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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1908, p. 7

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D. 2. 1908 a: woman. Wale}! Congidor d Form "In"... London gram I','. b a will; aa " lull-y my; In“. HIE an. " FOR MEN GLES - "~13.- q if“ Now Prawn”. 1.1! mi " sap". 7,Y2 "I l“m with _ with _ I'm 1.1“ " M In 1' nun-ml a nwthm Milli" the human that "levtrieity r Indy can be wk work. This “at! the prolongation I ditinnu! vitality , body walking Is ennui m. Siebel Inna: elements. web as a during their con“ bully not as gre? ution _ . rmmn (In IPtterN tt0reqsed to their , t I ' V l , "a”. _ nun ant-31y maul:- to tlie I "t"/,1"C," r'i2.' ' leaders in 1873, before they left Rus- m-ql r.» "LL------------ fmlnmeut Im- an 1:"iil/,,',"11st:y,"'ori/,t: I 4". by .hha Lowe, Ikputy Minister of _ v l I tN A [1691 inal ad“ to prvvvut tttC ' l' "a. . y F'.rlueation. These letter, unarazntaml ”OJ..T BON & . gunning; lu-la mt mu- t1l',.),C,1"iiL/1n"of,1itii'a"t' no militray duties ot any kind . the Gatter With n1: Cousin, mittee “a? upW"'.F:"“ [1l,'ri",iit'"'/1.kil iwunld be required of them. The Men. iti.ycd Ab?" . , d Salim- tuottt:tm, In) lor, if." L'lul y ' liiii' I nnnites are bitterly opposed to the pub- Prince e " I nt New. H. LLVIAHL Ittrt,rihr) ii,' cow lie whack under any conditions, and . ban th _ There . wt" a Hi, C! I on, ot WWW" I".,', “I _ Cl' Gi/id to . their prejudice is only strengthened by 'rhtrH., “I. : It“: do (bullet toula.s i 'sider “Inn additiona mu“ 'ked f I the "t'escrure of the flax. . quaint-l n l" l""‘i de C'antellarte aud in» criminal code 'i'l"'t"/gi, 113013;”. t 4:? _ " s.." “M" ' 5 . ' t is ro- , . time, in t e lg o I, I n. - i933“:- [Hie .L- ':it,5a,:n2l"d,',"l1'itnt, in rrthot.eit'v"/',A party. , Janus To My smucm potted to mt" “you The E.ieeutid eo.neurrtti ilt mania:- lar t miiriiG, C “n".cunrml fntm Liing to some " , retary"s view that gnu-o uyu.w.aes , .1- In!!! I a . Outing raga. Crent y'".", 17//J'l'lt"f spa; in th, iniun ("untili and 2i'Jl'"t,! (amt: Sensation. .-' y - . . ' _ " ro'" _, ' 1... rdi to othtr were yet to tit. or I't .- _ London, Jan. (1.--While the notorious ”of! . r,,,,'.,"",',',?,,','." hie cmHI'I would pryer.ly i,?'),',,'??,',?:'.:',?.,,,,?'?,',; suffragette, Mn. Pankhuret, w" con- "P F. 7 F li hm cutting him. The 1 ounce Itgithttiott bt “I: iririiirii% of ducting a meeting " Newton Abbot, h the tare, , If.!.',', 'wwnw by Count 5 that, P! genus f", be limited to any Devomrhire, I farmer in the audience PP'" trrrr all)! I mother of Count 5 the (-HPM'L '"". "dd in: rution, stood up and publicly offered to perry J“- do “new “we” between Newman! 'A',','".,','),'.," 'r'ivid'l'ITrele' in her. Mrs. Pennant replied, tummy, Dali. It,", :0. It',',',',',','.'"'"'" or p that she was not there to answer in; the rom , a t in ttetwertt tho ' “no . . . . t zonal nations. The Inner rejo n 'l',",'.".",, 'ii',',"),'::",?','," “"- 'oMittgt " hammers: "m" “rm”: 1"."t1. he 'l)A7'l " do w . “a" . W . , . . my...” The 2tr.eur'" an Keirsteed, Rev. W. Chown end the Bee. band would be will! to her u 1 vote. -4“ In: I“... Jean do Cute“, I Mother Hon], who interposed muse" the v-ovnlmtants. _ . 'r-- _..A n. h. Paris. Jan. 6. w “mun-l in the Rm l tum-1 Pry-mt 1103i Prine "clie do 'iag polka! to have dear unmeasured terms. Corrrrt Boni, new ”a... .J '.'sr, arn 'ttsrdl.? but. A on“: the. irttttN"ure mun." muscular structure of Ire dare-land that he the eottstrttetistt of ba ing qeate, in which the non-usury to form t' On'm-n the banning a! before the Amet Adamant-It of LITTLE ELECTRICAL GENERATORS IN THE BODY ol' MAN. t C'"cago Physician Hag Found the Way to Make Them Work and Will Pro- lm Life by Supply of Additional Vitality. London. Jan. 6. _-Greet Britain in “J Velthrim, alias Frank Kurtze, who wn penemm‘ what might well he mum, an i arrested in Paris three months ago one almout startling awakening to the sum. } evtruditud on December 28th, charge! pron-vim caused by the immigration of : with attempting to Moekmail Sollv Joel Awiaties to be: white colonies. The l u noon: Atrium mining magnate, we principal political topic for a week pm! l again before the Guildhall Police Cour has been the nitmtion in the Transvaal. today. lie has declared that Joel owet where ”Vefli thousand indians nllli him “01]” for an expedition he mad: til-incu- weu given the alternative of to the Trantsvaal to organize a ple will!