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Durham Review (1897), 22 Aug 1907, p. 7

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Isa,» m been 31, I907. be" all conjuga- ndnilk! Hun M’s Jones the fl ml we r In thin imam "the woman " the bottom of it" in Mrs. Sadie Nichols, a Western Union operator here who, the Oakland. Cal.. :le-dpatch: Bearing out the truth of the old saying which unsal- lantly meeki to impose on won-If. shoulders the responsibility of being the creator of all trouble that has involved man since the old days of the Garden of Eden. in the dist-overy that a woman is at the bottom of the telegmphers' strike which now involves some 20” open- ton in M cities. and billion the tn!!- action of business to In extent that Ilium . Ion of million. to the to?“ rial interests of the United State. and Gilda. Cause of ment will be at once asked penalties provided in the u provides as follows: "Any person who incite: or aim in any mum" any declare or continue I lock employee to git or rontim contrary to the provisions aha” be liable to . fine of I Mftr dollars not more than t dollars." that the Great. Sort (‘mnpany has not ye bur Depot for the tt duntriat Disputes strike of telegraph u and Montreal " eon.- indication that the Or nerimlsly inm strike. The remedy 1 dithin is plainly pr It in dated on gm the operators of the on Mrike or if any c tempts to incite to a ment will be " once penalties provided in provides as fotlowtc. How the Lumen: Act tel pany, tt [using t take ch; yedterdu ment " "(Nd Mr new. men with pluyed in Toronto by the Great North- we-tern Company chm-d with both sides confident, and each claiming to he almo- iutely satisfied with the trend of events. Ruth the company and their employees appeared to be settling down for a “rug- ttle that might Last for weeks The inti. mation that the mmpany would only pay the employees tor July yesterday at. terxmun, the regular monthly my day, w.“ reeeiu-d mth some delight by the 'strikers they believing that the com- puny had not yet come to a final dwi- aim: Hut to meet them in conference and [ consider them di-ehurged. There has [ been no disorder during the strike. the I men having decided not to interfere with .1.” - . ‘ _ ln Ot Toronto d-teh.. The third day of thr. strike of telegram} operators em- from the men at Western Union or Companies. or ttu Will Subscribe $60,000--Situation in Toronto and Montreal--Woman at Bottom of it. H “whiny, tN , of the pal RAILROAD TEEECRAPW. WILL NOT BE CALLED OUT. WOMAN AT BOTTOX. Sn-vontnn summer hoteU. ' my” and a we of building by store were destroyed. The explosion which cannot] mimic-s otwurred in Hogan's d on Old Orchard avenue. Miss Manard. of bruised by being ti in which she wan rid The injured are h pitaN in Biddeford. they may si. F Arthur Ito solicitor for was diwhur Rev. Rufus Jones, [tutor a Chureh, San-o, seriously hurt by of and" tank. Newton Merrill, Salem. stu, & Maine ongineer, nerionlly but explorifon. Mr. Emerson. father of pro] Hotel Emerson. hurt by same 9 Mm an "ttidentified nun, prohi 1y injured. um orchard, Me., Aug. IO, vu-ro- Inst. and five penonl I three wriously. as a "suit which svat through this set night. musing a Ion of from lion to three-quarters of a mi] The oad.. Philip 1’3an hunk. killnl by locomotive w] track on way to fire; Ind III man. Telegraphers' sung. Operator. mu of eomRumieation to the more 'te and small towns was proeeeding lly, and business was being moved vliziuunl)’. Doll Sides Confident. Two Lives Lost; Five Persons Hurt, 17 Summer Hotels and 60 Cottages Burned. hum despatvh says: The fact Great. North-Western Telegraph has not yet applied to the lat. lt for the application of the In, Disputes Act to the present teUVraph operators in Toronto 'I'O‘ali ia mmidered here to be an I that the company is not so? mly inconvenienced by the he remedy for the existing eon- plainly provided in the net. ted on good authority that if an" of the mmpany here go or if any nlltiitiP agitator nt- incito to a strike, the depart- be at once asked to apply the y.-.‘..l.l-j s- .. _ -‘ DISASTROUS AND FATAL FIRE SWEPT OLD ORCHARD, MAINE t any-any doing busine u'eux Act Will be Applied’ if Necessary. I THE G. N. Inner any employees to me a lock-out. or any or continue on strike, provisions of the not, a fine of not less than nor? than one than”!!! u 7 V M'F the opt-rating mun a wire. Mr. Hood he would seek em in amuthrr line oi not cure to retnr 'n if the strike wt' are fit in the not: é'irif,e"iiii' --'...._ "He". um being thrown from earth . Wan riding with Partridge, ml are being treated at In invites. vacuum for ye l, Salem. Mum, Boston ', seriously hurt by same father of Dronriotnr " yesterday for re. "ating mum and , Mt. Hood said loss " from half of unusugfggivuggd w-n caused so many Hogan's drug store, persons were injured, a remit of the fire 1 Funds! N. W tut, proutdy mil: Konnebupk. hedly urtridge, of Kenna; otive while crossing and an unidentified r of proprietor of ' same explosion; pastor of Trinity In.