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Durham Review (1897), 15 Aug 1907, p. 6

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Qik hula. . - _.--» r-‘lelt A'IHJ malr mthiert, were to endeavor t the law into action. What a rush would he of fashionable ladico to a rug in court tor the hearf--rs, Very few remember the existence of I ('r-rtain remark-bk statute which was mum! in tho early days of George "L, it. indeed. they ever heard of it. It runs to the efreet that if any woman ‘enticos any of His Majesty’s male subjects into marriage by the use of any powders, or paints, or false hair, orproot on the eheekn, she shall be prosecuted for non-cry.” What 1 cause celebre it would he if any of his present Majesty's - " __‘l , - - A W...“ m. in the Hol.s iug 1hsecri in many of great atom ("nu by th noted. and though i who “was? sulptitnted stterifice. " out"... an hm! ___ ' vu\I; nlulv " b. manned in a shroud of ice, every liv. In: creature driven from her dreaf and m], "ipitairle shores, and, for In epoch, Lu: a gelid wilderness, an ice-bound, Hum swept waste. 1rul in other respects too, also, the t'.i r: h ii humming more and more demor- m-ml The gunned "New Theology” in A using tlie unstable to lose their faith ,'I 11.! Holy Bible; the Lord's day is lt 1.1-; tl-rated over more and more; “I! in mduy of the pulpit! of the land the H's." atonement for sin made a the rom, by the Son of God is Itat, it Inn-.1. and mere ethics and non tr-- Iwugh imperative of course, to than :lm would attain to new] tifo--- mimimted for faith in tho Bodega-’- uu-riz’i '9. For thing-L “no .1... __ of All down the lib and genial wart intensely cold I wand, at he: fires in the tool: sity; while in t that heavy 'nov the mountains; time at 'rromsoe miles north of weather wn do: dolaa erruld tery. And town in Nor ttttd other an ently killed which had 1 having been however. mu For instance Weather oi the Europe Ind No ter in Iceland tween fifty .1 than in the Pt the city of ve, ble for a time as the canals v doll; erruld no , ea rt h l vorvirt, dina " But in strange tiom c and rt Is the axis of the globe suddenly alter- ing its position; or in: this poor old earth of ours become utterly demoraliz- ed.' We know that the “precession of thr, cquinoxes" greatly changes the eli- mate of certain portions of our planet, but that is an extremely slow movement r‘.‘.:|'r.nn --- r- ‘I l vinity by for to-da truth, in power, th an'ento h name as other books. and cannot be. In his own heart its credentials havebeen written in living characten, which he cannot misinterpret. And the study of it will probably soon become a close book, and the Christian lite will go out in darkness. When the Bible cease. to he a delight. there in something wrong either with the reader or with his method; and u change should be made at once. If the life is at fault. there can he no re- turn of Bible-relish until sin be put away. If the method he to blame, we nhould change it. Sometimes men are so '; busy finding out the correlation of Bib. Wal facts that they {ail to catch the! hurk'd RWWH‘SI. riches macs-Inn EEL. .a. trance be Wiles That Women Work. book- that today passages and: I hold upon our race. And we believe its study is moot intimately sounded with tho upward progress of man. To some the book comes with no credentials and they feel free to deal with it precisely "they would deal with any other book; with results, unfortunately. that do not tend to recommend this, method of study. To the Christian, however, this book is not name as other books. and cannot be. In "ring more than twenty-live thous- ycars to complete an entire, cycle. in the Northern Hemisphere 3 most nge variation in the climatic condi- l of a considerable portion of the his surface has of late occurred, in. ing a complete reversal of the or- ry state of affairs. ‘ r instance, during the intensely cold bvr of the past winter in Southern i'" and North Africa, the thermome, u Iceland registered as much as be- n fifty and sixty degrees higher in the Province of Venice; uni in ity of Venice itself it was impossi- or a tim" to perform any funerals, 4- canals were frozen hard, and gon- could not he rowed to the come- And in Constantine, an inland in North Africa. many of the palms uther crulrtroirical trees