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Durham Review (1897), 3 Oct 1907, p. 1

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re as E P0100. ‘nunu ds. myumc holster. month- ls reno- I about“ attet m1- riting ing, AN liE parate shot Ttng, king, Com- lence. In. to. lege may. you hor- N 193nm: nciptl. de choc! . WI“! no“ Mon. odd IN " m with. an le, fifth? School, St! I Qégmmmmxmmm may a in ?: The weaves., Aini?tles, colors and patterns are all so good we know YI you will be interested in them. Three special lines are 'si Fashionable New Dress Goods iilzxasiaestxxsgssiyanmtaaingaaasgaii' To U. B. thrmortumta.--B, s new Panel Lew we no compelled to chute $1.50 for mutant in Idvnnee for the Revew to nheerlhere In the United Statue. Will those when: lube. expire this month or who ere in arm". kindly take notice and re- new during Sept.. no u to lose no pa . Oblixinlr Item Tn Ptrmattmtn. VOL. XXVIII, NO. 40 We have just a few left of those Ladies' Cravenette and rubber Raincoats. We want to clear out every one of them and are selling them at big reductions. In weights for all weathers--to fit all sizes of people-and so much and so many kinds we hardly know what to do with it. In spite of the high price of wool, we have maintained the high standard of quality at old prices. New Fall & Winter Underwear There are other goods too, in all the fashionable shades. Come in and see them. We enjoy showmg them and we are sure you will be interested in seeing them. The new Fall Models in coat! for ladies and girls have arrived here and they are certainly handsome. They are most sty- lishly made of materials that Are firat-elasa as to both quality and style. The prices, you will find are very reasonable, indeed. IMPORTANT WANTED-ily QUANTITY BUTTER AND EGGS. New Fall Coats James Ireland Raincoats for Ladies Ladies' Cloth fine finish-blues, brown, red, black.... Slit: yd Clan Tartans and Fancy Plaids Ladies' Cloth at blues. browns. green, 7 red and black....... 75C yd u...................--, l.50 yd beautiful finish, - iiliihttliit DURHAM BRANCH John Kelly. Hanger l swan mo A? “may no mum Linux! CK Cosu'rrrrrroN,--Ttie suc- cess of the Limerick Competition. which has been running for the past few weeks in the Toronto Mail and Empire, has been so phenomenal that they have decided to raise the amount of prize money in the contest, which commenced Friday, Sept. 27. to $100. The person who sends in the best aug- geation for the last line of the incom- plete Limerick will receive $30 The other prizes are as followszthe second. 820; the third and fourth, " each: the fifth and sixth, 85 each, and ten consolation prizes at 82 each. It _ probable that these contests will bei continued from week to week, and the) conditions governing them will Le found in both The Daily and Weekly Mailand Empire. Another " bl md pig " has been run down in Owen Sound by License In- spector Beckett. He noticed a pro- cession of men filing In and out of an alley late one evening and on inspec- tion, found abundance of evidence in the shape of bottles, full and empty. The keeper was fined the maximum penulty.$50 and coals. 85f of headaches M the result of Eyestrain. Chas. J, We ern’sscienti- tically adjusted glasses ill relieve Eyeatrain with all its tttte ing tttRio. tions If the ghases you no wear are not suitable or if the lense' require changing, consult the Special: in the parlor of the Midduugh House on Fri- day Oct. 4th. SaatgsBattitDqtartmertt1nG-htatatttttatiBr-heh' Fort BALE.--Two Clyd 'dnle filliea; o he one-year old, and ne sucker. Also awn Durham bulls wi pedigree. rhoicely bred, eight and hi mos. old respectively. T. J, MORE] ON, Rocky Sn Pen. A meeting of the Cement Di ectora is to be held in a few days on the re- turn of the President from California. It will then be known if there is to be, a dividend this season or not. rs/ Marl being supplied at present is ex-i cellent. _ l tn our Savings Department. Deposits of tr and upwards an received. a: which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. Tiverton last wak had as fire. up. parenlly of incendiary origin, which but for timely observation might have been very destructive. We congratu- late our friend editor, A, McDougall ' on his narrow