-. ., . _ "s a bugi trom half a mil. {Pinion dollars. employ- of Inui- turn to m resort lot I Pittsbur. Aug. 19.--The elopemeut of a prize winner in a beauty contest with a man who had once jilted her because he did not realize how beautiful she was “I. was cause for liberal comment here to. day. ( I Anna v. McCarthy, a dainty miss of out " summers, is the officially recognized 1 tal- beautiful bride, and Charles A. Amman. I In any " Sixty mt om When Charlie saw Anna's picture in the paper, his chi-time love arose with- in him, and he again sought her out. The couple disappeared several days ago, and to-dey the glad tidings arrived that they had been married. _ Some months ago Appman had a quar- rel with his pretty little sweetheart, and they parted, apparently for "keeps.” Some unknown admirer listed Miss Me. Carthy in a prize beauty contest and Anna ran third, beating the field by see.' eral lengths. - Two lives “plasioh M. -_._\, ....‘. »quICE .1. appman, a Carnegie Steel Company employee, is the convincefl bridegroom. carriage Wooer Only Knew mr-cur,,, Mad Won. _ Manchester. Va.. Aug. 10.--N'hile sev- ertl persun- were standing within u. slinrt distance of her, Mrs. M. J. Moore, mother ot' three children, leaped from Harper bridge shortly before noon Mon. da r. and ended her troubles in the water lulu“: A long deep gash over the left ".ve indicated that death Was probably instantaneous. It is believed that as a rmult of long sicknes and continued ' Virginia Woman WEDS ms OWN PRIZE BEAUTY. hos V ,_ u. ..-uuuru {Hill the Papal St-oretnry of State, Cardinal Merry Del Val, whose health is failing, will be appointed Her-General of the Pope, "tu'eeeding Cardinal Respighi. who will sum-rod the late Cardinal Svampn as Arrhlvishop of Bologna. ..r,...wu Ill HIE massage-a, received them and knew of the trouble. It ii said that unintelligible messages Wpt'e sent from the Los Angola omee, causing serious delay to business. Inves- tigntion followed. according to the West. orn Union ofrteinls. and~ an a result Oper. ator Ryan was dismissed from the ser- vice. To force his reinstatement his fol- low workers went on strike. preoipitat-, ing tho trouble that now ties up tho wires of both the Western Union' and Postal mmpnniea throughout the United States and Canada. I 'o be Appointed Vice~General otl the Pope. I _ v. "l." .ungru'n. Mrs Nichols has been in the employ ol the Western Union several years and the local offieiaN rate her as a eompetent operator. According to the story told, sshe “m subjectml to annoyances and "Inn:- orer the wire. She says that sov- eral of tho night operators at the West Oakland office" were apprised of the "lounge-a, received them and knew of the frnnldn 1mm - _ -. ‘uuu\(u III "" [unnecessarily prominent position in the mntrnwrsy und trouble that led to Ity. nn'i discharge and the ensuing strike of the operators in Los Angeles. Mrs. Nichols has been in the emolov of 41.4 Iv . -- - local officials have assorted, was insulted by F. J. Ryan, an) operator in the com- pany's hos Angelm office. Mrs. Nichols herself haw no desire to be placed in an unnecessarily prominent position in the m'l'rnl‘tg-a-o .»1 I . . . MERRY DEL VAL The Old Orchard fire which consists onl.v.ot one fire engine and a hone wng‘ torly unable to cope wf and fin-men from Portum and Sam. who responded , nuistnm-o. wrro hampered time with difficulty with th linen. T-" " -\null4 upt'l‘ Ryan Wars dismissed from the ser To force his reinstatement his fol worker, went on strike. precipitant tho trouble that now tips “n th, It is believed that the fire started from an overlighted lamp. The total insurance on the property, it i is said, will not exceed $150,000. The Hotel Fink, one of the finest on the bench, valued at 150.000; the Hotel Emerson. valued at $75,000. with its furnishings; the Hotel Alberta. the Airline. the Lawrence Home and half a dozen amaller hotels. together with about fifty cottages, were destroyed within two hourn. All the buildings were of wooden con- struetion. t] DROWNED SELF, roman Concluded She Losing Her Mind. Aug. l.9.--. 'te l Urclmrd fire department, im onl.v.ot one small steam and a hose wagon, were nt- tt to cope with the Maze. n from Portland. Biddeford who responded to calls for that now ties ui, tho P Western Union' and throughout the United It is rumored that g. 10.