were appar- killed by the frost. while the snow , had fallen there was described as 4t been nearly a yard deep. This, wr, was probably an exaggeration. mm the Rivit-rn, that region of sun .....l..l -- _ _ Al V ‘ An ttrm We. There is no other book that bps such I message for man as the book we all the Bible. There is no other book that has been so violently attacked. and so nvagely criticized; and than is no other book that to-day possesses such I hold upon our race. And we believe its studv ”unwary” u: HIP Bong tiow into our tls in all its uplifting power of hear. stery. The God of all the ages has message for us in this Bible of ours; I if we will but sit silent aid "vex-ant ugh. that message will prove its di- ity by its power. This is the message tr-I.... --9 .. . _ depart from evil is understanding, and we pray that this heavenly wisdom may abound in us more and more, to the glory of Thy name. Ann. 0, God, we pay Thee to enrich In with that knowledge which Inh- Thy children wise-wird unto ninth. through faith that is in Christ Jenn May we see our guilt and the Mt, of the atonement by which alone it can be removed. We may feel our sinful- nesa. and our need of Thy truth, 1nd of the indwelhng of Thy Holy Spirit that we may he renewed in the spirit of our mind. May we grow day by day in such experiences. We confess, O God. that the fear of Thee in wisdom. and that to y try its power. This is the m to-day and all days, the im I. instinct with neo-regene r, the mighty message upon In hangs the rtdemptiori of let us listen to its void. Rlbkopen, and try to an"?! rt for the hearing.-LLuiii . ‘- "a-aaa-il- (i"iiiiii,if') A Demonliud Plant (Hy I Bunker.) man m a nearly a yard d as probably an ex: P, Riviera, that reg warth, too, it wa: old and inclement 'uoms were all In Scotland i now has falls i, although Bot', two hum of the Arch described In delightful, " F“, -t%Faq"" . through that tttone can ' Wired to the glory. tt Early the end of June, Us were almost a neces- ~'cotland it is recorded \' has fallen on sane of although at the same n Jill iiiiiiiiiiit Prayer. again approach. of being: a land My groves, of nowerbedeci-ed of lovely fern. , once more to , ice. every liv. her dream and for In enochJ :netimes men are so [ correlation of Bib. , N, to catch the M mexnge. We do for an epoeh an iiLtiGiii.' T stem of a which was 19mm» Hr., it. It runs us}: More to ”our. s at times I. And in of June, pat immortal tlie been ther. fifty rating whose our “all. - ' F-r"'"..-."- I'"""" tools tad supplies of Bil lofts, borne by tho explorers and their not!" port they entered upon river after river"; in, Ind with endless tail undo their Pd up etch broken, rock-strewn lur- an. . "-""e" -- -....... a-.." I The others were s geologist, an expert nlpinist engineer, n mountein guide and I preserver of specimens. ' They entered Asis by the Treason:- pinn Railway to Tashkent, end thence went by rough journey over the Central Asian steppes. by tarsntese to the chore of Inky Kul. There their real, struggles began. There lsy before them, In the slmost impenetrable “unease: of the mountains, s complete 'a,t'te sounder; near 2t hub of which I they long t. 8.51:; out round the "the' with le? betcha}! thie_ plntee, nminorridgoot ouddgnndthntoll the glacier: flow from . common field of - and ice It the foot of a re- marknble ridge known on the Marble Well. It was in June, 1902,\thnt Dr. Men- becher, after yarn of preparation in mountain climbing in other port. of the world. not out with four other Euro- peans, all experts in the work they were now to carry on, to decide the actual location end importance of 'rrl'lbrt,'illlrt) 'I'L- Ant--- ---, " . . _ 7...--.“ nun-nu. . ' I So far can iid";';')'; be seen, one! The Union In Strength. l, landing an the moat remarkable feature! To the Editor of the New York Sun: of the whole Thut-Shan range, that Bir,--Having been under the care ol nothing would appear more simple than doctors lately, I am told that if I wish to locate it, at least with regard to the to keep in good health I must follow general mass. Let, on the contrary, these instructions: say- the Youth'a Companion, when Dr. 