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Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1907, p. 2

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lk .0 thnt mttltitttdo leant to work m. man mum: Jose It Anne L slow» amid roaring wheels. screeching .Tvars of a)", {Housing to whiitivi. and ringing hella with no more Laqtterre and tr party of fri note or these discordant sounds than if out hunting " Suds! Mur they we": passing their days and nights TyTre 'ran ensued in examl in the midst of rural stillness. In like whtin it suddenly went off. manner a ..erestt number have BO lone' did no Jumqte, but the relic tinned ti deaf ear to the all of the Mas- 2ttrt tvtused another shot to to? that the sound of the: sweet voice no the charge entered mm: - ring! in the unwilling ear, and wounded ml died yesterday of lurk to rob the Ch (dial! ot his h, and humanity of its link in that Savi who abut has give, to man that hop: life eternal which makes life toleru and mr-ioty possible, and robs death ita terrors And the grave of its glo --Jameq Raul] Lovell. The Master', Call. n nm the micrampic mean-h of scep- ticinu. which has hunted the heavens nnd sounded the seas to disprove the ex- istv-ure of a Creator. has turned its at tuition to human satiety. and has found a place on thin planet ten miles square. where a decent man all! live in decency. comfort and security, supporting and educating his children unspoiled and um polluted; a piece where age u rut-tone ed. inta"ey res cted. manhood wept-ct: 0d, and 'l'iu"ttS',,'l honored. and human life held in due regard; when sceptics can find such a place ten miles square on thin :lube, where the Gospel of Christ has mt gone and cleared the way. and laid the foundations, and made dweucy and security possible, it will then be in order for sceptical and literati to remove thither and there ventilate their views. But an long no those very mm are de. perulent upon the religion which they din. card for every privi they enjoy they IIT well hesitates ittle before they nor new", tweet Ill Buentee and Pa's' l Parting from the little Pyle, in; sweet Mt speech. . l (Heart of mine, how am they growl) "In A word for every trouble and balm , l‘amioning the wedding dresses, for 9"" "ttrt; . I l’rvamring the last cannon; ttut to find lier trifts of .olttre, which , 'lcitirqt than an you“ fly falter a" wetl within - reaoh, I For the summons of the Muur-- We must come as trusliul seekers and , '1 hi: is what the mothers do. w" "fG'd'l,',Ur',7 37.21231. 4 m Gaunt“! In mum. ,__-. l, lie is not dependent Jipotn whit we In or, u u what we 0 or a now- Prayer. Hedge of 2"; lives. He can read the in- Almlghty God. our Heavenly Father, I nerniont movement. of the secret amid iite's changing Stc‘nt‘n we look up I thoughts. He has first knowledge. He is to Thee, our guide and pmtectnr. Wo on tune, comes at the moment. ttis so!" thank Thee for Thy loving game, for _ my is complete. He looked at Saul of the constant provision made tor our bod- _ Tannin with his extensive personality, ily wants, for light upon our pathway. Jaw the man was I dupe, it victim, a for the revelation of Thy "ill. Mn is in 1 tool of the great. The man moved in a world and in on. hearts. and its fruit- lliniited aphere. a buy horizon, the tune- nre “halite and sorrow, desolation and Lion had not the stamp ot highest un- death. We bless Thee for the Saviour. l vhority. "1 did it ignorantly in ttutreliei." for Him whose Spirit brings the dead to I Derangement; that are not deep seated lilo. WiliHC blood Plenum from all sein. ”we easily altered. God made the course Let an know llis power to save. and , clear, Huang and more. "1 was not dis. thruug‘rh the dangers and temptations [obedient to the henveniy butuun. 1 con- whirh lie-set us may we pull in safety f terred nut with tlesh and bloud." tie defundvd by His grace. Give us sulimia- 3 who reaches the heart knows when our “an to Thy will, keep on from doubt , thinking u waning along perilous ways, nml fear. Make us a blessing to our fel- when ambition is crooked and perverse, tow-piles-ima. Help us to uphold the :and when central thoughts must be tad. faint. to cheer the and. to guide the juuted. murdering. Comfort us with thoughts _ Paul had a wrong conception of great. I o! b-tven, and bring um thither with our _ ttess, be imagined it comm-ted in a c'er. i loud ones in Thine own gum] time. , min position, when in leultty tt consul» ‘ Amen. :ed in a certain disposition. Greatness is i For '3ce . not neat-neu'to the throne, but in lilo:- l, OG Misa. I nous to the king; not a possession of au- l When the nricnmupic search of scep- ', thorny, but readiness tor service; not i ticium. which has hunted the heavens ', external and outer living, but in a deep I and sounded the was to disprove the ex- MM necret relation of the heart. f deft oion Ind low fair, life Let tho Ill-i Almighty God, our Heavenly " amid iire's changing SU'XK‘Q we looJ to Thee, our guide and protector. thank Theo for Thy loving me, the cannula provision made for our ily wants, for light upon our path for the revelation of Thy will. Mn