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Durham Review (1897), 3 Oct 1907, p. 5

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wife oder ng our "y tastes trive to 00003 'n 1907 great- tisfac- o that yboaiy vane- an sent: 1 am Ill W It 1 Spring Wall-Paperfg ./-ll'-'"iaa?'""zrmlmer?1rePmirrte Intending Student. would enter n the begin mug of the term it possible. Bond an be ob mined " reminble rues. Durham II n hunts] and attractive town, ranking it n no“ delinblo place for residence. Wm. "hrmtort,Br. ' Chum-n The " hool In thoroughly gg1,t,'ief, In teaching Arum]. In chemical 1nd elect a] Imaging-n ”may, ac.. for full Junior Leaving In Intric- ulagion work. The (allowing competent ml no In chuu , TMoa. ALLAN. in CI». Cerulean, Panel”! Miss JESSIE MeKENZIE LOGAN. B. A., Bonn! undone of Toronto Frrutr,urrenett, Latin, Composition. and Literature. “as DONALDA 1ee?SEMACMER, B. A., 6nd- uue of Queen's Unlvenlty And Ptrst Profu- I non-l 1?ryt8ytte,ralrebei, Arithmetic. m.. Durham School Iory sud (“Mimi FEES: on per month in Adv-net Is to be seen " the Down Town Shoe quality and price. No urging to buy if q Eggs Taken as Cash at The Down Town Shoe Store a pair of Boots. Case contains I lead pencil The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Durham At this panic nlar season of the year a great deal more sick- ness occurs thanat any other and of course more' sick room sup- plies are used In buying goods of this kind it is always wise (and necessary). to buy the beat goods from the best makers. Our stock is very full and complete, comprising DARLINGS, The People's Druggists Sum and Equipment. OCTOBER 3 ' 1907 Nice Pencil Case given Free 1yrr.t,reclRortorr DARLING’S DRUG STORE dllralsJt Room gap/plies Hot Water Bottles Fountain Syringes Absorbent Cations Plain a ledieated Cotton: Clinical Thermometers invalids’ Bing: G. Rug-go, the Down Town Shoe Store. Call and examine No urging to buy if goods and prices dont suit. W. H. BEAN Don't forget to cull and see u- If you wnm Bltunp This ttul we have them frorn.........25c up Fine imitation cut glass preserve dish“ " o.........-............'" Indwc each 4 piece pres-ed gins Table Beta tbt......,.40e . set Smyrna itiiiCiifrii Trii Men'l Curdiun Juckeu at Loo, 1.25 Ind 1.50 each Lamar fall 1nd winter Underwear from. . .25c up See outlines of 25¢ and Mye DRESS GOODS tor fall And winter. Floor Oilcloth. 1 yd, ly; yds ma 2 ydnjide Luge 72:72 bedeomtorterm......t2 And 8.00 each Luge 11x4 Flannenetu Blmkeu in white ortrrer.-.......-.............ai25 m THE? BIG J. S. Mcllraith lee Bags Adhesive Plaster Disinfectants Atomizers, etc. Bandages Invalids’ Cups or girf purchasing I pen, I slate pencil HE Calder's Block SELLS 25c n my yd . . .3.00 each CHEAP 11.251)! Thin in the ilrtst oceuion on which such negotintionl here been ttarried out wholly independent of the Home Gov. ernment The hunt thst Sir Wilfrid Laurier had mnde Caned- a nation was somewhat premature when undo. but we ere making dunes: in that direction. Not the leaat of the thing- tur which the Hen. Messrs. Fielding tuld Braden: have completed negotielione for e tnde "only between Fume and Glands. end the formal document will be signed this week. Admit no one. wllh a (riminal re" com or criminal ancestry. Establish the same prohibition a- gainst. hereditary paupers. Bar out all sufterersfrom contagious or incurable diseases. Refuse permission for the formation of either metal or religious colonies. Rigidly close the doors against those who, either m the prenent or next tFneration, are unlikely to inter-marry with and become part of our own people.