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Durham Review (1897), 15 Aug 1907, p. 7

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will!!! ITM 'ttwe "tST-i".'.'"'" STREETS FILLED WITH '.i.._,r.i.r,,"l"t.,",,",'t,_,1.,),e,,,,,, , DECOMPOSED BODIES y. “I II the United iuin'l but ah exports 36, against nun o! Sea. 3m try chi-Olly In t and: I!" um " "l-Zn-n the night before. in announc- in: the intention to occupy the town in alu- morning. the French appumtly be. oTved that the fleet would strive in the meantime. and that it would he able to law! an imposing tom and resistance mun! not be expected. "As it 'tfterwardn appeared. the Gov. q'rnur had declared, his WW to furrender posses- of the tmm. it MV- lng been represented to him that mist- It dos-nu according to tho itory told h" Hu- "orrotmdont that if the French had waited fur the other chips to inin the Galilee. and landed an im- “mine for" the slaughtn and "pine mum have been avoided. for he saw: "Fro-r aim the Gallilee'n arrival the rum. and other Ramona with large interrst " ntake. and with grout ktrowhWre of the people. had impressed mmn the French authorities the "W treme new-shy for avoiding any pre- mnmrp action with an ltrtmffiehot (are. Was It I Bugle? Thin view with some dimeuttr the French had been brought to accept. lt mu understood that nothing would bu done until more ships arrived and Wepet able to land enough men to 22 immediate and complete was of the town and replace the 00m norU polieirqt arrangements. which had hitherto been so successful in tho preservation of life and property from tho Aruba. The do" imulim th and any»: “I the humour”; inc hogan ed. " my!» hv Hw- our Fer-h had to Boil the posing fore, would have "Ever sin R.itah and intomt " knowtrRee ' mum the F treme not The cm that the learned. a let-mat ion there was taney in "nor had guard the manning and patrol but Englisl kept withi imleed. did to won" 1 After d 'f'mt Full cedintt inch "Mum-dis fired MM! lee. as if i for which lurimvs m' did the G hand. alum The dwnnfrh in "tmewhttt vague. but inn-lion that the anmnr‘s Mirna!" and appeal to the French mmnl to gm the bombardment stopped was temporarily '"rrren.Uttl. but the she"- ing began again for mums not stat- minntu stalling. lr, Loudop, Aug. tg.--a longand vivid de x-nptmu ot me Don-imminent at can “mm-a and associated mutant. in print. rd ": tlr: may Mun, whoa: correspond- my: “As .ipxureuuy the only Luglisu nexupaln-r “up there. lie nukes it clear “in! ts not surprising. that " Was (he 11mph“ residcius of we town, and not the trilsemtuen " ho committed the massa- rn- ot July al, who were the main sui- Ivh-rs' from the trattco-spanUh retribu- tin- lttt'ibmttrts. "ith the tiring of the Ittnt shut, the correspondent says, .linnurnor .tsulai Ania; authority van- i<hml. His «riding bolted with their nilm, leasing the town exposed to Lllet‘ and pillagv. in which the soldiers tltemwlves joined. They and the fierce triln-snu-n rushed hither and thither looting harm-.1 and shops. staggering un- der ttwir burdens of plunder. l-‘rmn the British Consulate. where‘ the e"rrenpondent stayed, were heard‘ afar the "hrieking and wailing of Jan who were bring heaters and mur- l dun] by Arabs. 'the increasing num- ber of this latter showed that. attract l ed by the sounds of the firing, the trilmnwn m'n' galloping into the town, to ttelm the dream of an Amb's life. to loot a town. The fierce bar, hurians. maddened with the lust of loot. were let lone upon the timid, helplriu and unarmed townspeople. Continuing. the writer says: "The horrors that occurred in that part of phe town which the French and Span- Uh rifles did not Cover will never be told I hope I never shall know them. I Mir from the hack of the Consulate Jen" being Mutt“ and shot and their- hon-m being emptied by the Arab-led l rail-Ma. I saw Mmrish women dragged 1 rutuealirqt from their houses. Purple ; who know best derlitte to speak or I think of the horrors of mpine ml which the town has suNeeted." cotirirtt.ation of the reporlm uh-ul of Mazagan. The Bouiudmt. lt, (“P.3d here from Tangier represent the situation as beie.g more alarming on the count and in the interior. Naid Sole, up administrator or custom; nt Baht, i, , lid to he openly preaching in holy In among Mttsnulntens as the result of which the French Consul has distributed mum to the Europeans. In addition, a fanatical priest named Maelnnin, " the head of a horde of lolloherr, is travel. ling through the littoral i'tnamug the anti-foreign sentiment. Murder, Pillage and Fire Raged in Casa Blanca After the Bombardment. ------------., French Newspapers Realize the Magnitude of the Job Before France. furvign sentiment. 1mm from lus say that the advits. n' the Sultan are terrified and have yet informed his Mujenty of the my of the situation. Up to ttuU Jig the Foreign Ulfice here haul an adopt, Aug. tg.