world and in our hearts. and ita ii are Shaun and sorrow, “elation death. We buss Thee for the Savi for Him whose Spirit brings the den lilo, whose blood cleanses from all Let us know His power to cave. thumb the dangers and temptnt whit-h beset us may we pain in pa defended by His grace. Give us sub Did you ever Emld'your {ocular to tone green and tnuquil del ' Where the tree- .row luv. for heal- ing and the birds . mink" When death had eat “ti-3min and a that in will . That Ind a. tender music to the numbine od your day, Did you ever take your narrow to the 'rtooriaard or the bill, And In the whispering breezes charm your bitter tens away? For Suture, sweet in silence and paw hag sweet in speech. "In a word for every trouble and balm _ tor every mun; When fortune had no unit for you, an! joy seemed out of much. And you mad hyphens, do! were very far apart, Did you ever “and it twilight on name tet; wavewulnd bench. And at the 'sea's soft monotone speak cumiurt to your heart? When We had in; it. saw: and chin Un .4413” T." _ A Jii'i kir'is'fti: ,," "ii,is,.i-'ii-f:l;r;; il rs rtt1z,f.,'h'r/',', tell the e crinkled plan at project that you had 3’er ”do! a His own my NYC in listening Th t ir Sol." in Int". m-mi t to be open to every Indiana learned to put grqund to hear sounds it and pr y Davin t made upon a In of his hope in that Saviour Ian that hope " a life tolerabh and all should to the voice of I) evenly Fuller, in 09 we look up , U protector. We _ " Vin; one, for I V do for our bod- ( l our pathway, , a; will. Mn is in , u and ita fruity I ll. solution and _ u r the Saviour, I Ll g! the dead to , D from all sin. In r from to lead )lll an h ha Joseph Laqgerre hunting: seas" The victim c Called, ehoseet, faithful, all the time, This is the lovereigu mark elect and pure, I wear and all my powers combine To stand complete and to the end en. dure. He estimates the range of wealth untold, He finds what first. He gave ot tair renown, Not all the riches oi a fading world, Can dim the ltutre of His priceless crown. I felt His fingers counting cells of thought, I heard the who of llis busy feet, Through avenues BO lung and strangely wrought, How keen the searching ere it was com. plete. A voice that come to sacred inner ear, A minim outlook ot a region wide, The vibrant wul responds to signal clear, A duloet rapture of a rising tide. God made a carelul survey and came near and touched and trimmed the soul afresh; opened visions 01 possibilities which were more than realized in a lung and maguiiiceut lite. Dream: of Uurio- Lian-i come true. Voyages of Christians go through. Prophecies cuhmmue in per- Iormancen. The relation of Saul to che Sanhcdrim Wu superficial. He would make the relation of Paul to Himself real, not in ecclesiastical relationship, but in spiritual kinship. mph Laquerre Fatally Wounded While Hunting at Quebec. Quebec, Oct. 7.--Another hunting fa- _ltty is reported. the third since the mtinc: "mi-1n opengd f fer, days agq. Benmsville, Ont, Degrees in Glory. Kin! liu Lion to Lcll tircut that the um u: .mpvxi‘ing those glories wan ', “in, my. “nudism! Surely not; for tf in“ oi Mini will dispense them as t' .Imigi- a; the last day. Did He mean an; that lle iiml no authority of His _.. w give away the glories of heaven? .211) not; {or there is given to Him .h wily: "All judgment is committed Hun, lwvaum he is the Son of Man." " th" plain "waning was this, that "p' Were no: His to give by absolute arbitrary right. There were certain qrnnl prnniplc: in the bosom of the ity, which must guide Him in their nrilcttion. John, the beloved, asked is favor of tlc. Lord, but Cltrist's per- mil love of John could not place him " utep above another. Personal favor Ii nothing to do with it, justice every- in?" Step,» Vi glory are not won by ,1 ritism, or by arbitrary selection. "It not Mine to give except to those for win it is prepared ot My Father." in) we tlrey for whom the Father has we} -,\‘.c1)s oi giory are not won by It', n” '.lw s'.sut.t'.1.j._r.s us I ,t wimp. or b.vyrlsitrary selection. "It Pacific Rummy Co. to-day I.'.! Yinf to g1ve except to those for of tho directors was U'IH it H prepared ot My Father." in) s"t't? th 'Y for whom the Father has "up,:).")., ' . WW! tlw spttiul glories of the life 11w "'l?"""I' met ymmev Hum“? Thny who have borne the tho {um-11,13 '.y..,t.harc'hylde: my”! on,“ an prepared to wear the mmimg hIr_ ll illiam Van ..ilcsst crown. They who best and 'v‘lutcll ‘r-‘halmmn of the "r', mommy um drain thn cup which r.r.t.ttts 'shtttt,glty1's.yv.P,re? s', man put into their hands to drink, '"r'mpeu.v, and p. 3ie.Nitlall _ up. siivit.s destined to sit on Ilia dan: and {he Igllompg we ht in“ and on His Hit. Our Mcs. , ily' Executive 'cymmiftet: "l 311103110!) was significant. They ask. 1 \ an Mfume fcitaictutttt), tlte tor honur. Ile demanded if they f Y.'r.it 1trethyna and Moun r.~ willing to pay the price of honor.. l ,r?:itlraoU,'. Angus. fur. E. u yedriok “My C'trpt--F.W.itabers l, P., S” I'ltcauttn Il. Shaughm n. l Davic' Mexico". -----_---- I A resolution was passed SHOT m In THIGH. ( a lease oi the St. Mary's -- ': Ontario Railway. up! Lament. Fatally Wounded While I T in- hoard was authorize, Hunting at quebec. ; for the eotts'cruet'ain or, ac Quebec, Oct. 7.