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Durham Review (1897), 7 Nov 1907, p. 1

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1907 SH rday NS and se th Our L T et ve o e C ol e td onl e Rennny w td weld mald rakd un Ped mold wl wo ho n en m n n : Smocks or Coats to match & Kentucky jean Pants goanalnnenana e e en e ul o uo o h ol l l t o l t tz o " THE HOUSE OF QUALTY®" _ € |#atee d en elats +720 THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT The se gains is are able nary off The Rev with illo tion to 1s traordina VOL. We have just filled in our stock of B. & I. C Eileen, Albani, A. X.â€"makes to suit every figure Other makes of COCSEtS .. .: .. 0. ... ... 22 t e o And Big Shirts for this vicinity we can‘t fit pockets too. Workin: The season of newspaper barâ€" gains is on and once more we are able to make the extraordiâ€" nary offer of & The Review & Weekly Globe They are with illustrated magazine secâ€" tion to 1st Jan. 1909, for the exâ€" traordinary price of $1.2%5. Full line of Penman‘s Naturâ€" al wool, all wool unshrinkable, heavy and light weight wool and fleece lined at all prices from.... ....50¢ to 1.25 a piece Mens Underwear We>â€" THEY WEAR LIKE A PIG‘S NOSE James Ireland The Railroad King and Mechanic King Overalls E:mts and coats with the ordinar now you will readily see the;dif in Durham for them. ‘"Wear like Shirts for all sizes of Men cut large and of gencrous yardage, with easeâ€"back suspenders and many pockets. Come in and let us tell you about the Cash Guarantee they carry. \ New Bias Filled Corsets $1.25 irts for Big Men. We believe there is not a man in can‘t fit with a Shirt for work and fine wear. Fit their Working Shirts at. .50¢ up : â€" Fine Shirts at . .$1.00 up ted in our stock of B. & 1. Corsetsâ€"Lad Curzon, X.â€"makes to suit every figure sars«#I t.ogper‘falr SCTS .2 e+ se v + «++ rrs ++++++++++..... 50C & pair and up BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. , NO. 45 1O TTT 0 T E* and for all Out door workers. a pig‘s nose‘‘ and turn the wind. | p In cotton, union and all wool Ss:riccs :+« .. . 25¢ to 1.25 a piece. ull line of Ladies‘ and Chilâ€" dren‘s Black Underwear. Come in and comâ€" matCh ?,arc these overalls ,'?, goods of the same kindâ€"we erence. We are Sole Agents Splendid pants for farm trade Ladies‘ Underwear id i d n 3| § Durhnd _A pleasant social evening was spent in the Presbyterian Church, on Tuesâ€" day, under the auspices of the Ladies‘ Aid and Guild. Some mysterious legends hung up around the baseâ€" ment, purporting to be descriptive of parts of the hyman anatomy, set the company aâ€"guessing on numbered cards and proved an amusing scheme for a mixâ€"up of the sexes. Following this came ia programme of music, . vocal and instramental, interpersed with brief remarks from several genâ€" tlemen, and humorous sallies by the chairman, pastor Farqubharson. This oyer, & social time, with tea, coffee and cake served by a band of clever waiters, brought a zery pleasant evening to a close. Proceeds amountâ€" ed toabout $18.00, & In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches, Din You StGx ?â€"The lower town holelâ€"keepers, acting quite within their rights, but with questionable wisdom, bave struck out against the signers of the local option petition. The first to be aimed at was baker Geo. Stinson whose distributor, Mr. Davidson, was told on Monday by one of themm he need not call again, the reason being plainly giyen : Mr. Stinson‘s action in putting his name where his conscience dictated. The power of the liquor traffic is not amall, but the boycott " is a weapon that will not serye them long, and it will be unfortunate if it arouses a spirit of reprisal as it is alâ€" most sure to do. | Soctat EVENING.â€" Last Thursday eyening the hospitable homme of Mr and Mrs Frauk Grasby, 2nd concession Egremont, was the scene of a pleasant social gathering, when a number of Mrs Grasby‘s old friends met to spend afew hours with the newly married couple and t» extend congratulations to them over their union. They were hosmtably entertained and the bride was made the recipient, unexpectedly, of some valuable presents which testi-i fled to the respect in which she was held THE STANDARD BANK â€"__â€" SPMY to J, P. TELRORD, Durham, Nov. 5th 1907, % Ont. ANNIYERSARY SERVICES will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Durham, on the 17th and 18th inst. Sabbath services will be conducted by Rev J. M. Glassford of Guelph, who will also give an address at the Monday evening meeting which will have the usual combination of social and intellectual features. All collections and contribuâ€" tions will be applied to the Manse fund. Mr Glassford has been hare before and left pleasant memories, FoR SALE, or to L\. Mc] acre farm at the