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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1908, p. 2

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Hmong them. runner worthy rerenmny among the Mosaic imitations, O'\l'l'pl the Messiah himself. The ques- tion, therefore, Why baptirseat than then? was a very paramptory otte."--- ll [Io-don. 20. I baptizr with watorralolm'» un- tl li. John's leutilnony of Jam. (vs. 25- l 38!. 3.3. they "id tum "The clelItitInn , from Jerusalem Inked John the Baptist. I “by Gptizest than then-By what an- thority dost thou administer the rite ol hapliqu, seeing. that thou art not Christ, m-r Elijuh. nor the prophet? Baptism 14- a rite was common to the Jew: and mm administered to those becoming prose-lynx: to the Jewish religion. "The. Phurimeen held moat strenuounly that no prophet, after Him, had a right to in- trmluce uny new sacred Ina-go, rite or Peremony tun"nlt the Mosaic imitations, own-pt the Messiah himself. The “not, from m hy thor Imp! grout. Me had pro-aim“! that a new dn-[u-nsution mu at hand (Slam. 3:2), Ind this was believed to refer to the Mvaniah. According!) a detention-e! priests and Lev-tn was sent to John trom the Nunhcdrin in Jerusalem for the purpose of intervwwing hi- with re- "pett to himaelf and his “to; They atnked him, "Who art thou?" Who do you profess to be? Do you sun-e to be the Met-ninth or are you I "when John positively declared that he was not the Christ, neither V58 he Elijah nor "that prophet." It is true that Jenni will that John was Elijah (Matt. Hz“), but he was ape-king figuratively (co-- purl- Luke LIT). while John's question- en were aye-lung titernlly. Old John _ was not Elijah returned to earth up“. The prophet referred to was the prophet of ”out. 18:15, who some thought would I be a "wottO Moon, others a mold Eti. I jah, other" the “ml. John my to thcir questioning by saying that he l mu "the mice of om- crying in the " l dorm-as. Make “night the way of the Lord.“ John was not the "Word," hit _ Incrcly n "voice." He was culled I V0300 l, hewtotme, I. He not uttering God’- l thoughts. 2. The inpartance lay ehUfty I in the messagc. not in the use-yer. tl Tho musing.- he delivered is referred to I tn "a. 40:36. The idea is taken front th" practice of custom monarchs, who, : wlu'tln'VI'r they took a journey, sent har. lnngcm before them to prepare the way. l lit-tux": our King will come to us there I mint ho a thorough preparation for his ', tion convening the j with anthotitv and [re-at. Me had prm diwprnaation um at ml thing was belies Mem/nth. Awarding tir "In: ml." truly nights. 2. T he input!!!“ the meuugv, not in the . mwslg? he delivered in Int. 40:15. The idea in mule-t ing hia " LESSON lL-JAN. I3, tool. and John the Baptist-John , 19-34. it. . , T “I. " i, {rm-T121; IV. Sown-ign. The living ones and " J, -~!.m-i Mt, "stttrr'" " the "hlvr< adore "the Lamb:" myriads y' , H , -" ll: s'p,ii,,r,, vi angels cry. "Worthy is the Lamb;" t' ., 'l,., '.'ur, ”H... of tly- nuin'rrv praises "the Lamb" (Rev. :_. g e,'r., “I“, hichiv oi , CCS, lg. l.%: the wicked fear "the wrath 'rtr l) 1:. 1m, r,.' :5 of cite Lamb" (Rev. 6:15.18): the hun- ’Zr: _ ,1 v"";-‘ ti', ;j,;;.., .iml forty and four thousand "follow ..\,:s1 , 41nd. 1‘, . lil _ .11»! tit" Lamb wltithersoever he goeth" (Rev. .1,“ t, ..... 1.”, m.“ i't t;H, 14:1. 4): the bride of Christ is "the rt:' l' " wlmll'. th 'h. M”, I Lamb’s wife" (Rev. 21:9); "the marriage '-\ I. r, . "l" 'r: 3.1.. 1; r. tr't' ' Hi the lamb" is the great feast of the "ci.,' rri2ht or/y iv.vriusv. ivtttre (Rev. 1927-9); and the title of in: m.’ "n 'ti,t'not know "the Lamb" “" “ml conqueror u Lord my...“ oftie" ant mild-m _ of lords and King of kings, and they " 1;. lr.rptivat. John wan _ that are with him are called and chosen q, I 'rd. arrt that he had 'i' and faithful (Rev. 17:14). [inhuman with him be. l ‘The Witness to Jesus was, 1. The ten. .m m...“ evident from ' hiuony of John, entirely disinterested m,;-. my.“ did not know lend tself-ities') Be sure his whole _ .uinj, Ft he had . knowl- high) bearing his witness to Christ, re- cutraimt to recognize in sist'mg - tertu.tio, to tmin notori- 'd woirt'tmat nature that at): and to make friends _of the inthtme hesitote when a...“ mm, l tial Harm. R The witness of beta , at m. hands. Therefore that entirely convinced John lain-sell. 3. Ja, here dub", that the The witneu of a voice from heaven. t m H, n- .wm Jag. ‘ l him if "MS-zen all ihm-r- l .xirll" Cho,'. "the statert I t :r- bore iv“! 