“ to what they com-idler n de, against President Kruger's life. mill-e mm of "rho-non or of be. Mr. Joel testified tq-day that he no in imprisoned or expelled. never seen the prisoner except when The report. of further racial rioting at i he saw him in the dork at Johanna Vane-aunt come " a particularly inop- .hurg. portune time on Account of the negotia ? l "unset read in court a letter written tions now under way between Canal" I by Von Veltheim. which forms the only and Japan, and they are very annoying I jut-t of one of the charges against him, to the Britiah Government. " " l :H followa: "l dare say you will have recognized that the question ii fouite forgotten the writer and the un- more a-riom. for Great Britain than tor l w-ttlccl accounts hetwom us. I have pur- the l'uited States. became the Indians F pust'ly delayed the inevitable settling are Britihh mhjeets and the Japan"!- l day till now immune I intend such to be are Urn-tit liritain’u nilie-i. The Trans. in worthy issue between tttl till satisfied van! h“ temporarily rcirninell from _ once for all with a purely financial 'set- taking measures umvinnt those lmlinns l tlement. provided you accept my deci- nho have whim-d to register, other than 1 sion promptly and frankly. Let me now to decline to renew the trn-leru' licenw-i. 5 see if you have learned from the past or al! of which exoired on Deeorntrer 31U. not, or again regret when it is too late, " is prop-d. however. to eexcute the , There will he no threats made and no bo, in " few darn. Two thooand Indians further letters, only a hill drawn again» from all parts of the Transvaal met re. 'you and preaented for payment, which cently in JohntuwNrg and voted to N" I you can refuse to honor if you choose. {ms to auhmit to the law. . In the latter case, I can only assure you -----_----- (that you Will have full opportunity to 8 tell me peruonally your reasons why you HUMAN BA'r1lTilltlE q have refused." - Is can be Wham-u mm mam- up uu use, This work, he said, will mean u prqungutioI of life {Mullah the ad. innal vitality supplied to t e human ly working " its own electrical gen- Two "new“; ucxsnuion LAW I mm CHARGED mm BLACKMAIL- was noun]. cannon. I ING “ND MAGNATE. BRITAIN’S Asmncs.’ ciaiiiirjiiiiiiiiiii] men are eon-inn. Comet Bail VII "canny divom-d by tin wilt. who VIM Min Anna Gould. of Path. JII. &--The “any“ of this city (0-day publish long mount- ot the run-aunt" yauuhy between Count lion: de Cult-"nu tad the Prince Hello de “ma In the " a. Chillut. The two men are ennui-7 AU three won marched on u you" min, when they mule plnnatknl.” (mun but art" in his comin’n lace. Then cunt“. that a! “no, followed by a rough all "Ruble ttight on the pun-mat. which ended in the gutter, "hurl" the In: '0'. 'tnsily wanted by a H. butcher. Botti, [allowed Jean in Ca Prince. "ee'at'ry w... a, rd" “all, who reported to be had a pemrnU tite l bun-h " I in will" inn cum 30m AND iiiiiiiiiiriiiiiir- m A ROUGH-AND-TUMBLE FIGHT mu t Thou-ad name- of India in Tuna. val Mu. to Submit to the Law --pmrsit-t Indian in Imam Pre diet Valuing of Loyalty in the East. l a method of gun" the human body. nativity ranted P 'a run Jan. 6. -Dr. J. C. tsiebel, a f this city. announced tn-day Ameriran Assovizuion tor the It. of We that he has au. method of generating spongy human body. Re 39.1de "in "dared in the human 'ms. weanling to dillicnlty. up According t rt That the Prince is Engaged to Marry Anna Could the Count: Former Wife. rh 'tly cutting Hm Jul. &--.E lore Partirutam. de Caulk" mm n. The Count is n and made to some ac- spat in the " to other to the Toronto dowpatcll: An able triminnl lau both of ling Canada on the subjects t betting, and unlawful game by Sir Thomas W. Tsulur, l extinct Justice, ot Canada Executive oi the Moral am wrm Council of Canada, wh tun-day afternoon in the u Lite building. 1110 attention ecutive being drawn by tir Rev. De. J. G. Shearer, to He SIR THOMAS TAYLOR ON BETTING AND GAMBLING. Another letter, referring to the first, mu aim read. Counsel concluded by "mm-ring that the prisoner was thr writer of the letters, and said the ques- tion mu whether they contained throats and Lumen-e. Von Veltheim was tried in Johannes. burg on th" chnrgv of murdering Sully Joelu brother, but was acquitted on the urnuml that he acted in seH-defenee. l ounm-l n-ml in court a letter written by Von Veltheim. which forms the sub- jnt-t of on" of the charges against him, Cis' follows: "I 1lare say you will have nuitr forgotten the writer and the un- ,cottlerl zit-counts hetwom us. I have pttr- pusoly delayed the inevitOle settling clay till now lit-muse I intend such to be u worthy issue between us till sustiMied "twe for all with a purely financial net- tlement, provided you accept my doci- "ion promptly and frankly. Let me now MT if you have learned from the past or not, or again regret when it is too late. There will he no threats made and no 'Killcd Brother in a Fight-Letter Prom f the Accused Making Threats of Dil- cloaurel Read in London Police ‘ Court. m?" -r--- Mr. Joel testified téday that he had nun-r worn the prisoner except when he Haw him in the dork at Johanna- again before the Guildhall Police Court today. Ile has declared that Joel owed him $80,000 for an expedition he made to the Transvaal to