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Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1907, p. 7

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”grayed with “to. Inky”: Ji In]. although their client. in ty and diary”, declned that fir Hi Blackmail Attempt Made by English- man on His Wife. Brings Boys to States and Dona-do Ransom. MAN CALLS i FOR $50,000, " r: '.'iil! " Two Son: and Him- self. h = Paths tra carrying out such r” rrteartwhne laid High Court of Jun .' York, oet.'7.-uve. of two chil- uul tin: of their unnatural father, .nreutencd to kill than and bind! I Mow!» “Mun were paid, hung Mahmu- for thirty days in thu hile tlu. District Attorney of New ”unity, the Supreme Court, the " authorities, an well u the Pin. "ctevtive Agency and a firm of Na n in a I she , hula-rune Agrncy ind n nrm or beat their energies to avert. a aredy. 'ttsian .Iickiy ti TI mlvance. The man and In lived lavishly in the I hi1 funds were practi- . In order to "menial: Bottreeg he instructed hu s to sell his English pro- md him a draft for the My as possible. It III 1mm! for the first time Hr.- wart which seques- dd M Enraged, suites s in High Flam ne he can disappears at was not ot the lump economies. The man, imsffeottmi efforts to. employment. realized was desperate. " he Inmacial coup he felt d regain the object of _ was fovty you: old r mm; in England had to make his own way Ms little or nothing tld wru- him to gain u be needed is. " w h ui tlwn yi ls after Justice an dun. the English trib, ln-r the custody of the x and eight years old. t they be [en in the where they had been unim- xt fr mg that he would Jt eornmit suici'le. sen: to the solici- subsequently lent ll impossible, and re- .xit. In the High Court restoration of her ged, Donna. w father that he de. mnry. He gathered Lu avail:t'c.e, "bunt ". and made his ar. r the United Ntntes mum he had beeoate [[01:50]]. His love for 'wrtme lust. w vapours. ed that .3. is: 'rifico to pray": t such a dun-at. -'" MM the beta of Justbee. m h veg " his “in "N of the hus. nt. in her ami- 'ri an rally good birth and s of both are very ion, and Wand be pcrmns in New l his wire until uh and contented in Wo mm» were born m mu apparently " edchlwn and I infatuation is . which led hm nun-3's in Eng- '59 the sum of tai th they atio: hi< im-ome had ‘en in the posse: In! um-d her anec- sided to the ml- she saw that a vir own. She the story ttt h a turn that the advent of first reports slrandU mm. d in a circle I in am- for his wvnled for the q drama of two principals who, we: to London up: before the undo" h was don l-m was one enowned interest. , avail- raise m and the ttq a qua! ad is of .1 inher- estates 'me had is Sam; men put on their hest manners just a they put on a dress coat. for the Unitrd Starr's patent oi thi, :3qu of claims adjoining the Carbon Lake and St. Paul properties in the Red Mt nmnin district the (art has come to 53h: that one of the most valuable chin“ of the group is owned by Mrs. Cassie thdwiek, now in the Ohio Peni- tentiary. It is {understood that she cumuinto its possession through a New York broker, who is now financing a proposition to develop the property by s tunnel involving 8160/l00 outlay. ‘The claims, sixteen in number, contain enormous copper deposits, the estimated nine of which is piaced at $1,000,”. “I ot Discovery of Valuable Her Name " countess. The names of mau' tinguished Parisian women were into the trial under initials, as CD dents. The Countess charged true the reckless expenditure of her v Gould fortune. The use was (me most conspicuous that has been into the public limelight for yea (sum threatened an supra! but now. according to French law. lo the political aitiliatscms vi the Com as a member cf the Chamber ct Dew ties and the duels m which he had bee "successfully" involved. ,31. Labor great Fteeteh barrister, who defemle mud vindicated Capt. Drums ct Devi: The divorce action of the Countess against Boui was one that stirred the Lnitexl States and Europe, not only became of the oensatiottitl revelations brought out in the changes of the wealthy Atueriean girl, but because of the political aitiliatscavs at the Count Paris. Oct. 7.---'0e time limit in which Count “uni de Castellane could appeal to the Court oi Cnssation expired to- day and the divorce decree obtained by Anna Gould, the former Countess de Cas. teiiane, is now absolute. Mme. Gould has settled out of court the creditors’ claims both against her. self and the Count. ,_ --- "u... -au.