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Durham Review (1897), 19 Sep 1907, p. 5

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4o R| IFS LR 0s 1 @ i Spring Wallâ€"Paper Wm.Johaston,Sr THO8. ALLAN im‘ ooo ooo o m en rnne rreaxns Durham School er roll as the yard. 8. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal JE38IE MeKENZIE LOGAX, B. A., Homor adumte of Toronto University,â€"French. Is to be seen at the Down Town Shoe quality and price. No urging to buy if & a pa We have ijust opened up a large quantity of new wall paper â€"==ali the latest and ‘best designs and colorâ€" ings. The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Durham At this particular se ness occurs than at any plies are used. In bu "C~» occurs than at any other and of course more sick room supâ€" plies are used. _ In buying goods of this kind it is always wise (and necessary) to buy the best goods from the best makers. Our Stock is very full and ennunTahe " nnman melataecse ggs Taken as Cash at he Down Town Shoe Store DARLINGS, The People‘s Druggists Staff and Equipment. Everybody Come Nice Pencil Case given Free ito every school boy is thoroug! memical an for full J ur . The fol r of Boots DARLING‘S DRUG STORE Chairn if possible. _ B nblmm. Durh wn, making it a icR TGcom fiwpplz’es 1118 nt Hot Water Bottles Fountain Syringes Absorbent Cottons Plain & Medicated Cottons Clinical Thermometers Invalids‘ Rings very full and complete, °c2>;i)r-1svn;g year the border is sold at the same price the wall paper instead of being sold by ghly equipped in te.chlns nd electrical supplies an injor Leaving and Matricâ€" llowing competent staff imth in advance 1 enter at the begin Board can be ob Durham is a healthy C. Ramage, Secretary ihe Down Town Shoe Store. Call and examine No urging to buy if goods and prices don‘t suit, k 10 en ooo ol S Org it! parchasing ase contains 1 lead pencil, 1 pen, 1 Slate pencil most desirable season of the year a great deal more sick Don‘t forget to call and see us if you want a Jamy This fall we have them from.........25¢ uj W. H. BEAN Fine imitation cut glass preserve dishes at serk es se ces es k26 ++ s++++++++,20¢ and 40¢ each 4 piece pressed glass Table Sets at... . ....40¢ a set Smyrna Rugs, 60 x 30 ins Floor Oileloth, 1 yd, 114 yds and 2 yds wide 1 NE B/IG Large 72x72 bed comforters,.. .. ..$2 and 3.( Large 11x4 Flannellette Blankets in white OFRIEY cuceirvierr viere usitvins ue uas s 5e i Men‘s Cardigan Jackets at 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 cach Ladtes‘ fall and winter Underwear from ... 25¢ up Scee our lines of 2c and 50¢ DRESS GOOD8 for fall and winter. J. 8. Mcllraith to South Grey Fall Show, September lce Bags Adhesive Plaster Disinfectants Atomizers, etc. Bandages Invalids‘ Cups Calder‘s Block HE $2 and 3.00 each SELLS c asq yd .3.00 each CHEAP 4 8 8 $1.25 pr A 8 if Â¥ § The average Ontario farmer does not worry very much over the probâ€" lems of food chemistry, or such deâ€" tails as the requisite amount of bydroâ€" vyoyage was 23.01 knots per hour. While the Lusitania has made a new record for the time a passenger is acâ€" tually on board ship she has not beatâ€" on the average speed per hour record, both the Kaiser Wilhelm 11., which has made 23.53 knots per hour from New York to Plyimouth, and the Deutschland, with a record of 23.51 knots per bhour to Plymonth, have been made better time. The Lusiâ€" tania‘s speed per hour on her maiden in., American time, making the time for the trip 5 days and 54 minutes. This is 6 hours and 29 minutes better than the previous Queenstownâ€"New York record of 5 days 7 hours and 25 minutes, held by the Lucania of the same line, A new steamship record between a European port and new York was made by the Cunard Line‘s new giant turbine ship, the Lusitania. The Lusiâ€" tania left Queenstown, the nearest transâ€"Atlantic port to New York, at 12.10 p. m., Sunday, and arrived off the Sandy Hook Lightship at 805 a. m., American time, making the time for the trip 5 days and 54 minutes. This is 6 hours and 29 minutes better than the previoug Onaenctriun: Manr Japan is flushed with victory and her people are almost insanely patriâ€" otic. It is difficult to see a solution. But the Japanese Government, being still friendly and secing the danger, might perbaps consent, if not to the withdrawal. to a temporury suspension of its immigration privelige, which would give feeling, now so dangerousâ€" ly excited, time to cool. This, as a mere measure of temporary precaution equsily needed by both Governments, Japansese sensibility might | bear.