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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jan 1908, p. 4

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il fi': Taylor 80 Co., Dromoreg ighu'gllgtil=%niltillrNgl8lXllMirgllgllglllgllgllgltfimllfif ii;" In Overshoes and Rubbers 33 Christmas Cards is} CA Christmas only three weeks away, we are fully pre- x pared for the rush, so before buying elsewhere lil have a look at our display. gamma-mags: gllFllRlglMglXllXllMlllMiil5iMl8l f,,i E 5:; Taylor & Co., Dromore g: "ctqsqtiyriyeiyqsqsiysqhiyqsgsqsqsqsgsqsetiqsqsiygsiyi'ii .32 ' cirsil?iisiib+e;etrstrtbsFirabsiisbsbieissb%ii " Toys of All Kinds re some mama "=:cC5llll-'" We are clearing all odd lines of Men’s and Boy's suits at very big reductions, .in Ais lot are a number of Men's double breasted suits and Children's two piece suits that so at cost. The Balance of our stock of Stylish Winter Millenery including many fashionable trimmed shapes we are clearing at less than coat. Our stock of Ready-to-wear Cloihing is very well as- sorted, including a very large range of Men's and Boys' Overcoat, made from fine black and grey English Beaver and Milton Cloths. Fine imported Tweed; in a great vari- ety of pafkerns. Grey frieze Ulster, and Reefers, Men's and Boys' Suits of Worsted and Tweeds. Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing S. F. MORLOCK Men's and Boys' Cleaning We have a large stock of Christmas Cards and the postcard fad is just starting. We have a very large stock and prices moderate. Don't forget to ask for one of our Wallpockets in place of in calendar. Very fancy and useful We have the very finesthuality manufactured For the little ones and numberless presents for the older persons. It is hard to decide on what you will give your friends for Christmas. Let us help decide for you. Now is vour time to order a suit. Overcoat or any gar- ment you are in need ot. We would like to measure you now for we are convinced we can unit you better than any where else, Mr Gl use is attending to the caning him. self and us to the making we have: flrtrt class man to make the coat. Prices away down- Bargains in Millinery CRarity, Jr. Jf. Stass aiiir,y' Bargains in J Suits merchant Taitor ”auger d Cuff-r Mn. Neil Clark entertained the young folks of Dromore last Friday. A very pleasant. evening was spent Mr and Mrs Flemming from Penn. sylvania. U. S. is spending the holi- day. week with the latter's mother, Mrs Wm Renwick. Miss Jessie Eccles who Ina been offering from a severe attaek of ap- pendicitis is we are pleased to any re- coyenng. Mr. Colm McMillan visited Price- villa friends last Saturdny and Sunday Mrs Dun Gillies. Fuirbairn. visited her old home, the Eccles reaidonce for a couple of thy: thin week. Mr; and " John Benton tspent) Farm for Sale ' New Year's eye with Mr. sud Mrs.‘ MCKim-on My new Hugh Wilson. Swlnton Park. Ic,'.'.",?,:.,,!,':.".':.'.??.!',..?., Mr. Adun Ecolea lent-nod to Gult last Monday, Mr. Alex Rutherford, Gait. is Visit- ing friends in and around Dromore. Mrs Wilson and Eliza me visiting Mirkdnlo friends this week. l guld New Year to ane tyu' a' An' mony may ye 86f ; an' durmg tt' the years to come, 0 happy may ye be. MISS Sarah Clark who has been lie. ing in Winnipeg the past. three years returned home for a couple of months holidays. Mr. Jas. Hoy has recovered tn1ffie. iently to be at work again. Be and Mr. Monteith are cutting wood for Landels Marshall. Mr. Dickensou of Toronto, formerly of British Columbia. who has been spending the holidays with his old friend, Mr. Wm. Lauder and Priee. ville friends, leaves Tuesday. A number from this vicinity attend- ed the nomination at Anon on Mon. day, Mr. Frank Grasby and wife of Manitoba gave his sisters, Mrs. A. Vollet and Mrs T. Grasby, a pleasant surprise Christmas eve by dropping in on them. Mr. Wm. Leader took a. sleigh load of young people to T. MeAllister's, Monday evening and had a merry The election draws