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Durham Review (1897), 31 Oct 1907, p. 1

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deuce, Writing ritin g, graduatoo. t “para... rial Inn-on. RICAN LI.EOE 1907 it! any tuna Nair: Pour, In Frame. I kinds. It Pays L-keeping, ewripig, EST Jollege rtakor Ipholsm. ry month. ode, reno- ew should rle "ed " ll iiib, Principal. ifflflllll 'nncnpa hool. tent. loll. tom In a". A, . ' . ici F: PQI, 'xlrilllleillFNlllXll1ilXtgaltyiggattggnggggggg my; _ JI iiii'ii thMMMhhhhMhMhMhMhighMAthhhMigihhig g ','ii' " rm; HOUSE OF QUALITY " , zimwmangmm 'iii' Ladies' Coat Notes 5% VOL. Boys' Gloves and Mitts, too Nen's Underwear.................. Ito.s tw' Underwear, tleeee.lined Men's Ninht Robin nm" pol- Men); Gloves and Mitts 'rc?,.'.'.".'."..'"."."...'.'.".' 1.25, I.50, L75 each Men's Reversible Coats 3:593? ”GER: 11en'sj.Y.,)Prpardigan Jackets Husky Shirts Men's Big Shirts 53,3373 We have gone right in for MEN'S GOOD GOODS-n fall line the best that money can buy. Here are some .' More Coats came in just a few days ago, and now we h assortment of Coats in Tweed: and Blacks. . Conn choose from an assortment that comprises the u test and most attractive atyles- at popular prim, too. ELEGANT BLACK COATS A mmmn-nv James Ireland Night Robes and Pmamus buckskin-tor workihg J, dressy wear. Prices...... .... ...- Bmw- - --vv--u-vl\r vvala DUROY good in any weather, specially priced at. .. . . Men's Wear 1m; .".r. if??? Sh 10.32 pf n1 out in a year and you get ave; Investigate' this proposition. COATS A SPECIALTY Do............ tMeto Me pr .........soe to 1.25 a piece md wool. K, brand-- ..90c to 1.35 each All kinds-. leather, Pecha, guaranteed now we have a full . Come and There's com- fort in them 8.50 of (iliitittlitt 'lifi I Refuge affairs. and Supt. Harness has co me in for a good den of harsh criti- cism. It would appear he hasa “black hole" where insuhordinutes are put on bread and water. that inmate, on lama inttheir bedroom in the morning are not allowed to return but must rest their aged bones on hard chairs or benches. farm Vegetables are sold. de. priving the inmates of nourishing food and in one instance. the Sun alleges. Supt. Harness laidinformation against _ an inmate before Thos. Harness J. P., (himself.) tried the cate. found prison- er guilty and imposed a fine of $1 and costs or20 dsys in fail, and the poor risoner took the twenty days. Mr. El'llfl'i'i, we believe, asserts he is econ- omizlng to meet the wishes of scam- mittee of council. It is simply level- ting to think of aged people being sent there to be treated otherwise than with the greatest consideration and kindness and we trust investigation will show that the Superintendent has been misjudged in some way. In- vestigation there must be. The Standard Bank pays Interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Savings Bank Department h Carnation whirl Bruits. TROUBLE AT Hows on lhwvoa-No small stir has been caused by the rp- Port. of 'le, . Gram! {my o_n_ House of tor the man Was caught. He hag never left London He was brought. to Owen Sound, pleaded guilty to higamy and theft, and was sentenced to seven years in Kingston for bignmv three years for theft. the sentences to run concurrently. The stolen urticlm. a fur coat and some tools were recov- ered. - n- ._........u “u "Mantel", I o. Bound girl, his wife and three child- pen living in the same town. His capture was a clean piece of work: his employer. Jno. S. Findlay, had heard him talk of going to B. America, and knew that, he mm in the habit. of scrutinizing "mechanics wanted" col. umn in the dailies, so an advertise- ment was put m the Globe fot T band- saw filer and we, ten le. Alon came about g0upplicationta. one from Eondon typewritten. signed " I'hotuas Alexan- der "--the first names of the bizamisl -and ex ressed in language character. istic of 'llGl'i'l,1lle//, as his employer knew. This was picked upon, the mlicc notntied and the rest was easy lor the man Was caught. Hp had CAUGHT. TRIED. Brrx'rrrscum,-These terms apply to Thus. A, Richardson who a .Pf1lP, ago married an innocent n “A___ -1- L . '3 _ " THE SLANDARI) BANK TO come and take part in discussions. I Evomm TUNNEL CosrPrmrrrro.