Rogky, possession given. for turthe lars apply to J. P. TELroRD Nov. 5th 1907, DURHAM BRANCH John Helly, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT L \RRISTON AND PRICIKVILLL. Win Black shipped to l"stowa&l last week the Clydesdale stallion Lofty." He was raised ty Jas Paton, of Proton, who is one of our foremr)st_ breeders of heavy horses. This is the time to iy We cartry the best\ in | prices the same as last yel r, of Qualityv, H. H. Mockle Come and sek our wooll and three ply sn by the as near home male as it i getit. At Grant‘Aa ra "The Housk of Quality " is the place to get your wikhter coat either for men or women. H.W. Maockler. Members of thy 8. G Kifle Associâ€" ation are requested to eet for rifie practice at 1 p. m., on turday 9th inst. 5 A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar riage Licenses Durham, Ont. Read Russell‘AAd every week while the great reducti sale is on, New snaps each week. rant‘s for your Underwea â€"~OW NKkH ZOPICS OF CANADA Head Office â€" i‘ â€" Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1907 woollen yarn tw o ‘. McKinmon 100 )¢ky, immediate turther particuâ€" iy underwear, made, The eur, the House _ maker to be is possible to ESTABLISHED 1873 _ SPECIAL _ SERVICEKS.â€"â€"Rev. â€" Mr. Rogers, Colpoys‘ Bay, fathec of Mr. Rogers at present in charge of Varney and allied stations. will take charge of the services at all three appo‘intments on Sunday next 10 October. _ A misâ€" sionary sermon will be followed by the administration of the Sacrament of the Lora‘s Supper. â€" Collection and subscriptions will be taken in the interest of missionary work. On Monday evening following at Varney, Rev Mr. Rogers will lecture on the Hubject of * Couriship and Matrimuny,‘ | Admission 10 cts. _ Proceeds to be applied to the Missionary funds of the league, Lecture at 8 p. m, Srock Wict sr HiGn NExt YE®ar.â€" The Woodstock Sentinel, in commentâ€" ing on the very general disposition to gell both feed and stock says: "A shortâ€" ags of stock, with a consequent rise in prices, should compensate those who make a sacrifice of present gain to future possibilities, On the whole we believe those farmers who retain as goodly & proportion of their stock as they can _ will reap their reward next year." { DEAR TRANSPORTATION.â€"A gentleâ€" _ man in London, Ont., ordered a car of coal to be sent from the International Bridge direct to his son in Saskatcheâ€" wan. It arrived in due time, local coal at the point was selling at $14 a ton, and judge of the surprise of the shipper when he found a bill presented for freight of $17 per ton. He placed the matter in legal hands,. * All the traffic will bear" is the rule of the rail apparently, _ 8. 8. No.9.â€"The annual entertainâ€" ment of this section ht the close of the Uuion Sabbath School for the season was held on Friday last. Mr C. L. Grant made an excellent chairman and the report of Supt. Wm. Young show ed that a profitable year had been spent. Rev, Mr Farquharson gare an address and the children gaye many fine contributions, showing careful training. Prizes were distributea, Every contemporary i1 the country recogtNzes the Weerly Sun as an exâ€" cellent fMmdependent paper. _ It strikes out straight from the shoulder in dealâ€" ing with l matters of public interest. To champi@n the cause of the farmer is its special mission, and for this reaâ€" son every farmer should be a reader of The Bun. \When renewing your subscription for The RxrvIEW, order The Sun. 81.75&91’ both. Miss J. J. Allan. Ryeâ€"sight\specialist and refracting optickan, will be at the Habn House ThursdAy Nov. I4. All Defective vision correkted with proper lenses, Hours 9 a. m. Yo 7 p. m, We have some speci¢Wlines of Ladies Mantles, just in. _ We\ure selling at special prices this week. \ The House of Quality, H. H. Mockler) You can bufggheap Clothing but you can get good Wlothing cheap from Grant‘s. C Congratulations to Mr Jas Staples on his acquittal at Guelph last week. 22 lbs granulatedigugar for $1 Fmiday and Saturday only B The Big Store, A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yacant lots in Durham for sale. & God Save the King ! 