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Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1907, p. 5

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M! - ry "0 that vcrybody eat varie- maker of satis- 1de here, presents rted and the best rms and aim: of he great- satisfac- EAR man '01 Iced ymg our r's tastes strive to 5 1907 f It. It wife ge 'ar W ate bt v" Wm. Johnuon,8r.. c. any... mm: of the term " possible tt! net! " remnant. rues. “I “and" Iowa. mun: yum-e toe residence. - on [calm-nut. The "hoo? I. thoroughly "tti pod In tt runny, In enemies] and electing] naps] :rznugn, ae., (or lull Junior mun. An mint-loll work. The {allowing compete: are In c1152.. t V "... .... u. I um um: mp laud :ruiu‘ll. ten T/ra Junior Lenin. 'l'lt'lttte ulmtioq work. The tollowlnc mm. M are In chum. I THOS. ALLAN. In ch» Cemlcnn. Princlpol was JESSIE ucxzszuc LOGAN. B. A., Honor "rndaate of Toronto Pt.itHutturiGistT, Latin, Gunpoomou. And Human. SUSS DONALDA McKERRACHER, B. A., Gmd, uuc ot Queen'n Unlvenily Ind Fin: Protes- ‘ lion-l .cPyffrate.:-aieeiii, Arithmetic. my 1 any and (ingrown. Intending student. would "tter u the bum “I of In. “mailman- n___. A, _ " - Durham School Ins: $1 pa month In sauna Eggs Taken " Cult " The Down Town Shoé Store A Nice Pencil Case given Free 593 92?? WWW I pair of Boots la to be seen at the Down Town Quality and price. No utzinz to bu The At this Me thr season of the year a neat deal more sick- ness occurs thanat any other and of courae more pic): room lup- plies are and In buying ttoodaof this kind it is always wise (and necessaxy). to buy the but [coda from the best makers. Our stock in very m and complete. comprising OCTOBER 10, 1907 DARLINGS DRUG dllrst 22oom, gambling oulblc. BGiii ar, 33.5: at”. Durham In I bunny making " I no" dealt-bl. Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Durham Mot Water Bottles Fountain Sm“. Absorbent Cotton: Plain dt lodientod Cotton: Clinical Harmonia»: Invalids’ ling: “(My equl ped In Rubin: re.'.", 1d?ellllillr2lft,t um Caseeontains I lead pencil me Down Town Shoe Store. Call and examine No urging to buy if goods and prices don't suit. W. H. BEAN “no imitation out gnu We dlnhu u .--.................20eand40eeach 4 piece pun-ed glu- "ttig Set. at.... ....wc . so: Men's (radian Jun" at Loo, 1.25 3nd 1.50 etch Ladiu‘ lull and winter Underwear from...25c up See out lines of Me Ind 50:: DRESS 60008 tor tall and wln‘er. P1ooroiieloth, 1 311.1% )‘dl And 2 yd: wide tyu-ee-v..,................) "q yd Baum "as6oxurlsii._y.y..:.C..Th.iio'"e'a'e't', um 72:72 bedettmtoetem......e, and 8.00 each Largo 1134 “Annual. Bhutan in whim "ore'.....-............;.-.'.'.'.-:" m- THE BIG J. S. Mcllraith 'tforget to cull and Ice u. If you van: I lamp This mt we have them trttin.........25c up 'eople's Druggists lee Bags Adhesive Pluto! Disinfectants Monitors. etc. Ittea1ids' Cups or girf pyrchaaiuir a pen, 1 slate pencil STORE. HE Cglder’a Block SELLS CHEAP 31.25 pr Tho custom prevailing among bum. ors throughout Canada of slsnuhtermg animals. pnrticulariv swine. upon their premises and Bolling tho dressed cur- ccscs on the local market. is one which entails morn or loss loan to the producer. Before the advent ot packing establish ments, the demonic trade was supplisd by the loco! butchers, who were neces- sarily compelled to proide for tutors l supplies. and. " n result. the local mar. hots wars eluted. Conditions in" chnngsd however, the locsl dcslcrs no longer supplying the domestic undo. which bu pound into the hands or they Docking bonus. which unnow tho dm. l tribntins centres for nests. Pukm‘ can “fold to, sud “molly do It,', high- " prime and sell " low» u as than the loco] butchers for muons which srs obvious whsn one considers thnt profits as represented by the by-prodncts. The pcsken no can". to buying hound - as they rsprsscnt sun!!