West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Sep 1907, p. 4

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|| bj Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you caniget ali the style and as perfect adfit ascan be put into a suitâ€"as much as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious, but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. JUST ARRIVED Is $15 Rirt Black, Fawn ar Cloths and styli effects in Tweed. 8. F. MORLOCK LADIES‘ MANTLES Newest Shades in Leather Brown, Bronze Green, Wine, Navy, White, and Black smartly trimmed in the most artistic fashion. FALL :. _ MILLINERY The largest range of M ever had in our store are spection and when you see be convinced that they are and the right price. W Our Openings last week were a pronouncâ€" ed success. The many ladies who visited our showâ€"rooms were satisfied that we had a showing of Millinery equal to any city for style and quality but much lower in price. _ Our stock is composed of the very latest Paris and New York shapes that can be procured including all the your price for a Suit? Some Choice Readgy Made n and Navy Beaver sty]_ish shadow â€" plaid . Flarity and One Price . Glass, range of Mantles we have ar tore are here for your inâ€" when you see them you will 19 Lou® 2 d re the right style We have them in anager & Culter Suits was well known being a leading man in his church, the schools and in public life, he was a Exâ€"councillior of Proton and a J. P. The Rev Mr Mcâ€" ) Murphy officiated. _ Mr James Buckley one of the old pioneers of the lrish settlement passâ€" ed away on Monday the 16th at his home in the south of Proion, the funâ€" eral was on Wednesday the 18th to the R. C. cemetery and was the largâ€" est seen here for years. Mr Buckley Death has been busy here the last week. Two ot Mr John Abott‘s sons went to the north west some time aâ€" go and his second oldess son William took sick and died suddenly, the body arriyed home to his fathers on Monday evening 16th. The funeral was on Tuesday 17, to Bethel church yard, and was very large, much sympathy is expressed for the sorrowâ€" | ing family. | The Hopeville church people have had some leading minsters here and very successful meetings were held. Proton council held a meeting in Dundalk on Monday 16th and did a considerable amount ot business, several old disputed questions of years standing, were settled. keview to Jan. Ist==15¢ We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Jno MeNally who passed away Monday morning at the ripe age of 78 years. Ho leaves to mourn his loss a widow anc nine children, Mrs Wm Cook, Glenelg, Mrs Wm Cook, Crawford, Mrs Putherbough, of Bentinck, Mrs H. MceKechnie, Bethune, Sask., Mrs Geo Ritchie, Edge Hill, Fanny at home, James in Durbam, and John at Zion, Wmm and Robt in the North west, and Joseph at home. The faneral will take place on Thursday at 2 p. m. tor Zion cemetery. Mrs John Ritchie, of Fort William, is visiting at Mr Geo Ritchie‘s and other friends around Edge Hill at present. Messrs Peter MceArthur and Angus MceLachlan of Priceville, visited on the Avenue Sunday and attended the Jrossleyâ€"Hanter meetings in the evenâ€" ing. Mr Robt Moffat, Toronto, |; children, Geo and Ruby, vi his father‘s, Mr Chas Moff: week. Mr and Mrs Jos visited at Mr D. week, Messrs M. J. and Wm Staples left last week tor the Northwest. We are pleased to report Mr Jas Staples improving in health, Mr and Mrs Thos Jasper, ot Carrick, visited at Mr Dan Greeawood‘s last week. suah OS moF m Mis Jas Staples, who has spent some time in North Bay, returned home last week. The harvest is fow over in parts, Nothing can be hbeard but the hum of Smith‘s engine. is cleaning out two barns a day The Bible Study class has comâ€" menced its mestings again every Friday evening at 7.30 in Robert‘s Hall. Dr Brown is the leader and everybody is welcome. > Rev Mr King and wife spent Sanâ€" day in Branttord where Mr King preached. Dr Brown took charge of the service in Holstein in the mornâ€" ing and Mr E. E. Kells at Yeovil and Orchardville. Mrs (Rev.) McLaughlin, Hanover, is visiting at Mr Robt Mickleborough‘s this week. A large number from here attendâ€" ed the revival services in Durham conducted by evangelists, Crossley and Hunter and regort good meetings A load of fourteen drove up on Sun. day evening besides a number of single rigs. Hopeville irs Jos Cairns of Ceylon, Mr D. McFayden‘s last Edge Hill. Notennnnn o+ e t Alge se c asecmcse y and Ruby, visite y Holstein. home, James at Zion, Wm th west, and > faneral will lay at 2 p. m. over in these two d n a ’, at s lasc p K The Imperial Oxford Range now He at uies ; ap, . /) 38 _notice in writing should be to the Commissioner of Dominion lai Ottawa of intention to APPly for patent, Six monthsy notice in to the Commlss(ouer Mitnsem cae 0 T 3. I{ the sett upon farming ]a cinity of his