-. The oeorgian Bay Power Compan has completed their tunnel through the mountain at Eugenia Falle. Work was begun on it in February of last year but the dimeulties were such. thntit is rmnpleted only now. The tunnel is 867 feet long, 9 feet wide and 8 1.2 feet high and 1,200 feel above the sea level. The big dam has not been begun yet. When It is completed a 52 inch pipe will be laid from it through the tunnel to the power house in the valley below. With the head that islhere oh'amed, over40n ft., it is expected to develop about 3,000 horsepower. DURHAM BRANCH John 2Eeur. "any: two-u mo " human no mam ,1“... __ - lllrll‘ll, null. I0 girls." Next manning will he held at the home of Mrs. D. Hamilton on Novem. lrer the 7th, subject "Common Ail- ments and their remedies." " Hour to treat our Tenehels." "Winter clothing for children." All indies are welcome to come and taks part in discussions. Papers were given bv Mrs. Gray a' 1'.T.haresriviriit," Mrs. Mchie on "The Books we should read" Mrs. Morrison "A girl's duties: in thehome" Alt-:1. "Izttngrew "A f.t.ie.nditynt to The Women's Institute held their October "uniting which was well at. tfnded. at Mrs. Z. Clark’s. Vurnnw Mr. Black Is a bus man handling Hardware, Property 0. Horses. He purchaseda horse for, 175,, winning first prize at South Grey Agricultural Show with him, and am feedinst him on International Stank F d for one "mum. shipped him on Mn day. Peal. izing 830) or him. On In sday Mr. Blank sold the50 acres kno n as the Mekmnon farm to Mr. Jas. ston (ifJ szon. , Under the nupices of the Ladies' Aid and the Guild there will be an "At Home " in the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday Nov. 6th at 8 p. m. Ad- mission fee l5cts. All will be made heartily welcome, x "__-- ... unnuueue emu wool blan- I km has Grant. ( Mr. Geo. Yix-ra has sold his property to the C. P. R. for the sum of 81400. Bee the Imense range of Pro- gress Brand per Coats that S. F. Morlock is oh ing The person ho took an umbrella from Pres. Church last week is naked ttfl/turn it either to Church or this; o ce. Buy t at: fro 1e,!ltttyeutte and wool blan- OFCANADA HeadOffico.... r,p',s,'ari,e-o1rl.tiiittra iiii)dhiiiid'g T-"-'"-"---""-"----'----'.'-'-"-'!.?.-"-."-"..-"- DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31 IOTAILISH " "" ’ It is thus evident that the question is rather one of public policy than of ' high moral principle. It is not an issue on the success of which you can I 'uythatdrunkenneas, will cease. Men {who went drink muv send for it and may drink it to their own undoing. lThe question is for the man on the street rather than for the minister, lfor the citizen as such rather than for, fthe church. It is the question Whetbo l i er the drinking dens with all their de-l igrsding accompaniments are to be I iontimfid, or shut up as public nul-l I sauces. l Those who beheve in prohibition I will be blind if they do not give their lfnll support to a measure which gees [as far in that direction as the provin- ‘cisl powers will allow. Citizens who l are not Pr?,hibition'ytts but who mourn the vile intlaenee of the open drink. ing dens with their stalls and cuhby holes should unite their forces to make their inf1ttemse felt. Many who feel the fascination of the cup and are drawn by the social power of the her room may 1sonMtstttly be expected to) give a hand to put away from them. selves snd otherss whirlpool which _ - we ...... rum-mun woulu uo P. it, but if so it only" proves that the :1; system under which their business is l conducted is fundamentally unsound. . Nothing else can explain the fact 'l' that a business conducted by men 'i." who have one and all had eertifier L' tion ot their sound morals made for .n them should continually shock the s. community by its unabashed defiance 9" of every sentiment of honor and dee. 0 ency. The Globe editorially declares; t "We can think of noother business " that, With notable exceptions here and " there, hasso deliberately. systemati- It cally and dMantly repudiated the e obligations of the agreement under which it is conducted or that has so - openly floated public opinion." Our , battle' is not with the men but with l the system under which they live.