- or tmtt1ta in byproducts; attain (In-sud cue-us or. impcrfcctly hundlod by the firmer. the most in may cons born: bruised nnd unsightly. this. " wsll " chilling. being deterrent to good IP'", Animals, upccislly hogs "quits soun- 4th-Peart Wrhou, Boo McDonald. Sr. 8rd--Marjone Clark, Mabel Smith, Rom Putberbough, May Gilereoa. Jr. 8rd--tam lioness. Gladys McDonald, Edwin Lunacy. tir lamb-Howard Me- nomull. Roy Lamb, John Smith. Po uld hteArthar. Jr gud-John Grionun, Com Lunney. Bertha Bonus. Jessie Clark. PI '2ud-.GUtux Houesa, Carlyle McDonald. Carrie Grienon. th. " t-- storllug anb, Bolla McQumio. Geo. Wilson. Jean McAnhur. Jr. 1gt--. Arcln'e Wilson. M. Mourns. Teturlter. Sr. 4th--Har.sl Barber. Jr. 4tu---M Kerr and E Barber seq), W. Blythe, A Ponigrew. C. Willou, E. Momma. B Barber, H. Barber, M. Hay. Sr. 8rd-. A. Morrison. Jr. 8rd--F. Kerr. M Lennon. A. Pettigrew, M. Burnett, 8 Guns. Br. Md--E.Mortiaoa. W. Hm. ton, E. Willon. M. Lesson, W. Eden, L Pettigrew, A. Lauder. Sr. m. '2ad.-tr Grunt, c. Barber. Jr. Pt 2nd--P, Bar. bor Ind U. Pettigrew (eq), J. Kerr, c, Blythe. Sr. 'ot.--Ednd McIlvride. J, Lesson. Jr. Lsr-dt, Clark, h. Hay. A, Pennigraw. G. Pony. Average attend. Inee 81. Arum: th McKrznzm. Turban tir. 4th.--Gertie Morton. Jr. uh.-- John Grnshv. Br. 'clrd--Haroht Mc- Kechnie, Willie Edge. Jr. 8rd--.hinbel Velaie. Br. 2nd-Liswu Nowell, Mae McKechnie. Stewart leArthul. Jr, 2nd--Eart Vessie.T0m Graahy. Jr. Pt 2nti--Armet a McKezhnie. Jr. Ist-- Muggie Newe l, Mabel Grashy. Reba Veitsie,Merrm. McArthur. Average attendance 12. _B. VVALKE_B, Head, Heart, Lungs and Liver must not be removed. Sr. 3rd,-Morrison Smith. Ben Sim .. ttOtt. Alex Turnhull. Bella Ray. It 4th.--.Mamie Manley. John Leding- ham. Addie Twamlvy, Isabella Tum- hull, Donald Ray, George Ledingham. Annie Stewart. And Ivy Dmgnvel eq. Norma Black, John Smith, Arthur Simpson. Lizzie Smith. Sr. 8rd.--. Lavina Manley, Katie Smith, Peter Mountain. Jr. 3rd.--Baroht Leding- ham, Katie Stewart. Sr. 2nd.-ahuri"e. Manley, Willie Smith and Cecil _ 'l‘wnmley eq., Archie Turnbull. James Vaughan. Stewart. McGilliymy. Jr. Pt. 2nd.--.Donaid Smith. Bobbie Morr. ley, Mary CmfBeld, Nellie Smith, Wil. fred Black. Jr. 1 1B)-John Locheed. Willie Inuntuin. Willie Vaughun. Jr let. (Al-Martin Comeld. Morris Smith. Dugnld Smith. George Vaughan, Annie Mountain, Redford Locheed. Average attendance 8i. New Meat Inspection Act Quite; number from here Priceville Show last Friday report a good show. ,V_vâ€" v- I... VII: a After a pleasant two PonthChom day with friends in Dorooch and London, Mrs Jae. Robertson and Miss Margaret lelton Thursday per b', S. Athabasca for their home in Sault Ste Marie. The annual Thank Offering Moe t- ing in connection with the W. F. M. B. was held in the Presbyter- ian church on Monday p. m. The large assemblage listened with prutit to an instructive address delivered by Miss Dow ot Owen Sound. A dainty tea was served which termin- ated a pleasant social re-union. The offering approximated $50.00. Mr John Johnston. . undone of the N. B. C, Owen Sound, Jeeves this week tor Chicago where he has located a lucrative position in one ot ttte wholoule houses of that city. i Ara, - _. - - _ - a. tr. so. 10 nun-rm“. KATE MACDONALD. fisieher, u 3.3.N01N.an '. S. S. No. 3 B. AND G. L BENTtNtxt dc ensue. HONOR ROLLS. """-------.. liopevilie Dornoch. Tehcher. took in and all Act. The pro-once of the buyers or agents of these eeubliehmenu on our loeel mukeu nee elven been. " lent to some exam. . astound meme: pouible “temple by loeel oombinetione of but. ehen and others to depreu the price of dreeeed mute. end“ wilt be well for reducer. to bear in mind the new con- gr,,',',',' end when. for my remn. nn- eble to men-ht their dock on the' hoof " they ehonld undoubtedly do whenever