West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Nov 1907, p. 8

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| Use A Blended Flour Eyesight Specialist Consult me in DARLING‘S DRUG STORE Most people, you included perhaps, are extremely negligent to their eyes. This is because the public have litâ€"rall y no idea of che number and variety ot eye defects, They know in a general way of near sight, far sight, old sight, squint, etc., and many with one or other of these defects foolisbly think it only necessary to pick out at random from a number of Spectacles a pair that suits. Alas! many of those selected in this way that seem to suit exactly, prove most injurious and cause permanent injary. â€" The fact is that optical defects occur in such varying degrees that only the competent eyesight specialist with a complete eye testing equipment, such as I %uuen, is qualified to discover the exact naâ€" ture and degree of the trouble and properly correct it If the glasses you now wear are not right do not neglect the opportunity of baving them properly attended to. Pain in, over the back of the eye, granulated eyelids, in~ _ REMEMBER I Have youany flammation, watery eyes, make no charge of these adymp- pain in the temples (supposed _ for examination toms of defecâ€" neuralgia)and crosseye. If â€" whether you tive vision :â€" _ so it will cost you nothing to purchase glasâ€" consult me. If you require _ ses or not. glasses, I will frankly say so Fresh Groceries always on hand. BUTTER & EGGS WANTED For Fall, mixed tweeds in checks and stripes in all shades, browns, gseens, reds and grays. HAVE YOU DEFECTIVE EYESICHT ? A Full, Complete Line of Dress Goods In all shades and patterns just arrived, so ccme in and examâ€" ine before buying elsewhere. We carry everything necessary to a gentleman‘s wardrobeâ€" natty neckwear, bright new hats and caps, daintiest patterns in Fall Shirts, Large stock of Fall and Winter Underwear on hand. for fall, but come in our store, while our stock is new and we will show you the nattiest range of Clothing ever shown. (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) and you use the perfect flour. BLENDED FLOUR combines the splendid food properties of Manitoba wheatâ€"with the lightness and nutty flavor of Ontario wheat. TRY A BLENDED FLOURâ€"the result of your first baking will PROVE its superiority. It is part of our business to be constantly on the lookâ€"out for correct things for men and at prices that are an inducement to them to come to us. _ Now it‘s a known fact that men‘s attention is a great deal harder to attract and hold than the ladies‘, yet we have succeeded and are now supplying the majority of the men of Durham and surrounding country with the renowned REGENT Clothing. Don‘t sit and wonder about Ladies‘ New Fall and Winter Coats single kind of whe: BLENDED FLOUR. It bakes whiter and lig nutrimentâ€"and it yielc to the barrel. ROBERT BURNETT â€"for Bread, Biscuits and Pan Cakesâ€"for Pies, Cakes and Fancy Pastryâ€"no flour, milled of : THE PEOPLES STORE THE IMPERIAL SHOEâ€"In patent, kid, dongola and box calf Strictly upâ€"toâ€"date Furnishings Selling Agents for the â€" Famous Imperial Shoes and Renowned Regent Clothing CHARLES. J. WESTERN Your New Suit or Overcoat " Made in Ontario" of wheat, compares with a all Kinds of L0R / Baking ’*voc?m' FRIDAY, NOV. 22nd. Hours : 9 a.m. to 9 p.m and lighterâ€"it contains more it yields MORE bread etc. REMEMBER I make no charge for examination whether _ you purchase glasâ€" ses or not. Toronto Ottawas, Movember 2, 1907. _ Newspapers will not be for this advertiâ€" mn:vl? they insert it wl”th.:nt authority from the Department. d oc n 92 TTV HHUCP signed, and endorsed ¥‘Tender for Meaford Harbor Works,‘‘ will be ived at this office until Monday, Dec:mber 2,§907, inclusively, for the construction of an ex Jon of Breakâ€"water, the remove! ofPfornon of dhfig Pier, the conâ€" struction of a Pile and ConUrbte Revetment Wall, and a line of tongued an ved Sheet Piling, at the Town of Meaford, %ounty of Grey, Proâ€" vince ‘ef Ontario, accordi to a })lnn and specificatiou to be seen at th@office of J . G. sln?, l-.s?].. Resident Engiueer, federation Life Building, Toronto, on applichtion