--Sun. But when a contract between nations. like It partuurnoip between individuals ‘becomes awkward and t1tsprofittsble to ‘one of the parties its rractical value diminish”. Hove/ever binding in its teebnietioisligatiomsit may be. the al lines between England am Japan is "illofitnmentse importance to Japan, butitt terms have become highly en;- barraling to Great Britain. England mllnot break her compact except. in Iowa conceivable emergency whieh will involve the world's peace. She Would. olconrae. deny any intention of dome so even then but England would vote by every iuthtenee in her power any belligerent policy of her ally to. ward America or even towards Ru-sia. The Proper Immigration Policy for Canada "The only serious contingency winch England now has need to provide for in war with Germany. Even this peril looms remote in the present aspect. of international affairs. butahould it was Japanese nasietance would be trWuw, Her alliance With Japan aorvod Eugliuh purposes well up to a certain paint. Its oxmonco indeed made this, new agree- ment With Russia possible on the pre. sent terms. This fact is of great value at the present time when unity is likely to be slimmed by wholesale Japanese immi- gration into British Columbia. Japan will give pause before pnrauinu a course likely to offend her ally and hinder the growth ofa profitable trade with Can. uh. An important treaty has been made by Emmi». and Britain in the interests of world peaee. each side uncriflcmu somewhat but rendering war ','Tgt, nations unlikely for many years. he treaty, offetuive and detctstuve, with Japan had its orimnin the fear of Poor Ilan aggression by both powen. This bugbear cut of the way. the Anglo. Jupanose alliance with Japan is of small importance to Britain, though stillofimmunse Importance to Japan. The laborious efforts of the leader of the Opposition to construct a platform for hm party once more reveal the tun. damental absurdity of the party system Why go about to construct an artiiUitU antagonism of principles when no natural antagonism presents Itself? What would ( you put in the place of pertyt---the tle. lendern ofthe system Mk. The Simple answer in, nothing. Let each constitu- ency elect the ropresentatiye whom it Imus most. and let every member of Parliament vote upon each question as he thinks right. Let Parliament elect the executive, u prao:i~ally it does now, only not upon party lineal. That surely is the natural courao. To whal this artificial system of part‘e' struggling for place and poll has led, and is more and more leading, one has only tolnke up an organ of anther party to know.--- Ooldwiu Smith. -Bye-Eleetiom, in London, North Wellington and East Northumber- wnll be held on 29th October, nomin- ationsone week earlier. London at last election gave Hyman 329 mn- j‘o‘rnitgg y, Wellington gave Mann). -308; ‘E N ortluunjGidnli' EEK-(36811: rune, Conservative, 206 in 1904. An exchange saws; “British admiralty is planning for immense naval manoeuvres in the North Sea. by the combined home, Atlantic and Channel fleets. This, taking place " Germany’s front door, 1s no doubt meant tor a ptusifie hint which speaks louder than the Hague conference. Britannia will rule the waves yet a while. Japan, alone among the nations, is to be al-- lowed to send representatives to witness the manoeuvres. We would do no such thing it we had the say. --An issue otstamps, of the 5-cem variety, has been issued in London. good in all countries belonging to the postal union. --Hon. A. a. MscKny. the new Liberal Provincial leader' is entering upon his duties with a dash and vim thst is refreshing and cannot fail to bring grist to his mill. A large meeting was held in London on Pri. day " which he was the tlprinciPsl speaker, this being the rat 0 a series on which he is entering, cover- ingthe chief urban centres ot the Province. On the thtgerntnent'is poliei in regard to University mat tors e is particularly severe. but finds much to criticise in the liquor law, the mining Wy, &e Mr Monkey iss man 022m“ intellectual l force and of superior attainments. Topics of the Week The Lion and the Bear A Forward Step. The Boston World hears that a fakir ls doing the country with an old, old game, a 25-min pukngo of powder to put in a coil-oil lamp to keep it from ox- ploding. The compound is composed of cult and yellow orchre. The fekir demonstrates by putting upiuch of the compound in the victim’s lamp. Oiling the melt and lightning it end distinguish. [ inst the f1tuno by lugging it in the doe. ‘tored oil. 