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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jan 1908, p. 1

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{give t at WIS l 1908 ew! 93 NS D " wt oo 40 q “E"; EWEHERJ'EEEEMEMSEEHMEEEEEEE ii! :13 Clothing for ii: Ladies' Coats ----------S""e" h _iP'il'msissasiiiiiiii-ii'iTi' 1illidaeriaegaertaierageyiara, (j',ii'rhe Public :5; Confidence . . . Sty, men, there ian Milling " are giving You can tell the values and hear the prices. Only Two Men's Fur I only ladies' Coat, Natural I only te Black A I only Isabella Fox Scarf, w W 1have quite a numbe tsale,',',,".',', and also white ate all, but prices are pruned 3 mtly Ladies' 3 (my Ladies I only means Fur Coats at prices James Ireland n, mere isn't room in this are giving in Men's and the. values better. anvwav FURS ! FURS ! Tweed Soats,--price w Black Kersey.Chrth co; Ms- T ' I number "trf Runs, Scarta, Throwovers, in also white Furs. We haven't room to enumer- ate pruned on every one. t, Natural Russian Rat-was $50.00 ior ..t37.50 Black Astrachan,-was 337.50 for . . . . 430.00 I Scarf, natural tails-was $20.00 for. . . .. .1511) I number Cof Ruth. Scarfs, Thrownvon " ,__ ,. ._ -A I Inset lor any Store How ling the eortiidence of the pee] ' best shown: by the steady in Fair dealing, honest method: reliability and good service reaping their own reward. the' people in the enviable vith every energy to enhanre Men and Boys anyway, When that will make two F more. How near this comes to leuce of the people of Durham and by the steady increase in our busi- we advertise} goods at reduced e at the advertised prices. coats' coat, New, this Season WQSIMO, reduced to paper to tell you all the Boys' Suits and Oyercoata. it methods, splendid values, od service for the past eight award. The entire eonti. enviable reputation we are were 13 so for.../hii.% was 15.00for .... 12.50 Coats Left you see the good} men feel good it“: tr, )3trtltit Denim lube mdeor 'rithFrnbreither of the two when dubs-Md. Mfu- deacon: inspecidly unable for those living in the country, a “-53 tperl',','.":),?,,',',,',':':.",,".?,',)."',. 1teteath,.themoerFrririaiiiri"i'ii tirth-hrs.witttm" layman. 'hit-likes/ri-rafts-ri.' Interestaddedtour timesarear SavingsBank Departmentin Comedian with! Bemthas. “A ----- wueu [or twto 85 as. and ti we shipped to Fort William we would get 81.05. Some wheat sold for 25 as. Our horses are out every night and like it, tine water but have to go 96 feet. We are 40 mile. from Mr. Geo. Twunnlnw'- UHING F1eue.--Writing on Jan. Ist from his western home in Sash. Mr, Timothy McKonna. formerly of Glen. elg. my” .. I thought] would write you and all my friends to wish you a Happy New Year and give you an idea of the weather here. It in very tlne at present. frost at nights, but no 'tlilies, only 3 or 4 "when of Show which does for cuctrrs. We huduwet. Bummer, a fine harvest and full, had Loo bushel of wheat. some out: and barley. We had the best wheat thrashed around here this year. We at? liking the country fine, told our when for 65 to Ki as. and it we shipped to Fort William we would get $1.05. Some wheat sold for 'Ar, M- fs.... 'rrffrtiayJljjfiiiii) BANK 'il) ii' Fort Excrrssorr.--orivimr Home t 3 "change for work horse. Applya thin omee. a Tues AND POLE! Wasrtm.--For C P. R. purpose. For particulars set MI Jxo. N. Munnocx. Durham lil Chan. J. Western, eyesight special- Ill int of Toronto, will make his next visit X to Durham on Thursday Jan. 8rd and E pry-sons with defective eyesight may a consult him in Darlings Drug Store. Read his notice nn page 8. a Theunnual meeting of the Aguicul- a tum] Society of the Township of Artemenia. will he held in Prim-ville on Friday, Jan. 17th 1908 at one o'clock. 