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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1907, p. 2

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. -0aea'r" " H ,e M :rr me an: ot God In I --- the centre (Matt. M, 20). Joshua giv- ing the commands of the Lord. the 'lm" of The? Coin priests going before and blowing trum, I Rivers . pets and each armed men in his place. l Montreal deepen-h: Not “lnany men. Inany minds: but nanny l "Ped yesterday from men with one mind. the mind of Crod, . . . marching solidly, unewervingly. to vic- Ia/l; yd, "senor; 'T tory. Nothing on stand before a unit- } 1t'itg,:, . . e" ul ed were whose centre .i.s. Christ. ) Ll: .s‘vihe': “fruit m. he eoege of '9'"; 7T', 'IT. maxing” Mad. a passed the eitr......uix ye” v. . " . It took courage for. Joshua to issue e y?'..'? Tltd 'ts,', s,11'"ts', cum-ad for . Inner, manoeuvre to 'lt11, Il,', can“, " -tly senseless. Row well the he: r their 'Gtt,. greet [and heeded the-four Ier.re- 'k' Cd to fc"':',' ted extort-tb- in " eum-Item, " 1'llQ'a'hte1git Wltg'.'ttt't"e. (Dent. 31,6; Joni. 'ore' V a..." VI "."". Ir" (v. 12). "They rose I’m-pt obedience not to Abnhm "rose early" three days' march of hi which earned him the " God" was. P.. 23) and fat In] (Gal. 3. 7). u. The unity of faith Mar-ed men......, ty. 13). Here we In " "By faith the w after they were davs" tHeb. ll. "osnee, the read of things hoped deuce ot 1.ng Whom havin' m - v-v ------‘-.r ed. m they did and the wall. fell after they had declaud it “bad. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, "The Good Fight of Faith" (I. Tint Every Jordan has its Jericho. is the victory that takes the chad! John 5, I). Jericho wan our of the , which the spies had described as "t and walled up to heaven" (that. t, It was so strongly fortified that it impoanlble to take it by human cl But man's rxlrcmitv n 1:.-1‘- up.» - . F t process is the some. Desire, pray, be. r. 3mg 'd (In? 'til'dp-te."o,",',,t' I lieve. receive. is the divine order. A: we 15. 0n the meuth dar-The repeated write a grateful acknowledgment of a one of the number seven must not w, t cheque before we have, cashed it; as we unnoticed. "seven priests,” as"... trum. I sign {postal order Laying, Teetived the pets," Neven days' ttnd 'Uevett times on I above. before the money is placed in the seventh day." Seven denotes perfec- ) ottr h.amU, 50 faith tTe,,"? any, "God tion. God's way; and works are all per l has given. [have received} before there feet. They ,0“ tarlyrPtoubly earlier 1 i "physical or spiritual knowledge of it. than usual, as they had a great days. Feeling is the result of faith. We have work before them. Early risers train I "joy ty! M00 in believing" (Rom. 15; my victories that otherwise wouid ; P..! Nut Joy and peace 80 that Ye may have been lost. 16. When the priestai believe. Prd.hatii blessed us with all blew-The "loug blast" referred to in l spiritual Megan-go in Christ. 1 Verse 5 which was to be the signal for V. The victory of faith. "Every man I the shout. It was at the exact time ’ straight before him. and they took ira when God declared victory. They obeyed city" (V. 20.) S. A. Keen’s experience! im licitly the directions given. Shout ! upon entering Canaan and taking Prrl 1llTh"e'l', expectations were tMt grant, their , cho is interesting.. For fourteen' years faith no firm, their ear so well tuned, l Jesus had been the morning star of my i that their women were at once riued to , will in the precious 'sense of portion." Bound the note of triumph when God i Through all the years I had longing! said shout. They were to about by faith l for spiirtuul apprehension: of . higheri as though the victory were already gain- I life. One day in a storm of Iteqritders l ed. This thev did and a... man. :..n ”1.4 -- - ' . . M. The an. and their time v"ery precious, yet when we PM they must linger 50va day- about "have reeefve, Jericho, seemingly without making any them (Mark 1 Eugen. A. promised deliveranees must come for P" expected in God'a way, so they must Prot'etm is the be expected in " tune."-; Com. lieve. receive. win made in deep and solemn silence, ex- d,','; 1?," ehout of faith. "The people only he Joahu. directed. without aeela. tb outtd iv. 20:) The people eompnmed metions or noise of any kind. It seems the eity, the pm?“ blew the trumpets. o strange manner for battle. "No mount they '"f'hout'fl m token that the eity wee rnieed. no sword drawn, no engine was theirs. while tle. trates were still planted. no pioneers undermining." It closed, the nulls .tt.iil 'runding and an wan by ntriking terror to their feelings termed host still tP!.tPtt to come out and that Jericho w“ to be teken and aub- destroy them. Faith can shout before dual. The people of Jericho would " the ‘walls fall. Anybody pn shout when first be astonished, then the Israelites tar-l y'!'. the enemy r".'"l"Wr only those would ewe-er ridiculous to them, but as w 0 yli.p,t God eon shtttt knowing the the "arching continued day alter day tent-m3 to run. (mil said. "I have given the would naturally become alarmed. 'le, ettt.i_ne he“! Jericho.” Joshua be" 11. Bathe "k--The ark, the symbol of 't,tgrd, it (v. 2.) He 'til, to the people God'. prom union; them, was the eig- ore the hulls fell, "s'h?.ut.,, for the liliunt thing in thin procession. my.» 1”” W" mven yoy the eity" iv. Ni.) ed in the ematqr-At Gilgai (chap. 5. 10). By 'ti.th Raub perUhed not" (Heb. ll; “Joeephne states that Gilgal was ten N.) " I know God hath tdvert you the stalk (about one mile and a quarter) 'l,".":,', Tlf her. word to the spies Mosh. hon Jericho, and five 1imets as far from r.; it.) G.o.d said to Abram, "A father of the Jordan.” I many nahom have I made ther," when M. The marching during the remaining he chnnged his name from Abram, high " any. (vs. 12-10). 