'Eat only a. light breakfast”; alao, Gottfried Merzbacher set out in the "Breakfast should be the beat meal of opting of l902 to continue in that region the day." the explorations begun by the great! "Ron or walk two miles before break. Ruuian, Semenoff, he spent two faintest”; also, "Never attempt-to do any- years in the immediate vicinity o f thelthing on an empty stomach." Peak. often arousing ranges within el "Take a cold bath the first thing in miles of it, photographing it with I teu, the morning"; nleo, "Remember the photo lone " a diatance of five miles.'ahock to the system of suddenly enter- and scaling glacier after glacier which ing heat or cold in very injurious.” seemed to lead directly to it before he "Never use a pillow"; alao, “The moot Muted that it does not, after all, refreshing sleep ia obtained when the stand in the oentre of the chain. but on head is elevated.' a minor ridge at one lid.» and tut.tl.1 "Do not get into the habit of sleeping the glacier: flow from a common field in the daytime"; also, “Always teke a of snow and ice " the foot of a re- 'H, in the afternoon." markable ridge known as the Marble "Eat only at meal times”; also, “Eat Wall. whenever you feel hungry.” It In in June, 1902,itat Dr. Mera. "Get up at 5 o’dock every morning'", l bacher, after years of preparetionin auo. “Sleen "nhil "s-..a..cc, . - "o-bo.. ‘II_LI_‘ s, _A% . e _-_--.u5 u: very point of the campus. Above them glacier: stand peaks 21yt in gran- eur the most meetic of t e Binm. layalj. And above them all, somewhere about the point from which the greater glaciers seem to flow, a. if it were itself the fountain and origin of them All, Itands the snow-clad summit of Khenw Team, I majestic pyramid. 1 ' "- - -. . Khan-Team Almost in the centre of Ash, border of Asiatic Rania and tl on Chinese Empire, stand tht tthan Mountains'. From the It them flow out almost countles- which form rivers reaching b point of the compass. Above 51nd”: stand peaks rimming i eur the moat "mu“. -0 A - "AU u” pagtieipanu Inl Mute duel are dead wtt W95“! chief second -- __ ___ - Us] " M ot tutltr umm: the ma Warrt. "Br the “no they had can. to the dun-u had 5.... do... I 2t'etprnit' been normed m n ...- wu In "Jim condition no such o time. I don't think it had its oounterport during the remainder on the wor. "Marmnduko'l attitude widened tho branch. Walker remained obdunto. Than come the climax. l "Mtrmaduke chalknwd Walker. The lat- ter named Tho Affair won known only a o few. The meeting took pine. “moot within sight ot the holding. "Mmduke WI. on expert marksman. Ho kilbd " ndvorlary the first ahot. Think d ouch a thin; at ouch n time! "Mm“ and " second: wan prompt- tr melted. Only tor Walker? umpulu- by Marmaduke would nova been oourtdnu- tigiied. Through the iniluonco ot cinchi- Iich in authority the um: no dropped. but it took time to more the Army to dil- dpline. And when the time can the - had "etured ndvmum which won mum mined throughout. _ "The Richmond Gunman won charged with indifference to the situation beyond Itti ‘IIIIIQIW. " Watt due var in...» .- ac, _ "__ ""-N......m. m Nut": m. Falling In um Humid“. nu " migration wu "any. "This VI: m tutors-ling condition " ouch a time. I don't think it had It: oounlerpnn att,,riey. -ttyt_trt.rtaimsor on the war. --H_- -.- uwy- u- Oho Mutton. tor that to, Marmaduke, my duct or Walker, Intern te, 'txitstittq _condmou - ,*_._â€"_v -vlll I“ GIVE W I for Mon. Whiter retuqed to ( -. a he “In. it w“ unmim Inverter ottteer to receive A verb from In Merlot. Durand“. r not“ to writing and In: It, an: “and. RUG; “cm- cumulus rm: {1&qu “When I mod Ark-m- u. nee men van Mono Hunt. for the purpose ot unsung It matt the any. It van 1 stru- "ittgroaitionatttrottrnd unnotnecco- le.'..','. a: 1132 dttfiU. or 3)), Jury. The 8?r.t0rtttot-eetttoe_ViiG " urine. at I am. when not]: was month]. The” an we" Sun-Ill. Moo, [manure wan-r. Home. an M. Pris. I... m Mot of in t lib-our! troops. Wake ste but teuetut. in“; y. a want. "on“ In lama in ortiiariir-FGiii Jl,tLtP'"tutbtarwtt.tt"tt_as.euGtir' M Task of me centre of Ask, on the ntic Russia and the west- Impire, stand the Tian- ns. From the midst of ', almost countless glacial, rivers reaching to very Minn-Ia AK .. 'oops M been rescued trom or that b what. It amounted 9: mun; under the con- ',,si.etryttt1 yew- aw» among ma ttsera-td id'Ttiii yuan“ Imen JVslker'. y and can. to their sense. bun Bono. The Sonar. “and to man, (ll-cl. “new, kWh. I In“ t run-snug Loam; the L _ ,_V___ -"'"'"_. England“. reduced m. with tie ' my may; Gi; the leads-- In 9.. Walker-Mu. glam!