West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Oct 1907, p. 8

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l ROBERT BURNETT i aaaammg%mwd¢£ It is part of our business to be constantly on the look-out for correct things for men and at prices that are an inducement.. to them to come to us. Now it's n known fact that men's attention " a great deal harder to attract and hold than the ladies', yet we have succeeded and are now supplying the majority of the men of Durham and surrounding country with the renowned REGENT Clothing. Dont sit and wonder about THE PEOPLE'S STORE tor fall, show ye We carry everything ne natty neckwear, bright new Pall Shirts. Large stock of i For Fall, mixed tweeds in checks and stripes in all shades, browns, gJeens, reds and grays. Fresh Groceries always on hand. BUTTER & EGGS WANTED. Ladies' New Fall and Winter Coats THE IMPERIAL Selling Agents for the Famous Imperial Shoes and Renamed Regent Clothing combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home baking-ttodious,-, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a BLEN DED FLOUR. Strictly up-to-date Furnishings Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. ll, but come in our stores while our stock is new and you the nattiest range of Clothing ever shown. Your New Suit or Overcoat " Made in Ontario " Blended Flours SHOE-in patent; kid, dongola and box calf necessary to a gentleman's wardrobe-- cw hats and caps, daintiest patterns in of Fall and Winter Underwear on hand. Just try a blended flour once and see for yourself that it does make WHITER and tastier Bread and Biscuits--- LIGHTER Pastry-- MORE DELICIOUS Cake. And there's good reason for it, too. Dr J. C. MeGi0irray of Denver, Colorado. accompanied be " sister Miss McGlllivrny. of Elmwood visited their cousin Miss A. L. MucKenzle for I few days last week. Mr and Mrs Neil McMillan, Swlnt- on Park, visited the latter'. brother Nr Neil McCunnel on Tuesday last. Mrs Methutnet, Sn. We are pleased to know is again a mmnhe'r of her son’s home. Mrs D. Jackson. her daughter Christina. and sister Miss T. Arm- strong lrft last Friday morning fol England where the former two will spend the winter mouths. Miss Arm. strung made her farewell to Canada and will now livs at her home in England. Mrs Brooker, Miss Rum and her lit- tle sister Winnie. left Wednesday morning for Stratford, their former home, where they will remain a monm. before proceeding to Cleveland Their many fliends here part from them with - regret and will " wssyshe glad to Kar of their wel- fare. Quite a number of biends ShW them at! at the station. BORN. Moruusos.-in (Hem-lg. on 22nd Sum. to Mr and Mrs T. J. Morrison, tt daughter. ATKINSON-At Bender, Sunk" an Fri. day, Sept. 13, to Mr and Mrs John Atkinson, a son. McPaarn.--Ae Bauth on Monday. 30 Sept. Phail, 100 acres, being late 2 and 3 of K Con. W. G. R., Bentinck, in excellent state of cy1rietioT _ Aboutneighlx - VI ~------ ___ v - acres cleared, well watered, well feuceii comfortable log house, good frame bun. basement stable. good orchard. Situated on gravel road. convenient to rhurch, school. post oft1ee and grist mill. full possession given " the first of March. permission to do fall work will he allowed from the present. Fm further particulare apply to Mrs R. A. Hardball. Durham. Sept. 12 0F BAN KRUPT HARDWARE, ETC. BLEARING SALE Siegner'l Old Stand. Durham The amok of F. ll Siegner. assumed. Greatest snaps ever offered in town. Come qNeklrr8ale now on. Bee bills and next week's papers for fuller partiettlars. S. MGINTYRE Farm To Rent 80 DAY DIED. - I line, Glenda. " Mrs John Mc- THE DURHAM REVIEW Fen tu1at.