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Durham Review (1897), 24 Oct 1907, p. 10

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and thoroughly mum, in other the Shonhnnd and Typew no. or the Balines- De‘pnmclm Thurman and "acne-I rout-cool nu: r. Upto- mm- methods ot Innmcuon. 'ttteager, 1mm. summon-med n melt duh. ent- mlmmed u my line. Write for Annual An- nouucemem. Then is 1 better POSITION for every young mun or wanna who will "tend the a THE PEOPLE'S STORE 36 Ladws' Heavy WRAPPERS, well trimmed and good fitting, worth 2.50 for...... .... ........ .... 1-59 39 Lnducs' SKIRTS. worth from 2.75 to 7.50. On sale now at from.......... 1.98 to 196 23 MISSES' SKIRTS. length " tab? in. allshadesmixed tweeds, reg.2.N t03.90. 1.95 to 2.89 Ladies' and Children's h1'lf,','.QE,M; HOSIERY. Mms, and GLOVES in all kin' a and colon will not escape the reduction knife. although space does not permit prices. Here’s a chance lot 1'0u--over loo ends La. Laces cc: & insertions to choose from. only per yd S: Many of these are just this fall's goods. SATIN CLOTHS in Black, Navy. Brown, Burgundy and Cardinal worth 65c for..:... ...... .......... 496 VENBTIANS in black, brown, blue, my and fawn. wortheocforperrard......A....l.1 .......... 420 Heavy COSTUME CLOTHS in black, brown and mis. ed colors, worth:7N: and90clor....... ...... ...... 57c 20 SUIT LENGTHS in different shades of heavy woollen Tweed effect at two think their value. " Isaiah? It,',g, and tl'/i1"itt,"gtir, lenglth JACKETS, mostly acui. searcugtyo Instye but worth from 7.00 to 015. Pom... 1.69 to 6.50 Fresh Groceries always on hand For Fall, mixed tweeds in checks and stripes in all shades, browns, pews. reds and guys. A Full, Complete Line of Dress Goods In all shades and pnttems just arrived, so come ', ine before buying elsewhere. On Thursday, Oct. 24 We carry everything necessary to a gentleman 's wardrobe-.. natty neckwear. bright new hats and caps, daintiest patterns in Fall Shirts. Large stock of Fall and Winter Underwear on hand. Ladies' New Fall and Winter Coats tor fall, but come in our state, while our stock is new and we will show you the lattice: range of Clothing ever shown. ROBERT BURNETT "ltlt.i"lllllglatttittt-iiiggamii-irimm It is part of our business to be constantly on the look-out for correct things for men and " prices that are an inducement to them to come to us. Now it 's a known fact that men’s attention is a great deal harder to attract and hold than the ladies', yet we have succeeded nnd are now supplying the majority of the men of Durham and lurronnding country with the renowned REGENT Clothing. Don't sit and wonder about Owen Sound. Ont $10,000 HARD CASH THE IMPERIAL SHOE-an patent; kid, dongola and box calf _NORTteR), Strictly np-to-date Furnishings * don't advertise just tor the tN Also the Hardwaxe list srhid Selling Agents for the Famous Imperial Shoes ans! Renowned Regent tyothing Your New Suit or Overcoat C. A, ILEIING. rump! There is no store in Durham or nearby towns that can give you the selection that The Big Store can. With our $30,000 well-selected stock of new, fashionable goods, we can supply your needs at prices that you can’t help but see the savings we are making for you. Be wise and grasp these given opportunities. They are the only kind worth taking advantage of and fresh ones will be presented to our customers every day. DRESS GOODS Cash or Trade at THE BIG STORE wh1le the sale is in Progress. . BUTTER & EGGS WANTED l Containing macred more or less. Good land, well wan-$3. Good brick ‘house and frame " With uono basement stables. Ottrood lending lint-of road, " miles (tom the town of Durham and adjoin g the MN! c, PRtmckJmile from hool. Will sell right toquick buyer, l Don‘tmiss a good opportunity. For _ umber par- ticul‘nlrg apply " the REV w OFFICE. Farm for Sale penance, but the need of the money is the prime motive 1 will be continued every Saturday at Bargain prices. 