organize a plot against President Kruger’s life. London. Jun. lh--Carl Ludwig Von Velthrim, alias Frank Kurtzo, who was arregted in Paris three months ago and Htmditud on December 28th, charged with attempting to huekmail Sollv Joel. u mum: Atrium mining magnate, was Asked about the report published in Le Journal that his engagement to Mine. Anna Gould would be announced in I few days and that the marriage would follow in Germany, Prince Hello said, nailing: "At the end of that time I do not know what may happen." Continuing, the Prince de Sag-n tspoke frankly of the lriendnhi that had exist, ml lretween himnel! umr the Count and (humans de Cash-Hana and his frequent visit» to their residence. "'""""e “n he being dra Dr. J. G. a already made beat for an an rude to prew sting bets on! De was Ippon and Others of Moral and Social,' Reform Council Witt Seek to HaveI Code Improved - Only Dominion 1 Matters to be Dealt With. . "Ir Bani had struck me in the face with his glove I would fight him," said the Prince. "By attacking me with his brother, two against one, Ind striking me when t w” down he ha. placed him. self outside the laws regulating Illnirs of honor. Moreover, I have decided up- on the advice of my attorney, should the public prosecutor not not in the mentor, to bring a charge of criminal assault, coupled ulth a demand for one franc damage-c, in order to be able to prove the deliberate character of the attack." WI» propped up in bed smoking dw- ettes. tte declared that alter eonterring with his tearing mum and other friends he saw no reason to change his decision not to send n etuUle e. "lt Bani had mm; me in the lace with his ttlove I would fight. him " .miil Cotmt Bani is quoted a. declaring hi. cumin to be outside the pale of society, and he reiterates the “mum-at made yesterday that It would _be 'uupuuibxc not him to procure uccepuble seconds, '""ie..f he desired to challenge to a duel. Prince Hem- iV;uGii,"ir"n"ei seen by the Assoetated Press at noon totday, Now York. and Prince Bali. u credited with having been attentive to mac. Gould. CRIMINAL LAW. made to the in anwudme prevent the tho busimns of ne- we COUI'tt'i, a com. I, wuslst'mg of sir '. Canon Tucker, '. Dr. A. A. Canter. tried in Johannes. of murdering Sally as acquitted on the in sell-defence. to the nppncn Dummiun Um m to the crim hummus of tie ' paper ox hum unu (1:8. (Paris Hun Protease: to See Danger in I U. S.-Japatsese Situation. npr _ Pnris, Jan. ti.wSome of the Paris lolly .m'wspapcrs, notably The Matin, which the Hume been giving considerable promin- Ienee. to the AyteritairJapanese "war I scare," have taken the cable) reports of 1.1:ji,.i.,':s, refusal to awe-pt the American eouditiou, in the matter of immigra- (tion, together with the decision of the {Navy Department to krep the torpedo- INO bout flutillu and the buttieships ingot!)- Ver for the remainder of the cruise to l the Pacific. and made of them u subject tial i for Mesh nlnrun. , I The Mutm regards the coincidence of '." those two facts us highly suggestive” “on i and expresses the opinion that Japan in. 1 tends to prom for a diplomatic, explnn- i !a-tinn before the fleet reaches the Pac. l '-ifie. This paper asserts the situation is l the _ almost annlugmu to that which existed- ' t.t H.“ before the tinsmnlnimnew war. l A Farmer at a British Meeting Creates . Sensation. London, Jan. 6.--While the notorious littffragette, Mrs. Pankhurst, was con. ducting a meeting at Newton Abbot, Devonshire, a farmer in the audience stood up and publicly offered to marry her. Mrs. Pankhurst replied, freezingly, that she was not there to nnswer per- anmll questions. The farmer rejoined he thought_ u sherwu u widow a Inu- made pulrlie Malay. They base their L‘illiln" an letters adrlrewsed to their leader, in 1873, before they left Rus- miu, by .hha Lowe, Ikputy Minister of Education. These letter, mmmntaml that no militny duties oT any kind Would be required of them. The Men. nonites an: bitterly opposed to the pulp- lie schools under any conditions, and their prejudice is only strengthened by the presence of the flax. . the Iron The Petition of - __' u...‘;a \III III" perties valued at $460,000 given minty, and $2L:,000 transferred to his children and grandchildren during his life. Chief Justiiv t'aleynbridge gau'e judgmnn; against the Government, but the Court of Appeal reversed the decision. and al. lowed the collection of duties on the nmn of $460,000. Result of Court's Decision in Woodruif Estate Litigation. Toronto, Jan. li.