1|:le Ill this . l w mt mught their own I I w I: ova atways horn n MW _ n warm might only imam-am. i f m numno did not know ; .. nature- omee and mission t " " hr. 'septum. John In I, ti r Lord, and that he had , tt "ahtt.nnee with him "Cl (r (mm s _ i'iiiii)iis-ili!iii Lil%SlNl f " Hum n rutatemlt col- 21-20,. This was u unwm and _exreep' water John's an- . "My Inptggn in rt away." as“! Day of Atone, l the sine ol pm: the seaw- iwnt to the w.” pre- wl honor. Chrtut'q ' taking orrowed r of the 'e the murky. alter l nmmvmurata .rmhml to don The continual lilin- of a lam v -. , irnemled t ut'livur)’ of the an“ at the th i, ever “'er Jain" Ike". 5.. IV. Sowrcig tlie olden adm "f angels cry, ‘lu-- universe Pl 3:5. Pd. 13); th, sf che Lamb" l ired forty and ire Lamb whitt rn. 4): the Junb‘s wife" (I .1 the Lamb" i tttttre (Rev. M _ V.., "i__._9r. II.” s‘lllt found in bis mouth (I. Pet. 2. IN). Al- though He was made sin for us. yet He knew no sin (2 Cor. 5. 21). Viewed from awry point, He wan always perfect. He wan ever wholly irelf-posiseGed (Matt. el. 23-27). He never retracind a word. He never altered a plan. He effectively turned ever]: occurrence to a spiritual purpme (JO 1: 4. 7-10; Matt. 10. 6-12). ll. Submiusiw. "He was oppressed, and lu. mu afflicted. yet he opened not his moth. ll" is brmigbt as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her ~lu-un-n ii dumb so he opened not his mouth" (Ln. 53:7). "tnd when ho mun hr churn-h was being -II from the high sen Iw him fall and hot " down “porting to _ ivrcs, but to their " .m- almost, unhurt. wapod: A flock of 1 y the church at the 1 ml he fell among tl rowded together, and f a lamb. The lam oath. but the man w My carved the lamh & [only to baptize with the Holy Spirit. I"The gift or the Spirit u constantly re- lpreaented as an outpouring.” Today we lure living in the dupemution of the Spirit. It is the office work of the Spir- lit to convince of sin, to regenerate and chrome the heart, and lt.o,ggit', and to isustaiu the trusting soul. e Holy Spir- _it dwells in the heart of the true Chris. ;tiun. Matthew and Luke add that Jesus would baptize "with fire." Fire here is an emblem of the Holy Spirit and bring. out the thought of warmth, or heat. Baptism means eleansintr-fire is a- great purifier. 34. The Son of God-. The Messiahathe Christ. John here de. "lared that Jesus was divine. God also Wake from heaven (Matt. 3. 17), thus i-oufirming the sign given to John. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. "The Lunb of God." The Word tells of Christ, the Prophet; the Lamb speaks of the Retbemer. One brings us to the revelation of God's will and truth, the other to the great Re- deemer. 't is not only a touch of love, but a touch of blood. Spoken after} Christ',, baptism, a short time after Hel l.;.d inn-wed under the floods of Hm .lnr. _ Alt manent abiding of the Spirit. 33.He that "at me-John was con. q-icius of his divine mission. He was stutt of God. Reptile“) in the Holy Spir- it (R. V.)---.,'"" could baptilo with wat. er, but it was the prerogative of Jesus IV. The Moaniahship of Jun: revealul to John in. 32-34). 32. Bare reeord-- John now pl‘nceetb to tell how, more than forty days before this, at the time hf tlu- blptism of Jesus, be learned that he was the Met-rink. l "tw-N have beheld."-- R. V. John had been an eye- witness. and was not now reporting from hearsay. Like a dove--"TUt the Spirit of God should demand to I dove is in ucecrduuce with the emblematic charac- ter of the whole transaction." The dove represented an uodofiled character (Cant. 6. IO, harmless (Matt. 10: 16), gentle and meek (Cant. 2. l4). Abode upon him-Thus definitely designating to John that Jesus was the'Meuiah (v, 33). It was not a passing influence but a per- manent- abiding of the Spirit. ltreat one of " ministry was not to form a we! in his own mine, but to make Christ known to the Jews. The gun! “on; of the Christian church in to mtgvf.i..' Jesus Christ and bring out his manly and greatness to a lost world. 'rrt " dumb so he opened not his I" Hm. 53:7). "incl when he was ml . . .lns answered nothing" (Matt. rt). Hugh Shun-ll says: "I have ml a lamb [ml to the slaughtvr and m -rifirml. "The Lamb that WIS Low. 5:12. 13:9). The Lamb of h for submission, muttering and mlur law, in a figure, the sins ty soul were transferred at e, innocent lamb ore it was ndvr gruw, in fact, the sins guilty souls were "laid" on the God, pre he was "ucriticod for lamb lml to the slaughter and l the little guilelnsn animal lick I Hum! to ire imhruml with.its in”. mm-k and free from all i . Blessed shadowing at that I In}: sum-ring Man or sorrows: ummm IIA and mu never pro- l t'st'ttttrtvnt, n: ravil or retalia. i m 4. 