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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jan 1908, p. 2

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or-tentre. no I icy of the Word Ira. l- tributary up. applied to t an arc ascribed to hi- - truly God In. I, 2). w” truly God tvs. I, 'm. = III! "un- bd eternal existence iv. m. 3. Tho Word us the Creator (v. 39. t. The Word w.» the source of tite (V. A). 5. The Word In the mum. of light iv. 0. & The Word was distinct tro- God-- 5 personal and distinct Boil. (to. l, 2). 1. The Word in Jenn (Aunt (v. M). E Therefore, Jesus Christ an divine, very God, yet a perm! And distinct Being. I. in the 'tmttmsintr--Irtye nll ere-ted things. in the use. of eternity when only God existed. ,rur--The Word did not come into being; he wan never - --- . NIL- nun]. an"... .. - -_- --- ., evened things. In the use. at eternity when only God existed. wur--The Word did not. come into being: he was never created; he “wu.” the Word---" Greek term here tun-bud "Word" in "ugui' “a has the double “in. at thought and speech. Christ is called the Word of God bet-tune through him is revealed to us the thoughts. hell-gs, purpose! And will of God. an out words express to others our thoughts, leelingn. put- you“ and wilt. God is an unseen Being, but "hit thought, his love and his “tun nn- o-mlmdiml and "pron-ml in the per- no of the Son, our Savior, who is the u.,... .4 11ml" with God-itt closest " God hot-nu through him to us the thoughts, feelings and will of God, " our val to others our thoughts. [a pom-n and wilt, God is I. III bot "hm thought, hip love and usson L--JAN. s. not In Word Made riesE--yrbn " rm _ but "his thought, ttin love and In. I nro- rmlmdied and "promo-d in th a. of the Son, our Savior. who “on! of God." with God-itt I communion, yet distinct from him God.--itt Immune 3nd agency communion, P"' nu..."- _---"'" - God.--" nub-tone. nod essence God. “The Father in God; the Son in God; the Holy Spirit is God; God in the."-- mllnern. This is on nnfnthonuble nyl- tery, but it is eternn'l life to believe end know it. The doctrine of the Trinity in clearly taught in the Scripture: and in the corner-stone of the (Thrietien reli- gion. 2. the same Iran in the beginning --4lod WM eternally Trinne. three in' one. There was the Swoml Person in the Trinity before he was manifested in the flesh. even from eternity. He was not created Diviate--he existed Divine. & I" things were made by hulk-Ter- reltrinl and celestial. vinihle end invir lhle, lien. worlds and ssttrsu.--Hei.1. All thinge mine into being through him, by his agency. lie exinta, but ell other things were made.--t4ndlrr. The effort here in not to declare the Second Person of the Trinity the greateat of three in One, but to prove the divinity and eter- nnl exiatence of Christ; not that he in one of two Gods, but God himself. the One Etc-rm] God. and without hinr-- Apart from him. He is identified with every created thing, and in familiar with Ind has authority over creation. Hie plum and purpomw t-om-erning men ehould not be regarded lightly. 4. in him was life Christ was and still is the warn. the lmmtui tlows nll life-ph unral, ngiritml, etc 5:2“. t life In first life, then light be overcame " no sometimes app really victorious gun. and nhnn darkened world our B. v. L man." in bad no h ttas" him his mito,ion and his me-ssugu, his cram-mink and his instructions -he was a, menu-met. John -T'tte Baptist. An account of his birth is given in Luke l, tstad of his manifestation u a prophet in Matthew 3. a dew nignifwnnce at- taches to the Mine John. which means "Tho on: .m of God," and which mu "r' hom bearer. C. o but than 01 the ytttr.Ae, _.. __. - -... .-o, hang lite lountain ot al ‘n his lite and thru P to us show: no a “Non and heaven. th; he is the living I (John 14:6). , light ahineth "Ct; hinge" ronuantly, “tawny it not." "'1 NrparertV he darkness of Hi I has ennhrottde tromprehettded it or profit by ation in the man the meaning "I W 6 The nature and dig- u. 1-5). Did” at; to him sud divine r him. I. The Word I. a). 2. The Word at In the margin of the R. running "the darkness "The light, though Milly uvercome. was it withstood ovary tttV on triumphantly in n .-RevitAiort Com. Tl Jtere began with the w from by creati wings ol l rents, by I even by P past. m I t, ignorance l the world it not-Did true I nun ml. P, Wag table. animal, mama '9'! a.» l rived and tr."t,'1 ly In a sewed by flit ' the a . . CLI' life we haw- as tif? liit.ht 'ossentinliy Ind int: tan-2iee rave it derivtttiveiy to be a in him." Through ord who generation. "The ll od. ' m; Phil. 2: 16). 