sion has been despatched to England to mut BRAIN At inwstigute the antecedent“ of the ---- Goulds.. The male) prisoner passed as A Cievetand Gin Twelve an Irish baronet at Montreal, where his Memory wife, who was Miss (liraudin, earned _ _ l he: living as a dressmaker some twenty- bew York, Aug. 12.-- five years ago. received the follwmu Said to Have Lived in Toronto and li mt- real--hrtrtitated Remains of Woman Found at Marse0ies--Potire Miking Inquiriel. VIBE AND VIOLA GOULD HELD ON SUSPICION. TORONTO BODY IN TRUNK , Thomas hit. Leger, who , daughter tr, Hippolite Finding the Body. m, Depariment whose address mm was. our the (stop of .33"; The Ben Davis district and u mr wen Colorado duo'- s heavy decline from l cm of I“ m-" -u0Mtrl "tlv-m inv "CN “no anumv in; to the report of the executive committee whim tut','. it? I. fllrPg'd,U"g,' in in mt, t emu out am) [him' association J'aru,t,tias, to meet Pa, yen: In Maura . "out mid.. " tmat crop extent from Ohio and liohiun out- ward through New York and New E1131.“ egg up through Canada. shown-n -w.o"A- - _ ,,,_. "w-l """'"b' alone in the stable about 11 o'elock when the accident happened. His side was fear. fully crushed, and the ribs penetrated the lung, causing death by hemorrhage after some hours. He was married and leaves a, widow and children in Chat-1 ham. Wugiidi _,.W, -.-uu- LIEII, em- ployed by E. Goudrenu, concession 5, Dover, died last night after tum-ring great agony. Cheff was Working alone in the stable about. " “bum-I- ...L_, A- Frances Cleft new]; Terrible In) From Vicioul Home. Chatham despatch: Followjn a from a vicious home, Francis 'li/l, “Inuml IA. TT 1- . _ Norway House, Hudson; nay, Aug. 12. 'r-To-day begun the trial of two Cree vhief, for murder. It is the result of a determined effort by the Canadian Gov. ernment to put it stop to the savage [tradition that all members of a tribe f strieken wit' delirium in fever are pt " ;sessed of an evil spirit or weltdigo, and ”Dust he killed at once or their mills will be lost. John and Jose Pncjequan, bends of the Cree nation, deliberately strangled a girl, the daughter.in.iaw of one of them, with all the tribal formality prasm‘iacd on such occasions, in the presence of leveral hundred Indians. The tribe hue mur- dered twenty Indians in a similar way. The girl had fever, and they strangled her with a. rope. Two Chiefs on Trial a “or” I. ll. conductor, lost his brought down the 5pm Presbyterian and M schools for Jackson Pa train drew into the sh as another train was the east, and. stepping llodgson slipped and ours The wheels of tl two cars following it botl.v.ahnost cutting it KILLED AT COBOURG. Conductor Wm. Hodgpon Fans ll the Car Wheels. Cobonrg dospatoh: A sad fatal: (-urn-d at the Grand Trunk static this morning in which Mr. William [my], of Port Hone. a “'le b-... John and nipeg. This is the first tim Clerk has been calld a tt notice, and it is bein suit of advice from t ttttlate in China. The main posted for two w bride to be will secure a the City Clerk to the notice was hunted and , Winnipeg, Aug. 12.--The following no. tice is to be found on the hulk-tin board in the City Clerk’s office: "Tuke no. tiee that the marriage is intended to he solemnizod in the English Church Caehedral. at Shanghai, in China. on or about the ftth or 9th day of October. 