pouible. dreu their hop. " well " other enimele in such e vny u tome“ the :eqniremente of the new This being the one it is incumbent upon every farmer bringing dressed boge or other euimele to mute: to re. member that union the ensues ere dmeeed in tumordtutete with the regal-- done mentioned eboye. namely. With these omenelen in their proper posi- tions, it will not be poeeible for the rep. reeenutivee of thepeeking home to buy eueh arena for use in lay of the ee- tebliehmente coming under the operation of the Meet end Canned Foode Act. to enter there "ttaiistuLGi. The most effective way of preventing the entry of such diaeaead meat ie, of course the careful anie-morlem inspection provided for by the regulationa. but in view of the large trade carried on in dressed carmea and ct the fast that both farmer: and packers have been in the habit oi handling meate in thin way. the omtftsth, in charge of the enforcement t of she Act have decided to admit to the eetahliahmente under inspection. dress. ed caresses under such conditions " will enable them to judge with reason- l able certainty, " to whether the enimal ‘ prior to alaughter. wae tree from disease. Provision has therefore. been made for the admiaaion an inspection. of dreeeed eaten“, with the head. heert, lunga and liver held by their natural attacnmente. Inch carcaeea to be inspected before entering the establishment' and it found 1 tit foe load to be no marked end admitt- l ed for packing purpoaea. while it land I to be dieeesed. to be condemned and]: aanked. tur, chilling. otherwise those pert: which enter into, the proceee of curing become eonr end ttttht for merket. Packers prtster to buy their mute on the hoof, end for the reasons not forth above. are ebleto pay higher prices for thel same. In View however. of the lerge trade curled on In some puts of Canada, more particularly during the {all end winter, In dressed pork, In well at in othordreued meets. attention may be directed to one of the reguiremohte of ‘thc rcgulutione made no " the new Meet Inspection Act, which is likely to have n coneidereble tstuat en the busi- ness chore referred to. The Depart. I mental Agriculture et Ottawa having l eunmed the reeponsibility of inspecting 5 end practically guerenteeing the health- i lumen of all mute and meat producte t sent out by the packing houses. must of l necessity. protect iteelf by making lurel‘ thet no dieeeeed "'Pef. ere permitted Lenahan In this line our stock is complete and worthy of i a full line of Sideboards. Bedroom Suites. Parlor Sui Chm'rs. Springs. Mattresses, em, to select. from. This right goods at the right prices. In Oils we line I complete stock consisting of Conudiou and Americen Cool Oil. Linseed Oil, Turpentine. Gasoline. Benzine, Cream Sepantor Oil, Machine Oil, Sewing Mochine Oil, Castor Oil, Cylinder Oil, Carriige Oil, etc National Portland Cement always kept on bond. See our stock of these before buying elsewhere (:93 speak for1hstmrelveg. We have a good unortment of Double and Single born-e] Guns, Rina. Revolvers and Ammuniuon of all kinda to aelect from] See our assortment of these and our different kinds of entails“. We also entry I full line Graniteware and Tinwue. 1.9. RUTHERFORD I Remember we are agents for the famous lines of McCLARY'S Furnaces. Stores. Ranges and Heaters, Among these are the well known Sunshine Furnace, which is almost " good " a private sun in any home; the 'Pandora Range'. which is so well and favorably known; the Oak Heaters which surpass the majority of Heacers both in usefulness and looks ; also many others, which require no particulars given here. THE DURHAM . REVIEW Guns, Firearms Veterinary iriiGiG Guam. ‘orse Blankets, We also have the Intent and beat in WASHING MACHINES, WRINGERS AND ’ardware 6' Furniture Oils of all Kinds Furnaces, Stoves Ranges and Heaters ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 'urnifure of McClur- The Review to Jan. 1; 1903, Me to New Subscribers. For Union School No. I. known on Vuney School. Duties to beam " the beginning of the you, ms. AP- ply outing quatttkaitoui, Islet-VAN! experience to Sept. iii _ - v. r---v--.vu “Iva" uv Lac ll"! of March. permmion to do fall work will be allowed from the present. pm further particular. :pply to a ' ll" R. A. Marsh-ll, Durham. 