~The Province will collect 824,000 more in gnu-eastern duties from the white of the late Samuel D. Woodruit, of St. C'atltarines, if another appeal is not entered in the action brought by the. Attorney-General against the executors. The litigation was commenced by the Provincial Dc- purtment to recover the taxes on pro- Winnioez, l London, Jan. tk-After breaking the i world’s speed record for fifty miles, and lattemptlng to lower the 100 miles re- }eurd in a spectacular race against time in a six cylinder car on the Brooklands track this afternoon, H. C. Cyan, the well-known racer, escaped death in the most remarkable motor accident known. While the ear was speeding at the rate 1 of PM miles an hour the tire on the rear 1 wheel loosened and wrapped itself about the rim, giving the car the jumping power of a kangaroo, and in an instant l the maehine, driven forward by the pow- l erful engine, wan gyruting in the air and making a more dizzy plunge at each pon. l tact with the track. while the driver) mung to his seat. l Presently the machine gave three vio. lent zigmg plunges, cleared the high par- I apet guarding the track, and, breaking through the iron fence and snapping a telegraph pole, landed in a mass of scrap Iron an the public motor road out. side. Mr. Cyon was picked up uncom- minus, but was later found to be not wriuusly injured. ' Hits-Car on Brooklnndl Track Broke Through the Fence. - Fourteen experiments Were conducted by Mr. Carrel at the Rockefeller Ittstr tute between February and October " last year, five of which were failures be, enum- of unfavorable conditions at the time of the operation. The eats sur- vived the operation in periods varying from three to thirty-six days, and Dr, Carrel said that if it had been possible to permit them to return to their nat. ural life he believed they would have lived their allotted time. Mon Are Now Able to We: Vital Organ. New York, Jan. tL-Aanotmeemmtt was made yesterday in the official argon of the Rockefeller Institute for aged. ical Research of the experiments con. ducted by Alexis Cdrrel, of the Institute "att, in the transplantation in mass of kidneys from one out to another, and doctors with whom his efforts were dis. mused said it was not a far cry to the tirne when it may be possible to Hana- plant one of the vital organs from an uninml'g 1:t to that of a human. Now that it has 'een uhown that the trans- plantation may be made in animals, it only requires, one of them said, the em- rrgency and the need of such an opera- tion for it to be tried in the more inr portant PtHe. The President of the Council Rev. Dr. Cannon, ex rel-ed gmtifieation " this evidence or union on the part of the various churches and other organ- iutiona in wise, practical reforms. Be urged caution along with eunentness in the future actions and deliverance: of the Council. and felt that their differ. cute: of opinion would ever be apron!» ed and discussed in a proper thr slim spirit. As he understood, the Council was to act onlv on reforms of whiCh all the membership orgnm'mtiom in the Couneil approved, but each org-nintion or church was free to adeoeate other re- forms by itself, apart from the Council or its action. CALL. IT MILITARY DUTY, WORKING UP A WAR SCARE, 1:"me Jan. G.--The "ertrtonites, asking for the law which rcquirp to ho flown over the _ reury to dnft . list of wicrml that If claiming the attention of the Omn- ;ht by the. Attorni/rGGiirii tst the exeeutors. The litigation commenced by the Provincial 1Je. PROVINCE GET: on an the public tGtoi road out. Jr. Cyon was pieked up uncon- but was later found to lr, not TRANSPLAHTED KIDNEYS. A MOTORIST'S ESCAPE m of Mennonites Flags on' Schools. the dvcision of awe n krvp the torpedo- ' batthships tngetll- 'r of the cruise to le of them u subject quirps the Union the schools. was They bane their lrlrewed to their Try' petition of 824,000. exemption Against (buses were ll follows Deapond- ency, 4,028; insanity, Mio; domesuc in- felieity. 2.1-72: dmapprrastment in love, 1,213; ill health, Mi; liquor, 493; bust. ues losses, 123y unknown, 786. l'ntil 1906 about twice u mnfuy men committed suicide as women, but last year there was nearly three times as many men and this year there are more than three times as mnnv, the record '-nyrinu B,188 men nun 2,594 women " 1907 There Were 10,782 Who Sought Death. l'hiulgu. “L, Jan. 6.--suieidee in the United States continue to immune, as they have done for several years past, and also mmmue in excesa of other forms of violent death. The number for 1907 was 10,782, according to reports 1mm mil sections cf the country. wept together. Mr. Hurley has been searching for his sister for a long time. He was once a wood chopper, but now is a prosperous farmer near Ottawa, and his sister is also in good eireum. stances. - When investigation proved the. truth she nearly fainted, and the scene was most affquing. Ihey embraced and ' -- uv-wv": “run after 68 years of separation. Mrs. Grit. fin believed her brother drowned over sixty years ago when logging in Canada, and could not believe him alive when he presented his claims. A TOUCHING RIB-UNION. Michael Hurley, of Ottawa, Find Boston. Mam-3.. Jan. 6.