12 early in the '“Wnto Abraham. father of a multi. morrsirt--To begin the march. They be- ty.le, (Gen. 17; G.) For many years the [an only been” they were intent on ehildie," old man bore the name which [lining the victory; then, too, in warm Pet. have made him a laughing stock climate. the eerly hours of the day we to. his, mritthbors. But it paid to stand i the but ti... for travel. u. So they lid with God and can "the things which be l oi: di--All the days were equally im, not as though theylwefe" (Rom. 4; Ir.) portant, "Though lately come into Can- God tells Un whatsoever things we desire I ' an. and their time verv precious. vet when We may we no to hellhurn n... w- i , lo. Ye dull not "out-The procession was made in deep and solemn silence, ex- actly u Joshua directed. without new nation: or noise of any kind. It new . strange mnner for battle. "No mount we. reload. no sword drawn. no engine planted. no pioneers undermining.” It wan by striking terror to their feelings that Jericho “is to be taken and out» dued. no people of Jericho would at first be astonished, then the Israelites would owe-r ridiculous to them, but u the numbing continued day one! day l the would naturally become alarmed. I 9. Anion men went betore-'he sol-I (lion took the M to clear the Way of obstruction. The rereward--0e whole company of lane! {allowed in the line of march. The order of the ptoouion new to have been, l. The soldiers. 2. he seven priests. blowing continually on large born. 3. 'No ark. 4. The main body of lune-l. The [roan-ion probably kept " 3 safe distance from the walls. so that no wnpom or missiles could reach them. --_.. III-u use WIIII "M. .. “wa M. n, I”. IT. Jericho neettrued (vs. 17-19). 17. Th: ll.' ttll hedevoted .... dtdtt vs r. - . The Capture of Jerkbs--goU. a: on C'e,/hcliliciPUeggttp, l" 2tt, 3* C6rmgsentav.--L The timt by’smsrch notes "to cut off, to devote, to with. (vs. “H t When MM N spoken 'l?a9ragnt,.i: Aa",dc'ttr'tt,t --when he had given then directions " Tietory in can... It W.- lamp. m god had commanded him, so to bouncy fruits, and Is such must he devoted to should proceed to take the city at Jeri. the Lord.” The Canonites were slain eho. The coupe of the spies, whom Incense of their great wickedness. Only Joshua had sent to learn the condition Rehab .... ..shsll live-Bee- she of the city, had aroused the kirqt at Jer. hid sided sad protected the spies. She ieho so that he took entree-re to are evidently longed for a better life and s the gstee ol the city well set-wed atrnintrt true religion. “She must have repeated soy turthertntrwsiU from the lsrselitea. Ind trusted in the true God, end lived The seve- tr-to-These instruments s good life henceforth, as she would were prolahly made of horn or at siler. ,'ltd'fv,.,1 if". married ,t,o 'urge and w th used the iu i. in in genes ogy." Keep lee. 'fa,,',', 1l'l"u'lfi'l.1,'e the Juk, , yourselves, ete.---Nee R. V. "it would be called the srk of the caverns; for it (gtg; 2 'l"dt,lepl,ec't'Noi'ttt tel-ed which' coven- ' en 8 Ill' us 2,t,a',el'ao.'cff',tttet of the l for their own use."-steele. Mike the dresdlul trumpet'ol war. they sounded P vamp ...Fr. accursed (R. vo-af any the trumpet of joy as already WWW" i or:I should take for personal use thsit ' . . . _ mite G l. ', w ich had been dedicsted to God, t IT': t,ti"5. '.'1tmi,'U'u'g'gtrg,l, 53.1mm be the m... of bringing a cum . ikirtirii Cafe prenrme "I! showed ', upon them. and the camp would he trou- that all the rietories of Gai were bled and distressed because of it. 19. T hom him By thie token the faith and The silver, ctr. -Everythintt of value was tienee "of the propio were increased. , to be set sport for the service of the a. l” to went ahead that they might I tabermu'l'. and counted smong the ive the notice of their eomittg. and lead I uttered things. God would he honored {he we for the at compch which i by enriching his dwelling place. His {allowed B muslin", ‘an observe l reuse in huilt upon the destruction of what . hlessiyn m; rieete were to them t the enemy's strongholds. This would i ti f 'UI 1:“, In this event I teach the lsraelitee not to set their 'dd T,'l J,',, r"',.',',":,,,",',:': the people be 1 hearts on Worldly wealth, and would l helpi: them) to mph"; a wicked citi, ( show the nations around thot they were but he increased their faith in him by I! 2;“ tt set of maraudm seeking for plum his wine and well siireeted plant: - I T:. _ . . . _ A, . mung not Faith as we elm. The escape of the spies, whom Joann but not to learn the condition of the city, had stoned the kit. od Jer. icho no am he took “true-n to have the gates od the city well seemed main“ my further intrusion from the lav-elites. Sunday Moo]. aith as well as grace Eph. P., 3). Peter writ e "obtained like pree l.l); the faith of 1 13's.); the faith that ek of faith to take it by l txtremity a God the walls of Jeri, were comm-3H1 b. ll. am. hm - -_- - u, ; the faith by which we is illustrated in our le ' or man. "Seven priests nan. . . . . .ark of the Lord" , we see the ark ot God in Int. 18, 5)). Joshua ttir mud: of the Lord, the before and blowing trum. I "‘""J ml; of Jericho fell dow: rampant-d about Never 30). Faith is the sub thing. not the shadow for. Faith is tho evi, not mix (Heb. [LIL " seen we love if. Pvt. well as grace is the gift 0. Peter writes to those nod like precious faith" " faith of God (Mark be faith that is by Him .. .....u :5 un- "ttrt. Ulo for Radium. thing. not the 'Urvl,rw . for. Faith 'vs the eri. _ Paris, Oct. u.---Two of the foremost not even (llelr. ll.ly. l physieians of Paris, Drs. lh )0th and L are" We love ll. Pet. lh-grais, have created a sensation at the ell an 'grave i, the gift Academy of Medicine by I report on . Peter writes to those their discovery of a method of remov- ed li.kt pun-mm faith" ing birthmarks by the action of radium. , faith of Gad (Mark Such marlin have hitherto been believed , faith that is by Him _ to be indelible. The new method has faith by which We live proved equally successful in cases of "mute-d in our lesson. ‘ndults and children. Marks are when! l by the simple up “cation oi a plane um _I tith. "Joshua "we ear. ’fuce covered With a varnish containing. 