[ E Nor is the issue as to whether we are in favor of the total prohib- 1 won ofthe manufacture and sale of I intoxicating liquors " beverages. 2 Many supporters of the localoption ' by-law are out and out prohibitionists ' bat prohibition is not a Question in . ', practical politics since legislation pro- I ' hibiting the manufatture or the ex- _ port or import of liquors is beyond the l . powers ot the provtnclal legislature. : Local option takes from no man the I. privilege of getting drink for his own a use if he desire to have it. He may send for and keep in his own house I such quantities as are allowed bylaw g tube so ke tend no man hasthe t right to hintfer him. Local option is s not prohibition. I What then is the design of the local ll option by-law P It is simply the legalk abolition ofthe retail trade in spirit- I E nous liquors. It is the closing up of E .the bar room, and the stopping of the L' supply of drinks in any room in the IA house. It is a stroke not at drinking Ii bat at the distributing centre. It is 'l, the public conscience asserting Itself 51 and saying that no longer are places p, to be kept open tor the 1','ro,tl,r,yie,5liij ttf habits ot drinking and that the pl scenes solong ditsgttstingly familiar Ill in the back rooms of oar hotels shall iii cease. - "__ -.r me as worthy as their admirers some- times assert. they may carry on their business as well as anvother clan of meh‘platied in like positions would do " .m. t -4 5- . be as worthy as thQ'r times assert. they mal business as well as m In the fore front rises the question ". "Whatis the issue now before the electors P” It is needless to any that it does not hang on the character of the hotel Ecepers. Personally these men mav Since a petition signed by twenty- five per cent ofthe eleetorsdfDuriGn asking that a by-law prohibiting the retail sale of liquor within the cor- (.iiiiiih'l is being presented to the ytown council. it is evident that the; campaign has begun in earnest. To help' the electors to decide on this matter I ask liberty in a few short ar- ticles to present to them some ofthe questions that the submitting of this bv-law raises for consideration. l The Issue in Be REV. Bar, in the Local Option Campaign. 1- FARQUHARSON Rankin. vn'l HHIU AKUHIVES TORONTO action. Besides there are expert workmen here who meg have to move. with families. to on ex- putt. unless oper- ationis renamed. The call for some- thing to be done in urgent. We ho lthe local hammers will Main meet TI council with a well-digested scheme. and trust the council ,""S."','.t,r,t them in a senor-one TIt . went to heal-h Impiciou n there nutter-u. get ehouidet to shoulder and push the town ttes; The council in this situ- ation sho d not welt to he waited on. but pm the matter. Anything is beige:- than inaction. It in time for am _ _ . ---e" "W... getting the blame for it a. ceeds which amounted to some idea of the crowded the School at 10 and 1tie a l irpai,' “an“. m ausdn's t[Pitched inst ri " evenin use. 0 ye [successfully The Sllr/'g under :12: tuition of Miss Clara Aljoe contributing some pleasing music as did also Dr. Brown Holstein. Wm Runage, Thistle. Misses Mead and Hirrs and the local ’choir. which by the way possesses tins talent worthy of futther development. jiiii"t'it'i'l'C; Were iven by Miss Mary Brown and fi'iug', Clark. both of Dromore. and others, of the School. IAddlesses were given by Rev. Geo,, Kendall