escape: _ Loan-On ht, Durhnu\ Road. be twnen Durhn and Allan Park, an open face. nie l cased watch, l.raid chain with sun e locket on centre. Finder willbe rm nrded by leaving it at the REVIEW OF CE. THE STANDARD BANK WANTED TO BEN --A good farm, within a mile of Dur m, must have comfortable house nd barn. and plenty of good water, usaseasion this fall. Apply at the Rev' w office. a"! " W ‘43; a" ' 's {:11 4 a!" Communmn oervices will be held at Rocky Saugeen on Sunday next at 11 a. m. Preparatory services on Fri. day at 2.30 p. m. and Saturdav at 11 a. Railway progress goes on steadily and once the tilline of the bridge ahutmente is completed this part, will be almost ready for the steel. Sacrament. of the Lord’s Supper will be observed in Durham Presby- terian church on Sunday. October 13th. RAilWHy progress goes on steadily and once the tilline of the bridge Priceville Show mtunut, Octotwr. Don't forget. The last of this district. Dundalk show on the 9th. 'Mr. Fred A. Le itt, Ema tuner ex. pects to be in Durh m bout the last of October. A. H, Jackson as a number of houses and you": Iota in Durham for sale. A. H. Jackso 's an Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. rham, Ont. Newest styles i Fall clothing are shown at B. P. Mo lock'.. Ily..., 1trlNiitlte "ti"iii'8lrlttll OFCANADA HeadOffke - i, -' - Tommi: $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT NoDdoyaiu with; Mtib+ma* 1nterestadtkdhtartiatesayear “TA-USN“ 1.73 DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCT 3 1907 The Durham Furniture Company despatched another car of Furniture last week to Dundee, Scotland. where their goods have secured a reputation that IS bringing them larger orders. It is gratifying to know that this in- dustry is making tine headway and leads one to hope the rumor might be ‘ true, that the company or some of its l members might ttnd it possible to take ‘hold of the Separator Factory. The icouncil, no doubt, will he only too 'willing to make arrangements to see it going once more, as We understand no insurance can be carried on idle premises. "Do IT Now."-a special despstch to the Globe shows that American push methods work the wrong Way in Europe; "A London dry goods mer- chant returned from a visit to the United Stetesa short time ago with notions about procrattimatum being the thief of time remarkably develop. ed. He brought with him a number of (urds bearing the excellent printed 1 maxim, "Do it now." and hung these‘ up in his cake and about his store Within a fortnight of the advent of the cards the chief cashier departed with the sum of m,000, three clerks and deputations from two departments waited on the proprietor with requests for increased salaries. and his best lady typewriter eloped with a very businesslike and ttood-looking shop walker. The cards have been removed, A. O. U, W. SPECIAL Mtterma.- Memhers of Du am Lodge, No 198, A. o. U. W. are equested to amen?! Lodge here on Tu ar evening. 15th October, when the' District Deputy, Bro Jno Rutherford o, Sound. will he in attendance an deliver an ad. dress. Desirable that very member should be present. Harvest home services will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday next. The church is betntt decked with flowers, fruit, grain. etc.. and appropriate sermons will be preached by the pastor. On MJnday evenings social harvest home evening for the children will be held, Usual Admis.. sion fee. n Capt Scott of the Salvation army. Palmerston, will lecture in the town hall on Tuesday evening. Out 8th at 8o'clock. ts'og'eet-"Ncenee in Prison lite," being a description of the Prison work of the S. A, Silver collection will be taken at this service. All wel- come. Special songs for the occasion. CONFIRMATION Crsaes.--Bishop Will. iams, of the Huron Diocese, was in town on Wednesday last, and had nineteen candidates for U'onfirmntion at Trinity church, this class having been in preparation for some weeks hack under Rev. Mr. Bloc. l A special prize offered by the Shel- 'burne Economist at the County hue for the biggest pumpkin pie wan won hya. bachelor. It was 21t Inche- in diameter and first class, having In its make up 18 eggs. JOHN McAn'mtm 1JBAD,--.we le- gret to learn that John McArthur, Aberdeen. died to-day. Wednesday, after a. long struggle with: cancer. Funeral on Friday at. 2 p. m. Inter- ment in Saugeen' cemetery. A fuller notice next week. - ways a to go. Priceyille village will be en fete on Friday of this week this being the second day of Artemeaia Township Show. With good weather this is al- Bum BURNED.