West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Sep 1907, p. 5

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rovide Jmoker very. 8 lrhyg rt of vd. to tpes eman Cers ured dirt Yari 1.00 tg bber 12, 1907 obaccos L fic sents l and best : and ) that ‘body § our tastes ive to i4 reatâ€" sfacâ€" & 1 1¢â€" Intending Students should ning of the term if possible. tained at reasonable rates. T and attractive town, making place for residence. MI The school is thoroughly eql:;rped in teachin ability, in chemical and electrical lupplleonnz Attings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge ; THO3. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS JESSIE MeKENZIE LOGAN, B. A., Homor Giraduate of Toronto University,â€"French, Latin, Composition, and Literature. 183 DONALDA MeK ERRACHER, B. A., Gradâ€" uate of Queen‘s University and First Profesâ€" slonal Certificate, â€"Algebra, Arithmetic, Hisâ€" LOFV and MAanmwack. Durham School . Johnuo_p Sr., ory and Geography FEES The Down Town Shoe St We haye only a limited number in 1.50 line white heel red. to..$1.29 1.40 line leather heel " .. 1.19 1.25 line #4 se > .. > €ey from either town or country WANTED DARLINGS, Staff and Equipment. oilet Waters or those White $1 per month in advance Everybody Come alcum Powders Chairman DARLINGS DRUG STORE Be wise and get a pair while your size is in stock WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS 1 enter at the begin | t glass preserve dishes at Ti 1;0"'} C'g "'l&b ‘ eme lmitutloncu 8"p‘mc and 40¢ each rham is a healthy ; it a most desirable f 4 piece pressed glass Table Sets at. ... ....40¢ a set C. Ramage, Becretary Some Summer Specialties Darling‘s Cream of Witchazel for Sunburn core Violet, Rose, Colgate‘s, Dactyls and Cashmere Bouquet. A Number of Ladies W. H. BEAN to carry away the balance of our Don‘t forget to call and see us if you want a lamp This fall we have them from.........25¢ up Shoes Men‘s Cardigan Jackets at 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 each Ladies‘ fall and winter Underwear from ... 2%¢ un p See our lines of 25c and 50¢ DRESS GOOD8 for fall and winter. Large 72x72 bed comforters,.. .. ..$2 and 3.( Large 11x4 Flannellette Blankets in white â€"an absolute necessity in hojy we therâ€" Colgate‘s, Taylor‘s Valley Violet, Mennen‘s, Sanitol. THE B/IG ladies‘ sizes 24 to 54. â€" Our Misses‘ and Children‘s are also reduced in price. eople‘s Druggists S. Mcllraith to Blarco and Pipe Clay HE Calder‘s 2 and 3.00 each SELLS Grey Fall Show, September 24 and CHEAP $1.25 Block > pr uJ It seems to us that Mr Willison of the Newsallows his zeal to get the better of his judgment when he calls atteontion to Sir Wilfrid Laurier‘s action in connection with the much discussed and much misrepresented ‘‘schoo! clauses" at the very time that other Conservative vpapers and the Orange Sentinel are denouncing Mr Borden for his ‘‘surrender to the clerical party ‘"‘ and Pplainly stating that ‘"His Quebec speeches make it clear that the admirers of N. Clarke Wa‘llace and D‘Alton McCairthy, in so far as they support R. L. Borden, are upholding clerical schools juast as truiy as the ultramontanes of %uebec in so far as they support Sir ‘ ilfrid Lagrier." As for ourselves we are disposedl to be more charitable toward Mr Borâ€" den and to believe that he bhas at last sensibly concluded that if the school legislation referred to is as they expressed it to be, quite satisfactory to the people of Saskatchewan and Alberta, it may well and safely be considered as satisfactorvy to us the ple of Eastern Canada. We will, mever, expect him to be consistent and to sing to us in Ontario and to the people of the prairie provinces the same song with which he has been entertaining our fellow citizens in Quebec. Will he ? __1n the concluding words editorial, from which we bhave the above extracus, the Sentin of Mr Borden; "If he saurrenc the clerical party in traming ; form, what would he do it he Premier of the country?" had to make a choins " ‘ceuieh 0f Canada, if they had to make a choice, would Krefcr Mr Borden to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. But is new platform is calculated to sap their enthusiasin aud make th(iix': careless as to which party wins at the polls." _ it could be manasaa 3, _D MOSt convenient if it could be managed, It would leave him in a osition to claim the support of the French }(omnnm and the Ontario Orangeman, and