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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1907, p. 7

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Yor, Her Record Compared. Lritaoia. on Tuvslay, 608 miles Aver- er, stswitl. 24.32 knots. . Lininmia. an Wednesday, 019 mites. Aturruu. #pu'wl. 24.76 knots. ', ”321nm: an)"; run made previously-- 2.rviurgiiiCri.a"n' liner Panama“, July :m. mm. westbound. am he“. "Min-1t average for trip 'ste-tht- Xonh Herman lJoyd “and“ Aq9qe Winn-1... IL. auto-d from 'lt, "N June 14. 1904. an hall. On aria Woman Leaves Term lhtfinishe, I State Penitentiary. CUNARDER LUSITANIA BEATS All. RECORDS. "trst trip westttomtd-- Midland I hwrlmurg Sept. 2. 1903, arrived N" T tkpt. a, 1903. Time of ”up. I it Th fakes Voyage From Dunn’s Hoe! to Sandy Hook in Four Days and Twenty Hours-Clips Nearly Five Hours Off Her Own Record. A FOUR-DAY SHIP. NEW ruculmx. Ida”. 11 hours and 44 minutes. Total! hit-tame, 3,054 miles. Average speed,; - ----_ I 23AS knots. I c AXIWOI Fasten trip etrstward--Deuttwhland,l FRESH ""f,EY,t,t up l left Ngw York Sept. 4, 1900, arrived Ply- i mouth Sept. 10, 1900. Time of passage, - ---- I 5 days, 7 hours and 38 minutes. Total, Amenran Rcbbed in Cafe ttf ham, by I .flfg"g; Jf" miles. Average ”MI; . s-Mtn . . . "to s. Two Smooth “PM he at,',',.,','.':; Luaitania’s maiden tritf from Queens.’ One of Ttese Chm?" to "' town, finished Sept. 13, 1907, Time as, are. and Proved His state-. , passage. 5 days and 54 minutes. Average i --- I awed, 23.0l knots. Day's runs: 556, 676, ') . ( 570, 593. 288 and 193; total, 2,780 knots. i',.: ',-, ', . (; lu A"yr.i"at seatedi Lusitania’s maiden trip eastward, fin-l n u. .n 'h- t I!" Vrv.cricttitt the other ‘ished Sept. 27, 1907. Time of passage,) _ .. n. ,, [ ., .. . mntml in his native a 5 days, 4 hours and 19 minutes. Average; it, I F [ tf “.3..th at R mizh. spied. Mg knots. Day's runs: 3039. 524.; f ',. __ F if _ nu-rultiml touehed G2G, 530, 523. 330 knots; totat, 2,807, oc,'rrtrt ,.-.y. . . Amencan Robbed in Cafe of 01,500 by Two Smooth Feilttws-Atn mm One of These Claimed to in Mitt'-. awe, and Proved His summit. (.Luzulun report: Um. CID-it Chad. “m. INN“ amazing financial tn... my...“ rulmittateU in the "00qu of” Oberlin buck wine three you" 3.0, M in the women; ward " the Ohio peat. truth”) (“might " MUG. She hatd been in " 'trtttat6rme condition for none loin prr‘utlls‘ to her death and the end a... me'nlly. No friends or rehthu Wand at. the bedside. only the who. 'hrni- mm and howital attendants. not on, hm! Hoover, wan summoned from Clo". Lmd. at he is not Hymn! to m. [Hurt co-nmrrnw monung. Mrs. cluulwivk'n death end. " a. trcmrly t-llm'krrcd career. Bora of I N. opectaOr torn'tly at Appin, OIL, in I“, .ln- nmrriwl C. R. Hoover in WM in NH“. and was left a considenhle gu- of mum-V by him. She lived for n ttme) in Ugh-laud. but suddenly din-AMA “ml " mu heard of serving a term in; mm mm.» Penitentiary for 1mm. "candy etteeg ope-table fan: she married l 3. 13m. and , of motter by in Cle 'oluul. and gi next Ohio Sign In NEW POCKETBOOK. '7: PAM, 23.58 he“. te K “Ship made the distan .779 miles, in hours. her new York despatch luslnnin 'ansatlantic records practi- the great Cunard turbine! “Ia! around the Nantucket .125 orlock this Show nth the sunset, beamat her . home stretch of 193 mites " her snout! westward amly Hc,ok Iighthsip. A ay was spinning high up ,rmoke was rolling from h and blackening the sky svward. and her wake was l autern. Passengers could " her decks. and her bitt; in animrr to the salute) CASSIE CHADWICK ojiiii' ll " " tes, a id th, mi despatvh: The Cunard Iin was”! Sandy Hook G o'clo.k this morning, e distance from Dnunt’s leg. in four days and er Inn-mac speed being I of 24 knots-to be ex- This clips nearly five) nnl made by the great _ uh-n voyage, when she; Mm.- in five days and 's. The time taken by um Eddy-tone Light-I Hook. was five days; nu this trip captures nmatlantie records. Her " knob - is nine knots mun-r [word held by Her average speed r record of 23.58 held helm ll. of the. North " I workol over the con- tlt' an lmnr, and then be. He rut open the purse ml found nothing. Then " poliee station. As uing to the eafe with a Ile hi- vtvpkd the two In; "neonerrmrdly along Hr had them arrested. at indignation at their our of them even offer. t he wan not a protes- “newly a dilletantv. Hu- m-w it amused him. In e cared to inquire they t he kept a very hand, in the eentre of Paris naire many times our. talrlishment in London. inquire, and. curiomly "ion hm so far proved thirty-right minute-m. . therefore chin to ho u-mminml the pulse and $1.500. all the money he nml tho purse was snap- w of the stump-rs. who up“! it. They tett the , saying they would re- alrlvr of an hour and if 4.1 un-waled in opening tiur. they would pay for slip nfloat, and to \tlantic‘s blue ribbon . I am, am, as and MAT; total, 2,780 knots, Au A".""?"'