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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jan 1908, p. 5

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awo- item E13001“: p. or usual _ but il- Ehnve on num- pt novels. tad Girls' nuals. W332 hateful], m up hot. mac also ISTMAS. 1908 wealth of 'iul ”rim tdoeu not w Year, NDKER d hat an. Yet. a during »e"m RIBS for blur bold. Mate: keno and inn ind almost. artistic e to 31 Christ ll adeno- er UR "ltd of R ia' iti i N. G. a, J i(lciddhniel Headquarters lor Solid Gold Rings DARLINGS, at prices that defy JANUARY 2, y y 6 S mas Bu our hp present: f, ' ad 'iii' arlf fng's DARLING'S ebony, 'rvaiut and Manicure Sets -porfumo, largest stock in Gray Go. Roach» (Node competition. P. (i. A. WEBSTER" , DRUG STORE The3Jeweller,tDurharu 'eople's Druggists ---A noted figure in Canadian par- liamentary life passed away last week in the person of J. I, Tarte. For some years he has been out of the public view, owing chiefly to poor health. His was a stormy career; he tilted with the Liberals, and discovering a lack of reetitude in some members of his own party, turned against them and, from the Liberal stronghold pour- ed hot shot into the Conservative camp. He latterly tried a tilt with Laurier, but came to grief politically, and retired then to conduct his widely known paper, La Patric. Letter from T. C.James, Charlotte- town, P. E. I. Last week Mr. Farqaharson sent to Mr. T. C. James, an old and inflaen- tial resident of 2harlovtetown a copy ot the advertisement published in the Chronicle on Dee, 19th under the heading "Where local option is Tyr- anny " and has received from him the following reply; ' Let me say at the outset that in Charlottetown lam not looked upon use Temperance fanatic. Someof my brethren think we laitewarm, bntI refuse to take extreme views even in the Temperance question. " Omit/ed [an] W't'rk. A wireless station at Kiev, his.“ een vaastopal and St. Petersburg, t'e. eently piekad upa number ot was rneisssptespstarted from Glace Hus N, s.. tor Ireland-d-ttshes which in Wandering oft to Kiev covered " distance of 3,750miles. Astillstrnng- er thing ('t,Pgi'td, some time before, when Glace y drew in out of space a derelict announcement of the arriv- al of the United Suites cruiser Phila- delphia at the Phillipines. A defendant in a liquor case is not compelled to become a witness against himself. A man arrested ior drank. eneas can be compelled toatate where he procured' liquor or be committed tor contempt of court. I am not aware that any one has refused to antorer--ortiethe,r they have told the truth or not is another Question. The charge that in Charlottetown the magistrate who tries a liquor case is required, by the law to act as proa- ecutor is absolutely talse. There is a public prosecutor who lays the infor- mation and retains a lawyer to roe- cute if he sees fit. The 's1C,"df'2t site as judge and no one, not even the liquor sellers doubts hls ability and integrity. --Remember to write it 1-908. -Manitoba Provincial gnvernmen! has hnught out the Bell Telephone Co. fur M'rr $311011”. Theirs will ho we firm gnnrnment owned spun) un the omtinent. --The, Toronto Glnhe for publishing a telegram it got from Scrallurd ll \‘oms ago. recording dissipated he- lmviuur of Dr. Beanie Nesbitt, has b-en charged hy that gentleman w.rh "efamatory libel and four informnr Lions have been sworn out againsl mumgim,r editor, Rev. J. A. McDun aid. Dr. Nesbitt Was running fun Mayor ot Toronto and lllv Globe LI ok strong extwptittn to his eandidatme. lie was defeated 0n Wednes 'nty. The tstatement-Hives in Chars lottetown have been compelled to ap- pear against their husbands” is abso- lately false. This has never occurred. With the advent of the New Year, I wish to make the announcement to REVIEW readers and patrons gener~ ally that I have taken my son into partnership and that in future the firm name will be " C. Ramage & Son." This change will involve no departure from the principles