66 years did on Sa turday, ers must add 5o cts, to subscription price for postage. _ We have been saying nothing lately by way of remindet to our subscribers but this week we ask the attention of all to the " little yellow label." Our advice and our desire is to have reâ€" newals sent in promptly before the end of the year rush. _ Please see to this at once. United States subscribâ€" k Renew Promptly. Review. Kegarding Cream Separator works which are still unoccupied or rathâ€" er starding idle. In your last issue you tell us that a number of our local men were ready to finance the concern, and haye it again aâ€"going at once, but can‘t succeed on account of some hitch in dealing with the council. You don‘t say, Mr Editor, that the council is at the bottom of the trouble or rathâ€" er at the head of it. But you come very near it and I don‘t blame vou Let every elector on the 6th of Janâ€" uary next for the sakeof ‘‘"one broad antipathy,"‘ with his trusty ballot, cast a stone at the head of the giant liquor traffic, and many a wife and child will eat their bread and cheese with more relish and in greater abunâ€" dance else I am sadly misinformed. it is recorded, was born of a father and mother, had brothers and sisters like another manâ€"they, no more than the sons of Jesse were used to eat each otherâ€"but, for the sake of one broad antipathy that kad existed from the beginning, David slung the stone cut off the giant‘s head, made a spoil of it, and after ate his cheeses alone, with the better appetite for all I can These facts taken from a public document, published on the 8th of September of this year give p1oof posâ€" itive that the license system is a failâ€" ure. . What we propose in its place is that the prohibitory clauses in the license act be retained, but that our license commissioners be prohibited from issuing any license in our town. This is proposed not because we have no fellow feeling with the license holders iu their present position, but because of a broad ground of opposiâ€" tion to the cause with which they have identified themselves, _ "Had the young David but sat first to dine on his cheeses with the Philistine he had soon discovered an abundance of common sympathies He of Gath, The Council and the Company |be maintained according to the terms |of their license and thus they have |neglected the very duty on condition of which their privilege to sell was |granted. Mr]J. R. L. Starr, who was commissioned last session by the Onâ€" tario goyernment to investigate the administration of the liquor license law in the city of Toronto, in his ofâ€" ficial report can hardly find words to express his horror and disgust at the way some of the hotels are kept, The testimonies he quotes are of the folâ€" lowing character ; ** The conditions arerascally," ‘‘some of them are not fit for human beings to live in," "I do not know how to express adequately the filth and abominable condition in which those hotels were,"" "" we were amazed and horrified," and so on adâ€" 4 nauseam,. Evidently these conditions are not because there is no money in the business, for Mr. Starr goes on to state that last year 47 tavern license transfers were applied for in the city at a sale price of $1,155,650,>0 or at an average price of $24,588.14 each, ‘"Every time," says Mr Starr, "that the license commissioners issue a license from their board direct to a licensee they make him a present of $24,000.‘‘ Through this monopoly in liquor, houses are ‘tied‘ in the interâ€" ests of the brewer and all are bound in an association for political purposes whose politics in every case is the inâ€" terests of the liquor men. Mr. Eprron.â€" ousiness in a respectable manner and in the interests of the public. _ This system with its prohibition of selling to all except those special!ly commisâ€" sioned, is our present license system. _ If you ask why Iam opposed to that system, which in its day was looked upon as the hope of the temâ€" perance people, I answer frankly that it is because the system, whatever it was at first, has outlived its usefulâ€" ness,. License holders, as a rule, have been more interested in filling their own coffers than in discharging a gublic service, they have defiantly outed the public in their demand E‘hat decency and respectability must By RrEv. Wa. FarQUuHArsox. The, license system and the prohiâ€" bitio? of the retail trade in spirituous liquors under local option, are both creations of the temperance sentiment of the community, Neaely two hunâ€" dred years ago according to Lecky, drinking habits became general among the common people of England Cheap drink and absolute liberty in selling it gave the opportunity of presentling it at every corner. Shameâ€" lessly the basest side of drinking was advertised in such faming signs as ; ‘‘A drunk for a penny, a dead drunk for two pence, and straw for nothing.