.", seatedj Lttsitania's, maiden trip eastward, fin. it' Vrv.trricaitt the other ', ished Sept. 27, 1907. Time of passage, rv-rso..tiui in his native l, 5 days, 4 hours and Io minutes. Average 2- nth-mun at a twigh. 3 flied.- tm,tonote, Day's runs: 3:59.0521‘ F 1ouvermttiott touched $31.03”, 0-3. 336 knots; total, 2,80) “if"? 'fi,,':?)".,".,,,,',,'!:' , Britain's Proud Day. 'y,'."".',,"',',. ',,'t"r"aili"r's' ii)". i London despatch: The latest perform: If“ “we t “in; fur ance of the steamer Lusitania is hailed J"? i l ”f t . ‘with delight throughout Great Britain. ll, ptrckrt 'oo ye bm' (this being, as one of the writers puts y opentul net-retly, ttt , it, a "proud day for Mrs. Britannia." All "N how much mom-y f the evening papers publish long accounts . '0! the passage and comment with satin- 1yulu.l the pnne and _ {action on Great Britain's regaining the Jrlh), all the money he mercantile marine supremacy which was l Th" I’m-"e Wag "tap- lost to Germany a decade ago. To make ol the "WWW". who I the victory complete, the ask that the n it. They left the iLnaitania repeat on her L,',',",,','.,'.')) voy- "ying they would re- lage what the accomplished on her out. ter of an hour and if (ward passage. Experts express the opin- sutieeded in opening lion that the is able to still further out J~‘ they would pay for I the time between Daunt’s Rock and .Snndy Hook lightahip. saying that she mrkml "Tyr the mn- will not have any difficulty in averag- nn hour, and then be. ing the 24 1-2 knots reqnired to gain iv "Itt open the pure ithe full government subsidy. Original Research Work to be Carried “I“ on at Queen's University. "'r' Kingston. Oet. H.aneen's medical“ faculty has decided to have original re. " I wareh work in the opsonic theory ear- ‘W. tied on in the college. The appointees lhol Hue Messrs. N. W. Connolly and Jam lpur ‘Byers. These students will pursue re- iser, (search work under the direction oi Dr. ”K. [Gibson, who last season spent three Hum months at the Johns Hopkins University (iii',',' iii, the study of the opsonie method of Ct curing disease. Queen’s medical depart- in nu prides itself on being the first Can. iih “in institution to nine provision for lag study of whit promises to be ere A , I... a most potent tutor in the ailevin- . pl tin- of 'uttering. net} London, ltet. 14.--Tlie Magazine of Commerce says tbe commercial trmty between Canada and Company will be followed by a direct line of steamers from Germany to the St. Lawrence. Berlin reports state Germany is to be accorded by Canada most-favorcd-nation treatment. "Whether the suggested Ger. man steamship line ever becomes an ac- eomplished faet," says The Magazine, "depends largely upon the possible de. velo meat and ultimate terms of the augment of the Atlantic rate war." The hours of labor were not reduced, but compensation was made in salary. iDespatchers who are overworked will have their circuits divided. The agree- ment has been signed b the commission- ers, and on behalf oi {he compury and i their employees. 3 The dispute of the C. P. R. and their operutors has been adjusted by the I Hoard of Copciliatiom composed of Prof. '.\dam Shunt. of 12ueen's University. ilx'ingston, Chairman; Mr. Wallace Nes- i bitt, K, c., for the C. P. R., and Mr. J. G. U’Donoglme for the men, by an ad. vance of H per cent. in wages, or an extra expenditure annually of from “75.000 to #100000. The G. T. R. and C. N. It. operators are now expected to follow up the award with applieation. tor more wages and better conditions. The Grand Trunk men have arranged a meeting with Superintendent Brownlee I for next week. i Kay Bring Line of Steamer: Direct to St. Lawrence. The- Board of Conciliation refuse to compel, the men to instruct students in telegraph); and they make provision for protection of operators engaged in in- clement weather when accidents halve oc- curred. Toronto, Oct. 14.--The Canadian Paci- tie operators receive an advance of 14 per cont. in Wages, to date from not. l, amountng to an int-reuse of between $175,000 and $200,000 annually to the company, and are grantcd holidays with pay, and overtime for all work done on Sunday; Also Get Holidays-No Change Made in the Hours of Labor or Duties-Over- time for All Work Done on Sundays. REACH AN AGREEMENT WITH 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. A TREATY WITH GERMANY. , Soon after her release she married Dr. VChldwiek. and travelled with him in illurope and Americas, scattering money , lavishly. She began to dabble in finance, making during speculation», and at I times clearing large sums. She and her husband entertained a great deal, and in ('leveland and New York won a home of _ general good credit. She was extremely I fond of jewelry, and had a magnificent collection of gem». . Then the ennh came. In December, , 1904. Mrs, Chadwick was arrested on n fob-me of aiding a bank official to em- _ hezzle mine "Moo. She was unable to gut-t bail, and an