5' rose early" (v. M), l radium. The action is regulated by the 1 wer m'e-ompuniu faith. length and 'ggee,t,r of the applications, l arly" to begin that l which are wbaoutely painless. The treat. of faith men, 22, 3), ment may be applied to an infant dur- J the title of "friend of inc sleep." The dootors add that the nd father of the faith. birthmarkz most easily cured are those l which are most highlv awuLs..p of Faith" Ir. Tim. b'. 12.) has its Jericho. Faith ‘- "Joshua rose ear- Dse early" (v. 15). “coup...“ faith. p" to begin that faith (Gag. 23. a), rncnUHl as "great on" (that. I. an. tified that it was by human effort. the citadel (I opyrtu the cities till 'only W-.. mu nu we anon oi ' bringing them fruit. It was discovered _ thnt these friends had supplied the eon- ( Viola with small a": hidden in the hat. ‘nnni they brought them, by man: of HM}. the convicts saved through the i ban of'their cell e'"i',',tggl',',d let them; i when down to the you y menu o ropes made from their Nuke“. _ "'D"‘J ‘VIVIWA ---_----. _ nus IN BANANAS. 'Impe of Three Convict: Prom “reel I Riven Jail. ( l Montreal despatch: Three convicts es;- “ I cape-J yesterday from the Three Rivers‘ Ijail. and are now said to be hiling in 1 ; Maegan. Severn ot their tram-- n-1- e 30].! IV. Jericho captumd te. 20). 20. Fell ray of I down flat-tlevers? commentators, both whole II in" and yhriltian1r, heve gupponed that French Doctor, Have believe. God hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ. V. The victory of faith. "Every man 'straight before him. and they took the city" (v. 20.) S. A. Keen’s experience upon entering Canaan and taking Jeri. cho is interesting: For fourteen' years Janus had been the morning star of my will in the precious 'aense of pardon. Through all the years I had longing: for spiirtual apprehension. of 3 higher life. One day in a storm of bewilder- ment and heaviness, I said, "Lrrd. I am thine, for thee to do this thing tor med' Peaee urtutterable came. I did not know that to give over to Jesus to do for me what I could not do for rum-all when we pray we are to believe that Wtb "have received" them and we shall have them (Mark li; 24, R. V.) Whether we come fur pardon, purity or power the the ground under the {mandations of the walls opened, and that the walls sunk into the chasm. no that there remained nothing but plain ground for the Israel. ites to walk over. Probably the wall fell down from its foundation: in every part.--CUrke. This miracle put into the hands of Joshua the strongest city in Conan and proved the omnipotence of Jehemh--Meeie. e l CAN REMOVE BIRTHMARKS‘ I, 0, t, tot It took mange for priests Ind people to obey n command to IMF only unless, Th people from the my wait. must have laughed them to scorn. But God honored the counge of their faith and the walls fell. III. Jericho “cursed (n. Irti0. Ir. The city shall be devoted .... ..to Jeho- vah fit. v.)--me In"! from whirl! tho m, v. ....~ Wynn-among, almolutely painless. The treat- . be applied to an infant dur. The doctors add that the a moat easily cured are those most highly colored. applieation of tt plane sur. Victoria, B. C'., Oct. 14.-Mr. Rudyard with a tarnish containing Kipling had an ovation at the luncheon tlettott tt.rtgulatell. by the of the Canadian Club to-duy. So in. Peuey ot the applications, . . . V " lately painless. The treat, sistent “as the demand for admission applied to an infant dur. that at large hall had to be secured ,and e doctors add that the l to the public galleries of this the lady at any; cured are those uglieate'ot‘ the club were admitted. Before [ highly colored. . j Mr. Kipling had completed his tirst sen- ' I tence the audience sprang to its feet ' _ and sung "He's a. Jolly Good Fellow." ' IN BANANAS. _ After it charmingly-worded reference --- , ',to the work of the men who had man- " Convicts Prom Three 1 Aged to "make of Victori) a magnificent tivers Jail. l city and At the same time to keep intact teh: . ,!the magnificent treasure-house of its.. P0 t . Three convrcts 95- i natural beauty," Mr. Kipling dwelt on , from the Three Rivers l immigration, and promised that on his ow said to be idling in return he would embody his views on mu of their friends. tiek. Canada in some form. He contrasted , Fe" in the hum nf the hapnv condition or on. rumm- -___ “urn 'Myers l immigration. and promised that on his id to be niliug in ‘return he would embody his views on their friends, tick- Canada in some form. He contrasted , in the habit mime happy condition of the Canadian It w“ discovered I people with those of India. He then I supplied the con- I went on to point out the difference bee hidden in the lam , tween Oriental and continental European hem, by means of im.m.igration, and settlers of British wed through the origin. Discovered New tit the one case the immigrants re- garded law as a monster. They were born in fear 1nd mud in the mic Kipling Speaks Strongly Against Rein- forcing the Pacific Coast Population With Men of Different Instincts and Traditions From the Present Set- tiers. BRITISH COLUMBIA MUST CHOOSE; HER FUTURE NOW. , ing under" age The reverend gentleman has been very active of late following up a crusade against harboring children in illicit places by making a tour of the factories in the city on the lookout for boys work- Chatham report: Jeremiah McMahon, West street, claims that Rev. W. A. (human, pastor of the Central Baptist Church, had no right to intrude in his household yesterday on the assumption that his thrve-yvar-old adopted daughter waft [wing abused. Had Entered Home to See if Wu Being Abused. Hardly a week passed without his re. ceiving one or more bites. During the summer months. when mad dogs are numerous, the number of his injuries always increased. and several times he was confined to bed with symptoms of hydrophobia. Lees has been chief dog catcher of Yonkers for the past three and a half years. I Lees was bitten on September, 27th, I ia!!, wand the poison