--N'hile sev- Africa} iic"c%', artdierg within n _'c.he.dip'ieuitie,, ott Mn M A um“... their Intereenti"rrt l in the employ of aml years and the ' as a competent "t the story told, annoyances and ~urnll or tttei Rvspighi. who tal Svunipa as W. I d She Was , e. I rs---While sov- . w within a: 1 M. J. Moore, t leaped from t r noon Mon, , in the water f Not the left " Was probably h d that as a d continued late young mged. After F Human! and tempted to Ind’s break- I th the eggs . K I]; mind," she I ju w minutes Il d was not in Was recov- a, ft) its BEAUTY. It m: i After She wh moment of fit” ntest with I".., tMinna n, .._ ...." “mu-y, according to the report to the State Department from Ambas- sador Leishmnn, dated Constantinople to. day. He says: "British telegraphic advices are to the effect that the Turkish troops have not advanced further in the disputed ter- ritory. Urumiah district now compara- tively qiuet. The United State. mull at Tnbrizi- is leaving urtoffkitulr for Untmiah." Washington, improving' on tl sin and Turkey to the State I sador Leishman day. He says: Tun “no”. Luv: prairie in pursuit. IIt \me growing dark, and the young man did not notice " dope hole, into which horn? and rider plunged. Theopo of the fall was six feet, suf- ficient to break the animal's neck, and it died in a short time. Kunzelman sua- taind. internal injuries. and had I num- her of bones fractured. He was taken home by a neighboring farmer, but his, case was homieia ‘rnm gt... “n‘ i Winnipeg, Mam, All] liunzeiru'dli', " 301111;: ta duh; north of the city, jurivs n-cca'vul while In Deceased was drawing into the city Tuesday crossed the road. Kun, fur the hunt, unhitched stunt-0,. acres. the Druid DIED mmir% A WOLF. Farmer, While Ridimr Amn- I him u-unmry. Jakob Morengo, the chief, who has caused them more trouble than all the others eonihined and who has been in the custody of the British since .'.hy sought refuge in Cape Colony after [the lust hostilities. escaped yesterday, joined with another chief from the Ger. lnmn colony. and with 400 followers ths 1"/?t? mnflly to German Southwest iAfrica. The Cape police followed, hut the difficulties or the country prevented their intercepting the fugitive chief. Mon-"go has repeatedly killed twenty to thirty Germans in ambush, and the German authorities have five times joy- fully announced his death, but they have “('ch succeeded in killing my ..‘..tt...l:.... [3, QUIET ON PEESIAN momma. :kish Troops Not Advancing Into Dilputed Territory. Cape Town, Aug. 10.--mus Germans are threatened with a revival of the insurrection in their Southwest African territory. Jakob Moreugo, the chief, who has caused them more trouble than all the others combined and who has been in the (-ustmlv of tha. n-:.:.u. Y, CANT KILL irortEiioo, The African Chief Harassinv , v -ee '""'"""tT “on" [smir- saw the faee of the dead girl pro- ‘trmling through between the wall and the vlevutor box and immediately gave the alarm. Th" girl had been there probably half an hour, life being entirely extinct, and a mvslicat examination proved that her rim-k was broken. No inquest will be held, as no one saw the affair and the circumstances point to a pure accident. Th., girl belonged to Beersiviile. at Moncton despatch: Attemptin to ride down stairs m an elevator 1l'll,1U only for freight, twenty-yoar-old Laura Mit. rlu-ll, employed as a domestic by Dr. o. ll. Prior. had her neck broken this morn- ing. A little girl who was passing down Domestic Attempted to Use a Hoist for Coal. _ Moncton despatch: Attomptin to ride down stairs m an elevator 1l'll,2idi only for frnicrhf 'tsra,.i. _.--,--- I ' . --- One was in its proper place, being 'uttuclwd to the large intestine) at a point near its connvction with the staunch. The other hung from the wall of the alrdomen, but was as perfect in form as the first. They were eonneeted by n small nwmlmnu-ouq tissue, which sim- ply held them together, although not dunking a cuntiuunuq tube. The physicians removed both append- ages and Mrs. Groom, rallied from the operation in a “'mnlerful manm-r. She _ rapidly gained strength and the physi- cians any that she can be sent home in a I few days. ngton, Aug. 1o.-wrhi situation is Hg on the boundary between Per. Turkey, nooprding to the report I Cineinmtti, Aug. Lo.---, freak case of appendicitis was uncovered here, when Drs. 1'hurles (Wiser and H. C. Robinson, operating on Mrs. Annie Grooms, found that the \wnnnn had the din-ease in two places. lreenuse she had two nppeudixvs instead of one. telegraphic ndvices are to the t the Turkish troops have not further in the disputed ter- 'nlmiah district now commu- A raid on Copper Island was also con templated. The sealers on board said tint thirty- throe schooners were to come to th., llphring Sm thi. winter. and would make a dash on the islaWm, club the Heals on the rookerieg and loot tho an". houses, NECK BROKEN IN ELEVATOR a neighboring? Gai.," iii hopeless from the first. The Vern spoke the Japaneae sealer Rinse] in northern waters and learned from her that she would take part in the raid. . The sealer.- on board said that thirty- I The news was brought here by the _ sealing schooner Vera, which has return. ed from a hunting cruise in the North Pacific. She reported that an arrange- ment had ben reached by a number of Japanese sealing schooners. each of which curridj, besides the usual arma- ment used in hunting, one or more ma.- chinn guns on board, to unite in making a concentrated raid on the islands, the guards on which are too weak to resist mwh an invasion. norm. the prairie in growing dark. and th Seattle, Wash., Aug. 19.