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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jan 1908, p. 1

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" 4s -B, (iii ',1 " :-,. 'r, 1rt, REVIEW. DURHAM, ONT "t iii] " EmmammmmmzxmmgsEmE Twenty~flve year, ago on theettthl of December Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Edgei wereunited in nmrrmgv. On SONAR“. day last I number of their friends; gathned in their comfortable home to I cummemorate the event and congra'-' ulato them on hailing panned a quarierl of a century of martial life so hi.ppily. ! When their-tt had all arriveilundl pasted the compliments of the season , they ”ambled in tho cosy drnwingi room decorated mth terns nnd holly. Mr. Geo. Binnie acted as spokesnmn“ and explained why their home had; been invwded; comiratulated them for having arrived at the tweutrtirth nnniwmry of their murriauv hate and hearty with all their family around them and expressed the hope that they would enjoy life together to at leatst celebrate thvir golden wedding uud Mid he expressed the sentiment, of all present. as well as of may umny that worn not there. At this linw M ru. John Bell and Mrs R. Edge pu- tered hearing on a thy lwtwven them it silver-tea net. which they presented to the bride nnd groom M a slight inken of the egtF'eltt and "saetiott of l ttwit friends. Mr. Edge replied (m hrhnlf of hlinulf and Wife. thanking them for their beautiful present. which they valued very highly. hut valued much more highly the nihi- tiott of their friends, that. was given iUrGrGriviyi. tt nnnhcm" of the hearty w.ith, all t The Deacon of newspaper bar. ming in on nndLonce more we In able to Insignia cummi- tulry otter of The Review & Weekly Globe b '?ilMmusiimesagxzxt XtyggllgX5ilXtlilllgltillyi'llyl8iif with illustrated mannino lec- “on to let Jan. 19ar, for the ex- 'eordinarr" price of 'tas. Silver Wedding. Happy and Pros- perous New Year Bell and Mrs R. Edge vu- In on a Imy hetweem them set. which they presented de 1nd Krnom M a slight a ”we": and ntFctiott of ds. Mr. Edge replied on Inn-pl! and Wife. thanking James Ireland $l.2S and will endeavor to make it both happy and profitable to all who deal with us. Beginning with the New Year, we will give special prices on all lines of Winter Goods. We are not going to wait till spring to clear out winter lines but will give you the opportun- ity of getting them at Spring prices and wearing them all winter. Yours for our mutual good, We wish you all a ,N0.1 ". Itiid -; I in unstinled "Imam-e. Mr. and Mrs. Edge aim retetuved beautiful silvvr rrvsvnts from their family and other riends. The company then retired to the dining mom where a sumptuous sup- per had heen laid. and which received ample juntim- by the aliens. A uni up feature huing a tnrtgtsiticent [nigh rake inucrihed In eooteetionery "1882 Dec. 28ch 1907." Young and old then enjoyed themselves in games. song“. "Muir. recitation" and conversation until " late hour when they bade Ihnil has!» good bye and departed w their resprctive homes. Com. Thi- annual Ineeiing ul the South Grey Agricultural Society will he lwui in the Town Hail, Durham. on Wed- nyfday. January 15th. 1908. at one J'v1ocit'p m. Ari memlwrs are earn euly invited to outend. (i F." Emma. Cums FIRTH. President Secretary The annual mocking of the Durham Hortieultural Society will he held in the Publir Library on \Vednesdnv. Jan. 8. “18 u 7.30 p In. Members are earutewtty invited to attend, A. W. H. LAUD President (bas-st-oi') DER Cums. Fun-n tt necrelary Notice. Notice. iii) ttthit IA Sure Cure Veterinary Remedies at Darling’s Drug Store, NEW Bank's-The nvw hunks pur- rhasva recently for the Public Library will be ready for issuing on Saturday night. Fon ExcrrAsoev-Dtiving Horse to exchange for work home. Appltat this office. ace the local option ballot on page 8, Chine in and have a. cup of Bovril at Stlnson'u lunch room. W hat makes the Globe so ashamed of it's Anti Local 0 tion adverlisv- ments? Is it the [NILE or the lie that makes it wmce? Can any one explain how stories of the failures of Local Optk tt grow as they travel. Uurnvel thltn and like the hole in the Itishrttatr't,, cannon they are made by wrapping some- thing around nothing. NEW suotcAs,E.