West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Aug 1907, p. 5

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'e give you the but y at the least Price. nw lace on hand . e Shoeman Moo! Tplies me to us for "HURI auers, W13, xriltttlers, xercises, We to gtoua, thtam. Pad, 'r/ane AUGUST " Bali AND Fon Instant t Cider negar Inn her school ac reduced prices Ive Bah $1.00 RFD!) ll “and o bus- We mtna] .Our nd at- , pric- Come your- re al- show . you I , you PIN. FALL tll the erer W Ck. We "tion. 2: Shoes Vomen ', mm and more. D, scum d you to strap " any your fa'. ', 1907 l I \Nâ€"iâ€" I figstern Falr The Down Town Shoe We have only 1 limited number in 1.50 line white heel red. to. $1.29 1.4OIine lather heel " .. 1.19 1.25 line " " -- .99 from either town or country WANTED Eondon, Sept, t REDUCED RATES ON Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists, W. J. REID, President. AUGUST M, 1907 The - b I t Talcum Powders m3: 33125.9: Violet, Metsttett'i, , . Vi 1 t, R Col Ollet Waters tveelfah'tgg.r ' 'or Gose White Shoes mam Exhibition the Poop] Exhibitors and visitors find 1fNABENSHUEs AIRSHIP Attractions. with plenty of Mn programme each evening, on grand display, "THE SIEG Be wine and get tt pair while your slain in stock WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS DARLINGS Darling's Cream of Witchazel for Sunburn Some Summer Specialties Store - -V-. - uynvnna tuner evening, concluding with that " THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR." A Number of Ladies People all to carry away the balance of our , Programmes and information ladies' sizes " to 5h. Our Mim'and Children 'g are also reduced in price. an Absolute necessity i "_ n_1__- - . - DRUG STORE 0 all Like to Attend 'it profitable to go. daily and a full list of tie.. “Fireworks after S. McIlraith ALL RAILROADS ”mute necessity in hot we Colgate’a, Taylor's Valley Mennen'a, Sanitol. 3 HUNT, Secretary Colgate 'a, Duty]: and Blanca and Pipe Clay m... ncuuuua were tor inspection. I V V Electors are called upon to examine the and list and at any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have {in said errors corrected according to w. Dated this 12th day of August, Igor. J. B. BLACK, Clark ofthe Hunndpdity of Glonelg. Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persona mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voter. Lists Act the comes rmnimul lu- n-lA‘ .. t The pnu-tlcal results of the dismv- ery are certainly noteworthy. ou. tario "tillers who have made a special- itv of the new flour have driven out Western fiour from the Maritime Pru- vinces. They have been compelled in some instances. to double their al- ready extensive plants, and hare created such a demand in Toronto that the most popular loaf sold .to-day in that city is madeof Ontario blended tiour. [ What is true of Nova Scotin. and New Brunswick. where an unpreju- diced public have decided in favor of the blended fiour of Old Ontario, ought to apgenl to Ontvuio farmers generally. uying Manitoba ttour is nnncial follv, when the purchase of the Ontario product gives better bread and hel a to create a demand for On- tario when. When people all over Ontario realize the fact, the farmers of Ontario will not onl be the gainers of several millions of d’ollara. but will find that the cost of bran and shorts will drop to the normal figures of ten to titteei: dollars a ton. And, anrely the Ontario iarmera should he the first to set the good example. by buy- ing only the flour made largely from Ontario wheat. ",7", n..." nun BIUCKIDIID. Now, the most practical discovery of the last decade. the one most Gr. reaching in its