-.A number of town lot- on Queen and Countess Bu., good location, prices reasonable. Applym Thomas Smith or " the Postomce. CANADA’S Owns-r mmarrrarrtr,--we hue the largest stock of CUM Bucxnxnmue. Gum Ind museums in Canada. Aleo . complete assortment of fruit and oran- emental treee and shrubs. Write in thefore placink your order. Attest" ‘ wanted to introduce the famous Her- bert Raspberry. the hardiest and best variety Known. The Tues W. BOWMAN &BoN Co, Ltd.. Itidgerilie, Ont. Vent 8isrPsa.--Erery little while we read in the paper that eoxneone bu run a rusty mil in hie loot or other portion of his body and lockjew resulted there- from and the patient died. L' every person was aware of a. perfect remedy for such wounds end would apply It. then such repute would eeeeo, The remedy is simple, elweye at bend, on be applied by tuasone-wh" is heme" I it ismfellible. It is simply to emoke r the wound or any wound that is bruised ' or intiamed with a woollen cloth. Twen. ty mmuteaiu the smoke will take the pain out at the worst one of iuihurution arising from such n wound. People may use: " this remedy In much as they please, but when they are named. let them try it. Hon, A. G, Mackay is arranging a tour of the provincial [owns and cilia covering about a month. commencing Oct. 20th. He will he preal-nt " a large number of conventions, and also hold special meetings in various con. stituencies during that time. Mr. MaclGy was in Meatord yesterday and speaks in London Lo-nighc- He will aim attend". convention in Hespeler before starting on the series.-Suu. The number of people nowadays trying to gm riches Without Inhor. something tor nothing, foi'uues in a any. are legion, and they are a mighty temptation to the induuuimu young man who cannot understand it. They behold the seeming ease and lemlre that comes to them while they have it so hard. Horatio of olden lime Was told he could have just it! much ground as he could plow around with a yoke of oxen in one. day. He book- ed up the oxen to the plowI audAhe cm; awry large Circle. unrd plowed until he came to the some pmut where he, started, and all that piopeltv was his And i hum to tell you, to-day that just as much financial. just as much moral, just so much spiritual passen- ion you Will have as you compuus with your own industries. and just so much its trout the nmrning of your life to the evening of vour life you can plough around with your own hard work." (Jo to tbe am, you sluggmd; consul" her way and be wise." One of the most awful cald- runs of death today is an indolent life. Thank God that you have to work.-- b'elected. " What constitutes a day's work? We tigarts it oat that it depends alto. gather on your oeetspat1pn. If you lay brick. ten hours; If you are a porter in a sleeping car. twenty hours: it you preach the agape] two hours; ii "yG/servts ttusmdvertunent, onu hour; and if you are 13 newspaper man twenty-tour hours." There is a better POSITION for every young man or woman who will attend the and thomfhly qualify in either the shorthand and Typcwr Hug or the Business lnwanmem. Thorough Bud prank-ml mku’sc! ot slut y. rpm- the methods of instnutCtutt, Final“: nip- ment. student: named night-1t desks. Mfl'll'i .dmtttedsstPuy time. " me toe Anuugl Ape Giinceenent, ADDITIONAL LOCALS. 