-cttstotuers pn. tering Hurry Burnett a furnishing store immediately face a hnmlmme new showcase. which he has legently in- stalled. It, is huill. almost entirely of heavy plate glass, nuddispluyn his ties. he., to good effect, There m-e three things that mo ox- ceedmg crafty. yen. four things of which you must needs beware: 1he crocodile when he we"p", an opponent when he frstterm, the Devil when he turns preacher, and liquor sellers when they become lumperamce lee- (mum. S, S. F:srrt,rvrAvsstro.sT,--The annual Methodist S. ti. entertainment will he held Friday evening. Jan 3rd, '08 in the Town Hail, Admission Wand 15c. Program cumming of reading. recur» nuns. choruses, drills, slervnmicuu views, rtt- Music program Locom- Im-nue at 8 o'clock. LEAVING TOWN.---), Monday next, Mr W. J. Walpole is leaving Durham fm Spry, to enRrtRe in farming. Mr. Wulpule’s connection with the Dray and Bus business in town gave are": Mikhail)" and he made umny frivnds who Will wish him well in bus new sphere. Bmxn Anon RESPECTABLE CITIZE). --rtend the let/er from T. C. Junwa. (If Charlottetown, in this issue and ask are you to behere om unsigned ad vertisenwnt or the word of a respect- ed citizen hacked by the slateumms of Police ottieers, Magielru'es. Custom onieets and business men generally. r'rtte'-.r.-ya1 - its}; ow Plight francs We are sort-v to hear that Mrs. Thus Livingstone had to undergo nu opt m- tion for appendicitis last Monday. it was quite tutcc"s.t'ully peviormed by Dr. Groves of Fergus and We are glad to know the patient is d 'ing weil. Her sister. Mrs. Montguumx-y of the Sim, u trained nurse is in attendancv. "BOLD AND ORIGINAL LYINO."- qluh 'vrthe. "xpressiort used by the Charlottetown Guardian in rereretwe totheliquot' hternturv printed in ads in the Chronicle and other muwrs. The paper quotes strecimen and says they are 'too ubsur ly false for serious coniidorntion where the facts are known." Regine on Tumsday next in the Methodist church; Wednesday in 1119 PreMt.rverian church; Thursday, Enq- lish church; Friday, Baptist church Gullt-cuuns in aid ot the Children's Aid Sociexv at, every meeting. A cordial invitation to all citizen». In our Savings Department. Deposits of$ I and upwaras are mum on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Bundles. THE STANDARD BANK J 0K1; “our. Hunger Menu 15st AT lama-r0): an ruclvnu: Week of Prayer DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 2, 1908. OF CANADA Head Office - - " g $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT DURHAM summon ESTABLISHED , 013 Deposits of tr and upwards, are received, :urrent rate of interest is allowed. It would be too mucll to hope that the local option hy-lnw should so carry. but it is very declruhle than. it should have a large mjorily. The evicence IS all in: the rent prepon- derance of opinion is can wherein force -it strikes a. deadly blot at. treating. --Proved by tnlstrd revenue retttrg. --1t reduces consumption of liquor. --it positively does’nt injure business. --it make-5 collections antler. ---it brings brightness to many homes. - -it protects the boys. From Toronto Junction. o. Bound, Midland, Prince Ed. Island come the same story. Much of the literature virculatevt by the liquor party has been shown to In- Glse,ueend Mr. James' letter in this istiue,--nora single plat- form champion is found for the reten- tion of Mir har. Haw. Mr. Fnl'quhm- son’s series of letters should be con- nnvmg to HVet'5r one, read the his! in tins issue and see how you would vom- lmt his atrituments. For such a plmn [necessity n anew bridge and for such a. moderate amount there should not be a single dissenting vote on Monday next. lt Ihould carry unanimous”. i Lizzie J. Binuiv. Bunresatt. Adam C. Douglas. Ghusley. l Sadie P. Fletcher, Ceylon. 