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Durham Review (1897), 24 Oct 1907, p. 1

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and Boys N,PeCvd9, . i _ bt'fe.C?, 1907 1me RE rs in take the ry de- shade ty of lose tiest SCI 'uf W .00 You tt wrt fftgg (y%ef%llfNdlil!ilM=lgt4gixigegggggg 3:33:93 iii Men’s Gloves and Mitts h: Men's Reversible Coats 3%??? & :3 Men's.,i.y.yprpardigan Jackets ici Men's Big Shirts 23,33? 15.; :5; Ladies' Coat Notes vuu. MVLll, N0. 43 "H-- M VOL. xxvm, mi' Boys' Gloves and Mitts, too..........,. tMe to Men's muurwettr.......................sm, to 1.25 Boys’ Underwear, fleeeeuined and wool............ Menu Night Robes and PMamas..90c to " Husky Shirts We have gone right in for MENS GOOD GOODS-a full line the best that money can buy. Here are some : More Coats came in just I few days ago, and now we h ascrtment of Coats in Tweed: and Blacks. Conn choose from an assortment that comprises the hr test and most attractive styles- at popular prices, too. ELEGANT BLACK COATS A SPECIALTY. James Ireland bucksein-.tor wear. Prices. and they coat you ouly...... ........ . . made of "Noxel" clcth--the only shirts by Shirts sold under a " months' guarantee from the maker. Wear them out in a year and you get new shirts or your money. Investigate this proposition. sewed a in any Men's Wear _ -Vâ€"_-. - .wul’, connot- 5 UH" "' table, my to work in. Buttons on by hand, seams cannot rip, reinforced $1 ;. A strong shirt for strong men.. . . .... .. an..- vvala D U R 0 Y, weather, specially priced at. . . . . s'.".'.'.".".".'..".'.'.'.".".'?. 50c 165215? working or dressy nus. too............ tMeto Mo pr .--.....IMN, to 1.26 a piece 1.25, 1.50, Liii"iiiiiii' ..90c to 1.ar, each .lePr-.ro.otnr, eomfor All kinda-. leather, In_ocha, guaranteed iiliititittrg The Standard Emmy: Interact four tlmos a your on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings on 'here in Comm wan-I Iranian. B. Y. P. U. NocrAr..--Thu organi-! zation had a pleasant evening socially ' in the Baptist church on Tuesdnv. when a number of people took part. 1 One of the unique features ot the pro- i ram wait an original recitation on the l fii'i'll'l; of the old church is) to the) recent time given h Mr. J Brown. I Il'ig.' Newton' and lain Ada .Brown,1, _ in a duett. made is fine Contnhuiion; the latter also in a solo. Men": A Bell, Search. Harding and Clemis In a male quartetle. instrumentals hr Mrs. l Newton on organ and Mr Yirrs on vio- lin. Mine- Iilf Walker and Gertie Me. ; Comb in I rec tation and solo reapect- l ively. Mr A. Smith in a solo and lame l "null boys in recitation. made it a I lemnt program to listen t t. Re. I freshmen” of ice cream and cake were I dUpenaed. I HYaeerreAu-The community was pleasantly surprised when informed of the marriage but Wedneuday at the Mame of Mr. Frank Gruhy, to Mrs. Elizabeth Crittenden. They both are [ esteemed residents of the 2nd con. of Egreuiont. old neighbors, whose fam. iliea are grown up, and nothing seem. ed fitter than that one ItmmiuGiit house them in thrir maturer you". The happy couple nitended Prenby-j terian church Sunday eyening hut. and received and are receiviu many ccnxmtulallona in which 't'h'l"id"v1'g cordially joins. For the present and to: the Winter they will likely occupy Mrs. Grasby'l home. I sworn an.» " Imus-on G,, ”1ch --._w. um. 1:18 engines have been going over it for some weeks, and at present there are two engines this side of it. Special gangs were at work on Sunday we un entand. " both sides trying to repair or overcome the dim. culty. Think delaying progress but Lu tteel is now within' ' m. n ma.