West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1908, p. 8

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t: Pr,', r rm comm-m siiirat,t a 'drg'd an I w n M. 10;!le 'GllllNllll."a't In. an nwmd. t'mlerour methods 01 you! burn n m- drnls In. enter Colin. " any ”.0. WP". " mammal“; to c. A. mums. may». Owen Sound G. H. STINSON Model Bakery Winter Term opens Jan. 2, MMM. at the s the thing -to think of ii,. LN BONS ALWAYS PRES]! We have a good supply of fresh Baking Alwnvs on hand. Also a good unort- ment of Candies. Nate and oranges. The olden! md strange“ bullion taboo]. All mum“ I!" of the best. Student! receive expert imrtmcttmt and when. “mention And no unlined to position! “lime tor Catalogue ttf this live arm-O. " I, We have 1 all qetreerey1q-._-rt,r, up: time BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE "r/fl",','),'-]-));, Mom/1 52 jda y Baking M. WATSON. p, A. Bldg. All heights, in laced or buckle, high leather top, snag proof. Rubbers Goods for Christmas Heavy Lumberman's Rubbers tq,, Yong. a [will " TORONTO 'nnclpa THE PEOPLE'S STORE 1iitmer...rC.y.y.y..' 00w 60 'Hay......... ........17oomaoo 3 lhttterr........../.C 25to 25 " Egg. 25to 25 tin Pot-wuperbq...... 85to 85 hr Flottrpei ttwt........ 260:0325gw 9rttne/tupersatsel.' 300:0325ILe1 tJropperi"rt...C..d. l60tot80ithe LiveHoga per cm... iyill,'eheit.r. .r.?.reiHiireperGi. 6t8?to6tip,l!or I.ptusperKi..1.-. .... 8to 3:to 9g,t?/rrrcc. 40to foite_tr Ir1x?f..........tl. 23to '25ittll T'9ow......,..C.C.' 5to 5 the ifrd.........r.r..C. 12to 13 hon fii7riiir..C.C.y.y. 10 Id tiou Lies................ " 9 ml l't1C1"i.yr.ty.y.rryr a... a a...- l Dummy. JAN. 'l, 1908. j,y.r1iiiit".'7.'.".rG' 92to8 lrrlnrwhent...AC. 92to ‘Efmavmwmmm I t Winter Millinery RUBBERS Are up to the highest stamina of excellence. Winter term open: Jan 6. Wrta, to any for our [ml m1. The Courses ot Study in the I We still have a large stock of trim. med Millincry to sell at special prices. Every hat is of good material, fresh and ) new, nearly all trimmed the latter part lo! the season. We have some special bargains in all black hats, some trimmed with black plumes. ftowers and good black taffeta ribbon. Owing to our extensive trade we keep a choice stock of Millinery all the year round and arc always prepared to: suit you in good goods. Always a choice l lot of Veiling in stock. Parisian Millinery Co Miss Dick. Durham Markets. TORONTO. ONT. Maple Leaf Men’s & Boys’ RUBBERS "ut-r-Ast-r-i-r- ELLIO", Princjpgl M'- 40 to 23 to 5to 12to to {(1) Many things in due course will 25 have to be considered. In the mean- 25 time however let me thank all who 85 have given a he.lpinsrptand, for their 25 ,assistance during the campaign. 25 I Let me especially thank the press for 80 , their readiness to open their columns 25 [for the discussion of the subject and 50 Ifor the courtesy invariably awarded 3 ito myself as a correspondent in the 60 itemperance cause. Let me also, in 25 Hall sincerity, indulge the hope that 5 the many respected citizens who 13 honestly differ from no in this ques- 1.2 tion will cooperate in seeking to 9 make our town all that they and we l 8 desire it thonld be. 95 95 It is no time for boasting. hardly even tor cheering. A trust has been committed to us, a responsibility 1 thrust upon us. If we are to approve ourselves there must be more than a mere cold, literal enforcement of the law. Law may be made the means of oppression and strife as well as the bulwark of liberty and peace. If the new policy is to prove a blessing we must realize that we are members one of another and that truth and honor is the sole bond of union. Many things in due course will ha, be, c, ----’ . . A The test of a life time comes at the honr of victory. Many groups of men who, while in the shades ot Op position stood for noblest principles have in a brief time forfeited all lelaim for respect after they have tasted the sweets of power. Now is the hour for proving the competence and character of the temperance people of Durham. The citizens have approved our policy by a vote of 297 to 179 which gives a clear margin _ over the 3/s majority required by law. I am