and practice that has brought the REVIEW to be one of the leading exponents of public opinion in South Grey, but rather tend to progress in ability to serve well the community. Thanking all for the kindness and liberal support extended to me during the past 13 years, I sub- scribe myself, Yours very truly, C. Rumors. In reference to the above. the new firm very cordially extends to all pat- rons their sincere wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1903. (the Durham btriettt Local Option not Tyranny. P. RAMAGE TOPICS OF THE WEEK. "Mit or mm: Elmo: Juvts, Esq., - . . President Rumouu MACDONALD. Esq., First Vice-President A. A. ALLAN. Esp, - - Second Vice-President BON. D. MCMILLAN, RON. PETER McLuum, ARCH. CAMPBELL. Esq., M.P. W. K. McNAcGur, Esq, my. A. It. DWEXT, Esq., M.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq, WC. P. G. Julian, R. CAssm, Gexeradufateqrer. Asst. GeteemVuftmqrer. The Savea'eign '2rty.yili cl Canada ANNOUNCEMENT. DURHAM BRANCH J. C. Telford, - - Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. HEAD OFFtCE:-TORChNTO. Paid Up Capital: a . 3.1.04 Savings Bank Department. C. RAMAGE A partner in a leading dry goods (inn says eolleetions are better than m pest years partly due to less waste " mmey for liquor. When legisla- ion was firtst inmoduced in Charlotte- own businuss fell " because liquor was to be had in other towns bat since the Whole: island is under the same law trade has come back and is now better than ever. The city assessor who has been many years in the off'tee says that when he began his work there wns much poverty, houses badly furnish- "d, children badly clothed and ill fed Since the introductiunuf pruhibitory legislation there has beenasteady improvement which was more mark- ed during the last Nev. Thishe largely attributes to the lessened liquor cousum ption. A customs oftreial says "untone much of the liqunr passes through our hands now. It is alleged that the greater pa"t nl it comes trom St. John and Halifax duty paid, bntI am continually around the wharves and Ido not see any ofit." Steumer agents say far less is imported over their lines. The Stipendizuy Magistrate says there is a marked change for the better. The law removes temptation from our young men. The open sa- loon with its atuacuors and eomtor. table back room was a standing ailuremen' to young men, especially to those coming in from the country. Now the traffie is driven into disrep- tttable channels and no man unless he already has the thirst or unless his tastes and habits are degraded will go into these places to hunt for liquor," My own experience extending now over 30 years in Charlottetown is this; In the days of license, on Mar ket days it was an evervd.y sight to see long strings of teams standing in front ot saloons. the women in the vehicles. the men inside drinking. When thev came out almost every man carried a jar to last him till next market day. The roads leading out of town were dangerous, almost im, possible to ordinary travellers be. cause so many drunken drivers were going out Now this is entirely changed, Roads on Market day are as sate as on any other day. Though there are still drunken men they are really few and the arrests are usually about the some old crowd ot dead bests that know the hunts and will have the liquor it it is to be got. The condition at our city is unmeasursbh better and I am satisfied the law could not be repealed to-day in any (A) 275 256 275 207 I95 (B) 152 102 103 63 82 >1902 1903 1901 1905 1906 I907 169 231 168 94 93 82 114 112 122 104 86 The tigarets for 1907are toOet 31. Our pruhihitury law came in farm: June 5th. 1901 so NHL mu will see that there has been ' stead b' decrease in the number ot “rests tor drunken. ess with the exception at the year 1903 when w» were constructing a bridge which cost about " million dollars. The submarine work was done by tornprvssed air workers, 'Sand Hogs.’ a notoriously hard set. During that line We, had to put on extra police 'rce and