‘ out ms threat was approaching. At length " ter repeated conferences the English. man}; New York lawyers said that they would direlose his abiding place if his wife would waive the contempt proceed. ings, we that the writ of sequentmtion was lifted and institute no criminal pro- wediugs against him. ---_--- L Transfex of Leo XIII. to St. John Latent: COUNT QUITS. t May Not Take Place for Years. Artua Gould is Now Free prom‘ Rome, Oct. 7.--Uardinal Satolli ' left Boni I llama w-day to spend a mouth in lum- " . , - ... . . . . . . gin. 1110 Cardinal, who is areltyriest of CJlIllIHl’l‘?!‘JLHLllfizellfllll:11$:l‘lllluu‘l‘ig:(llll we Basilica NLlJohn Latvian. wtteits the C I” '. y, . ' . A. l ' izmiy of Leo N ll. is to he buried, told tv",',',',,) 't"lJuud,tt,tciroe': 3:32:4‘1 it": the tirtv:sporulent of the Sun to-day that a . e . . . . I i' . T I . . , , '. . tlie renioval of thr. lope: body had lee. 99mm .,t.eait,gtge) ountess Je Cas. lawn postponed indefinitely and nut in imam“ tdl? hi: 2,"t'tik out of court all probability it would remain in tlu, ni' "Jhlt1"rlf, claim; both auainst her. provisional tomb at St. Peuw's fur Fev. » . e b ' ' . . ,, . wlf nud tho Count. eral 31.113. The New York attorneys of who were asked for his white: ed that if he had made any I was without their kuuwicxlge sent, but nevertheless they did sider it incumbent upon them where he lived. The days were n slipping past and the date on , man said thot he tvottl/ ,m-n upland} firm of attorney's in {his after the search and the se Pinkerton detective agency mind. The details vi the plmyd in the hands of Mr. that agency.” 1 ---- --- ---- recently of, -- --' uml ----. ---- do hereby solemnly declare and take oath below had that unless ttte court or my wile stop the legal proceed. ings that are going on by accepting the mtut!eineut l have ottered or " "llow. hug me out of my estate the all"! oi tum-m) (teu thousand pounds) in cash t an“: \uthiu one month from the date harem put an end to both my boys and myswll'. for I declare before' Gud that l mnFidt-r this far better and happier for us all - -- ---." . Practically all the clues which the law. yers of the wife had then were contained in the two letters, and with such insut. ficient data they sought to circumvent the plans of the Englishman on this side of the water. Therenu:mM " um.” b.-..... OWNED BY CASSIE CHADWICK‘ and -- _... and take oath am". or my l ings that are walement I He also sent a second sunn- date which read: ,v.__v_, "an“ I nu“ give tor the first 1mm (and this is the only one), via., let me take £10,000 (ten thousand pounds) in cash and my person- al efieets and sum; furniture. If either of these proposals are agreed to within the time named l have no objection to cunning alone to London to expedite the "eulementi. not otherwise and only it " will expedite it. This is tiual, cm;- and 'orever, and the sooner tlie utner aide knows that l run in earnest the bet. ter. tor I consider that l have been pun- ished mole than enough tor "u.vsltua , may lutte done wrong. up of Lo and I mtain I that a,“ "T"'""""", u can"!!! my or the court have any desire to Pl the children they must accept my , or one other alternative, which 1 give tor the first tin-a (and this i s...l.. es-_' . . wings, tor 1 am Mot a, to It even go into the gutter, much children. We are all better out way than that. tio if the and I deem it best that this should I onus regto with them. Please do understand me, for I mean en of it, and have made up my m: time since. Therefore, if either N am in receipt of your cablegram stating the writ block: all transactions, and that you cannot deal with - prop- erty. A settlement must be enacted with my wife. I will not alter my terms. 1 mean this to be final, for it she or the court, or both of them do not give way within one month of this date tthis in about the time that I believe the cash I have will last), I tell you most devoutly before God that I shall put an end to all The Threatening Letter. "This letter comprises my abnolute ticus and intentions. ' Dear Sits:---. The text of the first missive is as for lows.. mun 'hc- original loin-H: Tin-y were written on the letter heads of the New York attorneys, but did not give the ad. than " the writer. The Ell-fiat wilt-i- tors did not bring the envelopes in whieh tbe “Hamlin“! m-re disclowd, pleading that tlwy hall been destroyed. No clue an to the locality in which the English. nun had mailed the letters which might have Ireet: furnished by postmark; could thervfore be obtained. tribunal pereanPtorily summoned his ttt- tarm-ys before them and ordered them on pain of "otttenun tn auct.tse the atl- drms of their M'tent. TIM-V replied that they eonudvre,l what he had written as a privileged eommanieatitrn, but ‘he mart. tlPelaring that I threat to commit a twinn- had hum made. o:w'.ered that the up!” he c:>n.pliml with without 'lelav. His solicitors. then-upon prodttrwd in L| in Col.. Oct. 7.