â€" Goldwin Smith in The Sun. The treaty with Japan, which torms the special difficulty of what is now becoming a most formidable question, was surely a yvery adyenturous proâ€" ceeding. It mighthave involyed Great Britain, and Canada with her, perhaps by some Japanese contrivance, in a war with Russia. It was the outâ€"come of the antiâ€"Russian policy which has been pursued for the last half century in the unfounded belief that Russia had designs upon British India. Had Russia formed any such design she would hardiy have neglected the opâ€" portunity given her by the absorption of all the forces of Great Britain in the Boer war. It dses not appear that on a measure of such importance to Yanâ€" ada her Goyernment was ever consultâ€" ed, or that it even received information of the treaty, So much for Canadian nationality! When shall welearn that it is impossible to be at once a dependâ€" ency and a nation? ‘ â€"Mr R. L. Boraen finished his Onâ€" tario tour on Saturday and is now off to Brit. Columbia and will work eastâ€" ward home. He has had good meetâ€" ings as was to be expected, being a clean man himself, thoagh the enthusâ€" iasm does not seem to have been as exuberant as might have been louked for. He has held twentyâ€"one meetâ€" ings so far and will have as many more at least before his 10 weeks tour is over. | â€"Rightâ€"Rev._ Dr Arthur Ingram, Lord Bishop, of London, was a lion of Toronto for a few days. He is desâ€" cribed by one writer as "a veritable militant geveral, eyer fighting the oattles of the poor, and oppressed and waging war in deadly earnest against vice. intemperance and all social ‘evils." He has many deâ€" scriptive titles, a characteristic one being the * Bishop of the slums." â€"Passengers and evyewitnesses of the Caledon disaster unite in saying there was excessive speed, while the train crew unite in denials. To nearly all readers the testimony of survivors and onlookers seems un sbakeable. The young man of 23 was on his first rnn as engineer ovyer that portion of the road. and he may have been anxious to make a good record for hims« It. \ Let us hope that nothing will be hidden, but surely we may hope at this growing time to see something of a constructive nature oceupy our atâ€" tention, and not advertise ourselves to the world as a people wholly given over to the discovering and publishâ€" ing of soâ€"called scandals in the ranks of our opponents. Others of Mr. Borden‘s planks are of the same nature, and there seems to be a set determination that the comâ€" ing campaign shall be one of seandalâ€" mougering and the * you too *‘ arguâ€" ment. gations, that are tarily ingenuous The attempt is constantly made to fasten on a party the sins of its indiâ€" vidual members, and this is the only course unless that party shakes itself free from its questionable followers by demanding and securing investiâ€" Mr. Borden in his plattorm says the Conservatiyes want honest appropriaâ€" tion and expenditure of public money in the public interest. This is a style of " plank," which, no matter by whom made is modern political bunâ€" combe. Of course the Conservatives wantthis and so do the Reformers. What party except a party of idiots would want anything else? Oh! but, says one, look whas this, that or the other Grit did in the cay of power, and the Grit unfailingly replies by pointing to some seandal in the Tory regime. The Japanese Difficulty. Use Ontario Flour Ocean Speed Political Buncombe. that are plainly and satistacâ€" ++ «B ++ Notes 200 ow it Robort Mexjgold. hotelman, Hamil« ton, on Saturday night of the week before last met License Inspector Birâ€" rel on the street and invited him down to his hostelry. The Inspector acâ€" cepted the invitation, and when they The proposal of Commissioner Starr of Toronto that the Government take the unearned increment of the license holder and devote it to educational purposes will strike a good many peoâ€" le as a curious admixture of ideas, QVhy Education? Wouldn‘t it be a great deal more rational to devote the profits of the traffic to the keeping up jails, operating police and other crimiâ€" nal courts, sustaining poor houses and inebriate