West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1908, p. 5

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a wealth d an in a good book or sound Insure but in. We have on rat-class asun- e latest novel; Own and Gitll’ er Annuals. ous r that y old hat , 9, 1908 ‘AKING IT " " NEW ONE ER vya/n: tttttn ear loco/ate: ant 1nd timer THUR LN We BRISTMAJ HA N " K ER Bran. Wind. Jilvrr who“ e - t a box of tastelully ten up hot. 'fume also RIBS for Ice piece " north almoqt. artistic c to Sr Christ at rin- ten noc Yrt 1min. Year. H " R Cl.- Mild Its. a N. '..3rs'3' 11'oWEl5tlll 1eaShYutl15r: 52h 1r5'3el, 'l'15'3eECral. Slire"fd 53 um, '_ [ DARLINGS Our Optician, Chas be here Jan. 23. Ali Brush Talk = = JANUARY 9, 1908 DARLINGS --- ,-- “PM to buy a TOILET BRUSH 1 Hair ,Tooth or Nail, do you ask for a guarantee in durability ? We give a personal guarantee every British-made Brush we sell and if it fails 1 tisly, we exchange it without denuu. .3 _One qt only, and that the best. When you happen to buy a Hair ,Tooth or Nail, do you in dntalziljky ? We trim-a J. Mckechnie iii, as. J. Western, will All work guaranteed DRUG STORE 'eople’s Druggists it it mid; A' .one quality a PersOnal Guarantee either " to .' with ii:] . 1 A? an“ 101' DEIIU “If DU LCD. Every business man who had signed ' McKinnon 100 new farm at the the paper. set'tlng forth. the btnttity Offline-km Immediate possession given. local quon P. Holstein Ienied they I For turther particulars apply to had and anything agamst It as chat-go , ' P TELFORD. Durham ed by the letter reterred to. ', m... m. mm . . Then he dealt with the letter which was distributed throughout the town. The writer was evidently ashamed to sign his name w a slanderous attempt to discredit Holstein from beginning to end. Mr Little did not deny liquor was still to be obtained in the village bat had seen only one drunk man on the street since fall came in. The letter had stated that local option was debauching the boys of the village. The boys are showing their resent- ment of this accusation against their character by signing their names to a paper absolutely denying this, which appeers in another column. Mr. John H. Brown occupied the chair and after a selection be the choir, intrtduced Rev Mr Little as the speaker of the evening. Mr. Little at once launched heart and soul into his topic and for almost an hour in an eloquent address held the undivided i attention of the audience. In convin- -cing argument and fact he showed the progress with which the local op- tlon wave is sweeping Canadaâ€"only U of the 51 municipalities which this, year ham the privilege of voting to repeal the by-law are doing so, and 96 others are voting on the by-law for the tirgt tune. A letter trom a prominent Southampton man told of its wonderful success there. Bringing It right home to his own village, he spoke ot Holstein's incieased prosper- ity--the Show Fair, the milling trade stock trade and greater hotel accom- modation. of a paity of'eleven, diove up 11615 Holstein chm evening. --- "...- ... -.....uuuv “my UVCUIH‘; a large and enthusiastic audience crowded the Town Hall to the doors last Sunday evening alter service, to hear certain charges refuted regard- ing the working of Local Option in Holstein. A slanderous unsigned letter had been published last week in the Holstein Leader, purporting to answer that of Mr. Thus Brown. Copier. of it were eirealatedabout town late Saturday evening when it was thought there would be no opportun- ity to refute it. Bat the town com- mittee were equal to the occasion and invited Rev Mr Little and other Hol. stein gentlem an to address a mass meeting here Sunday night. Mr, Little was 16 miles away that utter noon when he received the intimation i lathe quickly returned. and as onel Although but announced for the tirst time in churc_hes_ than evgping. The end is not yet, however, the campaign against the licensed bar and its buneiul infiaenee will go on until it will be utterly abolished and the remembrance or it will rank with Henry and the slave trade as an ab- olished evil, which future generations will wonder was endured so long. There were 6 regal contests, 5 on Mandi? and one, orth Toronto, on New car's day which the temper- ance forces carried by a majority over tour times largerthen that of three years ago. Ot the tive on Monaay, one, Thamesville carried the repeal by 9 majority bat the other tour gave majorities larger than 3 ymrsago.