---rn tt United sttttts, patept past and the Unto on which the " bl. ‘A I . ' y all the clues which the- law. wiie had then were contained letters, and with such insut. they sought to circumvent , the Enghshmau on this side l. They engaged a well known Lorneys in this city to look am not Ge to let myself be gutter, much less my tailAetter out of the roan faithfully Mine Property in Colorado. if she and the court thit should be BO the his aiidrei, protest new do not mis- mean every word up my mind some if either my who r desire to protect t auvpt my terms document oi -the -arry out hi tt length af mar the utuer arms: the bet. have been pun- tor alumna , "vices cf the . were re. e qua-st were '. Pender, of a bruugh; an». The 1 not con. t to tell meanwhile thivats my am: as: Ja y he man ll has dia I titJW is the can it While the nuthoritiei consider the .’ man’s tttcuttal. qualities decidediy off! color, they have not been tble to find that there was sufficient dv'mngement l to necessitate his treate for the] disease. He was enmir - yanago to determine his mental condition, but King is the man who was taken into custody while trying to gain admit- tanre to the White House about three years ago tor the purpose. as he put is. of furnishing President Roosevelt. with instruction! as to how to run the Gov- ernment. King Was in prison several months for the Mimics. Peculiar ac" lions in Detroit soon after his release from the jail at Washington caused the police of the Michigan metropolis to take King into custody. Paris, Ont., Woman Leaves Her Hua- band at North Ionawanda. North Tonnwnnda despatch: Another i:itert's:img chapter in the life of Il 11- lum King, of humbuld avenue, "uf en. aictcul to-day, when his wife applied to kunnuiuimnr of Charities Schavor for transportaticu for herself and four smali chilhen to Paris, Out. trom other Paine Pius X., in referring recently to tlw difficuny oi removing ttis predeces- sui's remains, said: "When 1 leit Venice fur the last tin): l promised my good people there that t would go back to them alive or dead. I have broken half the premise already, but intend to fulfill the other half and urmuge for my burial there. l mu airnid, however, that I shall have to break the promise altogether, us since "t think the rcspunsi'uiiit} ioy un- happy marriages lit-s mostly with the woman. A woman's financial inde- pendence is her greatest blessing. it will keep many a one from saying the fatal Ives' when it should be 'nu.' "I want to warn girls against pro- posals tainted with the 'smell of whiskey. Every girl and Wtrtttatt should have some sort ot a religion." "I do not wish to give the impression that 1 am a. free-thinker and 1 would not have marriage abolished. But the system as it now is ks faulty. "I do not believe a marriage con-,1 tract should be permanent. Divorce} L one of the greatest blessings in the r world to-day. It is orul degradation! for a Woman and it man to live law gether us luau and wife after love; has passed away. For the woman, 1 can mmgine no more terrible fate than to be lettered to a man she has ceased I to love. Divorce is a necessity. £23512: Russell Declares It to be Greatest Blessing of To-day. Cincinnati, o., Oct. 7.-Lillian Ilus. sell to-day delivered a few thoughts on "Love, Divorce and Matrimony." Ex, ceritts, follow: h me Paris, Oct. 7.--The Gaulois declares tn-dny that Minister of Justic.- Cutyot. Ikswne, Prefect of Police Lepine and tho Public Prosecutor had a conference hat night, at which they drew up a list of the French ant'otilitarists, including Gustave Herve, to be arrested this morning. Orders were given also to seize the consignments at tho railroad statiuln of the Voix du Peuple, the or. 'gan of the “moral Federation of Labor. The present issue of this paper contains «mm violently worded articles. The po- liee went to the railroad station, but (In-y wore too Into: tho mum.