'd',,lJoil",','lifl','1 cola will not the some wey it you plunge the lighted‘ wick in quick enough. 1'hirtruFs yam ago this section we Worked by the‘ some acme. The compound woo “It. but covered with a green tstuff. 0f cameo she all end coloring mutter will not prevent o cooloil lemp from ex- ploding. hat the click fekir is mnlring e fat living because he can talk so smooth end plnnsible the: enough people btlieve the story, The some compound he“ been sold to sprinkle on cool with n centering on to mete 1 ton burn cl (will, all winter. han. Mary Paylor. Jr lst b-Willie Ritchie, Myrtle. Falkinghmn. Katie McNally. Reuben Paylor. Jr lst B.- Bertha Factor, John Ritchie, Nellie MeBenzie, Genome Williams, Cecil Paylor, Luther Fulkingbam. Average attendance Str, Those whose names are marked with an 'asterisk . obtained over 75 per cent on written examinations i5th---Fattny Ector", Emma Ritchie', Wiltrid Greenwood. John Banks. 4ilr-Clnrenee b'tapleP, En Ritchie, Silas Edwards, \Villie Falkinahum. Br 2rd-Alix Edge". Maggie tfetor', Kate Ritchie. Wi lie Kenny and Ag- nes Edwards, eq. Sr Ind-Myrtle Ector. Eliza Williams, Maggie Ritchie Cassie Ritchie, Edith Edge. Bertha Fnlkingham. Carrie Manlly and Vincent Pavlor eq., Nona Willuutw, Margie McKenzie. James Vaughan. t'sr t-Petu1Fu)kittghyury Alex yr.t.y.e Class b--Cstherint, McDougall 8r. Ith-Lottie Britton. Br. 3rd--Jamet, Brown, Frankie Twumley, Arthur Lunney. Archie McDougall, Cam bell Clark. Jr. 3rd---Katiet Phillip, lame Briton, Pearl Hopkins, Freddie Torry. Sr.2nd--Maggie Clark, Maggie Lunney, Willie Britton, Hughie Hendry, Dianlha Redford. Jr. 2nd--Evs Red.. ford. 2nd B-Harry Cox. Willie Hop- Kino, Nina Noble. Br. m Md-Jennie Britton, Neilie ale-Donna“. Br be-- Gilliert Noble. Etta Twmnleg. Jr [at -Dannie Nuhen, Clara Hen ry, Edgar Bovce, Georgie Smith. Johnny Me- Dou all. 1 B--Robhie Button, John Joe gut-nu. Average attendance 27. ottawa Government may take credit is that during in period of oMee . long step has been taken in giving Canada complete control over her external rela- bions.--Ex. Lenahan In this line our stock is complete and worthy of inspection. We hub 15 full line of Sideboards. Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Couches. Tables, Chairs. Springs, Mattresses, etc., to select from. This is the place to get the right goods at the right prices. In Oils we have a complete stock consisting of Canadian and Amer Coal Oil. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Gasoline, Benzine, Cream Separator Machine Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, Castor Oil, Cylinder Uil, Carriage Oil National Portland Cement always kept on hand. See our stock of these before buymg elsewhere ces speak for themselves. We have a good assortment of Double and Sin; Revolvers and Ammunition of all kinds to select from of these and our different kinds of cartridges. We also carry a full line of Graniteware and Tinware. Remember we are agents for the famous lines of McCLARY'S Furnaces. Stoves. Ranges and Heaters. Among these are the well known Sunshine Furnace. which is almost as good as a private sun in any home; the 'Pandora Range'. which is so well and favorably known; the Oak Heaters which surpass the majority of Heaters both in usefulness and looks ; also many others. which require no particulars given here. THE DURHAM REVIEW Guns, Firearms and ammunition S. B. No. 6 Bummer. s. a, No 3, GLENELG HONOR ROLLS. A. Humow. Teacher. orse Blankets, Curry Combs We also have we latest and besu, in WASHING MACHINES, WRINGERS AND ardware G. A. WEIR, Tmcunr. Oils of all Kinds Furnaces, Stoves Ranges and Heaters ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ‘urnifure