‘ The sum ot the majorities in the six pieces. minus the 'A is our three times larger than in 1905. showingr that where it gets st'air trial, the people hold unto it. The measure was defeated in Mt. Forest, Palmerston, Harriston, Pais. ley, ot towns near us. Owen Sound elected Mayor Kennedy by alarge majority, Barrie Went against it, and these were the clnef items that gave a cold douche to enthusiasm and for comfort we turn to Orillia where there isa large majority, and tothe! regeal contests. I l0. and have emerged, it not victor- ious, at least not dismayed. It may be admitted that the returns in some reapecta are disappointing. It was defeated in 25 places, lost by the three-tittha requirement in about 20, And carried in " least 23 places. one ol these being Durham. The Globe estimates that at least 77 licenses will be cut oif throughout the province. The Sosereigi1 B "All! trr mm: . Airman: Jnvxs. Esq., - - - Beside»! RANDOLPH MACDONALD. Bag. First Vice-President A. A. ALLAN, Esq., - - Stand Vice-President Ron. D. MCMILLAN, Hex. I’m-2x McLAnn'x, ARCH. CAMPBELL. Esq., M.P. W. K. McN.wcHr, Esq., M.P. l. a. Dvuzsr, Esq., M.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq., KC. P. G. Jra"earrr, R, lussrtLa, Goserat-dfanqrer. Asst. GetterU-Mamtger, The Temperance, forces were mar- ahalled in combat on Monday in over 300 YPtp' in the proyince of Ontar- THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, (like Earham Karim The Final Gun Fired DURHAM BRANCH J. C. Telford, I - - ttow Local Option Fared. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. HEAD OFFlCEt-TORONTo, Pald Up Capital: ' a $3.0 Savings Bank Department i Tenders will he received up to 2 ‘o‘clock on the 15th day of January l 1008 (in envelopes marked tender) tor the remodelling of Hampden Presby- 1 terian Church. Plans and specifics itlons can be seen at Hampden P. o. 1after Jan. lit 1908. Lowest or any l tender not necessarily accepted. i M. Ar. Bums. , .. . -. A Beer. of Com. Nov, 3th 1907. Hampden P. O. LOST Dnu.--Lost in Durham, 10th, Dev. 1; Collie do , duh or mouse color, white spot on and. long hmr, large bushy tail. and answers to name of "Heck." Last been about the Mid- daugh House. Any information con. ceming him will greatly oblige. - EDMUND J. BARRY. Dnrnoch P. o. REPORT S B. No. l, NORMANBY. V-Nellie Burns. Iv-Arthur Gilda .Villie VV-lllace. Lizzie Burns. Mary Backuz. Minnie Keller. Brm--Dinnh Thompson. Bertie Moriee. Jan. Mar- ~almll. Myrtle Caldwell. Thus. Wallace. Arthur Morice, Jr. Ill-Mary McAl- listel. Grace Mountain, John Kerr, Neils. Marshall. Henrietta Keller. Wal- ler McAllister. Elmer Fee, George Wehher. Sr. II-Jean Morice, Leslie Morice, Melville Morice, Harry Cald- well. Jr II-Mabel Wallace, Stanley Mountain, Albert. Sterritt. Pt, Ir- Arthur Mountain. Pt Ititr--Maggie Petty. Katie Kerr. J. Burns, Andrew Marshall, Dawson Marshall. Bella Morice Jr. Pt I-E B Moriee, Charlie McAllis'er. Average atrendance 33. M. M. Arum, Teacher. 323k t4 Canada u. . u... l rullut'n. nullnulu ruuu'. Thou. Edwards, Flora McFarlane, outrru Pennock, Pt. lst A-Leonard McKeown. Pt Ist-Mary Edwards, Dan McArthur. U. FArtevHarttsos, Teacher s. s. so. 1 GLts'hRCG. Ith.--Bet, Whitmore, Laura Beaton Sr. 3rd.~Ruth McGillivmy, John Mc- Keown, Eliza J. Edwards. Jr. i3rd..- George Hmutwell. Sr. 2rul.--Mary MtWillen, Sadie McGillivmy. Tenn Mc- Liillivray, Vermon Pnnnuck, Silas Edwmds, Robbie Edwards. Jr, 2nd-- Norman McDonald. Pr. 2ud--Neil "(Fm-lune. Allan McLean, Sadie Mc- '\lil|en, Emum Amen. Jose hine hits Nun. tir. Pt Gt-Mrtit 'il'Jk'bu't érllmr Pennm-k. Edmund Poole. J, l s. s. No. 8 OLENILG- is 5th--Wiltrid Greenwood. Funny .9 Ector. John Banks. Emu); Ritchie. ll May Spittell. Herbert Edge. 4th- Willie Fulkinghnm. Eva Ritchie. Arthur Edie. Silas Edwards. Br 3rd I. --Maeqie ‘ctor. Kate Ritchie, Willie I- Ector, Alix Edge. Willie Kenny, d Agnes Edwards,' Victor Williams. 