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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jan 1908, p. 4

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u, m' smmmmmmmmmm it a :3 Taylor & Co., Dromore E a_sehae'irooireirsoooooqsaissoooaasooooi'r' ff: 756 9U£2§LZBEIG lf, irsebailesirsbsitsFi)riesitriieogiegsgrst+Fiasbieiir a? "e""""'""""-"""""""""'"",":'," 4. . tt> Z foe Early, f Jf. 51am; We are clearing an odd lines of Men’s and Boy's suits at very big reductions, in axis lot are a number of Men's double breasted suits and Children's two piece suits that go at cost. The Balance of our stock of Stylish Winter Millenery including many fashionable trimmed shapes we are clearing at less than cost. Our stock of Ready-to-wear Clothing is very well u- sorted, including a very large range of Men's and Boys' Overeoats made from line black and grey English Beaver and Milton Cloths. Fine imported Tweeds in a great vari- cry of paeerno. Grey frieze Ulster: and Reefers. Men's and Boys' Suits of Worsted and Tweak. Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing S. F. MORLOCK Men's and Boys' Cloihing Now is vonr time to order a unit. Overcoat or any gar- ment you are in need of. We would like to measure you now for we are convinced we con unit you better than any where else, Mr Glue is attending to the cutting him. selfund " to the making we have. firat class man to make the coat. Prices away down. Bargains in Millinery Bargains in SEE 'oralcn! miter Wanayor d éhu/ap. coming More III to} G, iiikiiid - I That this Council doairo to put on; "can! their lopmiuion of the "lush a r union. rendered by the "on during the puma vell- when runny important questions veto of ”acuity to be decid- od. We have found him slur-ya [and] 1nd willing to ml the Council in coming to . light conch-ion iy all matter. The have luring left the chair the nine Ins taken by Mr. Hunt. when in was moved and seconded. The clenk and Mr. McMillan were I pointed a. committee to diaper. of 'sti'1'l'l Lots in Priceville and loll the name either by public auction or privately. The translator was ordered topny the collectors 025.09 ml: when roll. no returned. ""‘_" "J lnw No 408...,........J..1go 86 T. Moleulon committee work 8 oo Wm. Weir, " " 6 oo J. A. McMillan. " " 1 00 M. Black. " " 1 oo Edmn Hunt, " " 1 oo J. A. McMiHIn. commission 2 49 M. Bitch, commimon...... 5 60 The clerk was insttuctod Io demand 010.00 from the Wrxltrerton Lucknow RAilwny Co. for dtuntutets to Lot hy cloning of urea; and also No.00 for four special meetings of Council. tnd gonerui "GCC.'.'." Dobenture No In under By- Goorge E. Pent. Board of Health "rviesm............ B, J, Torry, Board otHealth services ."..........o...... W. D. Connor, cement pine: for two culverts............ The Clerk. balance of salary School gushes. fot trunca- Statute labor performed 8. H. Wright, for gavel ... Jemel Ellison. for gavel ... Wm, Gunners. refund (error oi Increment) ............ Wm. Ilytsa, refund (error of ‘ Assessment) 'o'........... W. L. Fallnnplmm. refund (error of assessment) ... Juries Kerley, refund (error ot "Mrtotmsut) ............ B. E. English, burying dead dam} goat.................. Thou. Davis, d-muue to lot re closing streets ......... Thomas Nichol. Board of Health soryicon............ Thou Mchdden. Bond of Health services ......... J. S. Blttrk, Bond of Health oil '"--......r..... The Hemmer, postage and stationery.................. A. L Walker. crushed none i 'tost.....-..........,.. Ur: Mianis. plank for culvert P. SIIUIVID. refund for law tKi..............:.: Tho (Hark, Postage and coal roll ............'