coalesce these divergent alements of the‘ elecâ€" torate, No doubt he counts upon the loyality of the Orangemen to the Conservative Iany being stronger than their loyalty to the bas c principles of the Order. He evidently expects them to condone the encroachments of the churech of Rome in the matter of the schools of the new Frovinces for the sake of the party, Bome of them will. It is our opinion, how»ver that more of them will not. As we have said in a previous issue the Orangemen of ( ‘anada, if they had to make a choice, would Krefcr Mr Borden to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. But is new platform . X: calculated to sap their enthusiasin and maleaâ€" sE on 7 "The silence that Mr Borden maintains regarding the educational clauses of the Autonomy Bills is in tne last degree d:sappoiming. It would not be so obtrusive if be reâ€" frained from avtacking that measure at other points. He gives a definite pledge in his platform that if he is reâ€" urned to power he will amend the Act, and give the control of the pubâ€" lic lands tothe Provincial Legislaâ€" tares. This puts him in a most equivocal position. Mr Borden has argued on the flour of the house that this part of the Autonomy Bills is unconstitutional. Yet he seems to bave cousented to accept it as the final word in Federal legislation on the school question in the West If he is satisfied with the worst fteature of this law, why should he desire to amend those of lesser importance. "The inconsistency of Mr Borden‘s present course is susceptible "of explanation only upon the theory that he wishes to maintain a friendly attitude toward the French Hierarchy. Hayâ€" ing opposed the Bill in Parliament he seems to mfnk Le has done his whole duti to the West, and gone far enough to satisfy his Ontario followers. This would be most "convenient if it could be managed, It would leave him in a osition to claim the support of the French itomnnilt and the Ontario Orangeman, and comlesce these divergent elements of the‘ elecâ€" torate, No doubt he counts upon the loyality of the Orangemen to the Conservative I"ty being n'ron)!;cr t\hflx_thgl} lqu]gy to the basic princinles And Sentinel of the 5th strong editorial says; I Ramlan a_s . RLOJBOCCT SS Lhey s L. Borden, are upholdlng clerical _ s¢ as truly as the ultramontanes of Que far as they support Sir Wilfrid Laurier Ine Urnn’xgemen of Ontario are left with no illusions. The Quebec speeches make it clear that the admirers of N. Clarke Wallace and D‘Alton McCarthy, in so far as they support It. L. Borden, are upholding clerical " schools just as truly as the uiltramontanes of Quebec in so fur as Thaw ennnase dls uriuls 30. 0C M The Conservative party, west of the Ottawa river at least, is not to be unified and strengthâ€" ened by the leadership that glories in the shame of Tupper Coercion in 1896 and thus whitewnashes the shame of Laurier Coercion in 1905, _ The Orangemen of Ontarin are laft in .0 1 EatooR GOrot _ murp i.2 (12.6,00,tneschool question,. Perbaps also Mr Borden will take the soul of enthusiasm out of the living body of his party in this grovlnl'c by his glorification of the Reâ€" medial blunder that destroyed the Conservative Party in 1896. The plain meaning of Mr Borden‘s declaration is that the Borden party is as elmrel{ conseâ€" crated to the furtherance of clericalism | by fcdgnl legislation as the Laurier party , Perhaps Mr Borden may put heart and soul into the dead body of his f.rty in Quebec by his line of talk on theschool question: Why does not Mr Borden also acce 1y the position of Sir Wilfrid in 19057 The ‘position of Sit Charies Tupper in 1396 was that clerical schools shonld be forced upon Manitoba by federal legislation. The {:oamon of Sir wilfrid Laurier in 1905 was that clerical schools should be forced uron Alberta and Saskatchewan by federal legislation. Quebec is now being edified by thesight of R. L. Borden groslnte at the feet of its race and creed prejuadice and proclaiming his willingness to accept and glorify the * position of Sir Chas Tupper in 1896," The Toronto Telegram, tbhough fairer and not so bitterly partisan as the News, is also a Conservative papâ€" er, edited by Mr John Ross Robertâ€" Bon, a much respected member of the Orange Society and a Conservaâ€" tive exâ€"member of the Canadian House of Commons, and it may be seen from the tollowing editorial, which we clip in fall from the Teleâ€" gram of the 3rd inst, that