1907. on arrival of the steamship Min. nesota. sailing from Seattle on Septem- her IO, next. between George Herbert Cole of Tientsin. North China. mission, ary, and Jessie Winnitrmt Singleton of the city of Winnipeg. in the Province of Manitoba. s luster. Dated this 7th 41a)" of August, 'fll)Y, - ._-___.., “mg...“ of W. S. Beelman, an officer of the Bold. more & Ohio Railroad. For twelve years she could neither Nfeak nor write nor ran. C 1 Doctors say her brain we: asleep. She would sit quietly" for hours Ioekiitgand unlocking her folded hands. She had no memory and. worse still, no power of t?oneenttatiott. The child would act " though she were in a trance and the older she grew ( the worse became her condition. Her parents had to lead her about as if she were an infant. As a last mmrt her parents brought her to R school here. Her teacher worked seven hours a day with the child. Now she writes and reads fluently and talks well. She copied the entire first reader twine and sent the papers to her mother in her zeal to show what she can do. INDIAN GIRL hummus». received the rouiémg despateh mm Cleveland: A twelve-year-ld girl whose brain has been asleep since birth, has been cured and now it is u active as that of any other child of her age. Physicians declare her case remarkable. The girl is Genevieve Beelman, daughter of W. S. Beelman. an ()ffinnr at on. 11-“: "When this act was before the Ott. tario Leghhture it was foreseen that some one hunting for flaws might pan. aibly throw a doubt on the jurisdiction of the. Ontario Legislature. and in or. der to remove any poanible question it was suggested that a similar act should be passed by the Dominion Parliament to a matter of precaution. The corres- pondent is mistaken in saying the bill in. troduced into the Dominion Parliament but session was at the request of the; Provincial Government. There wan no re- 1 quest, but merely a. suggestion to those] interested in the legialation thnt it a similar not were placed " Ottawa there would be no mom for any one of the flaw-hunters to suggest a shadow of . doubt " to the ”arm..."- nr we '__ ton, deliberately strangled a iiril ,rhter-in-law of one of them, with i tribal formality prasm‘iacd on ' Ilinnn G, bk, -- - mun BY A sriik. for twi, - W ___ """'"""""V is gone through between two person under the lawful up. without contest required by law, and where no valid marriage was effected or entered into. The act dres nct purport to giro 'thr court power to maul a marriage. but only to find (if the fact be so) that I valid marriage has not been entered in. to or affected, and to so declare. 'YAen this not We.» before tho tht. Unusual Law gunmen: of a tmtrriage, but oniy that. of the case where 3. form of marl-hp in ('4an oL.....-l I,‘ . APPLE CROP. WEDDING BY BULLETIN. on Trial for 1 Norway Home. r Winnipeg. in the Province of sfinster. Dated this 7th day , M7." the first time that the City beeen calld on to no" .....I. we from the British Con. 'Nina. The notice will re. 1 for two weeks. when the will secure a certificate fmm ark to the effect that thr posted and that she In: v-.. .. IIIIIIIII '"'uB' Hope, a well known G. T, In __ Lt I" - - HER BRAIN ASLEEP. vsu-n and that she has weeks ' resident in Win. it h bei - ' ""l‘t “Il"l ., 'Y dBM,na a re m Methodist Sunday ion Park, Poterboro. His 'he station about o am. was approaching from pping from the caboose, Winnipeg, inf fell LiiiGT “tin; of the caboose and of g it passed "ver his uason’s my, Aug. 12. m trial of two Cree It is the result of a 5' the Canadian Gov. his my 'iifnfoi' special train with Methodist Sun nbgyin'c" $152? Terrible mun-u it passed over it in two. - ,.._- anyIIll\.V In" Trunk station here h V. 01.6“ H" l-l‘AJ Complied With in lune-t i shadow of"; "Hiritrney of the leg- Sad fatality the Crime at The Herald kn Years Without post and! , " tho degson Beneath kick Hodg- tr" iiiiii TEL"; town». In M. -- cull“ II the We nun-Hon than. whouaii' In»: In my. you “than rm M... - . an... t'N,'g."t tenttt, pmn,Ga. t he mama; - - "i-".""