West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Dec 1907, p. 10

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" TKE BIQG 4 *( mnouncement HE SELLS CHEAP. Oid Big 4 Stand, Happy New Year which we are able to sell below We wish all our friends and customâ€" ers health and pros perity and a se a D70 2# 7 A large assorted collection of FANCY H‘DK‘FSâ€"all new designs in linen lawn and silk. _A large stock of LADIES‘ COLLARS just in for Christmas: These are all new designs and beautiful patterns. A large stock of FURS still on hand. Rubbers _ BEAN s oo Calder Block, Durham THE PEOPLES STORE ROBERT BURNETT Christmas GQifts RUBBERS ‘j Turkeys +»8e8¢ ... IFull Whent...........$ 92 :08 95 SBpring Wheat......... 92to 95 Julg..... . 1.««..«..>." Aity: o TékS...««s.sis¢s...*%+ :‘ y * B0 FurIGY ...« 21. «0«s iss 60 to _ 60 (Hay.... ...... .... . . :IT 00W 23 00 Fuatier..............:. | To 25 Fapy...:...cs... .. tTats. .29 Potatoes per bag...... 85 to 85 Flour per cwt........ 2 60 to 3 25 Oatmeal per sack..... 3 00 to 3 25 'Chop&ercwt......... 1 60 to 1 80 Live Hogs per ewt... 5 00 to 5 00 | Dressed Hogs per ewt. 6 50 to 6 50 Hides perlb..... .... 9 w § Tallow . Fall Wheat..... Spring Wheat .. Julg..... ...«‘ TCkS...r«.s.8% urtey ...« :.;. + TY(« css xc hioe‘s ie 3BAE Fale y vr aRaienteterrate vear veate o are vesiesenteaiens is Maple Leaf Durham Markets. Durnarx, Drec. 26, 1907. ins Men‘s & Boys‘ R U B B E R S 23 to 12 to 10 0 to 5 00|_ Mrs Mathews, Priceville, and Miss 0 to 6 50 Phebe Moody, Proton, visited a few 3 to 3 days this week at Mrs McMillan. 0 to 60‘ Miss Maggie McLean, who has 3 to 25| been living in Mt Forest the past 8to _ 5) couple of months is spending Christâ€" 2to 13 f mas week at her home here. Last week‘s Guild meeting best held for some time. _T est is growing. i TA ‘‘er Gaughier Mrs Mich. Byers, Mr and Mrs Jake Yandt and mas{â€" er Seamon visited triends in Elmâ€" WM a few days last week Mr and Mrs L Brusso left last week to attend the funeral of a relative down country. Mrs Little of Preston left Thursday for her home after a five week visit with her daughter Mrs Mich. Bvers. Much sympathy is telt for Mrs Jas. Hanoa and Mr Louis Kreller whose mother died quite recently in Aytn. Mrs Hanna attended her constantly during the last few weeks. All the farmers Proton and Egrcâ€" mont are drawing brick for Colin McMillan. Bee on every day. Colin knows how to do things. i Our High School pupils, Lewis Renâ€" wick, Mt Forest, and Eva Renton lnnd Wallace Findlay, Durham, are home tor the holidays. Mr Adam Eecles, who is learning to be a machinist in Galt, arriyed bome last Saturday to spend the holiday week. Archie says he wishes some more of the young men would come out Sunday nights as all of the girls pile into his cutter and last Sunday night going through a deep drift in Droâ€" more one of the tugs broke and Archie had some trouble geiting things rigged ap to get home. The Sunday School entertainment held Monday night was well attendâ€" ed considering the stormy night. The children gave three choruses. Mr Kendall acted as chairman and gave an interesting talk on how Cbristmas was kept in England. The choir rendered some appropriate music and a number of recitations were given by the children. There was a small tree with presents for the Infant Class. Miss Ethel MeWilliams, Mt. Forest, is home for the holidays. For men, ladies and childrenpn. All heights, 3 or 4 buckle. Hampden Felt Shoes Overshoes Rubbers Dromore. & wus the The interâ€" $ NEX â€" i. ABe ie «ul ." . * "THE nunm%nmw ons Messrs Howard and Whit. Tyreman of the Medical Uollege, Toronto, are visiting in town and assisted the Keelers, in the Christmas trade. Mr Wm Rose, of Chiliwack, B. C., who has been here for the past two months, left for his home on Thursday, :!xpocting to artive there New Year‘s ve. Mrs. Jesse | visiting at the is | Mrs. Jas Atkin a season. B | _ Messrs Reflg M | Toronto, are h tk here. & l | Miss Maud Y f holiday season, Mr and Mrs 4 Forest, «pent brother in town MLL MiF i0200 Misses Annie Petty and Reta Mcâ€" Comb, teachers, are holidaying at home, Mr. Brad. Jamieson, of the Medical College Toronto, is home with his parents for the holidays, Miss Beith, of Owen Souna, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, A. Dayvidson. Mr. Duncan