West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Aug 1907, p. 8

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Ly C) ”a Telegraphy "o,reeni1eritie, humanly. etc. Shoal-ad um! typewritlng and wow-wry work. Worthy sunk-ml named to position. Write for Annual .mnouncemem. C. AJLEIINU Ixueiruotion. "Sindeuu ',,i2i2ie,iSi,i,iiiiitiii. a: link. We tench buninen In lam innludln- a: dent. We tench iareieiiuiNisii'ii iiriiii7irG 'jt"oC"tPryt, (gunmen!!! law, Artttsmettd Forum-nee! on September 2nd, 1907. Three thorough sud "scum wanes of may hr}: frti't eqt!1prr.tenf. pp to date pleated. of to £130,000 per unnum in mt can heroine I good one!“ you study in The Cemnl 'Pe W. a. SHAW, Pm. '1. shdiiiumvs, Pun Don't f t er 7 WWW "o2'l'2L'r'3'dlho,,, po. I." mm "mm (LP... “out. $2311.23 tlrg,gu - c. B. POSTER. mm" c.r.n.. Rmnlivo farmer, "i'r.',i/,C'Y, by Nit-italic. 2 WI” men And "an“ la mm" on arrival " Wit Fro. "In-portalmn mil b0 [untamed u Winnipeg 1 Rr.. were khan" no mic-l. can of hum. In. braoctsear, Ind at on. an: a any. on and Album. . A eqrttiieate " mun-hot! with Inch “at". Ind thin shown. that laborer I!” worked thirty thy. or for ."a'a."%,y'f" tiehrt hack to "artiata 1 Nor. . . Tick-u m good only on -ial Pam Inboun’ "Ii "'o-.butiiiinauuiiiUii"iii"i%Tf, Ami. a 7 Ami. ao Sept. q ' II the In: step I elegrap y sowuds position- f','.',').",,', trom '5000 tt 8150.000 per unnum In mi wny service. You an Immune a good operator in 6 months if nu Itll,',? In The Central Telegnphy School. m-mm m. K., Toronto. The Briest School 1 (minds. Writefor Miculm. l “F or I ”my. ' Fell'))'))) . a v r _ .0 .- 1 £5 '. (‘23? P 1‘5 , - ”.5 " . __ l _ L . Cl ' SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Au.; m 3“: ROBERT BURNETT ilill Eli V 'P'" _ ' , w. ' ' . . $3: riit ONE. :33;I Lawns, Muslims DIAMOND HALL iilrirdltllllll I I Our Stock is now complete in all lines [ t, l, l, Illllli Il connected with the Jewellery trade i!.St,?s, I l ‘ Ill such as the following: Watches, 'tSIM, il L' Clocks, Rings, Brooches, Silverware. Our Stock of RINGS and BRUOCHES of all kinds could never he better than at the present time. We take great pleasure in showing you through our high class stock and consider it a favor rather than a trouble to do so. All Watches and Jewellry for Repairs has personal attention. Watchmaker. . G. A. WEBSTER Boots and Shoes Fall infline and use the Best Clothing. Here ig where they are sold-the styles are correct The at perfect andTIhe materials ot the best value. WAY SECOND-CIASS TICKETS WILL ------Aaau'i=..C.u'i"i. Owen Sound. Ont. "THE REGENT AND PICADILLY BRAND" THE PE0PLE'S STORE "-'-""- -_--..--. “Imperial Shoes" is what you ought to Wear if you want ease comfort, style and wear. Atullline always on hand in Patent, Kid. Dongola and Canvas. Here is the place to buy overalls. smocks. working shirts, Pants. and shoes for the working man. Our muslin department is filled with the newest in whites and colored muslin. Also a full stock of lawns, linens and muslins. This department is aways: buy place in our More- We carry everything in the Gent’s line ,_ - V -".'.... wvv- .... 'I-QIVHI W eluding Can. Pac. Station. Toronto to Oman Bound. From Toronko and on”. to Ind lncludln tthartrot Lake, also north of Toronto and north of Congo“ Oct. on 0.1 of Bolton Junction on Can. Poe. Imago Lumrer- rm "rival " Winnipeg, will bo hum-had n “lamp" to pan "on an nor-ltd. out ol $4001. JI'. od CC... 000' I mho 0“. " FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Farm Laborers Wanted "iliriit1l'iiifilt, $12 fftlll"" $18 tde READY Til WEAR wn Principl 'm Laboms' trains and will how to woman u we? d u halt Inn to mum. let: ttOla "rtiiue.to. whoa ”mud GOING DATE, turty sinrs or more. Ji-u-bo" "rFnoGrirTii, 3.; to Inning points in Ontario, u 818.00. or Jeweller to. to ban" on Can PM. and Cart. Nor, um. le. Kim-Mk and Swan liivor. {inc-lud- umh may “t that»! in Suhtohevum 'edding Season) l MissDick will have full charge this season for the Parisian Millinery company and has engaged Miss Rogers again as