the denun ciations of that paper are not all for Sir Wilfrid Laurier but that Mr Borâ€" den receives a fair share : "THE POSITION OF SIR CHAS TUPPER IN 1896 j. _ â€" 30 nllame and arouse, for 80 litical purposes, the electers of Onâ€" tario, at a time when the people of the western provinces, who were the persons interested and the persons who had knowledge of all the cirâ€" cumstances in connection with the case, refused to be agitated and shewed, in the most unmistakable manner, that they were quite satisâ€" fled to have perpetuated the legislaâ€" tion that bad been of their own framâ€" ing and had for so many years provâ€" ed yery satistactory to all concerned whether P rotestant or Catholic. The Toronto News in an editorial in its issue of the sth _ inst, again atâ€" tacks Sis Wilfrid Laurier on the School clauses of the Autonomy Bills and treats us to a rehash of the old arguments and contentions that were used to inflame and arouse, for poâ€" litigal purposes, the electers of 83â€" Toronto News Attacks Sir fred. liding words of the rhich we have given cus, the Sentinel says "If hesurrenders to .s‘lso‘ accept and gloriâ€" _ a platâ€" he were inst, in a 18.00, prior to Nov. 30th, 1907, _ ____" _ _ _ _ C** Sese! back to starting points in Ontario, T&-E‘!J:d‘-:filfi’f:hhh'â€"'dflh-dbnâ€"nfl-bâ€".hflflh Den‘t forget the Homessekers® 'nhllm-umc.r.l.dm.uvm Excarsions T sc 2ith, Ock: 6h aad aan * C. B. FOSTER, D.r.Aa.. C.P.2.. Toromeo â€"Commissioner Starr‘s Re&on has been made public by the bhitney â€"The Antiâ€"Asiatie feeling has broken out in riots in Vancouver, and serious troublelis feared, The suggestion has been made to steg outside of the present members and select John F. MacKay the preâ€" sent business imnanager of the Globe, who has the brains, the personality , and the moral qualifications for such a leacing position. Wilâ€" There is no grudge to see Graham adyance, but there is a decided grudge to lose him from the Provinâ€" cial sphere he has adorned. There are still left able menon the Liberal ranks in Ontario but none with quite the winning make up of Geo. P. Grabham. Greai res ngibility will rest on thcse who mnE: choice ot his successor. Sir Wilfrid bas shown courage in two respects; he has passed over many able men already in the Dominion Parliament, and chosen brilliant membeis of Provincial parliaments, and he has taken the position of Minister of railways from the Mariâ€" time proyvinces where it has almost seemed to belong and given it to an Ontario man. It will be old news to moss, but since we Fnblished two weeks ago, two notable anditions have been made to the Lanrier cabinet. Hon. Geo. P. Graham, Leader of the opposition in Ontariosince the retirement of Hon. G. W. Ross, has been given the portâ€" folio of Minister of Railways, while Hon, M. Pugsley, premier of Naw Brunswick has been placed at the head of the Pablic Works Department. Lenahan ONTARIO o mnnaliy,, .. / s 35 ~ _ 3°"°°° SAdue of diarnitare; varying 4 prices accordâ€" ing to quality. Call and examine our goods, and they will speak for themselves. If you want Window Shados, Curtain Poles ot any kind or length, Pictares, etc., see our assoriment. + W ANTED We carry a full line of all kinds ing to quality. _ Call and examine tfi in ons insl d c d i s S i s1 See our assortment of Harvest and Threshers Gloves and Mitts National Portland Cement always kept on hand. _ Coal Oil. Machi Separator Oil, Linseed Oil, &0.. in abnundanka and nt inX us uol BINDER TWINE We are also agents for the McClary‘s line of ‘famous st leaders being the wellâ€"known PANDORA. Call and They will stand inspection at all ‘times. Two New Ministers. carry a full line of all kinds of Furniture We have at all times a full line of GRAN ITEWARE, TIN WARE, For ardware & Furniture TORONTO The " SUNSHINE FURNACE" FOR HARVESTING IN MANITOBA BASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA FARM LABORERS Picture Framing Promptly done i‘_ncxm ‘WILL BE SOLD TO WINNIPEG OoNLY emmmmmemmmmmmmmenmen 2. _ _2 _2 °0_ _ _iCETCVITEG € McClary‘sâ€" Stoves $18 t. 17th ® irage in Metat Allan Park on Saturday 31st, er many Auguast 190o7. Members all present. lominion The reeve in the chair. Mlnlltqs of last brilliang | Meeting were read and passed. Comâ€" TIADE i missioners reported expenditures on AMentS [roads since _ Inst meeting as follows; ition of Division, No, 1 $4:95, no 2 $5.90, no 8 e Mariâ€" |$47,75 and no 4 $22.05. The