to the Postâ€" master at Meaford, Ont., and & the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be consid unless made . on the printed form supplied, dind signed with, the actual signatures of An accepted ch‘;s:: on a c bank gnble to the of the Monourable the inister of Public Works, for Â¥our thousand dollars ($4,000.00), must nccomm each tender, The cheque will be forfeited if tenderâ€" ing decline the contract or fail to mplete the wfork coutracted !or,ll':g will be in case of nonâ€"acceptance o der. The Department does not bind itsdlf to accept the lowest or any tender. gEALED TENDERS ad sipmned and andaread 1t is announced that there will be a number of new engines placed on the middle division of the Grand Trunk within the next two weeks, and it was also incidently stated that before Christmas the rolling stock of the company in this division would be imâ€" proved fifty per cent. The heating apparatus of the coaches is now being overbauled, and all the coaches will he put in condition betore the winter sets in. A number of new rotary snowâ€" plows are being constructed at the London sbogn. Ordinarily impregâ€" nable snow drifts are easily wiped aâ€" way hy these mighty contrivances, am{v Lgp officials realize that in the northern branches they are absoluteâ€" ly essential.â€"Fergus News Record. P hamage Livingstone J. C. Telford P 4s Sirrs Wolfe Buchanan Torry J. Johnston Hawthorne Hawthorne 15 Foliowing did not Hre W. Ramage 104 60 OQO0P 22 2276 TRCTIUCTS of the Rifle Association met for pracâ€" tice as advertised last week, The wind was favorable, though the smoke of the Cement Works, together with the cloudy day, somewhat dimmed the targets. It is proposed to bave another match Saturday the 16th. As an eviâ€" dence that some of the rifles are better than others, may be mentioned the fact that on a change of rifle, a possibâ€" le score of 25 was taken in 3 shots by Wm. Ramage, Mr, Arthur Allan, of the Sovereign RBRank here, received one of these characterist ic sudden notices last week to transfer himself at once to Burk‘s Falls Branch of the same bank. He left on Tuesday morning. _ Arthur is one of our town boys we are loath to lose, but all will wish him success in his new position. Mr. Geo. Brown, who has beer. visitâ€" ing his aunt Mrs, R. Marshall for some time, returned to his home in New Westminster on Wednesday. Dr. Ed. Lauder. of Cleveland, was home tor a week the oceasion being a small family reunion on Friday last to celebrate his father‘s birthday. _ Mr, Lauder, Sr., has reaehed hi@ 79th year and yet hale and hearty, Mr. Wim. Rose arviyed from British Columbia to spend some time at the parental home bere. Glad to see him look so well and find him procgrring in the far West,. He bmkwit. him samples of B. C. apples in hi brother‘s store which are par excellent as one will soon conclude on seeing them Mis. Bradshaw and Miss Bradshaw, of Toronto, returned to their home after visiting their sister Mrs. Dr. Jamieson, Congratulations to Mr. Ed. Watson and Miss Lena Bradley who are this Wednesday being married by Rev. Mr, Jamieson. Stratford. Last Saturday some of Sorry to learn that Mrs north of town has to submit eration and leaves toâ€"mn Mr.J. C. Telford waw in Toronto on Friday last. Mr. Geo Sinclair is spending his holiâ€" days visiting his sister in Corwhyn. Mr. Will Rose and sister Mrs. C]m-le are guests of friends in the city. Mrs Jno. A. Darling will receive Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 20, afterâ€" wards first and last Fridays, Mra. Newton left Wed nesday mornâ€" inr for Owen Sound to attend a Missionary Conyention. Mr Angus McGillivrag is seriously ill at the home of his aughter, Mr. Wim, Fallaise and grave hopes are enâ€" tertained of his recovery, Messrs Norman and Wm. Brown left Thursday last for Independence, Kan, where they have secured positions, Mrs. McQGillivray :of Bunessan is at gresent under the care of Dr. Gun. be trouble seems to be in her hand. Mrs. J. P. Hunter and daughter Afre. Dr. Pickering left Wednesday to visit friends in Toronto. bome'T‘dés'd-a? and Wedr noons Nov. 19th and 20th. More G. T. R. Engines. Robert MacFarlane will be at At the Ranges. 