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Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1907, p. 1

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LO fll)Ififlllll ets ortaker iii New Fall & Winter Underwear :4 Nf, 5-: r: I.l up: iii' Fashionable New Dress Goods .2133 ggaieiigrrggtgggif%llfXillgllSllfill= SEQ ! THE REVIEW. DURHAM, ONT. VOL. XXVIII, NO. 41 The se; gains in In able nnry oth The Ra with ill: tion to I: traordim The season of new-paper bar- gains is on and once more we no able to make the urn-nomi- nary ofrer of The Review & Weekly Globe We have just a few left of those Ladies' Cravenette and rubber Raincoats. We want to clear out every one of them and are selling them at big reductions. There are other goods too, in all the taahionable shades. Come in and see them. We enjoy showing them and we are sure you will be interested in seeing them. In weights for all weathem-to fit all sizes of people-and so much and so many kinds we hardly know what to do with it. In spite of the high price of wool, we have maintained the high standard of quality at old prices. with illustnted mus-zine sec- tion to lot Jan. I”, or the ex- tmrdinuy price of 81.26. The weaves, fiiuiirhes. colors and patterns are all so good we know you will be interested in them. Three special lines are XI (y%leiiltyilX,'idl's'nXySlaalMg4_fliilllf%ill8fillFXilllSl% The new Fall Models in coats for ladies and girls have arrived here and they are certainly handsome. They are most sty- lishl y made of materials that are tirat.elaas as to both quality and style. The prices, you will find are very reasonable, indeed. WANTED----' QUANTITY BUTTER AND EGGS. New Fall Coats James Ireland Raincoats for Ladies $1.25 Clan Tartans and Fancy Plaids at....................) to 1.50 yd Ladies' Cloth beautiful finish, -. blues, browns, green, red and black. ...... TSc yd Ladies' Cloth fine finish-blues, brown, red, black.... Sic yd iii) ttttttttit tilttittt. Cornet hand which accompanies the organization will head the Conn Town Parade at, noon, Seats are now on sale M. McFarlane',, Drug Store. Prices have been placed at 25, w, and tio cents. To some this may seem an excessive charge. but the company is large nndit costs considerable to move It. and we. have got to ask a bigger price than a company that only carries ten or twelve people. 1 J. C. Rockwell}; Now Sunny South company. which will appear in the Town Hall, Durham, Monday evening. Oct. 14th. in without exception Amer- ica's greatest colored show. It, is an evenly balanced organization of twen.. ty-l‘lve colored people, presenting an entertaiwent which was the greatest pleasure, as the audience is continually ept amused and the pettormanee is given with a snap that adds to the success and it is as clean us it pastoral drama. The company is a large one and each member takes his turn in nick succession. All of them (an genes and each one has different strips which they introduce in the buck and wing festivities at the close of the. ulio. Mr. Rockwell has gotten to gether a performance in which the great fault of such performances. monotony, is done away with. The beautiful blend. ing of the genuine negrovoice is there. the eccentric dancing. the grotei-qre fun making, but all are kept in Tee,"; tions and are not permitted to ecome wearisome. The Sunny South contains a laugh in every line and at every per formance this rattling musicnlcomedy success goes off with tt snap and u. bang and is “8 ins hing as " First of July Celebration: . ‘{The high cltvspsilv_er " Mr Joe Blackburn han had a tele- phone installed in the Presbyterian church this week, and hereafter will he able to heat the services in both Methodist and Presbyterian churches. He can now catch three sermons each Sunday over the