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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1908, p. 4

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:cmmmmmmmmgmmifififi iif a 5% Taylor & Co., Dromore g meas4s'osaieireae:issirseassssoosasasstasaasooaasooerav?i" "t are ewe 1911329102 .-=:C'Ci', ,i'.%irbsiesbsbtibieseeitrsgegstriesbstiebsiesiyir, - Ji, (y er o " 5: f Al flung, fcrCStuss iii:' We are clearing all odd lines of Men's and Boy's suits at very big reductions, in Gus lot are a number of Men's double breasted suits and Children', two piece suits that go at cost. The Balance of our stock of Stylish Winter Millenery including many fashionable trimmed shapes we are clearing at less than cost. Our stock of Ready-to-wear Cloihing is very well as- sorted. including a very large range of Men', and Boys' Overcoat, made from fine black and grey English Beaver and Milton Cloths. Fine imported Tweeds in a great vari- ety ol paiberns. Grey frieze Ulster, and Reelers. Men's and Boys' Suits of Worsted and Tweeds. . Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing S. F. MORLOCK Men's and Boys' Cloihing Now is vour time to order a suit. Overcoat or any gar- ment you are in need of. We would like to measure you now for we are convinced we can suit you better than any where else, Mr Glass is attending to the cutting him. self and as to the lusting we heyea first class man to make the coat. Prices .Lway down- Bargains in J Millinery Bargains in Suits Wot-0A0»! Uni/or Wane!” d Cali; r use Miss Nellie Jopp who has been studying in Toronto tor the last season. is visttmg her grand-parents " Edge Hiil. Mr Alex Jopp, of Little Current. who has been visiting " his (rand- fathers, the bird of Edge Hill, re- turned home this mek. Miss Ethel Greenwood is spending her holidays at home an is now gone back to Williamsburg. Born.-To Mr and Mrs Thou 2,ff"' a daughter. Both are doing we . Wm Weir has nurchzved trom Wm Noble the lot he is at present living upon. Mr Noble intends to rnrchnse Wm Jno. Eetor'g place be, ow Ritchie 's schooibouse. Mr Patrick Morrison. from Calgary is home visiting his parents at the old homestead. Mr Ed. Watson, son of Peter Wat-. san, who has spent the past three years in Winnipeg, is renewing old acquaintances around this localitv. Great rejoicing in Dromore Monday night when word came that Geo. Lothian stood bead ot the poll for councillor and Walter Elastic and Walter Ferguson still held their Positions as Reeve and Deputy Reeve. Phe boys were all well treated to candies, oranges. and nuts. ‘Mr and Mrs Wm McFarlane visited friends in Mt. Foreht last week. At pre-commuuion service last Fridny morning six babies were baptized and SIX young people Join. ed the church. Mrs Wilson and Elizt returned from Markdale last. Friday after a. two weeks visit with friends. Well Mr Editor the rush and bustle if the Christmas seasan is over, students have all gone back to school and the village is quiet again. Mr Hugh Itenhse réturned to Ottawa last Monday after three weeks vacation at home. Mr and Mrs Wm Ramage attended a. wedding in Gal: last. Week. Sarah and Archie McMillan, Price- ville, visited their brother Cohn last Thursday. Tis our and duty to chronicle the death of Miss Hannah Tinkham who departed this life at her home north oi the village on Sundav evening last. Miss 'l‘inkham as will be remembered was severely burnt in o. Sound last May while using kerosene in ignitinz the furnace fire and although every- thing possible was done to alleviate her suffering. it ceased not till her spirit winged its early flight. Miss Tinkham's genial disposition and pleasing Winsome manner made her a favorite among all with whom she came in contact.and her demise while inthe bloom cfyoung womanhood is an extremely regrettable occur- rence. May the Divine comforter give balm to the aching hearts and help them to any, Thy will be done.' Mrs Neil Clark is visiting friends in Mintothis week, Mr C. R. McIntosh left on Saturday morning to resume his duties as Prin- cipal ofthe Model School at Perth, Lawn]: Ca. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sap- per will be dispensed in the Presby- terian church here on Sabbath next. Rev. Mr. Farqubarson will conduct the preparatory services on Friday afternoon. Mrs Raymond of Qu'Appelle. Sask. accompanied by her two daughters, arrived in the village on Saturday evening and will spend a month or two with friends and relatives 1n the immediate vicinity, Hale and hearty as of yore are Messrs Frank Skene and Arch. Me- Donald of Sunny Alberta who are re- newing acquaintances around the scenes or their nativity. Mr George Ledingham of South Ai- rican fame. accompanied by his ea- timable life partner. arrived 3. fort- night ago from Vancouver for a pleas- ant vacation with their many friends in the vicinity. Mrs Wm Smith arrived on Saturday trom Brandon. Man, where she was attending the obecquies of her daugh- ter, Mrs Jas Grant who succumbed to pulmonary troubles a short time ago. She and her daughter Miss Alice mir- aculously escaped instantaneous death on the homeward route, being pas- sengers on the ill tated train which plunged over the embankment near Chapleau on Friday morning. Rev. N. A. McDonald. our esteem- ed pastor spenta pleasant New Year's holiday with friends in Sutton and the Queen city. Mr John Hunt, a prominent agri- rulmriat of Antler, N Dakota, spent a to" pleasant days in the village vis- iting his brother, .Mr..H. Hunt, our genial merchant. He left the burg on Monday for Omen Sound where he will visit his sister. Mrs. Wm. Leflar, Mi- A---, of St. Mtrrv'e, arrived in the town on Monday wake charge ot the Sewn-ate School for the present yeqr. e welcome her to our midst snd trust that her efforts may be crowned with success " she labors for the moral and mental advsnce- men: ot the young idea entrusted to her care. Edge Hill. Dromore. Dornoch. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO We would again remind our United States subscrihvrs that it will he nec- essary to make prompt renewals, in order that no copies may helost. The recent postal rekulution' mike it nev- essmy that 'rulrsetriptiorvi should be paid strictly in advance. Hurrah for Durham and'Local Option. -Mr. Monteith made a business trip to Mt Forest Tuesday. Considerable exisilement was shown over L'he election Monday the results of whieh we have not learned yet. Mr and Mrs D. MéCrae spent Mon. day evening as Mr Jno. Kerr's. Miss Gladys Dunn" visited Miss Winnie Lauder Thursday. Mr Rogers returned Thursday from a New Year holiday with parents and friends at Colpoy" 's Bay. A sleigh load of yt/punts, en,' joyed themselves at Mr . mm a on New Year's, evening. THE DURHAM REVIEW Among those who attending the "faith cure " mani Mt. Forest, We notice: Messrs H. 