thankful for the ttonfidencis thus expressed. I feel a sense of pride in our town for the orderly way in which the battle has been fought and lam satisfied that the temper shown by the citizens as a whole is a hope. ful indication for the time to come. It is no time for boasting. hardly even lor oh-i.., A ‘A __ . _ cALDtat---McDoxaLn,-on Jan. lat at the residence of the bride’s moth. er, Glenelg, by Rev. J. A. Matheson, John Calder, of Etrremottt, to Chris. tenn. drutthter of the late Neil Mc. Donald. of tdleneig. Brt.ow'ir--McFavmm,--At the resi- dente of the bride's brother. Proton on Jan, Is! 1908 by Rev. J, A. Mathe- son. William Br/own, of Weyuurn, South, to Sarah. youngest daughter of the late Nell McFaydPn of Proton ( WHirtr.-At Chmfo'd to Mr, and Mrs. I daughter. After the Battle Isldered. In the mean- let me thank all who heypiuggpand, for their Rubbers . FARQUHARSONA MARRIED BORN. A trust has been a responsibility re are to approve be more than a -d, on Jan. 2ud, John White, " LEDrs'otrAM-McKttcrvsrrr. On Wednesday at high noon, Christ- mus Day, Der. 26th, I number of relatives and friends Rutheled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKech- nie to celebrate the manme of their mood eldest ttall','," Mi lie, to Mr. mark A. Loding no of Weyhurn. Sack. The bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the weddina march Inyed bv Mrs. E. J. Glenn. Bethune. 'lg,' were unattended. On the awning of the following day the happy Kail- left for a trip to Al- berta and t e Antler community ex- tend their hearty eratttrtttulatictG and Wish Mr. and Mrs. Wang, many a happy and prosperous New ear.--Ex The groom's gift to the bride wu . mild watch and chain mud to the bridesmaid a costly guitar. The munv beautiful And vnlunhle presents rem-Wed testify to the high "teem in which the young couple are held by then many- friends here and in Ontario. Ample Justice having been done to the rowan! [negated mirthlul gutimen hegulled the ours until C ristmu morning was far advanced. . The hrida looked charming In an oriental lace lobe over heavy cream silk and the carried a hoquet of cream roses und maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid Miss Laura Hutton was humminnly attired in an embroidered white silk. The bride’s travelling suit was of brown silk Eolienne. The bride was given away by hee brother. Robert, and assisted by her sister. Miss Laura, while the bride- groom was supported by Mr. Lylle Hutton. ' The company amused themselves in a becoming umnner till the mull hours of the morning when all went home mshmg the young couple long life and prosperity on Iife's vovnge tottether. The newly wedded couple left for their home one mile south of the bride’s old home, er who is now getting on the decline. Although he want is a happy one the lumber naturally feels the (on of parting with her daughter who cnvod for new more particularly during the lust new yearn. . . . - v-._v .-.._ .._.. uW“ _ rim-r. Mrs. Wm. McLeod, Jr. of Top l Cliff. previous to the occasion. The lung who was given away hy her uncle, Mr. Donald McDonald. teacher, was beautifully attired in white. silk trimmed with valenciennes and her bridesmaid, Mien Mary McKechoie. (cousin) was dressed to correspond to the occasion. The groom was sup- Pnrled " Mr. Duncan Campbell of 1'oronto during the time the solemn vow was 'enponded to by both und in Keen than 15 minutes hath were pro- nounced mun and wife. The presents to the young couple were costly und numerous. Mina McDonald. (now Mrs Colder.) was a most. faithful nod culi- ful daughter in attending to her, moth. 1 One cf the eventu that everybody Wishes the contracting parties never to occur again took place at the rent. denee of tha Neil McDonnld.Town- lme South Line Glenelx. on Wednes- day evening. lat: January, 1908, when her dutiful daughter Christena was uniled in the holy bonds of matrinmny to Mr Juhn Uulder of Egrenmnt. The nuptial knot was performed bythe Rev Putor Mathesun of the Presby- terian church, Priceville. at 6o'clodk in the evening in the presence of only friends of the contracting parties which numbered about fltry. after which they eat to n sumptuous repusl prepared. !'sVt. tttide 'tr?d.herko_od I Mrs R. Martrartane returned Turn- uuy night from Nova Brotia hurried hume by the illness of her husband who in threatened with ts phnid fvvrr. We hope Mr. 