--a long and ,mu ot we Dolnhurmucnl. a and assucimcd Incident: llr: 1Auty Man. whom an arm n were able: to niake. TN P mu Idiom-ml in twenty but the Cali!" began re Aug. 1:'-'epeeiat ampules m- nml wMia-ry take I mu " poor "silt Ieto make. Tho ilomwl in twenty gn Uffive here had no the reported bombard. in directed attninat tii 'reiiirciiiiuiitT, was demolished by the guns of the [French Sailors Guard Four Consuls in British Consulate. Tangier. Aug. P2.-ineh sailors are guarding the British Consul-tn at Case Blanca, where the Consular agents of the United states, Germany, Austria-Hua. gary and Sweden have oought refuge. The Italian and Portuguese Consuls are " the French Consulate. A minaret, tron which a heavy, unstained fire was Caid ,7 ._... . Im... nus yet OHI- vialiy considered the possibility of its being neessary to send a punitive expe- dition into the interior. Up to noon to-day the government had not received any official confirma- tion of the press reports of the bombard. ment of Magnum by the French cruiser Duehayla, but " regarded as probable that the bombardment occurred, as the Moon at Mazagan revoked against their c'...'" I A large portion of 'ruins. and it is feared '21! Casa Blanca will I , burst of fanaticism thm i though the 'tovernrnentl i my that no undue etter, far occurred at Fez or the interior. In addition M the F commanded by Admiral _ the spanish warships. wt Blanca. the mundrnn n rm“. Admiral Janregnilw armored cruisers Lt tit, Thonors and A1 t"Tporarily held o order to meet any e Neither Franee m Paris Aug. 12.--The official reports re. ceived her from Casa Blanca. on the West [coast of Min-now. practically confirm tho "tatvmenG {nude in the press des. tpatches regarding the bombaiaiment of the town um] in vicinity and the seems i which followed. but according to the lat. , wt which» "ttiet In” In“... ..‘,..__;J can crisis. lung ago threw off the yoke of ernment and lapsed into barba M. Pichon, the Foreign Mini, given up his vacation and main in the capital during the king MD AN INTERNATIONAL FAMILY. . Paris, Aug. I:'..---) more serious [iii),,",,':; are fully alive to-day t heavy task that confronts Frantic Spain in Morocco and all the pos his» of its bemminig greater. Tho Petite Republique says: l "The people of Europe face the l ma of either quitting Morocco or ing thenmlws respected by their methods. This is what France and .‘ are doing in the name of the rust Europe. for it is inadmissible that new should remain the only closed try in the world." The Journal calls attention t4 magnitude of the operations that have to be undertaken. this is the i ing of all the big Mtrrooean "Hum ..._ i""" nus ts' Regard-J as totally Inadequate for protwuuu. Many um- ilies are preparing to leave, being cun- nun-d that a "mam-ere is more than probable. A diplomat at 'luugicr n quoted as saying that it was a mistake tor France and Spain to act at Cam.- Blunca without previuusly taking prucau- lions for the “may ot threatem-d nt- tacks on Euronenns "f “mum... "J t A. ”A...” Lanuchu. Elcazar a keep nervous people. tiuual alarm. nonhuman: my Mean Death of Por. eignen in Morocco. London. Aug.12.-There is some anxi- ety lest tue bombardnmnt of Casa Ilium-a, instead oi proving a lesson to the Moon, should amuse anti-Uitristian {tannin-mm, leading to bloody remix-uh , and mausuvrvs of Lumpcuns, whose num- D t-.. A A _ g or“, scattered in the "varidus Moroccan {coast towns, are more considerable tnan {might be supposed. this \lcn' is strong: ly held in certain German circles, where the mutiny is probatny ttugeu, if not prompted, by utssatistaction with the ktovertttttettt a acquiescence in the trench measures. German C'ttauviiust, think they foresee in the free hand their liov. eminent has allowed France the begin- ning of French domination in Morocco unu loss ot Prestige, which it was Ger- man)": aim to secure at the Algecirus continence. Bombardment teetion, --»--‘ I" ll snfvty. Captain Cobb Hut only a few Arabs and it would serve them ml thereupon sent the Tho Trrespondet ing incident: An Captain Cobb, who years a resident of vited by the Briti the morn-inc “4'" lance would be futile. What sistanee actually offered was of some bungle or of individual a subordinate, or whether it l and that Mt men could be In ed, we nun-t wait to learn.' Tho correspondent tells t BLOODY REPRISALS FEARED. In Morocco and all the possibili its becominig greater. Petite Republique says: people of Eumpe face the dilem- either quitting Morocco or main" Outburst of Fanaticiam. - " --------5 l the watety ot threaten Europe-ems at Mug-nan, Eleazar and Fez, and n to the French squadron. by Admiral Philibort. as! nursi'ips. which are off Can squadron commanded in France’s Heavy mulberry. cunsisting of the prg Leon Hamlwtta, Dupet. ml Admiral Auhe, is being eld off Cape Spartel, in any emergency. wily nlive to-day triri, that confronts Franco and