--Another hunting fab- _ two addition-.1 steamships t Iny is reported. the, third mm. Fha, i fie trade. or to build two In Praying for the little people' (f los " an rye-s of brown Ind blue), 13y th,. quiet bedside kneemtt mu. a tux-Jul, sure appehling; All the spirit's guiding needing, rewriting it'wlth earnest pleading-- This is wlrat the mothers do. the soul learns to sleep amid the greatest efforts to aroma soul: that are asleep to tlu- danger of their situation and to the Lord's ml: to repentance, faith, ser- vice nnd salvatios-Culer,'mrd Prel- Planning ior the little people That they may grow have and true; Actite brain and busy fingers Whtlc the precious aeedtime lingers, “Hiding, guarding, hoping, fearing, “Mung for the harvest nearing, Tim is what the mothers do. byterfan, tM m; tom-m opened a few days age. irtim of the latest accident was a wmed Joy-E: Arsene Laquerrts, 32 of ago, longing to Grondimra. no and a party of friends were muting on Sunday afternoon. Le. , was engaged in examiningha rifle it suddenly went off. (1 0 shot 0 damage, but the rebound of the anwd another shot to go oft. and urge enttted. Mum’s thigh. The Cm 41mm That is SHOT IN THE THIGH. H " a tik W x'xupnemcs culllnlmte ill per- 'l'he relation of Saul to the was tsupersieial. lie Would relation of Paul to Himself ecclesiastical relationsuty, but , ,7 , . t" is What the Mother: Do. C. Robinson in Sud.) School Times.) ith the little peoptir 5.1mm foruver new; uMIEng. caning, kissing, C' grim dismissing. sisthitttt, working, singing, lti:pioy any are winging-- 121.1“. the mothers do. “Her Tlv,, band “In: authorized to arrange for the vorvc,vruetion or, aequisttion of twrt airlititmal steamships for tho Paci- fit '.radv, or to build two large and fast. "f boats for the Atlantic service, trans- ferring the Empress of Britain and Em. pxoss of Ireland to the Pacific, and to incur necessary capital expenditure tltrrefur. . In carrying out their plans the share- hclricrs will be asked to ssanetion_the inn: of the balance of the ordinary share capital already authorized to be used as required. Speaking of the company's land assets, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy stated that the COMPANY AUTHORIZES THE ISSUE OP NEW STOCK. The proacnco of tbe 1m.vers or agents of these establishments on our local mar- ths has nlwnya lwen. at hast to some (wtvnt. a safeguard against posv0lo at- tempts hy local cmnhinatinm of lmt'lwn and others to depress: the price of dross- rd meats. and it will be well for pro- rlm‘ors to hear in mind the new trondi, tions and when. for any reason. unable to markv? their Mor'; on the hoof as they should undoubtedly do whenever pos- sible. dress their hogs. us well as other animals in such a way as to meet the requirements of the new Bet. Acquiring Lines and Buying Lake and Ocean Vessels-Directors Elected- State of the Crops--S,ooo,ooa Acres oi Land Still for Sale. This Ming the vain. it ii inrumhrnt on may farmer hringimr tlrvr-,ul horn or other animals to morket to rvmemlv,r that unless the can-mans nrn (In-nor] in areordanee with the regulation mention. ozl nhmm. namely. with thes" organs left in their proper positions. it will not he possible for the 1vprvwntativts of the packing humus to buy surh own-MAN: for 1:30 in any of the "stablishment_ mining untim- tho ouerotion of tho Mvat and C'arened Foods Act. Pusan-s aml of the {not that both farmers "ml prtekvrs have bin-n in the habit. of bundling mum-z in this way. the officials in chum? of the enfoeemvnt of the net have clH-idml to admit to the (stnblish- nu-nts ttnder impaction dri-ssml carcasses muh-r such conditions nx will enable flu-n: to judge with reasonable (-ortninty as to whether the animal, prior to sloughter, was frvo from disease. Pro, vision has theretore been made for the admission on inspeotion of dressed enr- r-nssi-s with the head. heart, lungs and liver lwhl by their natural nttaehrnvtttn, snvh ran-asses to ho inspected before en. trring the establishment. and it found fit for food to be no mar-km} and ad. mitted for parking: purpcm-a. wbib- if found to be dismwvl, to be cundvmncd and tanked. wall a mantra roll of SWIM!”- l Ottawa, Oct. 'r.--The custom prevail-l 'LeU2Uged.'Lt" iing among farmers throughout Canada' If lot "laughtering animals, particularly, MISS yANDERBIL o , swine, upon their own premises and scll. ' . iing the dressed carcasses on the iii:') 6 . . i market, is one which entails more or less , " wed ' Ludo Smilelenn loss to., he producer. Before the advent I MM. 1 A . - . I ,of pitching establishments, the domestic f i trade was supplied by the local butchers, I I who were necessarily compelled to pro- New Yorhy' Oct. t.