--hiiehaet Hurley, of Ottawa, was reunited with his sister, Mrs. Ellen Griffin, of Boston, to-day, “In... "" .,,_.._- " ----__t. ..- " -___ Ce'""'" W.“ Tr. In..- ity for coinagv. The Jirt ofth refinery will be about fifteen thousand dollars. Alumni the guests at the opening tltis afternoon was Lord Midleton, formerly Right Hon. St. John Brodriek, Secretary ‘for War in the Balfour Ministry, who is a guest of Lord Grey at Rideau Hall. On Saturday next Lord Midieton will address the 1'auadian Club of Ottawa on Hriti~h rule in lndin, with special ceier Cttee to present conditions. It is the intention of the Croveruruvut to build a refinery in connection with the Mint in order to insure that gold and copper which is brought in for mint- iIIg “will be of the proper degree of pur- . " A, “4..-.“ rm . - . u In killing themselves, igur took Ottawa destpatch: The first Canadian coins to be minted in the Dominion were turnod out at 3 o'elock this afternoon at the new Ottawa branch of the Royal l Mint, which was officially opened by His l, Exeellerwy Earl Grey in the prcsonce of ' member.) of the Government, prominent {officials of State and a large crowd of Ottawa people who were invited to wit- ncu the formal opening. There was no speech-making in connection with the [opening his Excellency merely declaring It!"," Mint to he formally opened, and starting the machinery which coined the first silver fifty-cent piece. The stamp- l ing machinery for the copper cent pieces was started sittutitirnturusly. and n sou- nnir curve-9' min Wm presented to each person prewnt, after a tour of th: build. mg had been made, nnd the various pro- cesses "xplained hy the officials in charge: The Mint. will he kept in daily operation from now on, and will furnish u_rc.-uly market for the product of Caua. than cuppcr and silver mines. 1 SILVER AND COPPER COINS STRUCK OPP. had died instantly to the other side of his chair she saw the bullet hole in his right temple, from which the blood was trickling, and real- ized what had happened. She called one of the servants and sent for her physi- chm. The latter said that Mr. Caspar ! Mr. Caspar, whose age Coroner Har. burger got as M, was once tt member of the firm of Rowland & Eapinwall, whose offices were " 54 South street. They owned many fast clipper ships and did a large business in bringing tee from rChina. Twenty years ago Mr. Caspar _ retired with a fortune. Since then he had lived a life of ease, devoting himself to his hobbies, which were driving and painting water colors. Recently the old man’s eyesight began to fail very fast, and about two weeks ago his physician told him that he had cataracts. In addition to this, the cir- culation in his eyeballs was defective. Apparently Mr. Caspar realized that there was no hope for his eyesight and, according to the family. had become de. spondent. A few days before his death he remarked to his physician that the end scemed'pretty near when a man lost his eyesight. Not only was it impoasi- Me for him to read, but the pleasure he once had of retouching some of his water colors was also lost to him. Mrs Caspar paused at the door once and looked in, but seeing her husband still reclining in the chair, she supposed him asleep. A short time afterward she took in n canary to hang in the room, because she thought the singing of the, bird would cheer him up. Passing around l NEW MINT OPENED. .New York, Jun. 6.---Surrotmded by the paintings which he loved, but which he knew were to be soon nothing but mam. cries because of his fast fouling eyesight, Marquis Cmmit Caspar, a wealthy retired tea merchant and oeioeenariait, shot himself this morning in the sitting room of his house at 30 West 53rd street. dying instantly. He was found some time inter by his wife, who It first thought him asleep. -- Wealthy Retired Herein“ of New York Commit; Suicide Baum of ruling 1tretsirttt--Etteaged in Chinese mm OCTOGENARIAN PREP!” BEAT T0 SIGHTLISS HIE. l COULDN’T SEE HIS PICTURES. SUICIDE ON INCREASE I] Key, of Ottawa, Finds Sister After 68 Years. poi. ONTARIO i Pcterboro Buildinq Destroyed-Los, is [ 813.000. Peterboro, Jan. 6.--ThU morning, from some unknown cause, fire broke out in the large brick curling rink on Charlotte street. The fire had mndr great lit-ml- wny before discovered. The building Win totally destroyed, with the books and records of the Curling Club. The south wall fell outward and wry nearly caught five firemen. The loss is estimator! at $12,000. The insurance totals 84.000, of which $1,000 is carried by the Phoenix. Northern nnd Western Companies. About 125 pairs of curling stones destrovod were not insured. The season’s nrhedule will be carried out in an open rink. Pres. ident T. Brightmnn placed In order this morning for the necessary stones. Lansing, Mich, Jnn. (Lulu the con-l slitntinnnl convention yesterday a cigar- ottv dirsctt.qsirn that in the beginning gave the amwnrancc of having been en- tered into jokingly. pahsod quickly into) the serious Macro, and results in the; adoption of n proposal prohibiting thal- manut‘nrture and sale of cigarettvn in this State. The proposition was carried in mmmittn of the whole and Inter was tuiopted, M to 17. in former mention. "he opposition to the proposal will he re- newed when it comes up on second' reading. I It Passed From Joking to the Stage. dent his avtiortGrd prays nrtilkiatiil'. It is thought that this will close the inei. wri He Joined in a Criticism of Archbishop Bruckcni. Montreal. Jan. G.