../.U..C..". Luau, Wright & McAr'ilo. Municipal Wald, colloctors' The Council met December mu. pursuant to nature. All the member:- present. the Reeve in the chair. Mm. utu of tormer meeting read and con- firmed. After reading new”! com. muttitmtiotw, Ind accounts. payment- wora ordered as follow, J Ghu. Barnum. pruning......, 10 78 Standard Bank, draft for Co. 1 The Reaper has been here again and gathered home a pioneer in the person of Mr Alexander Marshall. Deceased was born in Glasgow. Scot land, in 1882 emigrated to Hamilton. Canada when 22 years of age. For many years past he has been a resident ef Normanby. faithful ad herent. of Knox Church and highly respected neighbor. Mina Barbara and brother Albert on the farm and Mrs And. Marshall. of Durham, will miss a kindly father, the mother having gone five years before. Hie illness-pneumonia- was only of two weeks duration when Saturday morn- ing he quietly passed to the beyond. The remains were interred in Maple- wood cemetery Monday afternoon. hosts of friends and neighbors show- ing their last respects. The aervrcee Were conducted by the Rev. Kendall. Dr. Loelon and J. W. Blyth at- tended the council meeting " Anon Monday to have I tax mistake reg. tified. Mr T. Walllce bought another horse to replica the one that. died. We hope he has better luck this time. Mr R. Mormon had a wood bee on Fridoy Inn and in the evening the the young ladies joined the youths nod had I merry time until the wee sma' boon. We are unity to report that little Mnguet Caldwell 15 not improying lstoly. Min Cary Wilton and her aunt Mm Churohward waited the Mines Dunn of Durham last week. Min Churchwurd. of Dromore, is visiting her liner Min Wilton. Mr Arthur Mcho in home from Swift Current. Sunk, to brighten helm ground here for the ulnar. Mr Nelson Bowling in visiting friondn Around hen the! nu shone. of fone you" ttt the mat. Mr Montoilh bu named a truth. Imith shop in Orchud and com- mcncod work. Mr Ind Mrs moon Eden no visit- ing the luter'a mother Mrs I. Allen. The Epwonh Leegne meote on Thumb, evening henceforth inland of Sand". "reitstrtr............... Glenelg Council. Vamey. 16 M 30 oo lo lo 400 400 12 72 457 165 335 872 152 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tto l9 tio oo (I o 86 oo oo oo 78 75 We would again remind our United States subscribers mm it will he nec- eqnnry to make prompt renewals. in order that no copin may he lost. The recent pasta! regulation make it nee- essary that subscriptions should be paid stnctly in advance. The party broke up ttt 4.30 a m and each let: for home feeling that it was o a of the most sociable and pleasant evenings ever spent in Prioeville. The boys who were very active in the management are Angus Manch- Ian. Arch McMillan (Montana,) Wm. Reilly, Donald 'f/l'xilli'dill'/hihtt.) Ben Mekinnon, Alex Me illan, Don. ald McLean. Arch McMillan, Herm McLean, Frank Reiley, Malcolm Me- Lean. Peter McIntyre, Angus Me. Millan, Peter McArthur, Dr Atkinson and when. Supper Was served with willing hands at 10 o'clock after which the dance was resumed. At varying intervals the music was supglied by Peter McArthur, Billy Me echnie, Joe Black and Peter Me- Intyre accompanied by Misses O'Neil end McVicar. As the evening went by it become apparent that the manager was a pro- tessional. no tmttmraaatttenta nor an- pleasant matures occurred to mar the pleasure of the evening. He soon proved himself to be master of the sitaation. At 8.30 Dr Atkinson honorably op- ened the dance with an address ot welcome and lormally introduced Mr Arch McMillan. ot Montana, " floor manager. The orchestra, [nude up by Mr Neil McKinnon, (violin). Thai. McDougall, (violin,) Fred Runciman. (piccolo) and Mrs 1luticirnan,aeeoti- panist, struck up a lively air and the manager announced a quadrille with Mr. Angus McLachlan as "ealler." Angus is especially noted for his spir- iced qualities in this capacity and much credit is due him on this 90. gasiun. His dancing too was admired y all. Im, night was clear and moonlight --the roads smooth and sparkling. the air full of melody as sleigh load after sleigh load drove up. hearing the happy boys and girls whose voic- es lent' harmwy with the sound of the sleigh bells. The guests were " once Welcomed and ushered into a warm and oomiontable reception room Prieevilie never appeared happier. The decorations in the hall showed careful preparation. Bunting and evergreens tastefully arranged lent effeet and good cheer to everything. All the requisites for a pleasant ball were at hand; good room, splendid light, free ventilation, a well waxed fluor, excellent music. and plenty of ‘ genial company. with a supper well served and in great abundance. Something like sixty couple did honors to the occasion. It need hard- I ly be said that on every hand was to be heard praise for the manner in which the arrangements had been carried