West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1907, p. 5

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Mar g our tastes ive to Yeat- sfac- that body 'arie- Mis- are, cuts and best and 'd it'e Jate " 'COS N At intending Hindem- should an." n the begin ning of In. term " possible. Baud m be ob mined " remnnble mm. Durban in n bunny and nut-clue sown. mum; it n no“ dealt-hie pian tor resident. Wm. Johnmn.8r.. Churn-n The when! In thoroughly oqmrpod tn tennis: Manny, In chemlcnl Ind eieet ct] npxmun than", ae., tor full Junior Lenin; in MatMe. umlon work. The following comma: ml no In ensue: H108. ALLAN. In Ch» comic-Io, mum) ms: JESSIE leKENle LOGAN, B. a., Home! (it-dune of Town» 1'reemttr,-cPteiteti, Latin, Composition. Ind Manure. Miss DONALDA 1"MM,tfi,eh B. a., 6nd- une of Queen's Unlvenny In mu Protei- Mona] C'yryitet"ecr-Alotsei, unmade, Mu. Ioty And Geognphy. Durham School Ills: $1 per month In Damon Eggs Taken as Cash at The Down Town Shoe Store Is to be seen " the Down Town Shoe Store. Call and examine quality and price. ho urging to buy it goods and prices don't suit. I pair of Boots. The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Durham --- -- P. uuuu 'Feammt ttt the I nee: occurs thanat any other and 0!, plies are used In buying goods of 1 (and necessary). to buy the best goods 1 stock is very fll end complete. comm DARLINGS, OCTOBER w, Starr and lgulpmont. Nice Pencil Case given Free I, tr,tr,tt'cht.xs1troy At this er tight ""9n ot the DARLINGS DRUG STORE 51.51: Room 5113919113.: not Water Bottles Fountain Syringe. Absorbent Cotton; Plain a Medteatod Cotton: Clinical Thermometer: lnnllds' Rings u... any outer and of court: more sick room 013p- ln buying goods of this kind it is 11m: " mac ‘. to buy the best goods from the beat makers. Our 1 Ind complete, comptising c. Raga... - ‘11- yulcuulng Case contains t lead pencil. I pen, I slate pencil W. H. BEAN Don't forget to cull and Ice no if you van! a lamp This Ml we hue them from... ....25c up rtrte Imitation cu. glu- preurn 0mm " ..-.....................a)e_eenctt 4 pleeepreuedgluo Table not "........40e use: len'l (Indian not.“ It in. 1.25 nnd Lao each “diet in]! and winter Underweu irom...abc up Be. our line: of 25c and Me 1mm 00003 for in! And winner. r1oor0uelottt,ird,ty4 you In!” yd: wide thrtrrna In“.sozlolm................8.oo each “1:972:72 tred-ttmem,......" Ind 8.00 each my. 1124 "uncut”. Bunion itt white ormy"............................$1.25 or J. S. McIlraith THE BIG 'eople's Druggists 'elr I great deal more nick- lee has Adhesive Plum- Disinfectants momma. etc. Invalid! Cups or girl' pyrrhastnir, CalderU Block SELLS CHEAP 31.25 pr Argument is wasted on men whoee menu! attitude is revealed in the words ofPreeident Coekehntt. What hailed for in each cues in the nee ot A club in the form of the ballot.--4hta. When hard times come to Canada they will be due to the inability of farmers to buy on the same liberal scale that prevails now. It is " a provision against what is coming that Mr Cockshntt demands a higher Uriff on goods such as farmers are oblittedto buy. At a period when tillers of the soil will be compelled to count every dollar as it goes out-- when the purchase even of necessi- ties is ttttrailed-Mr Cockshntt would compel the pavment of duties not of thirty-aye but of probably 50 per cent on imported goods. And to what end? That home manufactur- era, who have grown wealthy under thirtrfive per can protection ml timeaof general momerity. shall bei protected by lee a n from Mtfftsr-; 'trititt any ot the inconveninoea of , lean years that are coming. In the addrese delivered at the 1tanuhteuirera'tsonvention by Presi. pent Cockehutt, it was declared that our preeent term is barely attllietisrtt to protect the Canadian unname- tnrere in a. period of prosperity and will be wholly insaifiiient tor that purpose when hard tunes return and more of foreign goods denied sale at home seek a market in this country. l --An item referring to the Brock- l ville election was omitted last week. ‘ The position left vacant by Hon. Geo P. Graham was captured by Mr. Don. "tltt,trconsetwative, by a. decisive majority. Ot course it has given im- mense comfort to the Conservatives. though the incident has no