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Durham Review (1897), 10 Oct 1907, p. 8

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t immune: and is “113;“; aT, 'll'il'l no hundreds in “in town T. It. train. and she is now in town, and in alluust completely overcome by the unfortunate outcome of the “lair. [Richardwn w“ evidently about the llwkest liar that ever tstruck tho town. and he certainly has his not" mth bun. The story of how he Kept com- punv with Miss Weir for eight months mm his own wife And family lino. In the same town is almost beyond tu. het. andthat his douhle life '1. not diicovered noon" in l wonder. For His. Weir, nothing bat tho must profound "mu-my in expressed. She is I Invonte among a log. n- "tsoar"-., -.-" s, "_. .. "0n Tundny evening the (other. Mr Adam Weir, brought hi: daught- pr home from London on the In“ a. T. R. train. and she is now in town, and is Almost completely overcome by the unfortunate outcome of the “lair. The clmxnu‘terof the scheming no. Cl. is well shown in this paragraph front the sun of Oct 1. "In order to put himself in as good lightas possible with the relating; it " Mid that. Rich- ardson frequently curried a bilvle in his pocket. which he produced at times when it would he most. effective. In other wnyw he tried to 'qttneqt him- self with the family. The following from but Friday'u Bun completes the and story: hut. through acme rest It: made. “wen Sound in stirred deeply by a _ (”he of Wife. (insertion and hignmy,l th-ehief sullen-r heir): Miss an. ar- et Weir, daughter of Mr Adam vain l whore grandparents live near here. ', ('nnlrul‘y to the advice of her parents! Miss Weir permitted the attentions of; a man almost twice her age. named Wilson. and was married to him early l in September lair. going off npparent- I Iv an a marriage tour. Same enqairs in resulted in the grotesque discovery , that the man was married. and wilo’ and three children living In Owen Mound. his reai name helng i,itiiiir-l sun! They w0re mat-ed to London. where Miss Weir's, father mum: than. I ROBERT BURNETT iii), $6fififi$£fi£$£§§§ :33 Strictly up-to-date Furnishings THE PE0PLE'S STORE Headquarters for Solid Gold Rings Fresh Groceries always on hand For Fall, mixed tweeds in checks and stripes in all shades, browns, gums, reds and stays. A Full, Complete Line of Dress Goods In all shades and patterns just arrived, so come ine before buying elsewhere. tor fall, but come in our store, while our stock is new and we will show you the nattiest range of Clothing ever shown. It is part of our business to be constantly on the look-out for Correct things for men and at prices that are an inducement_ to them to come to us. Now it's a known fact that men's attention is a great deal harder to attract and hold than the ladies’, yet we have succeeded and are now supplying the majority of the men of Durham and surrounding country with the renowned REGENT Clothing. Dou't sit and wonder about 1ndies'New Fall and Winter Coats A Double Life. THE IMPERIAL SHOE-rn patent, kid, dougola and box calf Selling Agents for the Famous Imperial Shoes and Renowned Regent Clothing Your New Suit or Overcoat _'raeed ii, Lrndod, father found them, l-lundering no ar- )prye wtttt I Hie wife. who survives him was Miss kept com- Ellen McCormick. end to them Were Ill, unqnths born two eons and two daughters. My tivuttt One of the dung literals Mrs. Ju. Ewen 'erond he. nearby. the ot here bein " home. ‘ W" not These will deep] ' mourn [it loss of . er. loving huebnnd ' Ind father, while to a ‘ bot tt wide circle , fri gt?, who burner? ta; express . 800mm: eh n geoi up: to large ec- "tttttted. bi... humanly wetting. esteemed. Immature remm ml in unatten- of deep own who met. ROI In lent week'a issue we noticed briefly the death hf the above gentle- man on the 2nd inst. His funeral took place on Fr iday to Suugeen (Jewelery and Was very largely attended by his numerous relatives and a. wide circle of friends in the townships of Bentinck and Glenelg. I‘hlus not the. first time Richmd- son has left his Wife. Several years a- s". it is said, he akipped out WIN) an- other woman. . _._..._.,,_.1...._-... -. p..." of Nte, and the youngest a baby of fire months. on pvery side. t'Fiiriilitfr' WRETES wife is also expressed. She is left with three children, the oldest}! years: "elitye. that the lynch law should he applied to the rascal Richardson. The 5,'2?Pet,y"iit,ehie is exp-eased Inn on...” a: .. cr------..