200 yds _ 300 st‘ding5sh 4l 34 12 35 37 19 wmn n a ies e 31 1as to submit to an opâ€" leaves toâ€"morrow for and . V!é@flé.d;;-a‘f;e;: him prospering e h wit.mim s in gk brother‘s excellent as one 21 at 200 yar ds 42 16 21 to the underâ€" the members . Finnoey, â€"o > TAR DURKAM REVIEW 10 ONTARIO ARCHIVEs ToRronto [ We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old g ods renoâ€" vated to look good as ez should advise usâ€"we will b pleased to attend to it at once. Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. The oldest and strongest business school, All facilities are of the best. Students receive expert instruction and persona attention and are assisted to positions vrme for catalogue of this live upâ€"toâ€"dat. ols. T. M. WATSON, Principa KRESS, All graduates of this school are absolutely‘sure of getting positions. _ Students admitted at any time. Catalogue fre@,; & W. J. ELLIOTT,. Principal. . Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts Open yearroundâ€"â€"Enter any time t P P gP C r-ylngfrom..’)ooo to $150,000 per annum in railway service. You can become a good operator in 6 months if you study in The Central Telegraphy School 3 Gerrard 8St. E., Toronto. The Auest Bchool n Canada. . Write for particulars. ‘ W. H. SHAW, Y, M. C. A. Bldg,, Yonge & McGill Sts, : TORONTO Telegraphy and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. + Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T.~ECLANCY, Principal, Day and Night Classes. Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Announcement .. Business College You won‘t be meeting your own bat every time you go down town. We aiso bought a large stock of new goods at a great disâ€" count and will give our custoâ€" mers the benefit ofit. Our stock is larger than before and a larâ€" ger yariety to choose from. We will keeg a larger stock of first class millinery all season. â€" Our trade is so extensive we find it necessary to ahurs keep on hand a grand supply of the best in Millinery. Parisian Millinery Co. ¢ ¢ Miss Dick. Winter Millinery LAST WEEK WE HELD OUR SECOND MILLINERY DISPLAY Attend the Best. It Pays. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE It was as usual a grand success. Many came in to see the winter styles in fur and yelvet. Since then we made ug:olul trip to the city and brought ck some very new ideas in how fur and velyets are done. We will show the newest styles and be in a position ‘flr) give you something exclusive. Night Calls for ndertal promptly :rtt;nded ‘:). : south PN Â¥DJ at reasonable prices, we are preâ€" pared to supply the needs of forâ€" mer customers in this line and we also hope, many new ones. Peel‘s famous ‘‘Handmade‘‘ Shoes will still be kept in stock. Repairing promptly attended to. MT. FOREST Having purchased the shoe bu«â€" iness of the late F. Peel, we wish to announce to the Publicof Durâ€" ham and vicinity that, with an everâ€"increasing stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Etc. TORONTO, ONT. . Burnett Undertaker T.J. JOHNSTON, Prin ED KRESS Is the first step towards positions Containing 50 acres more or less Good land, well watered. Good brick house and frame harn with stone basement stables, On good leading line of road, 14 miles from the town of _ Durham and adjoining the new C P R track, 4 mile from school. Will sell right to quick buyer, _ Don‘t miss a good opportunity. ‘For further parâ€" ticuflrz apply at the RrviEw OrFiCE. Farm for Sale or to Let. McKinron 100 acre farm at the Rocky, Immediate possession given. For turther particulurs apply to Nov. 5th 1907, On Saturday evening last, in town, a black collie dog, brown eyes and feet, bobâ€"tailed. Answers to name of ‘Dick,‘ Good reward will he given for inform ation leading to his recevery, Duxcar McArtHUR, Lot 35, 386 N. D. R., Priceville (World for 'l'5m;s) Other combinations made 1 application, Obh, he preached it from the housetops, and he whispered it by stealth; He wrote whole miles of stuff against the awful curse of wealtb. He shouted for the poor man, and be called the rich man down ; He roasted every king and queen who dared to wear a crown. He clamored for rebellion, and he said he‘d lead a band To exterminate the millionaires and sweep them from the land. He yelled nfisinst