‘‘ This state of affairs raised the cry that such disgraceful scenes must be stopped. To accomplish this end, laws were passed prohibiting the sale of drink by all except those permitâ€" ted to do so by a special license. The holder of the license was to give eviâ€" dence of his good character and the pledge that he would carry on the business in a respectable manner and Local Option and High License mss » PM6 inmere HECWDVIcK, Pollowing is the best g:ores gonda. made b;IRO;fl‘; VB':;:. of the various shots out of a possible 50: oronto Silver Plate Co, and a J.P.Telford 40 _ R. Torry 29 full line of American silverware, W. W. Ramage 40 _ W. Irwin 25 On China, Dinner and Tea Sets we E, Wolfe 87 â€" Hawthorne 21 \can save you money, Large stock of A. McComb 33 J. Johnston 19 | Toilet Sets just received and an extra H. Burnett 83 _ W.McGowan 14| large stock of odd piece china. Some of the last mentioned as wel | . See what 15 cents will buy in Keel as some left out are but new npers y in * e ::’ % 't':l“' I"c‘;:'” he ?e?:fl'n"::‘“ er‘s window on Saturday, c table. In the case o ye tor probably the pen is mightier than the ee &)ns lwoulo: ite eqp;iuknt in this case the ..R. ..B.‘ K Ier & Rossepâ€"Mr. Nee‘l{y, a wellâ€"toâ€"do firmer of Rocklyn, disposeds of 24 fat cattle in Toronto and came home with the cash, While in Meaford he showâ€" ed his wad to several alleged friends and inbibed during the evening a little too freely, He lay down on r lounge, dozed o& to sleep. and woke to find himseif separated from $500. The pcâ€" lice were notitied but as he knew : nothing of the number of the bills there is small hope of recoyering. **When wine‘s in wit‘s out." THAXKBGIYVING SHOOTING.â€"At tbe‘ ranges Thursday last, a practice comâ€" petition was held by several members | of the Rifle Association of this town. The day was an ideal one, a right face wind prevailing being the only drawbick. Following is the best scores of the various shots out of a possible 50: J. P. Telford _ 40 _ R., Torry 20 W. W. Ramage 40 _ W. Irwin 25 E, Wolfe 87 Hawthorne 21 A. McComb _ 33 J. Johnston 19 RememBer the date, Thursday Nov. 14, and consult with Miss J. J. Allan at the Haho use, OPEX WEaTHER â€"During the past week there have been heav rains, a few flakes of snow, but st,iiÂ¥ no hard weather. Grass is quite freshened up and a month more like this would solve the feed problem., The campaign against the barâ€"400m and treating system is now on, we have left no doubt as to our own position on the question, but we hereâ€" with wish to announce that signed articles or contributions, of reasonable length bearing fairly on either side of the subject, will be admitted to our gtl)lnmm. We want all the light possiâ€" e, The Selitiom asking Durham Town Council to submit a byâ€"law in January to bring Local Option into force at the close of _ the _ present _ license term, were placed in the hands of the clerk last week The law requires that at least 25 per cent of the names on the list must be on the retiuons: this was readily secured for 158 being the miniâ€" mun, 193 names were on the papers, A few days ago, a fellow on the street t old me that the Durham counâ€" cil should be shot. I told him sir, that they are not what they should be but at the same time I thought the poor devils were deserying a better fate than that, Yours Now m{.deur sir, I would not have touched this matter at all had it not been for your remark about workmen and their families having to move to other parts. I felt as if % was pointed to on the street as one to blame for thai state of affairs and I though* I would just correct it and my correction is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Now, the next thing that I mean to tell is something that‘s more new sir, I don‘t think you have heard it yet perhaps it‘s not as true sir. At our next meeting it was again dished up but in adifferent form; one of the members of the council made & proposition, I suppose he was reâ€" quested to do so, by the local men or supposed com. you speak of stating terms and amount that they were willâ€" ing to pay for plant. It wasembodied in a resolution, put to the vote and carried unanimously, showing we are not a stumbling block in the way of disposing of that property, quite the reverse, so much that if we (}ust had the power we would take your local men by the nose and make them buy, But not having that power we will just have to wait patiently till someâ€" thing turns up. So much for No. 2 i If they intemrdoing anything they are a long time putting in an appearance, so long that I am afraid like Com, No. 1, they will turn out a bag of wind. An otzer for the property is what we never have had and should it go up in & chariot of fire, be turned upside down with earthquake or torn to pieces with cyclone after the explanation given, you and other sensible men like you, 1 think would not hold us responsible but would free us from all blame. We never were called together but the once to discuss this business and the night of the meetin: there were a good number in the halt with the Furniture Company pretty well repreâ€" sented. The meeting turned out a reFula.r fizzle. It was neither a counâ€" cil meeting nor a public one. _ A sort of a Bedlam, all talking at one time with the exception of your humble servant,. . Whether it was that he! could find