7-10; Matt. tif. am. who. "He was oppressed, afflicted. yet he opened not Ile is brought us a lamb to tt ll 13 t4 19 grain. of Col. ll. It. MeLenuan. ex. M. P.. and of E. Cochran, M. P. East Northumberland. Hm: Britain and Ituseia ngrev re. garding interference in the anuirs of Persia. ll j woutlu-r in" fifty years. I i8--tlreat famine in Central China. Do. l minion Government gives 650,000 to- l wards relief of Kingston, Jamaica. l Ur-New Shah of Persia crowned. Gov. ernor lhvettenharn, of Jamaica, re- quests United States Admiral Davis to withdraw his marines from the island. Secretary Root at Ottawa. l " Opening of Ontario Legislature. l Ar-Death of Hon. A. G. Blair, ex-Minis. l ter of Public Works. l26~British Labor Congress pass resolu- tion favoring woman suffrage. 27-Death of Senator Dobson, of Lind. sa '. SSWJullgu Tasehereau appointed Chief Justice of King's Hench at Montreal. " “no. of Timothy Eaton, founder of T. Eaton Company, Limited. Strike of telephone girls in Toronto. In Canada the most. notable event was the collapse of the great Quebec. bridge in August. The Dominion lost not a few eminent men during the ear. Among the most notable were W. if. Drummond. the poet; Hon. A. G. Blair, Timothy Ea. ton, T. C. Platte-son, Dr. John Potts, Dr. ()ronhyutekha, Hon. J. W. St. John and Hon. J. 1. Tune. -tGsassirtation of oi Bulgaria. Death of Thoma North Wellingtot Perier, ex-Presida French buttfeshh There were not so nuny ,orld-sukintr events during 1907 u in its immediate prt'tltwrssorg. There was liberall'y, how. "ver, one world-shaker. the Jamaiea "arthquake, the echoes of which twver berated in the halls of diplomacy long after the shocks had died away. The chief event in America was the financial panic of September, and the very serious after-effect upon industry. Wm. Pygs.ey :uccvqug t tyiership. Manitoba elections result for the Kahlil: .Guvernme Dram of benutor Charles l-Iddiu- Human defeated by Down: for the Worlds championship. beam ot Dr. Uronyatekha Supreme Range-r m the l, Forum". but! at new insurunws "of -1)r.|ll ot new insurance act submit ted 1.3 the “wall Commission. lic-signutiun ot Unvernur Swettcm ham. of Jamaica. Lemuel J. l weedie sworn in as Lieu tenant-Governor of New Brunsn‘ivk " cu .hluuu'aUA, Unlanu Legiuature. rune huHun-u mm turty pant-um: drowned m wreck of the "tait stunn- m' mum, near Rotterdam. tor the mm mm the deceased wur's Slslc'r luil plight] Ms mound wading lil Lin- lnuwnul Commons Mm 1Vausvaai (Tummy Mmistry or- gda‘zw, wich lieu. Noun :1... l’n.-.nim- ”null of Sir William Hin human c. How, Liueral, h tut Jiidtllvscx,outario l mu: lldiluh'd and fury urnWm-d m wreck of the _ Dram of Geo. Nelson Kidd, M. P. P., Uarteton. Mun. Mr. Fielding gives notice of sen-ml changes m tue tariff. asiendmssuhu Unmr, of lumnto, win an artistic' sum-vs: m New , ark. Atamroba L'gi.,iuture prurogued. mt'coud wading of Mr. taeutitucx's bill no stru'ces and luck-outs. Mann of (autumn, the gn-at Italian ce, am. tion. C. S. Hyman resigns his seat for London. lh-Mh of Geo. Nelson Kidd Il " " rt lmrles Ale-Gill, formerly' Innnager Unturiu Bank, sentenced to "Ye years in the Penitentiary. iknth of Judgi- Horn, of Windsor. Death of Lady lietoria Grenfell, daughter of Earl Grey. Opening of the thaw trial at New lurk. Ih-uth of Viscount Gusehen, vx-Chun- “or of the Exchequer, G'réut Brit of Sir William lungs“ FEBRUARY. Ir uumun Mmga‘tun. tloss, Liberal, macaw] MARCH [ JANUARY. ilu: vet tttttent uwu by George worlds strum“: tkoit rtekha, Gruud the order of in victory runswiu Cus Hie for I 2--Caiil liir Henry Maclean, commun- der of the Cultan's body guard tak- rn captive by Bandit Ruisuli and held for taxman. 1r-i)pening, by Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux of the new lift lock at Lnkcfiulnl. J-iiuelph and Goderieh Railway open- ul as far as Blyth. 'r-Ona/au population returned as 6.- 504 OOO, an increase since last decen. nial 04'th of 1, 135,585. P2-The Guernsey team win the Kola. Plre cup at Bisley. "-Attempied tuusamrination of Presid. vnt. Faillieres of France. 10-9wen pawns killed by collapse of Crystal Hall. London. Ont. Ir-The Hague declares in favor of the inviolalrility of private property " sea. Mr-The Premier arrive. at Quebec from the Colonial Conference. 