0 D. MCMILLAN, M “nu -. _.---- Name A Uau..--Itev. Mr. Farquhar- Ion. as Moderntor of Mt Forest Pre.. hyterian (ongregation. was in Mount Forest on Monday. attending a mm t ing called to make aselection of a new pastor. The choice was made practi- cally unanimous. and foil upon Rev. J. W. Woodside. B. A.. lately of Van, comer and a brother of the minister of the same name who followed Mr Som- erville in Owen Sound. It " not yet known ifthe will mcept. I 105:: Kelly. ”gauge:- MIC,” Am AY “nitro- "t "1an uncertainty about this question. Con- sult Chas. J. Wvsteru, eyesight Specialist of Toronto in Darling's Drug store. Thur eddy Jan. 23rd. C. P. R. thwrroN.--The building is now up on the north side ct George St. occupying the site of Mr. Ed. Limin's house. It gives promise of being well adapted for in purpose. Ties and poles are being asked for', trams are running every day with supplies of one kind or ttttother and it ia evident that oratly in. sprung Wu will, hare cross-couture commo- am. some days Youngsters every winter. make this a dangerous "slidey place." ln growing children, eyestrain is not. long tolerated without some other trouble creeping in because all avail. .Me nerve force is required to por- duce development. Do not live in uncertainty about this question. (Ln-7 I Ice Accmnsr.~Mr. John Darling made a slip on the sidewalk in from of his residence on Monday and fell with such force as to give him a. shaking up Uvst will keep him to the house fo.r some days Youngsters every Winter make this a dnnsreroo .. ttlid, “In-“ " "The 'dpence--et rachnn--Newenmire Ounce-rt was the best of the season. n m vnly to thoses, of st4eotrish decert, hut to people who cannot claim a drop of Srnlch "lood."---Evmett Daily Her ald,--tJuder the auspicee of Ben Nevis Camp. Durham on \Vodnelday, 29 January. 1808. pvrsons With deteetive eyesight Inayf Members of Bottth 11rey Att. Society consult him in Darlings Drug Store.iwill be able to Armed.“ at their Read his notice on page 8. !annual meeting this thou-noon what The annual meeting of the Amieul- l "e Weather on Show Day can do. tmal Society of the Township orlriut.an 'rlrl"r, "canary and oven-$500 Artemesia. will he held in Priceville on i m prtBeg unpaid. Friday, Jan. 17th 1008 at one o’clock! ACCIDENT AT POWER Hotrtut,-Dur. D. MCMILLAN, N, Mcknwox. i mm is in darkness at present as far as Pres. Set-y. {electric lights are concerned. owing to Hausa T0 1hrsr.-on Elgin tit. Dur- 1 the "ow" wheel nt the Power house bun. a 6 room. " story house. Hard "t Aberdeen being stripped of Cort. and soft water. Very convenient to I It is expected the damage Will he te- achool and any place In town. Apply 19“”"1 in time fer tsuturGr night I at Raview OfrieeortoJNrr. McAm-mrn service. l Fon Excrrssoe.--Drivine Horse to "change for work home. Apply at thin otriee. TIES AND POLE! MrasrrtD.-ator C. P. R. purpose. For particulan nee Jxo. N. Mvnnocx. Durham Sure Cure Veterinary RegLii "rNre.--Writinst on Jan. lat western home in Salk" Mr. “Kenna. forumrly of Glen. .. I lhnughtl would write a running every day with t one kind or another and it that Willy it. sprung We will wenunlry connection. uronto, will make his nex't visit mu on Thursday Jan. 23rd and g with defective eyesight mayf Min. G, n..-n_-L n - OFCANADA HendofRea, " " " " cuurrs. We hadnwet. a harvest and full, had wheat. some oat. and had the best wheat J. Wetrtern, eyesight special- JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS " here. It via very Mt at nights, but no or 4 "when of snow 'PFftf BRANCH siirs,.l,toterqate 'lsiiitiihié't'ii DURHAM, THURSDAYL; ANUARY 16 "YMHID 1.78 Mrartrrwri, Edge Hill. our an of ,u puwenul voice. and hor 'chrtrneter' I mus are a teature, while Mr. Spence has an excellent tenor roiee."