near with two candidates at this corner. Mr R Bar- ber has proved himself Worthy '. this end has had bat meagre attention be.. fore and we think Mr. Barber ought tube re-elected. Mr. Leith promises to be a good candidate t0o Several of our citizens who have ailments are going to a man in Mt. Forest to be charmed. Mr. HerbGray and bride ate Christ. mas dinner at the old home. The Christmas tree as usual was a decided success, the gamma) being short and spicy. he proceeds amounted to $26.00. Mr. Pollock has bought the old ho- tel, and besides the post offiee has pm in a limited supply of fiour, candles, etc. so the former bar-room is serving a good purpose. Miss Eva. Blyth visited the Misses Barnett over Sunday. Miss Annie Petty of Durham is visiting the Wilkinson tamilies. The Storrey lamilv ottown spent Christmas with Mrs Wm Caldwell. Mr. --- Neil, of hit Forest, is holi. daying with the Morrison family. Mrs Crawford spent Christmas with Mrs. Wm. Caldwell. Mr and Mrs T. Grasbv and fnmllv were Xmas guests of Mrs A, Vollecc. Miss Cassie Barns came home from Toronto Tuesday tor a short holiday. Mr and Mrs Wilton had Christmas dinner with Mrs W. Dunn ul'Durham. The Orange Lodge has added some term firrmy to their property. The Missal Dunn and Miss Law- no“. . cousin tram Oabuwa. visited grinds in the neighborhood for a tow uya. Mr and Mn Clark entertained over thirty relatives and old friends on Christmas day. All enjoyed it es- pecially the tree by the younger members. Curie Wilton in spending the Christmas nation with triends in Proton. . Everett Boy of Toronto is holidav- mg with his psi-outs. Dr. G. M. Lesson and family Ian Saturday fora visit to relatives at Ingersoll. C. T. Leewn. Mia: Hattie, G. . and tamily and Mr and Mrs A. Me- Clinton ate turkey with their parents in Mt. Forest. The annual school meeting was held on the 26th. J. W. Blythe was re-elected trustee. G. M. Lemon and- itor, while Mr :Wilton and Alb. Me- Clinton supply the wood and Robert Pettigrew does the janitor work. Mr and Mrs Chapman and daugh- ter of Mt Forest. spent the holiday with Mr Wm. Sirrs. Mr Dave Allen and sister Lizzie of Hamilton are spending the holi- days with their mother. Mr and Mrs Wm Morrison and fam. ily bud Xmas dinner with Mr George Neil of Mt. Forest. Mr and Mrs Jim Bottle spent the 25th with the farmer's parents here. Cameron Landeris visiting friends in Pritseville. Miss J. Allen ot Toronto is spending the vacation with her mother here. -----_.i---. Dromore. Vamey. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Rev Mr. and Mrs. thlnon wont. to Hamilton to visit friends and say over CImstmas. Tenders will he received up tog o’clock on the 15th day of January 1908 (in envelopes marked tender) tor the remodelling of Hampden Pretdry- terian Church. Plans, and specifica- tions can be seen at Humpden P. o. after Jan. lit 190& Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept-d. M. W. Buns. .. J n A Beer. of Com. Lawyer McArdle of Msrkiiiue spent Christmas with his father here. Rocky. 'mlneu(ktiGaiciiiin “gulp: For turther particulars apply to Hampden P. o. Nov, Messrs McArtbur and Dezell moved into the new store built by Wm Dez. ell before Christmas Indira now tugh. mg business. ‘Bert Love came up from Toronto to spend the holidays with his parents. The McArdle election meeting On Thursday 26th Was a success. The hall was well filled and [have McAr. dle foe nearly 2 hours gave a good ex. planation of township affairs and brought reports to prove his aute- meuLs. and all went. away well Innis- fied with him. There in talk of Wal, ter Bell running against. him. ties. eral new men are spoken of for the Council. A branch of the Bible Society was organized here on Tuesday evening the 17th Dee. in the Hopeyille church three ministers being present. the Rev Mr Mclnnes. Rev Mr Gibson and the regular travelling agent. A very fair attendance was present. The leading offleere were elected as follows; Ams. woich Jack, President, ; John Russell, Vice President. ; Wm Dingwull, Sec- retary, Angus Ferguson, Treasurer; J H Scott, Salesman. 