1 anie Is'. Halpenny. Lronm l All have sm-uryd sclnmlu Eyear. Mint Hun!- at Top C l Dnuglus at Noft (Hem-l, new Mule Mud Miss Halpenny Lt Bu Years ago liquor was banished from the grout-mes of this town, by taking away of the gimp license: who was hunt? Nut the grocer We are sure. Vote on Monday In separate the but net-use 1mm the hotel. and in the end the huh-i keeper will not be hurt. nor will the comrnuuitrwhett rid of the Kl val realm-mg some of society. The following candidates passed the final vxumiuuliun of me Durham Model SPIN)!" and wwen-vulded Third Class Col-L's. All have serum-d solmols for this year, Miss let', at Top Cliff. Mr. Doup,ht, at N00; (Hem-I, near Mark- dnle and Miss Halpeony st Bomhville. The following Mm pus -e-d the exam. and will be awarded Caulk-Inna when the conditmns of the re; ulatiouu as to age and non-professions qualil‘ muons are cumphed with. Thus. Allan, Yummy (A. Get 'ruoe Backus, Dun-mu. Sadie Ferguson. Hopeville. Hazel Magwood, Hmmvet. Macy E. Morton, Aberdeen. Stanley McNally, Durham. Renewal-mt Uer0cates were grani- ml lo tlie following: Funny M. Bell, Dundulk. Kate MPHImnltl. “ormh‘h. (l. w, Nahum Neustadt. Annie G, 1'lark, Louise. Annie H'tevettsotr, Mt. Formt. Murmur": \Villimn, Buck 5hlls. J. T. Tulclnn-d. Durham. To the Electors of the Town of Dur. hum. Ladies and Gentlemen ' I again respectfully solicit yam votes and infbtenre for the position of theposiiton of Mayor for the )car 1908. On account of certain works being advanced a. certain degree and not cotnpleted I believe that I can he of more service to the town than a new man. Again the courtesy of a sect,ttd term is usually extended to the nmyur if his previous vlection was contested. " elected I shall strive to mlv-uu-v the welfare und interests " the town in every possible “mum-r1 BelieFiug that at, this jum-Ime when shipping facilities are ituavased, new indmlrxe-s Imeded and a gent’ral nd- vance dc,irurhle1 can be of real lel'vit'e In the tuWn, I ask your vote and in- tlnynce toward In election on Jununry 6th. Your abodient Servant. Wishing you ttre"eorrtplitupttts of the season. I am. Your obedient Servant. W. CALDER. Ladies and Gentlemen, At Ihv rrquest of mmy influential vitim us of the town I have consented In run for the Mike of Mayor for low. My experience of 17 yawn-s in the num- cil and three years as nmyur have giv- en um,- nn opportunity to know the needs of the town and my record dur- ing my maynmlty tern-1,!!!“ toN00 has been and is very favorably com- "wuted upon. Vote for the Bylaws. Model School Exam. . Toronto For Mayor. A, S. HUNTER mnmre. Local Option is not prohibition. It takes from no man the privilege of procuring drink for his own use. No law that the Province can make can prevent the importation. of liquor from outside its bounds and the Local Option By Law does not re- strain any man from procuring such spirits as he may desire. Local Option is neither more nor less than the legal abolitiotvCthepetail trade in spirituous liquors. lt is the death blow to the system of treating and all its attendant evils, It strikes at the open drinking dens with all their accompanying vices. It's slogan is “Abulish the bar," and its power is in the awakening of the public con- science to the enormity of the evils with which the drinking dens have 'r, long made us disgustingly fami- tar. THE BAR-ROOM IS A WASTER. Supporters of Local Option object to the bar-room and its influence be- cause it destmys the noblest manhood of our country and mars our lairest prospects. Round every bar in town or country is spread a wide swath of mortgaged farms and blighted homes. When I was but a boy an old friend, whose life had been sadly marred by drink, came to see my father. Years had passed since they had met and, as they at last wished each other good bye, my, father said to_hini T, keep iiwa' iriui the drink Davie, ruins baith purse and person." As I was driving him to