'uactrtuiaui/rvny rm“; speedy recovery. Messrs ins. and the week town. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Parquhartsoa re- turned to their home in the city after Spending a month holidays wi th l-rlativea here. Messrs Moore McFadden of Picker- ing. and Dan of Toronto. spongover the week end with theh parents new Mr. Gillian Melrechnie is on a business trip to Toronto this week und attending a meeting of the Cement Misses Kata McNally Hmvey left but week position-J in Toronto. i' Mr George Bretmer. of Toronto, W“. the guest. of old town friends» day or two this sreek. Misses Pearl Hopkins and Hattie Lawrence left last week for schools in Mulkokn. time " her who is ill. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mrs J. P. THE DURHAM REVIEW wesrp--mrrrott UALnea-.McDoN ALD Hymeneal. Telford is staying for a mother's in Owen Sound, last week for millinvry was; and Emma to 7 ,,- -e__.. VVV ..-u cam-Jam LO Mr. And Mrs. Weber who begin their mun-led life under the most ausvicmuq 'riretumrtantres, May every anticipa- tion of happiness he theirs. Mr. and Mrs. Weber are. among the most E,",!,?','.", of the tiooU young peo- pie. e in II succesutul business man. pmpriemr of ttfe Boo greenhouses and enjoys the respect of the community. The bride, bv reason of her. connection with city atfnirs as deputy treasurer, deputy WPSSOI‘. and deputy controller. has endeared herself to a greater pur- tion of the people of this city by her charming pemmality and her very ohllglng disposition. she is In accom- pliu ed young woman fitted In every way to grace society and mute the home life of her husband happy. The ly with": of the Yoo are extended to The presents Were numerous and beautiful. The ttroom'" Rift to the bride was A piano and the city hall ottieiah, contributed nought“ water set. The dinner was presided over bv Miss Ethel Lamb who was assisted hy the young ladies of the city hali. A pleas- ant feature of the evening was enacted just before the ceremony. Mr, and Mrs Geo Lamb. parents of the bride. took their places under the canopy and were confronted by Rev Mr Kennedy. The clergyman announced that Mr. l and Mrs Lamb had been mat-rim 25 yuan ago on the same date at "Para. l dine." Ont... but; immediately corrected himself by saying that the ceremony was performed at Markdale. and the date thtrlv years an". Mr. Krtiliedy'i- remarks Were in a most happy Vein and occasioned much merriment mnung the guests. He concluded by Wldblng Mr. and Mrs. Lamb many more years of wedded paradise and trusted thct their daughter would be as happy in her married life as they had been In theirs. The presents Were numerous and L--...lf..l ML . -- The bride WM attired in a gown of sheer muslin trimmed in mi lace and motif" made over white ttttfeta I she ware a. bridal veil and curried a haunt- iful shower hoquet of bride's "new and liliiee of the valley. The bridesmaid was attired In white orgmidie over white and carried bridesmaids roses, and the little ting bearer was also dressed in white, carrying a basket of flowers. . W r".-- ...' on: i"H"V""rts" new home of the groom at the earner of Tenth Ave and Tweed St and was pet formed b; Rev. J. A. Kennedy. pastor of the irst Presbyterian church The home was a pertect bower of beauty. made so by a profusxon of the choicest of cut tiosrirs and potted hints. l’romptly at the appointed hour Mr. Weber and Miss Lamb took their plwes undern canop of holly and Chrysanthemums heavilyv banked with palms and ferns. The bride was iven away by her father Geor e Lamb go porting the couple were 'ih'i/d'rll Liver-ling and Miss Gertrude Lamb: with little' Sadie Lam b as ring bearer. Miss Ruby Campbell presided at the Diana and rendered tt selection from Lohengrin. The beautiful surround. ingn and the impremuvenem of the beautiful Presbyterinn church rene- mony made the scene onelong to be remembered by the 125 guests present. The ceremony was t'olIOWed by a re- ception and after is most elaborate wedding dinner was serVed. One of the prettiest as well as one of the most impressive wedding celemun- In to take place in the Boo this, season was that of the marriage of E. F. W. Weber and Miss Minnie' wawn Laud) M6 o'clock Itturtune eve-Ilium Thu W __.