us We,." hder In "or Fer If! 'era, 'tses, Ms o? We: '. 5, 1907 PINK " 1.1. eman o 1.00 llg 0tooks, an Fe huts be , 'iPeri'2'i"aaretmtm 'er!rlmel8Brtrle2ltsi1! A Goderich township action corres- pondent writes the Clinton New Era as follows: " A tumor has recently found out that by planting onions nnd potntocu in the same Beld in than.“ rows the onions become so "not: that they bring tents to the eyes of e po- tatoee in each quantities that the roots are kept moist and a lame mp ii raised in spite of dry -her." lion- 301* Get the Genuine. not the Imitation 1 Invest your money carefully. Attend A Goderich township 01:th Cor. Tenn c Alexander at And you will t ' nun." W lanc- I-ttter kind i,1t,,'F'ir,'i1ti'i!, Full was "on t. 3rd. Write or one. TORONTO. ONT. The Down Town Shoe We have only a limited number in ladiea' sizes " to 5k. Our 1.50 line white heel red. to..$l.29 . ' . ' _ . " Mme: and Children a are 1dl,'l'.g,' lenthef‘beel " â€Lg also reduced in price. Be wise and get a pair while your size is in stock. from enher town or WANTED DARLINGS, The People's Druggists AUGUST 29 & SEPT. 6, 1907 'or fhose White Shoes Blanca and Pipe Clay 'oilet Waters 'alcum Powders DARLING’S DRUG STORE w. J. union runaw- WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS ka" Darling's Cream of Witchazel for Sunburn Some Summer Specialties country to carry away the balance ot our Store Violet, Rose, Colgate's. Dactyls and Cashmere Bouquet. A Number of Ladies J. S. Mcllraith MissDick will have fall charge this season for the Parisian Millinery company and has engaged Miss Rogers again as head trimmer. Miss Rogers is in a wholesale in the city of Detroit, getting s grind ex. patience for the coming season. We have nlso engaged two assistant trimmers who are in the wholesales in Toronto getting good experience. Itinonr aim to have s longer and better display ot tall Millinery than has ever been seen in Durham. Parisian Millinery Co. For The Fall Millinery Season .--an absolute necessity in hot we ther--. Coigate's, Taylor's Valley Violet, Mennen's. Sanitol. Electors are called upoh Vtowe:amine the said list and d any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have {he said errors corrected according to aw. Dated this 12:h day of August, [907. J. 8. BLACK. Clerk of the Municipolity of Glenda. Notice is hereby given that l have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Votent,' Lists Act the copies required by said sections to he so trang. mitted or delivered ot the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last reused assesument roll of the said municipality of Glen- elg. to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for mem- hers of the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections and that the said list was firat osled up " my ottiee on the 10th (fay of August. 1907 and remains there for inspection. _ The iniiax of Japan ese into B Columbia, may yet assume propor- tions that will strain the entente be- ween Britain and Japan. When hot heads talkoi'using guns to prevent them landing, and other heads plan to boycott firms employing them there is chances of trouble. But whntcan you do? Already it up- pearsthev own the Candies, and are aeqi1irityteontrol of their indus tries. Every' Jap on landing must show that he had at least $25. and, ititsalleeed, this is supplied them and collected again by an agent when safely ashore. The influx at present is from the Sandwich Islands over which Japan has no control. bat there is a sinister suspicion that Japan is eonviyingat this round-a- bout way of reaching America. Canada a White man's country. is the slogan of the west. and eastern Canada will do well to take heed. --8ir Hibbert Tapper whose faint- lv whispered coming premiership has lefza little brown taste in eacn man's mouth, is one of those men who are kissed on the battlements and