of the Found then in- wif, .lilicted has defied the efforts of the in t 'doetors in the Pasteur Institute. who a u have attended him on dozens of pre- eon: [violin occasions. He is perhaps the refe most frequent patient the institute ever ( ple : I had. He mime there so often that he 1 trar learned the treatment administered in l man I hydrophobia cases, and applied it himself 1 they i at his home whenever he was bitten. I in l On Sept. 27th, when he received the train ( bite that win to prove fatal, the i dene I wound. was so serious that he came l cone} l again to the institute to have it ing '.treated. All the usual efforts failed. i some [ifiii.i'i. measures were likewise futile. upon: So great was the virulence of the poison life ' i tteeumulated in his system from all his ', will l remarkably numerous bites that he was i kttou taken to St. John', Hospital in a critical l instn condition. ( L.., A DAY OF DECISION. According to several friends who were admitted to the room when he was con- fined. the terrible action of the dread malady caused him to bark as a mad dog might. AFTER PREACHER. New York, Oct. 14.---Itsaiah Lees, the official dog catcher of Yonkvrs, is dying in St. John's Hospital there, the victim of two hundred and sixty-one dog bites, which have produced hydrophobiu. Pasteur Doctor: at New York Baffled--. Lut Injury Prom Teeth of Rabid Animal Complete Poisoning of Hie System. DOG CATCHER’S NUMBER WOUNDS PROVE FATAL. The president stated that if the tmffie returns continued favorable until the end of the year there was no reason why the dividend rate on third preference shares might not be increased. The president pointed‘ out that the ratio of the working expenses to the gross receipts was not so great In in the ease of the best managed American rail- ways. The president stated that if n... Inf“:- . 7...'-.- ... out; b‘utl' ttl condition of the company. He said the receipts from all sources had im cfmnod, but the working expenses also showed ittereasess, due largely to the M enmity for increasing wage. and the es- tnblishment of a pension fund. President Wilson, in his addrees, re. ferred to the Gyp.rovement in the gener- London, Oct. ".--a scene occurred here tu-day at the half yearly meeting of the Grand Trunk Railway of, Canada, when at shareholder accused the direc- tors of "playing with false cards." He withdrew the rcumk, after a heated dis. cussion with the President, Sir Charles Ri'sers-wilson, but the shareholder moved a vote. of mutt of confidence in the directors, which was overwhelming," ly defeated. Victory for Direetom-.-0tse of the DYING OF RABIES. GT.R.MEETING. Ion mad dogs are er of his injuries J several times he with symptoms of to its furl, I St. l’ctorsbnurg, Oct. 14.--The second Fellow." stage of the t'irr/eantetttaty elecrtous 1-, i reference in lull wing. Nineteen hundred and , had man- three electors have been chosen out of "ttgnifieent an ultimate total of 5,161. The party keep intact adherence is officially characterized as use of its, 5115 members of the Opposition, 1,131 Iv dwelt on Moderates, Uctoberists and Rights, and mat on his 250 owing allegiance to no party. _ views on The results of the election» so far indi. eontrasted eate that the peasants, workmen and -L‘anadian lower classes of the cities exhibit un- He then abated radicalism, while the upper new bee classes of the cities. particularly the European landlords, are returning ""nservative of British electors, as they hoped to secure through the election law of June " . The land- grunts re- lords so far elected represent 627 mem. 'hey were .be.rs of the night party. 91 Opposition. the partie at; and so without' party. A Peasants and Workmen Radical' Landlords Tory. cuperative powints, me my (alum wet; to the air ioeiis There the patient was placed unnu- extra air pressure and seemed to re- vive, and, when Dr. Sears himself Wttt forced to leave the air lock, ahotred signs of consciousness. it was saiduter that Matiti would recover, chiefly through his gran te- , ,..-_-, v-vuan- -.. “a an: a. slnlll, " "Band-hog," overcome by the "bends” {yesterday He " Andre Mariti, thirty- tive years old, and, in the opinion oi Ar. hears,'his resuscitation was nothing y short of marvellous. ( Mariti left the last air lock, after ‘coming out of the heavier pressure, two isoon, and went to his home. There he lcollapsed. Companions ran down to the air lock hospital and got one ol the physicians, who saw that if there was any chance for the man he must be placed again under at least an extra at- mosphere. An ambulance, with Dr. Sears, responded, and the physician found the man without a sign ot them His body presented the queer mottled‘ blue appearance which characterizes men 1 in the last stages of the "bends," and ( which obtains even after death. l However, stryehniue was injected, and i the body carried back to the air locks. i There the patient was placed mun-r] cram air, pressure and seemed to rc- E " New York, Oct. 14.--Although he apt parently was dead, so that not even the stethoscope could detect a. heart pul- sation, Dr. Sears of the Bellevue Hoa. pital and a physician employed in the air lock hospital of the Pennsylvania tunnel, First avenue and Thirty-third It1te,tr, brpught back ty life.a giant, a I i Receipts ot mm to-dar were an“: small. CEASED To BREATHE. l Wheat is higher. with we: of 200 bushels of -- ( FAIL " Itl per t"?t,'."oltte, ”manna? i bus elm so] In; at 7 . a Are Se my '-r. New York Doctors Brought Sand-hog. 100 bushel. selling u 630 per bagel. Back to Life by Placing Him Under l "IW, g', T371“ 1'l2,/le"t, 'tf, 112:] fllltAt Extra Air Pressure in Tune! Air g ton. . Lock l, Dressed hon Are unchanged .1 “an on RESTORE!) MAN AFTER HE HAD CEASED T0 BREATHE. alty incurred-5" :tliey exercise,caution and be vigilant lin protecting the lives of passengers r traveling on railway trains. From evi. dence before us we are forced to the l conclusion that the officers administer- , ing the law have not prosecuted in some «uses the parties primarily re- sponsible for the great loss of human life during the last year. Traiumen will not 'run by semaphores when they know that by so doing they will incur instant dismissal and other punishment, but they will run by them when the act. is winked at by high officials to make fast time. While we are in favor of enforcing the law in all cases to pro- tect human life, we do not favor tho; prosecution and conviction of the hum. 1 hie parties to the offence, and letting) those in exalted positions escape the pen- 1' " tr I-......, n _.