that accounts for the in. t-n-ase in urn-5:9 during that gear. A few wveks ugu I made inguirier- u tttpiottg quzmers as to the e act " ttti' present. leglslation. I was can» ul to go to moderate men and not cmpvrance cranks. Igive the sum 4 the information I retwtred. With regard to the assertion that there are more arrests for drunkeness and that the trade in ardent spirit: has increased I call your attention to the number of arrests for drunkeness for the last ten years; In the following table (A) shows the arrests tor drunkeness and (B) for all other arrests. Years 1897 1898 1899 1000 1901 Whether wives were ever paid to give evidence against their husbands or not their is no evidence to show. I do not however believe that there in n single instance on record where . wife gaye testimony: against her hul- band in n liquor selling cue. That there bu been peljnry in liquor cases I think is undeniable though, alas, that offence is not can tinedtolitytor cane Did thelew make the perjury or did it merely call on: the tulsenese? The stetement that "the citizens ot Charlottetown hue long since re- insed to appear as prooecutere in li. quor cases” is incorrect since they never did appear " prosecutors. It they furnish the paid, prmcutor with complaint and evidence even their names do not appear. 33,000,000. THE DURHAM REVIEW Manager b community. No government or par- ty in Prlnce Edward Island would dream of tumperinz with our temper- ance legislation. It they did they could not stand ior a day. The undersigned having bought out the Shoe business conducted by the late F. Peel have pleasure in inviting all old customers and many new ones to share in the profits of our New Shoe Store Ilil)ap Clearing Sale Lenahan d,, McIntosh. Smut 0teduetion Jar/e which is now on. We are going to clear out the old stock to make room for new importations, and the prices will explain how we are going to do it. We are prepared to supply you with almost any kind 0 frame. If we have not ready-made ones to suit you, then we can make ones which will suit you Stock Food The right place to get you: House Furnishings in all lines of Furniture, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hard- ware, Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, etc. Our stock is complete and we invite you to call and examine the goods. It is no trouble to show goods. Horse Blankets Hardware (fy Furniture We have a. good assortment of all these lines and our prices are right. Henry Boker’s Skates in different . lines are our leaders. St'itiiri G'ifii'iriiiii; As Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing,' Business College Ornamental Writing," and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separate- ly at his own desk. Trial leuonl for one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2, W. T. CLANCY. Principal, Sleighs, Skates, Hockey Sticks, Day and Night Classes. CALL AND SEE US. MT. FOREST Entricken & Sewell fhtr krttti'ii1iiiii'- TORONTO T. C. JAMES Full line of Pratt’s Celebrated Stock Food for horses. cows, sheep, pies, poultry. Once used. Ilwuys used. ‘1cture Frammg Pucks, Etc. Different swlel. different prices. tmtall good ulna. See them. In this department we have many line, which would be suitable for Christmas Presents, and also suit. able for any home. Oar stock is complete in Sideboards, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Springs, Mattresses, Chairs, Rockers, ete., and is worthy of your inspection, Also a full line of Window Shades Curtain Poles, Polo Trirntniugs,ete lProven Steel Trucks. Singer Sewing [whines :Wukenon lublo Works, EThe Bell Organ a Piano Co., §Churns and Washing Iuhlnes. E Brantford, ttrotskville,tlrey Carriages Would be a great bargain. So are the following properties at the prices asked I 100 acres Durham Road, Bentinek. Good dwelling. frame bank burn. good mil. Convenient location, only '2500. 200aeres, gieneitt--fine hunk barn-- good frame durellintr--other good improvements, only $0000. 