cursed in the basement of the Con. servative Mroneholtr--atelin Mer- cnry. --In Torontoa few weeks ago a preacher was summoned for irregu- arly performing the marriage ceremony, uniting a Chinaman and a white woman. It was shown tnat " though a missionary, he had not been regularly ordained by any recog- nized Christian body or sect. and was convicted, although sentence was suspended. Not a few people i have commented adversely upon this dettision,ttnd have asked why or- dination should be insisted upon. There must be some definite regu- lation of so important a matter as the solemnization of marriage, and the more people are made to feel re.) uponsi ility in this respect the better it will be for the eitizenship of this country. We mast not have irres- ponsible peoplemarrying men and women atwill. Looseness there is already even amongst those who have the right to perform the cere- mony, bat there should be a tight- ening rather thana relaxing of the restrictions that are placed upon those who unite people in marriage. ---Aagust Home Journal, Toronto. But the farmer is both a. producer and consumer, and as such. has a. double interest in helping to create a demand for Ontariu-gruwn wheat. When tho ittdtviduttl farmer realizes that the purchase of the new thrur means better bread an the table bet.. ter prices for his wheat, and an ul- timate substantial darn-asc- in theicost of bran and shorts, the Inn?!» to re- gmp the Ont:n.-iu_ market fur an On- lnrio product will he as good as It has been already pointed out that the farmer as " business nmn. must consider the market. and the inexor- able law of supply and demand. Now ()nlari’) ought to deserve the first attention. and the home-market of the Provmce shuuld feel the effect ofthe demand for Ontario blended flour. l By a series of chemical analyses and experiments which has extended over a decade. it has been demon. strated that hwhe addition of a snmll Eroportion of estern wheat, Ontario lended ttour contains the necessary giulen to successfully compete with "a Western rival, and still retain the furor which " peculiar to Ontario grain. Bread made from blended flour soon found ready sale. in Toronto, and mthin a year or two after the in- troduction of blended tiours on the market. the Maritime Provinces have shown such preference for these On- lnrio~milled fiours that celtain milling firms have doubled their plants In the last six months. . “1 -_ ..‘........ “um. 'were soon convinced that tuvot, must be stuerifleed to strength, so the home market was largelv lost, and farmers begun to notice the increased cost of teed, and the low prices to be ob- tained for their wheat. But the market must be considered. and demand must be created and catered to. if business is to advance. Unfornately for Ontario farmers, the denmnd for what ought to he the most valuable product of their fields has declined. Western millers have intro.. duceda fiout which, though lacking in fiavor, contains more "strenglh." or gluten, than that which is milled from the more finely tiavored Ontario wheat. Ontario consumers. by the extensive advertising of the "llezed superiority t/t,1y.esfety ttour, were Modern forming has become a busi- ness proposition, and men engage in agriculture because it returns annual profits on the money and labor in. vested. The soil is the paymuter. and the variety, quantity, and qualit of goods produced. determined 't't'iiis?: cess of the man engaged in th ag- ricultural business. Clerk's Notice of Posting, Township of omiii. TOPICS OF THE WEEK Re Blended Flour won. And for establishing a highway in lieu thereof, the following namely ; 2. A strip of land sixty six feet wide in lots thirteen. twelve and eleven eon. 8, south of the Durham Road, Township of Gleuelg. County of Grey. more par- ticularly described as follows ; COM.. MENCING at 3 print on the northerly hunt of