head trimmer. Miss Rogers is in a wholesale in the city of Detroit, getting a grand ex- perience for the coming season. We have also engaged two assistant trimmers who are in the wholesales in Toronto getting good experience. It lsonr aim to have a longer and better display of tall Millinery than has ever been seen in Durham". Snyhvchmn The 'arisian Millinery C 'or The Fall Iillinery Season SOLD YO WINNIPEQ ONLY Additional for the lemma Met. under condition I bdow. Ontario, sou"! of malrt "no or tlt "etiont north to and In- Ind Alberta Communion". uncut-0d bz‘hrnper notod from t t Dom! n n 018.00. prior tn t Lake and Kingston. on 0.T.H. and north ut. ' TOION'I'O Optician Review to Jan. lst--250 _ Mrs Hanna, with little son. from near Fergus, who has been visiting hermother. Mo Grant, Sn, and broth. er Will and family, is a guest of Mr! Dunn in town thin week and other old friends. We are lorry to hear of the death of Mrs “bastard who went to her [or ward on Wednesday morning. Mrs Walker and Mr: Steven: are two of her daughters in town. We hope to have fuller particulars next weak. Miss Lydia Thompson, for several years housekeeper for Mr. R. McFar- lane, left Saturdav for Detroit where she expects to remain. Her nephew Chas Bowling also expects to go there. Mrs. Dr. Hutton returned from Fer. gus hospital last week greatly implov- ed in health, Miss Maggie Aldted also returned same day recovered from nn operation at same hospital. Mr and Mrs Peter Warren, British Columbia and sister In Patterson, of Maryhoro. were guests of Mr Wm Lunney. n hrotherin law, for a few days. Misses M. McKenzie and S. E. Bur. nett have Wednesday morning for a. two week's visit with OWen Sound, Mealold and Uollingwood friends. Messrs Wm Johnston, Dr Hutton, and Dr Smith. Dornoch. left Mon. dav to attend the High Court, I. O. Foresters. at Midland. Mr and Mrs R, Dalton and Master Harold of Toronto. spent Monday and Tuesday of this week u J. A. Lang. ford’s. Gamfmxn. St, Miss Lizzie Brown, Mt Forest. and her cousin. Miss Brown of Rivelylew. were guests of Min S. McKinnon for " few days but week. Miss Marjorie McKenzie and sister Marion returned to their home in Buffalo after spending some weeks with relatives in town. Rev Jonathan O'Neil is putting in his holidays on Lot 28, Con. tr, Ben.. tinck. on the banks of the Snugeen. near his old home. Mrs S. McComh. of Palmerstcn. visited the McComh and MeRinnon families in Durham and the McComha of Williamsfmd. Mr W. Nichol and sister Miss R. Nichol, of Pricevllle, visited at the home of Mr Allan McKinnon. the Sunday before last. Mr Nelson Mulvin, formerly hook- keeper " tho Separator Uo. works here, left Monday for his home in Woodstock. Mrs Seaman of Idaho, accompanied by her two children are at present the guest of Mr David Hamilton, brother of Mrs B. Missr-c Agnes R. Cameron and Dora Burnettlett Monday morning to take positions as millmers in wholesales in Toronto. Miss Neilie McGillivmy of Paisley, returned after spending some weeks visiting Thornhury and Durham friends. Mr. John Ferguson, ofthe C. P. R construction staff, left for Bulls on Saturday to join wife and children. Mrs McGuire and daughter of Yeo- vil visited her sister Mrs Robert Curran. prior to leaving for the West. Mr. John Johnston after a. week's holiday in Detroit returned Saturday to resume his place in Hutton fill!“ school. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ‘ With A fun In! " follows : J. H. Ramon. B. A. Specmbt In Chutes. t1utthsetA-utin. French and helm]. s. B. arena, B. A. Specialist In ultimatum. Buttteets,-3E.thestinttts and drawing. ' G. A. Gun Ut Prof. In: ,Geocn , Selene. um banned“. m phr Cmdiduea zap-red for All we. of cache" can!!!“ 'fgl for pn- and {loner mmcon. Tues., Sept. 3rd, '07 Mt. Forest High School god.i',li'Pifiig,riirg"iiieiiL "yiiiiTe%riiG, Sept. 3rd. Write" oretstalqrue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princlpnl. Kg. 009m. Mjglqr’mnuon given on" Ippllcnlon to the Get the Genuine. not the Imitation I Invest your money carefully. Attend ELLIOTT Z "rydintllt . 