and by Mi. Allen," his being of a reminiscent" character' covering' 40 years. Mr. Wm, Sirrs reported on the standing of the School and ex- pressed the thanks of that body to all and sundry of the performers. A pleasing feature of the evening was a retretttation to Miss Irwin, Teacher of g. S. No. W, of a. silverJewel case from her pupils of the Bible clans. Accom- panied buy an address. Rev. Mr. Bice ofticiate acceptably as chairman. Lunch was served in the middle of entertainment. The order was none of the host, the boys from Durham con- 1r.te.i..eeyr, perhaps wrongly we think. HOLSTEIN HOTEL MAN Frytmr.B, just such practices as led to the sharp fine imposed on Thomas O'Neil, of Holstein. the cause of Local Option is advanced and the death of liquor trttrie hastened] Public opinion is gradually being aroused io compel ad. hesion to law of the business of liquor selling, while licensed, as to thai of any other business. When public opinion fot bids license to deal in liquor selling. it is to he expected it will rise Ito insist on obedience or punish the offender. The latest instance of this is contained in the following from the o, Sound Times of lust weeks-" Act. ing under instructions from the Pro- vincial License Inspector. Mr. John (Ayerest, Mr. Matt u. Beckett. license inspector for North Grey. summoned Thomas O’Neil. of Ho stein. before John Riithtord and A. D. Crensor. J. R’s. at Owen Sound yesterdu. on two charges for an infraction of the liquor license not. O'Neal wss found guilty on both counts and assessed 850 and costs in each case. amounting in All to 8113 50 paying the per-lavlty method of which yo this exlm Sunday. . A thanksgiving aenice mil tm in the Pres yteriau Church in T dav at 10.30 a. m. All Are com invited. We are sorry to hear that Mr, Thompson lost A valuable 2 ma- Time for Action ttoGl'nti' for sale. A full I e of Underwear' on Grant's. FOUND ON an: EMF. This ftmce. Special ”lacy Over Coats at B. [sucks them with a power they are unable to withstand. Let the issue be clearly grasped and there need be no fear but that the thrue-ilfttm majority will be eo~ cured and more. as. Conceg-t in Allan’s R, Jackson has _ ~. -. u.” which you choose LY, i cuson has . number o Vacant lots in Durham tthtRmtt--specueies in ) Thuuain, celebrated women and children at , 1907 till. The pro- , “will give d condition of admission. nice mll tm held Church in Thun. All Are cordially Boys Suits and Morlock'a. to Spend yehoot mum: on 1'e'rlatuedtiif,'i,t,,ttr, Univ hm m t y for thka hub-ad ink?!“ loo- king very marked. fin V--. vml’ on". n. "un presented the scroll to the four points in the hesvens and dropped it in the rave where the brethren present also ti",tg,'lil2, their sprigs of evergreen. Rev. Mr. Farquherson conducted an Impressive servnce st the house from the text "We all do laden: leaf." and offered prayer st the gave elso. In. Joe. Farm Death in the cases we have mention- ed Above. found " sulaects ripe and l ready for the chums. uch more im. pressive and sad is it in thiscese where l the mother is token in the prime of life, leevinu the are ot children tothe lonely husband nod tether. In Firth little over s month Mo, left her home here to visit her mother in Gienelg end while there bscsms s vietlm to pernicious weenie. which carried her anon Fridey lest. Avery sud coin- cidence that both brothers shouldbs tnit" of. their helpmeets so early in e. Mrs. Firth Ives s doughter of Mr. Mathew Davis, of Glenda, end hea funersl on Mendez to Zion cemetery Wu very lean“ 3-4 new-“m _ 7-... "nun. - UlLlllll mountain. in New York State. And ('an to Durham about 40 years ago. and.” many will remember. kept A Khan Ctt on the premises in which e died, A tor giving up this he took great. delight in gardening until his trouble forced him to desist. He bore up under attiletion with an optimism which is kindly remembered now he Is Cone, He was a member of the ma- wnic fraternity and he was buried