“ o! ' um Em} x. I have nature I To the Editor of the New York Sun: , that Bir,--Having been under the can of r than doctors lately, I am told that if I wish ',0 the to keep in good health I must follow trtuy, these instructions: n Dr. 'Eat only a. light breakfast”; the, I the "Breakfast should be the beat meal of won the day." irhiiii,l "Ron or walk two miles before break. , militant”; also, "Never attempt-to do my- f telthey,r, on an empty stomach." Wilhel- tati I Wire Precaution. Little Ethel -r",Matnnur, don't people ever get punished for telling the truth?” Nahuni--"No, dear; wh do you uh” Littl- Jrthel---"'auue {but Ought the lat three tarta in the ruby, and I thought I'd better tell you. “-0.!“ Plain Dealer. “Indeed, you shall not kin me, Ambit) Feathertdp," indignaJtly exclaimed the young girl, "pulsing hm with a haughty gesture. . “Why not t" he demand-1d. “Because Fou--tru haven’t tsuveatc- Chieago Tribune. When' ajiiiri than the use? also, “Sléep 7mm] Tii; meter how late it is." That war. though emetimee inevitable, in elven en evil. few will deny. tt myone doubt: it he will probably be converted by the sight of tho field utter Mule, of e hoa- nitel full at wounded. or of e country revu- ed by an invader. That the War pusion ex- pele the mother passion. in e _ abun- dantly ventured by the Inhale of the com- mune: and the stock exoheuce. All the churches prey for peace. though some or ‘them. the State churches specially. do not patronize the object at their prayers. That the citizens ot A free country should 'tll trained to nun. end capebie at akin; out in it: defence in can of need u very well. But the cultivetion of the wet peuion in the minds of children, than filling the vein. ot the nation with it end increuing the nation- al proclivity to war. which seem. not to be coming into vogue. in turelr not " well. Dillard'- Liniment‘CIprel Colds, - ”n .""-'"'. v"... um manor. wno in police court missionary for tho British Women'. Tempcnnoe Association, until ah. wu uneven to (11ko we work. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Girl-Preacher’s Converts Frances Bradley Sm, the Beholder girl- (preacher, who in twelve you: ot use. ha "tready preached In mu, town: to congre- gations varying from 1,000 to 1.500, and her mmedhte future engagement: on u Brad- ford, Wakefield. Huddertsttot, Furuno, 1nd town: in Durham, Lotrsertortrttire, And Not- Human”. She wrku out her sermon: In full. but no. Into the puplt with u bastard con- taining the principal heads. Hunting to her memory to till in the details. Show“ nonwhm every Sunday night. or ur- mm but from twenty-two to forty minutes. and convert: mun from each Denice. She camnenced preaching of her own {no Trio-in tact. pleaded with her mother. who tn Miln- --. _-_A-____ " ‘- Removes MI herd, soft or canon-ad lump. ind blemishes from homes, blood ipavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, swnney, still“, apnlns, sore sud swollen throat, no ha, etc. Save 850 by use of one bottle. El,': ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Bold by druggiltl. . ,,____ "y “ILVV llusscu, as the statute provided. On his release the sugar baker, with grim humor, brought' an action against the Lord May. or, and recovered "moml _and intellec- tual damages" for being deprived of his flogging'. This episode ilustrntes the genial relations between capital and la- bor ha the brave old dayis.---Weatmisuter Gazette. t I The Lord Mayor's barge is being brok- [en up for firewood at Deptford." The l first Lord Mayor to deviate from the customary procession by water from Westminster Hall was Alderman Wood, in 1816, and superstitious people thought this wicked innovation was the can" of a curious disaster that befell him. During his term of office Wood committed a. journeyman sugar baker to jail for leaving his employment in a. dispute about wages. But he forgot to specif that the prisoner should be also n1ti'l'l7, as the statute provided. On his release the sugar baker, with grim humor, hrnisnht n.