'rmtftarrft mm All materials such an timber. brick, stone, &e in case- where the buildings cannot be moved, are also offered for sale. Dated June l 1007. Apgly to Theaé irViipGFGGrit be removed " at an at]: date. in order to clear the lint/rf rig tyf way: 7 7 The undersigned offers for sales number of houses and outbuildings along the line of ri ht of way of the Walkerton and Lucinow Iuirwny, in thtt Towp qt Durham. PROPERTIES FOR SALE [ Farm tor bale. Lot. 27, 28, Gun. 1 S. D, It. Glamour. 85 ttet'e8 cleared, 7 acres hush. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Barn (45x60.) smile from pro. poseJnHul-m on new U. P. tt. Line, Gawain"! tnSchool and P. 0. Fur. ther pm tmul 'to, apply on the premises. Not only will Capt. Knabenehue'l famous Air Ship make tiigltt' Moi. any at the Canadian National Exuiiiitioii, Toronto, but will Alec make A dowmtowu ihgltt from the Exhibition into the oily. encircling the City Hall Ind ramming back to the grounds The first week, or rather within tho timt four days ot the Exhibition, August " to 81. The an ‘ship will be housed in 3 ten: to which free acceee will be Itlnted. end en ex- pert guide will alweye be present to explain the mechnninu end lo give details of the progress of aerial nume- tion. Nothing buts violent norm will maven: Capt, Kuebenehue making I t1uln each Joy from Augtirt 27 to Sep- tember 7. l Cor. Yonge & Alexander an pug yo.u, wyl get "renurno" any“: Edyas- Upwards of 20,000 men are wanted in Manitoba, tiasketehewan and Al- berta to assist in harvesting. and to meet the demand to some extent the Canadian Paenfie has arranged to run low rate farm laborers' excursions. Leaving dates are Aug. 27, 30 and Sept. 4. (Advertisement in another column gives territory and further particu- lars.) From all Ontario stations one- way tickets will he sold to Winnipeg at $12. Men are engaged at Winnipeg and are given free tickets to points where help is needed east of Moose Jaw. After working at least thirty days and having the employing former certify to the fact, a. ticket hack to original starting point is issued tttti payment of $18. This is a. splendid op- portunitv to see the. golden west and to make something more than ex. penses. Lot-MC. P. R. agent is well Posted and will be glad to give anyone all information. Miss Mary stetaiiapGpent . days of last week visiting her friends here. A very pleasant family reunion took place last Thar- at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Charles McQueen. This re-uniun has become. a pleasure looked to: once a year and without doubt, Was f,',y),7r/, by all I'."',',',',',','.,': All the members 0 the fami y were pres- ent and alsonll the grand children' but two. A few intimate friends were also present. The afternoon was spent in various ways. the older ones in quiet intercourse, the younfer ones enjoyed themselves immensey play- ing baseball and when evening came they repaired to the house and by music and song and recitation passed over) happy time. A very pleasing feature 0 otthe evening after the m- ner man was fully satisfied Was the taking of some photos by Miss Fraser of Durham, who took some good neg- atives of the company, one of which was the grandparents and the grand- children," who number 30. The eve- ning’s program closed by the children's sweet voices singing a good bye song i The farmers here are through tut tag and are busy at the harvest. We are son- to report that Mm lary i'ihJl'l%, Drdmore, is ver inch. Her sister. Mrs. Arch. McLeod. from Otrman, Mam, came home to wait on her. This community wn shocked by the new: of the sudden death of Ellis Wilson the beloyed and repected daughtel: of Mr. and "POL Noble Wil- son. who went to Regina but December and was married to Mr. Cheater Murdock. At time of writing no detinite particular: have been re. ceived by the anxious and hum-Immig- en pan-nut. The h-ionds and mum, ur- hood deeply sympathize with Hit-m in their deed son-0w and bercavetueut. THE numm‘nsvmw TORONTO, ONT. Harvest Heip Wanted West.. ', R. Runs " Excursions to Win. rupee. mu. Ill-OPEN on: Latest in Air Ships. ---_.i------ J. P. 