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Durham Review (1897), 15 Aug 1907, p. 4

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b) U01 ti Tavlor & Co., Dromoreg a: a fffygmlggiitgllMillfitXllflllgllglKillMilMlgllflltgllgllgllgggtglfg 'lil g-gflgmmmflmmxmsflamafixwg a. g __ Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you can get alt the style and as perfect afit as can be put into a tmit-tls much as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious. but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. JUST AHRrVED-Bome Choice, Read y Made Suits Ladies' White Oxford Shoes at. . . . . . . . . q . . . $1.25 Long Gloves, in both white and black,. . . . . . . . . . . . ..............50c, 76e, and $1.00 prepaid These Coats are just the thing for the cool evenings for early Fall wear. They are the moat useful coat a man can buy. They serve you as Spring or Fall Overcoat and a Waterproof as well. We are showing a large assort- ment of them from...... ...... ...... 7.50 fo 12.00 See the natty suits we ate showing for men-in swell shadow plaids, neat stripe effects and tweed anx- tures in a great variety of patterns from 8.50 to 15.00 Wool Wanted (iii' In Ladies ', we have it rang. ing in price from we to $r.oo Also a large stock of men‘s fine Underwear for summer. Is $15your price for a Suit'] We are again after the .wool and are thor- oughly prepared for the situation "with a full range of yarns and woollens at prices that will astonish you. In Ready-Made Clothing we can Supply your need and guarantee satisfaction. We will pay Highest Price, Cash or Trade. M0RL0CK'S S. F. MORLOCK Underwear If you do not weatProgresa Brand Clothing, examine our large stock of Meis Boys' and Childreu'a Suits and you will find that they have a snap and style about them tnat are superior to most of ready-made Cloth. ing. They are made from all wool tweed: and Wor- steds of the very latest patterns Progress B r a n d Cloihing is sold J. L. Flarity where Men's Raincoats Sole Agents for Progress Brand Men's Suits J. A. Glass, , We have a special to sell for Soc, with the suspenders any size-the famous D. & A. which cannot be excelled for fit and comfort. PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING Corsets Manager G' Cutte tra w. ".," wit; tin John Calder compluined about his Ind being flooded caused by obstruction to flow of water on the 1uehrran oom'r Lothisn instructed to attend to the mutter. The outcome of Mr Melanie' petition in the: we road eommuaionera no u- quired to exercise "Met oversight our “oh division during the winter end make what expenditure “one "mut- The no" reported that he wu noti. fied under the W.'C. Atrt to “tend at Lots 26--M,oon 14 on Aug. let. No ngrumont In made, engineer wili be asked to settle. report adopted and 01.50 plid to new. Counmi met Aug Mil. Minutes trdopt- ed. The clerk gave the standing of the lands in the raglan-y odiee ofUred as se- curity for the new treasurer also an in- ventory of book: and documents in the tresasurerhs poasouion. 3hsArthur-Fergmron--Report trdotrt- ed and 91.50 be paid. can of much and 02.50 for clerk's "rvieeic---Nrned. Harvesting is well under way here, barley and some earlv outs al- ready lalling before the binder. Miss Maggie Hooper alter a pro longed visit with her uncle Mr Angus McKelvey, New Liskeard, returned well pleased with her trip. though not specially with the country. Mr Geo Hargrave, utter a three months'stuy in Saskatoon returned on Thursday lass and will push his fortune as formerly In old Ont. Miss Christie McDonald. Price- ville, visited her sister Mrs Will Leith and attended Amos Sunday morning. Mr and Mrs Edge visited their niece Mrs Robt Renwick. Jr., one tiay_latsttttek., ..- .. . Misses Lizzie and Essie Swanson, F'airbairn, visited their friend Miss Hattie Watt and attended Amos church Sunday morning also En- deavor Sunday night. Mrs McClond, Carman, Man., is homeon account of the illness of her sister Mary. Misses Helen and Mary Me- Kenzie, Newtonville, called on friends in Dromore last week. Miss Phoebe Moody at Proton is the guest. of her sister Mrs Colin Mg. Millan this week. Mr and Mrs Andrew Hunter. Hoi. siein, attended Amos church on Sun- ay. We were sorry to hear of the and. den death of Mrs Chester Murdock (nee Ella Wilson, Boothville), last Sunday in the West. Miss Belle Patterson and Mrs Ad. amson. Toronto, called