“ ..I.......i.. French Government Intended to Arrest hrttiailitarists. nwantimo the assets are being realized upon to advantage, and as soon as the court is able to give the liquidator " di- rm-tion, a small dividend mu ho nah!” - ,,,_ ""rr‘v“ """ taken over the work of the reteree at the point where Mr. McLean requested to be relieved. Several statements have appeared that a dividend will be paid in the near future. As a matter of fact, it will be some Consider-bio time before any dividend can be paid. The referee has given n. series of appointments for the cotwvideration of the matters to be adjusted, but it is absolutely impossible, owing to the nature of the issues to be tried. that the referee can give a final judgment for some months, and after his judgment is delivered the various parties have tho right of appeal (first) to a \‘ingle Court judge, and from there to the other courts of appeal. It is, there. fare. [ms-slide that it may be a year Hr longer before the court can instruct tho liquirlntnr to pay a dividend. In the "reaminu‘ the assets are being realized _ T - CP went tn the railroad station, but my were too late; the papers already ml been removed. CAN’T REMOVE POPE'S BODY. Toronto, Oct. L--The National Trust Company, liquidators of the York Court. ty Loan and Savings Company, have is. sued tho following stateemnt.. "There has been some mtuunderstand. ing with reference to the present posi- tion of the York County Loan and Saw ings ('oxnpuny liquidation. The machin- ery for determining the rights of credit- ors was provided by the Dominion Act. and no change has taken place in the {iqluidatio .'."e5rt, that. yr: Kappele has i "There has been ing with reference tion of the York ( ings Conuhuw linu Will be Paid for 'a Year. a difficult to remove the body ofa ircst our church to another in 2:, will be illllumgsxblc to n-nmve one one extremity of italy to tlw .. the promise altogether, , difficuit to remove the mm; on;- church to an tt will be imptmgxblc to n WERE TOO LATE. N0 DIVIDEND m: DIVORCE A NECESSITY. THREATENS WIFE. a small dividend ian be paid." work _of the ri/tiris/iii While crossing the street opposite Ma home. about 6.30 o'eloek last night, the lad ran behind a westbound cut, and in front of one coming from the oppo- site direction. He was knocked down and the wheels passed over the right ler, almost severing it below the knee. He was carried to his home, where Dr. Harris attended him. This morning be was removed to the Sick ChiUrea's Hos. pital. A Victim of an Accident Starts Life Territriy Hsesdieepped. Toronto despatch.. Little Charles Me. C'huv, the "voyeur-old so“ of John A. McClure. 1.268 King street. 1uul to have his right leg amputated above the knee at the Sick Children's Hospital this morning. Thomas Harding and Robert Puguel' A Toronto despatch: The mystery sur- Sent for Trial. l rounding the disappearance from London . Niagara Falls deapatcll: Thomaa Hard.j of Dugald Ross, the young Streetsville ”a???" Report Pasquel, who were ar- cr stock dealer, has not ended apparently {$11111 JLtlttt'rahtfie',,' i',', "l,'.ll'1" _ with his lot-ation under an assumed "YY a third man, whose identity and where. j at a hotel in Dover. Having suecerded in about, are still unknown, covered De. [discovering his whcrenlmuts, the London teetive Greenwood with a revolver and police and the London press are now bu,. escaped, were this afternoon committed 5 My engaged in trying to fathom the ren- for trial at Welland by Police Magis. I sons tor his busty departure from the trate Cruikshank. The charge against , u1erropolis and his journey to Dover. All Pasquel is carrying weapons for pur- l fears as to his safety were set at vest poses. dangerous to the public-pare. i yesterday by the recepit or n whit-gram Harding as the same charge against i trom the Canadian Associated Press,au. lllm, also one of carrying explimivei. The l nouncing that he had been found in the contents.“ an eight-ounce bottle found i railway station waiting room at Dover, Ott Harding Ft" tested by Francis Nug- l where he had been staying at the IL" ent, an expert in explosives, and found l tel Burlington under the name of Robm. to be u nitro-glyoeririe of high pun-or. ‘son. The commission "visited Munich, Zur- ick Tubingen, Giessen, Paris, London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. They will strongly urge the establishment of a psychiatric clinic in connection with the new hospital. In Munich, Dublin, and Edinburgh particularly many mar- vellous cures of supposedly acute and chronic cases of mental affliction have been effected under the new system. ‘. ' - ’7 -t _ With Dr. Clarke and Dr. Ryan. whom he joined at Berlin, the Minister form. ed an official commission to look into the operation and conduct of European asylum», with n view of securing sug- grations fur ()nturio. "Our report will be ready in a month’s time," he told a re- portvr this morning. The Government Commission Reports Cures Numerous in Germany. Toronto, Ott.. L-ihe asylums in G'vruiany un- bung practically emptied, and pativnts are returning to their humos cured," is the remarkable message brought by Hon. Dr. Willoughby, who n-tm-nml to the Parliament buildings this manning. after his