--Forman announce: I vide for future supplies, and, as a rc-, merit of Miss Gladys suit, the local markets were createdinfent Off!” Engage“ f the late Cor. Conditions have changed, however, the Vanderribt, Iu.f r f' l tair. l local dealers no longer supplying the nelius Vanderbilt, to Count Lrsa o . l, domestic. trade, which has passed into chenyi, of Budapest, is made in the Her- l the hands of the packing houses, which aid to-da The Herald states that the iare now the distributing centres for" y. . tl ized No date inmate. Packers can afford to, and actu. announcement " all 1ort . . . it . .uil)’ do, Pay higher Prices and sell at has been, set for the wedding. but 'l., "l i loWer values than the local butchers for expected that it will take place at The reasons which are obvious when one _ . 'e. " ' . . . . . rrbilt minim.) "I l considers that profits are represented by l Breakers, the Pt"le . , The I the byproducts. The packers are nd- Newport, WI“? tune this autunm.f 'trl', i verse to buying dtvsseti carcasses as i eount, ‘who " the 3:9};"gzsi 'tl',',,,'.'., G 1 they represent smaller profits in by-pro- i late Count Eminent l ‘imic nit-linu- l, ducts. Again. drcssed carcasses are im, some years Ansbassyior t'. -,1u1C"l" ort ,pcrfectly handled by the farmer, the Pry. to G.ernyuy, 'e.'""" m 3“. 1"il ',.' 5 meat in innnv cases being bruised and l lutviitg arrived from Europe on ties a: j unsightly, this, as well as the impropcr I night. . ' . ' . ivhillins,r, bcinz deterrent to good prim-mi Pr. " 28 'ears Ill., I,.t.hc',yi,rt"iy, j \nimals, especially hogs, require scien. i looking, has "l'. 'wreditary .'""t m i,',", l tine chilling. otherwise those parts which I Hungarian Parliament, "ryt.u "le " t tt cuter into the process of curing become I chamlrerhting of the Austrian Ktuperor. Isour and unfit for market. Packers! “I” inherited from her “W." " for. I prefer to buy their meats on the hoof, (r tune " more that! 1Po.i)?,0P. bhe came _ and for the reasons set forth above, are , into I"'"."""""'") .tuit inherita:uu, on at. ablc, to pay higher prices for the same. 1 “WINK her iuaJority "1t,Pyptt,.. . in View. however, of the large trade iIis eldest brother, (cunt Progencs carried on in some pm: of Canada, more 'O.ieehen.vi, married. Countess Caraman [ particularly during tho- fall and winter, Chimay. lt Is believed /'YTyy/ tlt." 1 in drcsustvl pork. is we” as in other drsss- I WNW!" "ng:tgiutie.tt to W” "-"tltrl"rlt i cd meats. attention may he directed to l possibly w“ “in”! during the ”in to . nnc of the regulations made under the f Ilvrpacs. i new Meat Inspection Act. which is likely i ----- I to have a considcrablc effect on the liusi- i THE UNWORLDLY CHURCH I "NH altovc rcfcrrcd to. The Department _ ------ _ i of Agriculture at Ottawa having assumed The Only One That Can Dominate the the responsibility of inspccting nml prac- Future. i titually guaranteeing the healthfulm-ss of l . , ' _ .. ... , I all much; and meat products sent out l 7 Iliiittutypl.Wa., the. r.--11 a "e't'lt10n', sity, protect itself by making sun- that no diseased r-arcaxssi-i are permitted to "ntvr these tstahlishments The most effective way of provvnting the entry of such diseased meat is. of course the cawviul ante-rportem inspection provided fur by the regulations, but in view of the large trade carried on in dressed car- _ W""""'"' a... .A..I by the packing houses, must. of norm Montreal. 00 " ot" '.lw rim. FARMERS WILL DO WELL TO TAKE IOTE OF THE INSPECTION ACT. How to Dress Carcasses-Packing Houses Now Require Certain Org“: Left in Their Proper Positions. ' NEW CONDITIONS - 1N SELLING MEAT. C P. R. ANNUAL. Twtcis mvt immerliately after ing of shareholders, at which Sir William Van Horne was imirmnn of the board; Sir 1iliaugimessy. President of the sun! D. MrXitlmH. Viee-Presi. l the following were appointed v.tive Lommittee: Sir Wm. C. 19 icltarctutut), the Right Hon. Ithcom vnd Mount Ttoral, Mr. L Angus. Mr. E. B. Oder, M. Mr. E. I). (Miler, M 1iirattyhaes.sy and Mr passwl au-thnrizing Mary‘s & Western \t the annual meet. I's of the Canadian to-day, the report was unanimously I Doukhobours. Arrested at Whitemouth g Again on the March. .C. P. R. Springs Surprise on Winnipeg} Newspapers. ! Winnipeg. Oct. L-consequent upon} the action of the c. P. R. Telegraph} Company in raising tolls at a moment's I notice, so that the fonowing are the l 'inereasres Day rate from western On-i,' tario. 114 per cent: night rate from ' ‘western Ontario 100 per rent.; 'lay) rate from Alberta. 100 per cent; night _ rate from Alberta. 114 per cent; day . ‘mtn from Saskatchewan. H4 pq-r 9mm: night rate from '%tskatelrcivau. 1M) PUT: _eeut.---The Free Press tu-day published ',, in strongly oondemnatory editorial. es-l ipecialiy condemning the fact that thel (rates were retroactive, It up in part: V under arrest for walking on the Uaelv.s of thr. Canadian Pacific, are nmv an the way to Kmmm. where they are enacted to arrive to-morrow morning. The Cana, aan'Ptseitto found it impossible with'out violence to keep them off the tracks. and it hes apparently decided to allow them to proeede as far as Kenora. The 44 members of the party, who are already in that town. are doing enough food there to earn the food tte. oessary to keep them from starvati.um and are housed in empty bttihtiv.gs in tho town. . u..." Pr.