2tr--Hon. Edward Blake resig- his mt in the Imperial Common: owing ml ill health. '21--Nittetrthren persona drowned from _" l? T. Ambrose Wood's Kelvin wins the ', l Kine's Now at the Woodbine. To. , i runto. I ‘20 (‘old wouthc, and snow in variant. ', our“ o' Ontario. A i 2l - Convolution of lrish Nationnliatn votei , to reievt the Irish Council hill. l 24 -.North Texas swept by tornado. l l 31-mill to eirnlnlish a court of criminal ‘ now-u] missus the second reading in ', F tln- British Commons. i .- "e-Vee _ ""'""""P""vt'e "01.3 at 't1neouver ".3--Colonjiit Conference doeidos to PR- l it. C. Close of Toronto Exhibition 1 V tnbliah 1. general military staff for) aggregate attendance, 750,000, l the Empiiir, I "r-New chland given the title of Do :25-R- A. Fulooncr. M. A., of Halifax“ minion " Reva] proclamation. l selected " President ot the Univer. It: -Visit of ihe 1:0rd Bishop of Londol l - sity .of. Toronto. l to Toronto. _?,.ie-lyitt.i.ttioy Parliament prorogued. i1.r-i"ivititT"riiCi, killed in collision or I MF-Death of Fred G. Cox, at Toronto. l Boston & Maine Railway near Can l MAY. l nun station, on return journey from I 2 -At the Colonial Conterenee, Mr. As. i, ur-lx",',':'."')',',',,,,?'],',?,',")";,',',';, shr,t,",e,k/',L , quith. Imperial Chancellor of the . i/G . si ned at Paris I Exchequer, refuses to accept the! 20---A 'J.'tl'd'l2', . chosen. leader of the l, elict' of reciprocal preference. i) - LUia party)in Ontario. L 4-llptr.t.irw m the Irish Exhibition at I 23-Peaee declared in Morocco. I Dublin. *2“, -Dr. Falconer installed President of lr-Death of Ian Marlaren (Rev. John, th l'nivenit' {Toronto l Watson) of “Bonnie Brier Bush"; P , o ' l in inc. _ OCTOBER. I 7---Mr. Rim-ll introduces his Inuit bitt) F-Death of Rev. Dr. William Jones. , into the British House of (‘ommm.[ Registrar of Trinity college, Toron- 3 tr-The Premiers at the Colonial Coarer. l tat. .' ence vote in favor of restriction of [Flkatli of Rev. John Potts. l the imperial troasting trade. l 17-Mareoni Wireless Telegraph Com- l 0-~(‘olonial Conference rejects a rcsolu- l puny invites budge“ between Great 7 tion asking for l per cent. tax on} Britain and Canada. l foreign imports for the purpose ofl lb-Close of the second Peace Confer. l furthering trade. t once at The Hague. ) 10-itth of G. F. Minter. ex-M. P. A l 2l---0e Town or Koratiigh. in the Pro. i son born to the King and Queen “fl Vince of Bokinm, Rania, destroyed 1 Spain. I by earthquake; 5,000 people killed. I Il---')-') Mystic Shriners killed g th'.- -Finaneial panic in New York. 1 in n wreck on the Southern Pacific. l 2o--Death of Gerald Massey, author and 12 (‘orhy’s distillery at Belleville de-l poet. : snow-d by fire. 13] - Sham fight near Hamilton. Univer- ', H l'oloiiinl Ctrnfetvnee favors an nll-. ,iiy of Toronto won intercollegiate , British route across the two occans.‘ etiimprommip at Kingston. V i.“ T. Amhrose Wood's Kelvin wins the ER l Kitte's P!ot" at the Woorlhine. To-, NOVEMB . lrvllrithin and Japan come to an un-' sivrstatuling is to the latter's policy. in can? of the invasion of India. _ ' Jl'he British t'alrinet abandons the! Irirah Count-i1 bill. 4 At Boise, ldnho. the trial of w. ly.) Hayward for the murder of ox-Gov- l ornor Steunonlwrg opened. I 5 Mvei, ine of the Presbyterian General I Assembly at Montreal. (Linn-hing of the now Convocation Hall of the University at Toronto. 'r -Prinee Fushimi of Japan arrives at, Queber on a visit to Canada. Saniilon trip of the S. S. Cayuga: of. the Niagara Navigation Comptttty's' fleet. I Iti‘Sucn-d lit-art Chureh at Ottawa burned. _ le -Death of John Waldie, ex-M. P., the well-known lumber merchant. L'l-0atttttiea again shaken by an earth- quake. 1 lr-The sstseottd Ppave Conference meets, at The Hague. l I6--The Douma dissolved by the Czar. 17--The "Made-in-Canada" Fair opened. at Guelph. ttl-Canadian snhsidivz not road the sec- ond time in the British House of. Commons. l 26- Premier Cnmpbell-Bannennnn’s reso- lution to curtail the veto power of the Rouse of Lords carries in the British House of Commons. I 'd'-----))?,)',-- Mortimer Clark knighted by the King. a JULY. . ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO _ es-E of the" phikuiULiGufi" if mam; "'-h'g,t.boct captures the Boston Mara. t n. 28--ontarto Legislature prnmgued. 22-Toronto taxation for the your fixed .=.. 9.1872. mills. M-The Medical building of 31mm Ou'. : vanity burned; loss '500o0o 1 1'r---Dstth of Mr. Stapleton Caldeeott at l Toronto. l ; 18--ejpr,ntrrye thousand perqomi died I 27--Arriva1 of the Hon. June: Bryce at I Ottawa. . f-,',?? age pension bill introduced mto , the Noni Sootie legislature. 