-., _-.-., "c, . BUTTER & EGGS WANTED. The Jeweller, Durham" _ h, WEBSTER“ John chl'thur. Obituary. in and exam- sl, Containing 505cm: more or less, Good land. well wutered. Good brick house and frame lmrn With stone basement stables. On good lending line of road, " miles from the town of Durham and adjoining the new 0 P R track, tmile from school. Will sell right to quick buyer, Don't miss a Rood opportunity. For further par- ticuhrs apply at the Rsvmw OFFICE. -6 We are not in the political husinesn. but we have a strong conviction that the (:unadian Manutaeturerrp Associa- tion which Is Hamming for higher protection had better let well enough alone. With the coat of all commodi- ties sleadilv soaring, the people of Canada are not in the temper to anh- mit tamely to he bled to the white for the Nttteftt of the few It is time for a cnamte.--Prmrbyteritus. 0F BANKRUPT HARDWARE, ETC. 1rAnRzrtv.-rn Winnipeg. on Satur- day, Sept. 21st. to Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Flu-telly a son. Mrs. F. wan formerly Miss Nellie Moran ot town . MARRIED MAcF'Atu.Ai-MAtrMrLLAN--in Anil- gonish, Nova Hoolia. on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Mr. Me- Into,,h, Mr, Robert MacFarlane of Durham. Ont. to Miss Annie L. Mc- Millam GRAY - McINNrra.---On Wednevdav. ht 25, at Knox parsonage, by Rev, S Nelson. Annie Georgina Mc- Innes, to Herbert Thornton “my, both of Hamilton. W. D, Mills of Durham. Ont., drop- ped off for why to visit his hair-broth.- er. F. A. Livingston. who now rem-cunts the Heintmnan Piano Um in this town. Mr. Mills is en route to Edmonton. where he has been ap- pointed district manager for the North American Life Assurance Co. of Tot. onto. Mr. Mills has never helore been In Portage. and was very much imp pressed with the substantial appear- ance ot the csty.--Portage La Prairie Review. Sienna”: Old Bund, Durham Congratulation): to Mr Rom McFar. lane on entering the ranks of the hen. 9dicts. We Will have more to any later. The happy couple are " on a trip to Vancouver thus spanning the eortiuent. J Ty also to Mr Hal-h Gray whose wedding native appears else. whom. Mr John Montgomery, of Orange Valiay. who lorxuerly modelled in Durham. left last. week for a four year’s caurae in Victoria College. Tor.. onto. to prepare fuen Methodist min. inter. Mrs. N. W. Campbell and daughter, Mism hlny. returned but. week after spending the summer months In Mus- let and visiting relatives on the way om». heat FradL/tirr' YGaiAi." Mt. Henderson. of Owen Bound, after being lli.rit for two weeks at the. lagmpof‘ ruN, W. pamphell. left It JC Nichol arrived home Bred. nesday after Fandmg a fortnight with Flint friendr.and reportaaflne ogting and rll old Durhmultes well t ere. Mrs Young of Wand by, Accompanied by Miss Sarah McArthur of Bencinck. arrived home Tuesda¥ after spending a fortnight with lich gun frienthr Mrs. Bradshaw and Mrs, Martin. Toronto, mother and sister of Mrs. Dr Jamieson are guests with her this week the former remaining for some time. The stock of F. lit Signer. unsigned. Grate» amps ever offered in town. Come qultstrlr-8akt now on. See bills and next woek't papers for fuller particn 1m. _ Mrs. Thos. Martin, [in Martin and Mrs. Alex Jamieson, of Mt. Forest. were guests of Mrs. (Dr) Jamieson last. Friday. In. H. Picker-ix; of Toronto and Miss Pickering of t Pore" left, Tues- giny after visiting Dr. and Mrs Picker- lug. Mr. and Mn. Donald Fnrqnbanon. Uhntham. are guests this week at the Presbyterian Manse. Mr. Dsye Smith. is home from Strut- ford, Improved somewhat after his Ierious mishap. Mina S. B. Ogden. Ottawa, in the gust of her friend, Min M. McKwnzio. Mr Howard Tyroman returned to Medical College in Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs! C Camper left on Tuesday to join her husband in Texas. Mr Bead Jmieoon tusa resumed Col. lege life in the city. A Inter J amen Smith was in Btratforrt