-.. unmuuvv, u. 543‘ nu gun: "It is not very long since the C. P. It. Telegraph Company cancelled the press rate from Toronto to Winnipeg. which had been in existenee for over a dozen years. The new schedule inc-rena- Pd the night press rate 66 per cent. and the day rate 233 per cent-Cntr 233 per eentr.' Winnipeg, Doukhvhors Ho was out. but Mr. Banks cared not who tied the knot so long as it was tied, and on the recommendation of the im. migration offieer the Rev. C. o. John- ston was communicated with. and, much to the bridegroom's joy, consented to conduct the ceremony, and the couple were later in the day married at his home. 1 Hioimmnd. ha., 00!. 7.--ln a sermon s in Holy ifiiib'. Church during the (-01»- ;bration of th 300th anniversary of the 'iuunding of iAaglican Christianity in ;Ane‘ricu the" Lord Bishop of Lon. i; don, gave A, idea of the characteristics ‘which the Church that shall dominate gthgwfutlre and. pp:ses:. Toronto despateh: When the nt'tnrnnnu train pnllml in from Montreal a very im. patient lover awaiting the coming of his bride. and when Miss S. A. Dunnett, who came dirvet here from Scotland. had a little recovered from the joy of the mm-ting. Mr. Snnndmw Bllllki. the imm- peetir" bridegroom. insisted on immedi- nie matrimony. They told their tron blue to the Government immigrant offi- cer. and a lady friend of the bridegroom at once telephoned for a minister. And Mr. Saunders Banks Promptly the Nuptial Knot Tied. "But, on the other hand. to run " church simply as a mun runs n Sucre-é“- ful business is to spell ruin and failure and shame for the most orthodox church in the world." The most evans,aistie, the most eatho, lie, the moat orthodox Church. be said. will produce no effect upon the world if it is not'elearly and unmistakably. nnd before all the World. unworldly itself. Bear with me, them when I say, as my last word. that the greatest dun- ger of the church on both rides of the Atlantic is worldliness. In one swine it is impossible fer the church to mix too freely with the world. Into the slums of East London, into the business oi Wall street, into the mining camps at the Klondike, the church must go. nnd no human interest in the world is outside the interest of the church. a -___ ~“-.r'--~,v "v" ""5" His eldest brother, (bunt. s'xieehenyi, married Countess Chimay. It is believed here mum's "twt'v".t'ttte:tt to Ali.” V: possibly was svttlvd during the I lo rl mm. She inherited front her fetlter n for. tune " more than MOJMUJMXD. She came into possession o' this inheritanve on at- taining her majority Inst August. thti00,009 arm of the original grant which now remains unsold will yield on the nverdge a price per acre consider- ably higher than heretofore realised. By the end of the present season Mt miles of canals and ditches will have been com. pleted in the Western section of the ir. rigation block, sufficient to water 210,- ooo acres. The cost of this work will be about $6.50 per mile. Sir Thomas helium-s that it will be profitable to irrigate far larger tracts along their main line rust of (‘algary._ Thl-rr are now hi tii,' -,,iivil.s, of the company 74,000 officers and employees, with a monthly pay roll of 8,700,000- ON THEIR WAY TO KENOM khrvlmrs w days BIG JUMP m RATES. HE MET HIS BRIDE, Matt., Oct. L-The forty who were in Whitenw,ut'x ago, and who war:- put TORONTO Diogenes L'araina n that the andcrltilt Had EVeal, prime, per cwt. 7 50 10 00 tLamb, per cwt.... .. 10 00 ll 50 1 Fruits and Vegetable; I The receipts to-day were a little more (liberal, and prices ruled study. { Apples, bar.ket .. .... ..$0 25 340 35 ’ Plums large basket .. .. .. 0 65 l 00 I Du., small basket; .. .. 0 " " 50 'Urcengages .. .. .... ..050 000 I Pmulus. ordinary, bs .. we. 0 " 0 35 I Do., tu'toece .. .. ....__rtq TTT. i Alsike, No. 1, bush. Do., No. 2 ....... 'Dressed hors .... ... Ems. per dozen .... Butter, dairy ... .... Do., creamery '... Geese, dressed, lb. .. Chickens 1b. ... ... Ducks. dressed, lb. .. Turkeys. per lb. .... l \pples. per bbl. .... EOnionr‘, bag ... ... Potatoes, bag ... ... Cabbage. dozen ..r.. Beef, hinduarters ... i Do., forequnrters .. i Do., choice, carcase " wanna; game seems to he the at. titude of the farmers and hoNebreed era regarding the sales of horicl this fall. Farmers in the country ate siow to accept any lower rvrlfres' fox-tho time, Sales are reported " many points of horses around tho 0200 mark. "ittoteloupiis, bake: .. _.".'. i VogeUblis marrow, dozen. .. ( (Manna, Spanish, case .. .. 2 Susie potatoes, bbl .. .... 4 .. The Home Market. Ataiting game seems to l Do. Bartletts .. . Lemons, box .. .. . Tomatoes, per basket Cal-huge, per dozen .. ”0., choice, l Do., med. er, 'Jatton, yer cw Veal, prime, pe Lamb, per ttwt 1iauliiroivsir, dozen" Pctatoos, bag .. .l_'tpptrra, green .. ; unsold. , You] ('olves---Priees ranged from $3 to I "ll hnr own. and mu- now mi!eh calf out l of 200 ealvvs. swear-Id, was reported at l .87 mr rwt. ' Sheep and Laut--rhe run was one of the largest of the season. and, like all other classes. tllere was a lawn percent l "go of poor quality. which sold at the ‘lmwst prices of the season. Export l muss sold at' $4.25 to $4.40; rams at " f to $3.50 pea" ewt.: lambs sold from " to 'i, 95.70 per Fwt.. but the latter priee WM l Fo. 