nor S'pain%c, yet offi le or of individual action by ', or whether it Way mudd- men could be safely resist. “Want! for his ue orncml reports re- m. Blanca, on the West. practically confirm The more serious news ondent tells the follow. An elderly American, who had been for many It of the town, mm in. British Consul early in prior to the French (en. this is the rig}? Moroccan trihe, who futile. )Vhother the rp, iqtn barbarian; l Id Fez, and these in n state of con- other )1“; Li; Iiiaible that Mar only closed 0mm Minister, ia, Job. nrruh-m-d at, gun n, Kn bat of the gov the dilem- " or mak- their own will re Motme, to the t m M own pro the result My resist Spain _ of [KIM Maclean Handed Ove i, {llamas Tribesmen. London, Aug. IE-The Q ttver :orre- spondent of the Times says the I orish officials there have reeeit ed s otter from the Governor of Tetuan ating that Kaid Sir Henry MacLean is no longer Itaisuli'g captive. The d.efs of the Khumns tribe demanded that he be handed over to them, and Raisuli con- sented. If this is true, the Kaid’s erent. ual release should be assured. in a head-on collision betwee trains on the Western & Atla road near here to-day. Fireman Suddeth. who eat: jumping. said that the colli caused by the failure of his t to read their orders. - , lull. ll "" In,” Mistake in Reading Orders Caused Col- ----- lision on Southern Road. f I Dalton.1(;n.. P'iri _li2rci.l),'y,, trainmen |Efforts Made for New were kil PI am t mm serious y injured, . in a hvalnn ('nllision between “night! Italiaut murderer. train: .." Hm uurhhr " . t _ Eloper a Horse Thief. Guelph, Ont", despateht There is now a warrant Issued [or the man lid, Mornbustlc. who, aceotmdingr to h'treetev, an English laborer. of Waterloo avenue, doped on Monday cunning with Mrs. Streeter, who heft. with her Jtusbund f'nur children. the eldest onl f 7 tca' J old. The - for um; is. not 1 .chal' in gunman with he way“ u, as the 'eatttatt'h “about! teiu. " io Cla, tbtl un. 3 hut is on a charge of _1o_rsrsteatin,r,,r. Mrs. I Sher-tn. having hired from Smith’s liv- ery at S u'clnck un \‘\'ulnesduy momin:s I a horse and rig, pickid llurnbasth- up on the outskirts of the city, and nothing, has been seen since of the outfit or of the runawnv 1min NO LONGER RAISULI’: ”leaped Pursuera in Auto-Man An- swered Description of Murder Sul- pect Wanted by Buffalo Police. St. Catharines despatch: A man giving his mime as Edward llurubugtb", of Guelph, was taken in charge this i orn- ing by the police. lie had been ot) ling a horse and buggy for sale for $20 'l "he I Power Glen Hotel. l he , tisoucu. H on- ised to remain at the hotel unc.' en- quiries could be made us to his story, and he was released. In a few minutes after he was joined by a wunmn, and the two jumped into the rig and disappeared. ‘An automobile was pressed into service ‘by the police and elmae made, but the couple doubled in some way and escaped. A few minutes after the chief received a telegram from the Chief of Police of Buffalo, asking him to watch for a man I wanted there on u charge of murder, and the description given aliswcrs that of the man who camped here. !' FLED FROM ST. CATHARINES WHEN QUESTIONED BY POLICE. - ,._..- nv- ' atrl silverwltre. '1 wo gold servhes among the selections emit $800,000 each. The King is occupying nearly the en- tire floor of one of the principal hotels, l mural apartments of which have been {given up to an exhibition of the jewels iand precious metal work which were brought here from London, Paris and elsewhere by dealer» expecting to It." iuo<t of the wares, and who were re. warded for their enterprise, as the King took about half of all that was offered to him. His Majesty has shown unusual in- terest in the despatehes in the newapa- pen referring to the delimitation of the frrntier of Siam and Cambodia, and re. evived with extreme consideration tho uewqmper representative who brought him intelligence on the subject and who arranged for a new"; service from the Siamese eapital during the King's so- jnnru in Gehtvany runaway pair FOUR TRAINMiIN KIiEDL I‘wrlin. Aug. 12c---King Chulangkorn I. will Have Berlin to-morrow for G'atwr1, where he will Ire the gt: at " tho Ger- man Emperor an-l Elupr u. itories cf the extravagance of Jul. Si” f we Kin: ct.ntinu" to excite all anus. h-rlin. lt " corcnidvred certain t hat he! " bong! I ”mummy Torth of diamond: and groil and silwrwarv. '1 wo gold Honda-s among th,. svlvetiong punt Minna} mun. GUELPH ELOPERS. EXTRAVAGANT EXPENDITURE or KING OF SIAM. His Majesty, Now on a Visit to Europe, has Purchased Jewels and P!ate Valued " About Three Million Dollars. Among the prisoners deported are many women and children. All are mudv to work upon the Henequin plan- tations. The change of climate from the high mountains of the north to the low, tropical lands of the South soon has a fatal effect upon most of n... “mum” or captured and during the last fi, nant of the once I the war against vigorously as ever, Mexico City, Mex., Aug. Ie., from tluayamaa announce Yaqui Indiana, prisoners, are way to the "hot huuia" of _ where they will be kept in aka the remainder of their livna Yr Five Cana Blanca ELI"!