West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Oct 1907, p. 4

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;-;:42:43Emma-ammxr-flégcm-iééififigg if: Taylor & 00., Dromore ti Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you can:get ah the style and as perfect afit as can be pat into a suit-as much as ifyou paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious.but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. JUST ARRIVED Is $15 Black, Fawn Cloths and s effects in Tw S. F. MORLOCK LADIES MAN TLES Newest Shades in Leather Brown, Bronze Green, Wine, Navy, White, and Black smartly trimmed in the most artistic fashion. FALL . . MILLINERY The largest range of Mantles we have ever had in our store are here for your in.. spection and when you see them you will be convinced that they are the right style and the right price. We have them in Our Openings last week were a. pronounc- ed success. The many ladies who visited our show-rooms were tsatisfied that we had a showing of Millinery equal to any city for style and quality but much lower in price. Our stock is composed of the very latest Paris and New York shapes that can be procured including all the Fawn and Navy Beaver and stylish shadow - plaid in Tweed. your price for a Suit'] :ash and One Price Some Choice Ready Made Suits ~. Flarity . Glass, anager utter Alex MeEaehnie, a 2-storey brick house; Archibald Ferguson a IA storey brick house; James Ding; wall a " storey brick house; George Russell 3 frame house to be bricked next year; John Russell 3 frame house to be bricked next year; Wm Deyell a 2 storey cement store on the ground where" McArthur'e store was burnt; Reeve McArdle a frame stable; the Hopeville church people a new frame shed. Review to Jan. [st-450 Our neighbors are making good improvementsthis season. by build- ing new buildings, all within " miles of the village as follows;--. . Adam Scarlett has sold his farm adjoining the village to Mr Geo Gilks. James Fullerton. the mail man. 1s giving upthe mail contract and sell. ing his ot1tiit to James Scott. the Pastmaster. the change took place on the Ist of October. Mrs Scrimeger, the baker here. has leit Castle pinch and moved into the Ilaiu Allen home. her son, Wm Scrimeger und his family have mov- ed in with her. The Itey Mr Gibson’s meetings are still going on in the Hopeville. church, The large posters that Were ap with the names ofa number of preachers on it drew large crowds to the meet- iugs. Mr Geo Leach. although his name was not mentioned, came and stayed a few days. it is said that much good Was done. I And we also expected to have a much between Dromore and Swinton I atSwinton Park on Friday evening of last week. The Swinton boys I went down to lplay a game against Dromore at he Foresters Picnic a couple of weeks ago bat happened only halfof the Swinton team was able to go, and of course we should not have played at all. Bat rather than step the game and to oblique, the committee of the Foresters. we agreed to play some young fellows and we even played a Dromore man to make up our number. We didnt mind Dromore beating us, bat after- wards their team and outsiders did to much crowing that we didn't care to listen to it. So to correct matters we challenged them to play up at Bwin. ton on Friday, 27th and the Swinton team was ready to plav and felt quite able to reverse tne. score that was made at Dromore. Wednesday the 25th We received word that Dromorc wouldn't come. We felt sorrv bat not disappointed. The writer has played loot-ball in Swinton team off and on for ten years and never play- ed against Dromore on Swinton's grounds yet but has played at Dro- more against their team several 1 times and always invited Dromore back. Bat they never came. We ( Were in hopesthey would come this time to let us see what they would look like at Swinton Park. I A foot-ball match was to have been played at Swinton Park last Tuesday evening between Esplin and b'wintori. The Esplin boys came up bat it rain- ed too hard to have a match and we hope to play them in some future time. Mr