..... " "Her“. T Vuwouver Ind yitttormr..c be wholuuo truce hold. u good brink Lone. For mu m. son no tar the volume or tyHtaiG bu but. it In estimated, About . third “up an wu done hot you. Than In our, gym.“ ot n non emu-Ion ot true w along the coat. The row] 3nd. too. u lam nu eoll.ettrnti are “an": load. I .oet1td.c-irta'tt"lG watcher, lanolin-lot by he." run, bu Iowa lute-tend with the My cut, which in an.“ (hm: the province, rowing crop. My!“ you result-I. unmlm:-Buulneu hold In lean to... The demand rar an “no. ta he"; and a. outlook for the lesson I. bruit. Country trade in tate. Collection II. My m. 1ftndtrycaiira PYratir In noun. won them. The ”run; run. I. not". (a: nu- was ot the you A” h" -. - ' a..." woven.“ h "tlook tor the crop- I: mm: It. mu fact you Mum-n here. Put bun In cup. Ind (cod order- In mu m ing In. “on” I: tight to ouch n on that complaint u 9...... gterdrii an" an one that In em "r-"-. warn ---. wu'ulou If. 'rneeat m, _la'.1"rti,ag,iiiiiii [anal-Iii." In nova. y." t . The noun trade mm for thu 1;? ot the your and tux whit-u. In“ h risk. fltta.mc-m"rr. h um. chip I. the It... mulch thou. Wick-u. um." -- _ - - -rqK-____ -"'-. JV, 7 --.. w w. and or a. mu. Report. tron In part. of the country ma]. cats that In excellent row! and. any to expected for (if."r,',tif sewn. t Winnipeg:-- lea r [1307mm itt outlook tor the crop. to having an (an It tact upon Minna p...- " -‘ --'- ...v w “an. mm as to the result. The expendmu-us 4 Int upon the great development ot the :4 during the past tour or live yen-I. a general hue-mead emu-mu. have be great that the country'- monetary n were bound to be drained. In view _ (nut that much money mu soon be 1 tor the croo movement, it is not rm to expect much china " conditions I rennet for Come tune. oeers II no but that ttt some quarters thle money - In. to some extent, Inertia-mg trade expansion that would otherqu place. General trade his, "?rerrrue. . _ edly healthy tone. There u mt n: In all lines ot Industry. maul-emu nlmou every branch (mum: more or [dlmculty in taking can. w the manna. l terin--. Toronto-Trad. xenon“: hold. . ver; 1uiGiG tone here. The volume ot bushels compen- ("0:1ny with ttu previou- _ [buy alumna ot m winter drygoodl ue going town-d and menu Ire betttq In“. " hat " n lecturere' dellvetl- will ”mt. The” _ exceuent Dunne“ in. blankets And wool Shlpmenu ot ready-Inna. clothing In" exceedingly heavy and the than a. 'd'2,'.ey.Lyt?Atrra'.'lh'o'?1Ut.t.t Ream- "- -gr .---- day and She and in BRADSTREET'S TRADE Mot-.-<1enerat an. e Ire reported as keeplu‘ 8 vet Thgmovemon: ot wnoleaule tht .rciuqstoet.