'sereeted lots. Those sold at $4 per "wt. were culls. (mo drover taking a dau- l Ide deek of those hack to the country to fowl. As truustl. 90 per cent. of all the I lambs were bucks. H The offerings of grain to-day were only moderate. Wheat is unchnng ed, with sales of 200 bushels of while at $1. Barley firmer, 300 bushels selling at 70c a bushel. Oats steady, 500 bushels sellinrat 57 to 530. F'onowing are the closing quotations un- 1)'innipy maxim fytyrey tp-(lny: hud'wl. and barley Toe. the farmers are tetVett"vur Hwir host friend. the hour. and many of them do not RP" pone or hm- Yuy. Mr. Harris quotes selects at $632“... and culls at $5.50 per cm. British Cattle Markets. Lomron--London cables are firmer, at lih. to 121-4 per "1., dressed weight: ro- friperotor beef is quoted at 93-43 to $01-40 per yo. bid, May 81.10 bid Hugs~Like everything else, Ina qual- itv of many of the hogs was not good R"inve not“ have gone to Me and over per tjar-Vit. 510 bid. Dee. 505-80 bid, May 521-20 asked. ~pringors was dull, prices being off ful- 'y $10 per head since Wednesday morn- ing. The quality of the bulk of those " fered was of medium to common, and those are always hard to sell, even when tinnv is a good demand. Prices on Wed. nesday ranged from $25 to $55. and one at $60. but today prices were from $35 tn $42. and there were several cows left Din, larp Do. Rum ',(ithrtc-eyfttt.t price qrroted tor selected lots wa 84.65, which is $t big drop, and there were few bought at that price. Best loads sold from " to $4.50; mnmxon and medium cattle sold between $3 and $3.85; inferior, 82.50 to $2.75; cannons, 81 to 82; e ws, $2.50 to $3.75 por out 1’00de and Stoc 'ers-Good Feeders. moo to .100 lbs. 0 ' at $3.25 to»$3'.65; stood fe lrrs. 900 ' $1.000 lbs. each, at $2.85 ts $3.25; good smokers, 800 to 900 Elm. e', . at $2.50 to $2.85: good sdoelo 0n. qo to 300 Mark. at $2.35 to $2.05; common stoekers, 500 to 700 lbs. each, at $1.75 to 82. 3liltrh C,owr---Trnde in milkerq and c w t qunus urn-u .9"r"'"e'F - Luuls of hugs that went direct to the packing houses. The quality of cattle was the worst of the season. Prank Shield», the oldest of the old-time cattle dealers, said that he never in all his time had seen so many poor quality cattle on the Toronto mar- "ixportersr-ront on sale, (naming a few bulls. which sold.“ lower prices than at any time this yet", at $3.25 to " per rm Lin suck. V Receipts of live stock since Tuesday, at the City Cattle Mnrket, as reported by the railways, were 145 carlnada, com- posed of 2.342 cattle, [.388 Bogs, 3.870 sheep and lambs, and about 200 calves. "tsides the above, there wire le'?"' Pf: a rs, wtreot-Lit'.' $1.06 1-3 asked, Déc. $1.05 IW Toronto Farmers' Market. bush bush. {on . . Cham., sm. bl Winnipeg Wheat Market. baske s-Primm ranged from $3 to and mu- now mih'h (*n'f out . so-ved, was reported at carom-e. 6 1ll 15 057 069 085 2000 025 025 750 017 I25 010 50 0 0 25 R GO 30 40 50 o 50 10 00 1150 1000 000 2100 000 225 135 ooo 011 OW. 800 900 000 000 05S 07o 000; 0805 oadl 0401 75 27 28 75 'dl Wiliniiu-g: In most littes,of trade th.ere ne l has been an excellent bminvna mnvmg M 1 during the past weelk It in evident lit 1 that dnmnge to the crow by front h-u in some loottiitU. been quit» actions. to Lack of money has quietened thy activ- ut I ity in building, and this han affix-tn! (lit- at l trade. Collections are nbuut as .11»,er last week. of _ Vmwouver and Victoria: General I" ‘ trade all through, Brian-h Columbia erm- t. tinueq exceedingly actiw. The labor w situation-in stillaa matter of some mu- rt [ cern. it is a; difficult matter to ptet " 1mm enough to do the work offering. to l The shipping trade- ii brisk. The un- " l nnxincement that the Canadian Paeine Er _ Railway may add two large swarm-i" lo 11- _ their Oriental fleet- is row-ivml with to : mueh infra-st horn tel Hamilton: General' ”minus: is Hrote. l, ing " letter tone. Wholesale drv 'trods " lan- moving, brinkly nmi othor Elma ru- , lport rather lirisker business. 'r l Landfill: It holcsulo and retail trad-.1 m f " P."v"h'r well.nnd ttie outlook is tor sl ic"'".?).'""'" netiylty during tira salmon. _ phi-sing of that vntwrpnev. IVesi. dual. Ilotrsevvlt was the principal spun;- er lh-‘requmted that hiv, spew!) he nut repay-tux. but consented that the auto- mm‘. might be made that he had an- nounced unequivocally his endorsement of (hr general priqciple involved in tire scheme for the cramp of 333M, aan. nel up the river mid to thsvgrmi lakes. ----_---..., a repost co " from ery Jun . . WM'G! glh'112J,'dt Le/lg of; It Italian laborer by I te)1mrueoutttrsGG :_ __|_-_- L777 . . _ in whose house iusja"'ii'rai,Tt; tor the night The alleged mum arrested. Wm II. Oct. 7.