- of their duties, he bodyguard. LAVISH iiiiijiiott -'"-_. ""r" war. calm and order have been established. The military governor also required permission to go on board u ship' in the harbor, but was refused. lie fears for his personal safety, and although money has been scat from here to pay the troops at Cana Blanca and ensure'tho I rformd of H...:.. 7...“ - French ships " th room authorities. The latest new, Cm Blanca n" SLAVERY FOR 40t i Indiana, prisoners, are on their to the "hot huuia" of Yucatan, ' they will be kept in slavery for unaindcr of their lives. More than Yaquis have been killed in battle ptured and deported to Yucatan , the last five years, but the rent. A the once powerful tribe keep up 'ar against Federal authority as: inalu n.- .b..tw.r. "__. Hub.” Western & Atlantic Rail MYaqnthl ds of the South gong-inn; :1, upon most of the prisoners. s new: received here says that calm and _established. The mi I escaped by collision was his train crew the request of the Mo- Isure‘thoy riori- is unable . , scout s fur his periddii money has been pay the troops at. ma. ,--Adviees, that 400 Ottawa, Ont., special despatch says: Mr. Frank Keefer, of Port Arthus, coun- sel for Capcllie, the Italian sentenced to be hanged for the murder of a man near Parrv Sound last Christmas dav and reprieved until Aug. 15, left Ottawa to-day for Prince Edward Island, where 111-. will inter/view Mr. Justice Teetzel, a 2 trial Judge, in an effort to secure an a ler for a new trial. Mr. Keefer came to Ottawa yesterday to see the Minister of Justice and ask for the intervention of the Department in granting a reserve case or a further reprieve. Hon Mr. Aylesworth said that the matter was one for the trial Judge to deal with, and Mr. Keefer has now sought Justice Teet- zel, who is holidaying on the Atlantic cont. l, LIFE 0R DEATH, V,....---. " uln‘h I" Avhom Pohiee Conroy, of 1 Twent.vuweottd street station, from n mob of women and men teenth ntreet Tuesday night. at tmnpt to "haunt eleven-year- Jom). of No. all East Fourteen mu arraigned before Magistru in Yorkville Court. and held in for trial. mane! mush-r. sevmiteen years old, of No, i420 Emit Fltvent.v-eiehtj, street. where [she lives with her father and mother, walked into the German Hospital, at Seventy-seventh' street and Lexington avenue, yesterday afternoon. and said ithat on Tuesday morning she was at the Manhattan end of the Brooklvn Bridge. There she met two Italians. who indueed her to walk with them to the lower end of Mulberry street, exactly where she. could not remember. She said they forced her into a building and kept her there until two o'eloek yesterday after. noon, when she managed to escape. [ Paul Somernto. a Greek fruit ttlor.) whom Pals“ nun“. - .. __ Struggling on the narrow imn pereh Brown fought his captors for several minutes, but he weakened when hlmm landed On his heavy frame and he per. Hitted the police to drag him bark into the mom. Still showing resistance Brown was dragmi to the street and the crowd [man to gather. With the police form. i w, n protecting wall about him he was hurried into Hicks street and started at in fast paee to the station. Before the police ndmneed twenty feet. they were surrounded, but their whirling night sticks forced the crowd to slowly fall back. _ Suffering from shock and exhaustion. Isabel Knish-r. seventeen years old, of No. i 420 East Fleventvvtrrhsi, shunt __, I from I Police Captain Devaney and half n t dozen policemen from the Amity street f station. Brooklyn, had to fight their way I with drawn clubs in Hicks street, Brook. I 11yrthtydraiiiGiir' William Brown l twenty-nine years old, charged with at. t tin-king his seven-year-old niece. Helen Carden. Cries of the mother as she fol . lowed with a baby in her arms and her ' two small daughters clinging to her skirt I added to the excitement. 1 l While a large squad of policemen were ' trying to disperse the crowd which ga- _ thered around the police station, Cap. tain nevaney and several men inside had hard work keeping Mrs. Caden from at. tau-king her brother. With a butpin she lunged at him, but all the blows were worded off by the police. exeept one, which inflicted a cut about two inches long in Captain Devaney’s right thumb. Brown, who is employed on a tug, vis. itml his sister', home on the fourth floor of No. 131 Baltic sheet. While the mo- ther was absent at a story the alleged attack was committed and learning of it as she returned to her apartments Mm. Garden said nothing, but hurried to the Amity street station. As the police- men entered the room Brown bounded through a rear window