results to Ontatlo far- mers. is that known as "flour blend. ing." Western fiour has been popular ‘ in Ontario on account ofits large per. centage of gluten or '.'t'tr:epith," which chemists call ptmeid, although the westem product lacks both tisviu, and color. Ftourmade from Ontario yvinterwheat is not so "strong," but has a peculiarly attractive fiavor. When a ittle Western wheat is added to the Ontario product, the percen- tage of gluten is increased, and all the thLv.or retained. _ For years the farmers of Ontario have heard of the phenomenal pro- duction of the Western wheat fiehis, and have resignedly accepted the much advertised supeziurity of VVeslem flour as a. ronclusive fact. All over Omalio the demand for Ontmio wheat has fallen oft, With a consequent, low. ering of the price paid to the farmer' for hisgraiu. In addition bran and shorts have become so expensive as to seriously reduce the margin of profit for’the dgirymun and sloekmnnr Clerks NiitiGGriiostimr, and repair. muu. nut ne 18 lost track " and no trace ot him can be found. Bush fires were bad here last week bat are now under control. Luther Vert, had a house burnt, and Mr Robinson of the 15th con, a log barn burnt, complaints ot having fences and fire wood burnt are common. while some had some aWumpy land better cleared up. Our Reeve and council have had a letdof bridges and culverts to build an rat-unn- .v. "e any, supposed to go to the harm to work, but he stole $30 that Was in the house, took the boss'a bicycle and left for Mount Forest where he sold the bicycle cheap, The boss went to the farmer to work bat no man was there. Suspicion sprung up, he went home, saw his money and things were gone. The thief mm foliowod to Mount Forest where he was seen getting on the train, bat he is lost track off and no trace ot him can be found. John McWiHiams, Jr., a farmer’s son here, who learned the brick lay- ing trade. and was buildings: house tot a. farmer adjoining the village, hired a young scotch immigrant to be a helper. and who went home " nights. On Tuesday morning he gotnp early, supposed to go to the tarm to work, bit he stole MO Hm Township GriiiGiii tter sister Mrs' Joe h/iii' $53132?” Mine Nellie 1feqiltrvrto, of Bruce, visited at Mm A. McKechnie'a Rocky Sangeen and Mrs. D. McFayden'o on the Avenue last week. i Miss Ethel Greenwood arrived home on Thursday alter visiting her aunt Mrs D. McFarlane of Caledon tor e couple of weeks. Miss W. H. Kinsmen and family is the guest of the Greenwood families. We flopttrattt1ate Misses Mary Edge and Ethei Greenwood on passing their Junior Leaving exems in town. Rev. Thos Farr, of Gorrie, is visit- ( ing " the old homestead. Miss M. A. Staples, of Toronto, is visiting her home here. Messrs Wm Edge and Dan Green- wood are having furnaces installed in their residences. Mrs Houtby, of London, is visiting her sister Mrs Jos F'irth this: -..1. Ontario Flour all Right wee] Mr and Mr: J. Tanner and mute: Cecil visited Mr ttnd Mrs The: Green. wood Yr Sunday. --..i.. “we plants, and have 'tt a demand in Toronto at, popular loaf sold to-duy is madeof Ontario blended .. AO uumuon hum and become so expensive as to iuce the margin of profit 71mm and Mackinaw. most practical discovery ecade. the one [nest hr- ita results to Outaho fur- L tery gs "flour blend. 