__.-. mg The grand jury this morning made 03353321" what was practically a plea for mercy Pen-beg. oral in the wage of Murray Stephens, and Do., choice a serious charge against the railway '"ltri,fribtr, companies. The clause in the address Do: Rona referred to is as follows.. “The peo- l Pears. basket ( ple are awakening to the fact that tho-1 d'l'cd'1r,g" I traveling public have a right to de- I Tomatoés, per Juliand from railway companies that l fotatoeg. bag flu" nvurn:;n ,.....L:_» 7 I I . .. _ - ROSS ELECTIONS. ' The prisoner appeared much relieved after sentence was passed. and chatted with his friends before parsing into the jail to seru- his time. ‘ A St. Thomas despateh.. Cindi Justice Meredith this afternoon sentenced Mur- ray Stephens, the ex-Wabash engineer, who was found guilty on both counts ot an indictment yesterday, to six months in the common jail, without hard labor. His Lordship. in passing sentence, said nothing could justify recklessness and luck of responsibility. While not belies. ing that the employee should he made, the Victim, while the high official wagi "liowed to go from he thought the sen-i tom-o should fit the case. l PENALTY FOR NEGLIGENCE WHICH CAUSED FATAL NECK. Grand Jury at St. Eu, Says Peon- eution Should Not Stop at Bumble Employee-Get After the Companies. new." the desired reinforcement,, of , stock and blood and the um races to whom you are strange speech you do not understand, whose instincts and traditions separated by thousands of ye: is your choice. For myself i t time for making um and“ t. nu: w learn much and to t1nlearn much, but at last he win have the same powers and possibilities as yqurselves and follow the some ideas even "ns your fathers did along linen that you Ian-t: well. lie seeks only room to develop his powers and his capabilities. and this room, t conceive, is offered in your vast Dominion. "It is pouible that in your strength you may think that this is not on ur. gent question, but the time is coming when you will have to choose between' th.. alnaimJ .-1-e, _ 300.111 to the nee. Ttis not neces- nary, continued Mr. Kipling, to evolve In elaborate scheme of education to in- Itruet the immigrant from Great Brit. ain how to talk the English august or to teach his children the rudiments of citizenship. He knows that he may have to learn much and to unlearn much, but at Last he will have the same powers and possibilities as qu'seh‘es and follow the same ideas, even is your fathers did aloucr “up: “an. van Ln" DEAD REVIVED. gum-c to no party. , my"? a of the elections so far indi. 2:15:10: ' peasants, workmen and gamma of the cities exhibit un- 333.”; lism, while the upper "r, M I cities. particularly the Unitarian I returning ""nservative Welt um- y hoped to secure through as," ,',t w of June " . The land- In. It u eeted represent 627 mem. gar Y 'l Tht party, 91 Opposition. 'ttTele tt bout partv. Akin. . r making tuiliGei i (Cheat) WEAR IN JAIL TORONTO reinforcements of your dwn blood and the undesired of Identand, and from traditions you are mu of years-thut myself i think the 'strangers, wrsose " . ) ”may; '.'. .'.'. F. e ‘umlant , salons. gamut“!!! panama]?! “a potatoes, bbl. .. ”an... nu. ,,,__-_. "a. no. T. There urtv ' is every Indication ot I strong demand itt . fGrea'. Britain and on the Continent tor a t as limited quantity at our wimr mm. High ,131 [prices merely will prevail which Inll un- and l, douboedly curtail the con-nuptial. unclean buyer: have visited part- of Ontario. Quebec, . sud Nova. Booth this you. Watt prion pro- ndi. vented than trom obtaining only very In" and quantities. The pretence ot than buyers un- here. in comblmilon with tho short crop in nearlv all no Satan, “and indicate that per very Ne Moles will be exported from the the United fl'pht ttll'f yuan. Arbouzh the '2"t _ I.. reunite: um! amnion I "ve, Paton to bellow tin: even may hid. I I? price: will lessen an. '_.--., is on you - -.. .m o: an and viii}; up!» will Ibo be made from Ontario to this H." - venue mu even 'rto*mtetr Md: once: will lean the con-amnion per cap- ita. It In reported that on. NouSemuIHp- oer bu mind a able own-Inc 2.000 hall- barrels of - analog for divalent to South Amos. Small aim of an and qrirtter mule: wlll also be null frm... "-“"' - There is an excellent den Bruazn tor only Apples ot wdmng tram me unmet rep cetved trom Liverpool and 1 shippers. however, In mild; take in shipping green and I and marking fruit. or such I and In "r.e imam even " a..-" q.. Jun, - i, Motttreal.--About 800 head ot hutchers' cat- ) tie. in milch cows and ups-insets. 