said lot 18, which point is two hundred and seven feet easterly from the westerly limit of said lot thirteen, when measured along said northerly limit : thence easterly along said northerly limit a distance of one hundred and sev- enty feet l thence southwesterly on I straight hue whose course is S. 61 de. grees 41' w., e distence of three huts. dred and eighty tive feet to a point on n spiral curve; thence on n spirsl curve to the right e distance of one hundred and eighty tive feet ; thence on a curved line to the right having e radius of three thousand and ninety one feet a dist-nee of eleven hundred and ten feet to a point on 1 spiral curve ; thence westerly on e spiral curve to the right A dist-nee of seventy one feet to the westerly limit of I seid lot eleven; thence northerly elongj said westerly limit ol said lot eleven I. distance of only six feet; thence enter- lv on s spiral curve to the left s distenee of seventy " feet l thence northerner ly on . curved line to the left heving e is two hundred and seven feet easterly from the westerly limit of lot thirteen. concession 3, south of the Durham road, when measured nlong said southerly limit of road allowance; thence north. easterly on a. straight line whose course is N, 61 degrees. 41' E. a distance of one hundred and eighty feet to the norther- lyliinit of and road allowance. thence westerly along said northerly limit of said road allowance, in distance ol live hundred and mghty feet; thence wuthwesterly on s spiral curve to the right it distanet, of tittyfeet; thence nuihwosterly on e. curved line to the right having a. radius of twenty eight hundred feet a distance of one hundred and iifty eight feet to the southerly lim. it of said road allowance: thence east- crly along and southerly limit of said road allowance a distance of six hun. dred and five feet to the point of begin. ning; said tract of lend conteining nine tenths (0.90) acres more or less I. A tract of land of irregular shape. being pan ot road allowance between Concession two and Concession throe. south of the Durham Road, township of Glenelg. County of Grey. being more particularly described as follows; BE. G|NNING at a point on the southerly limit. of snid_road allgwance. which point For the purpose of stopping up. scl- lint? and conveying a portion g/e,' highway bet ween Concessions tu. nd three. south of the Durham Road. Glenelg. described as follows ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mauieiptsl council of the Township of Glenelg will, at a meeting to beheld at the township hall in the said town- ship. on Saturday. September 14, 1907, at the hour of Io o'clock in the foreuoon to camider a bylaw Corporation of the Township of Glenelg. ONTARIO Lenahan We carry a full line of all kinds of Furni ing to quality. Call and examine our at themselves. If you want Window Shades length, Pictures, etc... we our assortment. See our assortment of Harvest and Thrashers Gloves and Mitts. National Portland Cement always kept on hand. Coal Oil. Machine Oil, Separator Oil, Linseed Oil, ee., in abundance and of the very best quality. BINDER TWINE We are also agents for the McClary'a line of;tamons stoves among the leaders being the well-known PANDORA. Call and examine them. Thev will stand inspection " all 'tlmee. Hardware THE DURHAM REVIEW We have at all times afttll line of S] GRAN ITEWARE, TIN WARE, Forks RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The " SUNSHINE FURNACE " Picture Framing Promptly done McClary's Stoves FURNITURE tamer black sweet: Under-km 81.00 each " white but: Under-kin- 75c to 01 M4ttt See our ladies“ fancy collu- " 2M --heina Bee our new Print: and Dre-l Gingham Flunellene blanketl lane n-." me in It or my. 81 20 3 pr. Floor Ollcloth IN 1 an (is wide 2he a Smymkun Wd,itdr., ' my 2 ro long, Mitt wide. 