wire." The vae from the Fleahertnn Advance relates to A public spirited gentleman in Flesherton. who is an invald. Tie possibilities ofthis practice becoming common makes one thudder to think of the loneliness of the minister and the. emaciated state of the collection plate. Mr Wm. Black acted as u judgein the horse classes at Chesley Show as he did at Flesherton and WM invited "lsewhere for the same purpme but business Was coo pressing. He shipped recenuy a Bootbwlle horse toaTor- onto Junction man he had never seen and it has given great satisfaction. A, 0. U. W. SPECIAL Mmr'rrso.-, Members of Durham Lodee, No 198, A. o. U. IV. are "'uuested tr, attend Lodge hero on Tuesday evening. 16th Oz-Luher, when the District, Deputy, Brann Rutherford, o. Sound. will be in attendance and deliver an ad. dress. Nsirahlethat evpry member should be present. The Anniver. y Rervices of the Methodist churc Varnev, will be held Sunday. Oct . at 10.30 at m and 7.00pm. As" per ndrutertaitunent wdl he pt/,l'ill'e't) onday evening. The Durham: Methm t, chair are ox- pm'N-d to help the lam "lent, with the urogrmnmo. Everylm come and have a good time. NoDelaysin uniting Wttttdnml Ida-estaddedfolttimayw SathtgsBankDeragtntesttinGttttteaittet “him Fort BALE.-rwo Clydesdale ffllies; one one-year old, and one sucker. Also two Durham bulls with pedizree. choicely bred, eight uni nine mos. old repeetively, T. J. MORRISON. ' Rocky Snugpen. In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are waived. on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. WANTED TO REN'r.-A good farm, within a mule of Durham, must haw comfortable house and barn. tsrul plenty of good water. possession this fall. Apply at the Review oftlee. Remember 8. Grey Teachers' Con- vention, Thursday and Friday of next Week. Grand (goncert Thursday eye’g. Btanfiehi'i, shrinkable shixts and drawers. The are the goods to he had at Grknt'e, . Ladies' and htldrenU vests and drawers at Grad 's. A. B, Jacks has a number of houses and yaca t lots in Durham for sale. .A. H. Jackson is nn Issuer of Mar tinge Licenses. Durham. Ont. THE STANDARD BANK X . i-iii-ij-Nom/Allies l iiiilliiiiic)8lrl1tt I T John Kelly. Hausdor- UMNCHES ALSO AT mmxsrou A” PRICIWJ WM. Imus. Recorder. OF CANADA Madam“ i .."""i'"'. $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT DURHAM, mummy. OCTOBER 10, 1907 DURHAM BRANCH ISTABLISHED "" g The “End of the Steel" hurt Friday was about one mile west of Priceville. f where the Reyiew man had a look at ( the outtit dumping the rails off. Just when they will be in Durham is not certain hut we should think be- fore Thanksgiving Day. We trust. our authorities will work up aliltle sentiment to wssleomethe C. P, R. Into our corporation. The daily traffie of the engine and iron can has resulted in causing a de- pressmn ofa few inches at the west end of Priceville bridge where the last henls are placed on terraces ot the bank. It is being jacked into place. The ballasiing is proceeding a: the east. end of thelme and following up as rapidly as may be. Monday evening there was a de- lightrultiocinl time in the basement, where an army of waiters supplied all and sundry With the best of good thingts. Sociality was rite and it was near y nine o'clock hetore the enthus- iasm was sufficiently cooled to allow of the program upstairs. Mr Irwin was chosen chairman and filled the part to pertecrion. Brief Addresses were given by Mr. Rogers, of Visrney circuit, who outlined the value of cheerfulness, by Rev. Mr Newton who had a word of encouragement for the young converts of the recent revival to guard them against the depressing infiuenee of adverse criticism, by Mr. anage with thankfulnees as a topic, and b Pastor Jennieson who eloquent- ly 'ln"L7p1ll'l,', islely spoke on the val- ue