'Yllidfll'r, Wm Morrison, H. Grasby, H. Vollen, W. Lander: Misses Tacy Gordon. Ethel Fee. Nellie Wallace: Mrs Long, Mrs Robt Eden, Mrs D. Allen, Mrs H. Bennett and Mrs S. Caldwell with little daughter Margaret. Mr Nelson Eden, of Durham. enter- mined a number of our young folk on New Year's day and evening. Miss Mildred Leeson is spending a few days with trienda here and in Durham before resuming her school duties. Mr Wm Lander was " Mt. Forest Thursday last. Miss Alice Bart, of Toronto, visited fies cousin Mrs Joo, Kerr on Fridsy tttrt. Mr T. and Miss J. Derby, of Hump- den, yisited Mrs McClinwn Thursday evening. Miss Echo! Penigrew is finishing ber course in Mt. Forest Business College. Mr Brethwuite, son of Mr James Brethwaite, of Indian Bend. Stain, is visiting his aunt Mn T. McAnulty. A bright little daughter auto to Mr and Mrs Joe. Home on Fndsy his: the 3rd inst. Mr Bob: Pettlgrew went to Mt. Forge: T business Thursday last. 'sl'2t)"r'ie,arfi.a,t'..t'.1f.tr .49 I 'tie'. .?.'.ur.1.iT..s.a.1'.e .50 No. 55 Cover All Jute Horse Blanket tl'i',/e'Crf'ige,vesraygep.riiccee.-" A? X Cut Hand Saw Buck Saw No. 55 special Jute Blanket, either for stable or outside use, is an extra heavy striped jute with good heavy Dutch Hersey lining. Has no equal in quality at anything near the same price. I 29 Sale price ...... ...... .... ...... '..... .... ...... ...... o 26 inch, manufactured by a reliable Canadian maker 49 Sale price,...., .... ... . This brand-on a bag or barrel-is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring W heat, milled by the best millers in Ontario. .S. HUNTER, - Durham unter's January Stock-taking Sale Cash for Grain at Highest Market Prices, Varney. h.-. Ask your grocer for a Blended mour--utd look foe the above brand wherever you buy. Prices within the reach of everybody good steel blade, neat- 4"' 1tiiGi"ittt, "Nada in Unity-i0 " l, Is the Brgt step e egrap y townds positiour raylng from trooo to 8150.000 per nnnum in rai wny service. You can become a good operator In 6 months If you study in The Central Telegruphy School, 3 Gel-um St. B., Toronto. The ttttest School a CunIdt. Write for particulars. W. H. SHAW. Pres. T.3. JOHNSTON. Prin Ill NEW ©illll'llll8 X Cut Saw, 5 foot String of Bells Mr E. H. Vicki's retdrned Friday to continue school work at Mt. Forest Business Collette. Misses Hattie Lawrence and L. P. Hopkins left Friday morning tor Huntsville. Muskoks. near where they have secured schools. Mr Chas. F. hwrence returned Thundsy last, to his teaching duties " Reditskvilie. was Marv Vickers. who is engaged in Ben'- store in town spent the hol. ideye at her home here. Rev. Rogers spent New Years " his nomejn Colpoy's Bay. Mr and Mr: Frank Victor; and gun ot Toronto spent . few days with the formert relatives here. M} Robt. Adlam of Durham visit ed friend: in this vicinity recently. After two years ia business in Durham I thank heartily the manv farmers and others who havefavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future have have, pleasure in meeting in more commodions usrters, all my old friends and 1 trust many new ones. Promptness and fair deal. ing will continue to be my motto. Yours tor business, The celebrated Lane tooth, well finished andtem. 2 49 pered. Sale price... . McIntvre B,oek-Lambton St, Barclay and Bell 'tg old sand l. B. McLellan. CARD 0F THANKS Vickers. sharp The undersigned will sell or ex. Lhnnge for cattle or sheep. one “v, mare. summed to be in foul to . ttood horse; one road mare supposed to be tn foul. one rosdeter mln rising thme years old. Both roqdstrm tre good quiet drivers. Army " imam, half mile from G Meott P. O. town line. Holland and Glenda. Light. trAromr, Light Henry truck wagon. Wu plete, Plnws. Harm's. P mills and lowers. Wire. tl Stoves, Iron Pitt troughs. cold at onee. A. H I Lot 27, 28, Gon. 1 S. D, It Ita. 85ueres cleared, 7 new. buutt. W watered Good Brick Iloutu. Fume. Bank Barn (453%.) imileirom posed station on new U. P. It. line. Convenient. to School and P. 0. Bur. Lher particulars npply on the Mani-u. Joan Dacha-nun. thoes Containing wan-res more or lens. Good laud. well wutvred. Good brick house and frame hum With “on. basement stables. Un troot leuling lineuf road. Il,. miles from the town of Durhun and udjoiniu the new c, P R Mack. i mile from actual. Will Nell right to quick buyer, Don't. min a gum oppofutttitr. For further pm ambit; apply at the REVIEW Cruel. 