'Mft long no in wide. 8 y I long 80 in wide 3 yds long M in wide. 8 ydl long 50in wide. ' yd: long 54 in wide. hue Linen M in wide ., " in wide Bleached Tnble Linen. " In wide [manning Student. would enter " the begin- ning of the term if possible. Bond on be ob allied " reuonuble rues. Burn-m In I hulthy And "tmetire town, linking it I no" delinble pince for tuition co. FEES: $t per month in Minna. The school in thoroughly fd,'l2,rf, in touching ability, in chemical and elect col luppliea on thttipii Ac., tor full Junior Lenin: Ind Intric- ulotion work. The iollowin; competent mil ore In clause: T1108. ALLAN, m Glut Certiiieste, Principal MISS JESSIE McKENZIE LOGAN, B. A., Honor Graduate of Toronto Peemitr,-'rtetrcii, Latin, Composition, nnd Literature. Mrsg DONALDA McKERRACHER B. A., Wad. uate of Queeu‘n Univenity Ind Fix-n Profes- sional 'Pr/meat-lee-i, Arithmetic, Big, ton and '.'--r-o... Wm . "tt-,Br. . chum“. THE BIG of Furniture. - - -"'e--.... luau OWUulvy Wp, test a distance of one thouaand and eighty seyen feet to a point on a spiral curve ; thence uortlieaeterly on a spiral curve to the left a distance of one hun. tired and eighty three feet ; thence north easterly on a straight line whose course is N 61 degrees 41 min E. a dintnuce of two hundred and twenty tive feet to the point of beginning l said strip contain- ing two hundred and iifty tour one hun. dredthe (2.54) acres. more or lean. All pereonsinterested or whose lands may or might be prejudicially "etrted by each proposed by law. are required to attend " said meeting when they will be heard in person or by counsel or so , licitor with relerenee thereto upon peti- tioning to be so heard. " Dated the 29th day at Julv. mm Salad: Ceylon Tea-Blue! Ind mired " 25c we a we a lb. Pun Canaan Honey tn 25c Jun. ydiy oftpree thousand Durham School Our supply is nearly used up yet In have guftieitsnt to do our customers IF YOU INTEND PUTTING IN FURNACE. CALL AN D SEE CURB. __-..... _ l-MWW. -" torr And Geography, KB' Burns coal or wood and gives perfect satisfaction with either. Be- ing simple in construction it does not require an expert to operate it. No. thing but the best cast iron and cold rolled steel plate and the fittest work- manship are used in these msnufac- tnres. which insure their durability. rniture. varying in prices accord- goods. and they will speak tor cs. Curtain Poles of any kind or SHELF HARDWARE, u, Spades, Shovels, etc. sun and Equipmont. LACS gum-mus 29th day ot July, 1907. J. s. BLACK Clerk Township of Glenolg cIntosh. urmture . BEAN HE Cnlder'l Block G. Rug“... SELLS and {valency .. Ttti, i pF, ..90c . pr, 11.00 I pr, 41.40 I pr. ‘99.". CHEAP Mreiif. “can! I.“ 5nd hm pliopen u n the like“ known pun. I or 4 yet: hlnuhe’t [amides honed on the than. iugtalinent or one when: â€new under the most tunable madman. to the Insured. hum In the beat. If your immune expires this you, all on. or drop . cud to Tue uro use" plug!) mutual rim Innunnc Co. In Ontario. A two without a Lti,tet um Must reward for hottest mom. L caused and miracle! by the Government; “alum residence u: hm property noon the has: known ohm Mlllllll HR: it'illlillltlll (ll)lll)llllf mm "lcae iv' .NTRAL Write-on Paton u'.A&n’eo tr... Foe. mount. te2%r, a MARI 531V. Exams Mp). ulldlng " st. mm a. loaves! manly amp! brunt. gull-n lathe Domb Uonunmmu mun; ulna-o “ell-"d! 5an I “an? [brow “an!“ 500: "horn K'. A Pnem' J' What groaning to Invenrlund Prize-on Paton ta'.A vice fr... FWBIOGQM "_'.-. A “‘-1-Al -A -- k! PROMPTLY SECURED , STINSON, The Baker 'tua-tee-it...,,.,;.,.,,",'", Then I have o 100 ACRE well im. proved farm near Durham thutl will sell VERY CHEAP or trade tor other property. It's a. map. For consider- ably under $3000 I will sell 100 sores in Betitinck, with good mil. brick veneer- ed and frame house, large fume bank barn. frame stable:- and pig stables good orchard. This in really I 'vueritiee I have also a. great lot of other pro. 