un- der their auspices, brethren from Mark. dale, Hanover and It. Fore-t being rment on Bandar last to join wit ocel brethren In their impreuive rites. W. M.Ju. Ireland tend the 'etttei.tg.tet. Secretary Jpa. R. Gun Beside " eon Joseph. who was pre- vented from attending the funeral by a severe attack of plueriuy, another: son John is in the for West. Norma KELSEY Still another old toWnemun has fat. len with the falling legvee in the per- son of Norman Kelsey. who died early Saturday morning last. For many your: back he was a great sufferer from rheumatism and latterly this was ad. ded to by a cancer on the hand. which gave him great trouble and upped the vital force- till death come. He ganged peacefully away at lent “the awe of his eon Fred. who with his wits have been unremitting in their] care of their egg-d father, Herbert of _ Neustudt was also ht home during hm father's last hours and these. With theirouly sister. Mrs. -"'""-, (nee Lily KelleyMre the chief mournenl. The hater, at present in the tar West, had , planned to come home at Christan but to her and toall only a brief en-‘ ticipatory pleasure of u. reunion With _ the father was enjoyed. He was " I: years othqe. ria -- w.“ mum: '" Linn-Imam! Caskpno Namath-The C. P. R, en- at to her and to all only A brief .n- T gineers and "the steel" are now at the cipatory pleasure of u reunion mth [ Glen, about ti miles east of town. and le father W" enjoyed. He WM 75'solue tine morning the engine mll PI" ot%te. . peep into the corporation "at yu Deceased In. born nut the Cat-km I don’t watch out." ountniql in New York State. And- n censor was the present; etticient clerk. Mr Jno. S. Black, whose term in alike will soon equal his predeeeesoru, For ten years hack the deceased was in delicate health, and was most aniduousl waited on by " son Jggeplh. lie "e a man of malt, mmh. position or clerk of ttid township in 1859 and held it until 1884. 25 veal-I, in that time acquiring a deep insight in. to the working of municipal machin- ery. " l He_received the highest mm. - tnougn never for tten by the town where he went TI moet of his life and where tie bulked largely in Kublic affairs. His laat illness war rief, a breaking up of the system, the wheel of life being run down. Mr Brown was born in the county of Fermanagh. Ireland, in 18IG, came to Canada with his parent- in 1841 and lettled in the township of Wilmot, where " father died at an advanced age. He moved In 1847 to the town. ship of ligament and for a number of years was engaged In farming there, and took an interest in the municipal politics of the time, being we have been told, one of those who attended the County Council at Guelph when Grey formed part of a wider district. He moyed to the then village of Durham something over 50 Years M'.', I and began business there in a humh 0 way but soon it developed to sub- etantiul proportions and hee later his son Thomas. acquired a reputation for integrity and "raitrhfforward dealing that even at in sometimes re- ferred to. After the fire that destroy- ed the store. they retirred from buli- nesa but both father and son subse- quently eat at the town council board. I where their municnpa! instinct and ' acumen were at the service of the l citizens. ' ‘ Thur-any morning enrly this link with n put genentlon paged ”my at the tide a? of 82 years. over " V. of whit: he spent a ',hWhe citizen ot Durham. For never: you: back he hae been out of the public gaze though never for tten by the town where he spent TI most of his life and where tie bulked largely lll Bublic affairs. His lat illneu we: £421.: breaking up of the system, ' A... ..I...