over the week end. Mn Mowere in visiting her parents in Michigsn for name time. CLEARING SALE S. MGINTYRE Farm for Sale. 60 DAY BORN. ‘-> THE DURHAM REVIEW The rush is on. Everybody wants Millinerv stance. We anticipated this condition and are prepared witn a large stock of aim-date millinery right here in Dar' am. Every new idea evolved in Toronto and New York may be seen in our showroom. and excluiveneu. variety. end at- most moderation lee, will be our steadfast aim. e extend you a cordial welcome to view the may new styles. . . q . Parisian Milhnery Co. . O i Miss Dick. l , Besides her husband. a family of tive daughters and four was “we to muum ', the lost: of a luving wife and fond mother-Mrs. R. MrDonnld, of Dro. mole ' Mrs. M. Campbell, at Culling- wood l Kan. Univ. Lorena and Albert. at home: Alex., James and Rune", ih the West, who were unable to be home at the time at her death. She also laws one hrothvr, Mr. D. (”grin-lane. of Durham, and two trite ‘ten, up Jar. MrUnnnell. of Church. ride, and Miss M. McFarlane, of Tor- onto. _""rClg06T.--tatMH, week's In ner Sun has A notice of the death of an. Wm McConnell, of Nouawuugn. tsis. ter of Mr. D. lcFurlane, of Ito Roy, Glenelg. from which we quote.". "8le died on 2tit h Sept. at her home on 11th con. of Noltawasngu. Deceased was born in the Toyvnship of King in 1851. mo_ving from Ihelo with her parents to Proton township. where she lived till her nmrnage on Junemb, 1874. Mrs, McConnell mm a woman of rinciple and good Judgment With a Ewe " all that, was good and true and who was highly Inspected by all who knew her, She will long he miss- ednot alone in the home where the chair is would}. but also by A wide, Circle of blends. she died mm lived. I a humble Christian woman. The pall bearers were Arch McLean Malcolm McPhail, Jos Campbell. Don McArthur, Roger McEachern and John McDonald. To the bereaved husband more es- pecislly no vouch the sentimentsof all friends and 'equtsittttsmses in sym- pathigine with him for in loneliness he has to travel the remainder ot life‘s journey whieh according the natural course oi life cannot be tar off into the future, but may be cheered with the hope of meeting his long life partner in the home of many mansions where tears are not shed and parting is no more The funeral on Wednesday, 2nd inet., to Prloeville cemetery. Was l lsrgely attended. Mrs McPhail be- longed to Ithe Presbyterian church, her pastor. Rev Mr Matheson preach. ing the funeral sermon from the words " In my Father's house are many mansions, ae. tt Latest Fashion in Millinery Mrs McPhail like many of her coun- try women had to endure her own share of hardships ot rearing a large family while herring outs home in the woodsof Glenelg where she and her companion resided for the last 57 years being 53 gears on the farm where she ended er days. Mrs Me- Phall raised s family of " daughters and three sons. Theseus are Hugh, near the old home, John who holdsa I responsible onice in Duluth. One son ‘Neil died a few years ago " Duluth. The daughters are Christians. Mrs, Chas. McDonald of Bruce.) Jane and Flora at home, Kate of Toronto. An. nie, Mrs McDermid of Toronto and Eftie, Mrs Neil McLean ot the 800. During her illness Mrs McPhail had the bestor care and attention from her dutiful daughters who made all endeavors -tn soothe the pangs and pains of it beloved mother, butthe hour ot her departure wssat hand and no earthly physician or remedy scold stay the pOWeriul hand of eath. l Again we are reminded that here we have no continuing place of abode. One by one ofour members are pass- ing away week alter week. The outh may die but the aged mutt. Flfl,' week we ieel it our duty to give a short sketch of the life of one who reached the highest mark alloted man in the non of Margaret Black beloved wilFe’Oof Mr John cPhaii. of South Gleneig on the evening of the 30th Sept,, after months of illness borne with Christian patience " ther good age of eighty years and four, months. She was born in the Isle oc, Mull. Scotland. in the year 1827. She sailed with other members of the family in the year 1845 to take a home in the new mantra; landing in Township of Vaughan. 