the station, l he repeated my father's words OVer and over, .t It ruins baith purse and' person." "Yes " he said to me “that's right Willie, it ruins baith purse and person." Many besides poor Davie have found out to their sorrow that "the glutton and the drunkard shall come to poverty and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags " In town and county the bar- room is the rallying centre of the worst elements in the community and is the culture ground for pro- fanity, vulgarity and low political intrigue. No self respecting man tp-day will dare to stand before an intelligent audience to champion the bar. Nobody defends its drink de- basing powers and even the adver- tisements in the interests of the liquor trade put on the garb of the saint and appear as if solicitous for the sobriety of the young men, whom all the while they are dnvmg to ruin. OBJECTION TO LOCAL OPTION. Since the degrading scenes around ' the bar-room so often obtruded on our} View. find no defenders, and since! even the liquor sellers have turned temperance lecturers, the centre of the fight is as to whether Local Option is likely to help the cause of sobriety which both parties profess to have at heart. It is hardly necessary to say any- thing about the class of objections that have appeared in many papers as unsigned advertisements under! such titles as "The Blind Pig " orl Decent Bar," Local Option makes; drunkards," “Local Option ruins: Young Men , and such like. The; Globe takes its fee for circulating! such vile rubbish and then Pilate- like on its editorial page washes its hands of all responsibility for spread- ing such indecent assertions on the! plea that it was well paid for doing it, Assertions that are put before the' public weighted by such abject apologies need not occupy our 'i'i) tention. _ . I The objections from the loss oi revenue are scarcely more worthy of notice. li our town pays out 330000 or $40000 a year for drink what shall it be prohted if out of this large ex- penditure there be added to the town revenua $309 52? Need I asx a school as to the profit and loss of a Concern in which there is 99 cts of a loss for every cent that is gained. That hotel accommodation will be provided and improved under Local Option there is not the shadow of a doubt, though if a state of war should ensue there may be some temporary inconvenience. The only objection worthy of the name that has been presented is that the act, if put in force, will not ac- com plish what we desire. Testimonies from all quarters have appeared in the press. I have had conversations and correspondence with men who know the conditions in places where it is in force. I have read much that has been said on both ‘sides and the conclusion to which the evidence from Owen Sound, Midland, Char. lottetown, Toronto Junction and oth- er places points is plain and unmis- takable. _ The law works no miracles. It does not makes a man sober against his will. It does not stop all drink. ing or even all selling of drink. It does not implant priuoples oi truth and honor where these before were wanting, but it w men who want to he sober relief from the temptation Bv REV. WM. FABQUHARSON Local option-Flush. dt t0'ltl fy, My purpose from first to last in S. P. ttrAtt- Jno, Mitchell, Geo, “these articles has been to. present the MacKny. T, ‘r- of question in all its bearings for the Wen Laid.hw--N. McIntyre. A. , ijadgment of the electors. I have Canon. 't (sought to lay it before your readers 2iet, Un'tltart Wild J. H. Brown ' in its length and breadth to express Wei-e 'f,'.,".',":,'),",':""' ml declined. our difficulties and pcrplexities as Fo1tU0U'NC1L--ren--0to bet-lumen as well as our hope and assurance. .1 J. , Browtt--gno. Snell. ACWolfe. 