examination of her re- : mum phoned her to be bankrupt and deeply in debt. It also came out that, posing " . daughter of Andrew Car.: negle. ville had raised large sums of money in his name. Her creditors re-i eelved only a fraction of a cent on the) duller. and on being tried at Cleve-land“ the. fallen moiety woman was foundl guilty of fraud and sent to the peni-l tentinry. ' THE OPSONIC THEORY T. P. ROPERATORS. ed in Ohio I Mr, Kappele, with the concurrence of i "and roads an ' eotmsvl for the other claims, has decided _ tt'i'Ltel"i/2,tt'"Q ‘ that those shareholders whose payments I movement la tt Were in advance and who had therefore l2i'ief,g,"'od ‘3 Huh balance to their credit at the 'l"d,1'.d"1'lU",l time of liquidation, should be classed as various tra'nsn creditors for such balances. The total along thelirtes ‘umnnnt is only $205.68. many follow I The adjourned hearing on the chitin - ( of class C shareholders was resumed at JAPAN 44 o‘clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. A. . I JV.. Ariggt appeared on _lrehalf of, the It Cannot m. nae-thods: A little maiden "playing house" givpl a pyotpgraph of her mother', domestic Duly documentary evidence was put in, argument being reserved for I data to be fixed later. K. C.. for the-gelleml body of dire-I holders, and Mr. C. D. Scott, for the liquidator. holderiv‘of via-as C certificates, which purport to give a. first claim on the as- 1et1_ot Pile e1'mpan.v, M_r._W_. M. poyglas, Further argument as to the claims of those shareholders was adjourned till 1tctrday. 7 ' I v“ ___ r'“""' ' “You practically got an order from ltlw shareholder to reinvest the money , withdrawn by the shareholders in some- i' thing else?" asked Mr. McBrayne. , Mr. Stewart Lynn agreed that such mu the position. Mr McBrayne further contended that should the transfer of moneys from the York Loan to one of the other compan- iiw he illegal this Would not affect the Motu, of his clients. who had, in giv. ing a receipt to the company, ceased to be shareholders and could not be re- constituted shareholders except by their own not. Mr. Lynn stated that there was noi hy-htw of the York Loan providing for 3 the transfer of moneys from one com-i puny to another. There might be one ', for the transfer of moneys from one class oi stock to another, but applica- tions to this effect were carried out by l tho certificate department and the wit- l Hess could not say definitely what gov- l crnc'l them. Further argument as to the claims of I am“. Autumn“-.. ...-- -st___, ' .... lmlmr. which rmul: "Rocvived trom-tii, Yolk Loan and Savings Company the sum of $63, to be applied on piano." ..‘.,__ --_A_'__T. . '1 Toronto desputch: Mr. Meliraync, of . I Biggnr it Melirayne, Hamilton, appeared t:_\'e.~terliay morning before Mr. George I I Krtppe4e on behalf of certain sharehold- *‘ers, who claim to rank as creditors. “The" are officially known as clauses 5 fund Cr. When the crash came these (shareholders had already sent in their I receipts to the company for the amount I _ of their withdrawable shares which they (had agreed to apply either towards a L'l.i.~zt piano or against, premium on a policy with the Toronto Life Insurance Co. The agents of the York Loan acted also as canvassers for the Liszt Piano i('on.pun) and the Toronto Life, which were subsidiary companies of the York Loan. The shareholders contend that I the relations between the different com- i panics did not affect them in the least. ( tio far as they were concerned they had ‘withdrawn their stock from the York ' Loan and entrusted the amount to the latter to be applied in the manner di- ,rected by them. The York Loan Co. ‘thtrefore held the money for them as 1 their agents, and the money not having Ib..)? applied as directed they were en. (titlerl to rank as creditors, their status l as shareholders having been terminated I on tin acceptance of their receipts. E Mr. McBrayne contended that the posi- , tion of his clients was altogether differ, ent from that of those who had changed l their withdrawable stock for permanent stcck. The latter remained first ordin- ary shareholders. I Mr. Stewart Lynn, who was employed hy the York Loan for a number of years, I ( was called as a witness to explain the 1 procedure. in the withdrawal of their l shun-v hy Mr. Melirnyne's clients. He. 1 idvutiiie4 ll rveeiot. airnmd lo. " A...