West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Sep 1907, p. 4

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Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you canfget ali the style and as perfect a fit as can be put into a suitâ€"as much as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not| sofffine, nor the trimmings so luxurious, but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. JUST ARRIVEDâ€"Some Choice Reac y Made Suits We have a great number‘ of styles in Ladies‘, Misses‘, and Children‘s Mantles to select from in Black, Fawn, Navy Grey and Tweed Mixtures. We have also a special line of sample Coats for young girls‘ wear that we are clearing at very specâ€" ial prices. We always consider it a pleasure to show goods. s $15 your price for a Suit?. _B£03§ anr Sh.o;s ettes,/Ladies Mantles wear. NCY Y aistings, Silks, Wrapperettes, ‘eadyto-wear Skirts rand Clot hing, STYLISH MANTLES annels, Our Store is full of Brand New Gcoods for Fall s We are showing the very latest styles in NEW FALL GOODS Dress Goods, J. A. Glass, Cash and One Price rogress . P larity anne]l- urs, ‘anager Er Cutter &A | _ _Malcolm Mclean, son of Hector *A | McLean of the cown line a quarter of ®] | a mile south of this place, was on 3 | the wrecked train and jumped off g without a scratch,. Imagihe the surâ€" prise of the mother more especially "3 | when the boy landed home safe the same evening, it was as if he was risen from death as all the family exâ€" 4 pected to hear nothing but that he was seriously wounded or killed, A. nother young Englishman, a comrade of Buller that was killed 19 lying in Mra Butters from the effects of the wreck. It is too bad that innocent people had to sacrifice their liyes and so many seriously wounded from the ~) efiects of the carelessness of those Mr J, S. Black, the good Clerk of (Glenvelg is in bed from the shaking up received in the wreck and prob ably won‘t be able to attend council meeting next Saturday and the counâ€" cil will for onee feel the effects of his absence and we hope he will te around all right before long. The Rev Mr Matheson while making refâ€" erence to the late digaster on the C. P. R. stated that 11 or 12 of his con. gregation were in the wreck and all miraculously escaped death but poor Jimmy Bullier. & Nimminieci uit Svtinitsl i0) salitcidcdith Ausch ic M L & 3 12â€" a dislocated shoulder, collar bone broken in two places and ribs fracâ€" tured. U 20 0 o oee neoent Snd and on Thursday a large crowd of sympathizers assembled in the Pros. byterian church here where the reâ€" mains of this poor young man were taken and a funeral sermon preached by the Rev‘s Matheson and Berry. The remains were buried ay Mo. Kechnie‘s cemetery, one mile west of this place, The C, P. R, Co gave bim a decent burial. Mr Brander is yetin the hospital in Toronto, with Tuesday morning the third inst the ' aun rose in its beauty and many a son and daughter who were up before , | the rising ann on that morning never _| saw the setting. Our little town was thrown into excitement when she news came by wire, shortly after nine o‘clock, of the terrible wreck on tue C. P. R. as is known all over the world by this time. Although we are small in number in comparison to other places, yet we suffered our share of the loss sustained by the aw. ful accident, for we lost one your g man by being killed and another well known gentleman, Mr Brander, who received a severe shaking up and broken bones and is now lying in the hospital in ‘Toronto. The young man that was killed whose name was James Bullier, was a railroader and boarded at Mrs Butters. He ouly came from England last fall and bad no relatives in this part of the world to look after his mangled corpse. Yet as wo are living in a Christian and civilized part of the world, kind and sympathetic friends who took inâ€" | , terest in this poor friendless foreigner | 1 Ssaw that be got a reswmesital na«iacrl J Bunday the 1st Sep. was Gaelis day in the Presbyterian church, and as usual tke venerable Mr John Campbell of Swinton Park, attended, accompanied by his grandson, Archie Campbell. The old gentleman must be in his 9Oth year and is hale and hbearty yetu. Mre Huggins, (Christena McDonâ€" ald), is with her brorher James Mcâ€" Donald, at the town line, Artemesia, at present, where she is gommng to reâ€" main for some time. Miss Kate MeIntyre of Toronto, spent a few days at home geeing her mother who is not enjoying the best of health lately, and