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Durham Review (1897), 26 Dec 1907, p. 7

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CEMBER 26, 1907 EN wE ARE MAKING IT SO SY FOR TO GET a NEW ONE hina flaryain: nd Oyster ) A tastefully orfume gotten up botâ€" or aes‘ariane 'owne_y Chocolates ooks ; rO@é ry Matthews & Latimer MATTHEWS & LATIMER n t wear that shabby old l’lat he New ailroad Bridge str e Salt witable ft3 load | McARTHUR For Feeq I‘l€ ged F In Flogur y M Yhat a wealth of leasucre in a good en book or annual : pleasure but irâ€" | We have on first.class assortâ€" the latest novels, ‘s Own and Girls‘ other Annuals. Chrig Â¥ CHRISTMAS. ruit please a woâ€" an a nice piece See our north ne snaps rzcet a box of Perfume also gift. ssity almost. m in artistic ... .25¢C to §1 Booksellers nerry Christâ€" Ar New Year HANDKERâ€" Jackets and H N incial strinâ€" unt does not often. Yet ving during tmas of Br“' d Windâ€" n town deal of started. ig that he test ome in er that ig jam comes, 1 away. ERIES for Milverâ€" sehold, and cusâ€" have it we ple ind are ods Hate, Headquarters for Solid Gold Rings DECEMBER 26, 1907 DARLINGS, at prices y y B OuUP <g Zup stmas @rcsenfi* s ts at 35 GI’Z [ 1ng’s DARLING‘sS pruG STORE â€"â€"BDeather Qoods â€"â€"Qbony, Poilet and fanicure Sets %Porfume, largest stock in Q@rey Go. that defy competition. af . G. A. WEBSTER The Jeweller, Durham eople‘s Druggists NOTICE. ,pign(%v. The proceeds »pproximated Take notice that the above is a trno!s- WV ). Dh Alihaconite t ui ie on iannciran copy of a proposed Byâ€"law which has | 8. S. NO. 9, GLENELG. been taken into consideration by tbe) 3 ‘ 5 Municipal Council of the Town of Dur.|, To Pt. 2â€"E. Mecnagh, L. Aljoe, M. ham and which will be finally passed by | Ifi’w;;'efi’";i ‘lv dMatLheÂ¥s, :; l;"'_fhlé- (Mos N Oe LRoboi, ty the ovent of Sue | Pt;tteers;)n .Gflanosl’:lye'. N I?awll'eni-e â€"’l’(; assenxt of the electors being obtainedf.n. 2â€"G, Whitmore, E. Lindsay ‘ To thereto, as provided by the Inquor| To Sr 2â€"B, Bell, R. Meenagh. John License Act) after one month from the | Ma; thews, C. McGirr. Jas. Matthews, first publication thereot in the Durâ€" | M. Matthews, E. Atkinson, To Jr 3â€" ham Review the date of which first J. Allen, L. Aljoe, M. Patterson, J. Beli, publication was Thursday the twelfth day V. Hopkins, A. Aljoe, W. Weir. To of December, A. D., 1907, and that at 8r 3â€"M. Matthews, M. McGirr, J. the hour, day and places therein fixed Weir, 8. Bell, T. Bell, K. Matthews, o oo o5 1 on ht the gloctors the bolls | 1 $niie i Tc iofi Gainiiis Law. i + er, B. vis, R. JR. » wl :’E.lé?) s W.B. Vourer. Clerk _ rence, J. Patterson, Mat. Ritchie, ‘ (L. 8 ) 5.â€"This Byâ€"law shall come into oper ation, and he of full force and effect on and after the first day of May next after the final passing thereof. Council Chamber, 100 4.â€"That the Clerk of the said Maniâ€" cipal Council of the Town of Durbam shall attend at Town Hall at the hour of Twelve o‘clack in the forenoon on the Seventh day of January A. D. 1908, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this Byâ€"law. West Ward at John Murdock‘s cffice by John Swith, Deputy Returntog Offiâ€" cer. 8.â€"That on the fourth day of Javnary 1908, at the Town Hall, in the Town of Durham at the hour of ‘Ten o‘clock in the forenoon the mayor shall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place ou behailf of the person interested,in and desirons of promoting the passing of this byâ€"law, and a like number on behalf of the perâ€"| sons interested in and desirous ot‘ opposing the passing of this byâ€"law. East Ward at the Town Hall by Mockier, Deputy Returning Officer office. by Ciifton E-Ivvld;,:a,D.e’pt;t‘; turoing Officer. 2.