---An organiz- ol plot to loot not only the rookeries of 'ithe Pribyloft Islands: and the tit. Paul lund‘St. George blame, but also the Salt houses, where the North Ameri. can Trading; and Transportation Com- pany have a large number of pelts salted awaiting shipment, has been discovered. with the result that the United States Government has decid- ed to dispatch the cruiser Buffalo to Bevie. They Are Carrying Machine Guns- Cruiser Buffalo Will Be Delpatched to Protect Sealing Grounds Against Molestation. JAPANESE SCHOONERS COMBINE ro LOOT HOOKERIES. 2tile Riding Across Prairie, Fell Into a Hole. 1 Ilan., Aug. IO.-- Chris. .: Jouu,ur iarn:ov n! Mum PLOT DISCOVERED. mans Continually. HAD TWO APPENDICES. while hunting a Wolf. drawing a load of hay Tuesday when a wolf Il; Kunzolman, keen .- ‘2L_I . - pri who was passing down faee of the dead girl pro- rgh between the wall and ox and immediately gave in ambush, and have five times death, but they 1 killing or cuptu rookerieg and Ioét the ai Harassing the one horse and . LO.-- Chris. Fight Started " Doxology liter of Park. Sung Leads to Many Its] died from in. . - Ming. a '\\:ulf. I ,,.1yt.ehe.o.n1,, l l" Aug. 1p.--o rapiuriu Ger- Poh, Mamma, My Legs Burt So!" Moan; I Car's Tiny Victim. Reading, Pn., Aug. 19.--While lay- ing in front of his father’s house. [Prank Stanley, a 2-year-old child. rolled from a pile of dirt upon the trolley tracks in front of a passing our. The baby was so badly injured that his leg: who hi amputated, and death resulted from ex- haustion soon thereafter. ‘ 'When his horror-stricken mother pick. ed him up after the accident, the child . " . "Oh, alumna, my I hurt go.' Th t big car bu killed may . l V VJ...” """"h' tt great revival meeting in Peterville Xi-uru Baiptiut Church in Buckingham County, trouble began. Whisky, which had been circulated pretty freely, though ‘thc district is "dry." is said to have be in at the bottom of the trouble, which started as the large number of converts were being lined up in front of the pul- pit. Someone. yelled "fight," and then followed a wild rush for the door. Men were out, stabbed and beaten into in, sensibility, and several were seriously hurt. A number of the rioters are un- der arrest. _..».....u..u, In., aux. 1kaohrgy was about to MAIMED BABY’S DYING ,V m..- mg... was rammed ’lny tho sloop Alert, whose bowsprit pon- etrutvd the shell-like walls, of the luum'h's cabin. Miss Bessie Whidhee, 19 you” old, was carried overboard and drowned, and her fiancee, Thomas Rohor, was badly injured. Several others also “we injured] Miss Whidbee's brother was drowned in the Pasquotank River tw; years ago. Colliding Sloop. Norfolk. Va.. Aug. J9.---A lawn-h filled with young peep ing to Elizabeth City, N.C., or qm tank River. last night, wa by thp sloon ture “vi-Mn» ‘H" Knocked From Launch m..-“ HFrtl IdotI-rmino wheth _ snakes were in Pi snakes were eigh shcwed fight wlu wvnthor herding smaller, evidently into recesses fart With poles and sown large ones. ONTARIO ARcHlv' mEs TORONTO it... ""H. 'o1'itr,'l,!ile) ('rm k school house, four tm as 1 Wow interrupted Tuesday by t wring of a nest of black snakes fynivwork," and a fierce battle the reptiles and Amos Pierson thur Rambo, two ('arncntpru . Elkton, Md Crv, k school i Carpenters SCHOOL W ALL inn-hid to me in & Alton mm wi answers desired _ men-e Commissit principle involve from answering sm-r when th., .., SERIOUS moi In gnu!" more than you could i [you bought. your t; Hum}: you aaid for J" not, to be mpecifie, an (ions. in justice to m; purchase. "But now that the been started to get tl probably not rpm.”- ... --_" m "at". no W0itt can we dot" "Why did you not answer the tions put to you by the Inter-state meree c'yttutiissiou", and will you a them when the proceedings ennui by the Department of Justice fore to appear for the second time?" t porter naked. "I refused to tell I knew about the Chicago & Alto, elm-1e because the questions put t deal with matters of policy," Mr. I man replied. "Why did tions put tu nwrce Com" tin-m when "Agitation of the abuse on from]: makes harder the uccom of local improvements. Fact, tlu-mselvcs urc- insiguit‘ivant an fied and distorted by the pu until tin-y become harmful to eats of the public and to us. spirit of the "ge-and the new: so what can Wo lln‘l" FIANCE SEES GIRL BROWN, [spent $3oo,0oo,000 for want returns. Mine, policy; I watch that Other matters are 1e concerned with them. to that policy excepti: investments better.' it success. uuu, I would be better suited." . "What is your policy concerning the management of the railroads that we are told you own!” was asked. "It in to pay dividends," came the de- cisive answer. "Since 1898 we have tlomi, of -tiem I "But I am misunderstood has not come for Federal ow: 501mm: with all the, Hun. h. annually, with all the link; in siou,_l royal be better suite Reno, Nev., Aug. 19.