nothing to say or whether it was that he had more sense than the others, I don‘t know but the result was he opened not his mouth nor even at this late hour could he tell you what they were all talki? about, I naturâ€" ally expected the Furniture men, the men who were instrumental in calliag the meeting, the men we intended doâ€" ing business with, would like the dove with the olive branch in ber neb, reâ€" turn again but no : the next day it was reported that MrCatton, and I suppose all the rest had gone away in disgust ; a very foolish thing for intelligent men under the circumstances to gl(]) + way in knowing as tbeex did that there was no meeting, failed for want of a quorum,. Thisis the result of Com. No 1, who was going to whoop her up and set all the heather in a blaze. connder!-ng the’ amount of yarns you seem to haye picked up in connertion with the matter. Petitions Presented. TORONTO R. Coonraxng®, + Two big Stores, Durham and Welland Ladies‘ and Men‘s Watches, all the best makes, Ladies‘ and Men‘s Solid Gold Rings, Ladies‘ and Men‘s Watch Chains, extra large stock, Ladies‘ Brooches, Bracelets, Necklets, Lockâ€" sits, Men‘s Tie Pins, Cuff Links. Fobs. Lockets, Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit all sights, We have on display the largest stock of Silverware | _ Teacher for U, 8, Fl‘ No, 2 Egremont & Normanby, holding a 2nd Class ! Certificate, male or famale, Duties to |commence at beginning of the year ©1908. Apply personally or by letter on Ior beforegovemher 16th 1907. Stating experience and salary ¢xpected to the lunderaigned. Wax Brkanucy, Secy, | Orchard, P. O, Loads of New Goods at Keeler‘s On Saturday egening last, in town, a black collie dog\brown eyes and feet, bobâ€"tailed, â€" Answers toname of ‘Dick.‘ Good reward will be given for informâ€" ation leading to hik recevery, On motion a committee was appoinâ€" ted, consisting of Messrs McGowan, Lenahan and Whelan, to wait on Messrs Catton, Jobhn H Brown and others in regard to the idle Cream Separator works. Account of Thos, Nichol and Bell telephone Co., left over for further consideration. Hugh McLean, work $3.52; Wim. Calder, C, Elyidge and W. B. Vollett, choosing jurors, each $2 : postage 12¢ : W in Moore, 2 cords wood, $5.50 ; Geo, McKay, repairing crossing $4.70, Toâ€" tal $19.84. * The following accounts were orderâ€" ed paid : Town solicitur Telford was present and presented a letter from Barrister Kingston of Mt Forest to whom had been referred the question of the lega» lity of the Fire Byâ€"Law, â€" This letter in unmistakeable terms, declares the byâ€"law and amendment legal beyond cavil and there will likely be an end to opposition. The council bhad no doubt of the YÂ¥Aâ€" lidity of the petition, conlaining 193 namesâ€"ovet 30 above the 2 per centâ€" all on the last revised voeers‘ list, presented to the clerk * on or before the Ist of November," but on motion decided to adjourn the meeting till 18th November when there would be a fulâ€" ler council then to introduce thenecâ€" essary byâ€"law, Councillor Cochrane alone wished to proceed at once. Reeve Saunders was in thechair and courteâ€" ously allowed expressions of opinion from ratepayers present, those speakâ€" ing certainly fayoring councilior Cochâ€" rane‘s attitude, fearing as Rev. Mr. Newton put it, some hitch might occur to prevent a quorum, no local option man, and demanded that the petition be read name by name which was done. He claimed there was one name there without sanction, but Mr, Llioyd ‘was able to prove to the contrary, THE REVIEW, DURKHAM, ONT. The regular meeting was held on Monday evening with three members absent, the Mayor, A, McLachlan and T. Whelan. The council, though thus abbreviated, lacked nothing in interest and it is truth to say, that the audiâ€" ence, (ball almost filled) did not weary after the local option petition was‘preâ€" sented. The credit of this interest we suppose should be given to Councillor Swallow who, "speaking for the counâ€" cil" he clumed, poured hot shot at the council board as occasion suggesâ€" ted, He wished fair play tor the hotel keepers, assured tne audience he was Tell Your Neighbor ever shown this side of Toronto, Test this statement. All reliable We have on disi)luy the largest stock of New Fall Goods that we haye ever shown, We can please you both with the goods and price, Come with the crowd and save money on the following goods, nearly 15 months ; or the baiâ€" ance of this year, only 10 cents. Now is the time to act. Review to Jan. 1, 1909, $1.00 To new subseribers for next year, we give the balance of this year Free, thus making The CHAS RAMAGE, Pramter aso Posursuser. Teacher Town Council DPusxca Lost. McArtuUr, anted. Priceville 20e a omm â€" ons â€"

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