-imten.c Chane Board not this Ina-noon. There were boarded 672 col- cred tad 95 whit... Mupny 01mm: by ot- lbrlng 10% cent: foe white cheese. The top figure was 11 7-16 cents for colored And lt 5-18 tor white. Ker Bot 175 on“ at 11 7-1.5 cents. knib. Gi, GR, ?pstyiet, rurG%, Pot-tom Obtain“; -, 1Powl, ttt. oo., new, ton Rum. per mu . Dreamed botrs ... In! ... ... ... Better. dairy ... Grain very dull, the only receipu to-Nr being a load at tboorre wheat. wind: to“ " 320 per bushel. Hut-m. P9.eaua_ot4oioaont 315 to 816 a ton tor old. and n “I to “I lor new. 8m" steady, three loads Iemng at 'tit to 813.50 I ton. Drew-u! hop us “My, with light quoted u $9.50 to p.75. and navy " 09.25. Wheat. white, ouch. ... .....;090 .000 Do.. rad hum. "N Do. an“. ""Pur-lrMutttotm pate-t. “.60, track, Yo- mo: Ontario, Mr per cent. potent, 83.50 Nd for export: halluc- ”but. Inch] hands. $6; second pom. “.40; um. Name, 84.30. WINNIPEG WHMA' MARKET. arottowim, m the chain. quotylon- on Wham-pg (run (mum to-day.. Ftet--AU. 90c bid, Scan. SHic bid, Oct. 'me bid. At,trAuirs 38lic bid, Oct, 88c Md, Doc. Plour-Manitob. pate-t. $4.60. Peet; Ontario, 90 per cent. _ ,_ r"' - quoutlong, or an "em See the diam: price. 'tl Hor-iaeoima um u Harro N90!!- ttHee. " Select. ”.75. 1nd 1mm Show ma "anti-R-tpta, Were In over 3.000. Export cheep won urina- 84.50 to “.85; trucks. ”.50 to " per 1 Lamb; of which there wu a large nun and many of poor quaint and an In never very In“. We. no 1m: Bea mam, Loco to no. It... It?! to “.00; Mum (emu. 1.000 to LID lb... $3.50 to u; boat (can... an to 1.000 In... $3.40 to $315; Indium _ MO to I... "I. " to Stat; but mm, 700 to 900 In. a: to £3.40; Indium man. no no 000 lb... $2.60 to a: 4t8.e8hMtqet m. tiso to 700 lb... " to 32.50. mm. Ooqrw-Ttdet. In mum and nonu- on was but, pod for tho an: land. and: "tutorynenoitioiiGTitG 'ttAm In How al.; One dealer who ttad ”will com: ot the cola- mou kind be” then tor a week and thou had to tell u I loam Brice. mm (mm 823 to .85, but only one was reported at 1",Ptttjresdd._FiaGiiir'iGTat"'toa" sold at 840 to 350 not. Veal Oalveo-About 300 ot the cult kind were on sale, too many a: which belonged to the skim milk elm (rice. nil-ed from tt to $6.50 per cm... but new brought the lat. hert‘price. the bulk new" It u to 35.50 per cw 83.50 to u; but foods», we to A.” "3.. 9.40 to 33.75; medium load“. I“ to 1.. lb... " to who; but mun, 7M to 900 In. a: to 33.40; Indium man-n. M to 000 lb... $2.60 to a; mu We". an to 700 "at, " to [2.50. Illa: Ooqr.-rtiet. In mum and Ion-lu- on was mm, mod for the right kind, Inch gut "fl1"PfP_Pmydiytn can an new ads. my., per lb. ... . Madam-nu. ., ' torequartom ... ' Chloe. cam-u Sunken: and WK. Mum - not no muny of this cha- oltend talc muck. especially the commm and Mum um. Although there were - u nu tho do- mud. “not: at an. 0.0 at a. var to in!” very line. was m cm: .‘llullnm hold In loan but. d tar ml 2't labile“; Ind tho . tin “can right.' Country r. Collection n. MI, .004. Runnels when"! 5 moving you wrung trade in not!" tor thu I You no In! -'“'““ Tm wu a m:- trade all round. "ttttid- * 'rintr the heavy run ot cutie, and nu: quality. '_'"a,tr,utt2rr/g,tteLtuooSgtft t _ "ttor-Got my “pone" won - rm ot" ma - out n m It d yu.au.t1trottattroiaoiCuo"iorutt-. h vol-mu I.” 'mmf., VII“ by and! We at an; m ma an an min “.50 per wt. 1Attctsoro-Bemt huh on amber- were I)“ n It “.75 to “.90. sud one Lat w h and " ft New & In!” mm: 36.70 per cit; Wan). "t to “.50;’m 't." to a u; can, “.50 wish; cannot; in» ”732.15. ,___. .. one, iq tight to "a um u ”a"... r and t1tt?rm.u-rh. I W brick tone. y 9t “lull" ot bum... 1matattomt-rtot.andmomottt" Mort-ct hum-om an" round ready Ado. Tm ya a m:- trade an round. mug“- or!” the heavy run ot antic, m the eta-hm 'i't!otreiioiafocritieqoutintrtiortcdk. gvxttoeum--Not my “pone“ won ot- term. On. Iona - out by m It Hayup1ttottatts.m,amtuodukottis. gum I.” not. VII cod by and! TORONTO LIVE truck mm. Reootpu of live dock at the Cite lurk-t. u reported by the ruin". tor Walnu- dty um Thur-day, were I: cum. cou- po-od ott,h'esqttu,t.Mh-.8,i- and lamb, with I» 05"., And 1 bonus. The guilty or cum, um: I m o-als. 