â€"That the vote of the electors of the said Towu of Durham will be taken on the byâ€"Jaw by the deputyâ€"returning officers hereinafter named on Monday the sixth day of January, One Thon«â€" and Nine Hundred and Eight, commenâ€" cing at nine o clock in the morning and coutinuing till five o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon at the undermentioned places : North Ward at Archibald Dayidsoun‘s mes DCR Ciets Ceute 1.â€"That the sale by retail ot spiritâ€" uons, fermented, or other manufactured wgquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, ion or other Louse or place of pnblic entertainmert ‘in the +aid muvicipality, and the sale thereof, except by wholesale. is and shall be pro hibited mm avery shop or placs other than a bouse of public entertainment in tke said municivality, To probhibit the sa‘e of liqnor Town of Da: hatm in the Counuty of "le Nurie pasg Gornmdile! the T Durkam hereby enacts as tollews Miss Edith Allen is spending her vacation under the parenta] root. Miss Eleanor Leeson visited her sister Mrs McClinton Sunda y. Merry Christmas Editor and all the readers of the Durham Review. Miss Mildred Leeson is spending her holiday in Mt. Forest. Miss ‘McKenzic was presented with a fine rocking chair by her pupils Friday afternoon in appreciation of her services during the past three years. (L.S.) W,B. Voruet, Clerk Miss Ethel Pe;t.igrew is home from Mt. ForesF busines College. Mr Con. Krellu; ;t-r.;n':i;iâ€"'the funeral of his mother at Ayton on Tharsday last. Miss Gladys Dun visited Cary Wiltpn on Friday, D y s,, CCCE TT PII0SCD JanCt Kerr and Viola Backus swung clubs. Much credit is due to Miss M. Adair and the young people of the section for the success ot the entertainment. FT 1 M 20 CCUMT *UCIERUNID and dialogues and drills delighted the large andience. , Mr _ John Leith sang a solo which was beartily enâ€" cored. Messrs J. Watson and D. Melivride sang a duet and for encore sang, ‘‘ A Choice of Wives," with the :jd of Agctlie _Mcponald, Misses Janet Hox. D. MCMILLAN, ARCH. CAMPBELL, Esq., M.P. A. K. DVYVMENT, Esq., M.P. F. G, JzmMEIT, The Sovereign Bank of Canada nent position. R. Morice took his place as chairman and a gocd proâ€" gr:m‘conoisting' of songs, recitations The Christmas tree at No. I Norâ€" manby on Friday night. Dec. 20, was & success both finaucially and socialâ€" ly. The school was decorated with evergreens and a beautiful wellâ€"fillâ€" ed Christmas tree occupied a promiâ€" ©E0d o e m PHR OR TUH earned yacation at hei' home in Nottawasaga. Byâ€"Law No 532 Milg Adair left Saturday for a well J. C. Telford, !¢ entertainmert ‘in the raid ality, and the sale thereof, y wholesale. is and shall be pro u avery shop or placs other than of public entertainment in tke Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. DURHAM BRANCH BOARD OF DIRECTORS: EnmiLIUS JARVIS, Esq., *L‘ *‘% President RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Esq., First Viceâ€"President A. A. ALLAN, Esq., _« _« Second Viceâ€"President McMILLAN, Hox. PztERrR MCLAREN, AMPBELL, Esq., M.P. W. K. McNavcHT, Esq. ‘MENT, Esq., M.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq., K.C HEAD OFFICE:â€"TORONTO Paid Up Capital: â€"â€" $5,0 Generalâ€"Manager. Varney. Savings Bank Department. Town Hall by H H le of liqnor in the the County of Grey rncile! the Towu of Mayor 190 Reâ€" The annual Ximas Tree Entertainâ€" ment hbeld in the Presbyterian Jhurch on Thursday evening last was a decided success from beginning to termination. _ The irclemency ot the weather, no doubt, caused many to be absent who otherwise would bave been present, yet notwithstandâ€" ing the church was comfortably fillâ€" ed. The children acquitted themâ€" selves with honor in their recitations, singing, drills, &c.. showing their training t> have been systematic and painstaking, while the part taken by the older participants was also received with enthusiastic