McClary‘a The undersigned has tWe e(12) tons of Rood buy for sale on his f m lot 15 con. 14. Tp.' Egremnnt. Wi be sold in quanties to cult purchaser. Price. on application. CRAB u Helm“, éeovil P. o. Light Wagons, Lin t bob-sleigh. Heavy track wagon. gen box com- plete, Flows. Hat-rows. ulpors. Wind mills and towers, Wire. ire fencmg. Stoves, Iron pig troughs ac. Must be told at once. A. H. cxsox. Assignee. Dated the ninetee‘th day of Sept- ember 1907, Notice is hereb given that a Court will he held, puts ant to the " Votere' List Act," by Ho chat the Judge of the County Cou t of Grey at the Township Hall on he eighlh(8) day of October 1917 at T n o'clock. to hear and determine the. several 'i,1Nt'e,,t', of errors and omis 'onn in the oteri’ List of the Municup lity of the Town.. ship of Gleneig tot um All persons hnvi business at the Court are require to attend at the said time and place. Lot 27, 28. Con. l S. D. It. Glenelg. 85 acres cleared, 7 acres bush. Well watered. Good rick House. quw. Bank Barn (45: .) gmile from pro- posed station on new U. P. It. Line. Ulor1venientttos noland P. o, Fur- ther particulars ply on the premises. Jo N MCARTHUR. Prop actuary. Doptsrtrnent of Public Works, Ottawa, Sept 20, 1907, Hemp-pen will not be pnld for this advertise- ment it they insert it Without mthomy trom the De8rtrhent. Tender: will not be considered unleu made on the printed form supplied. 3nd signed will) the sexual Signalman o Lenderen. An tempted ant-clue on a chartered bank. pt:- Ible to the order 0 the Honourable the limiter of Public Works, for one thouuud one hundred dollars (01.100 Dogma“ wcompuny each tender. The cheque will forfeited lf the pencn tend- ering decline the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for. und will be returned in cue of nonaccepuuoe of tender. The Department does not bind the love" or my tender. QEALED TENDER! Iddtesped to the under- N lifned. and endorsed “Tender for Exten. Iion o Lion's head Wharf." will be received " this once until Friday, October is, Mm, inclusi- vely. tor the Construction ot nn extension to the wharf " Lion's Head. Bruce County, Ont., IC- cording to a plan and sIRcitleationttt be seen at the once: of J. G. sing. Itsq., Resident Inglueer. Confederation Life Building, Toronto: H. J. Lamb. NUT., Resident Engineer. London. Ont., on Application to the Pogtimsster' It Lion's Heed. 8m" and " the Department of Public Worn. news. Clerk‘s Advertil 5a gh J. B. LACK, Clerk of the agd Municipalitv. Farm tor bale. hay For Sal verti ement of Court in New paper. For Sat. cIntosh. Single barrel Guns, Itifhsg, tom. See our assortment urnlture By Order, FRED GENIUS 0.95111 Semitic; k-iii-, Both quality and pri. , Brushes CHURNS. and American itself to accept tieeretary ' etc The strongest purely Mutual Fire Imurnnce Co. in Ontario. A record without n parallel Bud Hunt reward for honest eaom. “(mused Ind unread by the Government; insures residenre in form property upon the latest known plans to“ year bunker policies inner! on the annual 8 sulment or one drld,'ll,"'lot system under the no“ {avenue eon Lion: to the insured. Insure in the best. If your insurance expires this yen. an on. or drop' . cud to MllIllll fllll lll(llllllll& GOMPIIY We Iolicit the business of Manufqeturerts, mtgipeerstand others who realize the ndvinbil» ity of having _thtir rain-n! businfss lmnucled by Experts. Prelxmmary advice trep. Charges moderate. Outlavontur'a Amumurxm re- nest. 'earfon)kMnrioti, Reg'd,, New York Life Ia", neutral: Ind Waatsirurton. D.C.. L'.S.A. FARMERS’ CENTRAL WELD AND GARDEN. (Novel and Timothy and all var- ieties of Gsrden needs in n- bundnnce for Spring growing , STINSON, The Baker) 'a., ".ette.se:tstet:srsese-t' 100 acres. Durham Road, Benunck. Good dwelling. frame bank barn. good soil. Convenient location, only $2500. 200 acres. Glerteltr-f1ne bank barn- good frame dwelling-other good improvements, only '3000. 