particular terrors for the Liberals seeing bye- elections generallv go with, the gov- ernment. Besides there was a teel- Ing in some Liberal minds that Mr Graham having been allowed in by acclamation. there should be similar courtesy granted in the local and this feeling caused apathy. There will be wigs on the green when loader: Mackay gets down to work. I r In elections Money is a good deal of a blow-hard. It does not accomplish one-halt ot what it pretends to do. Most of it is dishonest' money. It is subscribed secretly; it is meant to purchase an infhtenee that money should be unable to bay, Most of it enters politics from improger sources; mostoi it quits politics byl sing stolen. Much of it enters doubtful constituen- cies in the breast pockets of a " men, and leaves the constituencies in the hip~pockete of the same men. This easing and indirect contact, with Boodle does not corrupt the l grand old ridings ot this country in any wide-spread way. It merely builds up the fortunes ofa few men, and changes them from beer-drinkers into careful Judges of 'slltrnpNtrte.- Mack. in the Saturday Night. During last, month the public debt was decreased about a quarter of a million dollars, upon which interest eeased.-Ex. The Liberals have been fail hful stew- ards of the people. The revenue for the first six months of the current lla- 1cal year is 850,441,208, one and a third dimesI greater in six months than the Conservutles could show for a Whole year. after they had been tinkering with the government for eighteen rears. The income of the government or the past six months is greater than the expenditures by over 82L000.000. In other words the. Liberals in six months can show a surplus nearly equally the total revenues of the U'on. servatives during their last year of oMee and on that particular occasion I there was a deficit. l The budget will without doubtbe one of the best ever presented to a Canadian Parliament. At the pres~ ent rate of receipts the year will show an income of little short ot $100,000,000, and the surplus will he the largest ever brought down by a minioter of tinamte in Canada. One of the most important will be the commercial treaty just concluded with France. The particulars of this treaty cannot, of course be made public until the House is in possession lot the details. One has only to bear in mind that Hon Mr Fielding and Hon Mr Brodeur were the negotiators todispel any anxiety that Canada's interests have not been properly safe- guarded. The fact that Canadian ministers of the Crown entered upon the matter, of this treaty direct, without intern tereneatrom, and with the full con- currence of the home government, should be the occasion of gratifica- tion. Canada has under the guiding hand of the prime minister taken a prominent place among nations and the resultant benefits oi this action with respect to France will beiar reaching When Sir Wilfrid Laurier said of Canada that he would make other a nation, he meant just what the words imply, and the negotiations with respect to this treaty prove that Canada has already entered upon the functions of nationhood. Argument is Lost on Such Another session of Parliament is within mensunhle distance end the government will he in u pusltionto resent mny subjects to the house or 'sottsidemtkm, which will bebat additional evidence of the regard to the public interest which character- izes - act of Sir Wilfrid Lunrier. Liberals Faithful Stewards Another Session Approaches J. 0. Mord. Anniversary Ser ices at. the Salem MethodistChureh, winbon Park, are to he held D. V. as f llowa: next Sun- day the 20th inst the or Geo A King, B, A., of Holstein, w Ere-sch at 7.30 p. m. An old fuehio tea-meeting will ho held on Mondny yelling the 21st, Tea served from 6 p m " All are serv- ed, followed by a choir program cor" aiming lot music by tht chain, Quar- tette under the direction; f Wm Rum- age, Esq" of Thistle P. ., solos and duetta b Missei Anna mes and M. Beer ' ','Jle'l',"i1/ and dresses by Rev i T I Wilson of Mar dale. chair- man of the District. Geo King B. A, i of Holstein. Mr Kendall. reshyterian minister of Drotuore, &c. dminance 25 & 16 cur. he Sovereign Bank 1 ' of Canada Box. D. Hellman not. CLIP-In. innit}. It. brunt. 