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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1907, p. 1

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pwe want ackets rall n uphold» Very month. R ads reno- u an shot“ pies-ed to IO, 1907 Y, Princi’ll. trtain Polo. Hire Ft»... " kigtaU. ‘ertnku 0 ERICAN LI.tioE ses ter “{th ms of Fun 6 most be. ersonal _eif 9 range urs IVE lullege We offer xperienco or to " ETS EST ml per» 90 Donna: e up“. LL for your' to $20 mdence, Vriti . itinglx / 'radlmm ”porn.- al 1m hom- More aod , are here We value want it my You Eli WM . been md let l neigh- we see. ill! ppg, itmg, yle of such ween- ,amb. keta. on than at rut iais um m 31333. xgimnagaisggggiagNggatxxgggggggiii I A :': " I n I" 'ePertlalmlrnfnRrllKlllglaaeaiiaegrrirgrir 33g THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT. VOL. XXVIII, N0. 42 The Mr..ort of 59170an ur. gains is on and once more we are able to mate the litmi. nary offer of The Review.& Weekly (Bebe with illustrated misuino Bee. tion to In Jan: ttlat, or the ox. traordinary pace of $1.5. Men’s Night Robes and Pajamas..90c to 1.35 each Boys’ Gloves and Mitts, too Men's Underwear......,........... Men's Gloves and Mitts Boys’ Underwear, fleeee.hmrd and wool. Men's Wool (Cardigan Jackets 'e,fyt.l"j.y..crt..r'.t.' MS, 1.50, 1.75 each Men's Reversible Coats {5?}??? & 0°35; Men's Big Shirts 35151 Husky Shirts We have gone right in for MEN 'S GOOD GOODS-a full line the best that money can buy. Here are some : More Coats came in just n few days ego, and now we have a full assortment of Coats in Tweed: and Blacks. Come and choose from an assortment that comprises the la. test and moot attractive styles-. It popular prices, too. ELEGANT BLACK COATS A SPECIALTY. Ladies' Coat Notes James Ireland buckskin-for working or dressy wear. Prices...... .... .... .... s Reversible Coats LEATHER & COR- good in any weather, specially pdhff.'..Y.' 8.50 o - r~~ -_ urn-c. can] to WUIK In. Il sewed on by hand, sums cannot rip, reinforced gussets. A strong shirt for strong men.. . . . . .. .. . . made of "Noxel" clcth--the only shirts 'Or Shirts sold under a " months' guarantee from the maker. Wear them out in a year and you get new shirts or your money. Investigate this proposition. $|.25 Men's Wear too............ Me to Me pr ...........soe to 1.25 a piece .e'.".'y. Sh td $2 pr K. brand-- roomy, comfor- easy to work in. Buttons All kinds--. leather, mocha, guaranteed There's com - fort in them $l of iiiiiittttlitt Lovers of music und in Mr. W. Francis Birth one of e best harilnnea that ever visited Viet tin. His voice is exceptionally rouu ' is rich and musical and uniform t roughout. giv- ing evidence of careful raining. He possesses a striking sonality and allowed considerable dra atic ability. Ot all his last night’s re itions that which created the most f yrortUsle im- presaion was "The White tar of Hea- ven." one of his own co oaitions. Each time he was recalled an res ond. ed treneroutsir.-vietotia Da y 'lille,",,?,: --Untter auspices of the R imental Bard, in Town Ball, Durban Satur- day evening. Plan at Dtuling's Drug Stole. A Rnrtmo 19Av.--8unday last About 290 cotttmonietsnts artook of the Lord's Supper in the pres. Church, the lowest number yet recorded. At the reception of new members on Ftidny " joining by profession of faith. made an impressive and inspiring spectacle. Without doubt the stimulus that prompted many of these to take this ate was gained at. the recent Crowley an: Hunter services. The other chur- ches have also had an accession of new members all forming an index of the stirring up that had taken place by the special united etforts of pastors and evangelists Everyone will hope that the new converts will be strong and of good courage and remain stead- fast to the end. OmTvAttt--Friday last there passa- ed awav at a ripe old age. Mr. Edward Riley of Con. 3, N, D. R., (ilenely. Ye died.nged W, "t the home of his son Irwin. who with a sister residing with him will be chief mourners. though manf friends will long remember me kind y unassuming gentleman who has gone. The large funeral on Sun- day was a tribute to his memory, quite a number coming from Nornmnby, where on Lot 6, of the 'drd Concession. he spent a good part of his life. The remains were taken to Maple- wood cemeterv. Rev, Mr, Jsmiesion, his pastor, omclating at house and grave. CROSSING AccrDEs'rs.