919mg“, 11; l Peter 1. 23). “m" A' bread of life" l-loh Iuptut. l 3. 'qam.tifimstiort. in Lake tRev. L'1.. 6; 22: 17; ' prophet l velation. “The Hg in" W 12-. I: 4: Pa. no * meNPl5. Humility. "Tb VII received him. Knew him not-They did not recognize him " their Creator, Sav- iour, King. li. Unto hie own-aus on property or poucnlone. His own crew iton. own inheritanee. Referring to all people, but with n special enipheio on‘ the Jewish nation, he created, he re- deemed, he persevered, he Nosed, he 21ml. Another reason why they should luw received him. Rceived him not--- "Neither by the world at large, nor by tlu. leader; of the temple, nor by the ritizen, of Nazareth, were his claims ai. Lowed." *Sperry. IV. The benefits of receiving the true light (vs. 12, IS). 12. As received him i --Individuals without distinetoe of not. natonnlty or common. Gave he P9wer--: “The riirht."-R. V. The origin! Award HHS. We have here three great decla- ationo Ibout “riot: "i. It is Grist alone who supplies all the spiritual mt: of all believers. 2. Christ and Hit, gospel are vastly superior to Moses and the law. 3. It is Christ alone who has revealed God the Father to man." I'llAl'Tlt'AL APPLICATIONS. “invi rem-l thin; now hear "The Word of Hod." l A word is a thought manifested. Christ the Word took the thought of the mind Ind heart of God. and nxpressed it so we would mmpri-Ewmi it. in that what was "invisible and inaudible and beyond out remh minim into our minds as some- thing once in God's heart and mind, but now in ours." It you would know God, hear the word (Rom. lo.. 17). I. The eternal Word. "The same was in the beginning with Cod" iv. 2). "This in hum ground. where We should tread with shnelmrs rent in a lowliness that through him ctonr' Ife who WM "the tion of God" (Rev of all things. N, Ill. 'l'lu' living Word. "In Him was life" h: I). He is the source of life. "Life in him is underived, independent and setrmthireting. All othrr life, vege- table. animal, human or angelic. is de. rived and dependent. Even the life pos- sesed by faith, the spiritual, divine. eter wal life we haw- as born of God, is not ossontially and 1tvrlti,etlt ours. We m"- " dnriwnlivvlv from im. We live onuntially and intrinsicall out rave it derivatively from him. in him." Through him we haw generation. "The Word of life" IH: Phil. P.: li'n. The seed ( H: t Peter I. LM). 2. Retreahrm v 'IT. . -. ._r___ - l:l: Phil. P.: Ito. The Amid (Luke iv. II; I Peter I. 23), 2. ltetreutntertt. "The bread of life" Mohn 6: 48. 51, M, 57). 3. Smwtifimtinn. "The water of life" (Rev. gt: 6; 2:3: 17: Eph. s.. 26). 4. Re. wlation. "The light of life" (John 8: tat; l: 4: Pas. 119. 105; 2 Peter 1 19). 5. Humility. "The arm of lite" (1 Peter 3: T: 2 Cor. 8: 9). 6. Resurrection. "The spirit of lite" (Rev. 11: 11; Rom, I: . TO Redemption. "The tree of life" “Ill" ll ‘r. ..._ T __ - IV. The rejeetod Word. "He cam» un- to his own, and his own received him l not" (v. Il). Jams came a stranger to the earth and he had created (v. IO). He camp in the invention of the Father's love Mr. 16: I John 4:10). He “came... to saw sinners" " Tim. 1:15). But he wt“ vejeeted by his own world (V. 10). hin own nation (v. 11): his own country (Mark (5:4): his own city (Luke 4:29); his own kindred (Mark 624); his own house Mohn 7:5): his own diaci lea I (Matt. 26:21). Men misunderstood hing (Luke 2:50); ‘John 8:43); despised him Ina. 53:8); Kersecuted him (John (15: gov, mocked im (Matt. 20:18, 19); for. sook him (Mark'l4z50); erueified him Chets 4:10). V. The received Word. "But as many in received him," etc. (v. 12). Christ is Had") “unspeakable gift" to the world :2 Cor. 9:15). To receive him is to prac- tivully and definitely believe that Jesus the Sun of man is the Christ, the Son of God " John 5:1). It is not to receive a doctrine or a creed or a dogma, but to reeeive the Son of God, a living person as our sin-bearer (Heb. 9.:8; 1 Pet. 2: 24); our Redeemer (Titus 2:14); our Savior (Matt. 1:21. margin). our life, our light and our love. A lady who had drifted into Christian Science, and no in- to darkness, said to the pastor who pointed out her error: "Strange I never thought. They taught me Christ no . principle. I have been trying to love I. principle." Then with gledneu she shouted, "Oh.' he u I pemn; my Sev- ior." w. The incernote Word. “And the Word In nude flew' (v. 14). He was the Word (v. 1). He become fietrh. He undeclared tirtritharsoasot0mkhf been the need of David (Ron. 1:8, 4). 