hoy residence may } said land . qi 00. ; CUCV, SIX months residen cultivation of the land in each y yeary 2. If the father (Or mother, if deceasedg of the homesteader r; farm in the vicinity of the land en requirements as to residence may by such person residing with {) mother, 1. At least six cultivation of the iNg plans The homesteader is required | t« homestead eonditions under one ing plans THE DURHAM REVIEW Has no equal. We know it. All the people all over the Domâ€" inion who are using it know it, It is the biggest step forward in kitchen Range construction ever known. For sale only by â€"~ P e anpg~" pSleL _and living, Children and Babies a Specialty. ~~ _ The above Co. has tfi'?::ty?ars’ experiâ€" ence and guarantees likeness and workmanship. _ Have made one deliâ€" very, and customare misu,.. _," 4EH4 of deceased and and Babies a_ above Co. has t ence and suara I have secured the Agency from The PORTRAIT SsUPPIY CO., Toronto for Durham and surrounding .country to take orders for Deputy of t} experience to For Union School Varney School, _ f the beginning of the ply stating qualitic Enlarged Portraits L 20 00090 NCmy OE 37â€" /" VPakota, haye been visiting at Mr A,. Widmeyer‘s lately, Miss Ethe] Lougheed is brightenâ€" ing the home ot her grand{ather, Mr A. Marshall, at present. . HUNTER, Durham, Ont Mrs McLeat;-and North Dakota, have Mr A,. Wiiimoirskhe 1 _: 20d and Miss Jessic visitiny Mrg Wim Sharp Mrs Nicho] Sr, is laid the result of which injur and gave her quite a s} Mr Jas Hanna 108st a fine colt last week. It got caught in a gate and got its leg broken, A large number from Hampden atâ€" tended the Crossley and _ Hunter mectings in Dur ham on Sunday, Mrs Bailey anq children of Eimâ€" wood and Mise Tac.s. "C"â€" Threshers are Qy now and with three or four machines in the neighâ€" borhood the threshing will soon be over. The work of has begun, ling land owned is homes&eu«l, th may be saticfiod atronize TORONTO er has his uis ty d : i2 5 3 ",CHCCF resides upon a ity of the land engred for, the to residence may be satisfied residing with the father or Phacs .A : ‘stead, the requirem'c satisfied byresidence Teacher Wanted e Minister of n&ustry U 54009 â€"__ _ 1, Agoodly number of burghers took |in the Big Fair in Ye Editors town N oreAsasams ~| on W'ednpm,l:l_\' of this week. The 1 { | famous Southland _ Sexette Comâ€" ,flnflmfl" mmn'weS‘ | pany, variegated athletic conéesw. speeding in the ring and magnificent D REGULATIONS ’dpi)splay in the floral and hortigulturul ;Egsicacllggl.)“ofnl)omh]lion lands | ling-, were a source of unap'Feaseable not reserved may‘ bo pont* | eDJOYmMeNt to all present. The hotels Efilov\:'f(;gi:‘r:hc! s0le head of | over tewn were cheated out of many i section" of Toi Reresmor; | & Shilling, owing to to a large por. ’cen.cage of the asseimblage gortnanâ€" »ln_legi(.x;e{;owg.\:,m (he Loâ€"al | dizing on Coney Island " redâ€"hots " oxy may. however, be wag? | and other delicacies, which were for s by the father, mother, son, | sale in profuse quantities at the varâ€" sister of an intending homeâ€" { jous stands on the grounds ! ! d t EWentell3o &BuyxtH, Becy. Treas, Varney, Ont, quali flcuii:).;;s" Hampden s{-‘hOOl No Permanent res by him in t ¢ requirements w. w. cory residence each year re building the is laid up at present h injured her knee te a shock, ind little child, of e m ic 2201 EW Duties to h e year, 1908 to perform the ie of the followâ€" the fathor is & 1, known ay be given lanas at residence i the viâ€" nts As to upon the upon and for three ic & Salary and ome begin a 8. : â€" &A pâ€" |_ _ Mr and Mrs A. MeCl lSunduymnd Monday with | Mt Forest. Miss M. E. Leeson v here one day Jast week Mr D. MeC west last we much pleased couutry. Mr Hooper of Mt Fo T Leeson on Sunday Murray Hoy has be is g'etti‘ng well again. mill pi Aintaliintet®. Abutiiinilsat atccas d Mr= William Malone of Seattle, Washington Ty., arrived in the burg on Friday evening last to visit his * mother and many friends in the comâ€" ‘ | munity. Wi; has been absent a |quarter of a century and during that time many changes has occurred around the scenes of his nativity, Miss Alice Corlett, who has been a gilted acquisition to the social circles for the greater part of the summer leaves this week for Uncle Sam‘s doâ€" mains, her destination being Chicago, IIl. Mrs. Ireland, of Edmonton, is enâ€" jJoying a pleasant fortnight‘s furlough with her sister, Mrs. William Locâ€" heed. Mr. C. A. Fleming, principal of the N. B. C. Owen Sound, accompanied by his wife and tamily, drove down from the county town on Saturday last, and spent a pleasant dav vieir | Fla "qnplaispis i7 ns And spent a pleasant day visitâ€" ing friends and relatives in Poverty Plag "NC foresters Hall. They will also put down a piece of granolithic walk in front of J. L. Smith‘s residence. This shows commendable enterprise ?