--ott, Evening Journal. Nov. I. 1907. " i a uIIEIPllng address and A gold neck- 5- lace and cross as a memento of their t appreciation. Afterwairdsnvery pleas- t ant evening was spent. 7 Ben Nevis Camp Annual Concert to i- he held on Ahh January inst. will be ‘. equal to the beat of its predecessors. _ Read what was said of the performers t about two months ago: "The most . [successful entertainment in connection tfwith Camp Argyle, No. 26, Sons of iSeotland, since in its organization. iwns that of last night when between 2:850 and 900 people were packed into 48:. George’s Hall, Bank street, to I listen to is varied programme of Scotch ‘Iuongs, and itvrtrurnentat selections. by " ttio of real Scotch artists. They {have been in Canads but two weeks fund are touring Eastern Ontorio just (now. The three are: Gavin Spence. ‘Edinlmrg, tenor soloist; Miss Nannie tStrachan, Galasniels, soprano and \Miss Enid Newcomhe, 'cello soloist. l i All three are tirst-eiaas artists in their I ivurious roles, and. combined. they I form a very strong entertainment t company. Miss Newcombe in her l 'cello solos gives a performance that u is little short of marvellous. She pro- 1 duces a wonderful tone And all her tl numbers are given in fTnh,hp -...i.. . The Women a Institute will hold - their. next, meeting in the Town Hall, ' Durban). on Friday afternoon at two , o'elock. On account of sickness Dr. f Backus is unable to come hut her place ', wilt he taken by Min N. Campbell. of Brampton who will speak on some [ suitable uuhjert in the afternoon and evening. All Indian are welcome to come. Ntta. Tues. Mchn. Beer. ADDRESS AND Pmetumawruor..., Wednesday evening last, Mrs. Jno. Little was pleasantly surprised to have a number of friends, of the Catholic fChurch here invade her home to make recognition of her "triNent services as choir leader. She was presented with a tiUteting address and A gold neek. lace and crou as a memento of their appreciation. Afterwards, very pleas- ant evening was spent. l “NEARLY ALL MAmrerrm."-s, lsaya Mr. Thos. Knox writing from :Bniqsevain, Man. .o Times quiet in all lines of business. money acuroe and banks cautious Some days I never Weigh in a bushel DI contrast from but yvur when curs weteu-Arce and We hadn't storage room. Ideal weanli- !or all fall and winter but no aleighing." l ANNUAL Mrertrmo.--Ths, annual ( meeting of the Puohe Library culled l for 13th int, was Postponed till Tues- day evening next. 21st Janumy. when mc-mhers are requested to he out In force. A second lot of new books has just. been secured. Remember the date. Non members are .150 cordially invited, Concert also postponed to the 23rd inst. at Aberdeen being It is expected the t paired in time for service. IN .umvmuumy postponed” Jan. Zhd, 1908, when it ll hoped to excelh-nt. program will be presented. RPumher the drte. Admission at amt-low rules Members of South Grey Att, Society will In um:- ... A“ ' _ PotrrPoNaur.--The Libury th advertised for Thursday. 10th Ju h unavoidably postponed to Jan A. B, Such-on In- house: and vacant lot for sale. Enthusiastic C'omrerva ions were held last . Sound and Markdnle tor North and Centre Urey t v.......-..u ..' \uuucl'llul] Argyle, No. as. Sons of note in its organization. but night when between people were packed into I Hall, Bank street, to Ned programme of Scotch "trurnentat selections, by gal Scotch artists. They T Canad. but two weeks mg Eastern Ontorio just hree are: Gavin Spence. nor soloist; Miss Nannie ' alashiele, soprano and , lewcomhe. 