'EGaiirihctoeoeeStt.1r..t cm on! (Phil. 3:0, T). "tMl ....dvelt 3min” (v.14). To h to In! all not. . ion. t as the eternal, riets in his being clan-d." Hive Word. "A _ him" 1v. 3). T lv. 3). The .world to 'exiinee (v. 10). 'gizmm‘: or.' the (Ten- V. H) in the Crvator lug Mists that Van Word of God (Gen. , M). I) Joh n VII. The per-on! Word. "No an} hath seen God at any time; the only be- gotten Son. . . .he hath doclnred him" iv. 18). At one time in Ahyednin there run I curious cmton, which hint; at the at mnry signifie+ of “the Word." people never new their kind. He at within . covered plm and spoke through an aperture to a. nun who stood near and gave his message to the assem- bled people. This officer was culled Kal llatzi, "The word of the king." No man hath seen God, bat Christ declared him --not as a monarch far off and unap- proachable, but as a Father nenr and l loving. God is lose; love is the essence l of his being; but his nature would never “an been known had not the Word em- bodied it in a. human life. A. C. M. THE HONORABLE. TH Toronw Winter Aar'aea day. Jan. u;1'oronzo (N01 Mandny. Jan TI; 21TJ,"y: THE HONORABLE. THE CHANCELLOR. Toronto Winter ”the. and not), Mon- day. Jan. ir, Toronto (Non-Jury) (3rd week). Monthly. Jan 21; Toronto (Non-Jury) (2114 Court, 2nd week), land“, Feb. 10; Toronto. Civil (Jury) (In week), loudly. much r, Navaneu duty), Mondny. March 9; Barrio (JurY). Tuesday, Much 24'. 'l‘orozuo (Non- Jury) t13th week), Weduouhy, April = tit. _ rFr-- u..--\ wmaadny' Mtrg. 21-; «my - ..-V .. 'iGfGiiiGi (Non-Jury) Ottawa (Non-Jury). It Bar (Non-Jury). Mond Guanine: "Nq"e"'"V' ve' Ottnwn (Non-Jury). “and”. June 15; Norm any (Son-Jury). Monday. June 22. THE HONORABLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE or THE COMMON PLEAS. Inndon Winter Mullen. Monday, Jon. 0; Toronto (Non-Jury) ttnd week), Monday. Jon. ar: Hamilton (Non-Jury). loud". lurch 16; Bnmvton (Jury 5nd Non-Jury). Tuesday. More): 31; Toronto (Non-Jury). itnd court, “In week). Hominy. April 6; Toronto (Non- Jury) (14th week). loudly. April 13; Whitby (Non-Jury). loudly. Thy It; Guelph (Non- Jury). Tunadny. Mny N; Brockvllle (Non- Jury). Monday, June l; Wouorton (Non- Jury). Eondny. June 29. THE HONORABLE THE CHIEF 1 JUSTICE OF THE KING'S BENCH Toronto (Non-Jury) (2nd mun, 3rd week). Monday, Feb. 17; Toronto, Civil (Jury) (2nd week). Monday. March 9; Branttord (Jury), Monday, Maren 16: Toronto (Non-Jury) lath week). Monday. March sr, Charlton: (Jury). Monday, April 6; Lindsay (Jury). Tuesday, . April 21; Cobourg (Non-Jury), Monday. June 1; Port Arthur (Jury and Non-Jury). Mondny. June 22; Kelvin (Jury and Non-Jury). Mon- dar. June a. . THE HONORABLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE " THE EXCHEQUER DIVISION I Toronto (Non-Jury) (it): week). Monday. Feb. 3; Toronto (Non-Jury) (2nd court. 4th week). Monday. March 2; Toronto, .Clvll (Jury) (3rd week), Monday. March vIt't; Pain- borough (Jury). Mend-y. March 23; Kings- ton (Jury). Tuesday, March 31; Wooontock (Jury). Monday, April l3; Toronto (Non-Jury) (16ttt week). Monday. April gt; Hamilton ....--\ Hand-V. Mn 18'. sandwich (Non- lJul ,. ..-.._V,,v _ our: week). Monday, A igurrt, Maud". Mu I Jury). aloud”, June 8. THE HONORABLE ILCMAHON. Hamnwn Winter Alma, loud“, Jon. 0; Toronto (Non-Jur'y) (5th week). Momur, Petr. 10; Toronto (Non-Jury). (2nd court, bttt week), Monday. March 9; Cobain-g (Jury). ‘londay. March 16; Toronto, Civil (Jury) (in. week), Mona-y. March so; on“. (Jury). “and“, April P. Toronto {Non-Jury) mu: week), Monday. May c, Perth (Jury and Non-Jury). Monday. May 11: Pinon (Jury tutd Non- Jurys, Tnemay. May M; Woodstock (Non- Jury). Monday, Juno I: Sudbury (Nan-Jury), Tuesdav, June 9. TIH'. HONORABLE MR. JUSTICE nmrron.‘ HIGH COURh, 1908. Toronto (Non-Jury) Oth week). Hominy. March 9; Toronto \Chil) (Jury) (4th week). Monday. March 23; Belleville (Jury), Tues- day. Much 31; Sarah (Jury). Manny, April 6: Mt. Thomas (Jury). Monday, April w, Brockville (Jury). Tuesday. April n; Toronto (Criminal) (In week), Monday. 'fir,',' To- mntn (Criminah. (2nd View), Mon r, In It; Toronto (Criminal) (3rd week). Monday, May 18; Kingston tNon-Jury), Tuesday, May to; Toronto (Nondury) (21st week), Hunky, ft.'" l; Strauord (Non-Jury, Tuesduy, Juno THE HON. MR. JUSTICE CLOTH}. THE HON. MR. JUSTICE UuUWW" Toronto (“Hum Anna) (4th week), Monday Jun. 27; Berlin (Jury), Monday, Feb. 17; Toronto (Non-Jury) (In: Week). Monday, Feb. 2C, Sudbury (Jury). Monday. lurch 2; Toronto (Non-Jury) ti0th week), Monday, Inch Ir. North Buy (Jury). Monday, April 16; North Bay (Jury). Tuesdny. April 21; Napanec tNon-Jury), Monday, May 11; Sum Ste. Made (Jury and Non-Jury), Tuesdny, o a" 26 ""77“: HON. MR. Toronto (Non-Jury) Jun. 13: Toronto (Wm Iondny. Petr. 3; To court. isth yeah). AMI} um A9Nr_'. -"_" Toronto (Non-Jury) (lat week). 