1fopeville ----ri. Edge Hill. on. a log barn having fences are common. aWumpy land "6ii"ruTh"'ttr'r4'l'f4lrl'lr"""l'lllil . TORONTO 2. A strip of land sixty six feet wide in lots thirteen. twelve end eleven con. 3. south of the Durham Road, Township of Glenelg. County of Grey, more per. ticnlsrly described as follows; COM- MENCING " a. paint on the northerly limit of acid lot 18, which point is two‘ hundred and seven feet easterly from the l westerly limit of and lot thirteen. when messured alone said northerly limit t thence essterly slang said northerly haut a distance of one hundred and soy. enty feet; thence southwesterly on s strsight line whose course is S. 61 de. green 41' W., s distsnce of three hun. ) dred and eighty the feet to s point on s I spiral curve . thence on e. spirsl curve to the rights distance of one hundred end eighty tive feet ; thence on e. curved line to the right bsving . redius of three thousand and ninety one feet e. distenee , of eleven hundred and ten feet ton point _ on s spire] curve I thence westerly on s 1 spiral curve to the right I distence of 1 seventy one feet to the westerly limit of ' ssid lot eleven; thence northerly iiiii) seid westerly limit at said lot eleven e, dictum of sixty six feet ', thence enter- lv on e spire! curve to the left s iiiiiii) . of - six bet: thence nerthesster- lyms curved linete theisMssvingsA iii'i'it'jBiNmiR TWINE And or ertqhliphVng a highwa in lieu thefreof. tht ftlloyUne 'Qllll'e'tll; in two hundred and seven feet easterly from the westerly hunt of lot thirteen. concession 8, south of the Durham road. when measured along mud southerly limit of road allowance; thence north. easterly on a. straight line whose course is N. b'l degrees, 41' E. a. distance of one hundred and eighty feet to the norther- lylimit of said road allowance. thencei westerly along said northerly limit of soul road allowance, tt distance at five hundred and eighty feet; thence southwesterly on a mini curve to the right a. distance of titty feet; thence eo-ithweaterly on a curved line to the right having 9. radius of twenty eight hundred feet a distance of one hundred and titty eight feet to the southerly lien. not said road allowance: thence east- erly along said southerly limit of said read allowance a distance of six hum. dred and five feet to the point of begin. ning; laid tract of land containing nine, tenths (0.90) tumm more or lose 1. A tract of land of irregular shape. being part of road Allowance between Concession two and Concession three. south of the Durhnm Road, township of leualg, County of Grey. being more particularly described as follows; BE. GINNING " a point on the southerly limit of "Y/ed allownuco.-whicll point! THE DURHAM REVIEW For the pumose of stopping up. sel- ling and conveying a portion of the highway between Concesaimw two and three. south of the Durham Road. Glenelg, described as follows . nuuum 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipal council of the Townshi of Glonelg will, at a meeting to be belt? at the township hall in the aid town. ship. on Saturday. September 14, 1907, at the hour of lo o'clock in the foreman} to consider a bylaw Corporation of the Township otliiiiti;cetc,: 0teneig. .0"!ti “can I... Lenahan We carry a full ing to quality. C: themselves. If ye length. Pictures, ete NO'TIQE I? HEREBY GIVEN . . Ourfeu l is near] used up yet we IDIIN U EN 1 w IN E have 'lfllydytl to l', our customeu. See our assortment of Harvest and ThreshersiGlovea and Mitts. National Portland Cement always kept on hand. Coal Oil, Machine Oil, Separator Oil, Linseed Oil, le., in abundance and of the van hm "mm" We are also agents for the McClnry's line leaders being the well-known PANDORA. Thee will stand inspection at all "time. carry a full line of all kinds of Purnitum nnIiny fi.e, 7' , 7 We have at all times a. fall GRANITEWARE, TINWA 'ardware & Furniture w- v. - -.....u.u, varyxng In prices accord- Call and examine our goods. and they will speak tor If you want Window