of the gospel of good cheer. The choir, beautifully balanced. rendered choice selections. Mrs. Newton in solo and Mr. Yirrs on the violin were attractive numbers as was the fine trio "Steal Away" by Messrs, Davidson. McCrne and Glass. The basement ceiliniwas beautifully draped and the churc at every point f?" suggestive of the bounties of rov- idence: Helpful and appreciative services were preached on Sunda last in the Mexhudmt. church, and 'IU'.',') collec- tions showed the generosity and thank. fullness of the congregation. On Thursday evening ext, 17th inst, a‘high class concert w be given m the I'own Hall under t auspicuu of the B. Grey Educational ssociatiou. The stars engaged Are M ll Gamer- ou, Vocalist and Humoriu . and Min: Mabel Manley Pickard, tio ano, wit h some popular educational te ture. Ad- mission 25c. Reserved 3 ts W, cls. Plano! lmll at Darling‘s D 3 Store. A SURPRISBD MOTHER. -While 'h'.t,'d"'"'4 her eon with a shingle. Mrs, Fred l illiams' hand was blown to shreds by an explosion which fol. IOWed the flrst blow, " Uheboygan, Mich. The boy fell to the tioor with tt lug hole in his hip, writhing in irony. The lad had been out in the fiel With his father. who was blowing up stumps with dynamite, and the lad secreted a few percussion caps in his hip pocket, which exploded when his mother tried to npnnk him. If he recoVex-s at, all he will he crippled for life, I You won't won-y ting inm- waist made after you have n t e utock of (new silk waists at the omte of Qual- Airy. H. H, Mo LEE l, In the recent Dufferin y-electiona. ) R. J Woods, the defeated temperance [candidate spent 879. Mr. McKeown [who was elected by about 100, had a i bill amounting $492. Among the settlements which the C. P. R. company has made with VIC- tims of the wreck living in this com- munity are: H. Holman and T. Snell. $15 each; W. L. Wright, 840; w. H. Bunt,815. T. H. Gilchrist: 86.5: Mrs John McMillan and daughter $100; T. Uhidett, 3403.103 Clinrom82tr; Mr Uol. linson, $40; Colin McMillan. 875,--Ad- vnnce. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Lhn Presbyterian Church on Sunduy next. Service at 11 n. m. Prapnratory services on Fri- day M230 and 8 p. m., Rev. R. A. Cranston, Palmerston to preach at both services. Hem- Cameron at the youcheru’ Con~ cert. Thursday evening of next week. Plan at Ibrliim's. l Ladies' Fur Coata Gum's. Harvest Home Services. Teachers' “been Railway Notes ---- o ONTIRIO ARCHIVES TORONTO d Neckwear at "mu: I The concert crush proved once more Ithe need of an enlarged hall for Price- ‘yille. With its new outlook, owing to railway, &e., this necessity should not be long deferred. The commit- tee had secured Mr J. H. Logan, of Owen Sound, a humorist. acquiring a provincial reputation, who as singer and reciter, in well-chosen selections displayed marked ability ' Miss Mae Dickenson, well-known everywhere as one of the truest and purest of 'singers ; the little Gilray brothers, ex. pert dancers, and Hector McDonald, the stalwart local piper, who rendered paradise music with great acceptance. (hee, were demanded frequently from all and generously given. He John Eckhardt; we imagine, would just like to see some one take first prize from him in the black breeds of swine, Alex. Muir has the Cotswold classes of sheep to himself, but Meads, McMillan and Swanstou are disputing the Liecester classes with him. es, the new name of Wm. Ramage butting in occasionally. Our skill would fail to tell of the excellence of the ladies'work in both needle and edible work, though we can testify to the excellence of one first class pie, made by a daughter of President Mc- McMillan, Quite attractive too, was the Bron- cho race, the ponies being ridden by the two little sons of postmaster Mc- Kinnon, Donald and Neilie, who, on