hoia’pituls. The _ receipts from licenses do not befin to defray the public cost Of the liquor traffic, If Mr Starr wantsan outlet for an inâ€" creased share of the profits why not credit them to the country‘s and inâ€" creasing bill of expense against the traffic@â€"The Pioneer. The exploitation and discovery of the fact that just enough Western flour needs to be added to the richly flavored, but weaker flour of Ontario, to make the best and most nourishing bread in the world, spells opportunity for Ontario farmers. They cannot afford to neglect the latest move to regain the home market, and the sooner they realize that it is financial folly to encourage Western industry at the expense of their own bank acâ€" counts, and insist on buying only flour milled in Ontario, the sooner will such a demand be created for Onâ€" tario blended flours, that millions of money will remain in Ontario, to benefit the wheat gaowers and stockâ€" men of this province. 1 competition in the Maritime markets, People in Ontario eat bread made from Western flour. People in the Maritime Provinces prefer what is known as Ontario blended flour, and the effect of this demand is already felt by those millers who make a speciality of the new flour. That the market has been largely lost and that feed is dear cannot be disputed, bnt what is vastly more imâ€" portant to the farming community of Ontario is the signal success of Onâ€" tario millers in driving out Western There seems to be little relation beâ€" tweed theloaf on the table and the markets of the province. There is a close relation, howeverâ€"because of the tact that indiyviduals all oyer Onâ€" tario insist on buying Western flour, thinking it the best because it has been so extensively advertised. This, taken in the aggregate, has caused the decline in the demand for Ontario wheat and the building up of the West at the expense of Ontario farâ€" mers and millers. carbons or proteid in bread. But he is vitally interested in those problems that affect the market for his produce and the cost of living, Lenahan In this line our stock is comp a full line of Sideboards, Bedroom Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, ete., 1 right goods at the right prices. In Oils we have a complete stock consisting Coal Oil. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Gasoline, Boi Machine Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, Castor Oil, C3 National Portland Cement always kept on hand; See our stock of these before buying elsewhere ces speak for themselves. We have a good assortment of Double and Sin Revolvers and Armunition of all kinds to select from of these and our different kinds of cartridges. We also carry a full line of McClary‘s Graniteware and Tinware. Remember we are agents for the famous lines of MeCLARYԤ Furnaces, Stoyes, Ranges and Heaters. Among these are the well known Sunshine F\umace, which is almost as good as a private sun in any home ; the ‘Pandora Range‘, which is so well and favorably known ; the Oak Heaters which surpass the majority of Heacers both in usefulness and looks ; also many others, which require no particulars given here. Guns, Firearms and Ammunition Profits of the Traffic Invited The Inspector 24 and 25. orse B]ankets, Curry C We also have the lntest; and bess in WASHING MACHINES, wWRINGERS ANp» ardware ++ & + + TORONTO sigeh jok Oils Of all Kinds Purnaces, Stoves Ranges and Heaters 13 complete and worthy o * LY, T EL .AE tmulisl Shaabsiah i.sed ""m AHYE m Suites, Parlor Suites, Couches, Tables, », to select from. ‘This is the place to get the urnifure __Lot 27, 28, Con. 18. D. K. Glenelg. 85 aeres cleared, 7 acres busb. _ Well watered.. Good Brick House, Frame, Bank Barn (45x00.) 4 mile from proâ€" posed station on new °C, P,. It. Line, Covenient to School and P. 0. Furâ€" ther particulars apply on the premises, Joun MCARTHUR Prop. Be sure to hear the Old Southland Sextette Company. pirbe0 and crusty on the edges, since, Jike crabs and lobsters, you haye to cook him «live. Make a clear, steady fire out of love, neatness and cheerfulâ€" 1068, as near as seems to agree with bim,. (1f he frizzas and sputters. do not be avxions some husbands do this till they are quite done. Add a little sweetâ€" ening in the form of kisses, but no vineâ€" gur or pepper, A little spice improves him, but it must be used with jaudgment. Do not stick any sharp