following , Almo3t | accounts were ordered to be paid; J. P. It to an | Telford, Barrister Duarham. $804,50 for damages; Legal services and witness 3raham |fees in case of Smith and the Township, decided | Bell Telephone Co $1.50 message re Provinâ€" |Smith case, Wm Dentinger $1.00 reâ€" There |pairing grader, Wm Brigham 75 cts Liberal |painting bridge _ notice, Manisipal h quite World $4.05 collectors rolils and Geo H. Noble committee on road at Hutton‘s leo. P. ho en f y will Hill and in Smith‘s engine case. The : ot his | Reeye and Messrs Dodsworth and Camp» T bell were uppointed a committee on beâ€" a half of the Townshig to meet similar ade to committees from the ‘ ownships of Norâ€" embers manby, Brant aod Carrick at Hanover ‘® P"€‘ | on Sept 7th 1906 re Connty Line Deviaâ€" GIOb€ | tion, byâ€"law no 6 letying ‘the following DAlity» |rates for the current year, yiz: 2 and such & |eight tenth mills for township expendiâ€" tures and improvements, 1 and eight tenth mills for county rate and 2 aud zx has |eighttenth mills for general school rate r, and |and byâ€"law no 7 appointing Donald Smith, Alfred Redford, Wm Martin and Wm G. Hastie, tax collectors were daly rt has (passed. Council adjourned to meet at hitney the call of the Reeve. FURNITURE ‘ays kept on hand. Coal Oil. Machine Oil ., in abundance and of the very bost quality, government. He recommends that ’a central licensing board of three for the province should deal with licenses. that brewers should not be allowed to keep " tied ‘ houses, and that that the province should have a share cf the profits of transfer. Dr Beattie Nesbit gets a rap, and Dr Pyne a gentle touch tor interfering for favorites. Be sure to Our supply is nearly used up yet we have sufficient to do our customers. esc I e of SHELF HARDWARE, | , Forks, Spades, Shovels, etc. ’ I<" Burns coal or wood and gives perfect satisfaction with either. Beâ€" ing simple in construction it does not require an expert to operate it. Noâ€" thing but the best cast iron and cold rolled steel plate and the finest workâ€" manship are used in these manufacâ€" tures, which insure their durability. IF YOU INTEND PUTTING IN A FURNACE, CALL AND BSEE OURS. Bentinck Council B ADDITIONAL FOR RETURN Under conditions as below From all stations in Western Ontario south of North Bay and east to Sharbot Lake and Kingston »famous stoves among the cIntosh. w44 e eâ€" examine themâ€" hear the Old Southland Sextette Company. Proven Steel Tracks, Singer Sewing Machines, Walkerton Marble Works, The Bell Organ & Piano Co., Churns and Washing Machines, srantford, Brockville,Grey Carriages ders, We are sole Agents in Dusham tor the above well known Implementsâ€" â€"Binders, Mowers, Dils‘ Harrows * Disc Cultivators, Marrte Spreaders Hay Rakes, Hay Lo ®rs, gia Tedâ€" The Masseyâ€"Harrig Co, Mr Vincent Maze lé'tt last week to seek his fortunes in the west his desâ€" tination being Saskatoon, Sask. FIELD AND GARDEN, Clover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden Seeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring growing McQueen & Morice Ogilvie‘s "Royal Household" Keewatin " Fiye Roses"â€"The very best Keewatin make, A carload just received, S E E D S The following persons trom the burg viewed the sights at the C. N. Exhibition, Toronto, last week : Mrs. Alex Macintosh, Miss Alice Corlett, Messrs J. 8. Smith, H. Hunt, Allan Bel!, Donald Corlett, Wm O‘Mara, J. 8. Knight and Angus Macintosh, The Misses Scott of Chatsworth spent a pleasant fortnighs enjo ying country life with their auot Mrs Robt ‘ Hoy, of Bentinck, FLO U R stay amongst us he wrought much good by his zealous piety and exem pâ€" lary conduct. On the eve of his deâ€" parture he was banqueted with os tentations honors and presented with a purse containing GI(E) in gold as a slight token of the esteem in which he was held by his many triends and coâ€"workers. Mr Anthony Grady leaves this week for his home in the Bouthern Republic after an extended visit with his cousins, the Malone family of Glenelg. Anthony is a jovial, bigâ€" hearted fellow and during his stay in our midst he has won a host of friends all of whom gincerely regret his departure. Misses Alice Bucharnan and Mamic McKhight leave this week for an exâ€" teuded sojourn in the Queen city, A couple of young gentlemen sing doleâ€" fally " All de world am sad and dreary .