--b'aturday last two accidpnls occurred at the U. P. R. crossing on G'arafraxattt., caused by the hollow where the small track of the construction cure lay. First the reach of a wuggon was broken as with a load of wood it lurch- ed into the depression and later the axle of & waggon loaded with posts was Woken at. the an me spot, posts and driver being hurled to the ground. A gang of the G. P. R. men assisted the reloading and made some improve- ment ofthe spot. Mr. W. Francis th wan greeted with hettrtyrtppltttvMr, nd afterhe had sung a tenutiful balla delivered in a manner that showed Ifecr contlol and close study, the an nee recalled bun. He enjoys the dist ction of Ire. ing Canada’s great?" bar one.-Lotw don Advertitkr.--1n Town all, Brutus day night under Band amp 1-le Plan at Dullinu’u. BOUGHT A DRUG BroRE.-Dr. J. A. Dunks-y. well-known around Durham and Pricvville. and who conducts a large Drug Store in Indianapolis, is evidently '. making irtro." He hm re. cently closed a 810.tl00uealfor the put" chase of the Alford Drug Co., in Richmond, Indiana. NEW SCHOOL Boorlmsp. Lump. hell has been appointed a member of a consultative committee who will ad- vise with Dr. D. J. noggin in the map- nation of a new series of School Read- ers for Ontario. The managers of the Presbyterian church have this week had new cem- ent step apploaches to the church put down by Mr. Wm Moore. The work is well done and makes a. fine improvement. Should the season per- mit the retaining wall is to receive a cement coping. The Standard Bank pays Interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection will all Britches. These few fine days has seen the the country round here bu. potato lifting, and before long unce minty of weal er will lead to the turnips also. town. Ill IDLAW. Cameron And Ma Man! y to-mght Thursday. in the Town Ha nt tench- era' concert. Be sure to tt ar .them. A fine program clean and el vatlng. _Noticea of Priceville Methodist ser- nces and entertainment Will be found on page 5 of this inane. . 'Varrro.--A git toleturn tttPt PF. Apply tit th antral o ce in min. .A. H, Jackson is an Issuer of Mar Huge Licenses, Durham, Ont. THE SWDARD BANK John Kelly. '"rsadoe amen” ALSO AT HARRIS‘I'OI All! ’IICEWLLI- sc-sl-Mitt-ig,,. iili)0tiiie'g) OF' CANADA Head Office " " . " Toronto DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1907 DURHAM BRANCH IITAILIIH " "" The Library and Reading Room in open every eveninfg undue winter ap- proaches there is urnished delightful opportunity to spend is profitable hour among books and illustraled maga- zines to suit all tastes. We are sure parents and guardians will turn the thoughts of the young in this direc- tion, and lend all encouragement to the new venture of local winter con- certs. will View the attempt favorably and confer all the patronage possible. It is of the nature of so-called " Penny Readings." which at one time were successfully conducted in this town, and silnilm ettortsin other places with no more or better talent than we have have been very successful, The Directors of the Public Library have undertaken to hold some winter concerts using the local talent avail- able. In taking this step they hnye a double purpose in view l hyaamall ad; mission fee. to assist. the funds and sec~ and to furnish opportunity to develop local talent on the stage in the line of music. vocal and instrumental. Dia. logues. Readings. recitationn. Dolmen. Utslitithenies, etc. ' This Is an experiment here and we hopethe ioeal artistes and the public will View the attempt. favorably and The small admission of 10etit will not yield big returns but the net returns will be satisfactory as the big concerts where so much money leaves town. On Thursday evening next, 17th inst. a. high class concert will be given m the Town Hall under the auspices of the S. Grey Educational Association. The stars engaged are Mr J H Camer- on, Vocalist and Humorist. and Miss Mabel Manley Picknrd. Soprano. wit h some popular educational texture. Ad. mission 25c. Reserved seats 35 cls. Plan of hall at Darling's .Drug Store. CEMENT Nirws.