5 APRIL. l l-Canada and the United States come to an agreement regarding the rate on secondehu mail matter. '---Hon. H. R. Emmerson resigns as Minister of Railways and Canals. "E T. Stead Irrives imew 2f'd','! h We il image. " arias o n- tario 'dUll'r's'l11t,d'rt with port- folioe incl-cued. . 7r--The Mnedondd engineering building of McGill University, at Montreal, destroyed by fire. 6--Deuut of Dr. W. H. Drummond, the the poet of the habit-mtg. 7--Death of Hon J. W. St. John, Speak- er of the Ontario LegiIlature. tr--3tr. Thomas Crawford, M. P. P., ap- pointed Speaker of the Ontario Leg- islature. lo-The Thaw case goes to the jury at New York. Fifteen persons cremated in a train wreck near (Simplenu. 12--/Ne Thaw jury fail to agree and are diecherged. I Ir-City of Wipacingo and several} towns destroyed by earthquake ht Mexico. Is-pen- of the fourth conference of Premiers of British colonies at Lon. l Death of Samuer 3lcAllioter, "min ent Canadian miucabionist, . JUNE. 81 10/237.001. l2- -P,oris Sarufoff. the famous, leader of Bulgarian raiders against Turkey, was shot and killed. Io-----), battleship fleet starts on cruise in‘Pm-ific waters. IC-Death at Glasgow of Lord Kelvin, the famous scientist. tfi-Death at Montreal of Hon. J. Israel Tarte. 19~Many miners entombed 18 result of explosion " Jodie Creek, Pa. 'Ar-Liberal candidates victorious at Cen- tre York, Ottawa and Lnbglle. by- elections. zH‘bristmas Day celebration. Mum-e Dock to ”can: 1w acres i] PJ--Fottt men killed and thre injured in aeeident at Toronto Island. 21- ~Plot against the dictatorship dist-0v. ered at Lisbon. 23 -Certtertary of Brant's death observed at Brantford. 27-tlattadiatt Parliament opened. Pi-Conservative elected at Colchestor. N. s., by-ereetion. ty.r--Defendants in London bribery one found guilty. Reserve case granted. 9 8--Pr:rvinciul Government appoints ad. ditional factory inspectors. W-First train ran "for C. P. It. bridge at Parry Sound. sl-Japanese claims aruintt out of Van. couvor riots and adjusted. M-sit Henry Cttmpbell-Bartrterman, the British Premier, became severely ill after uddrvssing a meeting at Brin. tol. Li. Milevvn men killed in railway collision near Bum Lake, that. (N-The C. P. R. line from Guelph to i Godarioh opened for pmnger tral. tie. "ef--!.',."' Parliament prorogued. i'-'i'--Pt end o tthe new bricks at Que- l bee oollafpm; eighty-three lives lost. !.30--Death o Richard Mansfield. famous I actor. " 1--Minittg disaster at Fayette City, Pa. 2-c. P. It. steamer Mount Temple wrecked on Ironbound Inland, N. p,. Tommy Burns, a Canadian, win., world's heavyweight boxing cham. pinnship. 2--The scale of wages to country post. master: raised by the Postmaster- General. Cr-r-teven people killed and ninety in. jured in railway wreck on the C. P. Il. itt the Hursrcshoe near Caledon. 7-Anti-Japanese riots at Vancouver. it. C. Close of Toronto Exhibition; aggregate attendance, 750,000. "r-New Zonland given the title of Do- minion by Royal proclamation. l.", -Visit of the Lord Bishop of London to Toronto. lr-Twenty-tive killed in collision on Boston & Maine Railway near Can. aan station, on return journey from Dominion Exhibition, Sherbrooke. Mr-New Franco-Canadian commercial treaty signed at Paris. 20---A. G. MacKay chosen leader of the Liberal party in Ontario. 23-Peaee declared in Morocco. M- -Dr. Falconer installed President of the ("nivmlty of Toronto. OCTOBER. l-Ontario Government Commission re- commends psychiatric hospitals for the insane. 2--b'ocialists sustained overwhelming defeat in. English not Welsh muniei. pal elections. .",--lron. Adelard Turgeoa defeats H. Bourasm in Belteelutsse, Que., bye- election. J---lerc Cunard liner Munretanin awr- ugnd. 21.38 knot. an hour on trial run. tr-Fifteen men killed and thirty injur. ml by explosion on a German sehooi. Mu'y. ltr-The deceased wife's sister bill pus- es the third reading in the Imper- ial Commons. 18--Hon. Edward Blake arrives in To- routo. 2iF--R. L. Borden formulates the Cow germtive platform in a speech at oi la: beets 14-t'rtrike of G. N. W. telegraph oper- ators, 40,000 Moorsnttack French at Cam Etna, but are repulsed. Ls-ay negro“ of Georgia diuramhu. 13--s- wins the third and final I-Disorders and outrages on foreign residents st Cambium, Morocco. irg--Bombardment of MBluica by French and Spanish cruisers. "r--Explmrioet of car of nitro-glycerine wrecks Essex Centre; three persons killed and twenty injured. Il-ith of Dr. J. A. McClellan, dis- tinguished Ontario educationist. 