3 Herbert Ritchie. Jr. .8rd.1-1qrotad i Banks. Br. 2mr-Eliza Williams. Myrtle Ector, Edith Edge, Bertha. . Fulkinghum. Maggie McKenzie and F Ge. Vaughan, eq., Vincent Pavlor. , Nona Williams. Currie McNully, Gas- ' sie Ritchie, Maggie Ritchie. Josie Kenny,Bel|a McCormick. Pt 2nd-- I Mary Paylot. Pearl Falkinghau). Alex Vaughan. tir ist-Katie McNeil ' f Willie Ritchie. Reuben Paylor. I: 1ft-George Williaum. Cecil Paylor, , Bertha Ector, John Ritchie. Average attendance w. G. A. WEIR. Teacher. LATONA SCHOOL REPORT. Sr. 4th.--Bea Simpson, Morrison Smith. Carrol Hunt, Alex Turnhull. Jr. 4th to Sr. 4ttt--0onald Rev, Addie Twamley. John Lediugham. Mamie Mortley, Jr tth-George Ledingham. Lysla. McKnight. Ivy Darowel, lsubel Turnbull, Norma Bluck. Lizzie Smith. Arthur Simpson. Bella Cummings, Annie Stewart. Bernard Uoftiehi, John Smith. Sr 3rd-Lavimt Manley. Kate Smith, Peter Mountain. Elmer Tru. ford. Jr. '3rd.-Htuold Ledinghesm. Kate Stewart. Curie Mortle'ly. tir 2nd ---k,'ecil Twauiley, Archie ‘urnhullar. Willie Smith equal, syewturNcG'illi, .vruy. Jas. Vaughan. Irene Trairord. Jr Pt 2nd to tit Pt 2ud--Domud Smith Nellie Smith. Mary Uoftield. Robbie! Monlley. Mary McClement. Sr. let- John Lorheed, Willie Mountain. Wil- lit! Vaughan. Martin UofBeld, Annie Mountain, Morris Smith. Jr l-Red. ford Locheed, George Vaughan, Erie Turnbull. Average attendtuwe fur December 39. KATE MCDONALD. Teacher Farm tor Sale or to Let. r Mr Thomas Brown said he had oometo detend his letter and deny the statementl made nag-inst it in the unsigned letter eirettlated which he ttltaraeterized as th “than of has." He predicted that soon liquor would bealmmt entirely stamped out of Holstein. As to the charge that towmhlp mon- ev nu spent in defending 'tttSSA this was proved to be absolutely tulle by Mr Durant, tha treasurer of the town. ship. who paid all monies. as well an by Rev. Mr. Little. Notice to Contractors. $5,000,000. ----+ .+.___.- ----_qe-------- THE Manager Honor Rolls. DURHAM _-u_ A. oeeoeset 1ud, __r, v-'. L; ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO which is now on. We are going to clear out the old stock to make room for new importations, and the prices will explain how we are going to do it. The undersigned having bought out the Shoe business conducted by the late F. Peel have pleasure in inviting all old customers and many new ones to share in the profits of our Smut Reduetion JU, N lf Shoe Store Ili Days Clearing file Old [upwspapers for sale at this ol- hee. His: bundle 5 as. Good for lighting fires, packing or wrapping. A. H. Jackson in an Issuer of Mar tinge Licenses. Durham, Ont. ----__9-_ -. "."""'"est Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its ttraduatea. Each student is taught separate- ly “his own desk. Trial lesson- fcr one week free. Viaiton welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY. Principal, Day and Night Classes. Leads in Fslr-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- memial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing,' Business College CALL AND SEE US. Entricken & Sewell MT. FOREST Lenahan (iy McIntosh Remember the leading place for all kinds of Hardware and Furniture is in our new block, a few doors south of the Middaugh House. "e V me -v._,.--- and up-to-date. For the right goods, the right assortment and the right prices, give us a trial. Whether you are a regular customer or not; we are always pleased to have you call. Our stock is continually increasing so that we are now better than ever prepared to supply wants of our customers. You will find our stock of both Hardware and Furniture to be complete We have now entered upon a New Year and we trust it will be one of happiness and prosper- ity to one and all. We thank our many cus- tomers for their patronage in the past and trust our dealings have been such that their patron. age will be continued. ’ardware ib Furniture Proven Steel Truck» Singer Sewing luhlnes. Walkenon luble Works. The Bell Organ a Piano Co., Charm and Walking Inhines. dmtford. 'rrottkviue,th'er Carriages We are sole Agents in Durham tor the ab Ne well known 1,,epltt,ntlts- Binders, Mowers. Dill: Burrows Disc Cttltivatora, ,oManure S renders. Hay Rakes, Hny Loaders. any Ted- dars, Maaisey-Hsirrits Cream Be p 'ratora The lllfustrllarris Co _ -- --- u..." luv-rug lac-lunch- l Good dwellirnr. frame hunk tun-n. I good soil. Convenient location, l only 825(1). matures. tlletteltr--tine hunk tmrn- good frame divellimr--other good improvements. only can). 