and Mrs Harry Sterne called to see friends and relations in the Park a couple of days last week. Thus Magher has purchased a new plough ow. Watson so the ploughing will be done thls fail. Mr William Aldcorn has been get- ting in a large supply at trout. for n 8 fall and also bran and shorts Mr George Haw and R. J. Me. Naulty went up to the valley for a load of plums and had no trouble In selling them. Miss Jennie Knox with good com- gany visited Miss Flo Watson last 'unday. The Swinton boys have been treat- ing themselves by buying a set. of box" ing gloves so times will be flashing w. round Swinton corner this fall and winter. Mr Archie Campbell who has not been well tor some time was home for a. few weeks to have a good rest and get doetored up and was able to so back to his work again. We hope to hear of him still improving. A good many of our young folks went to Hopeville last Sunday even- ing as they are having special meet- ings there. A great many took in Durham show and concert last ,week. We hope more will attend Priceville show this week and remember Dundalk. Miss Flo Watson visited her home Sunday last. Some of our young people of this town took a pleasant drive up to Eugenia falls lately. MrJoseph Ferris has Been laid up for the last week or so but is improv' ing again. Mr George Martin 561d a fiae team ot horses for the sum of $350. Mr John H. Richardson hes pur- chased s new eighteen h)rse power traction engine from G. Watson. m will make the straw fly now. Well Mr Editor ttal have not noticed any new: in your paper this last while from oar town I thought I would write a few of the most inter- esting affairs. Show fairs and thresh- ing are the talk of the times just now. ""--_------. -----i.i----- Hopeville Swinton Park. THE bURHAM REVIEW The Imperial Oxford Range Six months' notice in writing should be w to the Commissioner of Dominion lands Ottawa ot intention to apply tor patent. N. B --Utuutthorir.vn putxlicaifon of veNisetttent will not be paid tor. 3. lfthe settlerlms hls pf upon fanning land owned b cluity of his homestead. the 2 residence may be titstisflcd by “hi land. l. At least six months residence It cultivation of the land in each year ft yean' 2, Ifthetather (or mother, it the deceased)! of the homestearier resides farm in t c vicinity ofthe land entered requiremenlsas to residence may be by such person residing with the fs mother. The homesteader is required homestead conditions under l lug plans ; Entry must be mad Land ("The for the dis! situate. Entry by max on certain conditions t daughter, brother or sis steadcr. Any even numbered section ot Domi in Manitoba, saskattmewan, um fifffl',t/"/,rve,e,d 26. not reserved may stem ed by any person who is the MI . family. or any male our ls yrs.ot m extent of one quarter section of Mo 1 or less. J no. R. Leggett, Straight business methods and one price to all, Work done promptly A trial solicited. Yours faithfully, above Co. has twenty years' experi- ence and guarantees likeness and workmanship. Have made one deli. very, and customers highly pleased. Will make all deliveries' myself. RETOUCHING, disfigured or ill l featured enlargements by an Expert! Artist. of deceased and living. and Rallies gjpe‘eialty dbove C? has I have secured the Agency from The PORTRAIT SUPPLY CO., Toronto for Durham and surrounding country to take orders for . Enlarged Portraits tat 0! (tgtg lllrlhhg For Union School No. I, known at, Varney School. Duties to begin» the beginning of the year, I908. Ap. ply stating qualifications. salarvarid experience" to Has no equal. We know it. ' inion who are using it know it in kitchen Range construction Mr D. Gilmour was roused the other night by sounds which tge,'tt, ed tram his cellar. Going own he was just in time to see two men dis. appear. They left their dog behind though and the dog is well-known, Aerie buyers have been going the roun s of the neighborhood and though fruit is neither so pientiiui nor ot so good quality this y ar they have made very good placing”. any. There are prospects of I ;védding in oar burg in the near future they We are pleased to report that Mrs Fulton, Sr., is recovering her health somewhat and spent a day last week with her daughter Mrs Derby. The mill was raiéed on Tuesday of last week and the work of building is progressing rapidfy. Hampden peo he turned out in a body to Aytun 'flfllf on Thursday. Mr Norman and Miss Janet Kerr vitited Hanover friends and took in the Show on Friday. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS W. W. CORY. Deputy olthe Minister of the Interior 'atronize Home Industry . HUNTER, Durham," bnt . W. BLYTII. Secy. Tram Vamey, Ont. Teacher Wanted. be made personallynt thou thedistriut in which the lan by proxy may. however, be m, ..tr-., ‘7’ _. " TORONTO Iiampden soctlpn ot Dominion “a. n reserved may be home: whu is the sole head of over 18 yrs. of age ; lo the section of 160 acres more _ __ ,, w . ""t -1\ man! y the father. mother. so" In ot an intending home :ummr resuu-s upon a land entered (or. the we may be satlsticr1 with the father or )ermanont residence by him in the vi- ' requirements as to yresldcncc upon the residence upon and each year for three e know it. All the people all over the Dom. qr it know it, It is the biggest step forward construction ever known. For sale only by l to perform the one of the follow. t.h.e father is gum _ APG/is', Durham this Od- Children given as " __. f Mrs John Ritchie and daught er iAnna, of Port A char, visited their lands 3 friends here tor a week. Mr Riashie 1g2:(visirdi here for a while also, on his if“ of I way to Toronto. 133:3! We hear rumors of some of our Jyoung ladies going to Toronto to m"?! spend the winter months; toobad. "um 1 Miss Jean Boyle visited a few days [5321' in Durham lately. Th e The Review to Jan 150 to New Subs: Mr Robert Corlett is engaged with Mr Harry Alexander. ot Welbeck, while the thrashing season lasts. MrThomas M?ran,jr., sold a ffne pair of spring colts. tot a high figure. Mr Bert Edmund is away at Tara. threshing with his father. Bert is an old hand at it and likes to follow it u . er Will Moran and Johnnie Vusey Were away last week helping Mr Colin McArthur to point the found- ation ot Mr Robert. Edward's barn, Tlaverston. , With the exception ofa few barns thrashing is about completed in our burg, this is surely the season of l helping and being helped and even ‘somc ot our young men helped their ; neighors to finish harvest, free gratis. i Anumber from here intended tab Jug inthe Durham fall fair. bat ow- 'ing to the inclemency of the Weather ithey remained at home. rapidlv." Wedding bells are chiming in the distance. The rainfall of the last couple of weeks has been abundant, hence the root crop and grass has been growing rqnirl vr Mr John Manny. Holstein, attend- ed service at Amos Sunday morning, there must be some attraction for Jack nun this Way as he often takes a drive out. Mr and Mrs I1arry Sterne made a short visit at Mr P. Stone’s last Sat. urday. Harry is travelling ior a firm in Hamiltonnow and looks hale and hearty: Mr Rob. Taylor is improving the loot; ot our village by having a new shed erected opposite the store for the accommodation ofthe public. Quiet a number from here took in the World's Fair held in Holstein, Tuesday last, the Weather being favorable, all report having had a. good time. Our Children 's day'éervice, Sunday morning, was well attended by both young and old. Mrs Colin McMillan was under the weather, for a. few days last week with a severe cold, but we no pleas- ed to see she is well again. Miss Mary Paterson spent a couple ofdays of last week with Miss Ella Kenton. Miss Ethel MeWilliamg, has to live in Mt. Forest tor a few months. Mr and Mrs John Laughton left for Toronto last Weak where they mll spend a few weeks. We were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Ronald McDonald 'tt mother, Mrs Council. Mrs Gilmour. Hampden. called on friends in Dromore one day last week. .Mr McMillan, Priceville, is visiting his son, Colin, this week. a Review to Jan. 1, 1908, Ge to New Subscribers. Mr and Mrs Parker and family, Toronto Junction, visited Mn Fuller's