-- h'svitement over the mnm'ni from tit. Patriek's, of Fath. ur (nlhlphan and the appointment of Father Alt-Shane, is still echoing. Rev. Canon tJ'lleatr, parish priest of St. Gabriel‘s, on Sunday made come re- marks which welt. published in The There is thus a birth, death, life and tire Insurance. as well as other adv-nuns. Purl: tenants. ttitherto notoriously ill-trented, are hoping that the cumplo will unmet Every month there will be a letter-7 in which the receipt: tor the month‘s rent will be med " tickets. The first receipt drawn will be landed to the lucky tenant whimI name it hours without any payment bola: made. if the head of the funny dies, " widow or children will receive a month's rent free. and they will be It liberty to lane the house without further notice or rennin. as they no tit. And if a child is born, the moth” will receive a month's rent tree In n who. Moreover. n physlclln ill] be regularly em- oloyed tor the handles] service ot the house. Ho will call the first Build” or every monlh and give tree ttongtlbtatiotttt to any ten-m in need of MI “tendon. Br the terms ot the lean to be used the society insures the furniture of etch tenant tree of charge tor the sum of 1.0001. It will also keep the stoves end chimney- clean. an expense which hu never before been borne by the Part. indlords. Everything Hurt Can Wish in New Apartment Home. Full. Jun. 6.-A new bulldlng 5cher which la at pet-eat electing . number of apartment houses In Pun-ls. hu Jul: publish- ed I pron-mine of remnrkwle “beauty. The society promises to mike We no plen- ngt's for m ten-nu that there wlll probably be a ' to occupy the new premises u IOOII u they are completed. All the men were mounted and wore white cups, {elem beards and masks. Es. cept for the firing " those who appear- t-d on the streets, there was little shoot. mg. This is the third mid of the night rid, ers in West Kentucky. and comes in the [new of the announcement by the Gov. ornor that disorder must can. The most nerillunly injured was Roberts, of Evansville, Ind., who w: guest at a hotel. The Chief of Police was overpowered by four of the masked night riders. Two merehanu, J. R. McLean, a gro- cer, and J.menry Monk-v, owner of a. dry goods More, did not hurry into their homes as last an the night riders desir. ed, quid were shot. FATHER KIERNAN'S APOLOGY Russellville, Ks, Jul. 6.--Night riders, 100 :trong, swooped down on Russell- ville early thin morning,'nhd utter over- coming the thin nolicemen And provid- ing again“. gm: of an alum, dyna. mited and burn the two independent tobacco concerns in the city nnd several other establishments. and rode "" out the Hopkinsville and ‘Chrksville tumpike. Three men were fired upon and wound. ed by the mnrnuders, and the telephone girl operators and police were held prin- oncrs for nelrly three hours. Buildings wereULir0.iTr' valued at over 840.000. Over BURIED DOWN TOBACCO TORIES m RUSSELLVILLE, these, 1,154 and the rcpt, 974 (bond “BMW”, 80t cut their throats, " throw themselves in. "out of min, 40 lhbbed than-elves, 81 jumped from windows or main, 6 blew themselves up with dynamite, and 2 “and them- sel_\:es to death. tal is a; TOWN FIRED CIGARETTE NO JOKE. CURLING RINK FIRE. r 840,000 Worth of Buildup De- 'troped-S-t Papa Shot by the Gang--Potiee all Telephone Gid- Hcld Prisoner-his Wu 0. Third #31”! a}!!! revolvers. Besides A PARISIAN PARADISE. -- --..-. ”mu"... in the Int twenty yearn. Jet fewer lynching- BY RAIDERS. lucky tenant when any payment bola: the tatntly dies, " receive a month's be at llberty to leave 'wi-th 69 Serious in in “IS a PAC. i, Finding of the Bond in the Kent l Temple Disaster. Halifnx,Jnn. 6.