transatlantic trip. S'he has helped the Anti-Dress League, nimbers of which are pledged to have only two dresses a year besides a tea gown Slu- founded a school for horti- culture, dairy work and poultry keep- ing for young women, a home for criir plol children and a technical school. hurl-amt scandal at Tranby Croft. Shefnnd tears streaming down her cheeks. “if; she 11Ut'/ til” 0;". "ttgtuitf, f Mrs. Hodison.Haekell trenrbiiugly told to "iotttP, pu w e a w. w "c e! the Jury who will decide her son Georoo‘s ' " , . ' 1 . e l1it"cdv1tv1t',','. now the King, tried l fate of the insane taint which she says A few years ago the ominous startled‘ has .run in the family for tseveral geu- the world again by declaring that she erattotig. . . wnsit Socialist. She wrote and spoke in Her testimony was adduced Ill an favor of her ideas and declared that if effort to Show that ($0qu Pyuon was she were, a multimillionaire she would m.'t responsible for his actions the spend every penny for the Socialist night he stabbel Peter Forrestel to mownwnt. She spent her money for the death. . . mum» and during the last campaign in {Alter first ttui.nf a.bo.ut the boyhood England slink}! with other Socialists at f. t r.. “a?! fe 1‘“th Eton?” tamily political meetings. In London she spoke lf 33¢ Qt y' e t said: £19078 3m? to the workingtnen and the Mek labor- boy e e Tff'.'. te Sluo er “lull f on. standing on a cart to address them. , and ty my kuowledge he has kept it This eduntess objects seriously to the) Insane. rperudescenee of the story that she was! --- 1uillvd "Babbling Brooke" in London so-‘ . . . (day because of the revelation of the! Buffalo, Oct. 7.--Witls quivering lips The Countess of Warwick was Lady Brooke until her husband succeeded to the marldom in 189h. She is the daugh- ter ot' the late Col. Henry Maynard, a son of Viscount Maynard. She was pre- -rntc-:‘ at court in 1880, and on account of her great beauty at once attracted attention. She married Lord Brooke in 1351. She took tt leading place in Lon. don 'society and was singled out by the Prim i' of Wales, now King Edward, and lu.eortte more prominent through his frievUhip. _ __ Mrs. King laid that Kit le;; ymtexdny because {school principals sent the gimme. The principal the l to have the lad go home I Aing became so pron {threatened the life of the then turned on his wife w I knife. Tlu, countess said to the reporters: "I shall be here only two weeks, and I sin. vvrely wish it were only two days. I am Inn-v as a private person. I am not go- ing to talk. I think after a few hours rest I shall leave for Virginia. No, I um um here to discuss any international charity scheme." New Yoak, Oct. t.--Tu'Countes. of Warwick was a passenger on the steam- ship Campania. She was on the passen- ger list as Mrs. Greville. The countess is going to Mnnticello, where she will be th'e guest of Jefferson M. Levy. Over for a Brief Time Only to be the Guest of Jefferson M. Levy at Bil Place in Mtnttieelio--0triee" to the “Babbling Brooke" Story, an Ancient Scandal. SHE BASNT MUCH TO SAY HER VISIT To U. S. COUNT ESS WARWICK. AMPUTATED RIGHT LEG. __ -, sun With her four small eiliii'red she en- tered the Commissioner of Charities' office this morning, determined to leave her husband and live with relatives in Paris hereafter, provided she could get transportation. Her request was granted. Mrs. King complained to the luthori- ties this morning" that her husband be. came violent yesterday and attempted to murder her with a butcher knife, She succeeded in ending him, and with her four small ohm...“ A... -- the physician who made the tton lound that the nun was um time. BURGLARS' APPLIANCES. EMPTY ASYLUMS. may because due of the ipaln sent their eldest boy principal thought it best lad go home for treatment. "er, provmed she could tation-. Her request was aid that King flew into a a.... , so provoked thiirnii life of the principal and his wife with a butcher ABOUT Ross had been startttur at the hotel Uit- ou In" t?ttemtttat c'orttpotsitiott of the Mee', d r the name of RQlllYISUII' and on beiug that the railway men and the steel mak. -llall<:neaed I; . the ins 1iiCi. 1Ui,iiiif. Pr.s cannot agree. The railway eortvatittee iun" an“ all admittedl {hag lie “its Wtttttq It mil low in phosphorus and hill! l'uss 1"i',','ll'/ib' to this eablegram Run in earbou, with a quart-w of the mmten ." L..'. . F . .10 . . . . _ nuns at the in ot cut off . '.",'",, '...' n interviewed by The meng Newts, stat g as a slisecrd. ml in re ly to a nation as to why he - ----_----- left bouillon that lle had been “done out no FEAR or ACETYLENE. of £37,000 in eonneetion with the Kim- I. h berley diamond mine shares." In answer ' The GRIN! Trunk Witt Haul Cars of to a query as to how he lost such a' Other Lines Thus Lighted. big amount Ross said: "it all oeeurred Toronto,0ct. 7.