horseback, are daring as any _eowboy. We suggest they be secured for Dur- ham next year. The races by men, boys and girls were also features of interest. T. A. Ferguson, D. McCormick and the Watsons are at it hammer and tongs, as usual in the vegetable clas- es Alex. Muir and Don. McMillan run away with most of the grain priz- The attractions provided were the ever popular Hector McDonald on the pipes looking in his new tartan kilta the very embodiment of ideal physi- cal manhood. The little Masters Gilvray or Toronto, skilful dancers delighted the crowds, and chairman Jno lieArthur called on H. H, Miller M. P., fora speech which was re- sponded to very happily. NOTES President D. McMillan and Secy. McKinnon have the show well in hand and seem to have an efficient body of Directors. The Hall of inside exhibits was an attractive display in most lines, per- haps the most striking being the range of crock butter and the num- erous entries of edible. Grain en- tries were numerous and a testimony to its excellence is the fact that grain winning first at other shows Jud to take second place here. The dry season does not seem to have injured the roots and vegetables in the lo- cality and the fruit was good too. Ladies' work shows that the ladies of Priceville are fully equal to their sisters elsewhere, though we are sure they could make a larger flower ex- hibit if they only tried. Perhaps the Directors could maltesthe prize list more interesting. Notso the sheep, which, as is well known, always bulks largely in this community of sheep men. The prize list shows though that a few men have carried this branch of industry to well-nigh perfection and this should stimulate' others to get after them and have a better mixture of names. The shows this year are all homey, and Priceville was no exception. There were numerous entries of fine animals and those who can compare the past with the present testify to the increasing excellence. The cat. tle classes might be described as weak, as a whole, and in number not up to former years. And then there was the all im r- tant factor of the weather. The grist day was delightful long enough to allow of everyone getting the inside exhibits into position with comfort, and though the rainfall was very heavy in the evening it carried the compensating thought, that the mor- row would the likelier prove dry. And it did. Heavy clouds prevailed all morning but old tsol succeeded In breaking through and the battle was won. But the character of the exhibits in quantity and quality was also some~ thing to be proud of, showing to the ofticials that the community were at :heir back and appreciated their ef- orts. Friday afternoon last had not been half gone till the Directors of Arte. mesia show began to wear a satis- 'fied look, for, judging from the crowds that passed the gates, they felt they were fitpancially on easy street; and they judged correctly for nearly ttso was collected, a sum much larger tfe,',', ever before was taken at their ti ow. Artemesia Show a Great Success Priceville Proud We believe the question of insur- ance against wet westher hes been raised before, and we think the ides is s. pulse-worthy one and worth oon~ siderinz in deull. A contribution by ell societies. proportioned to their grunt or some other basis. would form n (fund which would meet total failures from this cause. The amount of psyment to be made would of coupe very. end the determination ofthis point would need so Mhutinsr Loud of which the Provinctsl Minis- r ot Agriculture should be one. Such s sum es would meet ell legiti- mate prizes or promises should be e minimum. lit some yeers there would bevery few cells and on eni- mteofthe premium 'tttttitil-sit The Directortsot S. Grey Agricui. turn! Society met on Saturday