- at THE fiiiaANjjjiiiiry BANK _ -- --.. _...... nun-c luvs. um respecdnly. Ir. J. Monnlaox. Rocky Snug-en. Mr. Jan. M. Gun has. tintter which 'will rfmind big of up aqcident. he had mm yum-year om, and one sucker; Also two Durham bulls with pedigree. choice]? bred. eight and nine mos. old roam: "ao.. . .- "use ween-es. Durham. Ont. -- ___.- WAmn.-A gill to learn tten; lng. Apply at the Central o cu in town. W. LAIDLAW. OFCANADA Heedomee - . . . ReiiléLnbe-zr a, Jute. iiii8t/lat DURHAM BRANCH John lolly. than” ty of his paper lies yutiont Weititetmsii be me cry of the will rem m long at. m pricei forgotten. 'mer must sad The DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24 pn Iruer of Mar IOTAIUIHID "" f Archie. the youn eat son. who has iet died, was in 'fll 47th veer and I cave: a widow and one son twenty yrs of age as chief mourners. The cause "tf death was npoptexy. It is 28 year. wince he lett home last. he learnt " trade of ftamer with Mr. Geo Shop-on of Priceville. then went to Menistigue. Mich. as miUWright there for some years. Later he went to Benttlens bridge superintendent for a. Reilwey U'o. and was in San Fransisco " the time of the earthquake dinette" and lost heavily. He then moved back to Seattle to make his permanent home end has died there " than. e A heayy blow has fallen on Mrs. t Alex Beggs and family by the sudden it death of daughter and sister Lizzie. o aged 16 years. This deeply lamented t death occurred on, Monday evening shortly after 0 p. rm, the cause being typhmd conglicated by pneumonia. , She went to t. Forest early in Sep- , ternher to take a course in Business . College and came home ill soon after u and though a very sick girl a fatal ter- . urination was not feared ontil a few I days ago. Griefs seldom come singly. i Mrs. Beggs' brother died quite recent- ) ly and she was summoned from per-i [ hops her father’s dyin’ir bedside by her; , daughter's illness. ‘l:e deepest sym- F rrt,,1.ir, of the town will be extended to i , rs. Beggs, to der-eased's twin siiiterl Annie and her brother's over the loss of this bright young maiden. I Mas. ALEXANDER. Tuesday last the remains of Mrs.) Alex. Alexander, of Bentinck. near-I Hutton Hill. were laid to rest. For sev- , eral years back she has been in delicate health from an lnsiduous disease, and i on Saturday of last week she died. ! She was in her 26th year and husband I and two children are left to mourn. I Anon MCDONALD i For several years back Mr A. 0. Me. ." Donald of this town has had more than ', his share of the grief that comes when "friend after friend departs." About i In week ago he had word from Seattle l l l that his brother Archie had died there " ion the 6th October. a few days before 1 1 his daughter Martha was ca It'd. one , year be ore his wife, two years agol ' his brother Neil m N, Dakota, and also his brother Norman in Michigan. c Truly the stroke of the destroyer has l ' been falling heavily and he and his“ brother Join of Glenelg have the sin- It cere syrn thy of their' fellows in the i tclf,"Wt'll'1eliU,'e', of their Briefs, l l, .- --e--_- --r'l ed. A quarteve with moonliÂ¥bt etreea, was a h'lle feature. he Band treasury will comidemhly en- riched no a result of the enterrtalmisst.t I " Dolyn. the Tea Girl " was the at- lroction at the Town Hall last. [Saturday owning, under hand umpire. and drew a full house. It is A pretty little Japanese Operetta. ptmonted 3- mid ypiyneetrceiiiekr by W. Francis Firth, who nppettrmt here but spring also in .. The Ben-gar Student." All the pertormera play their pants well. the only objection prrhnp'. 