--We have. had sev- eral enquilies since last issue for ce- ment news. especially if we know any thing of a. dividend coming. Those smart-holders who subscribed for the Review solely to see cement news will, we fear, he disappointed at the sparse picking we ran afford them. We can say no more than the Toronto Star did last week to an enquirer, that the mill is running regularly day and night. Sunday and Saturday. and that we don't know when a dividend will be paid. If the management have any information on this line, we would be glad to give it publicity. Mr. Geo. Turnhull last week received a letter from Mr. Alex Smith. Sr.. for. merly of Normanhv. now with his son John in British Uolumhm He enjoy- ed the trip fairly well but complmned of the rough road, through Nine on. "trio. getting better on the pram ie and best of all on the mountains. Loyal Scot that he is he thinks the Rot-hes have no great, if ting superior- ity over the u'rampitsns, t aukh We can scarcely hope that the trout of old Saugeen will compare with the whop- pers he will catch in the Fraser. Recent papers trod Independence, Kansas. tell of the great success of the \Ventern States Portland Cement Co's mill, run by Mr. H.H.Fnrr.for- merly Superintendent. of the National Portland Cement Co‘s mill in Durham. With eight roturies in operation it in alieged they turn out 3600 hbls perday. and the prctfts this veur will amount to oyer half a million of dollars. Mr Jno Cliff iiUGFGiniGriiiiiiii', mill. Their friends here will be glad to hear of their success. At the Mess h Concert in Mnuey Hall Thursday eningn meat deol of eredit is due Mr.' W. Francis Firth. His full rich voie was yery effective and showed that e has a thorough knowledge of Hand " greatest work. -Toronti, World In Town Hull. Saturday night unde' Band auspices. Plan at DarlingU. "s AUCTION SAL --Mrs. Peel will have an Auction Sale f Household Furni- ture on Thur-ado " inst. preparatory to moving from t wn. At the resi- dence on Lambton t. SUNNY SOUTH 00 J, C. RoekwetN Sunny South Car. was greeted in town Monday night witha crowded house. Some of the nets were very good while others were below the avenge. The company all told contains about twen- ty persons. some being good stage per- formers. \. A. R, Jackson has I number of houses and vacant Iota in Durham for asle.= Under a Home Institution. Teachers' Concert Winter Concerts ONT ERIC ARCHIVES TORONTO --- _ -- _. (WEEK: iiGii2r . .. ' "'0" Other combinations made known on ttpptieation. _ The Review. W. Globe. Bun, W. Moll & Empire and W. Witness I" give bdsnce of this eu- free to new eubecriben for IG", All euhecrihen to Daily World bo. fore Dec. let, will get " monthe straight for price quoted. Review and W. Globe to end N07 Me Review to Jen. Ill: 1908.... . ......10c Combination: of three or more pope” can also be made " reduced rates. Two popular Owen Sound Eating people were happily married at mine; Alberta, on Tuenday last. Miss Cora E. Moffat, second dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Motrin, Murdock street. was united In marriage to Mr. H, Britton Anderson. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Anderson. former! of this town, and now of Leduc. {he ceremony took place at. St. David's Church, Le- due. and was performed by the Rev. T. T. Reikie. pastor of the chm ch. The bride went to the We!” yen and a half ago. while Mr. Anderson has been West for over five years. They hate the congratulation. of I -m- have the corNrmstautio"r,ifV I 'al circle of friends in Owen Bound,--.) 