'cello soloist. t lirst-ehum artiste in their F ' and. combined. they p strong entertainment tl liss Newcombe in her u we: a performance that a of marvellous. She pro- F Ierf-il tone and all her . given in thu'shed style. pi has a very sweet and in rice. and her 'ehrtrneter' a: ture, while Mr. Spence of t tenor roiee."--Otuwa WI al. Nov. I, 1907. pa f-e-e-ee-ee-ees-ee- "n . lin 11: RANK , mm convent. ' I"? in Owen forget-Miami of 97 t , ctively. Litsmrr Concert ay. {an January, Relatives and friends from a die"the hem of McQ tunce were: Mr and Mr. 1oundrte. paidat once Hemilton ; Mr and Mrs John Newton. I Durham u Mr. Sanford; Mr Joseph Newton, Em_§Hunover to do tn poriam,Ps,. Mr W. U. Newton. De..', Eaotm you I trait; Mr Geo. Shivr. Brant; Mr Will, Ithnnka are due ht Sparlmg. Traverse City, Mich... Mu. Port Arthur, for Culvin Spar-ling and daughter, King-ition on hie sub. eley, “NEIL; Mrs. Johathuu Shier [gal-ding the Rm Woodhull; Mr. Wesley Shim. Wood, Port Arthur. W hunt Mr. M. Brithour. Woodhsm'igood munycopue. Mrs. J. Speuin. St. Marys; If A:'to Port Arthur M Doupe, Woodhull; Mr. Geo. Shier. St. in], looked for I l Mays. IMcKinnon would The floral offerings were miner than the Revi great profusion showing the kindly 'iof Balsam Velley feelings towards the deceased as they the Post omce on ahwed into memories. Among-tit is reported mi them. were: Wreath from I. o. P. hull-round that " hold! ONTARIO ARCHNEB TORONTO Last week we announced the death I of this gentleman, so long connected with the business and official life of the town. On Friday the funeral took place and the respect we wrote of WM plainly evident in the obsequies. The mayor and council and ex-metubere who had sat with him Were presentin l a body. Being a member of the I o. I Foresters the brethren turned out and I gave him I Forestric funeral. Hie pastor Rev Mr. Jamieson, of the Meth. I udist church improved the uccusion by , an impreuiye address. Many friends of the deceased end of Men. Spurting were present who, with the. large com. pany of neighbors and townamnn. felt l and expressed sympnthy for Mrs. Spun I line and doughwre. Mime Bert he and Myrtle. t Intense sympathy is felt for the e bereaved husband who is not long out i from England. He has approved him. , self as a good busineu man and a, good citizen. and is highly respected by neighbors and cuntomern. who will, . hope that a. way will be opened for' I. him to continue his business. , The deceased impressed all who knew her, even on ubuef acquaintance as a most estimable lady, fitted to adorn, as she did. the position of wife] and mother, hence the grief at herl early taking off. She Was tenderly cared for several Week. before she died by her aunt, Miss Anthony of Phila. I delphin, an] by Mien Ritchie. Glenda l The funeral on Tuesday was a. re- , workable tribute of respect to her memory and of sympathy with tttl bereaved husband. Trinity church was tilled and the rector, Rev. A. A, t Bice, read impressively the burial Ber. a vice and preached an appropriate and comforting sermon from the text.l "Blessed are the dead that die in the h Lord. ac." The remains were then E taken to Trinity church cemetery, " far from house and kindred. yet not! forgotten. l Very hard is the blow that ha- ld,",', on Mr. Geo. Finney, milkman. " the losa of his wife who died on Sunday momma lust at his home l” Glenelg. Some few months "so she went to Strutford hospital and under- went on operation for some internal trouble. but It was found that medical skill could do little mcre than relieve her and that ultimate recovetfy was not prob-Jule. Sims the birth of her child last summer she has not been well, and some months ago It won given to charge of In. McCreary‘ where it is carefully tended. daughlen. Mrs A. Marshal and Mia Barbara at home, eeased's son Widow. Mrs. I and family of Durham. 