3a.. P. on. Pun nan". . I. Hahn-r. by. I}. Aux. In“. In” I. lajluum. . . " GM t. Mu. . . . Au. Ge-qb0tt The offleitu h rd of the Prieetille circuit; will D. be held at the Par. aonage. Pricevill Wednesday, 23rd inst. 'tt 2 p m. A ll attendance of the Board is requested There will be no service irt he Meth. odist church a Priceyille next Sunday the 20th inst. wing to the quarterly Sacramental a vice at Ebenezer at 10.3) a. m. Lenahan In this line our stock is complete and worthy of inspection a full line of Sideboards. Bedroom Suited. Parlor Suites. Cour Chairs, Springs. Mattresses. an», to select from. This in the ph right goods at the right prices. haunhummpddm. In Oils we have a complete stock consisting of Canadian and Amer Coal Oil. Linseed Oil, Turpentine. Gasoline, Benzine, Cream Separator Muchine Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, Castor Oil, Cylinder Oil, Carriage Oil National Portland Cement always kept on hand. See our stock of these before buying allewhere can speak for themselves. 'avtng"argril)qart-t We have 3 good assortment of Double ond Single bun-cl Guns. Rifke, Revolvers and Ammunition of all kind: to select from." See our assortment of these and our different kinds of camidgel. We also carry a full line Granitewara and Tinwuc. Remember we are agents for the lemons lines of McCLARY’S Furnaces. Stoves. Ranges Ind Haters. Among these are the well known Sunshine Fumoce, which is almost " good us a private sun in any home; the Tender. Ronge'. which is so well Ind favoubly known ; the Oak Hooters which surpass the majority of Reuters both in usefulness and looks ; also runny others, which require no particulars given here. THE DURHAM Hardware (b Furniture Guns, Firearms and ammunition If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer’s Business Pspet, will each week be of Special Interest to you. 'Subscribe NOW forThe WEEKLY SUN Horse Blankets, Curry Combs THE i1l,WiAlll REVIEW Only $l.75 Priceville Circuit ls famine Your Business? We also have the latest and bers in WASHING MACHINES. WRINGERS AND to let Jan., 1909, Oils of all Kinds Furnaces, Stoves Ranges and Heaters ttt COKBIIATION WITH of McClury'. Mn Suites. Parlo} Suite;, cideU,HGiU,' u, to select from. This is the plsoe to get the 'urniture Por Union School No. I, known no Val-nay School. Duties to begin " the beginning of the yen. In Ap, ply tinting qualitieUioni, “In" and experience to J. W. mm. Beer, Tron. Vane}, Ont. Sept. 12 100 urea. being lots 2 and 3 of 10 Con, W. a. R.. Bentlnck. in excellent stat. of cultivation. About eight net-es cleared, well watered, well fenced comfortable log home, good frame barn. basement stable. Rood orchard. Slanted on gravel road. convenient to church. achool. pout once and arm mill, full poemsion given " the In. of Much. permutation to do fall work will be allowed from the preoent. Fox further particular. npply to " an R. A. Marshall, Durban. __ _ _ . -- --.- va-avllg " mun WI com- plete, Flown. Burrows. Pulpeu. Wind mills und towers. Wire, Wire fencing. Scans, Iron pig troughs. be. Must. he cold at once. A. H. JACKSON. Anignee. Light \Vagono. Light hob-lambs. Ittlt,t,ret wagon. wpgron box com- ..I..n... '--, " - " Lot 27, 28, Uon. 1 S. D, K. Glenelg. 85 acres cleared, 7 acres hush. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame, Bunk, Batu (45:00.) “In“; from pro. osed statidn%iGi/w ICF. "ii.""diiii'." Souveniemlm School and P. 0. If ur- ther particulars apply on the premises. Cnnmining 50mm: more or lens. Good land. well wwtered. Good brick house and frame barn With won. basement stables. On good lending line of road, " miles from the town of Durham and adjoining the new 0 P R track, 1 mile from school. Will sell right to quick buyer. Don't miss 5 good opportunity. For further pur- ticunrg apply at the Ruvuw Omen. =no ARCH TORONTO Teacher Wanted. Farm tor bale. Farm To Rent Farm for Sale. For Sale. cIntosh. J can McAn’ran. Prop fltyue serif; 0:1: Both quality and mi. The Farmer's Local Paper , Brushes CHURN S. and American v, PM ' "tt her Shop. - _,__- '___ "WM" .. - RESIDENCE - Fir-t house south of Lawrence's Blacksmith Shop. Br.row.J.tooo-Next to Elm-ll ow'u Bar. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Clove! and Timothy and all un- letiec of (in-den Seed- in .