on friends in Dromore last week. Mr MeWillan,Prleeville, is srend- ing a few days with his son Colin of our viilage. We are pleased u hear that Miss Mary McDonald who has been very ill tor some time is improving. Messrs Tho: Ritchie and Wm Weir have re-ehingled their barn and dwelling respectively. Quite a number of Dromore people attended the Orange picnic at Swin- ton Park last Friday and report a good time. Miss Jane Kinnell, Dundalk, is visiting her cousin Miss Agnes Renwick this week. Mr John Findlay has been under the weather for a couple ot days, We hope soon to see his bright face be- hind the counter again. Mrs Wm Brown and daughter Mary visited friends in Dromore last Wednesday. Mr Harry Williams is having his house veneered at present. Jan itit. chie and Sam McComb have the contract. Mr and Mrs Walter Kinsman and his brother Joseph, of Toronto, are visiting the Greenwood families this week. Miss Bella Hall of Toronto, spent Sund_ay with Mr and Mrs Dan Green. Mr Oscar Thompson of Markdale, spam last week with Mr Dan Firth. The farmers are busy cutting and drawing in their {all wheat. Fall when is a [god crop this year, can appear: to the only grain below the average. Hay has been fairly Geo Staples and bride who have been home for some time on their wedding trip lett in: Wed, morning for Cranbrook. B. c., their (more home. His mother accompanied them as far as North Bay to visit relatives there. Miss Lydia Gadd vhited at Mr W. J. Ritchio'a, jr., last week. Misses Weir and Dixon spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Dan Edge. Master Alex Ihheld of Guelph spent Snnday'with his aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Joe Firth. Mrs Williams, Sin, who has been visiting her children and relatives in Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara, came home last week much bettefitt- ed by her trip. Mr Arch Robertson and Mr Dober- ty, chief engineer of the C. P. R. visited " D. Meh'aydentr on the Ave last week. Egremont Council W tittiaiti 'rahucs'i . Edge Hill. Dromore. THE DURHAM REVIEW 116313 line Fidriiiy ai GirriirCeriiiiif aria requirements“ to midenee any be Gaia by men person residing with the tuner or no er. 3. "the settler has his permuncnt residence 'ls',,",?,",',?,',?,,),,',:', owned by him in the " chatty of his ornate“. the ieqitfrements u to 'ti1tntt my be “tuned by residence upon the a an . Six tnonttup notice in writing would be given to the commissioner ot Dominion in " Ottawa of Intention to Apply for potent. W, W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Urmttthoriged putplipation of this od- vertisemcut will not be [acid for. - . " ‘ F'ifth,-All 'zhis "iihriiiir""youmt 3074551330 "iHliAritt.0 Ld? was txmilrMtd in jail, the. offieiale nyeven numbered section ot Dominion lands preparing for the trial The trial A , . ' ' d Alt n. ' fil,el't'iiQa,l,e,'//rgi.,,1r'it",teclg"an A",! be l'li2t came om the young people acknow- Wig? t,"it'e/tf:r.11,v'2U',/.hgt'lt.,t"itft/,'et lodged their faults and wanted her . t It; ' . ' ' 'l,t'lll l,', 'l2lT1'i'lce, sectionyof 160 acres more father’s consent. We are informed or less. ll h L 1 thatatthe very last the consent was Entry must be made persona ytst t P, t32tt given they Were married in the I i rt l hi 'h the [and is I . ' 2gle0.tgt'; $5333.; l‘i'ovlvtever. be made I court room and both came back to on certain conditions by the father, mother, Mm, ', Proton for a few days before leaving magma, brother or sister of an intending home. F to settle In the your)“ man} former at er. 1 . ' The Manama” h required to Wm“ the 1 home where good wiehes will follow {Imagine eondmona under oneo thelollow- them. The Incident has valuable " p “I: lessons for old and young. . At least six months residence upon and culltivulon ot thellndln each ywlor three; Born-to Mr and Mrs Geo Gilks year .0! the 9th com. on August 5th. a son ' If h f t r mother, if the “the! ig', . 