24 Everything will be ready for your tttyi?,?,.: Come and secure vonr needs whiln t a "an Oaerei more J:'"tit IN me , ml rs. m mile: 'ide,' t in and exam. 'ulllPaEllllt2lllEitg :1EllKllllltMa. SiiBullPCDatiatatgt 49 yards UNION 86 in Carpet. new Kattcrnn for.... .... .30 119 yds heavy " 36 in Carpet. wort 65c yd, for. ... ...Atttt 250 yds heavy WOOLLEN S. 36 in, worth " and Mc yd for tttk; . TAPE'STRY and BRP§SELS at corresponding reduc. hnnn. . "no A mum-nu - _ “hr P, . ,,,,_ __V_--.._v an """"H1'"u'"h' " tipns. Just 4 gquarcs lcft-rthsy're snaps for some Linoleum: and Otlclotha at cut pnccs. _ I _.V H n... . an“. nun. -m In WIuc and red strip“, worth 12ke yd for. . 70 yds TABLE LINENS, worth 60c yd !!l? yd! " extra wide.' w 125 by worm 20c d to clear at..'... I"'.':" Mo yds 'iv'ifV.lh'lllilshrihti, 32 in wide, These consist of the many real necessities for winter wear and use. We can't replace these goods at the prices they were bought at. 100 yds heavy FLANNEL SHEETING, in white and grey. 72 in. wide, worth 90cfor.............. ...... 74C 400 yds F LAN N ELLETTES. heavy weights, extra widths, fancy stripes, worth 15c yd to anyone, for 12ht, 250 yds heavy SHIRTING FL'ETTE, dark checks, worth 16cyard for.... .... ...... ...... .... ........ 130 1000 yds FLANNELLETTE in light and dark colors, 32 and 34 in. wide, worth l0c yd for ...... .... ..... tk 200 yds WEAPPE RETTES., 40 in wide, dark colors. - - . "f'." ll " nut: Many short ends Table Linens at These Mr Urquhart championed the 'Writ. ten Reading " paper " Summer exam. valiantly. though the popular view was against it. He supported it as containing sound educational principles. Mr Heath made theinter- eating comment that of all the Con.. ventions he had attended elsewhere, Inspector Campbell is a host in him. sell on any of the males, and the new men from the east. rquhart ot Dun. delk and Heath of Flesbertuu were a decided strength to the dlecueslons and will be further heard from. The next meeting will be in Flesh- erton, sad the new omcers are: Pttddertr-ar Magoo. Hanover. 1st Vice Pttss-Miid Neely, Mark. 2nd Vice Pres. .--.Migg Sitzer. 'acy.--Tretus-Thas Allan. Committee -Urqnhaxt. Dundalk; Rowe, Markdsle. and Misses Binnie, Grant and Moody. l Auditors-Johnston and Tolchsrd. l NOTES. 1 The concert on Thursday evening _ wasfully up to “rotations. Mable jMenley Pickard as a. strong and finely ettltiratived voice, and her selections were enthusiastically ar- plaudod. She was partiealar y acceptsble in her "Standard on the Braao'Mar." Csmeron is an old favorite with an increasing penchant for etory telling. His f,?,,",',,",',, piece. Dawn on the coast of reland " it appeared to sretnrning emigrant on shipboard. was delightfully graphic, and touching. Not s few ot his selec- tions sppealed to the teachers parti- culsriv. Mrs Newton was the no compsnist and (we instrumental selections of her own which met with the usual favor. Over $70 was realised which leitn nice balance in the society 'it, hands. Mr Tolchnrd in his five minutes in- troduced " Part I of the Entranee " on the retention of which there was wide diferenee ot opinion. Mr J ohn- Iton on " Rome Work "roused much discussion also and these 5 minutes telke at the close ot the second day seemed to "one the profeeeional spirit more than all preceding. mu be ready for yourinsrction. You can secure your needs which 0 prices are at I was Bells Binnie, firtrt in the min- ate mks. called attention to n difthtt1. ty all teachers met ,ritlt---0opyintt in school end must have been ttratified by the interesting discussion it atons‘ Mien a. McLeod chumploned Geo- grephy " e mane to n liberal ed~ nation. It broadened the mind nnd mined the obeervlng powen A mepot the world should nlwnye be in View end current thought. dir. ooverlee and literature would be bet- ter enjoyed and made prtti1table. ', STAPLE GOODS The Teachers' Convention. Coutinuedfrom Page 2 CARPETS worth 60c yd. for...... .... ... extra wide.' worth 80c yd for. . . c'xtra wide, worth 1.to yd. for.., E l I. C.'