and came to the decision to deter payment of prizes beyond the time set for that purpose and until the Annual Meet. ing. This course is reasonable and forced upon them by untoward cir- cumstances over which they had no control, The prizavwinnerd, who are ell memben. will we are sure, at the Annual Meeting authorize their direc- tors to follow a progressive course. meet all obligations even if the 'lll'fN must be borrowed and make 1908 l how, n " greater then has been." President Binnie and Sec;- Treu. Firth ere among the oldest trieuds of the institution Ind have met the citation with grant mange. Jr (C)-Lmrile Keluv. Joe Whit. church. Bonny Snell. Campbell uitchell J wk checbnie. Jr (B)-Edith Hughes. Jemims.an rents. Rslpb Cation. Lorne Livingston Ethel Whitman. tir Pt list-Charlie McDonnell. Alex McQueen. Inez Redford, Hilda Brooks. Arthur Runny. Jr Lst-Vere Allan. John D, Mchee. Lottie Wilwn.. Rosie Hum. Octlva Mun-5b.". Jr (A)--0ladyn Brvon Mildred Vol. lett, Willie Luv-on, Mngaie Kelsey, An. Die atiUnun, tad Edie chonne eq. Pt 2nd-1ssa.e Mitchell. John Duncan Irene lcPhoe. Gladys Search. Gladys Vollet. Jr 2nd (Br-Tack Bryon. Pearl Wright Ella Saunders. and Mary Snuudurs. eq Willie lander. Nollie Fluker. tit 2ud---Jolm Harbotue. Annie Bus so], Ell: Onion sud Jennie Kelsey. eq. Annie McGirr. Sadio VcDonnlJ. Jr 2nd (Ar-No Douglas, Willie Bettlip, Myrtle Dlmel, Willie Morton, Wilburt Kuisley. Jr 'tfir-Q Fuqublraon. Earl Mc. Donald. Fun Mom-sub. Florence Bar. cmy, Pearl Matchell. Sr 8rd--Nettu Daniel, Ruby Canon Eryline Levi, Milton Mills, Boy c4 Cncken. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPT. Sr. 4tlt--Jottn Molluich. Ida Hat. bottle. Louie Dsuiol. Willie Petty. Gludyn Whitmore, Jr 4th-Flor- Bryon, Berea. Wtmniutrtoa,Edta Danan, Rex Me Gown), Came Juniuuon. Faun 2--lluby Mills, Nellie Hepburn Edie Hutton. Winnie Binnie, Eva lien tom Fo, m F-huggu Weir, lmily Wilson. Louise Watson. Ago“ New", Katie Clark. accompanies the orsraniziiG'm will head the "Uoon "towii parade at noon. Boats me now on mic at IcFarlune‘a n 1-. -- - Drug iiird." "iirrciiiiu5,""iv,"2iiCi'o' out There is any amount ot legitimate fun, laughter and wit in the new muni- cal comedy "Sunrise On The Plant»- tion " whigh but: been selected to ex- gloit the rue talents ot the Bunny outh company. This attraction which consists of kwenty-five colored people will Le seen in the Town Bull. Durham, Monday Evening, Oct, 14th. "Sunrise On This Old Plantation" is wedded to the most tuneful music one. would care to hear, and embellished with enough features to launch the moat pretentious at”? offering. June: W. Turner, one of L e highest untried colored performers on the stage lea tttar and he is surrounded with a compunv of finst-chvm people. The highmlnss silver comet hand, which Ecconrpanies the organization. will in? u I teacher in elementary agri- cu Lure und horticulture and teaching any of these subject: at his or her school. The department Y""""".?" that seedlings and oUrer {arena manp- ment will be supplied ouch rur " ool boards as desire them. Haw hon ht our stock of Under- wear to an Advance In price. we can give_ on last year's values " last year a pm , ll H Mo ler, The Home of Quality. The Ontu- Education Department bu decided to grant. 830 to the teacher' of any rural or village when! qualify- ing a I teacher in slam-intnrv nan-L] Fcnn 1--vudie Caldwell. Junie Fur. plurraon, Willie McAlluter, Laudcll under. Arthur Backus. beat of order notwithstanding that every inch of standing room was util- ized and no doubt many turned away. John McArthur fitted the chair in his palm] genial mmner and had the Durham Honor Roll. Insure the Shows. ----i.------. Hmn Scuoox. Draw -"N'"H. ----. 'T"""-"','"?'""-"""""""""'"'""""'"'"'"""""'"""'" It-i----...