1ioritt Jan. 13: Toronto (Winter Anus.) Cath wan, Monday. Feb. 3; Toronto (Non-Jury) Jud court. an: week). Monday. luck r, Stut- tord (Jury). Tuesday, March 10; Toronto (Non-Jury) (12th week). Monday, March 30; St. Catharina (Jury), Monday, April MI Bellotllle (Non-Jury). Tue-d", Mar as; To- ronto (Non-Jury) lard week), Monday, SIG) 15: Cornwall (Non-Jury). Tuesday, June a; Sirocco (Non-Jury). Monday. June 29. THE HON. MR. JUSTICE RIDDELL Ottawa (Winter Annex). Monday, Jon. I; Walkerton (Jury). Mondly, Much 9; London (Jury). Moadar, Much a; Toronto (Non- Jurrl (2nd court. 9th week). Monday, North 30; Toronto (CM!) (Jury) (6th week). Mon- day, April 6; Toronto (Non-Jury), (16th week». Tuesday. April 21; Owen Sound (Non- JuryL Tuesday, May ti; Godorlch (Non-Jury). Tuesday. May 12: Wellond (Non-Jury). Mon- day. Mar 18; Toronto (Non-Jury) (2nd week), Mondly, June 8; St. Thoma (Non-Jury), loud". June M; Strut: (Non-Jury). Ion- dar. Juno 9. Shot and Killed Him and Wounded the Main Witness. Roxie, Mil... Dee. 80.--Wh'tle return- ing home neu- here Int night, June: Temple Ind J C. Campbell were waylnid and Campbell Wu killed Ind Temple shot through the um. Campbell was shot in the stomach and had his head ulmont blown off. Cunpbell Wu out on bond, lining killed B young nun named Grover " Ms! 1et.1ra,eAtt2"t Grove! In ”a, .---. ___l - mun witneu in. the cue. Lat night's nbootlng is believed to be nn incident in . but! vhich bu come into all-hm duo the killing of young Grover. AFTER MURDERER. Iona-y, cw... --. week), loudly. much r, Mondny. March 9; Barrio Much 24'. 'l‘orozuo (Non- ' Weduow‘y, April = tit. my), Wednesday, pg a: -.., flu-I MR. JUSTICE MABEE, Us: megs). Meer: JUSTICE 'rsTiorth MURDERED BY HIRED MAN. Old Farmer Shot and Killed by New Immigrant. Had First Threatened the Sn When Brampton, Out, despatch: In. Curry, An old farmer, so years of age, um shot and instantly killed by his hired man, who we: known u "Jack," about to o'clock lent night. Mr. Curry’a son was alone with the hired men when he was threatened by the latter. The old nun. hearing the row, came into the room in his night gown, when the hired nun turned the gun on him and shot and kill- ed him. The nun then threatened the non, who grappled with him, when the second barrel wan discharged into the ceiling. The murderer was finally ave:- powered, and.the neighbors were noti- fied. He is an Englishman, about " you: old, and has been at Garry’s only a month. Hie none is not known. Work of Rescue in Don Mine--. Effects of Explosion. Jacobo Creek, Pa.,Dec 3o.-vihe work of removing bodies from the Darr Mine was resumed early. At 0 o'eloek 32 bod- ies were bu ught to the surface, making the total number recovered to date 105. The searching party has reached entry No. 29, where numerous bodies were found. - _ _ . The pit cars were blown to pieces, and the timber and iron were scattered around in confusion. The twisted forms of iron led members of the party to be- lieve that the explosion must have tak. en place in this particular entry. M -.. r...“ .- -.._- ,_,, _ There were many falls of slate. Thir. teen additional bodies were identified to- day. A coroner's jury was seleotad be. fore right for the inquest. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Drops Dead When Told His Sister Must Go Under Knife. Buffalo despamh: John Mahoney, 80 your: old, who lived at No. 372 Kath- erine ',',t'ftttp,'21 dead, yesterday " ternoon at o'clock when told bhat one of his sisters would have to be operated upon for apporHlicitU. Another sister had just unm- from a hospital after an op- eration for the same disease. _ _ 105 BODIES FOUND. The Mahoneys have had steady " flietion the past few weeks, and it wor- ried Mnhoney'a mother, who is ill. The sister who ia to be operated upon is um able to leave her bed, and the one who he just left the hospital is still 3 con- valence“. SHOCK Toi) GREAT. Dr. James W. Nash visited the home yesterday afternoon to we the sick lia- ter. He found her in a serious oondi. tion, and decided that In operation would be imperative today. "Bier? ii/ Nash had 13ft the house Mr. Mahoney fell prostrate to the floor and died almost instantly. Rev. Dr. Shafer on Trial For ths. becoming Conduct. Philadelphia, Dec. 30.