~This, Wed: afternoon, Talhat's barn, one halt miles from Flesherton was ed by apart: from a thresher, other particulars at this writing, Rumors, of theft; or a ltuiiets'fane, work at our week, are heard. Mn A. lost some valuable articles. pleasant and profitsli; ac, Wu. IRWIN? theft; or removal. of ft our Show last; hex-ton was burn. a thresher. No barn, one and I. Wednesday .ecorder. . McClinton ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO fhtgitt: Sprln colt - John McDougall C W L,t Wm Honburz. Bp. ttlle --Jat: MoIlvridu, Jno Gardiner', W T Orchard.- 1 yr IttrldingrrAuxtAitun Petey Cornish. Alex Aitken. 2year g_tsltiintt-C W Robb, Wm Ihirbairn, Ned Hay. 1 yr filly-P Cornish, R. Nicholson. John Gardiner. 2 yr old 11ly--0ed Harris, Alex Rona, Robe. N leholaon. 2tg-Y A Swanson, J. Meyer, Jan Ca der. HEAVY DRAUGHT Clydesdale 'ttttre-John Spica. W. J. mun Clyd. m3yeu-nor un- Prize List HORSE GEN. PURPOSE Brood tttttre-ha McIlvride. John Gnrdiner. William Hamburg. l.iptl..rtg - - colt - John McDonald] The village under local option has certainly not deteriorated. F Fine sidewalks, busy stores, snug homes, all bespeak prosperity. The hotel and had a good day. The absence of ME and Mrs Wm Mountain was commented upon, they usually having numerous ex- hibits. Mrs Mountain we believe has not been well Durham band came l though late. gave some music. A tent with a monster (on canvas) devil fish display drew some dimes, and with some of the booths gave a midway appearance. Chapman's photo display had crowds around it all day and many guesses asto the number of baby photos in two big frames were made. Guesses ranged from 600 to 2000, ours was 1408 ! Le Warne had also a fine display. The concert hall in the evening was packed and the returns must have been satisfactory. The ladies' work thawed up well, fewer quilts than usual, perhaps, but everything apparently good. A vast display of edibles teatified to the excellent housewifery of Egremont. NOTES A game of baseball in the late qi- ternoon between Holstein and Mt Forest northern nine was won by the visitors 4 to 2. H. H. Miller, M. P. is always a. welcome visitor at the show. T Visitors to the hell were at once struck with the lessened flower show, the absence of Dr Brown and ofJ.C. Adams accounting for this. The display was attractive however. Roots were very good for this year, grain was pronounced excellent and fruit was well up to the mark. In long wool sheep President J. A. Swanston keeps up his late father's record as aprize winner, while Bow. man and the Fairbairns have the short wool classes almost to them. selves. The swine and the poultry exhibits were below the average. The Jerseys were attractive speci. mens, and the Herefords will soon be crowding the Durhams, with such breeders as Gillies and Bowling. D. McQueen won. the coveted wt for herd pedigreed cattle. ( The moat striking of the exhibits was undoubtedly the horses. Not [even in Toronto' it appears to us could finer teams be found, and the lighter kinds were also as a class very handsome. Some 9 or to mares with foals gave the judge some puzzling work and is an indication of ‘the attention the townsnip is giving to horsebreeding. Cattle, sheep and swine have been more numerous, we dare say, but scarcely of better quality. Don Mo. Queen's fine bull calf would have graced any show and Fairbairn's one 1year old displayed proudly the rib-) bon won at Toronto show where it was one of 17 entries. Thos Weir is becoming an ambitious Durham breeder and won three red tickets. John McRobb took first for bull calf, " he did at Durham, we believe, though by some mistake his name was omitted. - u --e" rV'r'“ The weather was superb; no dust, temperature just right and being thin from early morning was an eflective temptation for a day's outing, where much was to be seen and enjoyed. The hustle of a township was on and from all sides came the crowds that went to make a record