.".".' ff? 74c tights. extra :0 anyone, for 12h} ' dark :hecka, _..".".'.".'.'.".'."."."?: 130 md dark colors, , dark colors, '."'.'-'--r. 10c ........:.HalifrhG dark grey,' bide ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW "..1'.'."C. ik Lot27,28.Uon.lS. D. to? Glenda. 85aeres cleared. 7 new: hush. Well watered. Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Barn (45:60.) imile from pro- posed station on new U. P. It. Line. Convenientlco School and P. 0. Fur. ther particulars, apply on the premium Fnr ihtt ham Public hool. Outline of duties may he be cc at J. P. Tel- tord'n oMee. Apply. in Med envelope. marked tender. stating In" requir- ed, before 81st October t U. RAMAGE, On Queen St. Durham. Sp! location. 7 room well and all co iences. Apply " eview OtBee. The Review to Jan. 1, 1908, 10c to New Subscribers. Hon. Rudolph Lemieux has been appointed " Special Envoy " to Japan by the Dominion government, em- powered to conclude an arrangement with the Japanese with reg: to im. migration. Joseph H. Pope Under. Secretary ot Sate, who chaperoned Prince Fuehimi through Canada, in lino going, on in Mrs. Lemicnx and a privnte Secretary. They nail on 28 agate tuber. thtAter-HhqrrRrprte.--.to Durham on Wednolldny. 16th October. IW7, Mr Frank Grub} to Mr: Elia. Urib maiden. DIED. AuexAsnrm.-an Ben tinck. near Hut. ton Hill, on 19th October, Ella. War. nock, beloved wife of Alex. Alexan- der, aged 25 yrs. 9 mos. 18 days. i The ladies completely belied the POW!" alumny than they ere l nveterete talkers. VIM-President IMoSlocklln we no sure. and the mele members also. would hue ‘weleomed a little more talking on .their part. In practical value to than anchors who mean it, the Convention of 1907 ranks high. l Mr Yoitsharde exhibit of copy hooks Moved creditable work from credit- able teaching. Why could not this and Mr McKenzio'e exhibit from a beginning tor a more extended exhi- bition ot school activities " intnre Conventions? egame Study. Manual training, Dom its Science. wenther charts. &c all touch on the life of the school room. all the pa I. upuk' "well for tie ideals of tThu,'lffJd'd. this had shown more of a ralizlona and _morll trend of_ll_lought_-th_rongh Caretaker\Wanted. Farm tor but You can be the judge 1 are at the lowest ebb, Bargains will be the order of this store every JOHN McAn'mim. Prop' HARRIS!) -u-..7 - e to Rent. 01-.. Durhnm. Splendid Jtell.tutdi1 conven- MITI'S AND GLOVES, HOSIERY. COLLARS and TIES All kinda for Fs ll Iilats & Caps intend makingim‘ MITTS AND 150 Men 'tt Shirts and Drawers. sin 100 Bora' Shirts and Drawers, all too stiff GGiTi, 200 heavy Cotton ?!lytrt.rtee, Men’s and Boys' winter needs are many but we can .1 them all and at a great saving to you. Here is a real nu saver for you in Clothing. Either' Suits or Overcoat: for or boys. so per cent of the price for cash. This means M BOYS' SUITS, assorted sizes. worth 5.00. for... . . . . J 42 " tt 6.00. for........ 39 " .' 7.50. for........ 12 MBN'S SUITS, wcllmvade, worth 7.00 for. . . . . . . 22 " " 10.0ofor......., 37 " upftrdate, worth “All for. . . . .. .. 29 't new fall goods, worth l3.00 for. . . . .. .1 I27 pairs ODD PANTS to choose from at 20 per cent Any old style Suit in the store at almmt In." -uc. MEN 'SIK B0YSTL0'nilMi Is the Amount we must have before the last day of December of money to get in that length of time. The only means by which l the goods, We must interest you with the price. Everybody needs a Supplies and they always look where they can secure their needs at tl You don't need to worry about it or even look elsewhere. They are startling when you think of the steady money. That’s the plain reason for reductions. alerted colors and