'NLrostD, Durham ----i. F----.- Boothville J mm McAm-uim Prop, a few' many LAnma.Gn 1ttrADe.--Ladietrt The Fall Fair wall soon be on, and its high time you started to make a rum patch it quilt, work a few nice buttonholeo or darn a pair of socks. The girl who can darn socks without leaving lumps in a real jewel. and the art of arning‘ should tie clawed as an aceprnpliehic: ment. It'e an awful handy thing, too for a girl to make a good loaf of bread-Loot the heavy stun that drops like a hullet into a person's digestin- machinery. It isn't it sin for a girl to know how to play the piano. tune a Jews-harp or gaunt a nice landacape. That'a all rig t, but there'a nothing like the girl that can make a good pan of cakes and new on trouser but. tons. and polish the glauwaro and who the burdock. in the backyard. era’a no diacount on a girl of that Mnd."-aurruton Review. t "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Pitth and all things therein. He then created man aou woman and left the loafers on the corners. and in due time they mulli- plied and then spread into post otfiees and depots and the stores. In these placea they sit and explain suite and! notional problems thou have vend great minds. While he. it thus en- gaged his witois out wuhinz for her neithora. and the poor helplou ch: dren are left at home takin Cart. of themselves as best they can. GiTi, is nothing more noticeabPe thou I loafer," " can meet his otiikdiiGi."iiiiiii2 we have hundreds of subscribers who ere honorable enough to pay. We are sorry to have on our list numbers of subscribers who are in arrears. the amount of whose indebtednvss While individually small runs up to very many dollars. We would apprecmte it, very much it these arrearagel were paid up Lue nenew has much reason to sympsthize With its enhance which published the following.. The most unpleasant feature ot uewapaper business. experienced by all country papers, is the number of subscribers who never consider their indelitedness not seem to cure whether the publish- er can meet his ohlinmtinn. “um- Durham.......,........ Sept 24-25 Flesherlnn.............. b'ept20-'g7 Hanover ."............. Sept 'ar-m Holstein ............... Oct-l. Markdnle.......... ..... Oct 1-2 Priceville.............., Oct 'r-at Arthuxii...................Sepl3-19 Collingwood...... ...... Sept 2C-27) Dellmro................ Sept 26-27 Mtrroretrt.,......,..o. Bept.i7---18 Owen Sound..... ...... Sept 18-14 Walkermn........ ..... Sept 19-20 Western Fair, London. . Sept 6--U - -___" -.‘.......u..“:n4 """""e UK] the grounds of the Canadian National Exhibition. Tomato. will be the new Railway Exhibits Building. which the various companies have combined In erect a“). cost of 850.000. This build. ing will be handsomely rquipped. And Will contain samples of cereals. min. erals. lush and gun": from the chief points on every line in Canada. It will also contain many exceedin‘fly handsome Vier of scenery. on a large variety of exhibits made by the Ontario Government. --A writer in the News signing himself a " John A. Boy," says "Borden is afroat and Faster is an Icicle " and sacs no hope of the Conser. vatives winning till they get a change of leadexs. be I dark-dee for Canada if there should come any sag from the old levels of injustice. and the impression should gain ground that by means of social or political or money infiaenee the wrongdoer can evade the con- sequences of his "ts-Presbyterian. The Globe is doinguood service in calling attention to the danger to the best interests of the country involved in any lowering of the high standards of j mice We have prided ourselves hitherto that justice in Canada is blind to all distinctions of rank or wealth, and that all men stand on ‘the same platform in the eye of the New. This result has been that Can- ada has enjoved an enviable reputa- tion as law-abiding country in which those resp0usible tor the adtnirtiatra. tion of j ustice are held in high respect. There have been u good