3iatt mil/(hazy Ulla Paratan 9117/13:on 0toom, In the Int Rep tow-nil union- Telegraphy yin: 'p,',',',', .5000 to 'tli0,000 per mama In “13:” service. You an become a good openwr in 6 month: It on Md in T e Central Telegnphy School Ial,Shll'. E. Tomato. The ttneat School in cm Write for unionists. W. B. SHAW. PM. T.J.J0RNtN0N, P113 Mr. Mackay's Program. Industry Versus lndolence The Fall Millinery Openings of September 19, 20, Were again a marked success. Crowds wronged the show-rooms each day when Miss Dick and her capable stall assisted in showing and explaining all about the new styles to the ladies. You will find the new styles quite beeom. ing. We will be glad to luv: you Visit our showrooms and see our heautilal display, We will always do our beat to please you and give you good nine for your money. We have any a- mount of hats from 2.75 up. We make a. speciality ot I Ninety TORONTO Owen Sound. Ont, WWW; a, A. mums, Putnam Continuod from page I. Swede tttttad,','.'? lchw. Bobb Ctualt1rld. umipo. nnv other-T, J. Reid, Att osuituld." unsold; "d--. I Thou Stuart. John Sinclnir. Ilsa- goldl "lhtwrrahof Stewart. J. W. Walla. Wh carrota--J A Swumton. Rom. Caulthsid. Red dirroto-.-Bftttt nodal. Arch McCaw. "Beeta--Wns Grout. Jan Webster. Ptg','it.if,te. Shawn-t, Thou Brown. Seed ttion.-- Geo Cameron. Dutch Beta-Henry Reid Walter Ferguson. Potato Onions 1 --H. Reid, Bear} (bigger. OauMow- er--Wm Great. ohn alrhairn. Cah- natre--Dar4 Hamilton, R. M. Sltzer PtiinpAime--T. J. Reid, Irwin Robb Coll. Vetr.--J. 0. Adams. Sweet corn -Juo Fairbglrn. P, Homilwn. Cel. T'p7s ."E"iiiiGit, -iirciriai. SQUIRh J. W. Walls. David Bruce. tiugtsr-- Thos Stewart. l, W. Wylie. n thype bem--tt. M. Sitter. Jno Gardiner. Cucumbers Pickling-r-T, J. Reid. Wm Grout. Collection, MacFurlnne’o Prize D. Hamilton. . Wm Smith. Judges.{ Jno. McGowan. FRUIT. Coll Win M1.g'rg'.' D. Main. Nor. ht-Ney All in, J. D. Main. Rus- tu;tie-irwirtRobh, Alt. Caullleld. Win. ter Applets-ir. G. Randall. J. D. Main. i,h1,,1nAyttt1g,t,ta.1"2) Robb, J D. Main. all apples. "mul---r Robb. Henry Reid. Pears-J P, Mum. _Thp| Henry Reid. FGiiii-d D Mum. Thou Brown. mums-Wen Morris, Irwin Rohh, Crab apples "nali-D Ham- ilton, David Allan. Crab apples. large--R thtulfleld, E Smith. Water ""ifontt--3 w Walls. Tonmtoes--T J Reid, J D Main. citromr--T J Reid. J W Walls. Judges Fruit & Fowl-A) Firth and a Bunnie. swine-And Schenk. DAIRY PRODUCE Crock butter, 10 ll): -Cunliffe & Peters' .peciri,--hlenr,y Reid. Crock butter 20 ibs--D, Bruce. Walter Fergusort,feo of“??? y, lbs better -.-1Vttt Allan, R Nicholson, w. J. Eccles. Crock butter-- - Clark. F Hopkins. Conrad Schenk. Crock hutler 10 Ilrs--Cmmeron'rx prize-W J, Eccles. Cheese. not Fairtorv-ir A Swan-ton, Wm Grout. Bread--- Jno Gardiner. R M Swntzer. Bread-- Miller's special-W R Bowman, Wal, ter Ferguson. And Pecknver. Honey in couab--J W Walls. Honey extract- oi-Ut Dodds. Alex '.Aitken, Maple smrar--W J Eccles, John Stevenson, Maple syn up-Arch McCaw. Dan Hun. ter. Bsiwetisttuces bread-Mrs R Kerr Bread, McGowan's flour-David Bruce w J Evclen. Tea 1,uqcuits-.