---"AU of the mil. roads in the country would be mine if I could get control of them," said Edward H. Harriman to a reporter for the State Journal on his arrival at Sparks, Nev., the divisional terminal, yesterday. "1 have been quoted seriously for an ex- pression made jocularly to the effect that I would manage the railroads for the Federal Government; that I would turn my holdings over to the United States for a fair compensation and act then as a commissioner,” .\lr. Harriman continued. I were eight feet long, am I fight when the removal r herding Pxpoged them l evidently their young 0 N...“ w get these replies, I will tltly not refuse again. lnquirivs di. d to me in regard to the Chicago ton came will perhaps result in the era desired by the Inter-State Com. a Cmnmissiun. It was 1: business iple involved that prevented me answering questions . I may un- when the matter comes up nmvin " Agitation Hurts Both the Public and the Rods. V._r-...un, was ine whether the men a were in possession. Some \lvn-n ~37‘ " " _ AllRoa than you can] bought. your Yo." aaid for POLICY IS 10‘ PAY DIVIDENDS 'ime Not Come for Federal thm. ership of Railways. rs Repairing It Had Seven Disputing Way, V 7" ‘11le " 0y become harmful J,' the public and to us. , the "ge-and the new can we dot" did you not nun-"n- _V -v. ‘1 pufu‘UH with young people, return A“ ”L -. n " Md be Harri-Ian’s if He ConldControlThen. I them I could not nnsw you could if asked from " your suspenders " ....:.l t fa {that bag-1 I uty, N.C., on the Pas. last night, was rammed Aug. JO.--.' "V .v. n: In!” to Hack bu', four tiii"?,',.',,' from here, Tuesday by the uncov. . black snakes amid the 1 fierce battle between Amos Pierson and Ar- I carpenters, ensued to ment of Justice force the second time?" th, "I refused to tell l the Chicago & Alton axes, the men exaeptjng to them. Thievre ~i'swnot FULL or t' your shirt. l mu ', answer all the qu' J my associates in tl 9.---Jmst " the be uungduring by Bowspn't " is Being Injuries. ed them. The y.oung, crawled menus,” came the de. ince 1896 we have " improvements. We ', then, is a financial It end of the game. left to the officials n. Some of the long, and these rynoyal of the xleral ownership. Per ,. .g, . ting to make a good "e-suits-they bring Proeeedi n gs abuse on the rail. the aTomplishmeut Is:. Facts' that in Rapaigs to Back men or the inter-State Gun. will you unawa- ieaut are "ungui- the public mind Had to to the inter] us. It is the newspapers-- pleiuure up a answer SNAKES et" the}... , tell what Alton pur- put to me Mr. Harri. commencpd killed Hg my posses wer any In whom "r how I could The time of Brooklyn Woman In Prom Eating Canned Kill have - V"... “n vunrl woman. Justice Foster remarked that Solomon himself would be puzzled what tc do in such a case. Then he released Kuelm on condition that he would provide fur both wives. Keuhn left court with Sadie. Before doing so, however, he asked Justice Pos, ter whether he could live with both wives as well as support them. The Jus. tiee replied that he mint live only with his legal wife. J? qttes Lillian' Keuhn, who Herman Keuhn 15 yea and has several child: tiee that she was the 1 and wife was tiau'ie it marrird her in Now-m the “an: 01 two wives pleading that may be shown a bigumous husband in Jus- tire Foster’s branch of the Court of Gen. eral Sessions this morning led to the un- usual action of the Court in ordering that the offender aupport both Women. the imposition of setttenee being deferred for the present. you much ‘Court Makes Novel Order Women Plead for Big New York. Aug, 19.--TI tack of two wives pleading be shown a bimummu hm.“ The fact of the matt saw a snake. The snake h the box in the course of route, where it is to be tion purposes. Suddenly one of them gave a 0'ell,utrd ’with his hair on end and his eyes pop- ‘piug out, jumped for the door. Mia com- ‘pumon shouted a. question after him and turned to do the work alone, when he, too, stared intent]; for a brief and fleet. ing second into a corner of the car, at. ter which he emitted a 'ell Worse than the other one and tried to climb up the} side ot the car in his terror. WI Montreal, Aug. lo.---) at work about we Uamunan Pacitse depot are all“ talkmg ot the peculiar co1uiga. Utetit that. came through Montreal gent-way on its way to Toronto. It ”wind have been Llullslen'cd an, Aorta buy, but someone blundered, and so u. cutuc a: tur an Atonueal. A couple I or cxprcumen stepped into the can 111 which the consignment Jay, and pro-l ceed to clear it out. It MUST l "I think we ean," staid Mr. He quoted a letter from Mrs. written in 1ito0.ytrrirntirtst her that her son would endeavor 'o her mil after her death. and for the best advice as to conveyi copyrights so that they would be l his reach. "Can you cases of pre) ward George Aldrich. . - .e v. ,..w.. As a step in the proof that her " leged delusions affected Mrs. Eddy's feelings toward her relatives, Mr. Rowe claimed it is competent to show how these delusions affected her feeling to. ward her most Intimate friends and first supporters. "Not at all." replied Mr. Howe. "The former is entirely