--A modification hm: on. Tuesd-y week. It wat, 0 freak of ' been made to the order rm-entlv issued mine, and was all my own fault." To I by the Grand Trunk Railway éompmy a Star man Ross said he left London prohibiting the haulage of can equipped to go. afte: a man who from inquiries i by acetylene gt". The officers of the he had “nee ma'le 'seemed P. have es- l road are now instructed to accept and eaped P.the 'y1ttimPt, while yet an- ‘ handle C. P. R. can with passenger other insistent itttereiewer claimed that 1 equipment, ttttd all amok! an of the he 'iee1ared " V" Ttur an“! tt 2 Chuutditut Pacific. Can-dim Northern, mun who had robbed him of £20,000. I Temlshmluz t Northern Railways, and Both The News and Tbs Star ay that .11 other ofthiat cm until January let Ron indulged in ambition- of winning 1908. ' , A Toronto despatch: The mystery sur- rounding the disappearance from London of Dugald Ross, the young Streetsville stock dealer, has not ended apparently with his location wider an assumed name at a hotel in Dover. Haring succeeded in Declares He Was Rohhed-leiii, Strange Stories to London Newqapermen- Alleged to Have Bad Ambitions of Winning the Derby. SEE LIVED AT DOVER STATION HOTEL UNDER ASSUMED NAME. The eroas-extrmination of Mm. Has. kell did not develop any new features except that her son had probably quit the cigarette habit during his three years' confinement in the Rochester 1teformtttory. The other witnesses for the defence were men with whom Hudson worked on the day he killed Forrestel. They were put on the stand to prove that Hodson had been drinking all the after. noon and evening of July 10th. at “Many of our family had been " ilieted with insanity. My own sister committed suicide by going over the Falls. A male cousin of mine is now an inmate of the Buffalo State Hos. pital. Two sisters who were double cousins of my mother died insane in Bloomingdale Asylum. A girl cousin on my father’s side shot herself and her brother also commited suicide. My great grand father and n great grand-uncle al- so killed themselves.” ONTARIO ARCHIVE"? TORONTO After first telling about the boyhood of her son, she went into the tamily history. Mrs. Haskell said: "George mu an inveterate cigarette smoker when a boy and to my knowledge ho has kept it up ever Since. Her testimony was adduced in an effort to show that George Hudson was not responsible for his actions the night he stabbel Peter Forrestel to death. MURDERER’S MOTHER TELLS " IN- SANE TAINT IN FAMILY. ROSS WAS FOUND. She had left her house at 8 o'clock, walkin out in Grand avenue. She was swppetf by titodrieia. who again told her of his love and asked her to marry him. When she refused his offer and at- tempted to pass on, he seized and thcesr tened her. She laughed and pushed hin. aside. Then, without further warning, he drew his revolver and fired fire shot... Tenrfully Tells of Relatives Who Com. mitted Suicide or Were Inmate: of Aity1urns--Wfort to Prove Hudson Insane. The shooting of Mrs. Maurno occurred on the sidewalk in Grand avenue in front of ystodrieits'a house. Both are Italians. Mrs. Maniac was passing and was seen by Stodricia. She had left her husband three months ago and since that time the man had tried to force his attentions on her, without success. Maurno, Mrs. Loretta, 30 years old, 153 Grand avenue, shot three times in back by Joseph Stodricit, laborer, who lives at 173 Grand nvenue. Stodricin was arrested and confessed. Human, Mrs. Mnr'y, 23 yeari old, 178 North Wood street, shot in head by her husband, Lloyd Haines, a laborer, who then shot himself, dying almost instant- y. :‘TWO CHICAGO LOVE TRAGEDIES; , TWO WOMEN BADLY INJURED Chicago, Wt. 7.L-Two women were shot and probably totally wounded in Chicago last evertirqt--one by her hul- band, who later committed suicide, and another by I Jealous ouitol- whom she had rejected. The two use. were entirely upstate, but both women now are ntr St. Elizabeth's hospital. 1 Both Were Shot; One by Her Husband and the Other by Jealous Lover. . Mrs. Manrno fell and her A SAD STORY. assaila nt New York, Oct. 'i'.-msere in said to be a hitch in the negutintioms now in progress looking to the manufacture of a perfect steel rail because the steel rail manufacturers assrrt they cannot make the rail demanded by the committee of the American Railway Association. It is on the chemical composition of the steel that the railway men and the steel mak. ers cannot agree. The railway committee wants a rail low in phosphorus and high in carbon, with a quarter of the mom'n mass at the ingot cut off as a "discard." British Columbin Presbyterian, Beid an Organisation Meeting. Vancouver, Oct. 7.