-The Rev. Wm. H. Skater, presiding elder of the first district in the Philadelphia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Wu placed on trial before the eccleeiutio court here to-day on the charge of ca:- duct unbecoming a minister. An anonymous letter which the for- mer landlady of Dr. Shatter declares she found in the waste purer basket in his room figures prominent y in the cue. It is charged that the letter was sent to ‘Dr. Shsfer by Mrs. Martha J. Deichley, l a widow, of Morgantown, Pa. The defence claims that the letter in TELL-TALE LETTER. a {emery experts. Salton of Morocco Morocco City, Dee. 30.--ReeeU fight; ing in this vicinity he: resulted in mo victories for partisans of Abd El Alix, the Sultan of Morocco. The Tell-mas, followers of Maui Band, the "Southern Sultan” stacked the Shrsgna. tribeamen, partial: of Abd E1 Aziz, but were re- pulsed with the lot: of 200 men. . Me . ,1..- AM .,......i-.-a, "TiitVaeiving 800 reinforcements from Multai Hufid the Kahuna um. ed a second time but Iguin suffered de- feat. A Daring Outage on ea Indian Railway. . Calcutu, Dee. 80.---An attempt I... rude last night to wreck e Ipeael train in which Mr Andrew Fruer, lieutenant- Governor of Bengal, end Led, M, with the Governor’s staff and . number of police, were travelling, and heving re- gud to the nature of the explain. and the nilwey oftiei) no astonished ( tut . terrible austwphe “I M - LOST 200 MEN. BLOWING UP A GOVERNOR. 'i'iu, have engaged handwriting Over His Rivals. _ . ,3ill. ' f _,.,.', il,ilr,rit" ' " l 11., si, ttil _ l ' . " ,cas'ss, g it» H ',.,' ‘ If " I g. . v '.t) LI I TEi, . ' 'iii' Kin-“mt, lid when between Unqu- gu' and Beuapur the driver felt the en- gine lift Ind bump. Simultaneously he heard 1 loud explosion. Luckil the train 1 did not lave the mill end the muum‘ piper puted, automstically putting on‘ the brakes. The explosion tore a big home in the ground, while. some sleepers were blown to fragments. The Statesman, dismissing the theory that the outage we: the work of dis- nffm‘t'ul Bengali: in the Midrmpur die trict. pays: “Pieces of muttered sleepers were found at a distance of from 150 to 200 ynrds away from where the explo- sion occurred, and we are told that come of them have been sold at as much u 100 rupee. ( £6 133) each as melneutoei of the first attempt that has been made on the life of a high Stine official since the assassination of Mr. Justice Norman Gk “133:4 Mtrr." Falling Off in the Number of Barrels from Minneapolis. shipments from Minimum“! for 1907 will fall short of the total .hippsd dur- ing 1906 by nearly 1,000,000 barrels. The decrease appaxently has not been entirely duo to the finnncisl flurry u the figures to reach month thaw that only in three months for the entire year have the shipments for 1907 ex- ceeded those for the lane months in 1000. The number of barrels of flour Obi?- ‘ped from Minneaoplis so fur this year " 13.325375, while for a. corresponding per" iod in 1906, there were Ihipped 14,573,- 123 barrels, a (increase of 747,748 bar. relq. Throws Himself in Front of Train In N. Y. Subway. New York, Dec. 30.-Hundreds otl waiting passengers at the 14th strect l subway station Were thrown into 1 small panic during the rush hours today, when Ernest C. Stedmn, s lawyer, aged 61, jumped in front of . moving train and was killed. Women became hysterical and the silly my police controlled them with diffi- culty. No motive for the suicide has been found. Mr. Stedman was a wealthy real PB- tate lawyer, with offices at 128 Broad. way. He was a native of Hantord, ‘Conn., having graduated from Yule in Minneapolis, M inn., 1807. Mr. Stedman was a member of the Un- ion League Inna“, University Ind Yale Clubs. He was president and diree. tor of the American Cushion E3bow Co., viee-preiridey1t and director of the J. C. Lyons Building and Operating Co., Ind treasurer and director of the Raritan Ri. i.er Clay Co. Pittsburg's Only Claim Drop Dead. Pittsburg, Der. 30.-- San Foon Wah, the only Chinese woman in Pittsburg, dropped dead at the home of her cousin here late last night. It is thought she had indulged exces- sively in opium, which affected the heart. Her suddent death was followed by a panic among several Chinese who were in the room and who were terrorized by what they considered a visitation from the angry ion, LAWYER SUICIDES. [heir 'god Pain, Dee. air-Official .dviees ro- cdved from Gen. Liautey, commander of the French toroes.in Algeria, from Laua In Algeria Maghnia, state that the two Fro-d: col- umns which have been making end armed demonstration along the disturbed fron- tier have formed a junction. The com. mmhra of the columns report that the turbulent tribes have been greatly im. pressed by this Wrigley of force and that even the fierce nil unseen triber pen are beginning to pox the indemni- (ties Imposed upon them. FLOUR FIGURES. TOOMUCH OPIUM. Austrian Navvy Knifed a Countryman and Wu Shot by Contractor. Missoula, Mont... Dee. SO.