200 calves, ‘80!) sheep and lambs and 250 fat boys were {offered for sale " the Eu Etna Abattoir ito-d-y. There were no mlly prime been: i on 11:. market. and 4lic per lb. was the top l flame here to-day, and from that down to a i little over 3c per lb. for "any good mm», 1 while the common stock ttold at 1%e to near ,3c. and the cunt: at from le to Ike pe.r 1 lb. Mild: emu sold Ct 38 to 855 each. Grad- r a” calves Iold at from Ne to axe per Ib., lil) the tfy, 'gtlut t to ovler 6e per lb. been“ at c '8futeritriiait%"di {Sm toocpor lb. 5tt.hloq.i.iFiGirT, pod ) lots selling " from Co to Mitt per lb. i ---- _ Applet. Tho Hunter applet throughout Onurlo In now growl“ upldly. should the pram-n: a- vorable weather continue Into October the late varieties will likely reach a good aver- age size. but early fruits are past the inter- veulfru ot favorable weathcr commons. Oltl. bush. .. .. .. .. .. . _ Barley. bulb. .. .. .. .. . -Peu. bush. .. .. .. .. .. ‘Hur. ton .. .. .. .. .. .. . [Strum ton .. .. .. .. ... (Seeds. Alslke, No. 1, bush. 1 Do. No. s, bush. .. .. . (tMtaaed hon .. .. .. .. .. "iri. per down .. .. .. .. Butter, dairy .. .. .. .. .. Do.. Creamery .. .. .. .. Geese. dressed. lb. .. .. .. ’Chlckem. lb. .. .. .. .. .. .. Imam. dressed. lb. .. .. .. ITurkeyl. per lb. .. .. .. .. ‘Apnlen. per bbl. .. .. .. .. Onions. bag .. .. .. .. .. Potatoes. ban .. .. .. .. .. Cabbane, dozen .. .. .. .. Beef, blndquarrerl .. .. .. Do.. forrquarters .. .. .. Do.. choke. arcane .. .. Do.. medium. can-no .. .. IMutton. per ewt. .. .. .. .. Veal. prime. per ml. .. .. (Lamb. per owl. .... .. -- = to $23 I ton. SHIV I: min) I ton. Dreamed host an unchanged " t $8.75 for mun. and " 88.5 tor heavy Wheat. nag, bushel .. .. .. ..81N Do.. red, bushel .. .. .. .. 104 Do.. spring. bushel .. .. .. 095 "Du. rogue. bush. .. .. .. .. 092 I .... "_""..'..' vuluI"! nu "lowlands ot d: I - I Winnipeg, for Juana, “an.“ the I ly T3” [tfc,'," m Sillwuukev pl British Cattle mam. I Number of Sacks Received by ees.)' 'l" e it?" " " lor . London-London cables no tlrmer at 10e ( in One Month-Result of LOVGII "llo.w.ing her tt of the hom to 12 He per 111.. dread weight; retrial-h , I v ~inel I thr,, lushuuuhh- rich, Mrs. Itomauik., tttor beet is quoted " ' 340 to 10: per m l Postage on "" . I that "he turned the property over I Ottawa, Oct. 14.r-.Th.e. sp',',.';':').,,?),:'.',":,'; I' mum minted Jones, who in 'now a Cheese Markets. I 'lt.'i1'lt"f, 'g,',' ':,',11t'/eiUo"deatt,ti"s I?) I 0mm - tritig man C0nung "e The startlin .onte sion wilt-h " hank}:Thggfgleefilxgamxfisfiagwfsd I’Cuudian ileum-rs for the... I",',','.'", It. 3 Muuy iilll'J, If (the "r')')','.',',', 'r,",,',';',',,,.',. 17c white. Sold. 155 colored u 13 1-160; 96 IJuly and August, ant} the figy.ref ‘f C, I? the city, besides explaining the thr, white, At 12 T-Sc. and 147 box“ colored at I bear out the oottelusiom, f “I'hu-th Wert i of the: Mutlthv woman'. arrout' 13c. . drawn from the tiguns " t Ie wo pre- , . . _ a "' ' .I wngston. Ortt.-cttease maxed (0413:; {at I ing months "HR the inerease in the I Y""'.,.".' 2ytu {IA-no, t!'etie! ap the Frontenac board and 131-160 Wu trat or ad} . p- I ' d . in . com- the Fidelity & "'ault.s' Compaw 155 boxes. There Were 96 boxes whlte sold IBrltIsh ,'"ll',fl,1lfr,"', an "My; _ I New York which company has bee at 12 7-8c and 147 boxes colored at 13v. The i, inc into Calla an a result ot the re- 1 l . . ' h . rexlstratlons were: White 176, colored us. Iduction of postage ie altogether v?.lr:.l'"'i""i'W t e lilting? NIP. f nonmml. The total immune in the unm- , ----_---- Toronto Paranera' Intel. iber of mailbag: coming into (‘unndaI To B Receipts 'l2'rfu',"f,y. 'a’;;‘:'" If??? I' from Great. Britain during the months of i Whealllhls r.wt " BO ttMelts' . . cl nu at 31.05 per bushel. annoy timer. zoo Hey and {Strait} tl. 1','lt'l'it1c1it l - bushels selling at 75c. Onc- are Se higlur. the correspo mg Igtt e- o , I . too bushels selling " 63e per bushel. {per cent., the number for July anti Au- f M mm m“ b Fife.. Hly ls firmer, with sales of 25 load. at oust, 1906, being 2.120 bags, while forI ' I”: to 88lt tt ton. tStraw iq MM] at 315 . ithe same months in 1907 there were 5,- I HA In- A on I OBI-eased hon In urn-mu.“ n mm ., l EM I Klmwton-Tttere were boarded at the Fron- tenac cheese muting (0-day. " colored and 171; white. Sold. 155 colored " 13 1-16c; 96 white. at 12 T-Sc. and 147 boxes colored at 10.. Do., choice .. .. .. Grapes. Chum. am. Do.. lame basket. .. Do.. Roget}, small [Pent banks-L. .. .. Do.. Bartlett. .. .. T130150“. box .. .. .. , Tomatoes._per bucket London-London cnblel In firmer at we to 12 1-4e per tty., dread weight; temper. nor beet i: quoted It ' 3.4e to 10e per 1b. Otto-Aki?,' 60e bid ti6e bid. Winnipeg Wheat Market. Following are the closing quotations on WInnlpeg nun futrueq to-day t Wtseat-4bt., $1.14 bid; Dec., $1.13 bid; May, $1.77 7-8 bid. Do, aGirtiaTC.. '.'. Green gages .. .. .. .. .. Padres: qrdlnlry, basket Receipts ot grapes and Inn. and price: are Ill easier. with demand Ion Flynn. larger Duke: .. ' Hort-Deliveries the largest for Mr. nHrrls to! 2100 Wednesday dun at ttnrhamred quottstiorm. 8.12 1-2, light {am n 1517 1.9 M Sheep and Latrttrr-T'he run lambs was the lax-gut of the non ewes sold " “.25 to I cull! Ind "ms. " w to $8.ap. to 83.50 per (wt. Veal Calves-There ya u liberal supply of what are culled veal other. or I" the but! Iota we lave cut: during the put " yearn. we never law 1 worn lot u regards qual- ltr. Prim were quoted " trom 81.50 to t6.ro per cet. Putehe-or tour carloada of prune cal- tle. 1100 to woo Ibo. each. “.70 to “.00; tor loads ot good cattle, MO to tao tttn., u to 34.35: male. 860 to 960 In" $2.80 to 88.60; load cows. $2.40 to $3; cannon, 81 no: per out ' Fedora and '.toeher-Meers. Kathy bout!!! about no cattle, ~him-t: an: 1050 to mo lb. feeder. at 8.85 to as»; but no to no ltr. teeedm. $2.40 to 82.06; medium 700 to ’00 lb. feeders. $2.15 to $2.40; com-on son to 700 lb. stockcrl. $1.50 to 82.00. Mllch Comi--The best cow on the market was bought from the drover at KG and the Montreal dealer paid $66 for her. The aver- age price of the but cows would not be more than 845 each. it that much. Common light can are not wanted, but sold from 825 to 335 each. Trade w” “My leave. when 171 cub“! ot all kind- of stock caused bud. itt two dun. Prim m Mgr I" round. moot- In: tor o In picked cattle. BMtortem--A. McIntosh bought on loud of "porters, picked out ot morn] loads. from Mayne. Wilson & Hall. watching an Che. each. at $4.87 " per out. And thig mu the only lot we heard of. Export bolls non from ya to “10 and one at prime quality " - "v... vuuullll' only very In" The Prince ot these buyers {Mutilation with the short crop In 1 no 'ursnSei, ttte, that M191 In expend mm the to. this you. Although the North- :et has ml] Increased than In behave “an Avon ~4‘-~‘ _ ' The 0:11:11;va at-tiriraurnuy Vin not my tnd I Itrrt mnuu_vujld. .,,., were were tins hop that went ttt ”will! houses direct, ot'wmch Guano. Limited. To- rpnto Junction. so! :23. This would nuke a total ot 301 a." at stock In two days. Th. all-"Iv " M"!