“ ' Money Had Been Withdrawn-Was Held try the Company to be Applied To- wards Liszt Pianos at Life Insur- ttnee-Hamiltonian, Make Claim. PIANO PURCHASERS CLAIM THEIR STATUS HAD CHANGED. The bride is a prominent chur% work. er, and has been for some years. She h a member of the fashionable Woman's Club. of Worcester, and is the possessor of much wealth. Through all his troubles his sweet- heart and family refused to believe him guilty. During his jail term he was consoled by the fact that Miss Leach would remain true to him in spite of his record and would marry him when he was released Maher was charged by Rollin G. White, of the firm of White, Pevey a Dexter, with the larceny of $5,000 and with forging White's name to a note for $2.800. He was indicted on both charges. Though acquitted, after a stiff fight, on the charge of forgery, he was convicted for stealing the money and sentenced to prison for a term of four years. atiried u roeeip Mr. which road An unusual romance lies heck of this wedding, for it involves the unending devotion of a society woman for the hmiuessnnan she loved in spite of the black mark chalked against him by the Worcester County Superior Court jury, which found him guilty of larceny and sent him to jail for a term of four years. Woreester, Mast. Oct. IC-A wed. ding of more than ordinéry interest, sol- emnized in St. John's Church here to- day. was that of Miss Clam Cecilia Leach, a wealthy and prominent society Woman, to an ex-convict. John W. Ma, her. The Right Rev. Mgr. Thoma Grif- fin conducted the ceremony. The wed. ding created general interest in buisness and society circles throughout the city. Married Him After Be Had Served Four- Year Term-Through All Bis Irene bles She Refused to Believe Him Guilty. REMAINED \TRUE co VICT LOVER. WOMAN’S DEV OTION. YORK LOAN. as a witness to explain the in the withdrawal of their Mr. Mcnra.vnv's, clients. He a rm-eipt signed by a share. HER CON. London. Oct. 14.-The Standard. refer- ,ring to Mr. Rudyard Kipling's speech ct Victoria, says the Japanese question is a. local and temporary difficulty only. It is surely not too much to believe that the determination which is common to both Canada and Japan to maintain a high national ideal will preserve the concord between the two nations, on. pecinlly when this u ecstatic] to their - and prosperity. i New York, Oct. 1t.--An aggregate increase of twenty per cent. in the trains on the ele- l vated roads and in the subways was ordered it” the Public Service Commission to-duy, to i take effect on Monday. The principal Im- l Movement is to be during the morning and later afternoon “rush hours." The order was lined upon tabulated records taken during I three days' systematic investigation or the various transit system. and was prlcticlliy along the lines of the voluntary otter of the l many following this investigation. . -_ --.v... _.._ my": [of the nine months' sentences. Parlia- (ment may be called upon to amend (the law in such a way as to Mop the :gap through which otherwise the pri- isonens would regain their freedom. 'An amendment to the Chinese Immig. grution Aer may be adopted at the forthcoming session so drafted ma to remedy the existing defect, but it will :have to be made retroactive in its oper- iation if it is to legalize the deportation yo! the Chinese now in jail at Sydney (after they shall have served their term, tor compel them to fork over some $9.000 to tho Dominion Treasury. Deportation ', would cost the country $192.05 for each 1 man, or tt total of $3,456.90. It Cannot Disturb Concozd Between Two Nations. London, Ont. deqratett--Oeo. Currell, aged - REST FOR ST. l ' '45 years. 1lLl"a fr,', h: If? “argon IJOhn Iclurdock Killed in I A - etm. was 0 ea It 1 o' 0c to-mgr t, . . if. HANGERS’ l vjoh the an jet- turned on and ever} lndl- l Moving Train at Verona, . union ot suicide. The discovery was made i' . New York City to Have More Trains on I by Police Sergeant Momma, who at once I Kititaston frytytelv-Thu morning a h I notified the Coroner. who viewed the body. 'Murdock- wed 25 years. or Oman. t e It evated. The unfortunate mun van lut seen going In- i lite while endeavorhur to board a . [to his home on Monday qua-noon. and the I freight train ttt Verona. Train N', how York, Oct. M.-An aggregate Increase I prevalence or gal pouring from the house q throutm freight trom thit, city to 1 of twenty ver cent. in the trains on the ele- l yesterday afternoon caused the neighbors to l ‘1" musaintt through Verona, when vMed rottds and In the “than was ordered I rm; the matter to Sergeant Monaghan fortunate "“38 man. who WI! em? 93.92 J2yt.fege.e f?"eee P.-ftr. to lah",', he was going In. munch. l 'PH' for the K211859011 a Pembroke a The GovernGGt has, however, A card up its sleeve. Before the expiry n5 M.“ an... .