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck. “500' A snap. 260 acres on Garafraxa. RtNMi--fine #,teat good lemons. good soil. To quit buyer at $6500. 100 acres. Bentinek,--owner in west. price 82700, Buildings worth the money-tarm for nothing. Lots of other groper-w for sale. Mo may to Len ' All kinds of bust. ness attended to. Ozuvie's “Royal Household” Keewatln " F110 Boi'--The very best eewatin make. A txtrhmd just received. SEEDS FLOUR A Dollar for Would bea great bargain. So are the followmg properties at the price: asked t Proven Steel Tracks. Singer Sewing lacklues. Walkerton lax-bio Works, The Bell Organ & Plano tht., Chums and Washing lachlnes. Brantford, trroekvillts,6rey Carriages Is good Bread, well made and a: properly baked-the bread that W is made by Stimson. This is the li: perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just l right thoroughly kneaded and tt baked to perfection, it is easily t digested and it builds health and _ strength for those who eat it. it Give it a trial. a deli. hraatstsi-rtar"riirdreGriiiihiGs NEIL leCANNEL. Agent, Durham We are sole Agents in Duxhun for the above well known Impletnenta-. Binders, Mowers. Dlls' Barrows ' Disc Cultivators, Mame (tpetgy I‘iay 1.tytkets, 31331110 11., tt Ted- The llliatrlltrris Go. MATTHEWS a LATIMER McQueen & Morice The Best Cure For Dyspepsia Highest gt ades only. SECURED We’re also Agents for The Hanover Con veyan or . H. MILLER, Fifty Cents Ill NEW QUARTERS 0E0. ti, K. MIDFORD Licensed Auctioneer for ' the County of Grey. “new Auctioneer for the no. of any. Sula manly “tended to. um mm: Olden 'l'dh,lt', left M. hll lmple mm Ware. mouu. Me on‘nold mam”: melz‘ulv JOHN CLARK, Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner, have pleasure in meeting in more eottttttodiotte 1"J1p all my old friends and crust mu: y new ones. Promptneu 1nd fair deal. lng will continue to be my mom. Your: tor business Licensed Auctioneer tur Go. Grey Ml gttttdemte. A menu for Isle. u tonnes. an, man be 'tW'lt the Rtttew or troe,ituituud. at (mwndence mare-ad there, or to Ceylon P. o., will be mum]: may. Tel-luau spplto-uou to DURHAI. ONT. (LOWerTuwn) ARTHUR H. JACKSON After two your: in business in Durham I thank heonily the manv farmer: and others who have favored me with their true and hove leuuro in announcing that I 'l/il tn the futon hove have plenum in meetinn' in mm Runners. Solicltzrs. Conveyance". c. Money to Loan. (Pee. McIntyre Block over the Bank A. G. HOOK" K.C. W F Dunn Teacher of Singing tmJDio-UPPER TOWN Individual teaching. Specid at. tcntion to tone production, Otttce--thuder't, Block, over Post. OtBee McIntyre Blase--utntston 8t, Bucky and Bell's old and J. F. GRANT D. 0.5-. LO. . HONOR GRADUATE Toronto University and uate Royal 001103:- lknul surgeon Dentistry in tUI it! Manchu. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Mnrriare Licenses. A gen- eral tiuanciat mines: transacted University. graduate of Royal College of Dental tgnr oons of Ontario. Room- Ores J a J aUNTER'N u... an“. orto Auctioneers. Once. " met. we mm: to Mot-lat. (loam. has) on to Kn-pp's (New York) Eye Randall. Huber o'""g,"gg'P'" an "moon 0 one. Ind suose,u1'e"lfoi'. Guam and 000. - a... an too; of mu. Old Hood“ (Iona. ' McPHA n., Mee, over Golden‘s Jewelry Store J. G. BUTTON. M. IL C. I - Ceylon bu .wlopbone ofthe, Eye: Jiltyr,Noire is Throat ‘. C, PICKERING o. D s., L D S HONOR GRADUATE of Toronu notary Public, Commissioner, CONVEYAHCER. be. '--lt a. a 2--d p. m, Teleeheee e-tton Ne. " t Ho vhf. I."pttmiattesttton N‘DDMU 'tltr.",,','??:',',,',',',,'. ARTHUR GUN. MACKAY d; DUNN, CARD OF THANKS ME DICAL D. 'rePilArL, l 33313 TAIL. mu t5ttr eons of Onmi'io. Rodi J & J if1'f'l'4Gl't',? New Store . one mam. Hanna-'0 Sun no 10 A.I. Nunez} ttfo gnu J. P. TELFORD Money to Low. ~. McLellan. Pinion! & Bunion. DR. BURT OFFICE H0083 lAlL. Ceylon P. O C. BAIAGE, Durham ----- OwenSounl of Toronto

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