--Deimion in the Mount Temple dunner, which was forwarded to the department at Ottawa on Monday, wu given out to-day. It exonerau-n the 'captnin and places the blame on the neo- , and officer. Repeats His Wife’s Words That God's lacy in Great. Stockholm, Jan. (L--When King 0am! but became common, to it in sud now that he is buried, he turned to than of his family and mid, "God bless you." The? dying 5eiiir,er,',ii:rt,t the; hin wife the words, " is mercy is great," and added, "Thank Jenn.” In the use of the ntenmuhip Kildrman, lost at Bradl Rock, Cape Sable, the de- cision of the commissioner and nautical assessors completely exam-rates the rap- tain and officers of the Kildonnn of " blame. Queen Sophia, replying, said, "God will he]? yotg. _ WuyIerey is greet." - _ I The lecturer pointed out that in a children’- I medical ward and prattically all the children I had acme physical detect, and among theae ichildren with deteda the mortality was apt to be higher in the case of the girl- than ot t the bun. " From this it was deduced that. while the female sex apparently approachee cloaer to l normality than the malv, yet when abnormal» l atiea are round equally in the two eeaes the lee: vitality ot the girl will cam her to break down under any added strain sooner than the boy. ed his wife Wu extnvngnnt in iil'r tutu, and lacking in thrift and provi- denee. Whenever the wanted . new dreu she would diepose of some uticle of urniture, usually at a fraction of in vnlue. When the womnn came home carrying the baby the husband vowed he would stand it no longer. Woman Whit Wanted Theatre Ticket Bas New No Hanna. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 6.- Divorced be. cause she sold a. baby carriage for I dollar to buy herself I. that” ticket in the plight of Mrs. Randolph Haunt, jun. In his petition her hunbaml alleg- ten vitality at the em will am wig; Lmdon, Jun. lt. P.T."liy to d"- break down under any added ctr-tn sooner Witches from the United States, Am- than the bor. Inland!" Bryn has rt-quwtt-d the Dr. Warner new that. whereas the male as: Amerimut authorities to court-h for summed the put muporlty of erimtrtahr, lGenille 0.varBmwtte-Wve, who Ln» yet In the number of murder: complicated try [Med to the title and estates of Q',',',", r/rfb"', {relay Iexceeded the men. one of the olden baronetmus in tin- even our " on en my cum of Int-nth kin ttdom ott the death of hi,, fathe. otde. Anon Incorrl Ittl vrt I l h . . . been convictgd ten 'i'l'fl'A; i','vU'e'l,,l'et',2f, Gentile haa been 'r"' for m Y" n. more than twice " numerous u men. He _ to AWN" many yearn "o, "--_----- after 1 quarrel with his father and SOLD BABY CARRIAGE can”. entered the “mice of I Now York -- (firm of naturalieh. for when" ho hunt- Woman Who Waatad Tbeat eke! ed big game in the Far East. After Mag '0' lo Hm" Ti i mad he was a cowboy in Ariwm and . - later wan heard of in Dvnwr. These dere the last words of King REAL LAST WORDS OF A KING. Dr. Warner Account-ed tor the preponder- ance- ot remain over mm In Eula"! and Wiles by the tact that, though more boy babies were born. I much Inger proportlon ot males than female had some pttrueal de- fect. Prom minute examinations at thou-- and, ot children Dr. Warner tottnd (In: ' per cent of the boys had some phyulcnl defect, nicompnred with only 7 per cent in the Further atatirtitt. 'ttrot" by Dr. WI"!!! showed that St per cent of boy! and In their first you. when” only a per cent or girl babies succumbed In the same period. London Doctor in Lecturel Solve- I Curious Sex Problem. London. Jun. 6.-Lecturlng last night before the Child Study Society, Dr. Punch Wuha- aid that. although in 1305. 57 per cent of the birth tn thin country were hon, the death rate among boy tubing run so much - thin among the glrk thnt at the Ewen-old children Alive nt that time only " per cent um hon. The murderers fled, and no true of them bu been found. SECOND OFFICER T0 BLAME. His wife, who Ind just Mood behind him " the time, was frantic, but mun- aged to drag him back into the room, where he died I few hours later. Both stopped work, straightened up, and looked up " him. At the name in- stant one of them drew a. revolver from his coat pocket Ind fired ct Fisher. 7 After watching them for s (an ow- ands, Fisher called out to the burgh”: "What are you trying to do down there'." Not more than ten feet sty and just below him two men were endeavoring to draw or break a bolt on u side window of the grocery store. They had broken I pane of glut-m, making the noise which aroused Mrs. Fisher. Between 3 and 4 o'clock My morning Mm. Fisher u'vokenod him and told him she had been “and by the breaking of a window in the grocery store of William FeimR, which adjoin!) the house occupied by the Filbert. He listened, and, on both concluded burglars were at work, Fisher quietly ruined I. side window on the second floor of a low extension in the rut of the house and looked out. the morning in: dwelling at Broad and Murray streets. They amped It the time, but were Iuhuquently caught. One of them afterwards committed suicide in the Essex County jnil while awaiting the execution of . death sentence, and the other id the penalty for the crime on the 'U"l,"h. Fisher Watt an inspector of the New Jersey Tenement Home Communion I‘d was widely known. Beside. I widow he leaves two young children. ' This in the first murder committed by burglar- in Newark in more than " years. The last was the killing of Sun- ley Brock, I policeman, who in 1880 cor. nered two burglars ubout~l o'clork in New York, Jun. 6.