-- Two in. were killed lat night " a railway eoeb. struction camp near Lothrop. George Morris, an Austrian, killed one of his countrymen in a knife duel, the “use of the trouble being unknown. Morris then sstarted to Inthrop nnd met Con. trnctor Walter A. Arnold on B bridge. He attacked Arnold with the knife and (Arnold drew I revolver Ind shot the mun dead. Arnold gave himself up, chiming that he acted in self-defence. Women Rube: Out on the Street In St. John, N. B. St. John, N. B., py. 30.-WhN Mn. my, Connell, 600 Mun street, we. light. ing a. tire in the kitchen stove thin " ternoon her clothing cough tire. The {any live on the third floor of the home. Mrs. Council was done, and when eh. now her le" ttirt ville rushed down the three flights of stairs and into the open street. The tunnel“?! this time had enveloped her whole y, sud " she emerged intol the street the mum . {who sight. The terrified womnn made I duh for an open door of George Butch mum. at, vhero t nun threw his cost nomad but agta put out the tire. she I. bully hand. but will mover. FRENCH FORCES KILLED AND WAS KILLED. WITH CLOTHING BLAZE, a. Greatly 1mm” Turbulent Tribes. ismissing the theory '35 the work of dis- l the Midnapur die of oattered sleepers W Dec. 80-- Flour Tin receipt-I ot gain today m small, being confined to on: load. at buriey,\vhich sold. a Tlie per tmadul. Hay in modem supply, them W "ii,'i,"oruriaiiuiifurlttte for timothy and at 816 to 817 for do- ver. Straw in nominal a $16 to $17 I um. Dressed hogs continue firm " 37.75 to $3 for light and at. $7.50 for heuvy. Wheat, white, bush .. $0.97 W 00 Do., red, bush... .. 097 000 , Do., spring,bu5h.. 090 095 _ Do.",goase,buslt.. .. 087 002 _ n .u " ll Outs, buah.. .. .. .. 031 Barley Jrosh.. .... .. 075 Rye, bush.. .. .. .... 083 Pen, bush .... .. .. 086 Hay, timothy, ton' .. 19 00 Do., clover, ton.. .. ..i600 Straw, per tom. .... 17 00 Seeds, Mike, No. l bu. 7 50 Do., No. 2.. .. .... 676 1 Do., red clover.. .. 900 :Dreued hogn.. .. .. .. TM) Egg new laid, doaen.. 0 " " 'stornge.. .. .. 025 Butter, dairy.. ...... 026 Do., creamer}. .. ..030 Gem, dressed, lb. .. .. 009 Chickens, per lb... .... 008 Ducks, dressed, lb... .. tt08 Turkeys, per lb... .. .. 0 " 1ei,perbblv. .. ....200 Poutoea, per bag.. .. 090 W,per down.. .. 1,'f,fl Onioem, per bug .. .. l 00 Beef, hindqtmrtem--. 7 00 Ihr., torequsrrteric. .. 4 00 IN., choice, arcane... 6 " Do., medium, carcue 5 oo Mutton, per cwt... .. 800 Veal, prime, per cwt... 7 50 lIAmb, per cwt... .... 850 British Cattle Markets London, London entries are firmer at We to 12He per 1b., dressed weight; re- frigerator beef is quoted gt 9he per pound. Receipu of live stock It the City Market were light. only one earloud of 32 butcher cows, which were bougat by Gan. Row-aw, a 82.40 per wt... for the Harris Abattolt Company. Winnipeg When: ”that. Following are the closing quotadonl on Winnipeg grain futures 00-day: Wheat-Doe. $1.06 3-4 bid, Msy t1.its Montreal Deepewh: About 476 head at butchere' cattle. no calves, 1,611 sheep and lambs. and 80 Mt how were odered tor sale at the Point St. Charles Stock Yard- _ this foreman. Trade vu plow, u the butchers had already bought nearly all they require for the week. Prim are without material change; prime beevel sold at 4% to Mie per lb; pretty good cattle, 8% to use: common stock at " to use per lb. Mr. George Demon boulht superior veal calves " like per lb; gran ted calvel sell at 2% to 81ke per lb. Sheep lell at 3% to do; lamb- at 5% to do per lb. Good lot. ot lat hon laid at 8 to “Ac per lb. Bradetreet'o. Montreal-The rush of the halide, retail trade movementis now on here, and the general feeling is that its volume is quite up to expectations. General wholesale trade is moderately active. Cold weather he. helped the sorting trade in winter lines. There is, however, a quiet tone noticeable in other goods, as is to be expected st this time of year. Collections are fair and the outlook favors con-id- eralle Improvement in this regard soon after the turn of the you. It is stated that Canadian railroad: will be in the market for rollingI stock early in the new year. a tact t at will do much to help the general trade here. Money is gradually working teasier, but the change in the sitar tion during the past week has been ai, slighf. ‘ 'okriio-Wholestuers interested i l . --"--. _ - Pr.?." thtrm'tlvess " well 1flu1h" 1 w.ed.fi.eld: Nev., Dec. ail-Jr“ carrv the with the busmess that has been done l fight tttto tlu. Federal mun will ti, the on tyseoun,t, of the holiday trade Th, l next Pr"."' of the Goldfivld Mine Owner ' busnneaa in tum, too, has been light l-y.'