8 nay correspondence. - _-.- WF .u. "no will _ Miss Mary Caldwell predeceased him about 49 years. Deceased was born in Glnlgow. Scot- land, and came to Cunudu 53 year. ago Itaylng round Hamilton hr tive yours. About 18w he moved to this county and has been here ever since, having cleared up the farm on the town line of Bentiuck and Nommuby. where by l his indulll'y. he acquired A "arsA-l Many friends will regret to hear of rule death of this gentlemen. one of the oldest settlers on the 3rd (Jon. of ‘Noruuuby. He died " the home of his mn Albert on Sum-day last, an attack of pneumonia carrying him " in his 77th year. His was buried on Monday. 13m inst.. in Maplewood cemetery amid many tokens ot tstree. doodle respect. His wife who was Miss Mnry Caldwell predeceased him: Alum! Al --» - ' George Sparnng hard is the blow that but I Mr. Geo. Finney, milkman. losa of his wife who died on momma lust at his home .m Some few months "so she . summer she has not been some month. ago tt Wu barge of Mrs. McCreary W] 1. Geo. Haney. Alex. Inn-shall. Obituary ' 1908. chief mourned, one. .the home farm, two A. Marshall, Durham, u home. and " av. ' Mrs. R. Marshall. law. See also Var ' Eu; 1 Hanover to do truUiiiiTLii,, It). -11 RACER you Tun vamw. - Our . thanks are due Mr J. W, McKinnon. of . -Port Arthur, for a generous contribu- -ftion on hi0 sub. And kind words re- garding the Rmrrrrw's popularity in , Port Arthur. We quote t " I think a liood many copes of the Rlvnzw cum- _ l to Port Arthur and it in almost us eng- ‘erly looked for u the Globe. Chas. IMcKinnon would “that ruin his din. in" than the Review. Dave Mclntvre 'iof Balsam Vulley fume would upset , the Post OMee on the day it is due if it is reported mining And I usually ‘ull around that way nay-em". . ( CARD or Titres..--. Geo. Finney desire, to thank all friends for the tympsthy and nsélltance rendered to ham during the but illness and death of his wife. Miss l A. R. C. N, bt One of the the century.‘ Ticket. at - --_e -"'r"""P"""e"r. I "One of the foremost Indy 'celllua of the century.” Attractive personality. Ticket. at MneFullnne'o. Placed on sale firs" " 2 p. m. 18th January. All seats ”curved and thererore comfort, No audience can be too exacting for; the gifts represented er than 'trtista. J W. BLACK. R, Iomer. C. Runes. _ Chief. Sec-y. Trans. , Mit, GAVIN SPENCE. Tenor and Entertainer, of burgh, Scotland. exiled the " Pt Entertainers " having appeared royalty in various countries. I Scotland in song and story. an intel. lrcbunl treat. humorous, thctivv. educational. Will be presented as above by A BRILLIANT T310 of accomplished artiste. " follows, I MISS NANNIE STRACHAN of Galashiels. Scotland, named "The Modern Jenny Lind," has a range of three act-wed and n grace and modesty of person thast capuvules her audience. Town Hall. Your faithful attendance upon every department of church work, in misswns. Sabbath School, Young People's Socuc. ty, Prayer Meeting. Ladies' Aid and all moral reform in our community, togeth- er with your ability. has profited all these causes. We therefore ask you to accept of this jardinierstdrdi and check as a small but tangible evnlencc of our u. steem for you. That many years of faithful service in l the Master's cause may be granted you and our dear pastor to enjoy, is the! earnest prayer of all concerned. Signed on behalf of the ladies of the ' Baptist church and congregation in I Durham. MRS WM All‘l‘flram This has been special]; your patient