Shades, Curtain Poles of any kind or I, etc., Bee our wrung-e The Picture Framing Promptly done, , see our assortment my: up. Nr2?? " SUNSHINE FURNACE " McCfary's Stoves FURNITURE es a. fall line of SHELF HARDWARE, TIN WARE, Forks. Spades, Shovels, etc. _V_... “.9. un mu Matt each " White 'i1'rrflure'1'hit 75c to u m Bacon: landles'fmc col st Me durum See our new Print: 'ikl 'IRh'tittii2 '""--- mnollm blankets lune n-n the tn I or m. 81 a) I pr. Floor anew: 1 " 1 a: "do. Bum In: N x dd, our" Me " " , THE 13,3 ... -- Ladle-v buck Bowen Undaugm. " -h£nl-.._ n_. A “My Huang“? I; Watched “his Linen, M -"_- vVI’II' 1tdtttoyg, 2fAnwile........ ”($11: 1yrtsstttiiirf4r..C.."., 8 long 10.iatritu/.r.y.".', 8 y.ytt,lfeif.iirkiifi.C.'.iy. I ?,Stl/yfpfiyiiiiitiiy..'.'yi. ' rd'iottisiirtiHiii.C..C, will. Ceylon Tes-ot-k M I!!! 80e 6 (new). mac-mam Bonanza,” - - -- “mm. tY “magma H _.....-u. u n nanny mu nun-mm town, making " I mo" dednble place for redaction. FEES: $t pee month In Advance. _ _ r" ... will“ "mu, m cnemlCOl und electric-l .upplies an: 1ttiltii, ae. for full Junior Lenin: and lunc- ulntlon work. The following competent UM nu In churn l T808. ALLAN, m Cl." Commute, Principol Kiss .128le McKENZIE LOGAN. B. A., Honor (Er-dune of Toronto Phi.tittiF-'riiiGit ( Latin. Composition. sud Lttemtiire.' M188 DONALDA McKERRACHER B. A., Grad. unte of Queen', Unfyeryitr" 3nd Pint Proteu- sloml fi"rt,lltttthyiii'irG', Arithmetic, my tory and Geog-why. Intending Student: should enter " the begin- ning of the term it possible. Bond on be ob- 'P,,9tt at Insoluble rues. During. u . K-tru.. .n -r_e--.-a., _ - mm; [names of three thousand end twenty (ti.tt teet 3 distance of one thousand end .eighty ”yen feet to a point on e spiral curve ; thence northeuterly on e tr mil curve to the left . dietence of one gun. tired and eighty three feet; thence north easterly on e straight line whom course is N 61 degrees 41 min E. 3 distance of two hundred end twenty tire feet to the point of beginning; mid atrip contain- ing two hundred and fifty four one hun- dredth: (2.54) acres. more or less. All persons interested or whoeelende may or might be PreiPditsituly "eerted by such proposed by low. are required to ettend " mid meeting when they will be heard In person or by counsel or ro- licitor with relerenee thereto upon peti- honing to be so heard. Dated the 29th day at July, 1907. J. S. BLACK Clerk Township of Glenelg l Sn" and Equlpmont. The school In more My equl in tachln blllty, in chemical land 1l'il'l'p.lr'dglttg an: Mun, ae. for full Junior Feavind and Ion-ic- totlon work. The following competent no! re In charge ' Durham School . Johnston Sp. Chhrmh. lures, which insure their durability Ir YOU INTEND PUTTING IN A FURNACE. CALL AND 8' Burns coal or wood sud give: perfect satisfsction with either. Be ine simple in construction it does not require an expert to operate it. No. thing but the best out Iron sud cold rolled steel plate sad the tirmat work- manship sreused in these msnufsc- Ser, scuirams of famous wove- unong the Call and examine them. L. M In via. cIntosh. , varying in prices uccord- BEAN Coal Oil, Machine Oil, the very best quality. SEE OURS. -eF.wq um He no Durhun in I balmy I " . no... A__._, . . HEM-t 25c Men " wen”. “on” ' "uaertaannn, “In. Dum- I 1nd gm. either. Be. I it does not Ite it. No. n tad with --_e- " u... vvvtl'ulllell'; mun-aw (“Inn pen tt attachment)“ plum, i'ii'tii'irFh"i'et, 'i'ili,'i,i'il,')t1i',1iti? mag-“x. men or one M I in webbed It iiigii'i',ttit,t.t's'it9tiiti',! 7-: all on, or'drop u and to ' The amaze-t pure! luau! Ptge [manna Co. In Guano. A '/aW,'4lro'ttl who! and um mm for honest dog“. can!