12--The Seneca will the second race of the Wanda -Cup series. Strike of telegraph operstors in the United States. 22--O. Keir Hume, the Bdtioh labor lender, aura-es the (Medina Club " Toronto. 23--Di-trotts fire at Victorian B. C.; [on 8250”. 26-Nine young men drowned in Mum, ber Bay. 28--Willitun Haywood acquitted of the murder of Governor Steunenbezg. 30--Coruer stone of Cnrnegie's Temple of Peace at The Hague laid. gi-Death of Jogeph Hutton, noted Eng. lish nuthor.’ (‘anndian exhihtors win champion- ships " Chicago Stock Show. ell. Lovell. M. P. for Stansbead, Que, diod, aged 80. King Oscar n. of Sweden died " Stockholm. His son, Gustav V., suc- ceeds. c, Dinizuln the Zulu King, charged with treason. voluntarily surrendered to the Natal authorities. Estimated expenditure of Canada for fiscal year ending March M, "ttft, 8ll0/237,0N. panesc seek to "cure 10,000 uro- land in Alberta on which to grow If. the Pacific coast. the S. S. Colunlbi‘ in colliaion off DECEMBER SEPTEMBER. AUGUST‘ urn reported to he improving. Vancouver and Victoria N Gv-norni Inn-inn»; holds R. good tone here. The holiday trade has been good. reiniiors baring turned over large stock: during the past fortnight. Whotesttiers are not- timr, ready for the work of next anion. and they expert a. good buuim-ns in Mt branch: of trade. Slims point to in- terwar! nth-icy in local industries when 'htttw ”gem-co in]. to one» one. Ommec-i. "cGlriit"itii7,'iG",,, the year, there is little actual truth moving. Amongst the "Milan, Christ. - - _ '__.. _ w'."...,. \Jlllll‘r‘ trade he: been good a-nd' the outlook favors the owning out of a good busi- ness early in the now your. 'tthorn-seasonal, goods have been movies: briskly and the hnlitfav trade he been of excellent volume. Collections London-Suiter, have done n. good business during the past week. Whole when ffttd bushes: quiet. as is usual at this time of the your. Sorting trade is quiet, but collcrtiom are doming in we". HtuMttorr--'rhe holiday trade has been Many in all lines and whnlmalers report a better tone to oollvctlom. Plum-9n up in nr6rttge. The fur trade, f0; itw Glance. has, been slow,. In this line. no in many others. retailers heve- been priareutting and it would thus. nppeu they are all pretty well stocked' up. The wholesale dry goods bunineu it quiet. although there is I. good volume of business booked ahead. Values hold steady to tfrm. The grocery trade is quiet ttnd' is likely to continue no for some little while. a goon rvvn'al of the sorting trade only in the m'w year. Values of commodities generally hold artendy. The retail trade in the country has been heavy. Receipts of produce have much increased durimr Bradatreetu Trade Review. M.o1treair-Duriug the put week, all trade here has been prncticully confined to the retail movement of holidu . goods. It is as yet impossible to exactly stall- just what the volume of this trade MII have been or how it will compare with that of previous yous. At the moment it would nppear is having been heavy. but there are wholesalers who Mate they hove found business quieter than mull at this end of the season. This couldnot be unnatural in view of the stringency of money and its consequences in gener- al trade. Wholesaler: she having the usual lull. They look forward to having a good revival of the sorting trade only in the now year. Values of commitment. u... 111! nun wune Wheat, whlnh give In good satisfaction,“ There is no doubt that Ontario when "our makes the best pantry. The process of blrndinm by which the millem add tt small quantity of Inuitoba wheat. adds strength. talking a perfect bread "our. Time. tho blended flours are better then Ontario and Hannah: wheat flour. alone. Repeated tests have proved this true. With people tutu. blended flours. which contain n Inge per- centaw of Ontario wheat, there ls l growlnz demand for this grant. Our farmers should carefully study the question and make Hm." nuns to blunt when. They van help Hm toad work along. too, by buying Mutant "our: tor home use. ,,_, - "'""-"". “an: aal own again. In one ot the lemma, "rieulturat Journals (none other than The Farmer's Advocate) there rmntly appeared a letter from the McCormick Manufacturing Company, one ot the oldest and hen known makers of My. cum. ete., In Canada. In tttls commnnlca- tlon the loCormk-k Company "ate that "I...