a matter of specula- tion: the latter is susceptible of proof." As a step in the proof that hor of, SNAKE STARTLED EXPRESSMEN‘ - - "___ -' 1-- n “K'IUHIUH- _ Judge Aldrich nkkcd how this matter of delusion wan to be conncctcd with busincsn capacity. He spoke of the wide. spread belief in the cfficacy of prayer to alter natural comlitionn, and asked if that was not as much a delusion m a prayer in the cure of disease by prayer. CAMPERS Persona against ('ntholicism or spiritualism. "Christian Fleienee is a system of modicine. not a religion." replied Mr. Howe. "rn so far as Christian Science is speculation. it cannot he called a delusion. hut whon it is based upon supposed facts. which can be proved not to be facts. then it is a delusion." Judge Aldrich asked how this matter (J .I._I.. , - . - Etreaped From, Tao. Montreal. um part or Mrs. Eddy, but a condition of insanity which influences every ac- tion of her life." Judge Aldrich asked if the Masters had any more right to decide against Christian Seienee as a religion than against Catholicism or spiritualism. competency. Mr. Howe explained that while the courts of this and other States use this phrase repeatedly to describe such a condition, it is not the "eehnieal term used by the Alienists. At this point Judge Aldrich, for the Masters. said that the question to be determined is one of competence to manage property, not one of insanity, general delusion or religious delunion. _ "We will sthow your Honors,” de. elared Mr. Howe. "not a monomania on) the part of Mrs. Eddy, but a condition of insanity which influence, every tut. tion of her life." cent.-. .uu-unJ, an All" plied to the coidition of Mrs. Mary Baker G. Bidy by Dewitt C. Howe, counsel for the plaintiffs, in the ae- counting suit brought against Mrs. Eddy, was formally withdrawn by Mr Howe at to-dny’a hearing before the Masters, who are considering the ques- tion of the Christian Science leader', competenoy. Mr. Howe explained that while the courts of this and other States use this phrase repeatedly to describe such a condition. it is not the technical term used hr the Ali-mint: , Concord, N. H., Aug. 10.--The hear. ’ing before the Masters who are to determine the mentnl competency or Mrs. Mary Baker G. Edddy, head of the Christian Science Church, Wu adjourned this afternoon, to permit the Masters and counsel to investigate the aged sub. [ jest at 2 p. m. l Speculation or Delusion - Christian PLAIN TIFFS SEEK MIG. EDDY’S ami] RAILWAY SMASH. i SUPPORT BOTH WIVES. was the firm wif. s Sadie liottenlxn in November, last to go to the poo; you mnnoct those isolate': preittm'eo with her feelings to. nrge W. Glover?" asked Judge Science Not 1 Religion; But a System of Medicine, Says Counsel. Plead for Bigamilt: tehn "general insanity," an up A "., __.-A|ug " -- -- in his term}: the matter is, ae work alone, when he, tly for a briet and fleet. u. corner of the cur, at. lined a yell “one than Id tried to climb up the in I..', A--, ean," said Mr. Howo ki, said she mart ied -The rare spec had eséupéd ai; If it. trip to 1'o. [ Used for exhibi- SEEK T0 PROVE THAT IS DERMGED, mm.- s to (Innreying hor ' would be beyon I When Two the men a Car at Eddy, belief ber asking Free System [anointed With Seven Carriers. A Stratford despntch: The free postal delivery system was inaugurated in this city today for the first time. Seven carriem traversed the routes throughout the city and it is oder stood that this number will be "trr-; ’plemented in the near future in order (to make the eervice more complete and up to the needs of the public. Three deliveries will be made du’ly for busi- ness houses, two for the business And residential section and one for the out. skirts of the city. The following cu- rim were appointed.. J. Dion, J. A. Cough, C. Mdiuire, H. Luv-on. J. Ban- non, W. Austerberry, G. Wish. M. Herve’s resolution against defend ing the country in cue of war trag de, feated by 251 to 41 votes. cans. " lunch Congress Con-idea Ita Duty to it l Defend Country. t',' Nancy, France, Aug. 19.--The Social. m-u ist Congress. at its session to-day, re- in t affirmed the declartion made at Lim. oges last year regarding it being the l duty of French Socialists to defend the country if attacked. M. Herve and other The extremists made a hard fight against the resolution, declaring that militarism 'll is the "natural effect of a capitalistic re- mm gime and is based on the antagonism of mum clans interests,” and declared himself trin in favor of a military strike in case of gm; war. , In the course of a violent speech M. P3": Herve referred to the "Undiu in French 'll', uniforms who massacred the Mor-. 