--With the object of tninmg young men for the work of the: church, a meeting was held Tuesday night at St. Andrew's Church for or- ganizing uuivetsity work by the Pres- byterian: in British Columbia. 'the mm-ting was the organization of the 'iettate and Board of Muanmm-nt of the Presbyterian Theological College of British Columbia, which was appointed liy the General Assembly whim met in Montreal last June v B"'""", mm" .. "a: of dhmonds from the window. placed it under his coat adn walked down the street. The clerk gave chase and the man dropped the diamonds and run, but was soon caught and handed over to the “roux. He denied taking the dia. mo B, saying they were mistaken in u.“ awn rang"! and handed over to themfolim. He denied taking the Ilia. mo B, saying they were mistaken in the man. He give his name as Ward, and said he was an American. V a fi. _._. -v. III-Ill“ ull l the bedeiothei. Crouley shouted for help {but was silenced with a, threat to kill ihim. The man then coolly told him he (ras a burglar, that he had ransacked ithe house and that he meant to remain ‘1 until daylight. He did so. Vancouver, Oct. 7.--A daring dia. mond robbery was committed at noon to- day in Broadheadu jewellery stone. Hastings street. While the clerk was serving a customer I man walked in, and‘si’ling back a panel, took a tray ." A "Hunt. 42....“ n . . _ (‘rossléy "lives nigh-e evidently expected to money, but did not. Daring Wilkesbnrre, Pa., Oct. 7.--When the mas Crowley, 80 years old. of Frosty Valley, near here, awoke early yesterday morning he found a man in bed with ':,iecsh,etrhty at him for pulling off the, J‘AAL_- (LA, I . . - - - t The auicide of Raina and the attempt- ed murder of his wife furnished the ml. ‘mination of a aeriea of quarrel: which I neighbors acid the couple had indulged in since their marriage" two years ago. Three weeka ago Mm. Raine. left her husband, but a reconciliation waa 'brought about, and last Saturday she (returned to live with him. A dispute arose before the shooting last evening 'and Mrs. Raine: declared her intention ate leave again. It was with the aim {of preventing this, the rroliee believe, I that Raina tried to mur er her. Both wvere only partly dressed when the po- l lice arrived. i Mrs. Hainea was taken to the hospital Iland her husband's body was taken to IConboy’s undertaking rooma, 621 Gmnd avenue. Man Wakened Up by Burgh: Swear T ing at Hill. In reuponne to i uiriec, his banker in Toronto 'tated an Dugnld's trans- actions with him had lllel been up isfactory, but he declined to make any further statement " to his resources. mu. un-u surrounded by I. gang of swindlers and had been robbed of 1:37,- 000. Ross lays he had been reduced to his last shilling and the manager kindly paid for some of the telegram: sent. He had been expecting a draft from home. the Derby with a Canadian horse and joekey, and that, apparently ignorant of the conditions of entry for the famous race, he intended next year starting an establishment at Newmarket. Interviewed iii, i‘EeSin, had been 'surrounded by typtdlers and had been rel: RAN OFF WITH THE DIAMONDS. ride returned nlmolt to the tune spot where he had shot Mrs. Munrno. He then gave himself up end was locked up. He confessed that he did the shooting. could not be found. The chase led through alleys and 1tTets ‘in a. tsireyitoy route until Stod- Five minutes ar. titodrieia, who hnd gone into hiding in . pun-gown be- tween two nearby houses, dashed out and mu out in Grand avenue. Men, wo. man and boys took up the chase. As he an. Stodrich nation-d along the side. walks more than thirty cartridges. The revolver with which he did the shoot. ing could not be found. fled. Many persona, attracted by the shooting, gathered and Joined the police in the immedhte touch for him. The “It Chimp police ambulance took Mrs. Mgr-o to the med. - B URGLAR IN BED. TO HAVE A UNIVERSITY STEEL RAILS. Jewelry Robbery " Vancouver Frustrated. me and the burglar I huh 'tu find at hoard of I ture ‘- Nail, Ross said he to Degree of M.uy-Geome Mcmunl, Glens"... Degree of B. tk.-.--, J. Glenna. King- Ito_n; A. A._M_qrphy, Portland, Degree of B. A.--Willitun Beggs, "tttl. ville; C. E. Dunhun. Frankville; J. W. English, Mimics; F. J. ItuttlttGuetpht T. R. Kerr, Part Routh: W. H. Kirk. patrick, Bradford; Jessie Muir,Almottuu Eva P. Meconk.r, Broekville,. J. C. Pomeroy, mainline. The new department of pedagogy " Queea's opened this morning. The" were thirty students in “madame. The chat will probably ton] forty when all arrive. Degree of D. D. C. M.