100 nrres. being Iota 2 and 8 of 10 Con. W. G. R., Bentinck. in excellent state of cultivation. About eighty more: cleared. well watered, well fenced comfortable log house. good fume barn. Interment cable, ttood around. Situated on novel road. convenlent to church. school. pout can and grin: will; full petunia}: ttiren. bv_ the an. Light anons, Light hob-lelglu. Heavy truck wagon. Wagon box coat. plete, Plows. Hiirrows, Pulpers. Wind mills and towers. Wire, Wire fencing. Stoves Iron pig troughs. to. Must. he sold at once. A. II. JACKSON. Assign“. --------, - Lot 27, 28, Con. I S. D. R. Glenelg. 86 news cleared, 7 acres bush. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Burn (45:60.) kutiie from pro. posed nation on new o. P. It. Line. t?mvenienttto School and P, 0. Fur. ther particulars apply on the pranks. Joan McAwmm, Prop Ment it" i%Fiiiii/rC'ii the Department. Been . Departmental Public Forks, tary Ottawa, Sept 20. 1907. New-[upon will not be PM tor thin “unise- yeng it they linen. ft N am... ......-...‘ ., The Dominick-:1}; not bind the" to ”can the love» or my tender. By Order. my) exams. __.- w"a"... tun-unto; a. J. Lamb. In? Resident Engineer, Iondon. ont., on nppllee ion to the Poetinaiiii " Lion'l Reed. 83:... end " the Department ot Public Worn. we. Tenders will not be considered nnle- mode on the printed form lurplied. end signed with the mud ligature“ o tenderen. An accepted on ue on a bunk pay. able to the order 3? the Hthhe iihGG of Public Works. for one thou-end one hundred doll-n (01,100 cogent)“ Accompany etch tender. The cheque will forfeited it the person tend. ering decline the contract or fail to ootrtplete the work contracted tor, and will be returned in l cue of n0tuaeeeptaatse ot tender. ( PV'""."'"'. um mun ladle-m! to the anaer- I dined, 3nd endorsed “Tender tor Exten- Mon o Lion'l heed Wharf." will be received " thin once until man? October M, 1907, inelusi, vely. tor the construct on of An extension to the when “Lion's Heed. Bruce County. Ont., ac- cording to n plan and speelhmtitrti to be seen " the one“ of J. G. sing, lar, Raidem Ingineer. portfedemdish Lite uild M, Toronto: M. J. Lamb. Em, Emu... MP-p-W', - (urry Combs, Brushes seed,', TEE REL-99:12pm so and ammunition a worthy of inspection. We buy: :, Parlor Suites. Couches. Tnblel. t from. This is the plus to get the . W. Bum. Beer, Tron. Vunoy. Ont. Teacher Wanted. Farm To Rent Farm for bale. For Sale. cIntosh. - v___.,-. - -llll'K‘ for one thou-um one hundred ' mun mummy etch tender. oetorteited if the penal: tend. ', contact or fail to 0013le :ed tor, and will be murnod In Inn-n A! A--" AND CHURN S. ,_ ... .v. uu- Invert!!!- wfrhout .uthot8ty from Both quality and pri- can Clove: And Timothy And all un- letlou of (kl-den needs in I- bundnnoe ton-spring growing 0mm“ " Ron] Household " E-tttttt " rm Bose-”#11" vary but Keewndn make. A tsiwioad just received. SEEDS FLOUR Brpt?Poatts--Nezt to an“ ow’s Bar. her Shopr‘ -V--- W 9..-...” a RESIDENCE - First house south Lawrence's Blacksmith Shop. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice 1mDERT'AttERand Funeral Director MATTHEWS a LATIMER 1200012153. (nemshp-tine hunk lmrn.- good frame "ellinr-ottter good Improvements, only $3000. 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Bond Bentinck. 81s'i00. A snap. 250 acres on Gavan-an. ttou-fine huildinis. good fences. good soil. To quic buyer at 065(1). 