-- . “A. - w-tl '" man. a upeciea of Clergy Reserve that carries with it no controversial spirit. We regret that circumstances pre- vented ye Editor from being present at the wedding of tb much respected nephew but he is pleased here to ex- tend c12ir1tyt,it,ig" to the happy 9;)uple an to wish them all joy in I e. They left by the 7 p. m. U. P. R, fur Toronto, Kingston,' (where Mr. Ferguson grudunted) and other points mist, ttfpre.trking up resideiice in Kemptwllv. where he has the punition of Science "meter in the High School Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rrrmege, N Egre- xemont were guests. the groom being u. m-phew. The bride is an intelligent and cultured lady, the third daughter of Mrs (21y1t, an} has married a clergy nun: " unnn us A lu____ n - Among the many coally Diesentn given. there may be tuentioued a hand- some silver tea service by the ulster-n, two $20 and one 810 gold pieces by her brother Geo e. Wjold piece by Mrs McDonald. lamest”, (nee Grace Hall.) a. handsome slim-r ohusuq dash by Agnes Tunmsh. a large parlor lam t by Mr Bryce and a host ofother ail- ver, china and cut glass. and other Wure. The groom’s gift m the bride Was It handsome necklace " atttethysil, pearls and Hueruldu. The bride. nltrm-tIVely attired was escorted to the altar by her brother John. Otherwise the couple were un.. attended. Mr. end Mrs. Ledinghaun left for their future home nonr Weyburn on [ Thursday' evening twin. ihutatmort-oasr. On Thursday. Shut Junuary in the Town at Hull b the Rev. Dr. Dunn. assisted by the gar. Mr tstewart, Hes paler. a particular friend of the groom. the marriage of Mm Annie, 6mm and the Rev. John Ferguson. B. A ' Fergus. second mm of Alex. Ferguson. well known in North Egremont many years ago as teacher of S. B. No. 13, took place. Only immediate )elntiveu of the contracting purl lee Were present. many others being unable to attend. ed carving set. After spending I plenum: evening the guests departed wishing every happineu to the young couple. ,uung couple were held. The groan“ present to the bride being 82). . A party was given in the "ettirttt and the young people of Bethune presented the bride And groom with n Leeuufull silver set and a silver mount- The green“ were can!) and titul I owing the high "teen young couple were held. The a; present. to the bride being 320. , The bride who we: given away ty- her father we: charmingly dreeeed m enema nuns veiling trimmed with silk lance end e berths of sequin. Concret- uletione over. the aunt. mumbled to partake of the sumptuous wedding dinner. The briie’e cake was '- beau. tiful urge four “Off which occupied the centre of the tab e. Rey. Mr. Patterson. Lumsden, " Iisted by Mr. Spun. Bethune, made the buppy couple mun and Wife. Wrmmr--LAMrt mugnt- ?tetv.eo.stls and beyr --aoo Tunes. the. - ttiirirGGaCtri' Calder Black, Durham HE SELLS CHEAP. THE MI 4 To the Editor of the Re, iew; Dear thr : In last week's Leader ' iiere was an article written in reply 0 Mr. Thou. Brown’s letter In which i. hue attack In made on some of the l nuns men of Holstein. Four of than are chm-sod with purchasing: whiske . in I neigh- hormg town riiikiug most of the night and being in a Knot; deplcmhle utiwe which no doubt mea is they were drunk. therefore we. the undersigned young men of Holstein utd Vietnlty nerebv protest Against this bare and false insinuation and deplore the fact Hint such nieun. low and 'i'i','f,',',ed'l.r2lt tactics are used to bring reprou- and discredit on Local Option. A E. Swnmton Jas. W. Reid G. W. Seaman J. McKenzie Elijah Smith T. H Summon W it Mum J Bugle J. llcFulAnd L, B. Nicholson ti. Hamish L. E. Kerr ti. Smith And. Reid Will Freeman Wr"utietd Hunt J. R. Hunt J, A. Mela ttert Brtslker J. “I. "an." . A. E. mini Happy New Year i3jiiiliriii' We wish all our friends and custom- ers health and pros perity and a -- --v “VIII-'9 “WUCUI We are sure mnuld flil1 the bill a well no. lute ugly of lighnnd he, " mini. along we. It you nu th k. ing of a. pair of Slippers tor vonnolf or my one cu. lee ours before mal mu tlnal decision. In Battery We have some .