and started to descend the fire-escape. but he hesitat- ed when he saw Policemen Murphynnd ' ‘liowlas climbing toward him. Before his , head had disappeared below the window. ( sill Captain Denney seized him and held l him while S'ergeant' Ahearn and Poliee. ' man Bowes scrambled out on the fire 1 legenpe landing to get a firmer grip on , inn. at avenue A and Sixty-seventh street. She lives with her sister, Mm. Sack- man, at No. 428 East ts'eveatieth street, and on Tuesday night heard the latter', seven-year-old daughter Louise tell of tuning been a proiwned by it man when. ever she left llome. Miss Kehoe told her to walk toward avenue A last night and said she would follow. The child did so, and near a vacant lot was accosted by Kucek, who took her by the hand. After waiting a few moments, Miss Kehoe sprang upon him and, catching him by the collar, screamed for help. Rucuk struck at her, knocking her down, but she regained her feet and again caught him in a tight hold. clinging to ‘him until her cries and those of children in the street brought Policeman Lehnne. Meantime u. crowd had gathered and Lehunu had to convey the impression that there had been only a quarrel lze- tween a man and his wife in order to prevent violence. l wnm- Pergezlm Ahearn and Police- n Bowes scrambled out on the fire Te landing to get a firmer grip on (Juggling on the narrow imn perch wn fought his captors for several Utes, but he weakened when blown led on his heavy frame and he per- ted the police to drag him bark into mom. Still showing resistance Brown l dragle to the street and M... an...) i the police yesterday and in several in. stances they again had to combat crowds who offered violence to the accused men without waiting to learn whether they were guilty or mnwent. l In one case in Brooklyn a. man was charged with attacking his amen-year- old niece, and after fighting the po- lice he had to rely upon them to save him from an angry mob. in another in} stance a young woman who saw an at- ‘tempted attack on a child captured the man and in spite of his blows and 'strut',- gles, held him until the police arrived. Nay Kehoe, a comely young woman of slight build, proved herself a heroine oi no mean quaint y by arresting John Hucek at avenue A and sin.-_m......n. _..m.m__s6 New York, Aug. 12.--More attacks on women and little girls were reported to Sister WOMAN SEIZES MAN & ACCOST A CHILD. ASSAULTS m er Accuses Brother-cum" Him With Attacking Ber Daughter, and Leads the Thong Which Threaten: His Life. mm elevetv.vear-old crad, all East Fourteenth street, I L_‘r ‘- . h a baby in her arms nnd iii. daughters clinging to her skin we excitement-. NTAR fore MagistrniQ Bram . and held in $300 bail day nightnftor nn at and way-what}: street. street and tllear3\\d rural men inside had drs. Caden from at. With a hutpin she all the blows were police. ex?ept one, TORONTO NEW YORK. Trial for the . End , roamed in of No. where Itur Three Blather: Suddenly Sink " Newton, New Jersey. Newton, N. J.. Aug. 12.---James John- son, aged 27, of Jersey City; Harriet Blinkard, aged l6. of Brooklyn, and Helen Bloomer, aged 18, also of Brook. lyn. guests at the Hunt Home, were drowned while bathing in the lake here. With n girl on either arm, Johnson was clinging to a raft moored near in shore, and in what wee supposed to be water reaching only to their waists. Suddenly one of the girl. screamed, and the three buthers sank together. Other lummer residents on shore were unable to afford aid. The bodies weieGlTvTeii.' Women Eligible for Membership in New Zealand Senate. Wellington, New Zealand, Aug. P?..--. The bill providing for the election ot a new upper House by the House of Representatives to-dny passed its com- mittee stage in the latter chamber. One of the clauses by which women electon are eligible to election as members of the upper House was adopted by 37 to 26 votes. The Premier and three Cab. inet Ministers who were present voted I ., ac, -I__, for the clause Mr. A. C. Macdoncll. M. P., Toronto, I made an eloquent reply to "Our Kingl and Country,” and Dr. Lat-linen! M. P. P., speaking on education. ad- vanced Berlin's claims for tt bilingual! Normal school. t l ms uxoeiiency Monsignor Sharrotti mponded to the toaat to Pope Pius X. He referred to the Freneh troubles as unholy combinations of the powers of darkness against the Christian kingdom and against the very founda- tion of all truth. "Their campaign will result in the destruction of their court. try and a. plunge into ruin and immoral. ity," said he. -- ”to C'"""""' u German in the sehools and college at Ber liln, and eommended the "good, thrifty honest German people" for perpetuating. the noble traditimw, of their forefathers' A banquet of the alumni and visitors held this, afternoon, was attended by 150 [meats and presided over by Rev, Jos. Smith, Irontown, Iowa. Among the guests were Archbishop Mmrretti, 1'iuperiotsGenerao Kaspryski. of Rome; Vicar-General “mun. Dundas.. Hon. Dr. Reaume, Hon. Adam Beck, Arch- deacon Loussie, Cayuga; Rev. J. Con. nelly. Guelph; Mr. A. C. Macdonell. M. P., Toronto, and about 80 prominent clergymen. His Exoeileney Monsignor FlbarrAti responded to the toast to Pope Pius X. He referred to the French tron-Mn- SEES -..