11mg York, after being a couple of moot s from the time t ey setsaii in the old land till they arrived " the th Con. of Vaughan to the residence of the families' uncle, the late Arch MeDom ald. After spending a couple ot I years in the township of Vaughan she with the other mem era of the family moved to the townshi of Bentinck. near Dornoch where age married Mr McPhail 57 years ago both being 23 years of age " the time of their anion Few there are to be found that had such a long life together fighting the battles otllife in prosperity and ad versity for in the early days adver- sity had to he contended with for the conveniences that are in use to-day were very few and far between in the early days. TORONTO OB:TUARY.TLIIS_L _ mtee'o In The Obituary Owen tsoGaRiis't 4th In contradiction ot I report being eirtstilatedto hurt the Temrornuoe cause in Durham the follow an bu been received front headqlumu in Owen Bound. " Since the temperance poo le took over the Seldon Home. mega bu been no liquor sold in the hotel. No one has been Med. Thin in one of the many reports that hove’boen cit“; named by the enemies at the tem. pernnce canoe. Therein no founda- tionlor ouch sropon You any " pend upon lt if nayono dared wool such a thing the Hotel Cb., Mid prosecute thin. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the funerniofthe late Jno. McArthur, of Aberdeen last Friday. Rev. Mr Farqnhareon will hold a prayer meeting in the Gauge Hell this Wednesday evening. The threshing round Edge Hill is now completed tor the ma. Mr Thas Firth left In; Week to re- sume amulet at Toronto University. Ill-_ .___,n- . - _ -V --- _ -"'"". . Miss Amy Edge left last week to " tend NormulCollege in Toronto. We wish her much success. The Annual Meeting of the beer. ring was held on the 2nd inst. and everything was ttatiatttetory. Mr Thai Turnbull was rug-engaged tor next year. "i ....v.vu unvluulc Picnic day. Dromore team look dandy on an grounds and always win awuy from home. As for reversing the score. domm't that seem windy. that's not crowing. Gameein the past only two, let one, nine years ago and last one we were never wanted back. When Swinton team came to the Picnic there was a rumor that they wanted $10 to play. Would you have played anv harder for that? There was no word ot them not having their rettt1lartetutt on that day. The Dromore man was good enough to play in the other games but ot gonrse he favored Dromore D h...:- - -- " The Dromore team had only three nights practise before the game, it was risky to play a team that had played three games besides (practis- lug all summer. But we id not need practice very badly by the score The writer ot last. week's budget forgets that (our years ago in Prieisville, onlv Swinton and Dromore were on the grounds in time to play " the set time, the management wanted them to start. Swinwn said " No we came to play Proton first. ", Were We to hear a proposition that 1 time. Foot-ball. Swinton Park team came down and played at the Foreaters' Picnic and the committee ware very pleased to have them. They say halt their team ware unable to go and they played some young fellows, now three men don't make up hall a team, if some of the remain- der of the team had kept cool and played ball instead ut wrestling the score might have been diiferent. The Dromore' man that Was played (A Renwick) has been a resident ot Swinton Park for three years and then kick him off the team because you gotbeat. Blame him and N. Campbell, why not put Goheen and Parslow off, it only boys. Who says Dromore isnt growing. Why We had one more added to our population last Thursday. Although some at the Renwicka have let! Dro. more, one camera stav. " the home ot Mr and Mrs Robs uenwick. Jr. a line tmby boy. Mrs Wilson and Eliza visited Mark. dale minds Saturday and Sunday. Miss Hattie Watt bent [not ieek with triends in Owen Sound and re- ports having had a plenum time. Miss Maggie McLean is visiting Mrs Pat Manon this week. The Women's Institute held their Oct meeting at the home of Mrs Loth. ian last Wednesday. Topic was Thanksgiving Dinner and Se ads. It was quite an interesting meeting. The Thanksgiving Dinner' was well discussed and