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentiuck, 'ti'i00. A snap. 250 acres on Gurarnxa ttttad-fine huildin B, good knees. good soil. To quici buyer at 86500. 100 acres. Itetttinek,--owner in mm. price 82700. Buildings worth the mouey--ftrrm for nothing. Lots of other groperty for sale. " ney to Len All kinds of busi- ness attended to. too ',tttscDu,!'.htun.muui,, Bentinek, McQueen & Morice A Dollar for Would baa great bargain. Soari- the followmg properties at the prices asked t T We are having an upholuter- er the Brut week in every month. Anyone wishing old gods reno- Vnted to look good on new should advise tu--wtt will b planed to attend to it " once. Night Call. for Wu. my!!! nuanced to. door south M OMee ED Illllllll IllllSS, Hus full lune of Curtain Poles, Window Shuiea, Picture Fumes Fumes to order of All kinds. We're also Agents for The Hanover Conveyancr '1 Undertaker . MILLER, Fifty Cents 1"cdottttetoat,sr., G. 2,'it,'l '6lNhfrfattrg.d "rtiih' 2t'ti'gt o ' e. an o w a m-ttre rues. Durham I: a may and Mn town, asking it I most desiratrre pl.“ tor residence T303. ALLAN, m Cbu Camila». Mind»! was JESSIE IthENZIE wGAN. R. A. Honor Guam of Tomato t_p'rgv.eositr,--_ietr, nun. CotttpaAtiota, and um. Ills DONALDA ',tea'dfi'hth B. A., uma- one otutrersn's (Inmate, mu Proteu- mu Milan. -Alphn, Ana-nun. Illa» my and m. The school ll thoroughly Mut In mum mum. In chemical and “mama supplies on: Man. Ac. for full Junior having sud Ime- nMon work. The known; competent on! are In chute a thy?r.,1tootetr--Nerrt to Bun-lion'- Bar. Embalmlnz a Spocluty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice her Shop. - THY - “um". " WV [immanent - Fir-t, honor mouth of hwrence's Blacksmith Shop. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Licensed Auctioneer for the Cat. of promptly asttcauted up. ute- Urderl an! be left a " limb Sign“, Mckiuuon'l old mud. oral cc. JOHN CLARK Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public Comanusiitner, DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) Licensed Auctioneer tor Go. Grey Ml modemte. te"Ifgt',tttt for “In. u hummummt hem en the Review or ttoe,thfrttnni. or mmdenm mm than. or to Ceylon P.o., will be promptly amended to, Terms on manual... n. Durham School ARTHUR H. JACKSON Burma-s, Solicitors. Conveyance”. he. Money to Loan. (Pee. McIntyre Block over the Bank A. G. Much: K. c. W F Dunn 0ttice-C'aider'. Black. over Post OtBee ,,,,_, - --- ........v V “no.“ u an Ro Al Conan Dental Wu Beam, In in m bunches. lnnunnce Agent, Mom-y to hum lower of Marriafe Licenses. A gen- eral tiutuueUt “mines: transacted University. graduate of Boyd Uollega of Dental Surgeons of Unlurio. Room! Over J & J HUNTERS New more orto 0N0 , . I - h -- fl an: ft?l,,APu,,21tyo,Cte, 1.9939“! GM DEE? TAIL. W. C. PICKERING o. D S., L D S HONOR GRADUATE of Toront, Auctioneers. once. “but“ Ute mum: to nodule}; Sudan to Knupp'u (New York) gt new Omoo our d.Ng. Hanna"- Cue loo loam. Ion-nu! Mo “mu No or... 0M1 tPllh"t,tfgg,'? Dun-ac! Women-nae men. J. G. HUTTON. M. D., C. M Intercom” Planning. and Baryon. OIhrIo tyBotrams We: Cor. “unau- no Geo. u... u loose! mu. Old locale can". ’. McPHA n., Honey to bow. q dice, over Gordon'. Jewelry Store F333: $1 per month In Mm. Ive,. Ear; Nose * Throat J. F. GRANT D. 0.5 noun-y Public. Culmuissio 1l9AvEYAttctttt, Aes, F-H B. I 2-4 a u. TolopMIoCuuoouon No. " Full line of Catholic Itole. nmd black and white Cups for aged people. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., Mundane-oil. flu our 'rht,'s"p.r."o Store MEDICAL MACKAY d; DUNN, sun and Equipment. A. BELL Ceylon bu . telephone 0mm. MttPtrAiL, Ceylon P. o C. RAIAGE. Durham . P. TELFORD Ceylon P. o.," will]; LTG tlr 'Ystruotospruiiiisoil' tom p ' we: [or the Cat. of Grey. Hale tied w. M Mongols lt? 3' II, Maple men: Wage Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. DR. BURT OPTIC! HOURS axed "aid. ' Commissioner. - - - Ovation-d ordt the uni-ii Mon. " Rio-pita!) m of Toronto

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