day. 2000, the number of exhibitors was 135 and the number of entrier12oo " least. This, for a show representing the township only, is a most credit. able showing, and next to the favor of the weather, the credit must be given to energetic management and the loyalty .of the people. here to-day has iapiG'entirtreGril record breaker from several view points. The _attend_ancq was over Peeps--, Oetober,-The show Holstein Show h GREAT SUCCESS the churches all down, and , pleasing ton. Doz on: corn, McBeth’s prize. . D Hunilzon. Fin: seed..WJ Eeclu TI Reid. Large“ tstmfiowem..rywin Robb, In Bruce. ROOTS & VEGETABLES 001 E',Wo'gtr3, CJauitieid, D Humil- ton. nah potatom-R Osulneld. J. D Main, John Sinchlr, D Hamilton“ - - r_,-_ -_'_-.._ .-. nun-Wu. "ug. Range. Buck out. . Wm Rorw tYC/ly white pen. . W Runny T J id. Luge white pen. .Wm Rtunage, Rob: Dodds. Ensilnge corn . .lohn Fairbairn_._ Enid Hunil- Fall wheat.. W J Eccles, Thar, Ste-art. John Stevenson. Sp. when . .T J Reid, Robt Dodds, David Ham. Hton. White buloy. .Wm Rulings. David Hamilton. Long white out” Albert Ctutuleld, Dnvid Hunilton. §hort white o_s_u._.D. Hamilton, Wm. Black Breeds Brood low..John McArthur. Red Breeds Spring pigs. .T J Reid 1 and 2 FOWL Geese..W R Bonn-n, T J Reid. Dacha. .Unknown. Dmmilton. Bra- hmu..Irwin Robb Barred Pie. mouth make. .Ju Webster Wyatt. dome. .Hugh Lamont Bantams” Irwin Robb Heaviest dozen egg... RCtuiltteld. 7 -Ne _..- "'e"-""-.lr_'%F.. "' - Dllu 0. LI cWCI ..JASwanston. Shut ewes..J. A. Swanswn l & 2. Ewe lamth. A. Swanston l& t, Alf McDonnll. SHORT WOOL Ram..W R Bowman, John Fair- bairn, Wm FUirbairn. Sh. ram. .W. Fairbairn, Hugh Lamont, John Pair. balm. Bam Utab. .Jno Fairbairn. W R Bowman, Wm Fairbanrn. Pr. ewes..W It Bowman, Jno Pairbairn. W RBowmnn. Sh ewes..Jno Fair. bairn, W It Bowman, H anont. Ewe lambs..W ll Bowman, H u. mom, W It Bowman. Pen ot long wool sheep..J A Swunoton. Pen ot short wool . . W R Bowman. SWINE Aged boar.WToreUrd. S rink white boar. .John Spicer. 'C,'ll low. .David Allan. AYRSHIRE tkW-John McRobb HEREFORDS Bull . ' Wm Gillies. Cow. .Win Gil. lies 1 &2. Bull Cnii..Gillioe. Bei. er, 1 year. .Jns Bowling, Wm Gillies. Calf..Duwling, Gillies. GRADE CATTLE Cow. .C Schenk. H Reid, J Meitobb 2-yr heifer..D Allan, Wm Iioratrtug. l-yr heifer. .Jobn MeRobb I & 2. Calf .. Wm Homburg. John Metiobb. Fat beast. . Wm Gillies. Herd Pedigree, cattle. .D McQueen, Wm Gillies. SHEEP. LONG WOOL . Ram..Win Allan. Sh. run..Ir- win Robb, J ASwmston. Rain lamb ...[ J.kyrtuststott 1,_2 and 3. Pr ewc: CATTLE THOROBRED CATTLE-DURHAM 2 yr old ball-D McQueen. W. J. Wallis. 1 yr old ball-Ano Fairbsirn Bull ealf,--luhn MeRobb, D Mcgneon Cow-Ttioe Weir, D Mo%1een * & 3. 2 yr heiftsr--Thai Weir, McQueen 1 yr htsifer--Thoe Nelr. Heifer calf --D McQueen. W R Bowman. JERSEYS Bull-mt R Bowman. Cow-J. D. Roberta, W R Bowman. HACKNEYS 1 yr flllr-J a Ilettdtrll, Thou. Stewart. tip. eofr--W RBowman. Wm Hamburg. fpardinerrEir" cGiiiiUi,' Sp colt-Wm Grout. s . an 41.6” "new". Wm. Fairing. I yr tresldintt2-Wrn Pair. bnirn. 2 yr. frtr',i,'d.tight, Weir. I yr filly-Geo uric, Wm Hamburg 2 yr iillr.Alex Aikin. Tenn-Frank Rune“. Wm Hornbn Sweepnnkeo --P Rnrnell. Sp 'ii'.i',htit,'?ifstill'l'. W T Orchard. Sp. colt by A ottiB-- John McDongaH, Duncan Hunter Sp. 1splt8tClaircwin Flirbuirn, Dun Hunter. Sp colt. Kenneli'a prim-. J u McIivride, Thou Weir. ROADSTERS Brood tttate-Wm Grout, W T Or- chard. J a Randall. Sp. tso1t---Jno. McAnhnr, Wm Grout, Div. Heliidny _ Sp filly-Irwin Robb. W T Orchard. ‘1 yr tteldintt--W. T. Orchard, Chas. Holmes. 1 yr filly-Fran/sits Hop- kins. Joseph Bowling, 2 yr tillyc-- Wm Gillies. Bturee home-A Mayer E Smith, Jae E Kennedy. Pr driver: J ASwannton. H M Reid. Single driver-John Manny, John MeRobh, Rich Irwin. Htuskney--J D Roberts, J W Walla, AlHuliieid. COACH OR CARRIAGE 1 year gelding-Alex Ross, Chas. Melime. 2 yr treldintr--Alvitt Dar. rant, John Gardiner, Jos Bowling. 1 yr filly-John Rice. Wm Fairbuim 2 yr filly-Chas. McInnes. Alf. Me. Dougali. Spring fill .