“ Md m2: ',,'htgti,EiriiiiEiiietiilri,7lu'lf. lllllllll fllll Illlllllllltli tiiiiii FARMERS CENTRAL A" Had OMee t deerton, Ont. Glove: and Timothy and all Far- letleu of Garden Seed. in .- bundnnce for Bpring growing SEEDS mum's 'Utorat Household " Keewnttn " Five ttttsem"--; very best Keewutin make. A earload just received. FLOUR Then I have a. 100 ACRE well im. proved farm near Durham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other pmperty. It's a map. For consider- ably under 8311) I will cell 100 mm in Bentlnck. with good loll. brick veneer- ed and frame home. large fume bank barn, frame stable! end plg rubles good orchard. This in really I menace I have also n great lot of other pro. pertv for sale and a MILLION DOL- LARS of MONEY to lend " very low rates. I COLLECT DEBTS, careful? prepare ell kinda of WRITINGS, eel C. P. R. Tickets to All inte WEST Hui sell OCEAN TIClggTS. Every kind of legitimate business "tended to. Everything private. Our Motto t “Alw ya p ompt, Never Neiditrent.' MATTHEWS a, LATIMER tora ood d aiiGi aTi'élu' Be" n GA": e Meatt A AR, for ' FIELD AND GARDEN, V._- m wiv- U! trqot8 laud above Durham. well improved, with very fine buildings. advertined in the 1he.tttii. 875(1). I can now net] It or. am .-' '_, . ---- LOOK HERE, FARMERI I We're also Agent. for Provon Stool Trucks. f1nrr.itnor nebula. wukorton Marta Works, The Bell Omn & Plano 00.. Churn, sud Walling lacuna. dmnttortt, "rrttrkvtite,t1rsr Can-loge: I W to! d i Dub: '1; " HUTTON. In" g. I o no 0 out n In It,' than 1l'tli, no? 1,","t'eg,',td-" T""h"etattr - "r-ere. 'df'i'h'ilt/eg,tS2 L". 35.3.: '-"rsrleterae'riirreautu fl.'" Bar Rum. Buy Lor Tri, 3 Ted. cutaneous darn, 1'rmiriierGirisii7rdi"g “I. .. - - Bighest graded only, McQueen & Morice The Massey-Harris Co. [had The Hanover Con veylncr , MILLER, 'of Good Land I Might mat-[Ambit]: l 'lllltlWIt Betts ttld u:- IN " QUARTERS 0E0. ti. K. MIDFORD 'i'flluTl'lgtt mm. lei once. V --'-'_.. In In ac: that I " to the In"; In: har, plantain meeting in man gaggle? quarto". all my old . ~ "‘l" ueen-t Auctioneer for tttq Cat. of Wer. kl. mun “tended to. ute- would. mil he left n " Implement Wu..- MIC nnon‘lold-una e--...-..-. - tnd have" After two yam in holine- gin Durham I thank heartily the mow funer- and other. who hgihvorold the ,.ittt their trod. JOHN CLARK, Teacher of Singing "UDto--aoPPrm TOWN Individual teaching. Special at. tenuou to bone production. {deemed Auctioneer for Co. Urey ”an. modes... Mine u I “In , aa_ter, In. mg be made 'ici?, in" a ca, Duittaiii, Coats pm anaemic-q was, 0: to Ion P.0., m be ll mute. 'ArLfd,'i,fiiii:',ii'r'l', pay. In - 7 â€"- - - MACKAY & DUNN. Barristers. Sanction. Convenncen c. Money to Loan. omce. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. "do“: K.C.l w. . fin-- orto -“uv-l a. am, u ttate Ito nt College Del Death!” In 'ht no trmuehes, OtBce-Aatderu Block. _..n--I Us “0". L..tt. B. HONOR GRADUATE Tomato l'nlvenm man hung 1iottr0aiiG, [huh] u..-..uw CARD 0F THANKS noNOR GRADUATE Univenitg. graduate of R of Dental n oonl of Ont: Over J t 1"h"G'ho,Ut " ----, i77Fit' 7:97;“ w. c. momma o. o s., L. B. t w td' I ' In tf'tfg'g,t &t't 'ltfi'; we. , n, - - tl-ttp/it-radii/iii))';.;.';).',, 3.18M“. - - - - Omaouua . F. cum D. 0.5 i. IcLeHan. l ttt " - "'1tr2tututav. on...“ " . “1'" ma new a?“ and Mica]. c. unlit. on}... O.rion Illa a telephone Olin. l, " HA": 1;;lun P. M EDICAL Licensed the Conny of any; DR. BURT “one of Iutu Cong“. 'fr,egC9nurhr. Roan.- r“ -- VIII . m (mum-s 'iri'll More i. In mririi paar a; Ga' , over P £22953!!!) um 2418' of romeo 'ost one. B. s.

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