Ill',,?,":','; Mr and Mrs Jno Gargon. Sr., as: week. A few from our village, Mr Ediwr. intended taking in the fair, held in your town last week but were pre- vented from doing so by the wet weather. ( no Series) Glascott Dromore. i Men’s Fumiaher. Hrom our stock of furnishings and se- cure the best and newest. New Shirts..75c up New Ties. ..26e up New Hats..l.50 up New Hosiery,” up You can't be " well suited for the tnoney elsewhere. Choose Your Outfit HARRY BueNiiicic MENS FURNISHINGS JOHN CLARK The qualities Farmer, mutt Washers, Sewing Mncbines. Char DEERING H ARVESTERS These are 1 law of our numerous bargains . Tack Hammers .05 1 lb. Screws..... .10 Broom Holders .06 Upisoi.Htuntner .10 Rivetmg Hummere........................ .25 Apple Pants........................ .25 to .65 Several people bad buggies broken lately at night. If they had on. of our dash lanterns. that would not. occur. Just to hand a shipment of Hando Russian Silver Polish, very suitable for cleaning: Silver or Stoves. which we no selling at M eta. per pkg. regular, Me. In Guns, Rifles, Revolvers and hm. munition we lend. S-e our bargains in Double-barrel Brace!) Louders. Our sin- ttle-barrel Breech Loader is something emu. We bnvejust received 'mother stock of the Wonderful Electric Flash Lump! whieh give " candlo- of power with A 16 candle lamp. where you can find the best of every- thing that is manufactured. We have the best Stoves and Run- gealthst can be found anywhere. tuttfiei. ent evidence from the number we are sending out. Nothing to equal the Hap- py Thought Range. Penn Either Range, Bucks Hero, etc. Every Day is Bargain Day at the Hard- ware Store and Farm Machinery. Reliable & Durable It is TOOTH POWDER reasons why you ought to use JUST A FEW W. Black Large Bottle, 25 cents Drug Store GUN’S ls easy here because we sell the "STAR" brand. They are choice patterns, easy fitting, fast colors, in fact will give you the best ' worth of shirt satisfaction you ever got. l Selecting a Shirt Not Soapy. Free from Grit. Pure and Harmless Pleasant to Taste PerfectlyAntiseptic , J ll .5- m- Jrrrrl ls J/hi "l, p _ i/l Durham I. Chums. he we make We wish to Mate. to the Ladies of town and country, that we have " larger and more VII-ion "oek of PLAIN AND FINE RUBBERs than we had Int yen. Our ales but {on have vaunted our pur- rhu on 5 larger And better class of Rubbers. for Min. mines. men and boys. Tf Fall Boots, Shoes a Rubbers This Wall our d once one da hut “‘0 Hue Janey buying your _. MCARTHUR 8000mm YARN s, 824 a day for One Day Only PEEL, the Shoeman The New Railroad Bridge SAVED FALL FOOTWEAR We Defy Competition Across the River in town is causing a gteat deal of talk since it was started. Many are predicting that it will not stand the test when the floods come in the Spring. Other that there will be a big jam when the freshlet comes. and will be carried away. We would not like to have that come to past but we would like to see people jam and fill our store and get the bargains we are giving in new Dress Goods Furs. Boots and Shoes, Underwear, etc. Come and see how we will manage to wait on you. _ You are sure of satis-- faction if you trade here, for our stock represents the choicest imported and domestic cigars, the best tobaccos in all forms and a frst.class selection of Pipes. that give them the great- est pleasure and satisfac- tion. Tastes vary o that a stock to suit everybody necessitates a great varie- ty, and we have it. We are studying our smoker customer's tastes all the time and strive to carry just the Cigars, Pipes, and au new: Druggists and Book scum 'uJe,Wrottide Ibr Mo Jmotor 'ae"diartum, d Co. OCTOBER 3, 1907 Orders and Repairing a specialty. in box Calf, kid with heavy and light soles. in new and up-to-date , Int wi/ek.. 'sritGti, oner Every Day by n:lr drlixhtful ereri . Grant. EGGS WANTED I Specidty. 'l"f E3. 'ii, i! Sp Wm. John-tons M185 " 2 The T508. A Durha Graduat Latin. l m III chug A Nice uu The The ll e (and new stock is v nets one pl in m DA OCTO 5!." a qu At th W

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