'r/gi, the, excer- of love-mnking throng Duh] Following the plsy individual numben were ran and, among them, Mir- ul Porte's recitation he qt much 1Thti' et. A quot-tents with mnnnliaM . _ - __.-. .-. '""VNON" nu neen eontined to bed with a noun-nigh: "eo. tion of the neck and isolao improving. Mr. Hugh MacKny came home from the far north but week and la suffering from acute pneumonia, brought on from the exposure tire-range; Ire subject to. slcxxnss.-ur. Jun. drown during the put week or two bu been sex-ioni- ly ill With pneumonia. but though in his 85th year. in at last reports, improved. Mrs. A. Mar-dull has heed Dahlia-nu! tn In“. .-=., - - - Att EDUCATIONAL Itmnr.-.Ittu num. ber of the Review, with Pt,.",:,':,): may he described " above. ur rend. on will ask no apology for the shun. dunce of educational matter following the County Convention. The work was all of a high order Ind we trust the samples we give may result in) bringing' parent.- and teacher Into] close: touch. I Auc'non tiArae.--Mrs, 1 an Auction Sale of Bout lee, on Saturday. as inst to moving trom town. idenee on Lambton St. The bachelor. and l Durham held a successful the ball 2,"rNpg'tei,i; the season. e Loud were engaged for the o supplied choice music, , Pom") ox tfPmrr--apeetnete. in "ae. Thin Once. Rev John Poi“. one of the pillars of Methodist!) and a. foremost citizen of [ the Dominion: died last week. Lrzzm K “as!” Obituary. and benedreta of ceetmfu1 assembly in waning -the thit of ‘e London Hamper; . I}... __-‘,- Mrs. Peel will have occasion? rand airman-,0” t the ml. t5FWjm'iTi'" ARCHIVES TORONTO excellent paper in full. She Vii-hen it distinctly understood that the has drawn some of the matter and her inspiration from a book by Mia Alice Gnlmn. of Minuet! th h we ensure it has lost 11ml, single ge. eating by Mia Capping“. Friday. Another good day not! rendering the title “whens We.” nit. l minnow. Ill- Annie all...“ readers itLiiG-iGiiG7irl gxcellent - in full. S pr- ( Following this came an ofEeinl wel. ill' i' come from the Trustee Board, Messrs T. Grant, Ramage and McIlraith extend. tr- {ing the welcome. Mr Irwin of the lel' i Chronicle spoke in a reminiscent ni- strain of his earliest memories of the W‘Association. Rev Mr Farquharson "mph on the moulding of character '" and the itnporUneeot clothing his. torical and other facts with new life imaking them live over again to the N'. Ipupils. :1... Miss Clark on " Libraries and how te 'to use them "spoke of the high it:rivi~ m liege of being consulted as to c ild's ( d. ! reading and the importance of choos- Id I ing books with proper ideals. Choose , books that would emphasize the vice itories of peace as well " war and urge P.. lthem not to consider a good book once It ' road " finished. See page 5. R, lnsp. Camp'nll in discussion point. [e I ed out the importance of every teach. 'e I er being interested in Libraries. Insp. 'a I Ritchie" referred to lack of Bible read. eling. for the fundamental principles fl I of bible truth was adapted to all been I (iii, life. There was a really tine dia. 