-- e - J All! BROWN. Obituary. I ever shown an. tide of Toronto. Tmthio galactic. All Ate,'.?. a s. In e Roger: to... Toronto Silver Me Go. and . full line of Amman cavern-n. On Chino. Dunner and To. Beta we can one you money. home stock at Toilet Beta just received and on um hm Mock of odd piece chins. Boo what 15 cent. will buy in Keel- er'l window on Baum}. . R. B. Keeler & Sons Two big Stores. Dug-h... - w“ Silverware ‘rVVâ€"vwv- - ll. to suit. All night... We hare on dimhy the stock of ..mu um lens Watehes, all tho best makers, Ladies’ and Ian’s Solid Gold Rings. Ladies' and Ian‘s Watett CRIMES, extra large Mock, Ladies' Brooches, Bracelets. Neckleu. Lock- slu Ian’s Tie Pins. Cut Llnn. robs. 'tiii,i,iiiii'iili's,tia'e'lt and Eye Glam to 6trtt A an: t.- Loads of New Goods at keeler's Tne elections on Tueuday resultad in the election of Martin by overalo majority. Beattie, coneervnlivv. was elected m London by over lout, his op- ponent will]; u labor mm. A conser- vntive is again elected in E. Noruvatu. herhnd. l Quite unexpectedly Miss Rita Irwin was called on during the sfternoon And secured on 'useompatfart, And certainly did her part to perlection. winning high compliments lrom Mr Mitchell. Inspector Campbell 1130 gave an Idaress along Forestrlc lines and Orxsnizer Johnston thunk- ed all in S nut sperch. Mr Drinnan. a vocalist lately from Scotland. sang and recited I: inter- vals granny to the pleasure at the audience He has a cultured voice of ifihtgt,'r,e,tr, and 1"reetttesats, heard to no a vantage in " Boys ofthe old Brigtde."and some other pieces. He was also an excellent humorist .and got rapturous npplune for efforts in this line. ,__.- -v.v Va out: a. v. r. to s lecture and concert that were both excellent in their way. The meeting was free to all. Dr. Hutton was chsinnan and conversant as he is with Forestry. contributed a good deal to the success at the evening. Mr. Geo. Mitchell. Tomato. Supt. of Organimtionktiie, High Court. was present and gave an able address on the benetta ot traternsl insurance in general and Independent Forestry in particular. In graphic way he set torth its advantages. its wonderful growth, its huge surplus as a guaran- tee of permanency. its benefits to the living member at 70, its orphan and rescue work, Ike. tke., sud quoted _tigares, showing millions paid over to widows sud orphans, berietieituies of deceased brethren. He had high commendation of Bro. Wm Johnston. who was most successful in " organ- izing work, the success and size of Court Durham being largely due to his efforts. Toad" evening a rather thin audience “ambled " the invitation of theI local Coutt here ot the I. o. F. Fry7omur-stmder,, "That Fire and Light Committee be instructed to get legal advice on Fire By-law end submit it to this council in writing tor approval. [Thcnbove innocent motion gives hint iden of the strenuous time shut preceded it. Council In: till af- ter midnight. We believe. discussing the vexed question] We have on display the largest stock of New Fall Goods that we hare ever shown. We cut please you both With the Roode ..ud price. Come With the crowd and save money on the following goodl. I' Ind ’09:: J"tethee. all tho Met 26 Oetoher m. A spools] meeting celled by Mayor for ”nerd business. [embers present: Msyor. Reeve, Whelsn. Ichsohlsn, Ile- Gowsn. Coehrsne. Lenshsn. mallow. Acct: were paced " follows: R. Mchcken. work 89.98 Wm B. -Vollett. sslsry 30.00 Vollett & Daniel, gruelling 62. 20 R. Moleskin. rep. sidewslk 1.00 M. Kress, cloning pipes .60 Matthews & Lstimer sect. re E. Dean 16.25 John Mitchell. work in street 10.30 H. H. Mockler. blankets to E. Dean 5.50 Tuegnevnawg DURHAM, ONT, Tell Your Neighbor nearly 15 months l or the bat. Ince of am you, only 10 (can. ttttw in the time to act. CHAS BAHAGE. Pun-n an Puma. Review to Jan. “909, SIM To new nub-when for next you. we give the Hence of this your Free. than making The I. O. F. Town Council Ingest 6135.83 LI? tt ot u. " It I Its- ith In m-n hug ' " ood Ml. "I room mm worthy " n levied, n my I that "ho re. t chnr In use. fi,ittttt te hem. nut-l] e large“ United pk likened libemt ill "or Ill " when. rhitn no. Jun-ream. 1 Runny _ October in wow om. u can“: Mt 'iiilil. the In [Tl

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