'Tis our and duty this week to chronicle the demise of Mr. Wm Vusey, one of the old pioneers of Sullivan Township who peacefully deported this life on Tuesday after- noon.“ the age of three More and ten. Mr Vasey had been ailing for a few days, but nothing serious was anticipated until suddenly the mgel of Death arrived and called his [pint home. Mr Vusey was a man of genial disposition and peaceful tam. perument, Wlllle his character was neyond reproach. The remains were interred in the R. C. Cemetery on Friday. Rev. Father Sullivan offiei. ated at the funeral trolentnitno. We extend our condolence to the sorrow- mg once who " Sigh for the tauch ofa vanished hand And the round of uvoice that is Stlll." -----_-------- A charming society belle li? Miss Minnie Gillen of the Queen City, who was a gutted acquisition to the sociul circles during the Xmas holidays. MISS Ingersoll, of Wlurton. has been engaged to teach the young idea m U. B. S. No. t Holland and tiallivamtsueeeeding Mr. A. J. Muc- Uullum. who resigned to accept. the school at Sunny Valley. We had a pleasant chm. with Mr Wm Mills, of Valletta. Kent. County, who arrived In the village on Satur- day eve, for an extended sojourn in tlse community. Will's tdfabls mm ner makes him a pleasant visitor at. all times. THE DURHAM REVIEW " Brno and strong. . Bright on Phoenix, nu the young New Yen. Out of tho ”he! of tho old, looped forth To rule the world in triumph." Mr Robert Lediuglvum a prosper- ous tsgrieillturitit of Moose Jaw, Salt. ls home on an extended yisin to friends in the burg. The old year. hoary with the snows of age. exhausted with the labors of " life and tottering under it's weight of days. has passed away. Around the altar of many a rustic church or solemn cathedral and by many a peaceful tirtmhe gathered God's chili- ren to watch the old year oat and the New Year in. Peal upon peel comes the music from the various church spires, until an exultant chorus seems to fill the air and reverberate from the sky. ’Tis the chorus of welcome to the new-horn year, The passing year " full of solemn admonitione for it brings to our minds the rapid Bight of time. A day. a week, a month, a year-wut are they t They go by like shadows on a dial. Old Father Pime seems to stand like an archer With his quiver full of days and shoot them by us With the speed of swift‘ winged arrows so that " we spend our days like a tale that is told." As the great bell ot tune, swinging in the dome of Space. tolls away our years. and one after another they ring out upon the Iiir and float away into Eternity, let us be alert to every pass- ing opportunity. associating our minds with the title. the noble and the pure, so that the world may he the better for our having lived. Farm for Sale or to Let. tsth um Notice to Contractors. liopeville Dornoch. '. Tswana. Durham at the r." Dr and Mrs Button of Durham paid a short visit to our town on Saturday lot. The Dr has always some warm feelings towards the citizens of Price- ville and vicinitv. Dan McKechnie of Toronto Junction paid a short mail: to see his mnther, Mrs McKechnin ot this town on Xmas and returned Thursday. Mr. Donald McMillan, Jr. is home from the West. Ita3 years since he was home last and intends to stay all winter. Miss Bella MaKinimn of Toronto is spending a while " home, on the South Line at present. Before this gets into print we cat. pee: Wedding Belle to be ringing ot which we hope to give an account in next issue. - Mr Donald McMillan was again re- elected trustee for Priceviiie school for the coming term. At Top Cliee Bernard IUrtfard and Wm. McLeod Jr were elee'ed, Mr McCuaig having tendered his resignation on account of running for municipal honors. The late rains have caused water to be more plentiful, as in some places water was getting pretty scarce. The sick people are getting better. Malcolm