Miss Agnes Renwick gave a splendid demonstration in making aoeiery salad, all enjoyed the demonstration, bat I think the part each one enJoyed beat was the eating of it, The November meeting will be held, the first Wed. in Now at the home of Mrs Hunter. To ie. 6q Making Xmas gifts, and Apples. -How to prepare them tor winter use and their value as a food." The Ladies F M. S. purpose hold. ing their thank offering" next Sande! night. MrKendlll will give an A . dress and music will furnished under the direction of Mr Remege. All are invited to attend. Rev. Mr and Mm John Hutie. Bel- zreve. hue been visiting friends in this vicinity the pee: week. Mrs new: and Will from Price- ville atten ed Arno: church Sands: morning and visited It the home of Mr and Mr: John Ramon. A few from here took in Priooville ohuwlut Friday. Gordon took in (beconcon lilo in good compony out! my: be enjoyed it very much. Threshing lathe otder of tlte day around our burg this week. Mrs Rom} S d t,',t,n 'dl " Edge Hill. A Lie Nailed Dromore. ""0. _ All our experience at your service. Call and see us. and much more tell you of this week r We beg to announce to the ‘people of Durham and vicin- ity that we have opened up In J. C. NICHOLS STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Callus 1nd Ties Gloves and nose Hats. Caps. Shoes. I New! New! New! Attead'ithe Best. It Pays. John Gents' Furnishings Those who attended the Fall Exhibition at Durham will remember the baking exhibit showing how fast and accurate the EMPIRE QUEEN RANGE, bakes. A Range that is guaranteed to you The price is very moderate. Sold only by us. ' We want your Trade V , / ' m Ilii In all the newest maleu.=i~ F) " g a "s 'f I for children, misses and ladn F. Cg G , ' Fancy [weeds with ovenhc k " dl - I ill' and stripe effect in medium " ' -4» .n and dark colors from 6.50 to $20 The finest of Black Beaver Cloth Coats in the newest mull” We are after you. reader, to give you a glimpse of the best and newest productions of Full attire. Everyone is anxious to secure the most lu-- coming garments suitable to their own personal up pearance We have the most complete range 4.) Fall Jackets and Neck Furl that has ever IN,- shown in Durham and vicinity. Now, come an I 3»: us assist you in making your selection. We ”17m- you the benefit of our long and varied expat-me and to the best of our ability will endeavor 11. w you out with the most becoming garments for .wu:'r own person. _______A-_ . - You THE BIG STORE ALEX. RUSSELL CONSPICUOUS JACKETS AND NECK FURS We can ' The Best Yet HARDWARE Poet one? T We no havirtet an uphulm-r- or the Out. week in - "mm h. All!“ Null!“ old I ode renu- mad to look good u cw should um. 'a.--.. will b plow-d to “(and to it at on“, I ml- toe Menu! mural: we“ I','. m 0“ Bttd We“ busing-n ll 'r,t , All 'tqtttttm In ot the but. “why - tuna-um and W . and we insisted to [uyvz'nm a“ hint-log“ of um live ulwr "" Ru c full hue of Curtain Pole, Window Clinics, Picture FPINIIPI Frame. to odor of alt kinds. heus.erscginterany time W. T. CLANCY. P, Day and Night Classes. Ornamental Writing and in placing all its trrndn I' Each utudent is taught [v'mrn ly “his own desk. Trial haw fer one week free. Leads in Book-keep Shorthan_d,_ Typewrit Commercial fav, Cum- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writias Business College livery conceivable style of Neck Furs. Fur Jackets sink as Astrachan, Near Seal. ( i t u ll- land Seal and Persian Lam)». Specials in Puriined Jackets. xto call at The Big Store and :Iee these Furs. They in:- PM: 'for your inspection. We mine your judgment and wary, u suppoaing you don 't buy \ m; talk to Four friends and m ich. bon about what you have secn and tut's exactly what M “at. It does more good than we con do. Fall Furs BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE goth Jackets Yes, it's you we want '. M. WATSON. P, MT. FOREST Vioiton welcome Open Sept. 2. "Cm. You. & lie mmxm for Fall OCT 10, 1907 Undertaker I madman. tht separate- Trlul lesion. 'nncnpl 'rincipel Gio"" THE RE 339-1: VOL. The RI They gum I m ubl any oi with it tion to Wit Thi s Our Cas Plai Rai

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