apâ€" plause. The proceeds »pproximated $25.00. Mr Gordon Lindsay, of BShelburne, accompanied by his sister, Miss Harâ€" riet. ate Christmas turkey: with their uncle, Mr Hugh Riddell, of Welbeck. The series of Evangelistic meetings which have been held in the Mexunonâ€" ite church for the past five weeks, were terminated on Sunday eye. Mrs Pardy is a speaker of exceptionâ€" ally rare power and a wave of sanctiâ€" monious tervor, has pervaded the congregation and permanent good will no doubt be the result of an enâ€" lightened view ct the gospel message. Mr Atkinson, travelling enter.ainer held a series of concerts in the Forâ€" esters‘ Hall last week, His weird sleight of hand tricks were cleverly executed, as they approached the impossible. His trapeze performance was of a high degree of excellence, the singing and humorous selections were extremely entertaining and deâ€" cidedly up to she standard, while the bypnotie power which he wielded over various subjects was truly marâ€" vellous. In addition to these miracuâ€" lous powers the man in question posâ€" sesses a genilemanly demeanor and a tact which attunes eash spirit to harâ€" mony and gives to the entertainment a true social nature. ' A sudden gloom o‘ershadowed the community when it was learned that Mr, Philip McAllen was fatally inâ€" Jured in a train wreck uear Schrieber. Mr McAllen was a man highly esteemâ€" ed in the community tor his sterling integrity, noble manhood and cultarâ€" ed int=llect,and his many friends here regret his premature demise. Miss Kate MacDonald, the popular instructor in the Latona Academy of learning, is spending the Christmas vacation at her home in Ye Editor‘s town. __Miss Margaret Hughes, who taught successtully at Holland Centre for the past year, is holidaying at her home in Sullivan. A progressive educationalist is Mr. C. R. Maclutosh, Priucipf,l of the Perth Model Sshool, who is renewing acquaintances in the burg and comâ€" munity. Andy Swith, a phantasmagorical biped from one of our northern burgs spent a few hours in town one day recently. His most conspicuous charâ€" acteristic is his ears, which resemble palm leayes and droop like a frostâ€" bitten geranium. From the weird, grotesque grimaces which distorted his physiognomy it was evident that ballucinations ‘of a peculiar nature pervaded hbis intellect and he was . speedily deported to the Sunny South. i Asst. Generalâ€"Manager. $3,000,000. J, T. TorcuaRr, Teacher, THE DURHAM REVIEW Manager Dornoch. Parisian Millinery Co Miss Dick. &gpmmmmmm n i Winter Millinery o| 5twmmmmas} | you to call and see our large stock. The store will be open cvery evening tlll Xmas. Lenahan We are prepared to supply you with almost any kind frame, If we have not readyâ€"made ones to suit gou, then we can make ones which will suit you Stock F. jHardware & Furniture SIDEBOARDs Take no other. on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home bakingâ€"no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a Siindaditerones Look for this trademark orse Blankets BLENDED FLOUR. " Made in Ontario" Blended Flours A j d Full line of Pratt‘s Celebrated Stock Food for horses, OOQ _ cows, sheep, pigs, poultry. Once used, always used. icture Framing Different styles, different prices value. See them. In this department we have many lines which would be suitable for Christmas Presents and also suitâ€" able for any home. _ Our stock is complete in Sideboards, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Springs, Mattresses, Chairs, Rockers, etc., and is worthy of your inspection. Also a full line of Window Shades Curtain Poles, Pole Trimmings,etc } W. T. CLANCY, Principal Day and Night Classes. es .. * Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2, lhow o ols s 06. Shorthand, Typewri;:'in'gs, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Business