McKenzie, Toronto, is spending a day or two with his father a nd sister here, Mr, and Mrs, Burgman, o were Christmas guests at Lavelle‘s, Mr. A. Brown, and two daughters, Parry Sound, are on an extended visit to his parenté and sisters here, Mr. C. w. Doherty went home to O ttawa for Christmas dinner, Mr, E. T. McUlocklin arrived home for the Christmas season, Mr. Angus Cameron is home from Bottineau, N. D., for the winter. Miss Allie Blackburn, teacher of Hespeler, is home ior the Uhristm as vacation, Mr. T. A. Harris, customs officer and his son Frank, are howe from the States for Christmas, Misses May McClocklin, Berkeley, and Susie, Toronto, also Mr. James, of the Standard Bank, Blenheim, are home for the Christmas vyacation. Miss Jean Derby, of Bentinck, is spending Christmas in Guelph, Mr. and Mrs, viciting the latter‘ bridge, Mr. Murray Smith, of the Standard Bank, Luca®, spent Christmas holidays at home, the holiduyvt-n"l-‘;n‘;;lrt: vi Mr, W,. J. Walpole visited Owen #Found, Shallow Euke and Wiarton friends over the week end. Mr. Will Livingstone ate Uhrist mas turkey at his homeé in Harriston Miss Maggie Alexander of the city is visiting ber brother in Bentinck, Mrs Colvyille and Miss Annie spent Christmas in the Cilty. Mr and Mrs Russell were guests of relatives in their old home in Fergus. Miss Sadie Reid arrived home from Stratford hospital Friday somewbat improved in health. Don‘t fail to see and uniformed band and orche musicians with Jerry from â€"Town Hall, 28 Dec,. Miss Jeasie McDonald, of Aberdcen left Thursday last for Toronto. Miss Bessie Atkinson arriged home from the West after a three month‘s visit with her brother John, also a brief visit with her sister Mrs. Jesse McClure of Toronto. Mr. Shirley Mclntyre left for ‘Porâ€" onto on Monday, Chemist Smith, of the Cement Works, is in Detroit for Christmas. Mr. Thos. Allan and Miss Edith, spenkt a day or two in Toronto this week,. Mr. Robt. Simnith is a guest of Lon don friends over the holidays, Mr, Young. Springfield, is the guest of his brother Simon ovet Christmas. Mr. Jno, Johnston is spending the vacation with Detroit friends. Mr. Win Johnson, Jr., is the guest of Toronto friends for the holidays. Miss Anna Scott, teacher in Perth County, is holidaying at her home Mr, Andrew Scott‘s. Misses Hodge and MceKerracher, teachers, ge spending the vacation ut their homes in London and Dutton. Mr and Mrs Wiil Mountain, of Han.â€" ilton, are guests at the home of her father Mr Geo McDonald, Misses Susan and Adgues Nichol, from Toronto, are spending the noli« days at the home of their parents, Ar, and Mrs. Walter Nichol, of Glenely. Mr Arthur Knisley is home from Loring, near Parry Sound, on a visit to his parents. Miss McDonald, of Torcnio, is guest of her sister, Mrs, N. W..Ca vell over the holidays. Miss Laing, teacher for the model term here, returned home Saturday to Loronto. Mr Harding, clerk in Russell‘ spent Christimas in Orangeville Messrs RT. and Fred Kelly, of E‘oronlo. are holidaying at their home ere. $ Miss Maund Shunders is home for the holiday seasoun. Mr and Mrs John Nicholls, of Torâ€" onto, is visiting at her mother‘s Mre. E. D. McClocklin. Mre Watson, of Georgetown, is visitâ€" ing her parents Mr and Mrs Glass. Her sister, who n%ent a month in Gecrgetown, is also home, Mr and Mrs Alex Jamieson, ‘of At. Forest, spent the holiday with his brother in town. Mrs. Jesse McClure of Toronto is visiting at the parenial home, Mr »nd Mre. Jas Atkineon, during the boliday searann . ONTAR! . Burgman, of Hanover, 12‘. Webster is spending . Hugh McUrae are r‘s parents in Trowâ€" to see and hear the TORONTO o_rchpfit}:i; of solo in Russell‘s store, Â¥r. Chas. Kerry Co. is the Campâ€" Siegner‘s Old Stang: :g S. McINTYRE, x w }; f/%mmmm ”3 7 P NK N OV UOTOT NT wE A7 ameadsgc l2 0000000 CO0022CCEE, DHOUENRNC and Typewriting course, and Preparatory Course for those whose education has been uefilecwd. Underour methods of personal instruct on stuâ€" dents m.