- nun-III! in. nat Receipts ot live stock since Tun-day were lame. in tact the largest ot the you. The ”Mun reported m curlondl, consisting ot 28:5; cattle, when, we: [been and “min. " Ocalves and l borne. Besides the above there were 3018 no. that vent to Admin! an excellent demand only twigs of good Toronto Fruit and Vegetables. Montreal Live Stack. rls got 2100 wediiiaaFGrhG; unchanged quotations. Selects. ttt light fat: " 8537 1-2 per cvt. "cet Canditicns. as am: managers. 200 calves. mbs and tat tat boys were It the Eu Etna Abattoir an no really prime have: ad {Kc per lb. was the top 1,,y11 from that down to a .... mum]; a grave mil- een and Immature Apple: or and: qelitr 'No. L' Im. basket -.."truii' Toronto Live Stock. Mind in u'reat tttood quuity. 'orts recently te- Glasgow. A (a No.12. ttd peache' continue Bteady. Pears are active, 2.. $1.13 bid; my 55 we bid; May 10 tD 040 010 010 017 074 .3975 8100 tamtri, It Vs/r 065 of sheep and lemon. Rx. Ther'e some time 10 00 11 GO -- 1 mm, were were received " the offin- tll MS] bags of British mail. by the Can. 011 Jadian steamers. For the e'.'rteNromlirhy. 020 1 months of l907 the number has risen to ”311,736. The increase is 1255 bags, that 'd, {is 261 per cent. of the number received 050 1in July, 1906. The “intellectual prefer- M) oo l enee" is evidently proving an even great. 'lit 'er success than wu anticipated. .. "- l -- - ' t o 00 I But ‘the full measure of the inerease o 00 Jean beat be seen by a reference to the o no 1' statistics for the leading centres of po- 0 00 ", pu1ation. In Toronto there were an» bars Gt I received during the months of July and 000 lAugust, 1906; during the amine months goo of 1007 the number' was 1.048, an in- coco [crease of 669 bags, or 171 per cent. The It) ( increase in Montreal was from 442 to ' 76 ! 1,024, that is of 582 bags or 132 per Nut. tt a l The figure. for Winnipeg, however, ttre 030 g nothing lea than amazing. During Jul). tif 1 1906, there were received " the offitw 012 MS! bags of British mail. by the Can. 011 (adian steamers. For the "'.'rteNromlirt.y. 259 ', P1Ttls of 1907 the number hos. ..1... ... ,.._-__ _... “my trill! leaving the d , " t that 8 o'clock to 100::y at tdl'tdl'l, and in turning off the Jet . ‘eoomi time he turned it too far. allowing the an to escape. , 3 Toronto dospatr-h: After he had Huf- I fvred for two days from the effects oi l inhaling illuminating gas, Mr. Peter Far. lev, aged 72, a retired farmer from Ar. I thur, 0nt., died at the home of his son- _ in-law, Mr. George W. Kiely, 640 Ger- rarrl street east, at an early hour yes- terday morning. Mr. Farley' was found unvtmaeiour, in bed when the occupants of the house called him on Monday morning. He had retina " hi mud early hour and turned " the gun More getting into bed. As He Wing; to catch In lgnying the city. ter Int , to Peter Fariey, '"0teu mmy-sovcn months be He immediately returned to and went into his father’s of Miss Lear]: had said she I but soeiuty was somewhat sh, the marriage was announmd Worexster, Ilnss., Oct. It.--.' Ceeilia Leaeh, a wealthy am Huh woman. was married " Church {0-day to John W. .‘ ex-rouvict. Four years ago, just befor to have been married to M Maher was sentenced to four jafl for grand larceny. Aft, served thirty-seven month: I... Society Woman Weds Man Who Had Served Four Years. MARRIES CONVICT. fENonuous menus: m nuns . RECEIVED PROM ENGLAND. _ _'-- _--_ .-... - “ml-l“ Wm: T busing-s. country row. In Ion. notion- Are I not good, and travelers no rot-Mod In their l was»: ll woman: an.” poo! '--'rotttttrm [ [ novemenu. I Ottawa-A fair human I; moving In most l "no- or trade there. although “out pur-1 (chueq have not been unusually in". _ tarttdort---rhq tone of trade than I. canar- f {ally mod. Large “Home“ of - Ire - I l In: forward and prospects for “role-u. one I I Ire fongiqoreq bright. . In a." wholesale “not. The fii'fg,'t2"'g,rge l In moving briskly on winter lines I C out." I Ire It!" mood. Real: trade In fairly active j Ind collections are nenlly (Mr. Country I mac has a slightly quiet tone but the out- ' look I- commend “unwary. I “an: KILL-ED BY GAS, Vuoouver and vtestate%-oeatarat M con- tinues trial: all do“ the count. The short- ue at money In the other wt- od (km: 15. however, lessening (no activity In mod , of the ttrovirteinl luau-mu. The am for _ lumber bu mm: ott on this Iowan I Quebee-Too much run In Interim-g with l busing-u. counm mm. In m- ......--- --- "re-e""'""'"----.".-- Witt-r have hon t-tthqttq In that oe+etttt+ Mtt1f.t"ggitNVgg.ttutMUit only In an .6t0ttet. The am out lull now u haw And mu will injury. until the close of MVWOII. Ml ef- rum in bin; and. to and out Wat-1| dam-mm. Orders Inn the Wu! H! can mood mum-awn: the mqroetad has. to cm. An -tHett whole-us my and. " moving. Pau- was”: bold (ir- and on canned good. My 00. Wtuath--rheio In an . hull- ot - dams. (or the (mun that In: In!" In a- kmgvo-km. Thundpr 1umaa. In Waning to be W - Ian was then two-nah. The most M qigtttrggqtq an that the «up "rgtttgggtq te,', Hm not can. of the and any. om to huh price- the return. to an m VIII. uuwhole. mummy-'00:. I. than that ot Int you. Collusion m "til slow And none; to M1. 1 “aluminum. Willow .tytMieretrto'"rtsoM.tuttt-daM "od_ttramtimttM,tFtotetti-e Writ-mm!“ Thou-- AtMort.amrtttom.iitteeemt-ttvo-. you Pete' y the hungnd I‘m rbhk hm Glut-Inca:- vat. Cool“- ther has - an an... In” In experiencing u not w W all - “no. momma-mu. rnamlwmkmmum‘cn our BRITISH ItEh0IlR1 ot the banks in munching ion: an od- uucw ll undoubtedly turvluq ”In. once! in muiua the "e"tt,e,t'gtett.'"tha= the country, to some and. W has 1m inclined to - a pod m trade to spring up noon in - all brunch- s of um. .