--When PrvsiLnt Roosevelt stepped ashore here at nine o'clock today he manifested every evi- dence of having spent a eotnhirtttge night on the steamboat Mississippi, and hi, Wen wurtreonfirmed the impres- 'sion madd by his appearance. Last enn- ing he was a guest at a dinner on thc etvrnwr Alton of the Business Men's Logue of St. Louis. An importnm fea. tun was the fact that the scheme of g, (shin chanurl from the guif to the lake, reteivcde an impetus which all believe wih Sim: much towards insuring: the Marn- E Ottawa.. The outlook for mu'vrry “rude has been 'somewhat imvn‘ur-NT Irv (tlte late in” rains whieh have grmdy [helped pastures ami fall root cram (him, In. Oct. Roosevelt stepped o'elock to-day he denee of having 1 night on the stem hi, sunken word": Roosevelt Malia lapel-tut An- nouncement to St. Louis Man. his wife belongs to one of the best tami. lies in the district. Much sympathy with lier i's expressed, as he left her in any- tling but good circumstances. whsvncv he mplulnml to H. uiie a: hc ing dam t" Iain going in thm 'uect. HI Sunday Mimi. Weir's parettts humm- .mx ions through not honing from ln-r In two wveks.. Inquiries wvrc made and II was diseovered that Wilson had a wif living how. only at short distance {rum the home of his second. mTe. A warrant was issued for'hiu arrest and placed in the; land's ofCotmty Constable {Hannah Richardson ig well nonmetal, while .. .A " - ing due to his run: on in reality he was u fun-man Findlay. at his mxxmiu. parents objected to his l their daughlvr, but he Hm:- rying hen. '1 my left for Landon on l l PECULIAR BIGAMY CASE "P0RIED FROM OWEN SOUND. Frank D. Wilson Weds, Miss. Mamet Weir While His Wife Was Living in a House Near the Weir Reaidenee-. Warrant laced. Tomato: The mountain of vhulvule and retail trade here continues excellent. One of the features is the tttoretttettt in fall linens, which continues heavy. “w October price list shows an udunn- at about 50 per cent. in the hut fourteen month» A big but in “at: in ulster- ings and meltons. The outside dvmnmi for all lint-Ir of hardware i» brisk and there in a fairly good local and». The fulling oft in the volume ot building be. ing done hero will have some effect upon this branch ot. true.. Values no tren- erally steady. The gunnery trade ie Be. tive, with large shipments going to ail parts of the country.. The Innvmuent in country trade is fair and eolleetimr. con- tinue to show slight improvement. Wool isytry quiet and uneliantrcd. Montreal: The Iit'untion in the money' “that have brim": but little change during the past week. There is still " pretty general feeling that the situation will show gradual improvement. Geateral wholes“. aud retail trade holds steady. Dry good: lines are moving briskly. De- liveries at readyvto-wenr goods are more prompt and in better volume than last year. The call lot aweaurs and for all winter- goods is lid-k. Values.ho.'d firm. Hardware lines we moving freely and the busineu- but iron is quite brink. The metal III. I getsee.lly how a slightly enicr tone. A good tad: is moving in groceriu. All canned goods hold wary highs Price. on new tomatoes and peaches will be late owing to the luckwnrdneu of the crop. uproar". from ... ... ..3120 to th,"rittge horses ... ... ..$l25 to hand-hand drivers and work?, ' Mister in Broukv, tuurried Frank JI, :1 siiaon to Mia: Muzguet Weir, ircLia ol I ie 1is town. Wilson “as 3.? yeah old and p, te, girl about 19. ls turns out that ', r. s’iiwu is really Thomas A. L'icuitrGor, '; u, nd tt tnatried man. with is txife and , b tree, children. About tt J.var iti,'o hr: :cauuc acquainted with Iii,,, Writ. and ' m gunm- a In-qhvnt visitnz- at her Imam ) m e said he Mas a C. P, li. :=::;:i1;.-rr. and l I) is irregular, vi,its was ux,u'vhtuQ as h.-- . h; 1g due to his mus on mu» road. in Ot 'ality he was u fun-mam tlt Janus l M iudluy. " his mumm. The giri's; m wants objected to his atzcminns to) wir (laughing but he pinn'emdml in 'mar. i ring hen. 'lnry left for Lundnn on tin-it hanvy- w " m trip an: svptvtvAct. Cird I-..'.. NH 9st'ttet? he rsyhrined to Ilia "ii" u. lm- ? 'k 'hu, trr his going tn th. itest. In: I inlay Miu- Weir's parents iwn-mw A'.th'- m us through not hearing from her hr en r0 wveks., Inquiries Were made and " m -.'. .‘TTTT -.'. .' ... . .1175 t6edium weights, 1,300 lbs. up SHIP CHANNEL future. ' y druugllten, 1,500 "I Bradstreet" Trade Review. TWO WIVES. “rink an at!!! purchased on; sru'ts insuring the Qua hat enterprise. Presi, ms the principal speak lad Dough! Getter have! murderer was his at $140 dry goods '" t iimu r:-- “w den retail truck h", ook u, tor I “a” sewn. in" 'r onuntrv 9 ......... . P L... to t bt0to ms to to to od.ut nix-r S! Pr", bl m $209 ‘l I' 'tt co can be located at any time. Tweed Peo- pie want the Anon»; Ahaoeralu Depnrt. men: to not and endeavor m punish (in men u an example. denu- that ho' Pat"""'. Therefore my t lwnrt goes out to the pity of your love l and your ride,Oecaure I know of tin- l sacrifices that have gone to the uphmilti- l ing of it, and that will continue top to that upbuilding. , "But I have also realized the spirit of an shunted nutionluul. the spirit of a people not contented to be murdy‘ini- I tutors of another People, but votttettted it!) them-whim. That upirit, of com-w, li:s"ieted fifteen your: ago. but it wag then a little doubting. But. thank God. I find. no echo of that. here to-dny. With the national 'Tirit that l nt‘o hero to. day the mx-nnvst colloction of put-king- cases that I'll ever tack-hammered to- jether on the prairie enn doniinte- a Imminent. You 'tre fortunate beyond ttttost other communities. Your own I labor hm- given you material prosperity [in overwhelming abundance, but the 1 god- have not denied to you the light I that shows traces of that mntwi-l pros- ‘ purity. One id ton-ml back co the old i wcrdg, that you stand on the muslin“ i of an uulwlivvnhh- future. No man can I ion sm- pr act the limits of your mutiny. f But Ml" man, even I. haw the right to Irrmind you that to whom much has i lteett given, from them much, mueh shall i be required." 