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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1907, p. 8

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a" d F" Headquarters for Solid Gold Rings is' ROBERT BURNETT "l"l"r.JMr,ia.iitiaitimiigimitgtgIiitagiiitIIg Fresh Groceries always on hand. BUTTER & EGGS WANTED For Fall, mixed Needs in checks and stripes in all shades, browns, greens, reds and greys. A Full, Complete Line of Dress Goods In all shades and patterns just arrived, so come in and exam- ine before buying elsewhere. We carry everything necessary to a gentleman 's wardrobe--. natty neckwear, bright new hats and caps, daintiest patterns in Fall Shirts. Large stock of Fall and Winter Underwear on hand. for fall, but come in our store; while our stock is new and we will show you the nattieat range of Clothing ever shown. This brand-on a bag or barrel-Us the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled by the best millers in Ontario. It is part of our business to be constantly on the look-out for correct things foe men and " prices that are an inducement to them to come to us. Now it ’s 3 known fact that men’s attention is a great deal harderto attract and hold than the ladies', yet we have succeeded and are now supplying the majority of the men of Durham and surrounding country with the renowned REGENT Clothing. Don‘t sit and wonder about Ladies' New Fall and Winter Coats THE IMPERIAL SHOE-In patent; kid, dongola and box calf Strictly up-to-date Furnishings Selling Agents for the Famous Imperial Shoes and Renowned Regent Clothing Your New Suit or Overcoat Askrmrrxteeraoieuedrut.,....s 1ook'utheaito"1i"uwh-errouur, PEOPLE’S STORE The Jeweller, Durham /h, 1ytiBs'rEk) d howl-b Wyindthu theBhonhmd til-g 'ii'i'i5r,ii'ii'i ch. 1t'dtpuerp."t,tie Thogmid I'tieitl, owns . :- 'r"'tldrlll1Nia't min: ',iii'ihs'i'tt an . on tfe..eeitr In. Wm. lot mun! An- There is I better POSITION for every young run or woman who will “and the And the rule works both ways. The foreign settlements in the treaty ports of the Orient are as great a mistake, as hopeletranikilure, as is any Chinatown in America. There may be reciprocal trade, (here may to trayel, but in the ldeeper thinge that enter into national life East is East and Wat is West. A Canadian in China may adopt the Chi. nose dress, but he can never take on the Chinese life. Neither China nor Japan can ever be run into the mould ofAmer- iean democracy. and for theireWn rake: those nations ehould stand against the inteference of our democratic ideas. which are alien and antagonistic to their 1 instincts and lite-just " we should "and against any further increase of Orienta settlements in Canade. Each nation baa its own function to perform. and it at this stage in in development Canadian life in any Province is domin- ated by alien elomente our national character will suffer lees and our contri- bution to the world'a civilization mll not be creditable to Cenada or metal to the World. I Tboee orientnle belong to a. civilization developed through the centuries along lines that never once touched the pleue of democracy " it In known in the Unit. ed States and $3attada. That civilizttion mite the Oriental mind because it in the outgrowth and expression ot the Oriental lite, bat between It end the democrey at Canada a great and impeccable gulf in the . his on this radical different) the very essentials of character, and on the supreme needs ot democratic govern- ment, mm the argument “pins: Orien- tal snttlement in Canada should be based That " the chief argument. and it carries with it no gxound of ofhsuee to Japanese, Chinese. or Hindus, And it in because the Asiatic intellect is no radically ihiferent from the Anglo Saxon. and no devoid of the democratic instinct that. the experiment of making citizen: of Canada. oat ofChmeu or Jap- aueie or Hindus in hopeless, nnd if al. lowed on a large scale would be fatal. There is no use to talk nLont anporionty and inferiority. In certain important respects the' Oriental. especially tlie, Chinese, is not the interior of the Can-l Indian. But there is a difference so midi-1 cal and so persistent this “tempts at coalition only destroy Whit is mall worth l preserving in both, _ - Democracy in a mental quality. Itir a