- bundunce for Spring growing onum': “Ron! Household " human " Five Rom "-The vary but Keewuin make. A onion! in“ moivod. Lots of other groper” for me. " ney to Len ' All kinds of butl- ness attended to. Would be a greet bargain. Bo ere the followmg propertiee " the prices naked t 100 acres. Durham Road, Bentinck. Good dwelling. frame hank harm good soil. Convenient location, only 32500. 200mm. tlienNtr---flne bank Num.- good frame "ellintr-other good improvements. only .3000. 40 eel-es Garden Land, Durham Bond Bentinck. 81600' A snap. 250 hoof}: on S,ett,tgt 'tent? u: m ' go encee. BO . Ta Ggi? buyer at '0500. 100 Lem. Bttntittek,--owner in went. price 82700. Buildings worth the money-tarm for nothing. SEEDS FLOUR A Dollar for haven Stool Tracks. Singer Sewing lacuna. Walurton lublo Works. The Bell Organ a Piano Co., Chum and Waning lnehlnes. Brantford, Mrttttitvil1tt, are: Carina We no solo Agents in Dunn: to: the anve well known Implemenn- Binders, Mowers Dlls’ Huron . Dino Cultintom, lame Smut"! any Bikes, w, lat N. Ted- don. Haney-Hum Cram Sep’nwrn The Ifustrlltrris Go. MATTHEWS & LATIMER McQueen & Morice FIELD AN D GARDEN. Full line of Cntholic Robes and Mack and white Gaps for aged people. Embalmlng a Specialty. Highut nudes only. A. BELL The Hanover Convemner mm, the Agents for . H. MILLER, Fifty Cents Ill NEW ilnlllrllllll The strongest manly Mutual Fire Immune: Co. In Guano. A record without. I Mlle) and “an lei-rd tor hone“ ettoru. Mounted and Insects! by the Government; insures Residenc- in (an "open, upon the was: known plun- Iou you Mute: pouch: i-ued on the nuns! ' lament or one gonna! synem undo! the mutt-Von”. con dam to the lawn-1. [nun tn the best. If your immune alphas am you. all on. or drop a and to NEIL [06“le Agent, Durha- Mlllllll fllll lllllllllllllli (llllll© FARMERS’ CENTRAL ”canned Auctioneer [or the ca. of Grey. lulu promptly Attended to. an. tangential. Olden mainline left u nu Imple men: I'm- alm, Me not” old Immoral. me Bull! on. 1lfjLH At ”Cl-ARK QLMcPHA n., Atter two you: in business in Durham I thank heartily the mnv {omen end otherl who hevetevored me with their trade and hove plenum in nnnonncing that I will in the future have he" pleasure in meeting in non medians Tureen. e I my old friends end mm meal: new ones. 'lg',',',:',',, and in deal. ing willeont netobemy motto Your. toe Maine. Tenn: madame. Armament; for ale: " t_oanfea,ac., mm: be en the Review ot. ttoe,Dtfrtusni. at Correspondence MM there, or to Ceylon P.0., will be prompkly “tended to, Tenn. on “mun-m m Bummer. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to Loan. once. over Gordon'. Jewelry Store 003m. ONT. (Lower Town) ARTHUR B. JACKSON Sumter-s. Schultz", Convoyuoon. 0. Money to Loan. (Pee, McIntyre Block over the Bank Ottiee-AJald er'l Bloch [clown Blotrk--uathtoet th, Hominy and Bella old and ---e__ w...-- uv-vuiv Ulll'Cl'IlI a= hallo College Dental Burma Dentistry in 'it/d branches. ,7 _......- -. v.9-g ... U. .0 HONOR GRADUATE Mme UanePIll, and M Retest (him 1.....-1 "----, V - v. - vu’ It If 9. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univenn ' adaate of Ro al Coll of Dental t'ig','itf,le of Ontslyio. Room Over J t J Tlfrrliift New Boon Otto W. C, PICKERING o. o s., L D S lncumnce Agent, Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licemea. A gen- eral Munch] ucineu tun-acted Auctioneers. u -v - T - - ",o"g'et,tt,yM,e.ete:uyee,p.te, no Licensed Auctioneer tor Cm, . G. Mach: K.G. W F Dunn f"trf"'"-o,','at'""""- “www.mn and 001 f? son-noose! Wit. 0“th W. J. G. BUTTON. M. D., Co I '"d"t'rp'lhtMt"ft%',trtruty " Eze. Ear, Nose & Throat '-tia.ttg Hit-7.77“ Teleeheee Ceeeeeuee Ne. " notary Public, Commissioner, CONVEYANCER. he. noun:{ "Gift" 7:01 omnmum. “mun GUN. a. . F. GRANT D. 0.5 CARD 0F THANKS ', 186mtttt, -- ME JDICAL MACKAY & DUNN, D. MePNAIL, Ceylon P. 0 l c. RAIAGE. Durham DEN TAL Ceylon hu . telephone on“. o Ceylon P.0..' uni]; WHIP", V "emstrttewirituitdii' to . P. TELFORD ml 1P.'lhtglgtp, Woman no 0 can ;, IcLellan. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. DR. BURT Put-mat m. OFFICE I100" 4-Cli- Hume'- CloIOAJ. l 2to n... Ho Dbl. ', over Post one. --0we-Ioull ‘. Urey oT. N 'ot a: _ I

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