sizes at. . . . . nt Print Shirt”: worth 1.00 and l, otton Shirts, dark colors at . . . .. Men's Underwear Heavy Top Shirts STARTLING REDUCTIONS , Other combinations made [known on application. The Review. W. Globe. Sun. W. Mail . & Empire and W. Witness I" give Imhoce of this em- free to new subscribers for lg". All subscribers to Daily World be- fore Dee. Its'., will get 15 month. straight for price quoted. Review and W. Globe toend 19072se Review to Jan. lat 1908.. . . ' .. .. ..toe Combinations of three or more paper- can also be made at reduced mites. Business Interests have not been in- jured In my way whatever bylacnl option t John Little, Prelbgterian Minister. Geo. A. King, Met odist Minister. It/ot. @5030. Ihr. Towahip Tron. . We deeire through your permission to Itste that we believe the common opinion, of the rotepnyers of Ems-moot to be, that loco! option has been end is e decided succees and a. subsumtul benefit in the municipality. Of course we believe liquor has been consumed but the general tremc has been almost entirely cut all. This you the Egre- mont Agricultural Soclety hold at Holstein the most succeesful fair in its history. In point of attendance. the number of exhibits and the financial returns. the results were most gratify- ing. The exceptions“ good order of the thousands present wee it marked Improvement on fair days previous to local option and the quietnese of the Village during the day and the whole evening was e matter of {general com- _ went. There was _uhso utely_no_dis~ 1 lurhance. a. ttt aGiGriii"ttiiu'iri before locus! opt on. _- .... a...“ an": uuwre we rest day of December. 1907. Yes, it is a lot at in that length of time. The only means by which we can obtain it is to sell We must interest you with the price. Everybody needs a certain amount of Winter they always look where they can secure their needs at the most reasonable prices. d to worry about it or even look elsewhere. Review and Weekly Globe. . . . $1.25 Review and Fumem’ Bun . . . . . .1.76 Review and W. Mail & Erhpire..l.70 Review and Montreal W. Wtt. ..1.00 Review and Family Her. & Star.l.75 Review and Daily Globe. . . . . . . ..4.40 Iteviewtyi pfgr World .. . . . . . AL00 Dear Mr. Editor. It Inc been cumutly reported In neighboring municipslitlu when lo. cal ortion campaigns are under way that on! option he not been a 'ue- can in the town-hip of Egremont. J. B. Hunt," Gaav. John W. Mama-y. 1ireryman. David Allan. township clerk. _ -"N __. _- "a“... -.-.... W. D. McKenzie. retired merchant. Arum: I. Brown, ghyslcinu. Wm. Seaman. bar ware merchant. George Freeman. miller. J. H, Brown, general merchant. J. W. Philp. general merchant. W. J. Sharp. copeertuteer. A Durrnm. local man, Bell Tel. Co. Rich. Irwin, reg. Massey-Harri. Co. J. D, Roberto, luksmith. David Grier, mt. postmaster. W. J. Keel-lie. merchant tailor. Robb. Christie. carpenter. Adam Dnupe. uhoemnker. wAuHtyshef, Int-her. All kinda fog- Fall & Winter wear. We intend making you save money on 'em Yearly Clubbing Offers. to choose from at 20. per cent off. store at almost half price. Local Option in Egrenont, l ABimImthttyt3i_tiortcE ' the saving oittmsd you. For one solid month, tiiriiririo'r "fiGi2y . .. ' sizcg 36 to 40, all IIZCS . . . .. and TI ES at Clearing Prices, ALEX. RUSSELL many byt we cap “apply . . . . . . .'. . Lighri'iriiii; .......20pcrccnt off tdlas,fpr.akaiiii V reg. “C. ea. t'crqoats for men This means that . . . . Is a real money- .......o4.oo ........¢.ao ........s.oo '....... 