-John Sin- clair, Dan Hunter. Litueake--hytI. Fairlmirn. 1lotsti'astlf1eld, Jae Mcll- vride. Fruit-d D Main, w J Eccles. Pie any kind-G Schenk. J C Adams. Apple piv---Jtto tsinclmir, W Ran- man. _Letmyt piyrAl 12e.ide..h1ty.J.t Iftr.r Pumpkin pie-J G Kendall. C IV Robb Apple 'ei-pot Cnulhetd. Walter Ferguson. Buns-John Gardiner. W. Ferguson. Ttuts-w R Bowman, Dr Brown. Run. wine-J 1) Main. Dav- id Bruce Run. Vinegar-W R Bow- man. It Caulfield. Col. Pickles-R. M. Sine-r. J D Main. Col. preserved fruit .-.g D Main. Blankets-W. b', Sharp. Stocking Yatu--hhrm. Gran?“ _ (Intton Patch Quilt. any year, -w. J. Ercloa. Elijah Smith. Cotton Patch Quilt 1fll7.-illila1] Smith. Woollen P. quilt-H. Itei ' Jae Bruce. Crazy P. Quilt. b'slk--Geo Cauwron. Crag; P. Quilt, Wool-Geo Cameron' hos Stewart. Log Cabin quilt-Thorne" Stewart. Jno Sinclair. Oinamental Q --E. Smith. (tum any other-William Grunt. 0.:SC enk, Knitted Cover- let-Wm J tihtn p. Henrv Reid, Cro- ehet Coverlet-W. J. Sharp. Rag Cmrper-W. J Sharp. C. Schenk. idoz. button holes-W. T. Orchard. Jno. Stevenson. Coll. button holes-- w. T. On hard. Jno Stevenson. Toilet bit-R, M.8tizer E Smith. Crochet t)hppetrtr-Jno 11ardiner, Bet Tahit- Mars-- W. J Sharp, Wm Croat. Bat- ieuhurg hure-Jno Fairhairn. John Gardiner. Knitted Blipptrts--Jno9tt diner. Dr Brown. Point Lace- John Gardiner. Jas Webster. Crochet. Cotton-R. M. Sitter. Jno Stn'enaon. Crochet. wool-W J. Sharp. E. Smith Fancy Knitting. Cottr n-d Stevenson. W J Sharp. Fan. Knitting. Wool-d Stevenson. Dr Brown, Eyelet Emb. -rrlrto Stevenson, Jae Bruce. Fancy work, any other-Nw Gardiner. R. M. Ait.ar"r. Fancy centre piece-J. U. Adaml. E. Sumh. Ruth, on Cotton- W. J. Sham. Ten 'dot-Jn" Gardin- er, W.J, Sharp, Shad. 1Qattr.--W. J. Sharp. Lauudrird Men's shirt. wo. men's waist and table t:1oth--J. G. Admuts, fsiissMcCamn's prize). Fancy truehionprteedlts work-Jim Fairbairn, Jno Stevenson. Fancy cushion, any other-Jas Webster, John "rdiner. dent's shirt. homemade colored-R. M. bitter. Jan Bruce Home Laundered shirt-R Cuulheld, Dan Hunter. Pil. low BGms-Jnoturdiner, Alf. Caul- field. Woollen Bockts--R. Nicholson. MrsRkerr. Dtrrnintt-W. R. Bow. man J. D, Main. Mitts for men-Mm R Kerr. David Bruce. Home made overalls, W Croat Jn: Fairhairn. Rag mat, hooked 'Ciir. J. Eccles hurt ytot.hte.cr1Vq Penman.- Coll. of garnet? work-N. M. timer, Jno Fair. a rn. Hand muntlne, Butin and .'rtitcil Mrs it Kerr, Jno Steven-on. Hand aiming. 'aauttumTer.--Joh, Rice, Mrs It,','.',.'. Hand painting figures-tleo Freeman. Jnn Rice, Hand Painting fiowerts-Geo Freeman, Mrs Kerr. Painting on tlurs--Mra Kerr, Jun Rice‘ . Ida Kerr, Mt. Forest. l Judgen.{ Maggie Cnmpbell, Bani-ton FIDWERS, Coll J. D. Main, Jan Bruce. Then Brown, Cut Plowers.-wm Grout, Jno Psirbnirn. asnd 1t,qri,tae,rt Grout. Inn Fairhuim. Col . Ooieus-- T. D. Main. l udge=J. P, M00131“)?! .d?yytaatentol WorkeGeo imam. I no Judges: Holstein Show. 2nd Uit-- MANUFACTU RES. Annie Connolly. B. B. No II. Florence Romme. B. B. No M. Murmr Wells, B. B. No 13. LA DIES WORK. Jan Pickett. C. L. Grunt FINE ARTS. WRETiNa. New! New! New! We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- its that we have opened up 1n Hm. iLnuomruu - "i5iF."