'iicussion, Mr Urquhart, of Dundalk, altruistic a lucid contribution and - I nearly all anxious to have Bible tend. 8 ing lessons placed on an equality at [least with other lessons. I Mr Thompson on Junior Grammar [ , made a clear logical presentation. l , especially his method of beginni . i , For instance: ask the upil to thit‘k I of something, than It him where is l that thought (usually the answer will be in his mind, though he had 1 I hadone say in hisstomach.) Impress I , him that no one in all the world I ( knows that thought but himself. two ways to make it known, speak it or . write it, taking the latter way, they I have made a sentence, and a begin- f ping in grammar and there is no need I fora long time in mentioning parts a of speech. ' Miss Isa Campbell, of Boothville. I give a thoughtful paper on " The 01 Teacher's Responsibility as a Can- " adian Citizen " which we intend to d five in tall as a (i;',',",?",':',,'?",,',',,',":','! cave out too many . sl Read it in full in this issue. lugs a! Kiss Cop gar. Hanover, was I down {or u . Reading _and our cl Routine work til1ed 'lt the first forenoon. Secy Allan's ne minutes of last convention bringing everyone into touch with the work Teachers who misc the first session loco a good deal, and fully so were on hand on this occasion, , ,7 w-.. I--.“ scucuuy. ne brought to the discussions much {matured thought and experience and 1 with a clear and ready utterance his presence was a distinct pleasure. Inspector Campbell opened the ses- sion Thursday toreaoon in the absence ot the President, but later the chair was occupied by Vice-hem, Miss May McClocklin in a very creditable manner. ratio: Leicnel'. By steady giet.t,ir,1, he has risen in the proleu on with-out the adventitious aids of School: and Colleges. " example to younger hunches and youth generally. He mun ' .- ge., ’9’ . a "'I -- ' "'""" The sessions were brightened and benefited by the presence of Inspector John Ritchie, of Port Arthur, who nearly 30 mm ago was a member of this name y " a budding young teacher. By steady up “cation he has risen in the profmlgn with-out “a A)", ..a. -- . some 70 or 80 teachers assembled , I Thursday and Friday last in the , Public School here and spent two protitnbie days. The ",tttte,t, , comprises six townships. w th towns 'lot Durham and Hanover. and villafes of Dundnlk and Msrkdale, in wh ch are slightly over too teachers so that the attendance was a good proportion of the whole. Revd's Farquharson and Bite, the editors of the town papers, Trustees Grant, Rsmaze and McIlraith. and a [number of other citizens attended {more or less ireqnently and took part occassionally in discussion. There is an tPaceottntablehut of rural trus- the interest in the Convention. Every trustee is invited, some 300 or more, yet we only saw one of the number present; Mr J. W. Blyth, of Varney. The sessions were brightened and hero‘s-All In- an - ' - Review. Teachers' Convention nun-ed man mm mm» mud n good manna“. luau: generally. He the digcuuions much , 1907 tiad her _ . ---H “' - "V“ 'eel 1eztetys,itvriuGusaet. pooh“ 1drtrusttem,itUGGiii also ii! banish State; 2t tt er's ‘m'd‘m mt t%turdar. mnunnndmln one A lawn-highly “mm. It. B. Keeler & Sons '. 'h'ttartueeemraeee, P't'!*tt'temars-awua GGGui7i;i"ig I'i'lllll nfl CM Tgtl"dg, thin “(1.11me tt me r, I m t "in - mutant. mumbling”: t,'tug iii) goods. made b Rogu- Bro... odtttsation, “Rum beauty in my. ammo Silver M: 00. m . 'ttttttdino, br, m“. bttt not m tall line of American “In"... lmtrlr 09’. amend” but not s,,)'.",.",",',',, ijl,',','e",r"N,tdt,tv, mid. 'srftittaitnttnot htsltitttdio ., an 'mMer. urn-tack I a tt t “All? ye, “will" 'lf,irtii1iii?iita', trLeritfiid “a“. Gii -..- THE" JIT m " W365i aaii7aTah.' "my tor 'll.,',',',',',,.'