-------, over shown this side of Toronto. Test this umtement. All reliuhle goods. nude hp. Roger: Bron. omnto Silver we 00. and . full line of Amemeaa silver-wan. On China. Dmner Mud Tea Beta we can ave you money. Luge Mock of Toilet Beta jun recenved and on extra huge stock of odd pieee chino. Bee what 15 out. will buy in Keel. or'. window on tutordar, Two big Btores, Dal-bun and Well.“ Ladies' Ind Ian’s Washes. all tho bent. mun, Ladies' and Ian“: Solid Gold Rings, Ladies’ ind Ian‘s Watch Chains, extra large stock. ladies' Brooches. Bracelets. Necklets. Lock- slu. Ian's Tie Pins, Cult Links. Pobe. Lockets. Smacks and Eye Ginsu to suit att sights. Silverware Loads of New Goods at keeler's - """"'" av _.PVu.--d" 110‘ ll uon. o, Glenelg. there will be cold by public nuctlon on Above date, Perm Stock and Implements. Bull can end some ufthekoek registered. Terms .. 12 months credit. 5 per cent for cub in lieu otnote. Sale " 1o'eloek, sharp. See bills. Joan Faust. D. MCPHAIL. Prop. Auctioneer. Monday, 21 tktober-On this due Robert Ewen. Jr., will sell by public auction farm stock and imple- ments n Lot " con. 2, Wu it, Ben.. tinck. neu- Aberdeen. Sale at 1 o‘clock chug. Terms, 12 mos credit. 5 per cent lecount for cub. See bills. Jotrs CLARK. Ancuoneer. W'einvite to Inspect our stock of New FBI; " Gouda also our mantles which a of the lye-west Myles and shudel. The ("we of Quality. H. MUCKLIEIL The Review wishes son yet many happ the evening of life,' ha and ha y in the km their Candler: and chi The wedding cak three-storey affair, tt the dates ltm7-Hto7 the. brjdc and groom 'lhe wedding cake was an e threeustorey affair, the top storey the dates ltls7-Hn7, and the In the bride and groom while the n1 ey had surrounding it the initial twelve children, including the ceased members, Mrs. Clinic (M: the youngest and much lamente: ter, Alba." 'dl Thou: Ff,',",',',',,' were '. Dr. G. Mantstheu Loosen. army; Thcodoee Lemon. on the old homestead i Rev. Chas. and Mrs Lemon and daughter, Clinton. Ind.; Dr. Ernest Lccson. wife and two children. Chlcago; Dr. and Mr: Fred. w. Lemon. fttte,,i. Miss Eleanor, Mt. Forest ; Mrs ordcn Wilder, (Edith) and son. of Rose Lawn, Ind.: Miss Mildred, teacher at Hampdcn; Mr and Mrs A. McClin- ton, (May) amkdaughtcr, Varncy. THE REVIEW. _ DURHAM. ONT. Monday last one of those rare evens that mean so much to two parties at least and in this case to a large number, -a iiiiiiti Weddi -took place at the home of Mr 's'fl2'l'Si Lemon. Varney, the happy couple to whom has been given length of days and long compan- Iionahip. temporal blessings not a few and the tn',.'.",?, and res ct of a large tam. ' are r. and Mrs. f'le W. Lucian. now tt Mt Forest, but for nearly 40 yew! residents of 'ir,','ettl',t; This unique c. vent was made notable by the resencc of all their family. except FranE. of Big Forks. Rainy River. who found it impos- sible to be present. Tell Your Neighbor Reunion of the Leeson Family JPy.uv,. 18 thtrrht Lot 11 Con CRAB BAKAGE. Pm": an Pam. nearly lg months,. or the bat. ance of am you. only l0 cents. low in the time to net. Review to Ant.i, I909, SLO!) To new wheel-men for next you. we give the Hence of this yen m. thue making The Wanna-d1. . th I docket pl y e "ttest B. Keeler & Sons We have on diam: the I stock of New Ff l (goods u have ever shown. “r please you both With the and price. Come With the sud tttWe money on the full goodl. Golden Wedding Sale Register. _ na years togethc _ J'd,Wd with good he the love and affection and children‘s children money on the tottGGE uuuwn. we CID both With the Roodn Come mph the crowd aqcompanicd by dut filial regard and low for the future. Th d.letr We Want Mr l Good} Liifwe .ttlc. nu initials thc h ht

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