."?'!""'". To-morrow tt “In will ‘L Seasonable_ weather i, helping Tiii l filed here sinking not unlv for an iniut . ',"il, swam dry' M oiders le", against pit-koting .llllll .,1tle'2'l.til', I g"t',',','.Trln'l g'gttd' gS,ts TG" l y,'it,ly, but for the final dissolution ofll'lw and there is a resultant Itch & iii. 1 (midfield Miners' Uttiott. The suit . W wand ty hardware auppliel. 3."!le “Ind lry lilo (inldt’inlul 1,,',elu", l ":2 no“ m_genenlly steady. Th) l Mine Company. tit M” 'lt for spring trade is oonlldtt- ..'1.he Guldfield Union is charged in H it':';'.,',:,),;,.",':',"':'.-"':",', the Enl'l1“:ith‘ "intimidation." and of lnxilii, t1ftj1'ili,e, “has on . ',',',ooe,,t,tt'lrlt :1;th /,',t',,.il'/'/,)"'i' destruetiott of [mi n . . ' '" I b 5 '.. . " ‘22:] . holiday trade in helping: hum-m and ',','f,.J',t,'.""i",'1i1t,1",',": h.“ y Im'."' El} Parts of the country [”1111 it has iGtituied n mi "ar,'))','.,',',', -_-_‘-; " L- L'2CW2 in the “Oldfield district." Kl " Itsrrit', Cats-Dee. " He bid, my " 12c w .w... Winnipeg-Ns the season advances I 'tC.,") trade here takes on a more cheerful . ','y1! tone. The holiday trade is helping ; “f?“ retailers in all parts of the country. i ! Il and stocks are refuted to be moving I Mt th well. Sorting or era for winter d C) goods are increasing. Values 1:34; mu. . Vancouver and yttetratye,e/i"t' trade here has a quiet tone. The‘ trade in holiday goods has been; Ne heavy up to the present time. m‘epidt money situation is reported to be eas- I gem ing somewhst and collections are gen- l sions orally good. The number of unem-i Th trltpe4 is all“ 1r,tire. r ' [wot-k l tiaebee--C1itpatie conditions are favorable to city trade, which during the past week has been brisk. Himi1ton-41enera1 trade has a steady tone. The volume of holiday business is heavy. Manufacturers In some lines are curtailing their out put to some extent. Collections are fair to good. Loudon-General trade there holds a good tone. Ottawa-h heavy business has been done in holiday goods and general trade has a fair tone. Sorting order. l for retail goods are moderate. t ttr'cat The ExAhtvernor of Tucked Saute-M to Pu.. Berlin, Dee. 't'bidNe't'g'gtlte,thg,', Togoland, In today ”new to I no of 375 und com for the iletme-t ot c nave in Togohnd in 1908. The chuge adult Born In that I. caused the death of a lathe and Zeue, by Itaving him bound to . hug-m nnd lowing him there without food at drink In treaty-four hours. m v1. l 2,t,d11 tatt guest.“ Tttl. non n a lawmanutmmmmu. Thigh-boon much mad-abac- MONTREAL LIVE Toronto Live Stock. ILL-TREATED RAW. .... 1700 1 bu.750 .... 675 .. .. 900 .. .. 750 new. 045 .. .. 025 ,..... 026 .. ..030 .. .. 009 . .... 008 t... .. tt08 _.. ..ou ......200 g.. .. 090 n.. .. 040 .. .. 100 r...... 700 1.. .. 400 rcaae..6" sumac 500 F... .. 800 cwt... 750 . .... 850 087 2100 1300 1000 010 010 011 016 "E? Genoa. Der. 30.--Heated words be- tween two when over I quation of (our shilling: for rent led to a double murder by the husband oi one of them in the suburb of Sumpier d'Aremc The mur- derer amped to the mountains. where bin arrest is probiematic' owing to the‘ (utilities to fugitive: to coupe over tho frontier. Signor: Bianchi, the wife of a trade, union lender, with four vhildren. who sublet a room to a custom house guard named Quuttroechi and his newly mur- ried wife, quarrelled with Signor: Qant- trocehi over the nmouut of rent to be paid before the latter left. Ilium-hi on. tered, but set-ms to have takcn little part in the discussion. Quattrocohi Inland in the doorway. holding his hand behind his back. Suddenly he sprung on Binn- chi, dealing him a blow in the chest with n ulinrp chap knife. Itianehi'ti wife rush. ml to his assistance. but Quuttrm-chi I turned his fury on her. numbing her in the that, shoulder, face and lower body. liianchi seized a chair to defend himsell and his wife, but ww- overpowered Mid l fell mortally wounded. The knife, brok- m. Im tho force of the blows, was found All. FOR A DOLLAR. DOUBLE WIDE! “A! GIIOA OVER FOUR SKILLIHGS. Custom showered blows on him, he apt-d w- wards the Ligurian Alps and is still at large., . _. _---.-. 0]... "e.ierhhorq On entering the room the found the husband and wife on dying. The children were hul corner whining with terror. t' little two-yen-old tiatrs, which ing with a toy in its parmstrc New York’s New Yolk, Dem. 11H.