__-_LL,I ' -- -- l Ottawa, Oct. "aetgiope', of the sentence of nine months each impos- |ed at Sydney upon 18 Chinese for il- Hegally entering the Dominion without , paying the $500 head tax, the inter- esting discovery has been made by the authorities lime the mnuggled Chinese were rounded up that un- der the law as it stands the culprits will have discharged their obligation: to pay the heavy ttl by serving out, their sentence. ly the easy prowes‘ of doing time they are apparently)I paying off their indebtedness to this) Government at the rate of about $56 a , menth and board. I Smuggled Celeutials Sentenced at Sydney Have Best of It. . I - "'D""' Mines, the Deputy Minister of Labor, W. L. Mackenzie King, received tele. grnms this afternoon from Premier Mur- ray, of Nova Seotin, and from Mr. John Moifit, representing the miners, both wen' coming to an agreement, and work would speedily be resumed at the mines. Mr. King has been actively engaged for the past few weeks in endeavoring to bring about a settlement of the trouble at Spriughill. hi" rdspect to the “rig-m: Mines, the Deputy Minister W. L. Mackenzie King. rpm Ottawa despatch.. A long meeting of the Cabinet was held this afternoon. Be. fore the. Council adjourned telegrams were read from Toronto and Springhill, N, tr., announcing that the board of con- ciliation and investigation in connection with the C. P. R. telegraphers' dispute with the company had reached a satis. factory compromise in Toronto, and that I there was every prospect of a. settlement of the strike at SpringhilL to-morrow. The averting of a telegrayhérs' strike on the C. P. it, which would have inflicted incalculable loss to the commercial in- _ terests of Canada, was hailed with the 1 utmost satisfaction by the. Government, I and Air. Lemieux was again congratulat- ed on the splendid results being achieved through the working of the industrial disputes act, passed last session. The value of the act is especially empha- sized in this instance by a comparison with the lack of similar legislation in the Uuitrd States to avert the tttV tioual loss occasioned by the recent tehgrapheti' strike in that country. '.. ....t._c_ l A AI A .. . _ - JAPANESE TROUBLE LOCAL. Strike of Miners at Springhill, N. s., Also in Way of Settlement-Cabinet Meeting to Arrange for the Umion Hears the Good News. SETTLEMENT " C. P. It. TELE- GRAPHERS’ STRIKE. Mammal, Oct. 14.--knife wounds all over the body of an unknown man, found, almost completely divested of clothing, floating in the river to. l night, indicate that detectives will have to work on a new case of murder. It wu shortly before 5 o'eloek in the afternoon when William Halsey, while ,walking Mon the river shore near lDorninion Page noticed I. nude body be. l ing whirled round and round in the cur. rent, which is tepid just in that viein. ity. The body we: not far out, and about [ a. hundred yards below where the mu wan standing it got caught on a, rock six feet out from the shore. Halsey reported the case to the watchman at Dominion Park, who tek phoned to the Coroner. It WI! only when morgue employees had been sent to the scene and examined the body that the traces of foul play were no- ticed. The most apparent mark of vio- lence is what appears to be a. 'deep knife wound one inch long located in the vie. tim's left side just between the thigh bone and the ribs. That this wound was initieted Miner death is indicated by the fact that the whole stoth is suf- fused with blood underneath the skin. Foul Play is Suspected UNKNOWN TAKEN PRNE RIVER AT MONTREAL. PAYING POLL TAX IN JAIL. WOUNDS 0N BODY. Are at wore.La, lnquést Winn: Held to Determine Mow the Man Came to His Death. LEMIEUX ACT. and Detectives Spl'ilighill Arrangements for " Appeal to the i Privy Council. , , Ottawa. Oct. u.-utta1 steps will prob- I The E ably be taken shortly to upped to the Privy Council the Judgment handed out int eum- I mg, tr the Supreme Court in the one of I Bern] the bovine ot Ontario ve. the Dominion of l by the Captain. reintive to the trust lunch ot the ,ter ot r Province now held by the Dominion. Br the i tation Judgment of the Supreme Court the citim ot autttorr Ontario that the Dominion could not reduce , at tho tha intend paid on the Upper Con-do Gnm- huildim mu School. end other funds, from 5 to 4 the em: per cent... u we: done three your: 180. won my]. uphold. while the Dominion won in conten- nixed ' tion that the whole prim! could be "out! mu to the Province. Correspondence is now tok- Mbie tn in. piece between the Peoria“ end the Do- new on minion looking to have the see null, eot- hung I tied by on moo! to the Privy Council. mm! The omoer entered through a window If- ter the as had been allowed to escape tor a time. The ma was lying on the noor In the cellar. Curl-en's wife died jun! q month ago. and he has done no work since. l Ottawa, Oct. M.--The Finance Department i will forward to the various Provincial Treu- i, ll urers In a few days checks for the amounts C ( due under the provisions or the amendment 1 Ito the B. N. A. Act respecting Provltu0l subsidies. passed at the last aeuiona of the I Canadian and British Parliaments. The an- I Inunl Provincial suhaidies are paid in half- , yearly installments on July 1 and January [ I. On July 1 last the amount: due the vari- , ‘oue Provinces under the old arrangement V were forwarded, the Imperial Government at that time not having noitiied the Dominion r Government ot the ratification of the amend- I ‘ manta to the B. N. A, Act. The Increased mounts due on than pay- menu: will now be forwarded. Of the in. creues Ontario will get. In round numbers, $7g8.000: Quebec, $600,000; Non Scotla. tt7t 000: New Brunswick, 8138.000; Manitoba. 