returned again the beginning of the week, i Arch MoDonald, of Francis, Sasâ€" katchewan, writes stating that? frost did considerable damage to the wheat Some are cutting it for feed while others have it fairly good. A iew on the souuh line, Artemesia, threshed fall wheat and barley and grain turnâ€" ed out good, The Uâ€"Needâ€"a Co spent the week before last in our town and took a lot of money, as the result. < Whether those patronizing were benefitted or not we cannot say. The good pastor of the Presbyterian church here, Rev Mr Matheson, is again occupying his pulpit after enâ€" jJoying his summer outing in Muskoka. Pasture fields are gesting green aâ€" gain, small potatoes are getting big and turnips and roots afall kinds are rejoicing for being watered. Our good preachers have been prayâ€" ing for rain during the dry spell, and we are told that the prayers of the righteous ayaileth much, for their prayers were answered to a certain exâ€" tent and now some would like if they would reverse their petition by prayâ€" ing for dry weather as there is a large percentage of crop out yet. rain. The long contmued drought during summer and the former part of harâ€" vest has taken achange and during the most of last week was unfayorable weather for harvesting on account of As there was no Review last week we:hardly know where to begin but will strike on someplace. The fact of the matter is, that we have too many iâ€" tems to give this week and will conâ€" dense our budget as short as possible. got a respeciful burial Priceville |A. 8. HUNTER We have made great reductions in our ces to clear the remainder of our stock. You will find our stock complete an Pitch Forks Cistern Pumps Binding Gloves Lawn Mowers Hay Rakes Ice Cream Freezer Hay Fork Rope â€" Stoves and Furnace Trip Rope Garden Hose & Fittings Belt Laces _ Builders‘ Tools & Suppli Bolts National Portland Ceme Trace Chains Martin Senour Paints Shovels Putty and MTC O _ We have ma ces to clear the TORONTO P ‘ceased) ,f¢ ;) _ ‘O" mother, if the father is of September Ideceued) of the homesteader resides upon a nam, on the 18th day of Septem ber, farm in the vicinity of the land eutered fOF, the at‘8 0 Clock p. in. to hear and deâ€" poitirements as to residence may be satisfied 1907'_‘ € < ® ints of | by such person residing wish the father or termine the _ several “""pl""',’ : ‘s | mother f fagi j oter‘s * errors and ‘m”.""?""l)s mf ‘J;:; to;vn of | _ 3. If the settler has his permanent residence list in the municipality o havi {ulponlarmlnxland owned by him in the viâ€" Durham for 1907, All persons having | U nity of his homestead, the Tequirements as to business at the court »re required to l re-&dlene; may be satisfied byresidence upon the id ti lace, sald land . attend at the said time and p i | _ Bix months notice in writing shoulq be given Dated the 2nd day of September 1907 | to the Commissioner of Dominion hng at w. B. VOLLET, Clerk, Oftawa of intention to SPPly for patent. ~~â€"4 4 l $ 4o w. w, CoRy, T. e ‘ Deputy of the Minister of the Anterior H |_ N. B.â€"Unauthorized publicatton of this aq. Rewew 0 an. S L4 “vcrunmeut. wulnotbep.id!or. WHNHNNNNNNNNWNRARRrrmmmmmmmmemescs........ Notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the Ontario voter‘s lists act by his honour, the Judge of the county court of the County of Grev, in the town hall, Durâ€" ham, on the 18th day of September, 1907 at 3 0 clock p. in. to hear and deâ€" termine the _ several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voter‘s list in the municipality of the town of Durham for 1907, All persons having business at the court nre required to attend at the said time and place, Dated the 2nd day of September 1907 w. B. VOLLET, Clerk, For Union S&oo! No. I, kn Varney School, Duties to he the beginning of t year, 1908, ply stating qualif tiong, sala experience to ’ Mr Robt Petty and Wmm Morrison hayve fone to the golden west to seek their fortunes. The recent showers caught mach ot the grain in the fields yet a little unâ€" cut. Farmers are hustling now to get in the fall wheat before finishing the harvesting. THE DURHAM REVIEW Dr. Leeson visited Mt. Forest friends Sanday. Mr. Dave Smith has his new threshâ€" ing outgt at work in the ineighborâ€" hood it certainly is large enough to thresh this season‘s crop. _ Miss Jessie Saunders spent last week with Mrs McClinton. Mrs Wim Mountain is suffering with a sore foot. Dr. Hatton attending. Miss Maggie Aldred raturned to her home in Yellow