1e'i,A,) ., h't 0". weqlqwm. .6 mid?! NW}. . z Allpoiryr tell. Etrtry must be made personally " the Local Luna once tor the district in which the land la Innate. Entry by proxy any. however, be made on certain conditions by the mm, mother, son, ',te2tp.', brother or ulster of m intending home. , er. Any even nnmN-red section ot Dominion lands in Mnnimhu. t4tsskntehemsrt, and Alberta, exce tings-Ind go, not reserved my be home- Iteuied by any person who in the sole head ot . iemlly. or any male over 18 yrs. of age I to the extent of one gunner section of 160 Acres more or en. THE REVIEW for balance of the year = to new subscribers. Com'r Walter Ferguson reported ohtefly grading and gruelling by days lshor am't'g to 0194.75. com'r fees " oo. By the new education Act. the township tressnrer will honor the orders of the school trustees for the smonnts required for the payment of teacher's salaries. The trustees no required to furnish the clerk with the total amount required by their ectiun for allnchool purposes. in- eluding teacher’s ssleries during this year by Sep lot. 1907. To guard no orinist mistaksm,trurrteett are requested not to take into consideration the gener- al school aunt of $800.00 to each sec- tion in mksmg out their estimates. Onion to the amount of 0238.51 were passed oltieiiy for gravel. tile and cement Council adjourned to meat. on Thursdav 19th September, to levy the rates and genenl minimal. Com'r Philip's report thorn that he had expended in email jobs $88 50 and in grading end gruelling under unper- vinion of the pellnnesters 8124 55 by daye labor. Com fees 82.50. as Inspector of drains, he reported To rds completed on No l, end recommended pcvment of 9106.3nd found completed on No 4 210 Ida and recommended payment of 0100.00. Report adopted. fees $LM, charged to drain 1. Com'r McArtbur reported small jobs atn't'st to Mo 95 cud gruelling 823 Io, Cem'r teen 86 oo The school Inspector in mm] to ap. portion 988.04 bal of Legislative grant. to Public Schools in Eerr mont, among at. various sections; in the proper pro. portions. Fergutrotr-Lottuun-Thu the an ofC.Drummfor 40 bugs cement Ind one gal oil tun't'e to 922.90 be ptud.-. Curried. Comr McArtlmr voted " Nay " on this motion. Com'r Lothiln's report shows that be upended M2.96, chiefly in culveru. re- pairs and drawing tile ac" Ind $124.00 by day labor, gndinq and gruelling un- de.r supervision of the pulnmnsters. Com'r tees 98.00. 0.] to keep our roads in I “In and pan- able ccndltion for winter tnvel. We have made great reductions in our Binder Twine pri- ces to clear the remainder of our stock. You will find our stock complete and up-to-date in Pitch Forks Cistern Pumps Machine Oil Binding Gloves Lawn Mowers Separator Oil Hay Rakes Ice Cream Freezers Cylinder Oil Hay Fork Rope Stoves and Furnaces Sperm Oil Trip Rope, Garden Hose dc Fittings Pulp Oil Belt Laces Builders’ Tools e Supplies Raw * Boiled Bolts National Portland Cement Linseed Oil Trace Chains Martin Senour Paints Turpentine Shovels Putty and Glass White Lead tmt OI (hag NOHH'WBSI Island City Enamels, Liquid Gold and Aluminum. his“ Clo varnish Stain. Gian Carr-i430 Paints. Iron Barat n Always reliable, economical and durable. Will not crack, peel or chalk. Superior to any other mixed paints on the market. "LANO CITY FLOOR PAINT! , Require only 8 hours to dry. Think of it. Island City FOR SALE BY N.,G. Er J. McKECHNIE. DURHAM, . S. HUNTER, Durham, Ont. Paints We pay highest market price for Eggs and Grain. Pure Prepared A Great Saving in BINDER TWINE D, ALLAN. Cle rk Garden Hose 8: Fittings Pulp Oil Builders' Tools * Supplies Raw * Boiled National Portland Cement Linseed Oil Martin Senour Paints Turpentine Putty and Glass White Lead BLWS the! Married " the residence of Mr 'troi; McMnrdo. on 7th August, his ionly daughter, Miss Eva, to Mr Jun "ff. Irvine from near St Catharines and 'it , formerly ot Dundalk. A min ionary the'Elder of the Latter Day Saiow' m :Church peformed the ceremony. Dry weather and light crops in the cry here now. Proton council has stopped voting out money on the roads asit will be hrrd to raise the taxes this year. sstxmd.-0n Sunday. 16 Jane, three men in a buggy called " the residence of Reeve McArdle. The eldest man was a farmer, living a tew miles from the village; beside him tuttotMsofthetse young men. in- noeent looking andtheth"ird was a neighbor as a heipmste in the ease. The eldest man asked Mr McArdie if he was a mamstrate and would he issue a warrant for this young man's arrest for seducing his daughter a girl under seventeen years of age. Mr McArdie declined the job as he had to go next morning to attend Co Council. He advised themtogoto Dundnlk with the case which they did, getting the assist- tanceof a local constable and the neighbor went home. Fourth.