8217.. 000: Saskatchewan, $136,0; Alberu. $10,000; British Columbll. $2rr,000, and Prince Rd- ward Island. 870.000. George Curreli Found Dead With Gas Turned on, First Payments Under the Amended B, R. A. Act. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The farmer: in the West have been looking for the day when dollar when would rule and they have it now. Some old wheat is still coming forward from the elevators, and a little of last yelr's crop remains in the hands of the farmers. This nearly all grades up to contract, Ind it menus . gm! gain tor those who held it. The new wheat is dill grading very high, when one considers the conditions under which it was produced. Winnipeg. Oct. u.-qurvesumt and thresh- ing operation. have been carried on under more thvorebie weather conditions in the west during the put tor days, and excellent pro- ‘xreu in the mecca: ot converting the crop into a marketable commodity has been made. The days have been (surly warm, consider- ing the eeuon ot the year. and while the amount ot sunshine per day in less then in nu ordinary harvest, the grain has matured well. The reports from tar and near show that the aggregate yield tor the whole grain- raising cguntry is likely to be large, And there are those who Inert that the quentity will be equnl to wont " per cent. ot that secured last lesson. The quality will no the important comsMeration, apecinlly in View ot the eteedily rising markete. Cnsh when in Winnipeg closed yesterday at $1.11 1-2 per bushel. Port Wiliicm delivery. A recent ee- timnte of the coet of freight Ind hundiing tor when strike: In avenge at IU per bushel for the whole west. This is based on an IV- emu freight rate of 15e per mm, or " per bushel, and 2 I-te for hnndiing. " this ee- timnte be eccunte, it means that the aver- age price to the farmer tor contract wheat 'lst',?.' the prairie country is exactly $1 per u e. Money Flowing In-Aggregate Yield of Wheat Likely to be Large-Pine Weather. WESTERN PARKERS BASE IN FIN- ANCIAL SUNSHINE. . . As a result o in the Hudson Street Hosoital suffering I mm of extra d from wounds which he received m a des. I on guard in the pente sigh-handed fight Igsinst two I A cordon of men robbers, who attacked him while he was f district bounded making his rounds on the nineteenth [ Nassau and in floor of the Century building at mid, , search was made night. Although 60 year old, Grey made I territory into w a determined fight, and it was not until , force their way he was rendered almost unconscious that desperadoes (-ouh New York, Oct. 14.--An aged watch- man’o faithful performance of his duty, even when death was threatened, pre~ vented a robbery early to-day which, if it had been successful, those familiar with the case say, would have caused a urination almost as great as that which followed the looting of the Manhattan Bank many year: ago. Richard F. Grey, watchman in the lofty Century building in Broadway, was the hero. He is now Aged Man in Century Building New York Makes a Desperate Resistance. WATCHMAN FIGHTS BURGLARY - PREVENTS tlItlhlellc ROBBERY. ONTARIO’S INTEREST. PROVINCIAL SUBSIDIES. GIVE MORE TO MISSIONS. SUICIDE AT LONDON. reporting: DOLLAR WHEAT fering' As a result of the attempted robbery 1 scores of extra detectives Ind poWe were b des. I on guard in the financial district to-day. two I A cordon of men was thrown around the , was I district bounded by Wall and Cedar and eenth I Nassau and Greenwich streets. and a mid. ( search was nude in all buildings in that nudfiterritory into which the mlicc could LAM-capes or city VIGWS universally recog- nized u utordSng artistic delight are to be mad ttymfiyeur-ettaitnrkiroi-' dble by may“ to atrthe.U. the auction or Berlin, Oct. 14.-A circular counter-Inca try the Secme for the Interior, the Dunla- ter ot Public Works And the will“ of Edu- cation has been cent. to AH (Huh-men ot local authoring. calling for I strict enforcement oi the Mn: forbidding the comma ot buildin- or other objects lihly to offend any aquatic new. ' trrtiEi1eFeGrr'toptG"iiiirriirriiii"'i'iti72 . Forty Mites of Track Pid West I“ ter ot Public Works Ind (restrict of! Pidu-l I Trains Running. cation bu been cent to a- a rmen o ova f , -. . ' . authorities, calling for . auto: enforcement ..Fort William, Oct. H: Afar]? forty at the mm torbMding the demon of ‘mlles of track have been laid west of rt'A"g,tug, other “MW "W! to ottend Fort William on the Grand Trunk Pa. t e an e "ttre. _ iti nd trains no running daily. The hid-cape- or city View. universally recog- len Mt, . . . and u wording mum delight are to be l wather bu greatly hundlcapped oper- mm tn- 'tan-i-tta.- (I: u pos- iguana. only a. done. tally good 'ttt am. by urn-l to aattHet.. a. mm of I luv been .epTe.eim-d in "ir. r. 