“IDAL- c--" __. . ‘- _ ,‘,__._..._ ~va-u] Ill "Munnobn hard wheat flour In Bot tory tor our use. We much prefer {Ill red and white wheat, whlnh give satisfaction,“ The Manitoba when bug-boo has [boll run its course. " ttttrr done luculculuble Injury to the Ontario farmer. It threatened to de- uroy the market for Onurio when. Thanks to the gill-m atom or our miners. and the uue rationing of may of the people. On- urlo’s when in coming Into It. own lulu. In one e! ttt. leading agricultural journals Inn-m an n- a -‘ er .. - ,7 Do.. crelmery... ... . Gee-e. dreored, lb... .. Chickens. per lb... v.. Durh. dreamed. lb... .. Turkeys, oer lb... ... Annlea. per bag... ..... Potatoes, per bag... ... Cabbage. per doeeu,. ., Onions. per his... F'F . Beet. hindqunrten.. ... Do., fomquarters... . Do.. choice. cue-so... Do. medium. arena Mutton. per curt... .. .. Veal. prime. per cm... Lamb. per cm... ... .. Do.. morn-g: Better, dttirr.. Do., Spring. bush... .. Do.. goose. bulb... .. . Oats. bulb... p.. ... ... Barley. bush... ... .. ... Rye bush... .. .... .. _ Peal. huh... .. .... ... Har. timothy. ton... ... Do.. clover. ton... ... Straw. per ton... ... .. Sank. Alniko. No. 1, bush Do, No. t... .. ... ...t Do., red clover... .. ... Dre-led hogs... ... ..... Egu. new laid. down... Hay In Mir receipt. there MI; “I” ot 30 loads " tis to $2b I tan tor timothy. Ind It 816 tor clover. Straw u quilted It 816 a tog. oe load ot loose sold at no I tom Drened hogs continua firm " $ht5to for Hunt. and at 87.50 tor heavy. Wheat. white, bulb... ..... ..3097 34 Do.. red. bush... .r. .. ..... 08? I Do., Syria, bush... ., .. .. 010' 1 ADO.._goqse. bulb... .. .. .... 087 ( The [run receipt: lo-dny were mill. with prices study. Wheat pretty nominal. in absence of offering. Barley (Inn. '00 bush- el: selling " tbc. Oats aloha“, with “In of 300 bushel: n Mc. Pu. no“ at a: a bushel tor 100 bulhelu. BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS London-uit clblel In “an: " We to 13c per It, are-led weight; “truer-tor beet u quoted at we per lb. TORONTO FARMERS' 'iAluatT Hoi-ee..' Burl- iuotes" select: at $5.70. and light all. at $5.45. wmswm WHEAT [ABET Following an the Clo-In; quantum: on Winnipeg lulu mun-ea lo-dly: Wheat-Dec. 81.07% bid, I" $LU% bld. oi-Dee. 4m bid, Mar 56(- Bid. u to a w curt. Feeder- nad Btoctrem-A tew outer-n stock- en, sold " $2.85 tor culls would)“ “0 lbs. “like” um Bpri---Prurets tor nuke” All}! IDMI maxed from 'tt to 855 etsctt. Veal citve.-Piiee. unethical}! $3 to $Ctter cup - 7 - - - -- _7 ' ttiii/m, at Luann-Export amp. 8.7:. to " per out; n.- und cum. " use to 33 per 'tt.; Inglis, ”.5010 35.00 9. pvt. -- -.- Btgtehem-rtte blunt price quoted tor 4 Rood cattle. welgmn; 900 lbs. each. "I! 34.82%: modlum to good. u to “.50; common. £3.50 lg 83.75; con, 82.50 to $3.00; chant-n. -iGriGrea "iiir"iood to choice cutie on ale and more would have found I ready mgrkgt " (air price. _ _ -. .__--- We in puma, - In ull chuc- ot live stock. qunllty teousiderod. Exoorters-A tew export bulls and It $3.50 tofu.” Darren. _ _ _ Receipts ot uvo nook ll the City Ink“ tur Wad-om] um Thwdly Vere 87 Cu.' ".113. cuwwnd ut MM - S...‘ no.8. 'NI "mo and a: culvu. _ here is I. good volume' of "OI-zed ahead. Values new Hm. The grocery trade is is likely to continue no for TORONTO Live STOCK Ontario When-t. Imus L'ompnny tune that wheat Hour I: not nasty» . We met! pref" Ontario rmett cantata n lug! per- It wheat. (here It a growl!!! (run. Our (tuners should no question and make Um.- mm are doming in we". holiday mm has been and wholesalers report oollvctlons. Comm-1- em quieter than mull season. This couldnot riew of the stringency f"Pfequtneey in. gem-r- tit 00 M 00 16 oo 010 010 010 016 '.00 085 400 045 0 10 M 8000 Mor, It: no} 0 030 032 011 01t 012 017 no 500 723 00) 050 of. 80! ttoo l In the rush hours the crtush wn- wr- lrific. Men and Women fungi" to 'p't 'on the 'SBro, but tho conductors lulnvkv ‘od the entrances until nickle, “ure- 5 min. I A number of conduetots re~ignvd after . few trips. One man on the ()hnrlom' “he quit as soon as he reached the ldupdcha’c office. He “UPI“! at. a ‘way station in the country and Ile. [wr- In" 11 tried to board the car at anew. "Se result was a. long wument while the conductor made chnngo. Finally we , crowd forced an entrance to the can The "a.11.efetor lost forty minutes on tho Her Coming-Out Celebrated at lineb- worth lull. New York. Jam 0.~The American has received the tollowiug (mim- dq-glmhn from London: For the (in! lilllr in may your: Lord Stuntman: gau- a big bum on Near Yen”: Eve n Knelthh Halt, 0” of the must tatatrtrifit'ent old mun-bu within . It.