'rmatartomb--at.au-ottt" TORONTO FARMERS mediGf," aiaii lb, i - w-..“ \n mount-y. manufacturer- 1: branch than“ more or In nun; can ol the annulus of 39min. ji,, - ’â€" --- - “If“ the umnzeucy tttu been 0 ttive rue to some In; 'uit. The Hummus "All A.,.-, __ CHEESE noun -- my. .uel'e I. no doubt no dinners thits money lulu- omc extent, “tel-Xena; with I that would othermG an trade has, 1'?rerrrue. I dach- me. There In ml. "ttettr Industry. ttMuutmc.tr"..iC. .., FLOUR PRICES. - ...-.. “an! ot " Inlpmenll ot (all and going toward and clun- Mo u tut a. nun- nu will“. There in " -blukeu um woollen. lune clmhln- I, aod Iiirtttruiii" tiiiGt in them van; a uni wail»? Poor quality, sold at lover "I "a“. pf cc per lb. "In. condluuu. Are, " ‘ very “WI“! who. Inauln ..., A were jict large. but Mr, I. In view ot the 'll soon be tteedad iq not rmouwk condition. " uthq "ere lg no dour" t." n' - I Wilma!“ “WIN Witt pat “Mm: "mm! m 11e"f below. ot "It country 'eartr, and Q. We been .0 'tary rum-on. REVIEW" " I” 1300 .uree or (our been " pro. ' mush-mu U to" 15W MARKET on 010 015 013 051 085 PM he: ver, lu- at In." Wrt or "tent “an; 15W IO GI) "25 "" 16W (rt6 018 ti, umTiii'i7iG'l W... . munch or the Con. tteetiettt. They were in tt nmall rnwbmll 1t1 Gilkinwn'u hat went owl-Imam. and "DI Rivers, in Mold far it, hm. her his“ and fell into 'le, Water. ("Mm attempted her rescue, but both Inst down in thirty feet of water. --- tte, v --- 1""1"'urt Eight Milo my” Bulking, Conn, Gilkinson, of New Rivers, an acne“, mer bolhden her, Eight in “minim"- l H a.“ nun-rm out. Th: is really a fight against the op policy of the Employern' Assad-1 in estimnted by labor union bade 'from five to seven hundred men l report for work tomorrow. Official: of the Employers' Aux lubed to-night that they would I difficulty in tttl- tho uriken’ with non-union 'msehoa. The they declare, will not Int non two or thme day-.7 . Lyndon 1v_atsrhitnrtm,. ' 'med tie-up of 11)tshinetolt reg when the my other union Wot Luildinn under tom 'tmthtted ' Pinion were or Wtsmcron The Hone-u has Wetrtens of th there he ve Cttttl Ii undesirablw permit their . auctions are being held " over ttur sh to chaotic ton delegates from “on of the eighty-six pml'illm of European lush, and dihed- win and enough more to bring the number up to I”. The English paper: ny that no one will be eligible for electiun mum he ha. been twice convicted of political ot- fences. Eleetiom, are be "i! to choose ton of the eighty-six I .III‘l, and Mbr, London, Aug. 12.--Ano political comentmn mu London during the mom The Raul-II Social Revolu! is the name which its an it, but advices: from Rania the party is Composed of A Nihilists. Convention at 140;: Which Convictn Will Attend. TWO DROWNED‘ “It. 1%, Twig:- Ind lotion [in In my - 7 _._ - - In!“ min. The lord‘- Dar Alliance omen:- a a on. 0.1- a. Quad Trunk. It u. gravel nu hauled from no" Du Pan Credit an and". Jnlv " “A 1e.aini"ic"'"""" . “it”! an. "m. For 1ut, " r-“ - ...c u. Sound." .14 Rev, Mr, coma-once. "Aalon " mn- ot the country I It I: understood the 4 'PSPe" “U! the all “k exception. but ee, Aryee' 'ad the to Ch. GiGeT.