'ltll "gfg,',tlttitJJ11, "l,Trfd,",'",S',f T, i WM. ‘VlliOI . ' t a Kao . "PM" 1',','l'L 1'lt,',',e. mtt n mun ' plenty of Intent] .353: Kingston d-eh-Thu, morning thn lic- Murdock, aged 25 years. of Oman, lost his lite while endeavoring to board a moving freight min It Verona. Train No. b, I through freight from this city to Rentrev. wu plains throuxh Verona, when the un- fortunate young man, who wu employed " cook tor the Kingston t Pembroke construc- tion not. tried to board it. No one who tell - how the accidwt bloomed, but it is thought that he tell between the can. Death was Itttrtnntaneoui. The wheel- of the box can phoned over the man just below the heart. cutting the body completely in two. Downed wu I resident ot Church. The Beautiful Must Rule in Buildings. Edmonton, oct.t4.--The second shipment of buffalo from the wllds of Montana will ur- rive in Strathcona thla eveniurt, where they will tta llnodlately transferred trom the c. P. R, to the C. N. R. over the E. Y. i P., and out on the way wlth all possible spec-d to Lamont. There will be ln all thirteen car- load: of shaggy won-tens. the number being In the neighborhood ot 209. They urn mostly comm calves. but few hulls being In this ahloment. It bu taken nearly two months to round no the bunch at the Flathead rc- aerve in Montana. ot territorr, and the numerom deep ravlnea which all! in the country made it a most dittieutt tandem-Mu. However. they were tinaur stared away tn the cur: at anlllt, Montana, aubly, and the first oonalgnment wag tot-warden north vlthout delay. The re- malader of the herd wlll come Inter. The -,. W. n“...- u an. ounce Beck. It was a vent few minutes after " o'clock when the five Judas filed into the court. Chief Jnuice Simon presided. and on his right on Justice Scott and Justice Smut. andkon his left Justice Harvey and Justice cc _ CRUSHED mmiif CAR WHEELS mackerel inside the tttree-mile limit, which has been lying dismantled at the dockyard was released trom custody to-day try order ot the Admiral! Court. Cancun Atwood, of the Gloucester. who is here representing the ownera. with a crew ot eight men, took her over. The owner: at the vase! at first con- tended that the fiahing law: had not been violated. but recently they put in n plea of unity. whereupon a tine ot mo and coats wu imposed. Upon payment of the tine and costs, the vessel's release was ordered and the captain and crew are now rr-fitting her to leave to-morrow or Saturday tor Gloucester, where she will tn out for the haddook fishing. Halifax (hutch- echoouer Fannie I luring by the cram mackerel inside the has been Mn: dim _ I r~ - ' Owners of Seized Fume T. Prescott Pay 1 Two Hundred Dollars. i mum Halifax d-teh-The Gloucester tistrin. I 51")”th schooner Fannie r. Pretseoct, win-d In; lwhiu. m luring by the cruller Clam tor futtine for paints to mackerel inside the tttree-mile limit whiph - 7 This “STIR only child and the mother was “unbroken. Oneher says he heard the screams. He cilinm to have stopped hits horses and leap- in: from his sent he picked up the deed boy in his Inns and nixed the other lull who were near by to tell him where the boy’s harem: lived. They accompanied him to the home. The driver left hil team standing in the street end hurried to the home of the Spit:- ou. piecing the little corpse in the almond 'elher'n Irma. The ltd had been to No. 15 School. and w“ buying In the street with other bores when the " day came along. Several ot the boys pllytully lama than: the drny. Nagy were driven ott. From evidence gathered by the pollen tad verified by Greener. the boy mane mover“ enema: to Bet ttboard the vegan. Pinnlly, it ls um, he found I hold on the. chlln that held the brake-shoe in place. He swung. there tor some time, until he lost his grip. and then he Wu crushed by the rear wheel of the wagon. I ne was overcome. Even then he refused , to reveal the hiding place ofthe keys to lthe hundreds of office: in the great building. In their desperation the rob- i bers ehlomformed the old man as he lay Ibleeding on the floor and began a 'V'" tenutic search of the lower portion of the building for the missing keys. Ap. parently they were unsuccessful in their search, for when Grey revived and stag- gered down the nineteen flights of stairs to the [tenement the men had disap- Buttalo, Oct. 14.-With tears strenuln‘ down m: cheeks. William Braeber, a team» ater. carried the Melee: body of six-year- old Elmer Spluer, who.. went; live an No. " Xepmne Place, yenterdny memo“). to his mother. A few moments More the wagon that he 're In abuse ot had run down the lille (entry 71nd crushed out his we. I he was maroon-If: Evttt then he The Driver Carries Body to His Katha. Second Shipment on the Way to Lamont. TWO HUNDRED BUFFALO, A WAR ON THE UGLY, U. S. SCHOONER FIRED. tf the totart Bar _in..frooGiii".e"r1' . ot the public, ladies predomin- 1150 present. Besides this being n..- no on- ._--. -s----e_ ‘- WAGON KILLS BOY. way, but no true of the could be found. Boarding German at' Withdraw Defence ll King-ton Euth- quke Cues. Kinnton. hula, Oct. 14.