-R Nicholson. in”? Himclr. Lugy driver-John I,yrtiGCiiiiiitdiiii'?uri"iia't; 93.;qu Sngllt Brood mm J udge Continued on page}. W11 Huck. V. B, Mildmay GRAIN A Moy er. ',' : Silverware R. B. Keeler & Sons Two big Btores, Dal-bun Ind Welland _ ,_,____ win- sc- w" W. can awe ou mane . Luge Mock of Toilet Bet; jail: receywed And an exam Inge mack of odd Were chins. See what 15 cent; will buy in Keel. er's window on Baum]. “an. mu Ian's washes. all the beat makes. Later and Ian‘s Solid Gold Blues. Ladies' and Ment Watch Chains, extra large stock. 14de Brooches, Bracelets, "ttkisses. Lock- sm. lg” Tie Pins. Cut? Links. Pom. Locke Sputum and Eye Glam to suit all sights. We hare on displuy the largest stock of i We have on diarlny the largest stock of New Fa l Goods that we have ever shown. We can please you both mth the Rood. und price. Come With the crowd and save money on the following goods. lulled and Isn‘t Watahes. I" tho bent makes. Later and Isn‘t Solid Gold Rings. [and and Isn't Women Chung. elm Lum, staph, I “a... Thong dc of people towhom mlure hm: drni normal vision, enjoy perfect sight h; t e lid of Chas. J. Wextern's scienu c y adjusted glasses. It your Gr/fl" i “active consult the Speci- a in in th Middnugh Home on Fri. day Oct. " On Friday occured the death of little Martha Intilda McDonald. onlv and well-beloved daughter of Mr AI- ex McDonald " the e of 9 years. 9 mos, 28days. Less than a year NIO her mother; died and since the loss of thin binding link she has been a mem. her of the home of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs E. T. McUlocklin of Dur- ham. Death in her case came with grievous suddenees. Tuesday of last week she was at school in good heal! h and on Friday last the bright life went out. The cause of death was a species of para'ycil. caused, it in t taught. by an mldem at play. The funeral. planned for Sunday last was deferied till Monday. to allow of the reaence of her brother Alliater. in Illiefl'firi'i, who arrived on time. An. other brother, Thomas. in in the west and out of teach. The heart. pang to the father. thus doubly bereaved. can he realized only by those similar-I " tlieusd, To him and the four brother- will be given all the wlaoe. so far an it goes. of human Iympathy. The funeral service. on Monday Vere con- ducted by Rev Mr Farquhuraon. many friends being present. Loads of New Goods at keeler's Rev. Mr. Farquhmon ohnated " home sud grave. Ill . a, "r-...- - uuuucr. Joan. " still in business. another. brother. Harry. conducting a large shoe busi- ness in Owen Sound. Doom-ed We! widely-known for his musics! telenta and fire many years Wu leader of the hands of Dutham a position his abili- ties eminently fitted him for. For some months back he had been train. ing a. number of young men for an orchestra. which man break up now that his guiding bangle gone. He al- SO took agrent interest in the establish. meat of the ti. Grey Rifle Association. himself being an expert in the use of both rifle and tod. The funeral of this well.known gen. tlemsn took place on Sunday lost. :28th September. to Durham Cemetery. 'llt,"t friends and neighbors poytng the at tribute. while blinds were drawn on business places during the funeral hour. For shout two weeks grevious to his death on the 26th Sept. e had been feeling unwell and on Saturday the 21st. went to Fergus hospital his physicians being urgent for the operation. However. when there, he felt so much better. that he determined not to undergo the knife and went home. Very soon he found there was no betterne% and on Mon. do went to Fergus again. was opera. 'ltlCli,'l, and came throtuth it at the time. but the seeds of death were there and he passed "my on Thursday with his loved ones around him. Mr. Peel came originally from Dr'slylun. where a brother, John, is a“ I., L.. rte - ever shown this side of Toronto. Tut thu 'lttte't',"."'ti All "del? coda. m e Roger: M... inmate Silver plate Oo. Ind a full line of American navel-won. 0n China. Dunner and Tee Beta we luv: PrPortey. Lorne .toek of wonderful clubbing otter. We " lend the Reriewan Wood Globel'nr one rear for 31.3) only . (gob in " "nee. This otter will hold good for o "glued time. Bomplel " Review Publishers of the Weekly Globe And 05nd: Fume: enable III to “he I won_de_rfu_l clubbing offer. We will Extraordinary Offer CHAS annex. PM! up Puma. Martha chonuld The Late Fred. Pool The Review Durham Ont; Obituary k.

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