- they believe an I... of the country during the coming - will bomber Marciano-1mm“: about. The ttnr+meetraNiqt"tnqort. better tau. 21'IU'1T unwind-not unman- M an In I“ I bevy. Thus in all] can. quali- not! the don-ad tor band-1' m. 9rerto-Itrll mm! tmdo up but: on“. In the min alum»: hm btrtng tire put week. Cool. “no unnum- ha and no amount or all clothing. The was tn man's tut-hump bu been Mutiny Dru... The In! w. an bwn navy and more In: Nun I In; all to: nearly Blt ttae. o: nub-r- anks-v ~31“! drums condone a, no" teat “though reman- null mow mum: con-anuuu In plum; gardens. The 90qu ey, of Arthur, Ont Go Jet Too Far. _r---a- VIIIU , a wealthy society and Midstream Tad: Renew. Frau. will mun ( unload - our winter who. m-h: After he had nut 5 TWO lays from the effects of. Lung gnu, Mr. Peter Far. l retired farmer from Ar. is father's office d said she would somewhat shaken s announced. just before he was ed to Miss leach, u. 4- 1A,, 14.-Aritus Clara our year- in éfter he had early train JUICE again. would unit, St. - John}; Maher, aut Was freed. “breeder T Turned when l Ithaca, N, Y., (Dot. 14.---A demand) to 'the Journal from Trumnnshurg unless that in a fire which destroyed 1Unor. der's livery stable, Foster's hotel, and St 5’ livery, in, the village of Thm. 'llrWI'd this morning, two Inn. Mont. Berber and Thome. karat-1d, were burned to death. Mr «land as... no lawn-ed. Join Holley. “other Dec-mt of the Inn, was badly burned, and may die. The Ion to about 'Mott, partly covered hr has... " BURNED to DEATH. - ,-,_- ._-_._ - -m... "Do you think (but vu I roundabout w-y at de_teivitte but! Wanna t" asked Mr. Just- Ieo Clue. 1'Pdf't, "u,'g't'"f, Illa Roar. . I. " er I Cutting Proposition," all Mm... "It In." miles! the hiya, "but doubtless your Lordship he come here's Just each cues." .. eWnuut Int-r " Adan I’ll-on knew what he was doing." and Mr. Roar. ' cuue he signed I document which few law- yer: would have drawn up tor him. httow- luntm Pt.et yogic to trouble? Did tAtt-ttrt-ttmot-tate, This la the point that rod. Juno. Chm I'D all“ upon “my In the Non-inn M- an- to Quinn" on, warm the other " a mm a u touch brought by Florence E. Dam m Dclvd T. 8mm haunt the To- ronto Gone-l Tuna Mormon an! In. R. M. Lillie Wlbon to compel than to hand over the “no of the lute Emma Wilson. of 'rue, tho plnlnlmu In the newton: and nuclear. Mr. Jumce Cline deterred hund- lnx oul judgment yesterday. as he Inn to construe documents that devise am CrR'.te of almost mono. Allegation in Iutut Respecting Late Sir ; Pittshurp. Oct. ".---it devvlowd to. ;‘dny that the new letters which Harte ( admit: euat him a lot of mom-y, $3,500 'alone being paid to Howard Lope, like , the letters deelared forgeriec during the recent court hearing. am- unsigned. Hartje offered his wife $00,000 to-dny to admit his charge: Were true and (in him porno-ion of the two children. Stony and Louise. Mrs. Kurtis refused. The Hatrtie one Inn developed into I gigantic t'ontspiraey,etnd tlw judgesof the county court-t. lawyers and others will not be surprised if a trunnion im'uiving leading attorney: is sprung as soon A the Superior Court, now sitting in Phila- delphia, decide: if this use is to be Chicago. Oct. ".--Mou Emilee Ito. nwdku, wife of Millie-all! Charles J. Romudh, of Milwauh-o, eoetfomed to. dny that phe had robbed at least Ax fa-l-ionalble home. in (Mk-ago, stealing I dinmand: valued at thousands of dollara. 10m othrr robbery in Milwaukee she ac- km wleUged as her work. Following her midn of the homes of the ftothionabie rich, Mrs. 11mnndka told 1 that ulne turned tho hm" -_.-- . - We Offers $60,.” to Wife-he - wan as can“ ’ mummies Wife Tum new rescind tariii. flu-hum m) that the valley the" in or.e van Fake The flood is the wont since IN'}. Ilan: \‘Iillfgep Ila“: been Wily chunk-mu! M Uni? inhabituid Paris, Oct. 14.--At Avignon the River Ebola In that! so {at and the mun-rs continue to line " the rate of an inch In hour. The "all” flood hug carried " emeTt in ito auh. At tit. 3.1315", . $231- IN]? derailed and " his: I” M of the track has hot-n "wept svuy. At Privn, deplrtmom of AMM, the Rhine has overfloweu' it, bank; at! " tone plug. L mile. ' A number of bridges have burn Sue-pl "my. At Pouuin a houw and " Auk mill aittutad not: the river bank. cor ueref1tiliiattr .fivg Persons. Men lane Their Lives Another May Die. ll - of the mum,- of disorder between the strikers Ind "black leg...” the {notation In guarded by tsoldiers and the tee, have mud fot the reception o with. Hétel visitors are in a Flight, as all cafes Ind restaurants will to closed my» in; to the waiters being on .trikv. No shops will open, for the trade-men fear the intedrmcc of the t%etrtuta. A Socialist org-.1: aute- that th" miik depots will "an. open till lo a. m. and supply milk to the hospitals. Otherwise avg-gym“ and be cloned. View, nu. ".--Ate-ubk. prepara- tions are being made for todayu "aim. ul “Huge demon-nation in Budnpmt, in view of the mm» of all workmen for the duy, and tears or collidons with the 1m demonstrator- who have "rind in the Hunguiun 'e"t.f,t,1, from 177 dir- fem", (gym of the 'ilgdom. Budnpat Dena-duties- M Busi- wing her has of the homes of untenable rich, Mrs. [Wm told he turned the property over to a named Jones, who is now a wig- ONE DAY STRIKE. LADYSKIP DERIVED ? WIFE STOLE. Ann man. Rhine Omani-g. nu Tied Up. (4.--it devolu'nd to. letter-t which Harte lot of money. 33.500 Inlllg the mvary In“ Arron, “a. a 'ttweial agee cf my (hmpur: of puny his been in- goodbyes. '"e" _qh III sandy a growth of the l lens. 11 oottrqr (antic ed Pin couth N w looked we mm! quiz. Winn. “on was tt “and Hunt varied city The any .4 "u the 15th ell-mm for the Mltiful numb" of I funny eorttaeC Ch infant. , remln' no It“! this has mi" P' mn' r I! m Whi was idol, he " t on an only f: ut yarn The! undowdod interest I: ed itw New. Wham Rumba has-m4: “they!“ "mideneseth ”llama-I Mm It Am pu 0mm( bu..nd¢ tt tr Per n in " m

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