-at this trial the voting man was committed to Owen Sound to stand " trial. and went by some train " Reeve McArdle. At o. Sound some of the crown offieitUs counselled with the reeve that it would be better to get the tnther’a consent to the marriage and parties in Proton were asked to consult him on_the matter, still he declined. Third. At Dundelk the neemry papers were got out. the young man locked up for the time and father and daughter notified to attend the trial next mornios which they did. The young people acknowledged the whole affair and stated their desire to get married but the father would not allow it. They put the blame on the father, a widower, who would absent himself from home days and nights, on one occasion I week at atime and this girl the eldest in the family. First part ---Some few years ago some young men from the vicinity of Cobourz untied here, working tot tarmera or mill-men as united them. They were good workers, ehnrp and quick bat sometimes their names came before the public for doing things that would be better not done. A case happened here some time ago that raised considerable stir es- pecially in one familv. We refrained " the time from saying anything :- bout it. bat now a. little of the cir- cumstances may be told " they might lead some parents and guard- ians to a more circumspect care of their children. Hopeville. HARRY BURNETT Men's Fumhher. - n...; You can’t be (a well suited for the money elsewhere. from our stock of furnishings and le- cure the best and newest. New Shifts. .75c up New Ties. . . 26e up New Hats..l.50 up N ew Hosiery.25 up Choose Your Outfit JOHN CLARK MENS FURNISHINGS The quslntiu Farmers wunt. Washers, Sowing Machines, Charm Bug Killer and Puris Green in Abundance. We still have in stock some scytneo. oaths, rakes, forks, Pulleys, rope, [Invest mine. whetatontm, Fork hand. lets, sections. section grinders. grind- stoneo and machine 011 as thick at your arm. Have you seen our array of wash- ing machines. Nearly everv kind manntuctured topick from. Inspect our ily nets. Buggy or: and lap rugs. W. Black We sell the Plvmouth Binder Twine and other cheap grades. One good reliable Normnnby former told us last week that the twine he is now using and procured " our ghee of buoipees, is the best twine e ever Do not forget that we sell the ban kindof Grain Cradles In exiqtence. also Cradle Tindera. CUSTOMERS say it in n pleasure to deal in a store when you an get everything from "A needle to an Att. chor" from I “toothpick to a. load of Hay, " from I suck of charcoal to . aw log," from a sack oftbe best "An- thracite coal to a carhmd.’ DEERING H ARVESTERS HARDWARE Jas.R,(iun& Co Insect Powder and Farm Machinery. Reliable & Durable Lightning FLY PAPER 333(26'62 Blowers 'anglefoot la 0383’ here because we sell the "STAR" brand. They are choice patterns. may (ittintt, fut colors, in fact will give you the best ' worth of my: satisfaction you ever got. Selecting a Shirt and v Durham llc. /i1chllt'mue “mm!“ and“: $3.. “HM" Wing???) s'2ggt. p "- Mk”. from 'Pet Inc's sun}: uanwm Frritut At .1 it. Merino ,s"i',lh'.lly'h't,rt? poo wit. Bummer Dam-u, So each. Cotton Nose at 10.15; Me per pr Ci-----, a no [or or und "mm. 'eat 2.1-2 __-, By wearing Goods Ir_tMiitu at 10e per yuvd. In chum " white-an .hl. "Gia; “tam.7acu '-----, ','stteetrteeium,uo. hou- l...n_n_n _ - ---Some Mina and Women 's Dongoln buttoned boots and Oxfords. --A lot of Men's Gaiters, my weight, size 6. --Wottten 'tt Milking Oxfords. -r.childrm" chocolate strap Ilippeu. . ---Mett't, Cnnv" Outing Shoe- leather soles. PEEL, the Shoeman We only ask you to examine our stock. We guarantee satisfaction. ftNnJrarierm, d Co. and all other school ac cessories. School Books at the new reduced prices For $1.00 Look out for Locals We give you the best quality " the lent price. We now have on hind a full line of Sthoot Jay/libs We Are Drugg ist- nnd Book tretters KEEP cok at Grant’s es are low. Come and judge for you. selves. We are " ways pleased to show goods whether you buy or not. If you do not buy now you will again] now ready to do bus- iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. Our stock is new and at. tractive' and our pric- '03:, Pem,6, JNggerr, Jet-(31%", 6'xomlku, from Foks, (5' EGGS WANTED. . ytimt. AUGUST th, l0a. exam. Pads Summer Dress Fra. I” . All Over Lace tge yd. [or Iz. as The wal per r the rt " WA W We Thi It I'll The tetPI't " n1 n

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