McInnes is able to be about now after a spell ot some weeks of sickness. also John Burnett is able to sit. up now and a week or two will bring him to his usual health. Mr. Arch. McMillan who is visiting at the old home from the West took a trip to see friends in Vaughan town- ship before he returns. Mrs Rose ot Bruce is visiting at her brothers, Mr N McIntyre of the south line, to see her aged mother who is yet unwall. h In the first nap e egrap y toward. position- Pyinglmmsbooo to 8150000 per nnnum In rat wny service. You on become . Igood opentor In a month. " you may in T e rental Telegraphy School, 8 Gem? 8t. E., Tomato. The [men Soho-ml Bat we must pass on. Those of us who are old enough to rem mber the, manner Xmas and New Year were kept in the days: of our youth will tlud quite a contrast in passing over titty years. The old fashioned feast con sisted not of fat turkey, goose. pudd- ing, fruit, cake, or any such refinery, but simply a big loaf made in the old fashioned bake oven with hot ashes and coals placed on the top lid. The loaf generally was from 10 to 12 in- ches deep and good bread at that. As for extras to make the least a little different from other days, the good mother prepared a good large some“ bannock on the old fashioned frying pan and for an extra good touch to the least made a few dozen small cakes. Then on the same pan she prepared and fried some fat pork. After which she called her good has band, sons and daughters to partake of the good feast prepared tor them. And perhaps there were some invited friends who came not in dandy cut- ters drawn by spirited horses in get y harness,. but in the ancient sled made of material taken hum the woods by the owner, who in general was his own mechanic. They were drawn by the good old oxen which were famili- " with all the turns and crooks on the highwav then travelled through woods, and not on macadamized roads " we have these Christmas and New Years' days of 1908. Mr and Mrs Neil McKinnon ofthe poiMee here attended the lunerul of Mrs McKinnon's uncle, the late Arch McLean of Bentinck. Mrs. Me. Kinnon, although sorry for the pulp- ose that brought her tbere,wis de- lighted to vialt the place at her birth and see many of the old friends or her childhood days. t (kind a. E. 15mm "iG"iiirii't "iitii'i'Ji 1fttuds Write for Micah". hool But alas there are two sides in life. The dear old father and mother (in many instances) who embraced the son and daughter at the last Christmas and New Year, have passed away to join the innumerable throng to par- take of the everlasting feast in the kingdom above. Again many a poor mother and father who had the plea- sure of having sons and daughters Earuking of the teast prepared at the eginning of the year and now have only as a reminder, like the Woman of old, the garments which they wore. The wheels of time have again rer. volved and brought us to the close ot another year. In reviewing the year that is now to be numbered with the past. it recalls to memory many of the events that have transpired since its infancy. It reminds us that another year has been added to the age roll of our pilgrimage. Our years are like the rolling tide, for step by step we have journeyed on till we have reached the topmost step in the ladder and only halted to give a view of the waving tides ot the ocean ot life, when we were forced to retrace our steps downwards till finally we reach the bottom step on the other side. Those who are only be inning to ascend this ladder and time just halt way up think it a long time till they reach the top, bat it they are spared, they will get there slow but sure and will descend far faster than thev ascended. Again the closing ot the old year and the beginning of the new year acts in a two-fold manner. To many a home this Xmas and New Year has brought glad tidings. tor the son or daughter away for years has arrived " the old home and the good old mother has killed the iatted turkey, while the father has prepared something else. A harp)! reunion has taken place a- roun the old family table and joy and pleasure are again indulged in SHAW. Prel. T. J.JOHN8TON. Phn Priceville nu lu'u. one 11)“er mare PM" thee. you-s old. Both rmydetem “'6 good quiet driven. Arply " mam. half mile from a “out P. o. tom, line. Holland and Glenda. Am Hour. un: unaersuzned will sell or ex. change for cattle or sheep. one navy mare. supp-med to he in foul to spoon horse,. one mud mare cuppa.