-"' " "Their action " only ttt other cm um. . -___ - --. m-. a“. u. %B. sum- or A“ Ree. T. Albert Moon. ,',','o'lctt, or the lord‘- Dq Alliance. «was upon on Mr. For. Am“ a the Paruammu building mud-y. The three will. In que- “on we at Durham, Shaw nine and Lake- M. At recon: the only working or a can! III which an be leg-u; operated on Bunny an the may lurnacen. Mun-h would burn nt: it I.“ m. [or a ' Au our! work. hauler. mun can h-l-ordino “m m in“ tn oiaAi; 53142:th 0: “any; - to the provhmu. or . A .----. -.9r., n-" A A .‘ - Chi-d Grand Trunk Unleaded Gravel Train on Sunday. "?Pyeee_eet1trz9erur, that at leu.t “d their Properts' Loafing-Q guilty Ire liberated. general . innocent per-mm ah- convicted Sueh {amid-tunn- is awarded a. a privilege to be [armed out, bribery is A striking picture of the corruption at the Con-an Court is given. A reterence to the alum which at first Wu felt " {allowed by the sun-men! that "tho 'stertittg sincerity of the ttraidentaien. enl'o solicit-dc becoming “and” bet- ter known, the (our od resentment In. since alum-led until Io voice in heard in “an oppodtiou." The administra- tion of jmtice in Cores. the statement continues. in "too revolting tn tell nutm- ofjieqency to he told in detail." “ginning o: mg, mm. Aug. 12.-ittrenee n. of Sew York, and Min Rpm Mt scum, of Boston. both num- mden Item, were drowned last Hamburg Cove while hunting on ile River. a bunch of the Con. They were in tt small rowbmlt [kin-of- In“ M--, - WM A” ".--Tbo far ell-u m mm, jut unwed. coaut- a Wampum: tuned (to. the Jo’s-cu Braidt'ncy- (lo-on! of Com, entitled “Admininm- tive Reforms in Cora," duigm-d to vin- dicta the work of the upturn: in the i hermit kingdom under the Japnn-t'orvitn (ttn".".',',', of I“. After referring to F 'i-eut dink-ump- attending the l reform work, which Were met by a loan hon the "pot Industrial Bank of lo,- now you, the pamphlet talk of the - tnatitarted. Nond- were remun- ltrucud, I'nmol’ks built, an educa. tional [yum ambushed. bunk. created and hospital- erecud. The police de- petaet, the cute-em up, has beers . w.- mum "on new Dundu to Credit on Sunday. July n. and on the 'Lt""""';"";"-""'"'"'.",;",',",,". I t. was; this can.’ and Mr. Shearer. by look the than VI- " we am. Mon will so uh- " STORY " WM! AGD ABUSE " can; Inton. Aug. 12.-s up of the Ipuildi A “LET GATHERING. AFTER I!!! ORIENT MILLS has_ heretofore "gm 1-, Aug. 12.--ahe long-”mat . of the building imlunlry of ruched I crisis late to-day. anteater-I, bricklayer: and workmen annular-all nn ----- f the p. collie to w In.“ From Office of Ros MM Tells of Admit: " ive mm in the Hermit nghm Us“: In”... Illa. ed 0. Sue id's 'lat. ord JAPANESE SIDE. me to eottsider in and finally 'rtttheringe. rue-luau wul nun-mum in ing the launch of August. Bot-in! Revolutionary l'uny thm, stir. " haw iiueir"ii'i, u“narrow. ‘Emnloym' Assad. I. t'uetidutoradae. All lunar. law can according t. In u only Woks! of moat of at am. so no ”ounce. .not- I “I; the Sun. the Grey td a. [hurl-l. w of Owen a". Mr. She-ru- after the “In "All!“ mills In other may will abo_be taketr" "wen wail. walk- tient. “in hwley staff o! a. suck. Party, but Bunnns' sum; the 'uxornes-oeiserG I. All“ and-lung Amino. omen)- “no I__A “.7, . - ltr-Nether Runsinn Dix lot, RSV): IrGiiLi' m supporter. 3in- Pei, eontend that a The ttG/rd Int more than ?'ittsid will}; “Ch Only El~ heen the Anarchists Gi éwhtion “lint the the People its members "rftnwd to [been ' while the ‘ he“. W" not elm have wilt Ctil In ht [I H

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