4 We beg to Minot-nee lbul. we will lw open to buy any qnmntily of logs of all kinds including shingle and lull timber delivered In our you'll. Prim will be quoted on applying " “I. thrt"p1nf'sotttee. THE Dunn“! Fvnm'vux Co. JOHN CLARK The qualities Farmer: Rant. Washers, Sewing Machines, Chung J us: mention what kind of an no you would like to see in our (mblilh- ment and it will be product d. It in a pleasure to see our diirerer.G kinds. Horse Blankets, Carry Mb: Brushes. Singers, Surcingles. Whips Rugs, Harness, etc.. always in mock. If you require an x cm SAW, we have the greatest variety to be found anywhere. In SKATES, we lead hr quality and price. from club. to'N'ce Rum We have tt received our and assortment at nfants. Boys and Gull Sleighs at prices to suit every person. DEERING 1907 is past and gone. We no entering into 1908 with 1 determina- tion that we will be bent: able to supply your wants than on." before. Remember the store where you can get everything from a. "ttet dle to an auelior." H ARVESTliiRS For Sale Oun's Drug Store w wagons. Light " mulching, , truck wagon. Wmor box com. Plnws. Hun-rows. Pulp-n. Wind .nd towers, Wire. Wirv fencing. V Iron pie nought. hr. Must he ,once. A. H. JarrmiE small size, easy to take, price 150 a box at And all the good things you have partaken of for the pa st two weeks your system will need tt ittle renovating. Nothing bet- ter thaG OUNS LITTLE LIVER PILLS and Farm Machin .'r3r, Reliable & Durable Farm tor sale. Hardware ! Farm tor Sale Logs Wanted W. Black After the Holiday For Sale. Exchange. Aiioe MY. Amid”. :. he Inte - Lii% t, tttii .M' 'A'l2ttlg was. l",,',,', dd Ja",',".,., Milvu "m“;e‘ . Ia"l'itdggLr It" In... For Prm Christmas f2t1tejijFiiir, Fruit. 1"eaiGG2=UTi, Try Matthews & Latimer sway M13" "" "'" m" "m learn Butt and Fedora Hats Tweed up. " 8lits each. Bee ourOOLLARS. “ANDREI?- CHIEF‘B. Glows. Golf Ju-kefs and other Christmas Speculum. Ty, out-FRESH GROCERIES for Holiday lulu-lea. To our numerous friend. and cus- tomers we wish A VERY HAPPY In than time. of ttnnncint strin- - 10 pee emttdieeount does um come your - very often. Tvt this I: want. we up giving during no“... u-..___ s, Don't wear amt shabby old hat MATTHEWS h Lumen WacJar/ano d Co. mu ad 1 bright New Year. 1h_rut_tittttlit_eteterrs' Christ WHEN VIE ARE IAKING IT SO EASY FOR TO GET I. NEW ONE And dott't forget a box of {Rummy Cine/ate: (. MCARTHUR China 303mm Ssitattte Situ t: We wish all our friends a Dmggisu and Booksellers "mu" 9, 1908 A tastefullr bre'irre _ gotten upsk. For Feed Thst‘s s necessity almost. We have them in artistic boxes ...... .... .25c to Sr tle of good rterfume' also nukes l nice gift. Nothing will please a wo- nun Martina I nice pier e of Chill. See our north window for some snaps we" mites book or annual not only picture but in- struction. We have on hand a int-clu- assort- ment of the latest novels. A100 Dog's Own and Girls' On III other Annuals. [appy and :rosperous Grant CHRISTMAS n with of [gin ngood R Lil H / {5 SNWG tri,, AM'rp", y. HTa'sCuua f), El Fl N FN Headquarlc Solid Gold ant Unfa Time/ Our (1 be he DA RI Br J ANO, Han Tim “in h It'

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