‘n the part of the Dr. and our other He‘s an originial thinker, broad in his views, pertinacious in his beliefs, A winning conversationalist and thoroughly imbured with more than the ordinary business tact and skill is Mr. Joseph Baegean of Williamsâ€" fora who is assisting contractor Benâ€" tham of the same burg in renovating the Foresters Hall. They will also put down a piece of granolithic walk in fFOLt Oof J T. "Smith‘s untquuanl P PRS OSE TD TEVUR \J‘.JO We had a pl‘euant chat with Mr. Archie Campbell of Virginia, Minne â€" sota, who is yisiting his aunt Mrs. John Turnbull of Bentinck . A few years ago Archie was the genial clerk in one of the village stores and du. ing that time made many friends all otf whom are pleased to note his continuâ€" ued success in the financial and social issues ot life, Mr. H. Hunt, our enterprising caterer is having the ceiling of his store covered with galvanized iron. The design is tastefal and this laxurâ€" lous decoration adds mach to the appearance of his business emporiam. l Atter a Elensant three month‘s holiday spent with friends in Dornoch and Sault Ste Marie, Miss Susie Macâ€" Intosh left this week for an extended sojg;mi ig the Queeu City. [ Harvesting is a thing of the past and now the busy hum of the threshâ€" er is heard on all sides. In quantity the results show a decided dimunition but in quality a good average is the unanimous opinion of all. (100 Series) McCrie arrived from wc:ek._ hale and ~he Varney. _ Nale and <hearty, with that pari of the Dornoch. McClinton Wudge i Men‘s Furnisher JOHN CLARK The qualities Farmers Washers, Sewing Machines, DEERING H ARVESTERS Place your order at once qnire Coal for this winter. urday four (4) cars react they did not contain ou enongh Coal to fill our ard We havye some bargains in Knife sharpeners, Shavorine for Razor straps, Wire Cock fpullers and lamp glass cleaners, Scholars companion boxes, setts of cake cuttters, Gravy strainers, Coffee Balis, Flue Stoppers, and other articles too numerous to meution. Have you looked at our Whips lately ? We have one for every man, Ranging in price from 10¢ to $3.50 each, Buy a package of our Hando Rusâ€" sian Silver Polish, a superior article for cleaning silver on Stoves. Do not disgrace that fine horse by exhibiting him at the Fall Fair with an old sett of harness when you can buy a new set with so little money, See our assortment rugs or buggy rugs. Who will be the lucky buyers 2 We aim to grab at bargains for the benefit of our customers. Owing to a custom seizure we can offer you this week a stock of Paisâ€" ley shawls worth $4 for the small sum of $1.75 each. They are very suitable for evening wraps, steamer and Farm Machinery, HARDWARE Reliable & Durable It is Teasons why you ought to use TOOTH POWDER we make JUST A FEW ‘ (4) cars reached us and not contain oue quarter 7. P 9Gp .. o n _ Large Boftle, 25 cents Drug Store G UN‘S <3233C6G ~ Black fill our orders Not Soapy. Free from Grit. Pure and Harmless Pleasant to Taste Perfectly Antiseptic Dlll'hg- want. , Churns, &o if you reâ€" Last Satâ€" ever C. McARTHUR T1 PoTV uP saies _%__" Nave 'lfl‘nhd out pur. ch-mng & largep and better clu': of mbbe“hoyl for h‘b.’ Mmisses, men BOOUBED Ym A Mnanial.. We wish to state to the Ladies of town ang country, that we have # larger ang more varied stock .( PLAtn AND rj NBE RUBBERs than we had last yearp, Our sales last yeap h lin chasing", DVe wart anteq 24 ®® Fail Boots, Shoes & Rubbers 04 a day for One Day Only This was our delightfy] experi. ence one da last week : angd you tan Saye Iloney Every Day hy buging your $24 a PEEL, the Shoeman The New Railroad Bridge Across the River in town is causing a great deal of talk since it was started. Many are predicting that it will not stand the test v;;hen the floods come in the Spring, Other that there wiilg be a big jam when the freshlet comes, and will be carried away, We would not like to have that come to past but we would like to see people jam and f11 our store and get the bargains we are &iving in new Dress Goods Furs, Boots and Shoes, â€" Underweu. etc. [ FoOrde And Eaak.. o o ._ FALLFOOTWEAR We Defy Competition You are sure of satisâ€" faction if you trade here. for our stock represents the choicest imported and domestic cigars, the hest tobaceos in all forms and a firstâ€"class selection of Pipes. that give them the preay. est pleasure and satisfa. tion. ‘Tastes vary so that a stock to suit everyhbody necessitates a great varic. ty, and we bave it. Druggists and Books We are studying ou; smoker customer‘s tastes all the time and strive ;, carry just the Cigars, Pipes and 6'060000; We S rovido for the Smokey acFartane & C;, Orders and specialty, in box calf, kid wi beavy and light soles, in new and uy EGGS WaxTrp a Specialty Repa )tc te te ‘ 6 E t 4 § pi Dur Johanst We all st nC St

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