8;,hrve triied to deal fairly 'ht exile? d'ce'0c""'--c' Ralunge, G. Fur. c ass an every interest; vs I - r . . F 'll den nothing, dimmed in nothing; 'iididg,ecdPh",.egii,A, “amt: I have spoken because I believe and um. F "r. utterbut whatIfeel. Ihave no Per-1 J A mmuwanu Mitchell, Geo. o, lsonal favors to ask, no apology to of- Mutiny. ttr fer-I simply, humbly, and honestly John McGowan -J " Brown, J w 1d leave the case for your decision,thank- Crawford. " t ful if my contributions have done any A!“ 1e.cLyeuiatr-Wm Ltswrenee, J th 1 thing to lead to {clearer apprehension ihe'ltt"t','i,,,.c, f; tc,'i'stifi,iptir,iatstc,titst,ie'aoe"trer2'ee,,t,'.'gsfoe,; rl'itisl't"',ta-i)ysl'S1'g1','t' ACWolfe he 'jrll,", tt yu . - p '1 B. Wile an-" mJo'autstr,ru, tr' Ryan , o t epublie conSCIence. 7 Others who were nouuuisted lull dv. ', When you have voted according to [your conscience do not quarrel with (others who do the same. No matter ] how wise and saintly you may be you lhave no monopoly either of wisdom lor conacience. - that is {muted in the open bar. When it ”been in operation it has Jemoyed much of the drunkenness and has awakened in all classes a sense of the enormity of the evils with which we are face to face. On the whole the evidence is convincing that business interests have not suffered, that many have been helped to a better life, and that with time :fstill greater benefits may be looked Ot'. 80W TO VOTE. Come out early and manfully ex- ercise the privilege of casting your vote. People that need to be ambu- lanced all the way are little strength either to church or state, When you come to the polling booth, mark your ballot straight in the space allotted for the purpose. Those who hug the dividing line have little comfort themselves and are useless to either party. Roeve--Wtutcr Huslie. acclnmntiox Hep. 1teeye-- Walter Ferguson, Johr McArthur. council-O, Hunter. Geo. Lothian Chas McRclru, John It Pltilp, C. IV Kohl). Holstein Police “Huge Trustees.-- Walter Morrison, Cum. Druunu. It Christie. ----_ - Mayor-John Taylor. U. Witlhnn Reeve-lt. J. Bali, ---- Frank. Council likely by ucclmmlion l hoard. __ "__--""-" _ GLENELG Reeve-A, McUuaig. T Council-Mal. Black, iv Michm-l Kenny, John, A Thus Nichol. IN III. Wcit. BENTINUK Heeve--S. Dickson. Jule. S. Wdson, Del). Reeve-ut. Brigham. --.---- Dod- sworn). Uouncil- it Grierson. Alex. Wilvon, Geo- A Noble Rom Leslie. NORMANBY Reeve-And Schenk, ttcelttmmtiott. Hep Reeve.--R. Morice, w l’mlmrh t',oimeil--Wtu. Kenna. It. J. Sim-l. C. Baeta, ll. hueiug. Rich. Burn”, 1), Leith, Wm Dickson, CHAS. Hurst. John Whiteford. --_- - -_--- -- Reeve-Jos. McArdle. Jury Calm-H, Walter Bell, Council.--) Auk-urn. Richnrd Cram“). Wm Henry. w. Mi duh-town. Jacob anh Thus. Kean. it, it, Arm- strong. Geo Wright. John Scum. Reeve-A Muir. tscclamuti Dep. Reeve-- W. J. Manda. Rennie. 77 _ _ _ _ _ "liiiiiiiir-ueo W right. Arthur John stun. Robert Best, Weulcy Buski, J A, Carson. ll l) 3ieLougury. Who Are Running For Oiiice. At the residence of her sowin-law. Mr. Jas. Hepburn, on Sunday lust, this lady passed away. She had been a long! time ill With heart disease, and rectum E tne devoted Cure of daughter and son-in- I law. She was a sister of Mrs. S. Mc. Craeken and of the late Mrs. Coco. Kress and had reached the age of 67 years. Deceased was highly res 'eted in town and will be remembered t,iflilf,c, by many ' near Livingston's comers. Glcnclg, where her curly married life was spent. She was buried on Tuesday many friends paying the last tribute. In. Livingstone. At her home near Crawford on 23 Dee. 1907, there passed peacefully away one of the old and respected settlers of I Bentinck in the person of Mrs. Alex., Livingstone. She had reached the ood old age of 81, having survived i1f/irlsu. band 21 igears). Deceased, who was Ann Me innon, daughter of Malcolm McKinnon and Christina McGillvray, was born in 1826 at Pennycross. Mull, Scotland, was married there and came to Canada in the 50's, setthng on lot 29, con. 9, Bentinck, and there resided un. til the end came. She will be surely missed an a loving mother and kind neighbor. She was buried on the Mth at the Rocky cemetery, her pastor Rev. A. Leslie, c0nducting service at house and gave. Left as chief