“ to be In fo-nl. one number mare rid" "In. yum old. Both rmuUtem We (nod quiet drivers. Arply at residue... halt 1nile from a not: A n .- Light Wagons, Light bolus Envy truck wagon. Wagon be: plete, Plown. Hun-rows. Pun-en. milk and tone". Wire, Wire " Stoves, Iron pig troughs. tr. I sold at once. A. H, J "an" Lot 27, 28, Con. 1 s. D, It. Ptt/s 85mm; eluted. 7 mm hat-b. Wir. watered Good Brick House. Frame. Bank Barn (£5wa {mile from Pro- posed slnlion on new 0. P, K. Line. Uortvemient'to School and P. o. Fur. Lber particulars npply on th , meaning. Containing 50 acres nu ce or less. Good land. well watered. Good brick hulwe Mid frame hon-u With sum. “moment smhles. On good leading line of road, lk miles from the mun of Durham and adjoiniu; the new L) P It track, t mile from tscuooi. Witt sell tight to quick buyer. Don't min a good opportunity. For further [up tit-ulnlrs apply at the REV] ov OFFICE 4 At We beg to announce ll-u. a! I": be open to bu any quanlil 7 o u all kinds including aiming e 50mm “when drllvel-e-d to our ya. I, Price- will be quoted on applying Al. tho Cum psny's oniee. Tun Dunn“: Fvnx'tun: Co. JOHN CLARK The qualities Fume-n want. Washers, Sewing Machine. Charm. Ile, 1rt/ur1is.tned will DEERING HARVESTERS Gun’s Drug Store For Sale or Exam; and Farm Machinery. "May they all live as long as they want, and never want as long as any live" We wish all our Friends and Patrons a Happy and Prosperous IS our sincere wish. ( Reliable & Durable I beg to extend tt all my sincere and he: rty thanks for your liberal patronage during the past year and hope for a continuance dunng 1908. Wishing you a most Happy and P108- perous New Year. Our Thank "s Farm tor an! [9. Farm for 8a 49. Logs Wanted. W. Black For Sale. J on)! McAmaun. QVMEBJQRZT- Palm-n. Wind Wire fencing ' 3H. Hunt he J mason. :nsigne._ !PieleittU. te'iiiitl"'a'h'edeecMi', MATT" EWS & LATIIIER we w" u.suu/i'i,"i., nun-r. ton' ‘m "on! Bonn-hold. pi'. M. & Latimer Por PM Christmas "AfeeYeir'GuttAdLWlPdhe 9ggeiEiiiiir"ir1l'irii2' Ken's sun and Fedora H ulna. Tweed up. at 86e each. Bro unrOOLLARR. BANDKER- CHIEFS. $Mores. Golf Jackets and other Chi-Mm.- Speculum. Try Matthews Try our FRESH GROCERIES for Holiday luxuries. To our numerous friend. and one. (omen we wish In those timer. of ttmtneU1 strin- urnry IO per centdiocountdoes trot come you:- - very often. Yet this I: what. we no giving during Holiday tie-tum in A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Don't wear amt shabby old hat hora. MM'ISLM qt _Bran, Wishing all . very merry Christ ”(refer/ant d Co. Dmggisu and Booksellers Iownoy 630001019: Ssitatrte Situ 300!" Jel";.ir;1)hc.f Clint: Jihrsmrh" WHEN VIE ARE IAKING IT SO EASY FOR TO GET . NEW ONE _. MCARTHUR JANUARY 2, 1908 our friends a t " ullcxuny 'erhmte gotten up bot. tle of good Perfume also nukes a nice gift. Thu" a necessity almost. We have them in artistic boss ...... .... .25c to St Nothing will please I wo- nnn better than a nice piece ot China. See our north window [at me Innpn And dor't {and a box of well will! back or mun-l not only pleasure but in. strttetimt. We have on hand I first-eu" assert. melt ot the Intact novels. Alto 'trt Own and Girls' On an other Annuals. For Feed '6 wish all [appy and 'rosperous Grant A mummy FV v: [If-II. tad Wind- Year I v ( {if li:', 1'04 ' . A l ' t Us __... be-A E Win gN.,G. Headquarters Solid Gold kit b' I Lad N r: ll at} JAN Oh 2" tti' All DA RLI

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