‘mes that . re selling that In weJudge Villa In all right. See for ourself. Trunks, an... Telescopes at right prices. Eggs Taken as lash at s . The Down Town Sl oe Store J. o MCllra" One can have for buying "ythitut desirable, thnt ittt cost is Iommbl tion would promote your comfort. TI OVERSHOES. Rubbers. Felt 1 Tye Most *Potent Reasons The goods to be g,vcn whole month. Bring in cl ing the month or the follm titled to. This is worth ya nothing. l f your purchase cxeeed to the proportionate value. which to pile up the amount Every purchaser will be we will do. Cash or Tras Anything in our stock will a cept Groceries. . Our store is tttkd Just as cheap as at any Every artic e which we intend to give away will be worthfall we value it at All the conditions are "simple. Keep your check'which we give you every time you make a punch-e during the month of Jaquary. " does not matter how small your purchue any be in a day ; tt cquntl on the total at the cnd of the month. This is no "wean contest or chance game. The winner does not trust to luck. Everyone who buys their goods at this store is a winner. Those who buy the most, win the most. Goods t', Given Away $200 Worth of ALEX. RUSSELL THE BIG STORE . BEAN I If you purchase qraimst this base and 1 and deplore the fact low And 'ii,',1',',1zi,l1'l P, brig”; reprou- and HIGHEST PRICES FOR 'stTErs tog :' Yearly Clubbing Often. the EDITO I " . __""""""" beans-r ' mere was an 5 " reply 0 Mr. Thou. l which t. hue attack ' of me l nuns men of" ofLLhm. as thttttttsdl. “A.“ w a; “we“ 'eay.wtll De open for inspection during the 1th. Bring in check: at the most convenient time to on dur. mth or the following month and receive what you vii! be en. This is worth your consideration. It means something for J. mm?” J. McF‘ysg You deal with us and you can't help but win --.-., [lid with unonnble goods and you can buy them any other time. 'uxceeatg the above amounts. you will receiee value. Remember you have a whole mor amount of your purchase. you can get other goods to the value ttf II .00 15.00 worth, you get goods to value M. ... ' . . 1.50 20.00 worth, " . . . . . . .2.tto 26.0tt worth, " . . . . . .2.“ 30.00 worth, " . . . . . .3.” ".00 worth, " ......S.Mt 50.00 worth, " .._.htttt x.ceeda th_c above ‘ill be squarely deal: with and what we advertise I Trude sales only are entitled to the mama‘s. will apply on the total amount you purchase ex- 110.00 ttortrt of Goods during the morth tEaryyil! be open for and much more tell you of this week, . w- _,. I I. c. NICHOL'S STORE l "c org to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- I ity that we have opened up in i _ A full line of Fashionable ‘Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Will's Md The atom {and he. nnykhing are that the "tide ll (ensemble and Mutt its ”quini- ottthrt, We have large stocks of 4, Felt Goeu. MOCCASINS New! New! New! "w", "vllll ...... ..a.w (World for " moo. J Other combination: nude known on appliconon. Combinations of three or more pope" can “so he mule-1. Mun-4| -.-, John H. R Ill our J. S. Mcllraith Gents' Review and Weekly Globe Review and Fumeu' Bun _ Review and W. In.“ & En: Review end Montreal W. , Review and Family Her. a Review And Dnily Globe. .. Iu'iew.t,gd 'hulr trorid 'Bt We beg to announce -_l - r n - " Sxperienee at Your Call “d see as. meal- She... TRADE " nut-cc or more mm. nude " reduced nul- e-kly Globe. . . . 31.26 umeu' Bun _.. . .. .l.75 '. In“ & Empire..t.qtt lumishings vnitseaf....,..t.tto ......2.50 ......3.50 twill receive goods awhole month in mt. ti, igttti We can't it. Wit. ..t.m '. & Stud.” V? ' '-W,Wyee,tpee ' . 1 ' L _ . ' I ' n ' 2xxgstyo,r,x,x,y, Ihsrling's Dru Thursday. l sidcdh you-n skiulk'i iiiiie in} y,) Ji, The He gamma VOL. WE REVIEW my other of -- , he Review; w um. in..." tim to ht J Mina-y m “.800.” M. iron tr “QM tttma Molt-rot " fliE he ixtends FO and We In pr l.t m: In

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