forbearance bearing towards the ma we are painfully conscu selves. MRS. W. L, NEWTON, DEAR Fain-ND. We, the ladies and friends of this Church and Congregation are pleas- ed to take advantage of tha fitting' time and opportunity to express to you, in some degree, our appreciation of our ac- quaintaice with you as the wife of our beloved pastor. seeing the great serwccs you have rendered our Church and Con. gregation, through your natural and highly cultivated talent of music, and al. soof the uplifting inttuence of your con- sistent Christian life in our midst. I This has been specially manifested in I \anir hue-nae ..-u_, "'---t _..-y. unuuyllrll. ( Mr. Send] spoke for the young people, Mr, John Brown for the, Sun- day School. but the event. of the even- ing was the [mammalian by the ladies to Mrs. Newton of a Jnrdiniere Sand enclosing a check for 840.00 Accom panying this was the following up- precintive address. read by Mrs. Thus. McCain!) I lot Duzham Baptist. church The timusces of the chm found to he in u. healthy Bl lowing the business a tea time was spent. an impro 3mm followed composed of cal talent, of theichurch and by Mayor U'alder and Imp. MISS ENID NEWCUMBE w. C. N. 'Uelllst and Accompanist "mun. nomadic: church; hoqueh De., & Mrs. & Brad Junieson: b'oquet, Janie and Will Laidhw: pillow. Dir- ector: Durham Furniture Co. ---_--.-- Wreath. employees Durham l Go.,. wreath, Mr, and Mr- WI wreath. Methodist church l Annual Scotch Concert. Tuesday ma in song and story. an intel. treat. humorous, Mtractivv. mu]. wtll be presented In above A BRILLIANT T310 Baptist Annual Meeting, painfully canéaxs at“; l. Durham, Wed., January 29 behalf of the ladies of the rch and congregation at MRS. WM MOPFAT, MRS. THOS. MCCOMB emp_lgyeen Durham Furniture evening the'nnnual meeting "tvtueu I ro8in hum of sri.", “"“E' uer uoalence. who recently mum: home trom N SPENCE. who and Is lull, to have hits cm: 'ertainer, "f Edin. wub trs. He us who appointed tiled the " Prince of ( "'lete, 0111?". t f I . I Wu new app Icon , or t w rt, Ing apoeurt-d before I of the. Idle Cream Separator countries. I were on lmud. each wrrtt n propo NEWCUMBE {Mn John Hun-u on bung new . . Lucio wullpuy $500 down, pay t and Accompsnlet. I yua- tilt 1914 and mu m... ._ m-, I)" hut. 'CFHIIII I" . . " --rhe Directors have declared . " Payahle after 9ate of annual pti-t church Wu held of the church were a healthy some. Fol. jchurch and "d/i/Li, ', Mid Mrs Wm Unldtr; ICC and charitablé m.any weaknesses ' tea and social impromptu pro- ‘. Clmplwn. the young r the Sun- the musi- R B. Keeler & Sons Pro Big Stores-uh- & Welland A Happy and Prosperous New Year m ' u Immune. minimal landward-inc WK); W. B. Vollel. ult- wood " ex- l‘e-s tilk. 34.55; W. M, Valle“ a; w. g. Valle-l. [untam- and t" We; w, J, Wlluulv. cu‘tmv 8l ; ' . “but. urn. " 71; stamina-s "r, We. Tubal 8125.84. our Math .32; H. poll clerk $2 ; tysngirt doors INC. I U M,',',',,":', C. Elvidue D io, ii ', Poll c thrroetattie 81 I noun] Wd,. Juo, P. R9. ',' .. t'yl.ylery ‘2: com" v --.. gnu Wlll um: pn' Imluuce ot am. Mr. Flumk makes a somewhat similar pro; "rut wants to make annual pa jlillull is puid off. Each Ask“ _ exemption hut the council ha ready given 4 Fears. would u only 6yeurn more, which Wil be accepted if everything else amine. To nettle (hintnol' q another meeting in Lu he hog! 0 day next. so the enuncilloru M1 to earn their ngt'i! Accounts were pun-d u fruti., And to the old years, Mr. Jun. l divuieu 4 103 in who recently u. toha and Is all“ WM” trs. He in C4 I A manner at ucc’l 'Va"mtrttteut tWo try investment ot M rmlw .m-L Wtttt an "du, umyor. as up! yen; [0114:le that uo on Cite luuym. couau cm olnu'wue a. tribal: he autumnal. Air In“ expressed tsi, nu tor m- own u“... .... _r..,. ' Libl'lll" Were pH to prhhuu the fury wt lot ttt at: .u-U but, council l ii. “Inuliuudlw. arpbeunbel. Adm-u Baum oF Gab” L Mch umwu. Adam Itouertt,ou. I BOARD or Alotum.