‘ """'"'N Ul laying the earner- stone was a brief one, the granite slab being declared well laid by his lines]- lcncy the Apostolic Delegate. Hon. Dr. Resume congratulated Ber- lin on its beautieu and industries. and commended the reverend fathers and hue ulty on their work of furthering higher education. He mid that in a country like Canada. where there were so many varied interests. the one great essential was a spirit of tolerance and brother-l hood. He unmoved nt" “In hmnl-lm- A Berlin, Ont. despatch: To-dny‘s cere- monies, attendant upon the laying of the corner-stone of the new $40,006 uddition to M. Jerome's College, were attend by several thousand people. Among the visitors are registered fully a hundred members of the clergy. Pontificial High Mass was sung, the celebrant being Vicar-General lit-man, of Dundas, assisted by Rev. A. Apr-s, of Chicagv, and Rev. J. Bovian, of Kentucky. Those who attended at the throne were Archdeacon Imus-lie, of Cayuga, and t4uperiotsGeaterai "e pryxki, of Rome. THEY BROWN TOGETHER. Hon. Dr, ADDITION TO ST. JEROME’S COL- LEGE T0 COST 840,000. CORNER-STONE "'-- __ LAID AT BERLIN. The ceremony Bcside the railroad track on which the churned remains were found were picked up a clasp purse, tt pair of spectacle: and n curd bearing the name "F. A. Good. way," and the address “284 Carolina street, Buffalo, N.Y." It was thought bv the Lyndonville authorities that the murdered man might be F. A. Goodwny, of till! city. The local police last night ascertained that the murdered man, apparently, is. J. W. Scofield. He was an uncle of Mrs. F. A. Goodway, who resides at 284 Caro. Iina street, this city, and it was her call- ing card which was found at Lyndon, ville. Scofield, Mrs Goodwny stated last night, was a musician and travelled or- ganizing hands in small towns. He visit- od her here two weeks ago. He then had little money, and said he was going to tttttke his way down the Mate as best h,, eould. He took her card that he might have her address when he wrote to her. Mrs. Goodwav rpuiilnu mm. L..- A NEW UPPER HOUSE Buffalo, Aug. 9.--Chief of Police Bot. ( ton, of Lyndonville, Orleans County, last nigat notified police headquarters that a man had been murdered near that vit. Iago. Chief Bolton said that the man apparently had been murdered by trumps, and that to hide their crime the murderers had placed the body on a pile of railroad ties and set them ablaze. The remains are unrecognizable. Robbery u) believed to have been the motive of thel murder. [. Dr. Reaume’s Oratiott--Hon. Adam Beck and A. Claude Mncdonell, M.P., Spoke Eloquently at Banquet. Men Discover the Charred Bones on Railroad Ties. MURDERED AND BODY "iiijiiiiiiir; HORRIBLE FATE OF A MUSICIAN Buffalo, Aug, approved of the jueiiiiirif ‘1... .,-K_.,r . .. I two weeks ago. He then oney, and said he was going way down the State as best He took her card that he ' . . - ehoou and college at"itor] nded the "good, thrifty, people" for. ptrpetttating " address wheh‘h; wrote Goodwny resides with her .of laying the era of the clergy. Mass was sung, the _v'itPt-Genera1 tie ma n, rugs; Rev. J. dl. A. C. Macdonell. about 80 prominent m. be YI A. Goodwny, ant night ascertained man, apparently, is was an uncle of Mrs. t resides at 284 Caro. ', and it was her call- 1. 7 Among Mmrretti, of Rome; travelled or- as. lie visit- 284 Carolina was thought by United States Get: Rid of Jun Caught Stealing Over Border. San Francisco, Aug; 12.-One hundred and six Japunese, t e largest nurulu-r ever deported from this county, In: on the nteemship Mmehuria for the Orient to-day. The deportation: con- siet. of anenese caught stealing "ver glut Mexican border into the United um. picked It is thought he was 1ndenvoring to perform tricks on a swing which he had in an spple tree near the house, where he was found hanging by his mo- ther. Just how long he Ind been in that position is not known. All efforts to re. suscitate him were unsuccessful. Eleven-Year-old Earl Sraiding Killed Performing Tricks. A Brockville delpnu-h: In some mac» countlble manner, Earl, the 11-year-old son of Charles Spaulding. residing near Rice, in the Field Settlement, Iccidental- ly hanged himself. that it was an American réfriégrnvtgrmg); latest design. The finder towed his prize to the shore, and pulled it out on the I - n I'- _ Kingston, Aug. 8.