5.60 '-.....8.oo ........8.80 .......IO.40 week. Look foe we will hold our Second Millinery Display when we will ehow all the new ideas in Winter Millinery. Vel. vet. and Fur will be shown done in the latest style. We make Mnllmery I Ipeclelty and spore no trouble and ex- pense to make it our business only end therefore we are elweye melting up new styles. We Invite you to cell any time end see our complete stock. Parisian Millinery Co Miss Dick. _ n the out an: I elegrap y low-rd: petition! Paying from [5000 to 0150.000 per mums: in mt way ”nice. You an Immune I good operator in 6 months " you mad in T e Centnl Telegnphy School. t Gen-JR. E. Toronto. The tinert School In Cnnodn. Writ. for punlculun. W. H. SHAW, Pres. TJJOHNSTON. Pun On October 29 & 3O Iglegraphy Second Millinery Opening their nemes. addresses. and ducrip- tions and e fall suteme t of penicil- lers of their cieims and he nature of the security (if my) h d by them dnly tsertiiied, and the: " the ssld day the Administrators tll proceed to distribute the assets ot e deco-cod among the parties emit! thereto, inning regard only to th cisims of which they shell then he notice. Dated mi. 22nd day f 0mm A. D. 1907. minimum" GiFiG the Sixteenth an of the "rd-AG-sid 1Tf"TiiEiriiiit' who died on or thou the Nineteenth dny ht',",' A. D. 1 . are (tit/S, town v on .orm ower to J. P. "h?l'f,/"il'l't tor for the Ad. Tommhi of o in he Co‘mfy of Graham. . NOTICE I. he r given in a; sun: to R. 8. o. l ' ftt 129 38 3nd Amending on. t at till per- Hthavittrysltitity/ pins: the has In the Surrogate curt o the Count of M, "' the ' the Etta; le, ihatd% which, late ofthe htetye of t? “I! ie' County J. P. Talon Solicitor for Admi Mum Dam. Mc ALI. GEORGE Me um. Every Day Bargain Y."""" pee plates. reg. price 12c, nt 'tin. u n sc, no Kan-u and Forks. per dozen pairs, Knives only.wcrc I.” for....". ..... Pain of Carvers. were Mc, for. . .. . Butcher Knives, were Mc, for..... Sportsmen: Some rcnlsnapc in Rll Theres a lot of good boots to be Bold here right away. regardless of coat. Come and ace any of them fit you. There's lots of other line you can get a pair at the lowest possible cost. Figs, worth 5c th, now.... .... .... Trllby Polish. worth 10c each . . . . .. Assorted Extract. worth 10c each . Jelly PowsiemC."..C.r1r, Fi, canned Meats, Beef. Ham, Veal and Chicken Savoy So_up, worth MC for.............. ..... Salmon. Simftoter Brand, worth tSc, for. . . . . Shredded Cocoanut, half lb size for... .. .... .. Empire I8tlt, regular 5c size. ..... .t---, advance of all kinds of goods. We need Below are a few of the many bargains .' Cartttsd Mean, Beet Hergare some useful articles. Tee. an indqcement l . 'eanite pic plates, reg. pace 12c, r in " In Friday-QROCER I ES-Saturday rows N IO . trrogate curt o tht l, m the ' th ribatd If sciatic. ta ff, of a hr in the r. armor. . our Friday and Saturday Grocery hat, ford, BtiiieliirW t%riir. LB BOOTS AND SHOES HARDWARE t November on TO be sold here at st. Come and see if tith, " pr 'tt lots of fisher lines to clear out so ran} - -- A, - UdLUU_1"-.........Me RIFLES and SHOT GUNS w. J. ELLIOTT. Prim!” Got. “In. new“. All [Mum out“ Ichool an nbuolun-ly' of Mull. maidens. student: ndmIm-d at time. (hum: hue. the price of which should reg price Attend the Best. It Pays Tho old“ and f,"l'l't MIMIC" mime}. All “I!“ no ot hen. litudenu not". an: lam sud run-mm mm and III In!“ to poration, I'.'.'" in: We! um live uplo-du o T. M. WATSON. Pump. V1 KRESS, he tytt.eid--Jktter, any time II. C.A, M" Vac & Meow " mm W. T. CLANCY. Pd Day and Night Clams. Leads in 1itrolr-lreeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing Ornamental Writing, and in placing all In mdunm. Etch student is taught “pm-Me. Iy at " on deck. Trial lesson. frr one week (no. ..............2 for Itie "............attte 5c pried.” for....|l.15 Business College 1030320. Ola'. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE ........_.,.Ttttriii, MT. FOREST Vi‘itofl welcome. OCT " 1907 Lsat, tvoeth .,...ttikiii, .....uoraoc .....¢torasc Day Undertaker 'nnclpu bineipal, b imam 4E? §Y0 iitggy:y: t'rfl' Men's 5-5 Men'sl ,l[t Husk 5; Men' iii'L THE REM VOL. “Vii. ii Menu H. H Men's L Bo) n' Bosw G Men' HIGH M W bl

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