7 t) (mm " STRATFORD POSTAL DELIVERY. socuusrs wdifL, co ro WAR, French Congress Egg-icon In hum ----._. v1 HIRI‘IH‘ arrived here yesterday from Chicago and held a long eminence with thrw dis. triet presidents of the anthracite regions. The conference was a not-rot one. but it is understood that the main subject un- der discussion is the loss of membership in the union in the anthracite field. The conference will continue to-day after which a statement will be given out as to what course of action will he pursued toward reclaiming thaw mine Yorkers who have dropped out of the mi» 1 ton. ( MEN BIt0PPIyc our, Wilkesbarn Mitchell of t The United Mine Workers Lexi Buenos Axles. Aug. "A-meta,' mind here of the wreck in Flirden of the American) bark Prurosia, fron folk, March 20, for Port 'l'uwnwn nounced from Punta Arenas. Stn Magellan, yesterday, say that the tain eommitted suicide when the , ran ashore And that fourteen pussy-I in odditirn to {our sailors, low I lives. Fomteen Passengers and Four su or: Uat ill $himrreek. eept Zionism or submit to national dis. grace or bankruptcy. The Anglo-Jcrumlcm scheme, he de. elared, wan progressing favorably and would become the humor under which Hebrews would fight. showing the world the power of their civilization. Every Hebrew had two eountries--that of his adoption tttC. the Holy Land, and he must he faithful to both. ,,_.t -_.» "an: rum-n00 m- atructiom to not with vigor. and are do. ing no. They are pushing forward the American proposition and also arranging icon proposition for the estalriiUtment I which can only he put forwatr; as a wish at the closing 'session. A feature of the opening of the Zion. ist Conference here this, morning was a grand speech hyy Dr. Max Nordau. Among other things. he said that Zion. ism was the Hebrew reply to tuttimemit. ism and the persecution of the Hebrew race throughout the world. It was I vital question for Hebrews either to ac- cept Zionism or submit in mun-ml At, CAPTAIN SUICIDED. nuu purposes, as a result of yesterday morning’s sitting of the committee the throwing of explosives from balloons an] airships is forbidden. M. Beornnert left this afternoon for Brussels, whither he goes holding highly pessimistic. views wnu-rning the pure conference, and believing that the Anger. ican proposition for the tsatblishnu-nt of a permanent international court of ar bitration in doomnd The Hague, Aug. m and purposes, as a rm morning's sitting of the throwing of explosives fl aiighips is forbidden. No THE HAGUE . 77â€", "I . luvs?" N. Wilson, of Kansas City and several persona were use! _ _,,_V.......y '"Jureo. Weston, In., Aug. Io.-.- pansenger train, southbou railed yesterday by a broken " “m.“ - -- Des Mnioes. la., Aug. 19.--- A special to the Regina- and Leader lay-s a fast Burlington train from Denver to Chicago, was wacked a mile eat. of Russell yel- terdny, injuring eleven persons, two of l whom" may die. The derailment of the front truck of the first mail winch, was the cause of the wreck. The severely hurt include: Mm. James B. RySdel, New Brunswick, Canada, internally injured. May die. Weston, In., Aug. I0.--A Burlington ,?,',',.',t'intrtr, train, southbound. was do mi a nun..-) __, . . - Canadian Woman Hurt in a Wreck and May Die. httemationnt Court once orenr-aret,re,vi Faithful to Land of , AIRSHIP BOMBS, Their Members. HAGUE CONFERENCE WOULD F0331!) THROWING TREK. British diilkiu, have "P, Pa,, Aug, the Unitod is doomed ”nu wurtoen passengers. four sailors, low we. relegnws have received in. ct with vigor. and are do. are pushing forward the, naition and also arranging m for the estairiiUtment be put forwatr; as a wish SPFEIOH. Aug. Ifh-jetailst re wreck in Flirdem Bay trk Prussia, from Nor. I Port Townsend. an- T. IO.-- President d Mine Workers, from_Chi_(-ngo and Jenna. Strait of y that the Cap- when the vemel [woken flange. Louis has City, was killed were Rommel] hurt. rt-Zionist Confer. 72W. Trrged to be of Their “Option. Max Norttatt, aid that Zion. to ttttti-ttemit. of the Hebrew To all intents rum rm- Water Woman Who Tries to brown Herself. Holynke. Mum. Aug. ltt.--A hound saved Mm. Mug-rot Brew-Jun from mmmitting suicide in the cam! Int l night. The woman rushed from her house 1nd leaped into the water. She had sunk twice, when a dog owned by Michael Connor. dived for her and pulled her to the link. She um revived and than “be home. The. dog Wu Mill on the bank when the we.“ ruched at Old [and in. The mt we” thirty kit (to. DOG PREVEITS SUICIDE. Pull- Fron Water Woman In MN Holyoke, saved Mm. committing night. The house Ind ' Toronto tlrrpatt4t: The nix t'onvention of Mawter linkers li:,:.:,,",':)':, to a mnelunion .voritord trip to Guelph. The dolexntm ‘gnvntu of lie-urn. Welshman puny on the trip, which I'll t joyable function. Upon the the party at Guelph spacial on waiting to man-y them t, uric cultural Pollen, [ld')).,,',,"),'.",',,','.": to the [ma President of the college Ind tl Government. wan uniting ttu in pienie style, on the [Mom the college. m the Stat» tirut hatchery at i When the Ntate abandoned the Dodge continue-d it, uupplying for mmy _treamr, and pond». A drought whit-h ha. lasted l mouths lowvrud the water at luxtvlwry, and Dodge feared I lamina-m would be ruim-d. This it looked like rain for I time, l, the nun came out Dodge mid to ther, who in no Yeats old, "It in