thtmteterirtio of the intellect, whether of the individual or of the nation. not a more external form of political orgauiaa. tion. Democracy means thinking and acting for ono‘a self. whetlur in politics or in sooietv or in busineaa or in religion, Democratic government cannot he taken on from without, it mum be the unres- sion of the tmstimsttOml aptitndu from within. Anglo-Saxon democracy is the outgrowth of the Anglo-buxom intellect. Anart from that type of intellect there could not have been and there cannot Lug continue that type of natirual Me and government. The Globe of 1fridaplatrt had an able leading article showing a fat more nor- Ious ohjectiov to Asiatic immigration than :that raised by labor unionists or ample} on of labor whore objections were merely local or temporary. The writer teen in danger to Democracy lead- ing to national decay. We quota part of thin thoughtful article: On the lace of il, there would there- fore, seem to be good ground for 3 com tention that the condition of Local 0p- tion is B much more permanent one than that of license. During the post nix you." out of 150 chum-es to repeul Local Option by-lnvn bra simple majority vote, there bu been only one sncusslul and thus is Shelton. According to tigttrtm furnished by the Alliance Secretory, e etriking feature of the Local Option movement in tint when Lace! Option by-lewe ere peeled in e municipelity they etey peered. There seems to be on almost unenl- moon approve! of the meeenre by muni- eipelltiee tint have ndented. Last year there were 84 municipalities where by- laws hed been in (one for three years " more.end where. therefore, I repeel‘ vote could hove been brought on. In 8 l places repeal was tried. but in only one inotence was it tmeeetmful, and there. (the Townof Steelton.) the temperance people claim that the circumeteneee were exceptionel. Darin: the peat few years there hee been I greet edvenee in the movement for her-room abolition by the Loon! op. tion method in the Province of Ontario. Within the put an yearn 191 munici- pelitiee have polled n meiority for La. eul Option Bv-Levn. Lost your the three MN, requirement prevented com- ing into force 44 of the" municlpehtiea end in tome other place- the by-levn were quashed in the oonrtv, hut there ere " pretent in the province 158 mun- icipelitiee in which the luri- operative,, but there are 188 other muniolpehliel in the grovinoe in which no lioenue ere grente for vericne reason. I The Burst-r, of the Minna. Ru. Ben II Spence, bu hmdod out a lint of 89 munielpnluiu in which 'P.Ppti.tyts no more or Ian danced. sad it I. like. ly ling thit list will)“ be aided to. From upon- roughed st the one. of the Ontario brunch of the Dominion Al. lionoo in Toronto, It in loom-d that, more in like!) to ho mother Ramadan-i Loco! Option ta_rppaittn m we Province} ot Quin-to thin full and winter. Asiatic Peril to National Life Owen Sound. Ont. .N0RTttERt. Local Option. - ---- .i----. C. A. IMHO. mam F3tf, THE DURHAM REVIEW All graduates, of this school an nboolutely lure of getting positions, Student.» admitted at my time. Cntulogue tree, W. J. ELLIOTT. Principol. Cor. Yonge a Meander an Telegraphy All our experience at your service. Call and see us. KRESS, Collars and Ties Gloves 1nd attgtt Bats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can't tell you of this week. J. C. NICHOLS STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in We beg to annOuuce to the people of Durham and vicin- .1t3 that we haye opened up and in placing all its ”admit". Each student is taught separate- ly uthi- own desk. Trial lessons fr" one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T, CLANCY. Principal. Day and Night Classes. New! New! New! Leads in ty?olr-lreeping, lihorthand, Tprpewrftiri' Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing Ornamental Writing, The rush in on. Everybody wants mum? " once. We enticipeted this con ltion end nre repnred with 3 large stock of unto-gum luminary right here in Dar m. Every new idea evolved in Toronto nnd New York may be seen in our tshowrooms, and exclmlveneu, variety. and nt- moet n oderntlon lwrioe will be our stendfust elm. e extend you a cordial welcome to view the mnny new styles. Parisian Millinery Co. Miss Dick. Business College Attend the Best. It Pays Lfyaititure a A! John Gents' Furnishings Latest Fashion in Milliuery TORONTO MT. FOREST TORONTO. ONT. The - ,,7.