--gotm Md B. bum-p. bum Aware. Fm: AND Ltturr.--ts'u, K, Rum-rum]. M. buarp. Prtummrv.-ts. P. Saunders IcUumm. Prusmsu.-s Robertson, J. I B. bump. L"saeurv, Wm. Caldrr, s. P, dere, a. Knew. _ COURT or tucv-tc-ov",. t "rowu,.tsauudeA, McUuwuu. M mu Menu John A mud c. “mango, . A., _ ----. _.. nut uUWll we l'Ull- ‘grutuluuo them all on their wmumg Ind We hope at the end of the year lo cougrutulur them on their work. The commuters an renunmenued by the minimum“ committee are all follow”. timt mun“! hem“ chairman. I 1tssaNcir.--ts. P. Hammers, John Bruwu. Adam mama...“ A- u-uyur hauler. On the Mayor's mum, nrv Ben. Sharp. Ed. Kw". John Brawn. On In. left an. C'leek Vollel. John new“... Dawn! Hun-re. Adam Robertson. Au “and u (-uuucllu we have but for years, 34y those who know On behalf m n... -.----» ___ Al isefore Reeve Mayor Calder. Ont urr Ben. Sharp. Ed prawn. Uu hlneflu' I nondny Int the new can the neceusnuy declaration- aumwry hour and after app duu-ibuuon committee. udjc the evening. M .yox Gander made the on mam. to council and out-l yen-’5 Wonk so Gr n " mm pie-sent. Appnrvuuy more t (may your. He urged an all of pmmplno-u and asked operation' um their contideuo In“ In return nu cunndmaum unmluuty u the watch u council would give u “out! a: [new ad V95. to one THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT. The Yellow Label C. BAXAGIL a SON, Pun”- nm Pia-using Telh the date to which your-bub- ocrirtion ha been paid. Our uni ingliu wu this week cor- rected up to date. If your. i. nut correct. kindly mule m at once. Wethank It“ whnhuve renewed the pail few work. hut (here we yet many otben we winh to hour from It once. u, up a..wn, pay $511) A N and wtll the" puyoff the .251”. Mr. Frank Viola-rs ‘Iuewbul similar proposition to nmke annual payment“: id off. Each asked IO yen” hut the council huvinu ul- n 4 years. would agree to n nun... ._L! . - _ n ur “mum “Checking. A, , "pplicaut, for e Cream lie-pm ud. each With “I “We on being y m down, l 4nd w!!! than - -- W. wuunl’l'"? " ' H. mush-r D It u, M; "ot"rtatrle Cl; G. KM. JI.50:(J Sludge. .rarxtt Town Council mu. no one nun. l , coma column the I retinas 1tt'eeeiar, nudge was the only takeout-rump 1nd and m- in tees, whack: the ' mun.“ to grunt. "NiysoLiuretdU.' wn " pa can“ [mutual and all. pm " follows an" u: an". Canon me home trom Muni- o have hits cmzemhip Mm appointed Medi, ur nun “be? appointing . committee. Adjourned to I liuuucu for I v- chum lor rem “an” ouuy [or " now am I ruttt ..t'atytdem faces 00L. were “we.” I by total 'loci, uncut of Gleuek Graham tsect., ol Mt' at the iowt: we (-6.? an” on their wnnnuuz tite and of the yen to Ruberlwu. J. Bron n. am a. prupoultioll. being secured ot' - . “nun“ Stunt-1m.- works dtchtrat his”. iii _ a; poll clerk " I Jnu. Smith. I fo'.P.tyde ‘l; an may were " to ht a urged on all the duty llll'l asked tttest. cu- " cotmueuce pmmis- :uumdrllllnn. Wm: Mt watch‘word the K eiue be In; 1'2, question he d on Mon. With Int-mag] 'h. Ne tewer u it mow- up at" m luau. od ttrm by “u". am t Saunders. J nlm new_ council took c. W the running IN. Kim. A Wig-likely Rood ucwum of me gain“ ot D. President, ot the Pututc " “Viv“.ujuu tot' 4 5mm. ' recotgn" mu 0’ lel'umuzed 'stttl " “at Wm, Pt'ettett l ed oitt customury L-lmed the Calder. Robert- an. for "K who ' Thr by the Calder, r. R mt yen In 5mm Fen n.

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