- ..a,q.', --_- , ' .. - - if ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Mind's Liniment Cures Diatemper. I The next spring saw them tireless in 1 their endeavors, again attem ting some of the same glaciers which had turned them back the year previous, and It last. toward the end of that season, two of them, abandoning their porters at an elevation of about 15,000 feet and pubs- ing on alone up the Inilehek Ghder, suddenly found themselves, at an ele. vation of nearly 20,000 feet, directly at tho foot of the long-sought Khan-Teil, which rose 4.000 feet higher, unacalable above the icy river. Pray for Peace; Exalt War, mung.“ down rocky wsul ind mutated ice Inn"etr, Mt that they doubted their ability to get out by the my they had enter“? the mountain]. !,'.t.,t?feft,tomomtunt-thm. mile. could)» caved in. by. On one Afternoon, yhile the! were Ill-kink Maiden1r Iteaerve. t til "-d ...v.-u‘ i :1. A: "th..yfughry rested, no Deprived of Big Flogging. Ier one: glacier led them up- " elevation of 15,000 to 18,000 tly, to confront them " last with rock well which could not be Yet every now and then the tan- r peak appeared to the right or dead ahead of them. Meanwhile r store. were used they filled Ja with fossils and other oped- Their photographic plates be. nu-l..-LI- __ . - Mayor's barge is being brvk- firewood at Deptford." The Mayor to deviate from the procession by water from disagree-oh, but 'aletudinnriua. etc ONTARIO To make his 2,000 acre 1 hiryland for his bride, d pumped the Raritan Riv. erville, N.J., and Ito ped t of the woolen mills time. 4% Compounded Quarterly wore mred, and with a band plnying 'h'he British Grenadiers" the party mer- rily bowled along at twelve miles an hour, flowers were scattered by the fu- nenl party as they proceeded rapidly on theri way, to the great delight' of the children en route. A Human never makes a melancholy party at a funeral, but this is the first time in the history of Rangoon that electric cars have been hired for a. funeral nmnpuinn _n..--- hired for a. funeral prodiiiiGVci;7i"i Daily News. ( mm BUILDING. T0ttqtm, m-dl-Mo, 'amttt.tttttt NO 1JSS.t! (ll'eSt Electric Cars for a Funeral. A wealthy Burmese lady having died on April 3 in Rangoon, her relatives de cided to have her body conveyed to the cemetery by electric tram. Six can Tyr fined, and with a band nllvina t.yida,e4kai.TliiiiU"i"iri; tab-d”. Nvtsatterhowa,tag 1lermt ,icii."i'ih'"C','l'lu'1'L'h'le: f,etri.tyue.t.ihiiiTGiriTaTi thewidGalkjrrriTiid. Outbound _EieesiiUr.. IL MEI" 'g!! ist 1tt1fttrPe.hik [In quaint old Quebec, whose winding streets and frowning battlements are pervaded with the atmosphere of depart- ed centuries. Here is the spot where the refined luxury of the Old World first touched the barbaric wilderness of the new. A delightful way to reach this most interesting city is via the Richelieu * Ontario Navigation Co. Ask your nearest ticket agent, or write H. Foster Chaffee, A. G. P. A., Toronto, Canadl. an» " aii'iiraii, Hg." _ meg-“hm 'i,7t'd11l'ed'll'. , Slowly and painfully but surer humanity is typplanting greed and ur. barlsm in dealing with the rising genera- tion. Poverty is no longer regarded sufficient excuse for robbing childhood J its rights; even the poorest boys and girls must have their chance to play and grow Ind learn unlmmpered by arduous toil. In this way we shall have better men and Women in the near future and less of sin and shame, disease and drunk- enness. Righteousness makes it manda- tory for the strong to fight the battle of the weak.-1roy, N. Y., Press. r a"iiri'Chr,','l 'fl'l'ldQ 1'lt,"l'J'd'lI "(in the My! life, fwh. 'dltt.r,t.tty.tvreuc' m Sm b, k i-esthedeaire to panic. 1r,ttmttrtdtu1i.iteGaGT. On “Easy Jtrcet" hwy 'tttty' Talks an.. . bro-uh At iiitT-iiinii,,," til;rltil'l.'uctutttctitgi, thmu the sam% "Whiakem" Wu I word {omen-1y used to designate the hair on the upper up. t I il iftMTIt (llff t I 0 Scott more than omen-peaks of “this- AND RETURN kers on the up r lip, and so does De f foe in "Rommel: Crusoe." Johnson de. I From Sunnis-Ion In“... “I..." fined s. "whisker" as "the heir growing l "N, trim LOMIII Vllloy I. R. on the upper lip or cheek unshsven; a r Au at 9th, 30th and Be t 6th Tick- "nusttxehio." It seems to have taken its eta 3d 15 days. , Allow pstopover at name from B fefiel fesemblsnce to " Philadelphia on going and return tri . small brush, to thet', ”We? motbtV For tickets and further information c151 Ing to sweep, and. tl whiske heving on or write Robt. B. Lewis Passenger been a. particular kind of feather brush-L Agent " King Street East Toronto l also, in the slang of a former time, s Ont. ' ' F) switch or rod. In the seventeenth cen- , ="-"lT.riieret------- tury a "whisker" signified among other . -'z--.