( enter College at any time, Write for information to C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound Winter Term opens Jan. 2, 1908, at the UUNSMOORâ€"VAUGHAN â€"On Tuesday, the 24th, inst., at the manse, Durham by the Rev. Wm. Farquharson, Campbell Smith Dunsmoor, of Benâ€" tinck. to Elizabeth Vaughan, â€" of Glenelg, PENNERâ€"NESTER â€"Ar the Rectory, Chatsworth, Wednesday, Dec. l1th, by Rev, W. 4. Reilly, Mr. Thomas Penner of Sullivan to Miss Sarah Nester of Desboro. Mr. Arch. Davidson. of the Owen Sound Collegiate, is home, assisting in Telford‘s law office for the vacation, Mr _ Van. McKinnon arrived home Tuesday from the Weast after an abâ€" sence of two y ears, ic Ml‘. J. Ww, Crawford arvivad La._.. Mr Jno. A ing friends â€" few days, Mr C. C. Chriatmas w manby, Mr. J, W. Crawford arrived home from the West in time for Christmas. DuUxNsMoorâ€" Miss Hannah Lawrence, ol West view, Sask., artived home this week. Mr Angus Cameron, N. Dakot::, c me home Tuesday, in time for Uhristmaâ€". with bis family here, He speaks of dull times out West, but was the hearâ€" er of two fine sub‘s from Review readâ€" ers there. Miss Jesssie Farqubareon, Agincourt and Master Will, of Chatham, are bome for the Christmas vacation. Mre. McQueen and son Donaild, Stayner are visiting her brother Mr. Neil McCanu el. uq: EPCOE . Miss Belie Cameron, of Toronto, i holidaying with ber parents here. Miss Margaret Grant. teacher « Moorefleld, is home for the vacatio Miss Robinson is ding the bol: day at her home in flount %‘oust. Miss M. Putman, who has spent the past year in Telford‘s office, returne home Saturday to Mt. Forest. Mr. R. McCorquodale is ulp;ndim- the holidavs at his home near London Mr. Jos, Moore, â€" of Toronto, i spending the holidays at homo. Mr. Keith Newton, of the Science, Toronto, is home f mas holidays, Mr. and Mre. H. Bail holidaying with ber p Mrs. C. Brown, The oldest and strongest business school, All facilities are of the best. Students receive expert instruction and persona attention and are assisted to positions Vt’rlte for catalogue of this live upâ€"toâ€"dat, ols. T. M. WATSON, Principa Open yearroundâ€"â€"Enter any time Jpen yearroundâ€"â€"Enter any t BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE _ C. McFayden is spending as with the McPhee‘s of Norâ€" Our Stock is disappearing fast so drop in and get a share of what is left at below the wholasale price. ¢ Bldg,, Yonge & McGill Sts TORONTO An Axe, a Shovel, a Hoe, a Pitchfork, a X cut S you may require in our Stock. . Black, Chesley, is visitâ€" in town and vicinity for a Get it at the Half Price Hardware 4 MARRIED *@++»â€"_____ i1, of Dundas, are parents, Mr, and es 9k for Christâ€" 2 only School of Premier Cook Stovesj coal or wood, $26.00 D P ppotntntelitishindiatiditivlinmaid s blisiars «s 4: OVERSHOES, itubbers, Felt Goods, l000‘.! We are sure would fiill the bill as well as a llmmy of light and beryy mitts, gloves, etc. _ If you are » ing of a pair of Slippers for vourself or an one else see ours before making a final decision. 1n H&ry we have some :ines that ave selling fast so wo‘;odn values are all right. See for yourself. Trunks, alises, Telescopes at right prices. < . Eggs Taken as Cash at The Down Town Shoe Store J % So MC"I' l" The Most Potent THE BIGQ ALEX. RUSSELL One can have for buying anything are that the airticle is desirable, that its cost is reasonable and that its acquisiâ€" tion would promote your comfort. We have large stocks of ERSHOES, itubbers, Felt Goods, MOCCASINRB Owing to the continned mild weather we find many lines of a usually necessary stock of such heavy winter guods still on our hands. . We want to dispose of them. Price is the only means of interesting you. Come and hear what the price wiil be on all such winter stock. * Kato d We will clear‘the balance of all holiâ€" day novelties at reasonable prices 80 &8 to start the Ne ir without a lot of stock to carry over j.!. We take this epportunity of thanking our many customers for their liberal patronâ€" age dnring the year 1907 and solicit & continâ€" uance of their confidence during the comiDF year. â€" Our best efforts will be en to procure for our customers the beet of everyâ€" thing in our many lines at ‘reasonable prices. 1 Wishing you all the season‘s greetings We are, yours tor business, Between Chlilstmas and New / Year‘s All Heavy Winter Goods Must Go at yéery reasonable prices so A8 Neg Ye without a lot of stock J. S. Mcllraith or anything be exeroised to e of everyâ€" mosk reasonable U

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