100 acres. 'lent/tttstr,---,. in went. price 82700. Buildings worth the money-tarm for nothing. Lots of other groperty for sale. " ney to Len ' All kinds of bust. ness attended to, too um. Durham Road, Bontlnck. Good dwelling. frame hank Gen. 'e/fee!!, Convenient location. WELD AN D GARDEN, wey YS.? new A Dollar for Were the Agent- for Drona 8m! huh. Singer Sewing lacuna. Walton“ Ml. Works. The Bell Organ a Piano 00.. Chum and Waning lacuna. dmtford, ttrmtkvilitst1rer Carriages We are .019 Agents in Dubai he the glam well known Idtpl-tta--. Binden, Mowers. Dun' Humv- ' Dice Cultivators, Hume Sadat Buy Rakes, Buy Lo N, Ted- dan, lunacy-Ennis Cream Sep'nton Highest grades only. The 1ftstrfitrrir 00.] McQueen & Morice Em banning a Specialty. Full line of Catholic Rohee und Mack and white Cap- for aged people. anly 82560. - 7- n--"' vwlallllla DU the followmg properties at the price: axed t A. BELL The Hanover Convey“; cr .li. MILLER, Fifty Cents mania. 80 no of Ill lilly QUARTERS - r, V -. "u vvvcuuulcut; "nuns m0 ind km property upon the lawn known plan not 4 you blunt“ policies “sued on we “and ' lumen! or one t{mum-m. Intern unit an mlumblc con Mom to the mound. [noun In the heat. If your inlurluce “plus can. you all on, or drop a cud to The Mange-t purely Mutual Age lumen Co. In outdo. A record without Ir,,',,e,tl and a Jun reward for honest econ-u. can.“ and grow by the Government; [mum We. hm mummy mm H... 1-..... "---, . mum flilf lllllllllllili emu? Durham I than: bunny the mum farmers and tttttem" who hare favored me with their and. 1nd hue fft,f'it in Announcing that 1wIlltettisettiiiG have In" pleunreln meeting in more oommodlou 1umn. all my old blend- and was m2; new ones. Prongho- ad deal- ine will can no to be my noun. You: toe My. FARMERS’ CENTRAL ' - ' I “canted Auctioneer for the Cat, MP“! anemia! to. I" We" ttUt an n " 1. grey w, non 'a old Maud, a on; 1Lt2tfN, _ _CL_A RK, McIntyre Biotse--umtttat a, Bucky 3nd Bell', old and um..- um. nu for lulu II ttt can. an. Inn tg2N'tt the Review 01- tiete,Duitiaiii. at (humane: “at...“ Muse, at to Ceylon P.0., will be mum], "tended to, I“. on AnlJIn-l‘nn .- Itarrutar, Sollclmr In Supreme Court Notary Public Comtmonen Money to Loan. once. over Gordon'n Jewelry Store um. IoCANNEL. Agent, pm or to DURHAI. ONT. (Lower ARTHUR , Auctioneers. MACKAY a; DUNN , Burma's. Sonata”. Conveynncerl. 0. Money to Loan. 06100. McIntyre Blockover the Bank A. G. Mum kc. w F a..- -V..--‘ . -. w-u-. .. ll. .. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto UMVU’IR) uma, thte no Cl Col banal Um Ott%r--catderu Block. over Pout (“In Insurance Agent. Money I Inner of Marriage Licenses. erat tttmetcieU mine“ tr “conned Auctioneer for U'o, University, I ot Dental Sn Over J t J W. c. PICKERING o. D s, L D S L, MCPHAIL- Mun-um Q..." - 7 to Damn Mf/g 'hen CARD OF THANKS MMW-ulm‘ "et"tomiarisiiroF.amtt, agtd 0.0, t? ".otottoqtttWti. Olduooagw, J. c. HUTTON. I. 1).. C. I notary Public, Commissioner. Gm VIYANCERJVM. “to kh"rp'lh"lel"t'frN,ettguty u Bic. Ear, Nose an Throat HONOR GRADUATE b-tt a. I - [LEI-1'" TMOCOIMOI No. " . F. GRANT o. D.S ata.ts.erieLiai Altman can. u. D., Oerion h" . telephone on... . 'tttPaAli., Ceylon P. 0 C. BAIAGE. Durban MEDICAL nity. graduate of Rays! Collm Ital Sn no of (Mario. Rooms J t J EUNTEB'S New More DENTAL: v-l-w- -.v.. wul " i lbs-non Applluuou nmg-__ ' cheIIan. 'rtin. bulb- in . P. TELFORD MGM. . - . our J.91_NMP'I M Licenced Auctioneer for the County of Grey, III-l than m a Won-n um mfm. DR. BURT OHIO! IOU" th.co. of any. bl. [ Due. m.“- " lmple mug wan. b-I.‘ -__A .. "310.... “0 “an Ho inn. Alone! to Loan on: the gavGir :. over Post one. Town) as. A gen- tramsacted - 0mm W F Dun of Toronto ., Urey P. 9y Ir m0

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