--,htme. G. Minutes made I curious find in the lake framing his summer residenee at the front road. He saw an object floating down from Salmon Island, and thinking it was an upturned skiff, went out In his boat to investigate. On coming up with the object he was greatly surprised to find that it was an American refrimrntnr " Refrigerator It wns fortunate that the debris fell outward, " had it gone straight down through the building the structure must, have been wrecked, and it is probeble that [one of life would have accom- panied the eauatrophe. the Montreal, Aug. 12.--A big t sand-gallon tank of the rot establishment of Hormmn f 00., Mcb‘ill street, collapsed " with a. roar that could be he: a mile. The tank, which w on the top of the five-store occupied by the firm’n wholes, and furnishing house, fell 1 into the alley " the back of ing, and now all that is let where it stood in a gaping In side of the top storey, where and roof wen' torn away as th were matchwood. WATER TANK COLLAPSES. Hermann Wolff & Co’; 3mm.- ___ w...,....,,.. against Quebec, married, and later on settled down in Maine, to later return to a seafaring life. Only this time, in place of fighting under the British en. sign. he raised the black flag Just pre- vious to the pirate’s last voyage the man addressed a missive to his family, indicating a certain island in the Gulf of tit. Lawrence where was hid no less than £3,000,000 in treasure. This docu. ment, according to Dillon, was destroyed, (but the man claims to have dimvered a duplicate, which he stumbled on by accident. This, he states, gives the tur. act location of the treasure. He is returning to Salem, where he i will outfit, and with the proper Vessel: and tools, will proceed to excavate the old pirate's millions. DEPORTED FROH TRISCO. Montreal, Aug. P2.--A man med Dil. lon, of Salem. Mans ,.who has just re. turned to this city from a trip down the north shore ot the St. Lawrence, tells of a buried treasure which takes one back to the days of Monte Cristo. According to the mais story, a cer- tain officer of the British navy, in com- mnnd of a. frigate, which locompanied Wolfe on ttts successful campaign noninaf ”ma...“ _A__,s I . - Said to be Located in Gulf Lawrence. The crime was committed in an ttnfre. quented part of the country, the nearest house being about a mile away. Several residents of Lyndonville who have had occasion to pus the spot within the past few days noticed the burned ties and bones, but supposed that they were the bones of animals which tramps had cooked. - ”V _.... - war-I, m'lllm I to be bones among the debris. Can closer examination it was found t t the bone- Were those of a human being. The entire spinal column, breast hone an! jaw bone were plainly visible, but the other bones were burned to ashes. After making the horrifying discovery _ the men ran to 1)rndortviiia, and notified Chief Bolton. Accompanied by Health Inspector Fraser and several members of the police force, the chief hurried to the scene. Upon clone inspection blood stain. were found within several rods of the ties, indicating that a struggle had taken hue. p In overhauling the ruins a part of a vow: of brown cloth and of good material was found, also a small piece of the trousers. They were under one of the ties and were not burned. The card ii the only means the police have of learn- ing who the man was. All other possi- ble means of identification are de- strayed. BOY HANGS 0N TREE, Jones Ind Marvin Bucklnnd, who made the ghastly discovery, were walk- ing along the R., W. &. Railroad trucks about 8.30 o'clock yeaberday morning, when their attention was attmeted by tho pile of burned ties 1nd what man-M mother, Mm. C. H. ling. street address. A momma mm at Stocked With Provision, in Lake Rear Kingston. A BURIED TREASURE. Wolff a Co'l. Building Dun- aged at neutral. Aug. P2.--A big thirty-thou- tank of the roof of the it of Hermann H. Wolff & treat, collapsed this mornin that could be heard for In]? e tank, which was perched of the five-storey building the firm’n wholesale clothing tg house, fell fortunately y " the bark of the build. . all that is left to chow od is a gaping hole in then _ -e ---H ”an“ o'clock yeah-May morning, attention was 'tttmeted by turned tie?. at! that sec-med Duliels, " the Gro. re the wall though they a Pile of of St. v - __ --- """"t"'".'. He is charged with having than prntit. ed to the extent of between 82mm and 830.000. Belcher is I brother of funnvr Mayor Beleher, of Pater-on, N. J., and in said to have lost none when his brother lbw-M with puilic moneys two your: RIP. Kingston, N.Y., Aug. 12.--Amhene W. Belcher, superintendent of the Cornell Steamboat Company’s machine uhopo here, was arrested today, charged with grand larceny in the mood degree. Up, on arraignment in court later Bah-her admitted having defrauded the company. It is alleged that for the past fifteen or twenty year- Belcher has been re- taining the proceed. of sales of mater- ial's, hflonLging P the company. gnu- valuable information convicting the robbers, will be given her liberty. She any. she will return to her home in Vir- gin“ and begin life anew. Christian Sohlung is only nineteen years old. Ingrid Willemus, twenty years of Me, the sweetheart of young Schism. who was also arrested, and who new Saute-u for Aunt Van rung. In York Crook. New York, Aug. le.