!',',',,.,',':?.?,,', .ttt' I the what In - .m I..._‘ or I: never again will iiliG Fe other.” hence the necessity of 1 doing " work thoroughly. Roving chosen "l'lltt", would ovoid worry 3 his: end than me our puma! about“ ”any, also trt e meter. I In t V: i'iG'i'll'l'ih'hl"lll? tet,,),', I I Mr Bolton followed on the "8eit Edncsuon of the Ieaeher " showing evidence of ceretnl thought in in prepsrsclon. Mr Knee, of Hmover. s " on " What is Worth While." VJ: were All workmen in the universe end the ttmt nation in choosing so occupation 1 Tal be-mt legitimate? He had 3 most impressive though: '. Think of tt?ttrindriidrulitr.. never In ell the use! was there such 1 person " vnn Mr D. McKenzie. ofAyton, had an- other $t Nsture Study " topic, the making of collections. and s feature of verygrest interest. sud tor which undeserved thanks. was s generous exhibit of " own collection ot weeds, woods, fossils. insects. " These st~ trscted much sttentlon during the recesses. It wss tare he ssid to and {coils dull in all lines, and the vsriety i n A stare Study gave the tescher op- l portunlty to and " avenue to the] interest ot the dull bog. He adapted; work tothe sessons: by. the month of ttowem, June of insects. &e. Poe. sils snd wood specimens of use in sll subjects " illtistmtive Mutter. He , gsve useful hints how to use they " Killing bottle." It use s sum- tive psper. ---e _-'-u-. ve lWle Mr Rowe, of Markdsle, and chosen for " 'ttblast 6t Success" which de- pended on close 1tpplitsation to s de. tiniteidea. He ihitamsed the work ot the greet men of the egos, showing how the world had sdvenced by means of their ttirorta panned slang lines of diligence end faiththlneai., " Whetsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with ttll W, might " wes the! price required to w n success. Mr RitehiO address wu unruly applauded and commended 3nd ms presence 1nd counsel will nuke memorable the meeting ot 1907. He advised camber: to be l mic there were brighter ','T, ing. Be honeu. fair, no u (even ofmmou' children) and once in all punlnhmenu. ----ie- w v... lune-III“ I) as when plenum to the lluener. Condemns anchor. who nllow pp pile to keep their eXenlse books in bad nhnpe, ecrlbbled over, aground, &e. innit: on the hut e hem: bet. tel-than the tht. 'dr, favored the retention cl home-work. I. abolition wogild allow time to Inquire bull he to. _ ,n _- -..._- ”v1“ emu "16m to tell in doing whet they promiled. but had ionnd teacher- eo. The boy or ttirl who sets out by toying "Pll do no more then I'm paid for/" will enrely fail while the person who eon- siden " Mtg,',',: interest pere- ‘ mount, will e venue. Be impreued the need of nonmet- in person. etc. Keep the lotion] elect: " well. Avoid bid habits or mn- nerlnme. each " putting the renal! in the month. Don't wold. on't be pom end don't be eireid on (Wing leach. He Que me pertinent rem-rte nbout the three Prqutepeadlne, Writing end Arithmetic. ',t,ttht for more Mansion to oral roe ingeo " when 919mm to n... 11..-..-- - - V... ._-asw vs new In“ tang, lookiAt--ttik" in the canon tlona form or features. but 'ttood' all through. Such a teacher would not be content with technical knowledge alone but would etrive to become poa- Iessed of general knowledge so well ; must have good ph deal health and conserve it try 'ie's'ilir'l'?,t,'i'a'ii, 'tlt' rr3tturrityin ea tt a cop ' cleanliness and in healthful recreatiou‘ active social] where rest and duty is not interfered" with. Moral and reli- gious duties attended to, helm make good lookera. and they a Id be right-med Christian through and through taking part in religious work of their community. Then in connection with the sch ool room the ideal teacher should be punctual ; failure in thla was dishon- eaty. He paid a compliment totrus- I'", saying he had never found them an "t c.. A..'.