Grass, quite reâ€" covered from her recent operation A Forks Cistern Pumps Machine Oil ding Gloves _ Lawn Mowers Separator Oil ; Rakes Ice Cream Freezers Cylinder Oil Fork Rope _ Stoves and Furnaces Sperm Oil ) Rope Garden Hose & Fittings Pulp Oil Laces _ Builders‘ Tools & Supplies Raw & Boiled & National Portland Cement Linseed Oil e Chains Martin Senour Paints Turpentine els Putty and Glass White Lead We pay highestxparket price for Eggs and Grain. i Mrs Schilling and Murray Hoy visited their brother Everett in Toronâ€" to over Labor Day. Miss Eva and Wilbert Blythe Joyed the Queen City Exhibition week. Mr and Mrs Wilton spent with Mr Walter Dunn. Max Allen is recovering nicely from his accident with the street car in Toronto. They are truly great men ; and their work is great also. Their manâ€" ner of delivering is captivating and we hbope to bear the result of their labors in causing many confessions and conversions. ‘The singing by Mr Crossley was grand, especially that old scotch song. "I‘m far fra my hame," it brings the good old scotch Christian in sight of his " ain Countâ€" rie," the heavenly home, while listenâ€" ing to the aged saint‘s sweet voice rendering it. \ A number from here attended the Crossley and Hunter meetings in Durâ€" bam on Sunday evening last and we were one of the number ; of course we didn‘t hear or see anything but what we expected from these known all ovâ€" er the world evangelists. that had control of the train for cerâ€" tainly it was from the effects of too fast driving at such a dangerous ::H of the road that caused the accident for that part of the road is always dreaded by passengers at the elowest possible speed, and think that the train was going at a speed of from 830 to 50 miles an hour at such a danâ€" gerous place, is proof enough that those at the helm overknew their busiâ€" ness or lacked common sense in atâ€" tending to their duties properly. E 10000 222 ACRRTIRUE one to the golden west to seek usfrsee ws « W. BuÂ¥TH. Secy. Treas Varney, Ont. Teacher Wanted Judge‘s Court. "**C07 given that a court 1 pursuant to the Ontario 4 act by his honour, the the county court of the A Great Saving in _ nveamadds, 423 A pol No. I, known as Varney. L 9ns eE eneenl Roe Duties to _begin av raturned to S8s, quite reâ€" operation, ‘m Morrison 1908, _ Apâ€" salary and Sunday complete and u p for cerâ€" s of too ‘ous uoim C always | we alawant | ora enâ€" last 2. If the father (or decened) of the hc farm in u2 U7T G ind cas, _ ) °_ °C Made PDersonally at the Local Land Office for the dawict in which the land is Altuate, HDlry by Proxy may, howevor, be made On certain conditions by the lather, mother, son, daughter, brother or si®ter of an intending home. Steader, The homesteader is requireq B © NUE Kitesss : sas humcslcud annaist . . u1 CmRTCU l ** in Mnuuobu, Bas excepting 8 and 26, no steaded by any person 8 family, or auy male ( extent of one quarter Or less, look better bush fires. Wnn Cl dloniainsltArcbabicacd sc This vicinity has been well supâ€" plied with visitors this summer from ‘Toronto, Hamiiton and London, and more is expected. The rain lately has made things lkook better and has damnened â€" tha Entry must P OR 1 M sns ds 2 ds 4 :1 n»is mother who is ill at present. Quite a number from here went to the Toronto Exhibition, Some of them were on the train the time of the wreck. George Watson and Miss Russeil were hurt bat not serious. ns s raai‘ l The Rev Mr Mclones, Presby terian minister here, has gone to the north west, on a holiday trip, also to visit his MOtheL Wwho ig iH1 at nnacs.., Synopsis of Conadian Northâ€"wesy lfudscctcdcs 4 1 i0 4 ny exen numbBered section of Dominion lands â€" in Mnunubn, snskncne\mu, and Alborts, epting 8 and 26, not reserved may be homeâ€" aded by any person who is the swle bead of MiUY, or any male Over 18 yr. of AHC€ ; to the ‘uxu of one quarter section of 169 «0res more CSS, Mrs Thos Atki.ns;n and Artemesia, visited at Mr son this week. Jolme 20 20 COZRUOIIUE I.lll-l' cere sympathy to the sorrowing relatives, Mrand Mrs James Allan, of Allisâ€" ton, attended the funeral of his mother last week, also Mrs Hanua, of Mt. Forest, We are pleased to notice Mr Thos Banks is moving back from Owen Sound to his old home and welcome him again to our peighborhood. __ Mr Jos Firth left last week for St. Mary‘s, where he will teach in the Coliegiate there. Miss M. A. Firtn is visiting friends near ‘Toronto at present. At least urham o ag 4) 00 20Ve TOOH, AUAd Weir, Don McFayden, Thos McFadâ€" den, Thos Davis, Geo. Binnie. The remains were interred in the English Church cemetery. We extend sinâ€" ROMESTEAD REGULATIONS , She was Presbyterian in faith alâ€" though for a few years unable to attend service, She has been e>nfined to her bed for the pastfour years and the end ;hlongh sudden, was quiet and peaceâ€" ul. The funeral on Saturday was yery largely attended, the services being conducted by Rev. W. Farâ€" qubarson at home and graye. The Wllbearers were Jno. Weir, Adam cir, Don MeFavAan ‘ITun.