- -"'--_.r. full!!!“- Mr John Riddel is now working in Owen Sound. Mrs Dr Smith and non Morrison ore this week visiting friends " Arthur, The Review to Jan. 1, 1908, 10c to New Subscribers. §mmmmmmmw Mr. Herman Becker. our villaureilI highly esteemed young monstrous! is attain in charge ot hisstore stat-m pleasant fortnight'a visit among? friends in Toronto and other points. I Miss Eleanor Skene who hll been visiting friends in and around this vicinity for the past three months re- turned to home in Regina 11 week ago Saturday. Mr Donald Corinth is now in the employ of Mr. Geo. Ryan. drovar, " y our town. Mr Donald Smith is able toga round again after a severe attack at blood poisoning caused by the poison ivy punt. Miss Ogden, Ottawa, visited her cousin. Mrs Dr Smith and other friends around here last week. all. Mr Angus McIntosh. one of Dorn- ooh’u most popular literary young men, has gone to Owen Sound where he has secured a congenial position. The Titmmm a Bros are now build- ing the foundation of Mr. Darguvel'l stable which he intends building this " MrJohn Ray has purchased the Marshallfarm. now worked by Mr. Alf Noble. Mr Rey takes mansion in March. Mr Walter Buns bu the Annex to his house nearly completed. Mr John Gama is buy this week getting the roof on his house. The teacher’s convention In being held Thursany and Fridny ot this week in Durham and onrlulnge will be livened up by the chi! ran in con- sequence. Harvest HOE]; aTiGiaiairiiii"iai'.' day night. Mr and Mn Harry Shrug visited for a couple ot weeks aloud Dromoro $013 lowing for their home in North y. Mr .nd Mn Wm Leith beam tho pan-01390! I goo baby boy. Last Sand: We- and John Min. Arr and Min: Md has" visited " Mr Wm Brown'l and attended Amos church Sunday night. We think the sanction for Jul: must be manger than " Fairbolm. Mill Ada Brown hu taken . posi- tion in J ll Findluy's store. The Women’e Ir. M, Society held their that olefin: meeting Int Bun- def night. Mr Kendall [eve " ex- cel ent dddr- on hie lmpreulon of the Amerieen tat end the Water street Minion n ew York. Sane very epptoprlete mule wee given by the choir and e Inge collection wee mun to Malone. Mr Junk human lea Tue-d" for North Bay where he has neared a position. Mean Wm Benwlok sud Juk Pin. kerton left tor New Ontario " week. Honolulu amen no buy “all week akin: up their potatoes. wild: are u in: crop. We hear Galina were no large he could badly got them into the cellar. .1151 Mrs Kendall attended the Domoch. Dromore. There is no get- ting away from the fact. We have the best makes and the beat materials in the market for this fall'a business and we are anxious that you should know about it. Now it's up to you to have a look " them. Ask for one of our 'ii, Clothing circulars. i': O ver- fist appearance. Ith, " The Sover- eign Brand. " . shoulder, --The neverbreak front; --The elegant This Clothing in for men and bore, No better iitt"tatted or better fitting Suits can be found. -The close fit- ting collar, CloSng for Men and Boys The Sovereign Brand THE BIG STORE Full Suite are at hand and we are now ready to supply you with the latest style. of clothing. The Soveteign Brand in known to be reliable and tenable. of excellent quality and most mod. cute in price. ALEX. RUSSELL Don't Your Trade NOTICE No better Clothing built at any price. Call and let us show you what we are advertising. 'orget "F, tiii.?.), concave Wanted. The Highest Prices. fl Att kinds of Fur Coat: And Fur-lined Cash for ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it's chilly October weather and you had better tote l tip. One of these Neck Ruin will pre- vent that aggravut- in: sore throat or nasty cold, which so may wonder how they tot Your intentions are good, we know. You have to have one. Just come right in and get it now. i; Now 7sis the best is none too good for you. Supetior in quality of trim- mirtga. T h e Fat you to oe- eue the nithiest unit of this sea- eon'l cut. Cor- net in every de- tnil, style, shade and quality of _orklnuuhip. I?" urs lme Rgtt 92H V0 w P ' . in” THE Moll Mer Boy Boy We bio: (d an mu H M H o

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