monopolists, theit power he‘d defy, And swore he‘d be an anarchist and blow them to the sky. He stormed, he fumed and ranted, till he made the rich man wince, But an uncle left him money, and he hasn‘t shouted since. Rev. Rogers, of Wiarton father 03 the pastor of this charge I‘pmched an impressive sermon on ‘oreiga Misâ€" sions Sunday last. Mr Thos Kennedy has purchased Mr Arthur Hunt‘s farm and will moye on it in the uarlng. Mr Arthur Hant bas brought Mr Robt Lindsay‘s farm and will also take possession next spring. Mr Ted Vickers, who is attending Mt. Forest Business College, Tnc the 'lll‘bnnhglving holidays at his home ere. Miss Jessie Hastie visited friends in this vicinity last week,. Review and Weekly Globe..., . $1.2%5 Review and Farmers‘ Sun res s ++ » PB Review and W. Mail & Empire. . 1.70 Review and Montreal W. Wit...1.60 Review and Family Her. & Star.1.75 Review and Daily Globe ... ... . ..4.40‘ Reviewl:md Daily World ........2.80 ater visiting ber daughter. _ Mrs HenryRu{andothertrlendflorth past several months. Mre Thos Wilson, of Darbham, visitâ€" edl;“'horlhterl(hAReay.Snndav Mr John R. Leggette, from the Rocky, called on old neighbors last week. Mrs. Henry Reay yisited her sister lfi_!_ John Backus one day last week. Mrs Adiam has returned to Durham Yearly Clubbing Offers. Farm for Sale. It Works This Way. Dog Lost. « P. TELFORD, Durham Vickers. made known on | THE BIG STORE Eggs Taken as Cash at The Down Town Shoe Store A Nice Pencil Case given Free to every school boy a pair of Boots. Casecontains 1 lead pencil The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Durham Is to be seen at the Down Town Shoe Store uality and price. No urging to buv if ennds 2 Here are some nseful articles, the price of which should Er:vean inducement : _ arvers, worth $1.25 a pair for.......................... 90¢ Silver Dessert Knives, worth $3.50 doz for.... ...... . ... $3.00 Granite picplata. reg. price 12¢, now.............. .$ fOr 15¢ Em' ‘“‘: 16 * * sc,now..............f..l toru% nives and Forks, per dozen pairs, ce 1.75 for ... . $1. Knives only, were lzsforprc‘m‘lbc Pairs of Carvers, were 50¢, for.................. ...... . . .30G Butcher Knives, were 25¢, NOF +. : + + 1+# HHS 104 Â¥4Â¥ 44 4#)s + «« BBR Everything advertised last week will be continued but every day‘s search reveals something else we want to clear out and to do so, we apply the reduction knife. Keeplast week‘s list for future reference, as this Sale wilfcontinue until all requirements are met Is theamcunt we must have by Jan. 1, 1908. Our call for the above amount is being responded to and everyone that comes to inspect the goods and see the low prices goes home thoroughly satisfied with his purchase. Ourefforts to obtain the money required in so short a time will be taxed to the utmost but the selliny price of the goods must be our working point $10,000 HARD CASH ALEX. RUSSELL STARTLING REDUCTIONS Safeligitt IMERDGINES / ; 4 + y s s 1x x + + 5 a a s 2a aa o+ o 8uick¢hiqc fSfove Piglish . >>; .+ + +4>.14» ++# + nest Todgt SOUD »« «> 4:>+1s a »* 1814154 2 a», ECCC R ARHIRING . ; x + x x48is sÂ¥X 1x xts 4 5n k a 24 w a CCE HENUKDMMLE ; ; s . 20 x rit n 2 r 5 48 8F 14 a yb ann‘s Salmon, Sunflower Brand, worth 13¢, for.. Shredded Cocoanut, half Ib size for. .. .. . .. Empire Soda, regular 5¢ size. ......... ... Assorted Extract, worth 10c each.... ... _ Velly Powiiens .. .. . ... . .. . V Nn SE ANMAl 1A Groceries==â€"Friday and Saturday Cash or Trade while Sale lasts. & / 129:/A 4jown ishoe Store. Call and examine No urging to buy if goods and prices don‘t suit. real snaps in RIFLES and SHOT GUNS V J. S. Mcllraith or girl purchasing , I pen, 1 slate penci m. l" lm 3 packages for 10¢ +*>«% »x1»8 for .... .3 Ibs for . ...«3 Ibs for 7 for 4 for 4 for 10c 15¢ » Our Fan HapBMARA®! 3 Fo % You i it * Smock uevereeerd VOL. THE REVIE This Week‘s Raincoa Eilcen, Other r Plaids a Cashme And Big this vicinity pockets too. again 1 fine. s The Revie Kentuc H. H. MOC with illustr tion to lst J traordinary The seaso gains is on are able to ; nary offer 0 Ke> from Mens al wool, : heavy ar and flee« W HIGHE latest s Our new fates {r re Cut rantl now in D; b4 We n b

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