---r-rcc-F==-=-T-='= things a brazen lie, 3, "whopper." l Forum Trade in UNIUV- Banking by Mail Should Give Aid to fhrkieFGeri AN HISTORICAL CITY. ammonia [will There I! TORONTO What Whiskers Once Hunt. 't'uié mum 'eiiruryed Tek help. kt . an FifiFiiiii REGIITIIIO‘ the Weak. at Lori Ea%Cii,si' alcohol. He urged k. a the mention page," 01 “on“ dcohol entirely and " had (aha it in an"; "Ila! dt-d with 0mm - 'A-J '_I_n,. - ,_V_,. --- ..._ - .. - etiological Society Mr Jame- CH! - " Intern-non has the lad then atom-had the dune ttttter them up: of the eighty-t a on l no: for '. gnu gave and on she stock Oft the crumbs as "Glad I met you,' you your sled And Ibo pointed tt Back to Lapland , "a 3"“ w "or Km. "and I met you." In. and. "Gun 1 a: you your oled?" And qho pointed the my down the Btreet. Buck tothllnd he went, Indeed. he I“ an l And he culkuy and u be and. "Of all the bold mines! any. sharp as tho lynxou! The lune"; not worth the candle. I'll max" Which he did. -Ptoest the than Bohemia. -_._-. . And right here the real Lalo won I]. give one coy look. tad the took. And the moo thought his wooing 'iEM'WTrWT-r"'"'" .u-srluc. at nut the ’~!~ low crowned, with I wide bor. f der, but little by little it got higher and _}higher, until it became the hat every . one knows. The hat was of long, hairy ’felt, what hattem called “castor fran. caise," and it had a lining of grayish green silk. Napoleon wore his hats for a long time and sent them to be repaired main and “mun TN.,, " - -. a upunaer bold tell In love I Am told mu: . maiden who lived neu- the Pole. Their engagement to bellow, he made he a “How . 01mm (Ind went In the hole. lot there “How's expensive, and trade not extensive. Though some any the allow he stole). Sud In. "Oh. be mine! And thin um". a. A launder bold felt In love With I maiden who lived no." Their engagement to ttallow, h allow 01mm (Ind went In the In there ullow'n exocnnlvn n v ,,,_ .,-.-. - bV "e, again and agaitt.--ryom P. T. o, memo: may Ind yellow sad nice. ium for the wick Ibo "id, "No, I you gave and I lock. That I: 14m." an she took 'garment in Which He Mad e Sort of I Superstitions Reverence. l At the 13 Vcnoemnrre Napoleon VII in such a state of poverty taut his clothes Were all torn and he did not own A sword. He had to borrow one, and the day following his success he had to get I quantity of cloth from the State to have a. suitable uniform made. From this moment, however, he paid great atten- tion to his toilet, and took I. certain pride in richly _dt'corutted clothes. than!" Uni'ted sua. - ,..-.. (W W mu place, sup- plying $2,750,000, or 18 per cent. The next, in order as named. are France, 82,- 100,000; United States, $1,600,000; Ar. gentina $1,500,000 and Italy $1,400gy00. The half year’s exports amounted to $20,000,000. Frame took $5,000,000, Bel. gium $3,000,000, Germany $3,000,000, Ar- gentina, $2,800,000 and Brazil $1,800,000. Only $750,000 worth was taken by the Unity! mu... - unfa- Vgulutor for baby. Prevents colic and ytiting--gives healthful rut "--fntret' diarrhea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. " 2K..-ett drug-stores. Cures '3t"'dlflg5.t Sat: . " t Diarrhoea "ll2'diid 1 Foreign Trade in Uruguy. I Figure. of the foreign trade of Uru. guay for the first half of 1906, jun tlt- aued, and the first tmde statistics that have appeared of that Fear, show a de- muee in Great Britain's trade with that country. Imports total $17,000,000, of which Great Britain supplied $4,600,000, or 27 per cent. Her previous percentages were 30 to 33. (My has risen from four or fifth place to second place, sup- plying $2,750,000, or 18 per cent. It"'; next, in order as named. are France, $2; I lmnm- nun-) AHA -. --‘ - H *-"“W nave Been this impr ovement B long time. '"htt you they brought s,- too hog: to the exposition Ind many other: were sent. back for luck of space. This in 1 larger exhibit of hogs than n all other Stnte hire together. With those in: rovements the Iowa tltate ox- hibit Gf be kept not only " the head of the list, but far in the lead of all others. x m‘ Tina.' a g. IA-IAA_ an, - In!!! An liked It. _she"ueo-ii ""'- I" "on one mt a; “W Ito-pin; alcohol In “m. NAPOLEON’S OLD COAT, " Nursesi and Mathers’ Treasure a we ml tale In. begun, cor look. tad the out". - Ways of Women. the has tad lhl It. the an" be note). mine! And this cmdlo In she -- - - Pr'""-'-. Peer Stuh.titriiirG , took to Tearfnrttu, nd the hat which, a mu, has been decreed Eugenie. At first the I tttttttttr ”may " “thy-four month-a an “I! ' For and. and I In]. 