1 Mr. and Mrs. Itudyard Kipliq ttrrierd I at the C. P. R. depot at In o'olock this morning. They ocvupiod the private our Dalton. Mr. Kiplinu sum] to-dny that ha intended to remain over at (‘nlgnry on his way to the most. A dinner to Mr. Kipling wan nrrlngod by Mr. Whyte at the Manitoba Club at Larpan. The young man is night clerk in Huyck'. Hotel, and mu in charge at the mail bags from the local iroaslotfiee to the C' P. R. “alloy. The men an, aid " V/uit huh and their mum. Atttrmer-Gmterat Witt Be Asked to In- . , (emu " _ Toronto dmTatvh: The Altm'n ‘V Jim. urnl'a Deprtmmt will be amp-“Ind to by some resident: of Tweed in 1'outtm> tion with a :00ch mumncv tlute. tht tho 11th of September three thugs at- tttrkcd . young man by the name of l’mxmn st the C. P. It. station at mid. night. and beat. him into insmtsiMiit.v. They were allowvd to escape, and " thmgh - Hoe-nio- WI. hid awn-st them, nothing has been done in the mat. untied a young max Premium: st the C. P, night. and bet" him They were allowed Mer, The loci 'ruthorities wanted cont- put up before they wouid issue a. war run. The German Comml at Montreal rev (manly conferred with hi. Government with a view to promotiq a cumnwrvial treaty between Genny and the Domin. ion. Germany will ooncinue to brim: all possible pressure-to bear to ptrvt'trt Can, Id. and. Auntnli’n Kottt6v6e4rre the ox- port trade of Britain at the cxprnm- "t Gummy. Pwrlin, Oct. 7.-Thi, lleihctw will be requested about the end of Novmnhet to empower thr Bumlesrath to grant Bri. tain and her colonies a continuance of counuercial favors under the tmast. favored-nation chute. It has not yet been ascertained whether the proposal will be limited to two year» or will con- tain u chute enabling the Hulda-rad: to make the concession for an imu period of years. It in regarded as cer- tain that Australia " well " Cindi. will be new ted, but hope. no alter- tained here tint Germ-y tiny b able to conclude direct nmngemc-(s with both for the regulation of their com- merelnl relation.. Would Like to Eater Into With Canada. si, Will-in deep“: Through thufior . ( of Mn! Mia-H, Rudyard Kipling - igrdatemd to quack him the (an:- diub Club this are“ The numb-cc of manhu- wu without doubt the larg- est out treid at the dub. Mr. G. R. Crcwe, President of the club, in propos- istsrtsrt-totthefu. said there mu no tau. - a hotueitold word in (unada lanky than that of Kipling, and that he was famous, it for no other rea. son. through the oration cl the humor- tal “RM" _ _ - "Fifteen yuan ago I wu in “am, and at (but time the city was curiously considering the wherewithal it ul‘muldhe paved. To-dny I find Winnipeg I - Ila-pans, and I drove this mnrning oTer twot.v-two miles of napkin to look at mule small part of your 'tuirvelomruity. Viaiunn than your old man mm- fifteen years ago are tun-hated today irato slow. brick and eoncrete. and there i. vvidem.e of mom tar-day for vumr tad more fur-reaching imagination. But the mum building u ot the streets of u town do not tolrthe 'storrtoiierotst- Hidt'l' of the bitter nvrifiu-s of the men who have gnaw Indore. Xo man who has been present, as I have been lmt..xt the building up of a new city an fail to hear that story cried aloud, an. it m-rs. by every block, "ore ami rosi- Mr. Kipling on tiling rim-bad a tee. illennium outlaw. H: said b put: " am only 1 dealer in: went, and you can umucely wonder that I an an no Words to thank you hr the but you have done Inc. I In done my hat for about twenty yearn to keep all m of the sister union- 1&an the - in. tereted in each other, Inn-nus. I know thet at heart all men am- crewhed much alike. They have the same with.“ and aspirations. and have "My each otlut to depend upon. " through any good fortune any work of mine has hrlpod to lump the boys throtttruout the world I little more inn-rested in nth otlwr then great in my rowanL Rev. C. W. Gordon (w Connor), introducing the put. Mill Mr. Kipling" micr Ind “mu-IL the Imperial new, but then- was still I higher note in lain writ. ings. and that Wu his fidelity to bin cun- vietion. mum um WP}: 'ri'c CANADIAN cum. The “PM of qlrinnireg--rrisu'se to the ”men, a! a “mule: to tLe Citiuu That Inch Will Be 11r- ulnl "on m to Whoa Much 'ue Boe- Given. RUFFIANS STILL AT LARGE GERMANY WANTS TREATY, 1ltill'UM1 TALKS. Rudyud Kipliq nrrivrd depot at 10 o'clock this occupingl the private our Agreement HE IIL' tl It h: otr Med t I! ht u ct

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