instruments inâ€" to him to see if he is becoming tender. Stir him gently. You oann~t fail to know when be is done. 1f thos treated you will find him very palatable, agreoâ€" ing nicely with you and the children. He will keep as long as you want un. | A good many husbands are utterly |spoiled by mismazragment. Some woâ€" lmou keep their husbands constantly in blmt water; others let them freeze \through carelessness and indifference, | some keep them in a stew by irritating { ways and words. Others roast them, Some keep them in a pickle all their |lives. No husband will be tender and | good. in this way, but will be really deâ€" ’licious when properly treated. In seâ€" lecting your hnsband you should not be guided by silvery appearance, as in buyâ€" jng mackere!, nor by the golden tmt as if you want salmon, â€" Re sure to set lect him yourself, as tastes differ. Doâ€" ‘ not go to the rearket for him, as the best is always brought to the door. It is far better to have none unless you wiil patiently learn bow to cook him, See that the linen in whizh you wrap him is nicely washed and mended with the re= quired tumber of buttons and strings sewed on. Tia him in the sancepan by a silk cord called **comfort," as the one called duty is apt to be weak. He is apt to jamp out of the sauce an and be burned and erusty on the exf:;eu. since, like crabs and lobsters. von haos 1/ entered tney beheld one of tenders behind the bar and men lined up on the outside There was nothing for the to do but lay a charge. In court Mr Merigold admitted through his lawyer, John G but, because of the unusu stances; and of the fact that tender had disobeyed instru having the bar open, his wo asked to impose a minimum did as re qyuested. and it cost goud $f3().â€"l']x. Hae c urntk C 1In How (o Cook a Husband Farm ftor Sale. ng of Canadian and American enzine, Cream Separator Oil, Cylinder Uil, Carriage Oil, ete :ombs, Brushes p on the outside, drinking, nothing for the Inspector y a charge. In the public rigold admitted the corn lawyer, John G. Farmer, e of the unusual circumâ€" I of the fact that the barâ€" disobeyed instructions by har open, his worship was Pose a minimum fine. He »:‘ted.'nud it cost Mr Meriâ€" cIntosh. Single barrel Guns, Rifles, ‘om. _ See our assortment hers let them freeze ssness and indifference, m in a stew by irritating ds. Others roast them, om in a pickle all their and will be tender and iy, but will be reaily deâ€" 18 becoming tender,. You oannâ€"t fail to lone. 1f thns treated very ;‘mlat-ble. ugreoâ€" urniture inspection . and it cost Mr M« He won‘t do this Both quality and priâ€" CHURNXS. and about ten of the barâ€" We haye P We solicit the business of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" ity of having their Patent business transacted by Experts, Preliminary advice free, Charges moderate, Our Inventor‘s Adviser sent upon e “cst. Marion & Marion, Reg‘d., New York Life 1g, Montreal :; and Washington, D.C., U.S.A. The strongest purely Mutual Fire T Co. in Ontario. ~ A record without a para a just reward for honest efforts. . Licer nlgecfied by the Government ; insures 1 ind farm property upon the latest know aor 4 year blanket policies issued ou the 3 stailment or one dy-ylnem system un most favorable conditions to the insured in the best. 1f your insurance expires t call on, or drop a card to Clover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden seeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring growing Ogilvie‘s "Royal Household" Keewatin " Fiye Roses"â€"The very best Keewatin make. A carload just rece‘ved, MUTOAL FIRE INSURANCE company S E E D S FARMERS F L O U R I t ce agsias ies 2 TEZMLPVEN DL LARS of MONEY to lend at very low rates, 1COLLECT DEBTS, carefullf' prepare all kinds of WRITINGS, sell C. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. | Evory kind of legitimate business attended to. Everything private. Our Motto "Alw ys p. onipt, Never Negligent. , Then I have a 100 ACRE well imâ€" proved farm near Durham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property, It‘s a saap. For considerâ€" ably under $3000 I will sell 100 acres in Bentinck, with good soil, brick veneerâ€" ed and frame house, large frame bank barn, frame stables and pIg stables good orchard. This is really a sacrifice I have also a great lot of other pro® perty for sale and a MTLTLION Ti . Is good Bread, well made and properly bakedâ€"the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect breadâ€"made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. P3 cecscescscegrcececsccecsseC I had 250 acres of Good Land aboye Durham, well improved, with very fine buildings, advertised in the RevieEw for 875&). I can now sell it for a good deal less and IT8 A BARâ€" GAIN, Then I have a 100 ACRE well imâ€" LOOK HERE, FARMER Proven Steel Tracks, Singer Sewing Machines, Walkerton Marble Works, The Bell Organ & Piano Co., Churns and Washing Machines, srantford, Brockville,Grey Carriages ders, Masseyâ€"Harris Cr®*m Sep‘rators We are sole Agents in Dusham tor the above well known Implementsâ€" Binders, Mowers, Dlls‘ Harrows * Dise Cultivators, Marrie Spreaders Hay Rakes, Hay Lo®‘rs. gia Tedâ€" The Masseyâ€"Harris Co. MATTHEWS & LATIMER NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent. McQueen & Morice FIELD AND GARDEXN, He The Best Cure For Dyspepsia ROMPTLY SECURE Highest grades only, ad Office : Walkerton, On t STINSON, The Baker We‘re also Agents for The Hanover Conve MILLER, the latest known plans °* or trade for other ap. _ For considerâ€" will sell 100 acres in d soil, brick veneerâ€" , large frame bank without a paraliel and _lgAuLtua) Fire Insurance CENTRAL ne annual under the red. Insure Durham residence yanecr yeal IN NEW QUA®TERS GEO. H. K. MIDFORD Office Licensed A1 promptly ; Orders may JOHN CLARK After two years in business in Durbham 1 thank heartily the many farmers and others who ~havefavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future bave hav> pleasure in meeting in more commodious (}umrs. all my old friends and 1 trust many new ones. Promptness and fair dealâ€" ing will continue to be my motto, Yours for business â€"«licensed A Terms moderate u‘° “‘“fi:;_ &c., mn 0€, ham, .$ there, or to Cej attended to, To Barrister, Soliecitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner, Teacher of Binging sSTUDIOâ€"UPPER Towx Individual teaching. _ Special tbention : to~ tona nraduntia MciIntyre Bioekâ€"Lambton Bt, Barclay and Bell‘s old stand DURKHAM, onT. (Lower ARTHMUR or to n@@nado in wack A Barristers, Soucn:rs, Conveyancers e. Money to Loan, 42 tuction.cers. Exo N ETE HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univer mate Royal College Dental Burges Dentistry in all its branches, Ofticeâ€"Caider‘s Block, over Pos Ms University, graduate of Roya of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Over J & 1 Hirumpii s o Insuran Issuer of | eral fina Office, 13 Frost St Office over J. rours : | . MecPHMHAIL_.»~ Member collq:) Plgfluouu and Surgeons ntario {)fice and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Geo. â€" St,, wt100tof Hill, Old Moodic Corner, Money to Loan ffice, over Gord, n‘s Jew J. G. HUTTON, M. D. C. M Eye, Ear,Nose & Throat & €, PICKERING D. p S., L DS. Hoxnor crapuvare of Toronto iversity, graduate of Royal College Dent.'o.l Snnoanne â€"# racl 9# LC J. F.GRANT D. p.s flice, Mcelntyre 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m, Telephone Connection No. 10 d Auctioneer for the Co, of ly attended to, kates mm left at his Imple Mc on‘s old stand, or at Aotary Public C ass!stant to Moorfield‘s (London, Eng) and to Knapp‘s (New York ) Eye Hospitals, CARD OF THANKS ARTHUR GUN, ‘ce, Mcelntyre BJ . MacKay K.C MACKAY & DUNN «M ILDEO.A .L D BsY m A C finane q 3 3 3473 18 Of Untario, Rooms J & J HUNTEXPS New Store . MePHAIL, Ceylon P,. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durhag Ceylon has & telephone office, o P em to Ceylon p, O., will be 0, Terms on application _over J. &,;J. Hunter‘s Store 8 to 10 a.x. IOURS : { 2 to 4 r. My 7 to 9 P, x. Bpecial attention given to Discases of Women and Chfldmn. CconNvEÂ¥aAncEer ate, me "’!"_‘.c”m mt â€" P. TELFORD e Agent, Mor Marriage Lice Auctioneer for ( â€" Mclellan. lacensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, PEY8ICIAN & SUIB‘QII DR. BURT OFFICE HOURS ching. _ Special atâ€" tone production, mate at the Review® of @at the Review Ofâ€" Bflupondeuee addressed Â¥\ B Pn ge Licenses business tr ommission« Jewelry Store kover the Bank Town) JACKSON ey to Loan be Grev °S, A genâ€" Lransacted reasonable ment Ware the Reyouew promptly 1d plly weon Ost Owen Sound Grey ity Grad Sales OM Dunn h ha lt $3 .:":A}i’ t 9iA 18

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