-T'tte lingual: Immune: compul- tttnt out up the non-.- dormant at co-lnwnnce as a meek-l 6o- tettee again-t plying the bane! annulled through th. fire [ollowlng the oarthqt'"o here mood ”curd-y to remade from tbdr with»! it the recitation of condemnation “a: by the camber of Commerce be ro- acu . Thin was done In the “noon. The - sons Imured than tttftt, , victory. Antoine Thoma Stole Relics Worth '000,00' Naar Limoges. Paris, the. M. A M'llnaHIm has been _ (mum-d by tho n-mnrkahle confession of Antonina ’Hiomun. who was arrested with his mother and sister. charged with "omplicity in the theft of the famou- cope of man, valued at “20,000, from the Church of Amhaaea. near Limoges. Thomas docloreu that after the [manage of the separation law antiquaries of Paris, none of them millionaires, hired him and others to bribe parish prieata to aurmnder the relics and substitute eotmterfeita, which could lau-r be turned over' to the State. 111k plan continued for months, and Thoma- finally went boldly into wholesale burglary. Thoma eatimatod the amount of his robberieo at about “00.0%. i'""'"', Results Achieved In Lon don From Trophlning. I London. not. H. The question of curing immunity I); n surgical open- tion Wu dealt with to-day by Dr. Bernard Hollander, the “ell-known tlionist. in a lecture below. the Brit- ,inli Phonological Society. Some time raga Or. “U“lndl'f puhlishvd detail: {of a case of mental domugement which he hml run-d by treplrining, lsinoe when he has continuum! his in 1W‘stigations in that direction. To, day he gave other instances in sup- port of his contration that insanity. uspocially in its early stages, does not imolvo the whole brain, but only limited particular are“. and it in often amenable to suigical treatment. “Hunter of Marine, atated today thnt while in Europe ho had taken Hpm‘illl ipainu to ascertain the View: of British land other marine interests an to the ’nmln of the St. Inwrenee route. At , the outaet he won gratified to find, from ) abournahi capuins as well as from other "i'.'!,.'!,'.,').?, fn navigation, that the general " inion wan that the years of work ' “snub Canada had devoted to the im- ( mow-lent of the Ft. Lawrence were at l last bearing fruit. I The Minister wan surprised to find ) that the Money, the great channel of ';rutvitattion into control England. wu not. nearly as well provided with light. Ind other nida to navigation u in the St. Lawrence. More than one captain ”out“! that no further improvement. i were needed on the M. lawrence, and that it was now reign-dad " an ideal I channel. ROBBED FRENCH CHU RCH ES. i London. Uri. 14.--1nv " of the 1London Times that the despatoh of ithe American MW fleet to the iPacific in likely to have an advent effect on the nettle-lent of the out- lu'tanding uestion between the United IStates Ll Japan is not assured by “he officials or diplomats here. Any [action of , foreign Government which pet In new as a menace to another power I. generally discuswd [by officials with the greatest mi- icetM3e. The despateh of the fleet to the Pacific is at in this "ateeory. "ml Icommeqnently is woken of fteel.x and always as a movement to which no, Government could take exception, It in pointed out that ttttr l'nited ! States has interest- in the Pacific almost i if not as quite, as great as those which she bu in the Atlantic, and that it la ’highly deaiublo that her naval officera (iii'iiii,i be acquainted with the was“ ,which they are asked to defend in than) lot war. i British Official View of Voyage of U. 8 i Fleet to the Pacific. ! Giuir, ST. LAWRENCE CHANNEL. Vievu of Brush Karine hm SURGERY TO CURE INSANITY An official bulletin issued to-night de. clueo that His Mnjesty's mlnrrh in bet- ter, but his coughing is wane. and he will be comp-Had to take better cure of G. T. P. AT FORT WILLIAI. l Vienna, Oct. H. Emperor Francis Joseph, who has lam: ill of bmnchinl cstsrrh since the beginning of this month, is still confined to his apartments " Betrienbrtuttt Castle, on the outskirts of “an, sad his audition was pro- nounced today by the attending physi- oisns ,to he uausatistaurtory. in view of the sdvsneed up of the Emperor-king -he-bomi. IBNsnd hnsbeenon the throne for Mt yearsr-there is consid- erable tnreatrietros reg-Minx his health. Three prominent physicians held s con- sultation to-nsy over the imperial pn- timt, and " its conclusion they gusrdod their expressions with reserves, simply declaring that the utmost care will be actuary. A“ 7 Yesterl'ny His Mnjeaty‘n- ammonium w“ 10iitrif “gains it ruched 102%. (Egan, ftt, Ir-Hen. L, P. Brodeur, OOIDH‘IOI or run JOSIPH'S HEALTH TmtbArttlPACTttmr. Three Prominent Physician, After Col- sllutiu, Announce Thu Utmost Care Will Be Necessary - Royal Patient Suffering Prom Brendan! Catarrh. INSURARCE MEN YIELD CAN GIVE N0 OFFENCE. EMPEROR ILL Karine Interest! {if it "ere d l 35 H

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