'lfArtd, for sale and a MILLION DOL- LA S of MONEY to lend at very low rules. I COLLECT DEBTS. awfully prepare all kinds-of WRITINGS. lie I U. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate business attended to. Everything private. Our Motto '. "Alt ya p ompt, Never Negligent. , I had 250 can: of Good and above Durham, well improved, with very tine buildings. advertised in the REVIEW for 87500. I can now cell It Pitt"' deal lean and IT’S A BAR- LOOK HERE, nlllllllll Ogilvlo's "Royal Household " Proven Steel Tracks. Singer Sewing nebulae. Wallrtrrton Marble Works, The Bell Organ & Plano Co., Chums and Washing lechlnes. Mumford, Attachment-0y Carriages Koowatln " Five Roses "--The very best Keewutiu make. A cuload just received. FIELD AND GARDEN. CIOVPI and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden Ends in a- bundance for Spring gr owing IIILIcC ARIEL. Aunt. Duh-ll SEEDS Is good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. FLOUR deli, Damian-Ha cr"'hilsTViGs Head Ott1ee t Wslkerton. Ont. We no Iole Agents in Dubun tor the above well known Itnprermettta--. Binders, Mowers, Dlls' Barrows» ' Disc Cultivators, Mum ft"y//g? Hay lukes, gay Lpeh, 3 Ted- .r,t,trgyt-t_purery [pad In. @911an The lhiistrlltrris Go. McQueen & Morice MATTHEWS a LATIMER The Best Cure For Dyspepsia Highest g: ades only. We're allo Agent: for f ff. MILLER, IN NEW QUARTERS Licensed Auctioneer tor the Co. of Grey. no]. 30::me attended to. ute- mam-obi. Men - be left n " lupin-em Wm- 8ll'l'J: Methanol†old “and. out the lum- 0e. GEO. ti. K. MIDFORD JOHN CLARK Runner. Solicitor In Supreme Cot Hoary Public Commlmoner to DUKHAI. ONT. (Lower ' -_ -. ‘1 was madame. Arrangement: tor ale. " mum. to. man be made at the Review ot. goe, Durham. I" Correspondence “are“ there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly. “waded to, Turn. on application to AMIdirit a mu After two yearn in business " Durham I thunk heartily the many farmers Ind other, who haveia vored me with their nude 1nd have pleasure in onuonnomg that I will m the more bu. hnvsplonnroin meeting in more oommodiou Tuners. on my old friend- and tron may new ones. Pronouns out! hit deal. in; will continue to be my mono. You: toe business lu'rlston. "Nt,? Conveyance". c. Money to Loan. (Pee, McIntyre Block, over the Bunk A. a. Much, K.c.l w. F n...- Teacher of Singing "Um0-UPPER TOWN Individual (etching. Speck! " tenaon to tone production, HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. uranium; of Royal Colic-go of DenmlSnr eon- of Ontario. Room- Over J t J EUNTER'B New more HONOR GRADUATE Taro-lo mummy Ml an. Roy-I Colin. Dental Damon no Delmar, In all no trachea. 0thce-aJahteru Block, on ontse, " no" " W. C, PICKERING D. D s., L. o. S he: nut-ant to loot-lew- London. In: to up†(New You) 1',t Hospital l. B. chellan. 'te,tLrMttiiiit'ghhlt, Insurance Agent Inner of Blurring erul tiuancut In lamb» Coll-co final-u and III-cold Dunno “Ice and Balance Cot. Wu and a... - at. u [Dot ot um. ou locate can. Auctioneers. 1,)NoPHAtt.., J. G. BUTTON. M.D., C. I arm Pluton- t Brio-loll. Omoo "or J. W. HUIW'O -- l fto no A... me. over Gordon": Jewelry Store Licensed Auetioaeer I clue: noun 0-"..- 8-4 p... 74p.- ‘I’olomuo Con-mun No. " a mum!“ to Moohteld'. gondola. Eng) and to Knnppa (New York) ye [lo-plain. 51g, Ale, Ease a Throat Ml “do: n to Dianna d - Women and Mat,,'. ARTHUR GUN. 1_'auu B. an MCN notary Public, Uotutuitsasioner, . F. GRANT D. D. MACKAY d; DUNN, CARD 0F THANKS ME 1DTChdSaL DEN TAIL... I, .-" .7-.." \u will] , of Manage Licenses. A gen tiuatsciat busing" trauma-ted n. lei-HAIL; saying». 0 C. IAIAGE, Durban Ceylon ha . telephone olee. IOU" .. convsnncan. . P. TELFORD Money to Loan. DR. BURT Licensed l the County of Grey; ---- Owe-mu 1eoner to Loan 'own) ‘ur Co. Grey or Post Ollie. . F Dunn "7"?! {4145.1 In d in In. in Ind 13. bet.