‘ Mr Wallace Smith, who conducted services in the Mennonite church here during the past six months absquatulated from the burg a fortâ€" night ago. Mr Smith was a speaker ot such exceptionally rare power that his oratory rivalled that of Cicero or or Demosthenes and during h.s short MATTHEWS & LATIMER Mr John McKnight, contractor of Toronto, accompanied by wite and family took a trip to Dornoch in their automobile on Saturday last and spent a couple of days with 8. J. our genial Smithy. â€" They lefc the burg lor Hanover where they intended spending a few days pr.or to their reâ€" } turn to Toronto. Mr Cameron R. MacIntosh left a fortnight ago for Perth where he will guide the educational interests of the Model School for the current year. _ _J. I. Smith, our worthg M. D., is erecting an extensive additivn to the rear of the Forester Hall, and is havâ€" ing a foundation put under the entire structure. This will add ver materially to both accomodation ang comfort of the building and wili be a fgreat convenience to the village tor the holding of the assizes, political meetings, literary society, &c. Win mmau.Fle,o.ss pe y CS3 A N* Masseyâ€"Harris Cr®*m Bep‘rators by Miss M “"“’d"i'&"”u.':{“m y argaret an ’Cumming leftonl-‘rim! last to visit tfriends in London and take in the sights of the Western Fair. A winsome lady is Miss MacCallum formerly of Owen Sound but late of Regina, who is a present visiting her brother, Mr. A. J. MscCallum, the popular teacher of No 4 Holland and Sulliyan. She is the guest of Mrs Alex MacIntosh. 1 Highest grades only. We‘re also Agents for Mrs Jas. Dornoch. accompanied IN NEW QUARTERS Licensed Auctioneer for the Co promptly attended to. _ ra; Orders m.i.lnh left at his 1: ‘r;)oml. Mckinnon ‘s old stand, c JOHN CLARK _ _ _ Og 706 4 us many new ones. Pmmne-mat.fld.u. m"fllmflnutohnym Yours for business 1°er two years in business in Durham I° thank beartily the many farmers and others who bave favored me with their trade and have fileunre in announcing that I will in the future bave havs pleasure in moefinT in more commodious quarters, all my old friandn awd V s D. McPHAIL 1 Oe SemenIddgedr 10rG9, diresy Terms moderate, Arwenenu for smles as to aates, &c., must be e mt the Review Of flce, Durham, gs¢* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.0O., will be promptiy attended to, Terms on application to Mcintyre Biockâ€"Lambton Barclay and Bell‘s oldu.sd" EO. H. K. MIDFORD Teacher of Singing STUDIOâ€"UPPER towx Individual teaching. _ Bpecial at. tention to tone production, Money to Loan, Ofl!ce. over Gordon‘s Jewelry Barrister, Solieitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner, DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) or to ARTHUR H. JACKSON k2 tUuctioncers. Barristers, Souelt:n, Conveyancers C. Money to Loan, Omce. Mclutyre Block over the Bank A. G. MacKay K. C. W F Duna insurance Agent, Money to Loan Issuer of luringe Licenses, A genâ€" eral fnancial usiness transacted Licensed Auctioneer tor Co 4.4 R.o-..;‘â€"i.x;.u. _ unw':;l UslllVellfl uate Den urgeon Dentistry in .'ll its l:n:chu. Officeâ€"COalder‘s Block, over Post HONOR Gâ€"R;vl;l‘l‘ 'T ;‘om. ED Unifancie an, ATE j °* uate Roval Collaca h.nn'.ol l:al.‘.’.'_.i'y" Crad University, raduate of Royal Colle of Dental §n§ eons of Ontu!io. Rools Over J & J HUNTER'S New Store W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L D8 Insurance Late assistant to looucld'; w, Eng to Knapp‘s (New York) Eye Hospitals. CARD OF THANKS n.nwoah%nmmm ntario {)fce and Residence Cor. Garafraza and Geo. â€" BL., t100t0f Hill, Old Moodie Cornet. wotary Public, Commissioner, CONVEYANCER, &c. enmmmmntmmmnmmenssssss 22 2200508 J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M J. F.GRANT D. p.s Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat 2200 PeC ce e uie HoNoR GRADUATE of Toronto OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 24 p. m. 1â€"0 p, ® Telephone Connection No. 10 4@ Bpecial attention | MACKAY & DUNN, ARTHUR GUN, M. D., + IB FEORKBE; + s m me C l TCOe E. P C. RAMAGE, Durham Ceylon bas a telephone oflice, « MePHAIL, Ceylon m C ue â€">p mo s a a» PP â€" Cs uit DT PaAyt!, HOURS : â€"Mclellan. â€" P. TELFORD Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, ecial attention given t Women and chflflm, DR. BURT Pavsician & Bunezos, r J. &AJ. Munter‘s 8 to 10 a.x. l:{ 2 to 4 P.M4 _1 Tto 9 Pr.a. orat the Reviaw . over Post Office ol Grey. Bales London, Eng) and 1¢ d

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