-rAttgust "an Feta. lrig, the convicted leader of I gang of burglars, who terrorized Nun-u county resident: for nearly six months, w“ to- day sent ta Sing Sing prison tor a term of forty your: at hard labor, by County Judge Jackson at Mineola. L. l. Chris- tion Nehlnng, another member of the gang, who turned Mam-n ovidencv, wax so'it to Sing Sing for twenty-five years, and his mother, Mrs. Alma Scblnng. who pleaded guilty of reeeiving stolen goods, wt?. ent to Auburn Prison for five you“. I ' “ “ “'"""J‘ In the midst of his diatribe tho "red earl accusionally took I phial from hi. pocket and sipped the t'ontmtta. But-g member of the Home turned to In the speaker. but his speech wu received in chilly silence. London, Aug. l2.-After I long and uninteresting debate. in which the lead. er: of the Opposition indicated their in. tention of unending the manure in com- mittee, the evicted Irish tenant: bill passed its second reading in the House of Lords to-dny. ‘ A dramatic incident of the dclnte was the appearance of Lord tunriearde, the molt-hated landlord in Ireland,who, with bent and shrunken frame, outstretcher. lhrivelled fingers, and in a voice now shrill, now hunky with passion, denounwd the hill in unmeasured terms as the “npotheoail of robbers." Lord Cianriearde church at Red. Jai, _ ,,,V v..-" vvult' _""'"".veu. A half dozen harm and four homes near Rockwell Were demolished, and Ye roof was blown from the Catholic " .-= -A n . .. 'Shippina' it Clear tot.tHty on the shore . ,-_,_. --. .. “nu-nu "wept across Winnebago county, Iowa, test evening, ami, “cording to norm- re. ports, killed twenty persons. It in known that one person was killed in Juice village, which was destroyed, and that uvernl persona Were injured. The course (of the storm was from northwest to "outheot. The deatruvtion of property is laid to be grant. The Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad is out of commission. and in trains are being run over the Rock Island true-kl. Mason City, Ion. Aug. L-Three per-on- were killed And four injured, and thonund- of dollnn' damage done through this section of Iowa Int night. by n tornado. ADIITS GRAND LARCENY. '. Betcha Defuuded His Employer: Out of 030.000 to '3o,oou. mum " IINIESOTA. Twenty Persons Reported to Have The State Depth] outcome u must grntified It the minion authorities, on the n fishermen, The Amhundor my» ion Government hopes fishermen will be requw iitettee. uld not Drooeec 'H ---v r..n“u wv III" 'V"nouT than, inn-much " they will be hum-d m. n... _.-.--- ___ ---- Wald-non. Aug. ".--ahe State De- partment today received s communica- tion from Ambassador Bryce in connec- tion with the seizure sud release last spring in the Gulf of M. Lawrence of the America fishing schooner Alert, en- gaged in trap-net fishing. The Am. bsssulor ssys that the sction of the 'Csnsdisn authorities in that use wss taken solely with s view to the preser- vation of the fisheries, and no question of nationality was involved. in order to prevent further friction, instructions have been sent to the local authorities not to interfere with trap net-a set by American fishermen in cases where a, license would not be refused to is Brit- ish fisherman, even though the special license has not already been taken out. The Amliussdor says that the Domin- ion Government hopes that American fishermen will be requested to apply for leer, snd not proceed to fish without FORTY YEARS IN PRISON. Albert ue, Minn. U. s. Fishermen m to Moder end " can. Mr. Nulvuey, who wu ailing on Min Seal-Met, feared that the dispu- tulu would hm ouch other and inter- vened. The qyotttmrtor turned upon him. Argument developed and Mulnney And Sealnnder adjourned to the “not to ‘settle their quarrel. Mulvuney struck Seal-odor e. pony-tn! blow on the had. knocking him dorm, The oontnctor died shortly Ifhrwud. Mulvnney was taken into custody. richer, of Paterson, N. J., Q“ o have loot 1"l,'a when his nbneolded with " lie moneys L',','r,ttir, mummy, Robe. Sea- under, B contractor. in Pacific street. Rudd”, and! today. The killing Te New York, Aug. 12.--ruraitqt his tem. por beanie his diortl u n Irate did not succeed, Edwina Ina-y, . young man. knocked down and killed his nos: HATED LAIDLORD. Pace-ah: [It "is G'I'l's Faint FATAL name condition". In d," Bruin; "de Denounces Evictca Ten-tn Dill. “KITS [I In GULF. Dfplrtment - reg-rd- wpartment reg-ul- this most satisfactory. and is the attitude of the Do- 9?_ , wind hetweenw Mr. Ann. 12.--A tornado Luke and my were dentroyed. and four homes to Have Beee Apply for

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