new.” Then he left, and was fun in the barn SUICIDE BECAUSE " DROUGHT. Fish and»: has Two Inch Dry Spell Would Ruin Basile“. Middletown, N. Y.. Aug. "I. -Faiward ':A. Dodge committed suicide here this morning by shooting himself throuvh the head with an alumni". Irodgo was 40 yum old, and Wm- fm-nu-rly in charge Rf the Stilt? fish lung-lump ... n I ' . Many of the Front In" hered "uh the H'rt B. F. Schroeder. a Can performed the wro-mony wen emptied from the ti and in all direetion,, on Schroeder laid: "As much an it hath pl (God in "in win- provide, of the world the so". Jhtillen, we therefore " the windu of heaven u of the Delawaw. in mm»: In"! wiUs. Adam to ash duxt." the barn BAKERS’ CONVENTION OVER. u-n-u m the winds the when of Henry Van Zuillnn. who had been esteemed and loved by the little band that attended the strange ftmerat. men stood with harm brad: in of the frrryhunt Arc-lie, of the and Philadelphin line. M no": while from a ten-ounce tin w tend to the Winds the Adm-I t ' _ Given letting to Wm. Me Divot“. V and Only Dover to Witov. e u Chi A . ".--The will of the Into t writer). 'll5a'l'ad wan filed in the r Probate Court today. Dora McDonald, who is "ovum-d of murdering Webater Guerin, grin ottiy hvr . dower righu, and Mary Noonan Mellon- , ald, the divomad wife. is not "tt'tttioned. , "Pay to my wife what and only what f she would take under the In“ if I had ' died intestate," was the provision in the l 'second paragraph of the. will. The rest ot the tstititte iv- to hr lll'ltl by the trmetees, weuey Schimim-l. William A. Pinkerton and Charles Winship, for fifteen you"; and tin-n to be diridvd among the throe noun. Guy C. Mullunald and ('aimius Ric-Donald an- each to re. oeive . third, but ‘55,“!!! in to be dwlllct- ed from the saare of the non Harold lie. Donald, Imogene McDonald. the win. ot the dead man’s brother. Edward F. Mc. DonaldJs to root-He $50,401”. The [Mi- ‘tion accompanying the “in ..:.... . Party Spent has“: day at o. A. c., a Dult of Henry Frat, 1 the Wills by Hi: Philadelphia, PAL. men stood with hurt-d of the fern-In... A.-.. 65oo,ooo, but, to be a (on: lined to em sum. "on accompanying the will the value of ttre mum- lml $500,000, but, the mmmu- la to be a formality and the e' lined to eluted that Amount -- _.. .... "WT"'""', we 'tr-tresin. being accentuated by the advance in the bank rate. ('unnols de. clined 5-16 to til 1-2. Americana started 1 to 5 points below yeuwrdny'u price. and fell quiekiy when the high bank rate was announced, but went up lam-r and ruled dually all about unit» I......- l The 'stock market expeta' ed dv-preuuion thin non-in ing to yoskrdny’n break and although not much hands, prioes weakened in the depression bu-ing meal advance in the hunk rate clined 5-16 to tll Ie.. him ' London, Ayg. M?.-- The dim of the hunk of out“. after a. prolonged discussion, to-day ruined the bank”: dis. count rate from 4 to 4 1-2 per 'eettt,. ow- ing to the Mary situation on the mtimt and In New York, and the anxiety of Ameriran noun-s to phuse fm. nice bill. here, whirl: is taken to indi- cate possible gold nhipmenta to New York in the near futurv. The rem-m tor. eign competition for the gold arrival: evidently helped the directors to arrive at their division, und the usual demands for ligypt, as well In South America, Inuit he met Ill-fon- the your end. The reserve will be "mk'iently depleted without such I demand fron, \'n-- 'L-, I’DOIALD DISIIHIIITS WIVES. Can-cot the rmclusion yesterday wit 'h. The delegate., we" learn. Floiqhmnnu & t trip, which was n Moat Wu tritittnrjireTn,Te7a' e, on the npuioul lawn 0f SCATTERED m RIVER e min for u time P out Dodgy acid Mt yearn old, "It he left, and “In 'ted “out rt he ceremony, tbe mwnpern on ote Nru-mony. AR the 'd from the tin and were diM'tions "h't't' the watt my" syn-mu car- were in "O' them to the Ott. nl College. when I 'd to the new: by the collar-3nd yte Ontario 'e GNPthva Were the Fkiuhmann & Com- ,hieh "I. . Mogt en- Upon the arrival at it hath pkutw P Provide-um- the will of lonlld, Hm is accused of Whom-r Guerin. an“ only her , and Mary Noonan McDon- an: an mm HI and the "03;; nn-ordnnoe with his I “he: and dust to "t Day Yetta. I Guelph. r‘. amorimna started do" yesterdny’: price. when the high bank rate but went up later and about parity level. hmdon undm Mstvd over two er ttt the fish urod that IO This murnin‘ ime, but the. aid to his mo. "lt in all over In found later Quinn Thrown te , 0v. “Nun. Aug. 19.--. Twenty I I......I :_, A. pie-nod Almighty "ttee to take nut ‘ of Henry van mmmit him to d the estate ir/J. mount by I lame 'soft “Wink. chief I y r. "r,--ratwnrd id" here this " through the "Primed a rem-w ut manual "I the ferry. mourners to In charge Rockhmd. hatchery , mu fry Canada with . I in the run; the Camden noon to-day n were arent. id fi"riiid nook claw " dimtiom, were an", In ter M r. ttlertakor, the lube. ard F'. Me. The peti. estimated to exeeed wnuidered

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