mourners are three sons. Duncan, Man., Malcolm, Stanwood. Donald at home and one W. Tenn, also at home. Mrs. James Stonehouse. HANOVER ARI‘EMESIA Obituary. r2EMUNT PROTON - . T. McFadden ' hid. w. Hunt, ' A. McMillan. It, T. M c n on hn Tell Your Neighbor THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT. Never in the history of the town I!» there: nomination meeting with an Itwndunce and interest conipnruhle to that of Monday High. The lower hull early became cottgehted Ind Muynr Unlder’n suggestion to move apart-in was curried out and rv'r. that Ill',',',',', wan noetetooUrtte. Rutiiruiugo cri- Vollot received the ttortiirustioue. imu after oeeing the upmims meetittg n- xoiiig. declined the chairtututtitttp imd retued.. inning not quite recovered his health yet. On motion of Calder-- A. B. Humer. Mr. Thos Allan was votedoo the chair and desm'ed the {We of thanks be got tut, the close for in!“ hours bu dury tor it - mid. neight betel-ewe proceedings terminu- t . The nominations were us below. The timt name is the nominee. the m hers mow-r and second". FOR MA You Wm. CnldeI-E. T. Me W. Onwford. - LS. tLmter--0. irrAs, Geo. Mo, Kechnie. t S. P. Sui Masts, Mitchell, Geo, Nudity. " . Wm liai -.N. McIntyre, A. Canon. Frank [an-than and J. H. Brown was also nominated but declined. FOR U0UNU1L--ren-0 to bechmen J. H. Brown-Uno. Snell. AC Wolfe. R. Gochrtbtte--C. ihmuge. G. Fur- nenux. Ed. Kt-tr-d P Hunter, A Winn D 1iumee-A D Browning. T C, Moe. “Ale?! igiaguustunat--Wm hunches. J W Crawford. Adan 12obertaon- an ir/ttdr, " Connor. AC Wolfe T 8 Wtse 'ur-Wm Johnston. G Ryan Others who were nunu'muled but de. clined were: Wm Immense. tg F Mor- luck. John Multan. J no Nichol, Ben Williams. N. Wulpole. Thou Swallow. Juo Murdoch, Geo Mrikle. FOR TRUSTEES Eur, Wiud---Elected. Rom A0oe--Tuos Dame-1, J Mitchell. Town Nominations. CHAS SAMMIE. Pull-n up PmmunM In ftevieq to Jan. I, I909, SIM nearly fr, months; or the ut. unce of this yen, only 10 (can. ttow is the time to wt. To new uni-sorghu- tor all! you. We Rive the habncr of thin yen Fm. thus muting Tht - Mr tulder followed in a spec-ch of In Itour's dun-um" m which he succim‘dy dean WM: Ilw linattcial situation " the town. 1bwomted nut with pride, Iltat nut A dollar Gd been hot-rowed during the year, and jutstitied the low rulc at 15; nulls. He wats hcueul enough tO admit that the rate wuuld be higher in 1908 owing to tiw loss at the udvuu. Luge of the U. P. It. grant. to the behool debentures falllng due, m ., but. proved ny fUrurets that when what“ "whey was Hamlet-red. the Iuwn wats in " better timuscial position than lust year. admitting again titat two cumin had helped 1907 '. lughel meument and lower vchool estimates. He made com- parison: in the three wnrdn of the un- eu paid by business and property uwu- at respecuively. nhowluu that the in- muo had fallen heuyieu. on the latter hut he diuclnuned mpomibllity ot the council for the mere-0e. .He colt-med on the favoraUle de- benture debt of the town, the m t tuttottttt being 323 an. a superior show- ing to Any alumni-town; touched on railway promise: to the town. made and wtthdrttwts, but from the but. Vim of t he enmneerof the Commission. the outlook tor adequate protection was Maul-ed: related how they Lad been (mills-d by legislative otttstacleit in shal- mg smouv uuiuance. but their solicitor still thought. they could he mditod, and warned lhe town that if no relief WM forthcoming the useument of the last word mu» be lowered. m and Chttiitutr; he plat form mm l1 tiotu the pom " Hejustifit4 his action in opposition to the Fire By-luw by swung a prun- ciple that applied: "If it lumen in. jury on the minority without corru- punding Irenetit to the tttttHr, it would not he imposed." mad other towns' testimonv w“ um Ova-ill- p minus only were in the limit. Intense Interest Shown. no: North Ward-- Elects, Continued on page d. F08 RE E V E it " - _: NY McClucklin mt! d DMc " on

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