--Por humming two burglars who were " work in an effort to enter the More of I neighbor. George A. Fisher, forty yarn old, wu shot and killed yesterday morning while Inning from a side window of hi: home, nt_ll0 We}: street, Newark. Indexer Then Gets Awar--rimt Wit- ing of the Kind in Newark in Ion Than Twenty-tive 1rearv-Arietig. Wou no". WIFE SEES A BURGLAR BOYS THE KORE when“. m nusmn WHILE Wm- mo Ell on. Vunmuvvr. It. C., Jon. (LATwn ritv firemen, John Front Ind "corp Andri- hon, no in the lumpiul suffering from seven- wounds inflicted hy Jay-anew ear, Iy this morning. The injured men, llon with moth" fire-nu named J. Magnum. were pig he from the fire ball in the was! end. All time were when (he, push-d by thd others, fell. Iii: hand came in contact with the win- dow of a Japanese boarding lion», break, ing I pane. . Amuemcntl ter Lectm in the Fleet of Germany. Half u down Jay» run out and attack- ede them with knives. Frost's fare is nightfall, cut. his nou'gom-, and An- derson in bully rut about the neck. Mun donld nu for the police. flame arm“ were nude. Berlin. Jan. 6. __ For (In ettorrttrtt,z-trt of mnpenuce in the RAE-vet's me, ar- maments have been unin- for a swim of lectures aboard all the warship. of the high In tteet thin winter. The "hUey Anti-Alcohol League” is “ready in existence, its leader being a native naval r,,',',',',',',',',',,",',' who” efforts are his: otrteU ly supported by the Ru: _ wt. Vancouver Fireman 'rad His In: Cut Off. But a London frimtd id said to haw revived I letter from Geuille. in “'hil'll the latter makes no neon-I. of hi: " dress or " mow-menus. and in in ertated that be bu nude .rrntpw.tontar by mail for the control of his Fuu'inh "Mun, whit-h an in Yorkshire. Englkh Baronet Living in the West. Acting M-yor Duly, of Harrison, N. J.. aunmetteed today that the City Council would offer n reward of $1,000 for the uncut and conviction of the slayer of the woman. In the hope of finding a new clue in the way of clothing or " ferta, the pond in which the corpse was found in to be drum-d. The famous, Hol- ttian police hound», which Police Commits, alone! Bingham imported mntly for tailing unknown: on tho outskirts "f the city, will be used to track the mur- deter. Baffled at every turn, the deb-dive- have failed to find . mingle clue to hand to the identity of the woman or her slayer. anything about 'the' man. It is thought that he m a form' r, who Wu prob- nbly derrondeatt Mr, out of work. An Squat vi he opened tomorrow morn- New York, Jan. 6.--T'he myutery nur- rounding the murder of the "woman in red" in on Impenetrable mmingiy todny u when her nude body wan diacoverod on (Eridanus Dny partially concealed in the water and slime of u forbidding pond 'tettHarritsott. N. J. m 08! Doc DETECTIVIS. Spock! Ethn- to Discover Slayer "Z. C." we tattooed on his right arm. He had on a grey mind unit. and a red and white sweater. These was no mon- ey found in hi. keta, and there was Wagon: hi. J;llfi1t' by qehieh he "th 'ti"ht1 we loom-ed the . bor. hood, ttttd mu Menu tttte: by owned aa; (why on NIL-nu: “met, when an unknown mm deliber. atuy Mind a revolver from " hip podsct and blew his brains out on the oidewnlk. IBe victim is ubout thirty {can of age, five feet time inches in night. and well built. He has dark hair And l mull moustache, and the letters In of Thirty You“ Shoots maul! u loaned. When to explosion oe-md the bot, tom of the converter dropped out. “no“ " tom of molten metal Into the 'lt. there " In were working at the MI". M was no explosion when the hot man of steel struck the bottom of the pit, but instead [lumen of burning gnu were sent up which burned the men in the pit. The two men Mm were kill, ed had been workingywr the convert er, and their bodies, new tcrribl.t mangled. No official Imminent a! the - of the explosion u:- s3PPtt lulled. but old converter mill men my the - ”I“ hardly be other than that one of the molten metal aim-d through the soup- stone lining of the converter all - in contact. with an and “was which porhnp- up: all» All were removal to a hospital in this dty, where it Wu aid their injuries were not mom. 2hs two men killed were foreigners. six of the injured were American ad the othem Sh". day. Pittttbetrg,ehuc tk-Two-t were kill. at :1 thirteen others seriously injured by u explosion in converter No. , of the Mp: “omn- phlt at the United sau- Stoel Corporation " North Brad, dock, about seven miles “I! of hen, to- M Wat‘s Were nun mm. I.” It! I. m COI- mun AT "TRIM. HOT MEI“. DEUCE Mirntreat gum-h; Ayu1icide 1ry “may ATTACKED BY JAPAWEStt, TEMPSRANCE " NAVY. MISSING HEIR LOCATED. ouun may and” in Im- AN UNKNOWN SUICIDE , his nme’gom. and An- rut about the neck. Mac. the police. 111m "mm of

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