‘1u m‘ ed to this country in the early 40‘s and for a number of years they resided near Toronto. Coming north, they arrived at Edge Hill and have lived here ever since. Her husband preâ€"deceased her four years ago, and there remain to mourn her loss six sons and four daughters : Jos. in the Northwest ; Jas. in Alliston ; Hamilton in town ; Davia in Hopeville ; John in Los Angeles, Cal.; and Robt on the 4th con ; Mrs Hanna, in Mt. Forest ; Mrs MeFarâ€" lane and Tillie on the old homestead; anchMrs Davis on the 7th. ’ One of the pioneers of this vicinity we regret to chronicle, joined the great majority last Thursday afterâ€" noon, in the person of Matildsa Johnâ€" ston, relict of the late Jas Allen, at the ripe old age of 92 years. Mrs Allen was born in TyroneCo., Ireland. and with her husband crossâ€" Binder be Hopeville made â€"toâ€"date in ~â€"~A # «t +o Edge Hill. n and daughter, at Mr Jos Atkinâ€" wine priâ€" is made things dampened the been well supâ€" $ summer from 'nt_ upon and IOI:'O thl‘ee AC Choose Your Outfit from our stock of furnishings and se. cure the best and newest, New Shirts..75¢ up New Ties. .. 25¢ up New Hats..l.fio up New Hosiery, 25up You can‘t be ag _# well suited for the money elsewhere, HARRY BURNETT en‘s Furnisher,. â€" ____ .. =_ of of MEN‘SFURNISHINGS JOHN CLARK DEERING H ARVESTERS Bicycle and bicycle sundries. A few second hand cook stoves in stock. The qualities Farmers ashers, Sewing Mackines, We are selling the strongest wire fence that is to be found, fence wire of every description in stock. Every person driving these dark nights should have .one of our dash lanterns. Nothing to equal them. Becure a Corn Hook before your corn is ready to cut, different kinds in stock. There is no razor manuftactured equal the Claries, ranging in pr from $1 to $3. Others for 23 Cts. We can supply you with any thing you require in Table cutlery, odd knives, forks and spoons in abunâ€" dance. guaranteed. [ C CO0 CC mCPAE WETC i0 MWil the latest designs Jjust opened out, Everything stamped W. BLACK is There is one establishment in town that tries to keep everything that is required in the hardware line, and manages it fairly well. and Farm Machinery, A large stock of silverware HARDWARE Reliable & Durable Not Soapy. lt is Free from Grit. Pure and Harm Teasons why you ougllt to use TOOTH POWDER we make JUST A FEW Large Bofle, 25 cents Drug Store G UN‘S #433¢6E PA Blacl( ‘ure and Harmless 'leasant to Taste 'erfectlyAntiseptic want. , Churne, &¢ [ C. _McARTHUR in all price bright and clean, scoured Yam and free from ‘aj] dirt and pieces of wood, We do not Erol‘tl to keep every. thing, but what we do keep is tbye best of its kind. Give us part of your trade, s PEEL, the Shoeman We Are â€"â€"Some Misses and Women ‘s Dongola buttoned boots and Oxfords. â€"â€"â€"Women‘s Milking Oxfords, â€"â€"Children‘s chocolate strap slippers, â€"â€"Men‘s canvas Outing Shoes leather soles. now ready to do busâ€" iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. ‘Our stock is new and at. tractive and our pricâ€" es are low. â€" Come and judge for yourâ€" seives. ~ We are alâ€" ways pleased to show goods whether you bay or mot, If you do not buy now you will again, For $1.00 SEPTEMBER 12, 1907 â€"A lot of Men‘s Gaiters weight, size 6. a firstâ€"class seleéfx:anâ€";; Pipes. You are sure of satisâ€" faction if you trade here. for our stock represents the choicest imported and domestic cigars, the best tobaccos in all forms and that give them the greatâ€" est pleasure and satisfacâ€" tion. ‘Tastes vary so that a stock to suit everybody necessitates a great varicâ€" ty, and we bave it. Druggists and Booksellers We are studying our smoker customer‘s tastes all the time and strive to carry just the Cigars, Pipos and Gobaccos We S rovide for the Smoker acFartane d C; EGGS WaxTEp an y 14 & TH The ® vility. The W d Dur Johnsto This We from W 1€ k Stel

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