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck. $1500 A map. 250 acres on Gunman. Road-fine huildings, good tettcetr, good soil. To quick buyer at 865(1). 100 acres. Betttitteit,--owner in west. price 82700. Buildings worth the money-ova, for nothing. Lots of other property for sale. lo nay to Lend. All kinds of busi- ness attended to. The ilItutrfltrr'is Go We are sole Agents in Durham tor the ab we well known Implemente- Binders, Mowers, Dills’ Barrows Disc Cultivators. Manure S renders. Hay Rakes. Hay Loaders. gay Ted- dare, huaarsy-Htrrris Cream Se p 'rators A Dollar for McQueen & Morice KRESS , We we having tn upholster- er the ffrat week in every month. Anyone wishing old Rods reno- vnted to look good " new should advise tttH-we will h plowed to attend to it at, once. Rub: can tor nag-hung ”my Ihgnded to. door south Post OiRee ED [BESS Haas. full lune of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of All kinds. H. H. MILLER, We're also Agents for urmture The Hanover Con veyancr 't Undertaker Fifty Cents hue uni-nut to 1',tlt%ettgt, h. o to hum” (New York) " Hospital. JOHN CLARK, ARTHUR H. JACKSON [Jeanna Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey. we promptly attended to. um Mon-bl: Urden unil be left u. MI lmplo ment Warr “an. Mc 'uurtildstand,orut Max:113. ce. OM00 «or mm. Hut-tot”- Sun I toi0 A.I. 30035:! 2to 4 Lu. “ulster. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. aecta.etitDaaeexes. D. McPHA IL- r» Runners. Solicitors. Conveyance". " Money to hum. (rce. Helm yrt- Blockuver the Bank A. G. Mushy LC W F Dunn DURHAI. ONT. (Lowrr Town) J. G. BUTTON. M. D., C. M Mambo: Oolhgo_m_wl_lolu- and Burnou- once. Rhona. - - - - Ovation-Id ott1ce-thuder's Block, over P aloe and -G." 0031'th:- ud Goo. - a... u we! am. on locale Como. OHIOI I00" '-" B. I H p. I. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto C'ativerrits GM ante Royal College Dental sun-gem: Deanna in all It. crunches. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College 9} Dentyu9tAeypvtoriiddr. Roomu or Dental Bur eons of Onttsrio. Rom Owe! J t J gUNTER‘S New More W. C. PICKERING o. D S., L D S. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director mealmlng a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Br.mw_1tootets--Netrt to Swallow’u Bar- her Shop. - “V H -___ Vim" W' -.-.. Rmmnxcn - Pleat house south of Lawrence’s Blulmnith Shop. Llcensed Auctioneer tor Co. Grey Tenn modenbe. Arrangement. for “In in to antes, m. Inn“ be made " the Review ot. lloe,Durhun. at ('onulmndeucc ladle-m there. or to Ceylon P. o., will be promptly stunded to, Terms on uppuauou to It." and Equip“ The Ichool is thoroughly ut In tau-hm thinly. In chemical Ind cmupphel 'dlt “an”. be. for lull Junior Lenin; sud Im- ulnuon work. The (allowing romp-tent M In In churn l lutsurtsnee, Agent. Money Io Luau bmuerot Marriage Lim-umm. A um» eral tiutuwial Immune“ tttu,sscted rues. ALLAN, "t Chummcne. rum-um 11139 1338!}: Ugly-2mg M2GAN, B. A., Honor KISS DONALDA McKERRACaEe B. A., GM- uue of Queen's University and Hm Flu- “and humane. .-Aieetmd, Adm lb- wry and Goon-pm. Intending smdenu should am n the but an; ot the mm It possible. Board on In 0: tained n with rues. Durham ls s health sud umlve town, main; it s most tl'fttl'lld place tor residence t'n'""'"'eyfltrr, G.rur..ti, D. MePtlAIL, Ceylon P. o or to C. RAIAGE. Durhlm - Ceylon hna n telephone ottlee. lite,_liltA.r, Nose & Throat ARTHUR GUN. M. D. Pinion: & Echelon. Durham School - - mum van to Din-u ttf Women Ind Mgt,'. J. F. GRANT D. 0.8. L. D. MEDICAL Meanver Golden's Jewelry Store notary Public, 1htmmimeioner, Grain-u of Toronto A)rifieiiiirr-"oaiar but], Composition, and um. Tolophono Conn-“Ion No. " MACKAY d; DUNN, Full liue of Catholic Robe. and Mack and White (Jan for aged people. DEE? = FREE: $t per munch in “mm J. P. TELFORD A. BELL CON [layman he DR. BURT Money to Loan Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. 'otst Ottiee pm we

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