-, At - _. "may. and n on the much has: of iiitirlil7,c,'i?! Ire; w wuthoug 'mpnmet well muted. allow,” . an. die. culllon. l . Ritchie followed in u: addu- ram with intormatioet and adritse, 3h Jazz] ltr/ brunet “huh It t mg 0 o ' o n we a liable. kll' 'ii? w“ "The 1l'Si Teacher" and t an: (Inclination it 1'e.e!igett1rt, thst he pr the nut VII-nay, had . mind of 1)uUlyl'l which was “magnum; 1ell)rmentad,' anon Lamina) Gif iiiiiC no no- of 'tttttlt d writes optim- We have on die the lure” stock of New 'd"flgg,2 the: we hove ever shown. We can place you both with the good. and pride. Come with the crowd end sue money on the following goodl. ladies“ end [an Watches. all the but makes. Met end Ion Btttid Gold 81m Mew and [are Went: Chung, elm huge .toek. Udiee' Brooches. Imam locusts. Lock- Mid't'fi' su Plus. Calf um robe. m “Isms!“ and In Glenn .1. ‘- nu- " Loads of New Goods at keeler's BORN. "rree.-trt Dromore, on Frida ' of Rehab“. to Mr and Mn Wall In. J. M. Hunter bid farewell to Durham Hominy. when Ihe, nth her daughter Mrs Smith. left for Brandon where the will mete her home. We ere sorry to lose Mrs. Hunter from the ',',','l'h"etttg ll ehe wee one of the old roaidents o Durham and e true friend to all who made her wqueinlmme. ©opitruuution. to our townamsn. Mr. J. A Darling. who on Tue-any Inc. an and mm the Inn-ring! relation with Mia Lilian Smith. We extend I Welomo to the bride to our good town nod to both batty good wishes on their union. i tgtuNsapuin McUiliivny agent. the week end with friends neu- unmn "turned to London Honda-y. He was ‘ccompnnied by his two children. Mn Fnrquhcmn accom ied her tau-bud to Claude. autumn? when he preached nonhuman-v can to in. former congregation on Sunday and took part id the Monday evening cet. ablation. Mr. sud Mn. Goo. ercht their honey-moon um week hy ing their pnrenu in Durham l taking up midsuee in Toronto. O .00. Mrs Dr. Burnett returned to her home in Hmilton Monday“ acou- pie weeh' whit with her MINI. Mr and In Adam Rowena. Mm. thos Daniel. who by noon visiting her daughwn in Hamilton for name Inch returned In: Wallis-any. Mean Hahn and Miellnulen loft Tum-y morning for Toronto to at. tond I convention of hotelueeperd, “in Monaco McComh. William. ford. in visiting her relative. in town, the Icklnnon and McComh tnmilleu. It Thou. ”wanton left Tue-day mania“ for the We» where he expect. to be ti Christmas. In Geo. Blackburn left on Secur- Iany to view for A time with her daugh- ter Edith in Chicago. Mien Norma Patton in on e vie“ to “in Mitchell. e tonne: nurse here, in Arthur and Fugue " pix-cent. He: Will Mountain returned to her home In Hemilton after winning " her tether'e. Geo McDoneld In town. Mien Annie Adana. Hanover, we. the [out of Mm Clue Aljoe over the week end end for the Convention. Mr. WillAlenudor of Tomato at. tnnded the funeral of hit oieter.In.iaw “In week. at. Ruby Robert-on. of Ptieeitie, visited her friend Min. In] McGow- an Tuadty. Mr Thou. Liv! ton left T and non-aim: for the B'fd -h... u- L'.eltr, in tomi. Mia M. J. lcFAdden in damn hot ettey Mr. and In. Tao. Iandden. Conductor ami In hulk. tttmt. '/'.fSTT up on a visit to old Durban P on I um. c. New i. communal-poo- ed at pretax". It Wu autumn. Br. In... my to loan is muting no recovery. lhAZkCunuou as bone In. Toronto at " mum." at“. [in In, MpArthur, of 0mm VII th caller on friend. on loud-y. It Arthur Jackson u in tho city ttf" 'nr"tittatiort of the Senator Mr. Loch. Mela-chino. Pdoevllle. Iesd " In. Baht. “cancer. can stock memewew. Tell Your Neighbor can “has. Plan: an Pun-u. To new about"; fog-(m your. we " e at...“ g year he: that muting The N..-- qto. ercm and " nu: :1 Lem: mn- er re "

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