--L. L. McCain. bridge and R. F. Nicholle, Kingston. Degree of B. Paed.--W. J. Kerr, B. A., Sarniu; J. H. Pnuuan. (Mama; F. d. Pound, Kingdom 11m... M. Reynolds, Kemptville; W. E. Spam. M. D., Belle- ville; A. Wilma, Warkworth. Results of the September Ell-in- than. Kingston, Oct. 7.-These degrees wet. announced at Queen's L'uiwrsity UH. afternoon as the results of the tseptem- her supplement-l examimttioms.. the Yukon to. Vnncouver Muir TGoa Ti; the Atlantic (out. mud: many prominent newspaper Incl lmw rvupondt-Al to the invitations to join the party, and considerable enthusiasm i, expressed towards the object in View. The first pnctical steps Wen- taken by the new: editor of the Otttgtxtg China, “ho is gathering the opinions of all t'atmda'tslnewsparrer men. . Thus far “a; ngmgg _of theyiutorested extend from t It in the general opinion of the diplo- matic world that the premature seale- meat of the Ruuo-Jq-neee War was the greatest mistake in Mr. Roosevelt'. career. Another yenr'n campaign would hue brought freedom within the pup of the Russian people, AM so exhausted Japan that the yellow danger would have been postponed to the distant fu. Canadian Newspapemen May Cum the Pond, Ottawa. Oct. 7.---Preliminary arrange- ments are under way to make up a pur- ty of Canadian newspaper men for . tour of Britain next year in order to slim: the “real Canada" to Britain. Al- sanding that the German fleet will be ready to protect American inn-rent- in the Atlantic This would signify many things. It would he Kaimar Wil. heimhs reply to all of King Edward’: great diplomatic work of the put three years for safeguarding the peace of Eur. ope. " might Melly result in orraying the United Stain-s and Germany against I‘__I__j A, ' I Another section of the diplomatic eir. cle puta quite a different interpretation upon the American policy. They find it any to believe the current report that there in a tarit or definite under- England and Japan Very different, indeed, in the View taken by chi Mullen of Europe, and “MI t, 1hrwniug Street. harem '1'tl'h,df regard the matter with greater anxiety than any interna. tional crisiu of ”out yearn. Opinions agree in this, that the sending of tho fleet, no matter with what peaceful pro- teatatiomr, in a distinctly provocative move, and the danger of untoward inci- dents which intentionally or unintention- ally might lead to war is immense. In . word, if the American “mad: when to the Far East, Europe will expect war to " In... follow London, Oct. 7.--Europe has begun to take keen and spectacular interest in the tsending of the American fleet to the. Pacific. It sees in the proposed naval dcmomtntlon but a Provocative move :31th Japan And it will await its out- come with lively impatience. The tsitutr tion apps." to them to involve nothing beyond ' quarrel between the United Sam and Japan, and it unnot be will today that Ingrown public sentiment heliu- to either aide. European Stunner: Regard With Greater Anxietv I fi___ '- w-ut people or “rained relation between Japan and the United Sum his eloquent utter, lnces ought to have completely din- pelled it and have inspilN unwr- allot." derstariui git-i; Wan-"k1. Should I a . -_ W- --- """"""" ww.w in; of nation. mama». “The whole lituntion Wu talked over between Mr. Tnft and nyqu two your. Mo, on the occasion of his Int visit here. A perfect understanding was then arrived nt between the authori- ties of both Governments, And no change In ulna been made therein. I tirmry believe tint nothing on duke the toundntion on which the historical relation of both nations are built. there' is nothing more Absurd than the cry of war between the United states Ind Japan, and Mr. Taft has now, by " speech, put an indelible an] on the (sordid minion- And perfect un- dornt- in- on: AL . "t an delighted that Mr. hit}- brief visit has been made the occasion for an i,diqnttatsie demontsteation of the friendly mum between Japan “a the United Mates. Attempt: have been 'rude to ninnprueut the existing re- lations of both countries. but they must he attributed to the work of in- tcmt‘ed ertim and are hardly dean“ I Mfiiiiiit" CLOUDS. TRIP TO BRITIAN. Tana, Oet. t.-4louttt Kat-um, ex- Jame-e Pannier and a member of the unitary council of the empire, to-dn' Fans 1» “MT-ft dc.“ Kalli-n. DEGREES AT QUEEN'S International Crisis of 'Recent AWARSCARE run In ucmc my ems: noun. tty phi-7 JrTar; r haw-(u: -iJti Iuapieion have ex. people of {I Matter m Any Years. (r! ‘ A 9y

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