“ (halos at Lon. don. Tbe hall ts to celebrate the debut S" granddaughter. Miss Pram-s [law- a STRATRCOIA'S GRANDDAUGHTER. Three Men Are Still In It!” I. lend: Ike. New York. Jan. IU-The Herald ha, tr:- eeived the following, dupnu-II from Fly. Nev... Rewue work is "ttrest/tng nhm'ly on the Alpha shaft 'rr,', Girmu 1'ott. wlidutmd Mini-us Company. where three minern. A. D. Hailey, Petrr Ali-Donald and Fred Brown. haw law-n vmumlu-d 'iince Dec. 4. Tllruugh a 43-inch pipe food. air and water have "inve lm-n will, and a few dttys titer the amide-u! "tuuts* cnnvns was meat do" to enable the mm, with the help of wim- timhvr, and imn which they ("and on the LIXKN'nul lewl, to make three cots. It will take at In“ three weeks mum to reach the an. Cottttnunietiott on. bo had with them by telephoniu a! they are [unfunny waiting to be liberated. land. air and and a few (in runvus was In with the bet which thev f Attemtp to Collect Fuel as Plump" Enter Pitt-bur; Cara. Pittuhuru. Pa., Jan. ti, (‘unfusima followed orders issued by the I'ilhlmrg Railwny f.?',",',":',':.-)";',,','.,'?",,'." oompellirw oonduetom to 00 .t fares ud pus "n,L't'rs entered the curs. Men and mane. tttttttht with the "miiuctorg Min-n In-M up fgr fares and Inany dvlny» now- the The subbing occurred in the Cap Khan omnibus about 5 o'eioek an: enm- ing. while the vehicle, loaded with pau- songers, WI: on its way out the St. Innis road. and wln-n it was about 0mm. se'th, the Plain» oi Abraham Mono and Bedard. who are hath employed by Con. traetor Davi. M Cop Runny, LN! tnto an ttt"gttmettt. and Spuno. it is stated. (in-w n knit,. all-i 1;”de Bedard some tour M five (intent. When Spam» Wan ttrt-rd. I.,. awn-ab ml to he undur the inthtenm, of Emmy, I A Woodtuock, (MIL. dempateh up": Pte, was a fatal wreck an the Air Line Pt Tillmnburg at tlteoo o'clock this morn- 'iing, by which Engineer John Walker. of !.\‘L Thomas, was killed. and Brahman Hel': H. Crae, of Windsor. wa~ wry hl'l‘~ ioualy injured. Two Walsash angina.- running-light were taking the uidinu to. gethel_._ u:hgn_they were run into by a Ouch-c. Jan. 6. Lying in a bed in the Jeffery Halo Hit-spin]. wit-ring Jrom a number of knife wounds inflicted by an Italian. a young man named Henri Bedard, a surveyor of Cap 'toe, is in I. serious condition. Au lln'nm. who given his name- an Stephan-.1 Spawn. in now " inmate of a cell in tho Cotttral Police Station. charged with the urn-Iv. You; Surveyor it. 'l'..R. freight. ": unwind. Wulker Trunk engine and “illusion. Itther,, without injury. TI unwell“. rm, Engine: Running Light Were Smshed by Freight Train at Til!- "tttttrt-rue. Engmes Destroyed --othera of the Crews Escaped. AND BRAKEIAN SERIOUSLY HURT IN SIASHUP he Wild WNW ofim in “Hull- ington finally settled the culllnpvvr») by riding a ttrt' to uuporvist- the den» traction of t . beer. The beer in being nuptial. mum the nu rvhion of a manua- collectau. n :'lr nine “other day to $iniil, the ,',1h.'T'd'l, the advent of Willnd and prUtibition the brewery was commuted with I peculiar situation. The Stat" un- thoritiei ruled that the beer in Mark could hither be kept lmr whimml out of the Sick. Twenty-(hm huttdred bartvin at hum- are pouri ieto the u'wul'u of Hum...“ city 'tof/at" from the great ml. at the New State brewing plum. owned by up. Anheuser-mAh Brewing ('lllnpan}. 'ihe beer is worth “I I bun-cl, or $15.01» in all. The atom of half a down luv" stationed in the brewroomtokeep u... entrance of the sewer. clear “we in vain, and the beer [kaolin] up. forming n hunk of {can three feet high that m ambled . snowdrif t. This opocude trtttmu.tard a la rm. rrmu‘. some men came with bucket. and "coop ed up the Inca-sit flowod through Mm street. to the lower“. Some sum-trim! than-elm ugh the pavement and dll_l_lk from {sputum New Yak, Jan, ti.- "she 'ielwray': bu received the following despacci- Oklahoma fytrs, _ _ A Fromm Law of ti: T State Wank! om 1,000 Balm Patina mm “was " OKLAHOMA ENGINEER KILLED FIGHT WITH CONDUCTORS STABBED BY AN ITALIAN PED THROUGH A PIPE Not Anew Beer to at Kept No: to be "ittned Out of Sign Btint FLOWED. My Wounded at Cap Rouge. -Ait throw engine’s were Pr way. on the Grand Id Crate an one of the " of the crew:- mwttped Three t%ritdet mm Were Ilium); (mi. where three ' McDonald 'e been sum, dent treoeqth ble the Ina-n, TI Ind iron INDIA teeet. thk of My a? trad hr! R ten to Ma to cm, ad Ml Cm): onthinp bringscol vellum iy4MF But Emu]. 114mm Audit sion t en ALL M 2V3 .1- "

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