're; an! (my. H. um gel-lug - the aiii th this old cont. In to tit. Helena, I his eompanions Nkpéleon became “that (not - - u.“ "I Mn n. qmun th " to PB. pu mm- Al 1 hi] I‘ (In uni- "---..._ an Act”. , - “Wevhad received a large shipment of _ paper of extra heavy weight, and none of the men employed by the firm leaned able to handle the bundles. Of courae we should have had a freight elevator, but we had none. Well, about the time I had given up hopes of getting the paper up to the third floor A negro can. shufflinir down the street {laying a har. monica. He inquired if wanted any one to do a day's work, and Mid he was a ltodenrrier', but wee willing to do anything for a dollar. I thought" of the ( paper and tite third floor Proposition l and engaged him. "Well, sir, he took to it like children to randy. Maybe he didn't shame the lreet of the negroes around the plant! In _ lesa than no time he had the paper "or. ‘ed away, and the work didn't aeem to effect him in the least. The malt ya. that he get a steady place and we. dub. bed the Heavyweight Nigger. The fellow noted every ounce of it on hie head."....- Ptom the New Orleana TiraeptL,UC, It's a. good whom 'our bragging for you h. 2tttettstuyrra. “all.“ We "oil from 'aria" Want Grocers and All Other Users Everywhere b and!“ they Are fully the“ with EDDY’S 1 l "Ever take notice how much strength snegrohuinhi- headr'Iaidcm who is always looking out for nun-ml things. "Well, I had ample opportunity to test I. certain negro's head marrying Wty while I wag in charge of I lugs printing atlblilhment in Texan, "We had received I Urge shipment of ”r nf orb-- 5...... - ' . V 1390f he Gentlemen,---rn June, '98, I had my hand and wrist. bitten and by mn- fled by e vicious horse. I suffe great- y for levenl days, and the tooth cute refused to heal until your t give me I. bottle of MINARD’B 1l'rfih'dhG,' which I beg-n using. The effect was magical; in five hours the pain had ceased and in two weeks the wounds had completely healed and my hand And Arm were as well as ever. You: trill" _ Honk-d Mn hung!» The 13:91.43 People 5:5 hummer uni snip. tgi,t/2fii [mi-H}; 9.er.eorkGaiGt n'nsti min. m. wind. min L'h um. Moo-sha- as... they're made better. and of Inner material. Wrtte as and loam About ROOFING R IG H T. Addre- - A Paul-omen Minard'a Liniment Oo,. Limited An idea of the uncut bo which the nu: prevails my be gathered from re- port. given in the Rani-n IT/aT, of n recent accident which oocurr at . flue called Troeeno. Ether is drunk by lumen on festive melons, when it Ip- peers to be consumed in pailfull. A far- mer celeb-ting his son’s wedding in the fullness of his hospitality got in two polls of ether. During the ocean of de. muting the ether into bota- n violent explosion took piece, by which six chil- dren were killed and one edult was dan- geroluly end fourteen others more or less severely ir0ured.--From the Family 1 Doctor. as: one no“. cum in mm _ . " t.ot'i'gi' “an"... - Cttf 3-. mum-d a. a. """'l'""eV healed and my hand and rm were as well as ever. You. truly, A. ll ROY, Carriage Maker. St. Antoine, P. Q. The habit of ether drinking in extreme- ly prevalent in some parts of Run-h, u of But Prussia, 1nd all the “for!" of the authorities to combat the evil have hitherto been Almost (with... "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SH INGLES -- 3"- ._ "Iv-t- II hundncd. Thit'. n 30f illMtttl8rm “an". Ihwmorlmhrm MIMI-Cam“ PADS BU Useful Strong and, Ether a Putin W in luck. FLY 3.3:: the Runnable Caution. (Montreal Herald.) WILSON'S ’c' -""t"'""" or heavy tight, and none [use at! wad a“; "gger. The fellow t on hi. head."