-auziiKiiiii 'al, Callus 1nd Ties Gloves 3nd Hole Btu. Cups. Shoes. and much more we ' tell you of this week. A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in All our experience at your service. Call and see us. Sandman of mutants we can. into women. eachrenr. Let u- gh: you futons. (baton. 8rd Churr--. 4th cuss--" THE BIG STORE J mixes: Gents' Furnishings We are after you. reader, to give you a glimpse of the best and newest productions of Fall attire. Everyone is anxious to secure the most be- coming garments suitable to their own personal ap- pearance We have the most complete range of Fall Jackets and Neck Furs that has ever been shown in Durham and vicinity. Now, come and let us assist you in making your selection. We offer you the bimeft of our long and varied experience and to the best of our ability will endeavor to lit you out with the most becoming garments for your . C. NICHOLS STORE J olm H. Rose own person. We Educate For Success! ' ff, if, q tl , lltl In all the newest materials C / , 'ff () (a. for children, misses and ladies. , li ‘ , , Fancy tweed: with overcheck 'N, (IE f )/ f and stripe effect in medium " . .7 ».e and dark colors from 6.50 to $20 The finest of Black Beaver Cloth Coats in the newest make; Those who attended the Fall Exhibition at Durham will remember the baking exhibit showing how fast and accurate the EMPIRE QUEEN RANGE bakes. A Range that is guaranteed to you The price is very moderate. Sold only by us. We want your Trade ttttle Plastic. B. B. No 13. Susie Tucker. ts. ti. No 13. Mary M. Findlay, S. B. No. Ill. Jaimie Match, 3. s. No o. Olive Harris. B. ti. No T. Jessie Dodds, S. ti, No li. “I A. W. Wright. ""i Wm Irwin. Tom on. CONSPICUOUS JACKETS AND NECK FURS ALEX. RUSSELL The Best Yet HARDWARE to all " The Big Store and :see these Furs. They are here tor your inspection. We value your judgment and want it supposing you don 't buy. You talk to your friends and neigh- bom about what you hive seen and that'a exactly what we want. It does more good than we can do. Every conceivable style of Neck Furs. Fur Jnckets such as Astnchan, Near Seal. Green- land Seal and Persia Lamb. Specials in Fat-lined Jackets. Yes, it's you we want . OCT s, 1907 Cloth Jackets The ouet Ind 'tmtttrmt bull-lea school. [224.11% has? but. ' new“ " on an “an Mon and we minted to I.” Wide ht mac ot nm live lap-.0“ o I. T. M. WATSON, Prinpip. Business College Leads in '?oli-lieeping, Shorthand, 'rypewrftinir, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Corre8pondcnce, Plain Business Writing Open year rounduEnur my time Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its graduates. Each at udent in taught ”purule- ly at him own desk. Trial lesson: for one week tree. Visitor. welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY. Principal, Day and Night Chum. Illll% ' We are havintt on upholster- er the Bret week in every month. Anyouo wishing old I ode reno - voted to look good u cw should advise - will h planned to attend to it at once. t It» on]. 'lt, Mar: door nonth m Trmytm Poet one: [In I full lute. of GEM-in Pour, Window Sharia. Picture Frames Phine- to order of all kinds. MT. FOREST BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS cou.E0E Fall Furs for Fall A. I“... You. O I‘M" an 10mm YOU 't Undertaker r - l'l

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