8. Sun. Mrs. Anderson'. old teachers and schgolEaLea u! Durham will also ex- tend cGirGidii LEE-ms. I The following notice is taken from a September issue of the Regina Leader sent us last week. The bride's many friends here Will join with us in wish- ing Dr. and Mrs. Peterson all good things in life. [ ',The residence of Mr. and Mrs J. K. m. Williams was the scene of a very ‘quiet wedding on Wednesdav evening @1th when their sister, Miss Georgie MeRae and Dr George Reynolds Peter- son. of Saskatoon. were married tr, Rev Mr _He.tuT.. Promptly " ha t past six the bridal party entered the drawing room and took their places under a tuttu arch, the centre of which was a large hell made of white sweet peas. The bride who was unattended was given away by her brother-in-law and looked very beautiful in her bridal dress of ivory liberty silk with yoke and insertings at embroidered ehitfon. She wore the regulation veil and orange blossoms and carried a hoquet of sweee peas and maiden hair fern. ThegrootiN gift to the bride waea magnificent iamond ring. Dr, and Mrs Peterson left on the train for the West when: they will spend their honey-moon, Mrs. PetertroiN going a- way gown was tailor-made suit of green chiffon broadcloth trimmed with silk braid with cults and vest of white em. broidered in white and gold, and a lingerie blouse. Het smart little hat was also green trimmed with little red berries and green velvet. The guests were all intimate friends. _ - ._-_-...,-... nun-"cu! lucll. one who has taken his part in civic affairs. a worker without equal in the Presbyterian Church, the guiding star of the choir. President of the Guild and public spirited in ever thing thet pertains to the welfare of his native town. she will soon rub shoulder! with activities that will completely wear " the strange feeling. We don't know when they will re- turn. in a week or two likely, but when they do the REVIEW assures them of a hearty welcome from all citizens to the Civic, social and relig- ions life of Durham. I We had expected an Antigonish pa- per with a tullor account. of the wed. ding but in its absence we draw upon other sources and at some time have a fling at the groom while he Is a few jthouuend miles away. for We know his prevailing modesty would not allow of expansion were he to control our pen. oil. The bride is an attractive younglady. ‘an only daughter tut it appears, of a family widely known and respected. Letters from Amigomsh testify to the warmth of the feeling manifested over the nuptials. thqts and streamers and other decorations telling of respect: for and interest in the hri e who was be- stowing heart and hand on tt stranger to most of them and leaving her home to cent In her lot with srungere in a. distant province. But not for long will she be a stren- Rer. Her husband being one of our .r,'.rem.iPttttacttyi successful business men, G. MncMillan. Antigoniah. Nova Sco- tin, when her only daughter. Annie. wu married to Mr. Robert Mundane of Durham, Ont. The bride wu given away by her brother, Mr. Wm. Mac- Millun. of Aniigonish. Berlittle niece Vera MacDonald of New Glugow. N. B., acted as flower girl. Mr. tad Mrs. Mundane left on a trip to the Ptwitie coast. via Toronto." Review and Weekly Globe ' . . . .8L25 Review and Fumen’ Sun .. . . . . .l.75 Review And W. Mail & Empire..l.70 Review and Montreal W. Wit. ..1.00 Review and Family Ber. & Stor.l.75 Review and Daily Globe . . . . . . . ..4.40 Review 3951 1hyilr Rorld .. . . . . . .2,60 Itgitit "A pretty marriage was solemnized 'tt Iiiveykank. the guidance of Mrs. M. Last Thursday's Globe had the fol- lowing intimation of the marriage of our well-known town-man. Mr Robert Mncfarlnne. which contains a little more information than was contained in our brief notice last week: Yearly Clubbing Otters. M AcFAsuumr--MAcotAtt AtmrmaoN--MoevAr, PrmutaoN--tsicRAs, Hymeneal. Outs have been up to the 50 ct mark here, but in Berlin, Ont., a few dsye mo 05 ct: was quoted. The obnormal