“ 1 run-u "I the investigatim made by the amb- siuneng of ammun- into the award of the contract for the construction of the Aghokan dam, I part of the city's new water supply system. the Board of Wat- er Commissioners will be removed by Mayor McClellnn unless his action " foumtuliod by their voiiguutitmrs. The water commissioners, Edward Him- mom, Chas. N. Chadwick and Charles s. Slaw, awarded the Admhn contact to MacArthur Brothers Company. who“ hid was $l24i69355 Igninst “0.315153“ bid for tlw work. by the John Home Company And When He Went Home Wife all Children Didn't Know Kin. lodi, o., Dee. 30.---A Chem gift of tt peek at his face. enshrouded by whiskers for 53 years, was the donn- tinnof Mtutinovers, IN 'ro, of this vilhtpe, to his wife and seven children. He had a three foot and a half (mm of whiskers, about which 1tudyrlt of whinkvrs, about which he had dil- prayed great pride for yarn. shaved a"! to-day, and went bottle with' a grant mufflvr wrapped about his uounmnee,‘ fearing the cold. Mrs. 0er ulmnut collapsed from fright as he strode into the how. Slu- did not recogniu him till he spoke. livers sham-d for two yarn III A youth. but no rum had touched his cheek since he was 17 yen" old. :om Hone Guard Subbed Labor Leader and Wife, With Whoa: " liad qasrrelied--Batrr Found Phy- ing in In Parotttf Blood. Mine Owners Chin It in Promoting Anarchy and Index. (midfield. Nev., Dee, 80.-To entry “I fight into the Federal court will be the next mow of the “Oldfield Mine Owners' Association. To-morrow a all“ will be filed here asking not only for an injunc- tion against picketing and interfering with. but for the final dimlutlon of the Goldfield Minern' Union. The suit is to he filed by the Guldfivld t'onsolitiattul Mine Company. There m Maui“ deaths Week. as marred with fifu ,, 1w t “m ttrethd nat Fear. Tlo. db.» not only onion- in itself. but ll emu- affects my known tin-um has if”, Uttar [ammonia I 8tt deaths, again-t th' 1.1-1 lt?.ttt.tt,t, Wain last pun, us "ear, tltth." Sixty-eight baths Took Plnce the but Week. New Yank, Der. 80.--The x-ily's epidemic itn’t letting up u bit. I getting were. Singers, noun-s. pr sionnl men And clerks In- sum-ring; mm Will be Twenty-two Stc Will line [.170 Chicago. Dec. SO.- I' letting contra-t- for th Salk hotel, It Iaoialltr Mreeta, went forward l" in: the issuancepf tlw The estimated must I "8o0,000, and with Um will yeprfuent 33,5001”! The hotel will have Ll?" So 3 You; Iowa in St. . SUM: Cubolic A St. John, N.B., dcspnlrh: M II“! about 22, drank v tit-light in I house here \\ h a mat. The young _mnn Kraut" Brothers Company. th was 3121369355 ngninst $10.31 for tlw work-by the John l! she kept company callvd t', oHmed him with having all the mid do so too. ( N {be poison. She die FIRST SHAVE " " ASHOKAN b. Mud: in the WANT UNION DISSOLVED GREAT Horn}. FOR CHICAGO GRIP SW8 NEW YORK tmt LOVER DRANK, Water Commissioners Witt Be Removed. room the neighbors Ind wife an the noor 'Pll were huddled in_I. , cries ran m the Quattnm-hi rustred with blood. into th " by a orowd that l him, he nped to- allied FRAUDS, Stan-ya Big) no Raoul. a": "4 a " In limp“ Swept the Wlh phy- Igoettt. n h john Acid. in)! arty with IS and I drinkil Ion " than; ll Wit 1r [Von An ll wb ,nd and "And I... d-mt “I "te, W, lover to an» M tiny: and tor ttt A] bun-much " I In "Ir In". his how ml. tine on prove how faithful “I OI a "eret outrupx pw, it in but jut to te “try letter you write, huh it My Md: .2, mm. an hiker) hud- before I run " my not tt In“ have a IU “that tr beam» him I In tt08ttttt out“ And WM hard} gentle up “in; it “a Sun “I on the fire, sin Bitt IN the door 1 M who cum “Kw, my dear u Did you up befon “'0 too-n!" and m in her tom. a and qttthe-d the la the) new "in! m a “a deans: a w on." ”In "Ah. but "" mrdow like r 8 any hour of awn»: "l thirh, my dear Maud, I :3; the comma-5e. of life II in: ad admin“ ' u lulu than lea in but no" so. My in! " Fine)- and in tn. 'atbe's house. And, m g. " “be: to mad and my . - . time wet: Iona pun: “a Your . a hour “M wi - whil In?” _ “in! I. In: dear cat W” . u. n4 MW tw m with chit“. bert a: on her ' and ties on ber glow M minutes. The he' EMF.“ Yen n than! it, I a a Iona lett I “is." ’All you w You. unn- Gi-ure' 'ttine-d." In! oero4MMMl H Ag4t rel Awe-wo- “I and a atr.tttree tf the day a, and l it" have I not? Mar. and "1' Irl Ma went He m lay or " d. with with I] , heard u! -y I MUM ‘cstt th Ind " He 1+ " new "" " M AU W ' " d

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