College And there‘s good reason for it, too. Cake. Just try a blended flour once and see for yourself that it aoes make WHITER and tastier Bread and Biscuitsâ€" LIGHTER Pastryâ€" MORE DELICIOUS MT. FOREST urniture clntosh. :-kee_pjng 9 , but all good MIS8 DONALDA MeKFERRACHER B. A., Gradâ€" uste of queen‘s University and First Profee. slonal Certificate, â€"Algebra, Arithmetic, His. tory and Geography, soommme. Intending Students should enter at the begin ungonhel‘rmllpoulble. Board can be ob tained at reasonable rates, Durham is a health d attractivetown, mak it a most MN! ;.lnee for restdence ing it FEES:$1 per month in advance, e «d Wln.ql“lflg._.f.. £. Ramaaa i l 3 O3 17 ",(RrOUgNly equt in teach ability, in chemical and elwtrmdwppllu .‘5 fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. â€" The following competent staff are in charge ; petrrigns tegh acaasccl ‘0/owing competent staft are in eh‘:r"e I‘" se THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principa) MISS JESSIE MeKENZIE LOGAN, B. A., onor Graduate of Toronto Unim-uy.-hl:noh Latin, Compositiou, and Literature * The school is thorough} ud ability, in chemical and :l?&:] Snow Rooms Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice i _ _ 0000 CC CC OPWAnow s GaE~ ber Shop, RESIDENCE â€" First house south â€" of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Bhop. Licensed Auctioneer for the Oo promptly | attended â€" to, ** ka fl'fl be left l? u.d“ rooms, nnon‘s old stand, q Office. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director JOHN CLARK tlere, or to Ceylon P.O., will be 3 , Or to Ceylon P. O., w 7 awended to, Terms on application to to dutes, «c., mnst be fice, Durham. sz ( Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner, Durham School DURHAM, ONT. (Lower or to ARTHUR H. JACKSON Auct;cn.ee;g. 2. McPHMHAIL_.» Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Iurinfie Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers &e. Money to Loan, Omce. Mclntyre Block over the Bank A. G. “..K.’ K. C. W F Dunam Ofticeâ€"Calder‘s Block Licensed Auctioneer ftor Co, E3 M,.-r\,..i.. -\nvuwll CE C CPRTT uate wl Col Dental Surgeon Dentistry in .’ll its t::enche-. University, ; of Dental Sn Over J & J W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L DS. Honor GRADUATE ofr Toronto Wl EDT rrram ri®‘s Ces [IONOB GRADUATE Toronto University Grad * uate Roval Collaoa Inasisa Cl 2s Office, 18 Frost Bt, â€" â€" . Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, to Knapp‘s (New \'o.i-k )'éye l!olua-‘. Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black _ and white Caps for aged people, Member couq:) Pbysicians and Burgeops {)fMce and Residence Cor. Garairaxa and Ge0. at., at rovs of Hill, Old Moodie Corner. OFFICE HOURS Mmotary Publig, Commissioner J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat J. F.GRANT p. 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. Telephone Connection No. 10 lom:i 2 to â€" 7 to . 4@° Bpecial attention ; Staff and Equipment. ARTHUR GUN, MACKAY & DUNN, . MePHAIL, Ceylon P, Q C. RAMAGE, Durham Ceylon has & telephone office. «DVLES EDT C cpaads Money to Loan, over Gordon‘s Jewelry o rsant t A t , rsity, graduate of Royal Coll mfl%ngrsonc of Omnu?io. nooe.:: J & J ,EUNTER'H New Store CUONYVEYANCER, &c â€" P. TELFORD . BELL Prverciax & Surerzon, ever J. &,J. Hunter‘s Store â€"Next to Swallow‘s Barâ€" ecial attention given Women and Chfldren Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, DR. BURT e mage"athts for _ anles ah e e at the Review Ofâ€" Correspondence addressed 8 to 10 a.x. 2 to 4 r.aj 7 to 9 P, . , Orat . the Reyuew o. oOf Grey. Balos mtes _ reasonable Imple ment Wareâ€" , over Post Office Town) London, Eng) and W F Dunn . UGrey promptly store €1

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