condition of the North West maps. the exnct falling off of which is not yet certain. he! eonethiug to do with Ontuio prim and ,iiiuetmenta to normal levels, though highmill lune. lg take piece helore Winner sets In. There will be hearty wishes toe A Inc (All and good gnu. Butter and Mt" are-outing however each ranging shout 24 or sts cu, and farmers wit thrifty cow. end welHed hens shank! tum quite a penny. The scarcity of fodder in leading lumen to throw cattle on the Inn-her eheaplr and the price of beef no telling in response. The price of Hey is routing at pies- ent to $20 and beyond it, 1 price we fancy never before "et st this time of the yen. e. hsve seen it 825 in the spring when bought in hundred weights to sup” horses or oxen when putting in the lust of the spring crop, but to hire it a cent a in now is purely I panic price that will work its own cure. coming at this time it will result in lending everyone to eronomise. and thug ten to make the pinch of scarcity les's severely felt. Besides there is no doubt. many who have it to spare ore worldly-wise enough to exercise their privilege ot holding on to s. good thing in View of still better prices. There is no way ground this, but if this price keep- up importstlon of pressed hey from ld. coltties where it is plentiful will surely begin, and there may be a tumble. On Saturdn night Mr. W. Francis Firth and com any will present, an tit. trnctive conce in the Town Hall. chief among th attractions being the latest Japanese pernttn “Doyla. the Tea Girl. ' Mr F th has been here be- fore and left a spl ndin impression and comes this time w believe dete 'ined to maintain his re nation. elp to the concert is helg ttthe han under whose auspices t e come. Tickets are for sale at Ibrli ttU Drug Sync. One capable writer ye; "The ettter- minment was a. trem dons were“ in the assemhlv of glorio 9 voices, which sung their way down to the hearts, ofeverr fortunate liste er. It Wu :5 distinct Itrture from\the ordinary hill of fare. ' Thursday and Friday of this week. the teachers of South Grey will own the town. We hope our citisens will bid them cordial welcome for their work's sake and attend some of their meetings just to see what an enthusi- astic working famil "ara: Gunp- bell has charge of? T 9 President elected hurt wear has moved from the bounds. but Miss Mcclocklin the 1st Vice President is an etthuent and cap- able g,"'att, as we know and will fill t e bill nicely. Inspector John Ritchie of Port Arthur is to be one of the leadinia speakers at this Conven- tion, A ne concert is assured for Thursday evenin with two such stars on Cameron and Mlll', Pickurd. A bad smash up oecured early last Suturda morning neat Chatsworth when a heavy freight train from Tor. onto to Owed Sound with w, cars of general merchandise for the west-hit u woken rail, The engine and two can got over but the next seventeen cars were oiled up in the ditch. Fortunat- ely no lives wereloat butabout 810,0bo worth ofdamnge done. The Annive any services of the Methodist chu h, Varnev. will be held Sands , 0 til. at 10.80 a. m and 7.00 p m. I au rand entertainment Will he pi)o"v'i2 Monday evening. The Durham Me odnt choir are ex- pected to help the nl talent with the lb'i','S1"'l'S'i Eve' body come and we a good time. The entertainment in Town Boll un. der “spice. of the band should meet mth generous uupport on eccount of the worthy institution itoell' and of the splendid entertainment promised. Get your ticket: at Durling'u where the plan is. I Congratulations to Mr Wm. Black and Muse Jeanie Burnet on their union in matrimony on Tuesday In“. The happg couple left on the 3 p. m, train on a. oneymoon trip amid showers of rice and good wishes of many friends. Pon tugag..-tr Clydesdale titlies; one 'l,"/tfrd old, ad one sucker. Also two urhum bu with pedigree. choicely Med. eight, . nine mos. old respectively. . J. mason. Roe Saugeen. A teacher m Pittsburg ot Ibll to aistinguiuh between twin brothers, whlgped both to make sure. and the mot er is pressing . charge again“ him for assault and battery. They should be labelled. WANTED TO RENT.