many things recently to jar our telretynphusendi, and notable among these is the shame- iul miscarriage of justice in the Orangeville abortion case, in which the guilty men have gone unwnipt of Justice. That shameful episode can- not be forgotten and is still to be reckoned with. Cases of that kind have far more than a local interest. Tloey go to the root of_things. It will 1lhrry.'view Mt much reason Changes in the Dominion cabinet an expected soon. Here and there men are mentioned as “possibles' that we are sure have neither the business ability nor capability of our own B. H. Miller. Mr Miller’s char. acter. his integrity. his push and knowledge of slain generally point him outas eminently suitable for a acablnet position. Already he is re- cognised asone of the leading speak- ers of this part of Ontario, and his ad- mission to the inner circle would be a real strength in Ontario to the Laurier administration. Mr Miller’s business motto " always prompt, never negli- gent." would be a revelation in some departments at Ottawa. One at (be !yPctiemetbuiit1insp, Put Miller in the 00%th Railway Exhibit at Toronto. Maintain the Old Traditions. We Extend Sympathy List of Fall Fairs -o-.ou~-..... at: .......... ..o-......... ... ......-... F....... ..... r............ ......... .... “-9 All our experience at your service. Call and see us. and much more tell you of this week I We beg to annouuce to the) 1people of Durham and vicin-; it, that we have opened up? 1n J. C. NICHOLS STORE I A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys I All the very latest in Collars and Tim Gloves and Hose 1 am. Cups. Shoes. I New! New! liar, John Gents' Furnishings ,. w 'N.'tMtttge and in An FINEST or THE WORLD’S BANDS nleFlcm BATTLE SPECTACLE UNRIVALLED 1mrratramiiiiiii" FEATURES . T'."'""-,-----. _ Hhhmflmdwhm-mhdI-d. F. cl “and. add-, W. K. 550“ . o. ORR P.“ J “d in W a Tt2rtttrtm 05 (Juan'- 1907 Binder twine, machine oil, and harvest tools are the articles most required at the present time. Our stock of these is complete and reliable. The Triumph, of the If you have a desire to save money on Clothing, now is your chance. Our Fall Clothing will be on handlshortly and we need the room and the money invested in present stock so it's greatly to your ad- vantage to buy now. ALEX. RUSSELL If YOU are only slightly concerned about your Fall dress. come "I and see our selection. We delight in showing them. We would like you to come in and look at them whether you buy or not . Miss Torrey, our dressmnker, is holidaying this month. but will be ready for business the first week in September. Anyone securing their goods here can make arrangements with us to have first chance when the dressmaking staff arrives. Already the new fall styles of materials are in stock and they are so reasonable in price, so exquisite in pattern and so rich in appearance. Plain satin cloth. Venetians, Broadcloths, Tar-- tans. Plaids, Tarette cloths and Khantanas are the new cloths for fall. THE BIG STORE hill BREE nouns Never Such Suit Values for Men and Boys ', 1 'T'mpf.L.9.f the Time! CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION IXNtoNIo 1907 Alain“ 26th to September " We want your Butter and Eggs. We can't Dress-making Hardware The olden 5nd atom: business school, All {calms TI of mums. d Students nee ve expert nan-um nu noun mum and no tainted to “muons 7m. toe customs. of an. tire tuned-t. o a. Open year round-Enter anytime T We are havine an upholster- er the Brst week m every month. Anyone wishing old Rods rum " "led to look grad an an? ahnuld advise t"--we wall h ple ttsed to Attend to it at once. I Hills! F Gum: [lam], 'alle, Ir. door 00ml: Post om Ell lillllllll Hus I full hne of thartain Poles, Window Etudes, Picturerrramei Frames to order of all kinds. mass, BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE AIR-1' a" Ai2'iit'2"g'll'/1, '. M. WATSON c. A. and." AUGUST " 1907 It" You: a loaulym 10mm oer W'- The) Undertaker . {t g“: c fo th Mt ar he pa In th hi

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