..., rirnerneiGGt. to let othem do tt I wanted my ork, Ind Ilid he Wu willing to do I thought" of the _,'Po'V."", as! I E WI”. iairiL Londo- “any. etc-chm "M“M‘8¢=mhmm- ”or. a. il t 1 . wife. mm“ utt"riiiilFi' can a a... unto-go Neva: he pmprietot d . {Inner resort hotel lad Martina tor . clerk. "Are you good " figured" he lur- "/1.ei:t?iririGyoTi2'i'u'. “1 “Our- be beat hr wear-L7,” "plied the :pplimnt. "hut I hunt admit that Pm I little slow." "Oh, that doesn't utter.” replied the bou. “he time con-ma in any out the bill is inch“ therein, yu- know." thieago sud. Inner [can ho: clerk. Lurgs1tu ,_ - a... Only a law y dvitieed and vet thy pa‘oplc could to. elected L Wu, ar very different no: from th mm of modem up. The what tion bu disappeared an utterly u buy myrindo who once Populated who and solitude. of Matiai-.i the Singapon hoe PM. ITO... t . - . mean " we. “isn't.” or ii5 my. teeequ a... h on. 2:": m LII y, am-tiii' but; """"_-..7c7." PttDetesrneruai. 0L3--- ‘. ,__.....'uuuou-u: in.“ wen it not for the inuhtibly destructive " feet of phat life on the strongest wall. thart man an id“ The great mrtery about halo-(him load one which must ever be insoluble in t'Nt.t,t,ethepetrGia"iii'i7au". ed amniotic: of that «may cow: The mighty walls ka-ng ru- hyrinthétn"iotUii .ryettudtrm. glen, remain u the memorial of a not empire which bu utterly disappeared Ind it altogether lost to history. No one will ever know who planned this gi- guth templo or whst 2m: hounded ‘on hi. myriad. of poop to build up those Immense blocks of stone and cover them with the most elaborate of unip- tum. Angkor-Wu who one of the moat “tarnishing monuments in the World. And this forgot-ten temple we: built a I. to rtdtms a. bun n tha - ss, .- aim-nu I tttmahttte do. not our. child-nu ”lung. There II n constitution-J a an mm. In. M. Inn-en. Bo: Winn-dc. on" can an in. to any he cum-ml homo man, nrt Mutation. Send no my but VI (0-day it your children trouble you w”. Don't Mum the child. tho TL 'Utrit Jam.- JSa/"gtitt, In” dImcunlu by k'UW'fL'd.' in hanHlingalnodern navyh thawar with Rue-la in that they are equally ad. apted to handling a merchant marine In competition with the world. Their ape- cial advantage. on the Pacific we con- spicuoua, and they are not a people to neglect the advantage. which nature In. given to them. Other countriaa may ex- dude Japan” immigrants, but on the high lean they nan-t expect to meet Jap- aneae competition that may be all the fiereer because of the land barriers being erected ninja“ the Japaneae laborer.-: Bprtttgttet Mal... Republican. l Japan... at Hon. on the in. The Juli-nae are tutu-II action and they "an: on the lens become the - economic resources of their coun- try and their insular Ind contracted F gnphiod position make the m tat pirghright. The lawn of their lumen BETTER THAN SPANKING oricu’n [noun-ed an». m My In fig iron, while actually took and use: quantities of cotton, wool. and linen WI. Ennis, Fume, Italy and out" Euro- pa: countries and: bought non. Bub sandal lncreuu oeeurmd with My, Egypt, aa. and Japan. A tr',,Sgt,','2 tnde Ibo took place with the p on?“ South Anal-tau Bepublicu, the er bail. was. Email. adit and Uru- ahe London Rouo-ht up on b the quarter ended luck " the United State- In. for one. Gust Brim-'0 best customer, tho "In. a British apart: thither mil. to 1'h'd,'euttl"t t61,6tttW0 lent to Gunny. I. mull tint. The hero-cu were u.- ['ll't(lG'l'l my» www.199- ISSUE NO. 88, 1907. The “in" of In. {AB}: Th_t hunt. 'riihUiiauWGF" -_ -ee ---__ no mlLu-n-ImhaqunHm [can Spun Cum 3'."- Lost Race of {ado-CHM. Ointment” ren "WM. you In um "ttrCyyid, “I. chino“ M19 7w "bin? :17; The Aa Tii] utterly u the “9th the MW.|, "to he [or “A! it Afton Mot had decl 'mder potme', h been "Treo “Even the night I h the intention to lt: morning. llu- Frr ed that the fleet Dentin». and that i bead In impmiuu fa .14 'et be em rem alrle I hetmediate of the town Ior's pom In! hither-L Within the A It umn l temo mature Hi! i- inter, pm: We u " In n Prttor mum 'ttttttr Ind them ta um that “ht with. aqua“: who kl think Ct which L homo- b H tri I "k th " ttm an tril idr rin Id rr win hes, the ch, tis Cu ll " Mo be” can” gr. not anti fl tire thr (lam mid to t among . which " in “it titan-Hi con-st the I Report Fren 'teedle" Mun d

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