--A good farm. within a. mile ot Durham, must have eomfortabie house und barn. And Flenty of good water, posseuion this aut. Apply " the Review otBee. A Swinton Path budget arrived this Wedneodny morning. but owing to the crowded condition of our columns alxendy. it it held over till next we-k. Hear Omicron at the Teneheru' 00n- cert. Thur-d” evening of this week. Plan at Darling‘s. PridirGitirGG"a." Tia' $51.53; requested. Jhttttilat pectin“ of Beyer." (Jump Welcome to the Teachers. A High Class Concert Panic Prices. FRIDAY, 18 0tm--At Lot 11 Con. 5, ‘Glenelg, there within cold by public inuctiouonubove te, Fur-m Stock 1nd Implements. Bull cell and some " theltock registered. Terms t l2 Inonths credit, 5 per cent for cesh in Illeu of note- Sele at 1o'eloek, slurp. See bills. 1 Joan Faust: D. MCI’HAIL. I Prop. Auctioneer. Monday, 21 0etotmr--on this date Robert Ewen. Jr., will sell by public auction term "tttk and imple- imenu at Lot 31. con. 2, Wu R, Ben- .tinck, near Aberdeen. sue at 1 oUoek shurp. Terms, 12 mos credit. .5 per cent discount for all]. See Ibills. JOHN CLARK. Auctioneer. Bee what 15 cent- will buy In Kael- er'u window on tutordar. R. B. Keeler & Sons Two big mom. Durham Ind Well-u goods. made bh‘Reris 8m... Toronto Silver te LU. and 3 full line of American silverware. On China. Dinner and Tea Beta w. on: save you money. Luge Moek of Toilet 8m jun received Md m at“ urge stock of odd pica chum. best Silverware Loads of New Goods at Iieeier's BLttca-Btmtmr.-in Durham, on Tue-day 1tith inst, by Rev. Mr. Jum- ieson. Wm Black to Miss Jessie Burnet. Yotmo.-.let Durham on Fridny. ll inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Young, a. daughter. McCLochm --tn Durtuumon Monday 14th inst. to Mr and Mn. Fred Mc. Clocilin, I can. mmt-tn Bentinck. on Sum-day 12 int". to Mr. and Mes. Arthur Hunt A daughter. Rev. Mr. Forquhnrson goes to his: old charge It Claude on Sunday and Monday. where he will be preacher sml npeoker at their unnivemry nel- vices. His pulpit here will be taken b? Mr. Little. of Knox College. spoken o IS a brilliant young man. fiogighrei,g,") to Mr. Om Atty 3nd in Butcher who to-day. , ed. nesdny. me being united In marriage. The ceremony 18 to take place in Arthur and hy their old puwr Rev. Way R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs, Seignor and family left Tuenday morning for High River) Al. berta. During t eir stay in Durham the Seamus have made many flivuds who will with them well in their new sphere. THEIREVIEW, DURHAM, ONT. Mr. Herb Fda and family left town Tueoduv for eusudt. where he will establish a photographing busi- ness. We hope he will succeed. Min Jennie Formula-non left on Monthly to take charge of 3 school by - of supply for a month or no. u Agineruiit, near Toronto. Dr. Jamieson and Mr. R. H. McWil- Hume returned In! week from Guitar- nis where “any nre part owners of s new cement mill. Mr.R. Kerr, of the Newo.Reeord "att, Fergus in spending a week at Mr. Jno. Hurboule'l and gave the Review I fraternal call. Dr. Macdonald, Bt. Catharines, was in town over the week end and the Popular M. D. wu welcomed [w nuny rientU. Mr, and In. Bargain: and non Run- uel of Hmover are visiting m town for a. few duyc. Mr. Geo. Brown. Banish Columbia visited 'e,z,rg.f.t Mr. and In. Wm. Brown an other town friends. Mr. Funk Vickeu wu visiting tV mong friends in town and councry for I few days. Tell Your Neighbor Mr. W. J. Wulpole Inc in Mt Fomt Int Sunday. Mr. Neil loo-anal is " mantis Manitoulin On I bulinou trip. CHAS BAKAGE. Pun" an Puma-n. nearly 15 months; or the bat. nnce of thin you. only 10 (can. low to the tune to act. Review to Jan. I, WIP, tu' To new nub-unhar- for next ”at. we give the balance of this rear boo, thus muting The ever shown this tide of Toronto. Pet -t_hiltttteeyett. All my“. Sale Register. MARRIED - ’0-.. BORN. Em " ti b -

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