out. There was not a dissen- ting voice; the members from every; home worked in harmony. each shar- i mg the responsibility nothing could be more desirable nor appeal to one's better nature. The young ladies who provided the supper deserve specials mention indeed for it was sumptuous] and in abundance and they did not' spare themselves in their part of the: work. i THE DURHAM REVIEW s'l1tti,"r'ieT.f.a.". :1??? A9 I t,.eg..?.'r.f.i'.t..t.a.t .50 No. 55 Cover All Jute Horse Blanket 1y made, a very serv.icisi /ij. able article, sale pnce. . d X Cut Hand Saw Buck Saw On Friday evening In: the young people ot PriceVille and neighborhood assembled It Watson’s Hull and per- ticipated in one of the most enjoyable dances of the season. We Illa denim to put to pin on record our nppuoutnon of the prompts." Ind attention to bacillus ot the trauma in I" Inner- connected with the i1utieg of his Miee.---c-ted unmimonoly. Eu!) of the-e gentlemen reeponded end the Council edjonmed eine die. . --- -..I- w- Ilv "WI-ll, indobtod for " adrrtte And uni-tune. on all ink-ion“ mutton to bo "ttided on ma tho tor his many to no!) man- betr of the Council. No. 55 special Jute Blanket, either for stable or outside use, is an extra heavy striped jute with good heavy Dutch Remy lining. Has no equal in quality " anything near the same price. 26 inch, manufactuted by a reliable Canadian maker 49 Sale price...... .... ... O "ht Home” in Priceville. .S. HUNTER, - Durham th unter's January Stock-taking Sale Cash for Grain at Highest Market Prices, At., daft we n9 -iallr Prices within the reach of everybody. J. S. Bun. Clerk. good steel blade, neat- I X__Cut Saw, 5 foot F Notice is hereby given that I divi- ( dend at the rate of five per cent per annum upon the paid up capital stock I of the National Portland Cement Com- pany Limited. hm been declared for Ithe VPRF ending Doremhor31st. 1907, and that mule wlil he payable v the Head On1ee of the Company on and latter Monday. the tenth day of Febru- mrv. 1908. to all Shareholders on record [on thatdate, The Transfer books will he closed from the 25th ml“ of Janluuy to the 8th day of February, IAB, both dayu Incluaive. By Order of the Board, R. H. McWILLnxs Premdent and Managing Director. ilil llllMll, Mllllll) (lllllllf (li)ll?llllf “MED LOTHIAN PHIL? HUNTER Robh Sub-Division 1 2 8 4 ii' o FERGUSON-. 68 61 so 46 16 21 McArthur - 9 7 50 62 87 67 Iron COUNCILLORS. LOTHIAN - lit? 67 95 64 2513 PHIL? -86899o73g948 HUNTER --18 OM438456 Rotm --8iSB4t?87tntn McRohh - 9 22 40 46 81 9 NORMANBY. - N c a ll (tl t , a .. , 52 :1th 62m 819 917 6 6 153 Kent 12 10 11 21 31 18 42 25 170 Middl't'n 11 55 35 76 trt 16 8t 28 311 Wright 737971023 6 529 215 Scott 5 41251211 4 1 6 106 The council for 1908 are Reeve Cm. bett and Councillors Aldcorn, Arm- strong. C'romn and Middleton. McArdle 31 27 19 ll 5 26 16 4 Council Aldeorn St? 46 70 50 42 27 19 16 Armetr'g as 88 61 17 trt 8 3 12 Cronin 44632132250456 Hendry 10 47 28 36 SI 11 6 8 Hoof 62% 819 91766 Kent 12 10 11 21 31 18 42 25 Middl't'n 11 55 35 76 trt 16 31 28 Wright 7379710236529 Scott. 541251211 4 l 6 pered. Sale REEVE12845678 Bell 83554749244313 yaor?tet.tf1)raisisiiiriiii WrightGeo.......... Carson J. A......... BeatRobert....,C.' McLoughry. H D.... John-ton. A......... Comte". 9remort_Rmli886164gotst Indie. R. 18 t140t01ttitttt21 Notoie,A. 1229093358me WiloonA. 9163521 13&7892 Councillors elected Grier-Ion mud Wilson. McKenzie .... . Mends....... . REEVE [2345678 Dickson 8.18” 19 9 103117 49 Wiuoagtkatttigiariiiitiitiit nan": grigmmglg ll In " as 49 19 13 ARTEMESIA Reeve-Alex. Muir, acclnmntlon DEPUTY Ruv: Township Election Figures mrorthst1Fiiiiiiitiiriiiiii Dividend No. 3. W2RhsMONT. Fun DEPUTY Runs. 5; 25 COUNCILLORS BENTINC K PROTON 'tri'"'.'".':,,.'.'.:? ti.il.gijii"iiit ,oztaama 'ggrs, last: fab-In 'g,,"lgCt mama ro'ta1"ii,tdss,i,-g =asmaaw "-v"Riraut,t:,. §23§§§§ 46678tot'I i?a8r: 2353 any. w. Noble Ioul Mt 314 157 The under, ned will sell or ex- chnnge for ttlt' or sheep. one My, mm. euppoeed to be In font to g ttttod home) one road mere "PPO-t to be no foal, one tandem more thing on. year. old. Both fondue“ er. (and quiet driven. Arply e: menu. he." mile from G Alcott P. o. (on. line. Holland and Glenda. that Jmar. 172 139 trat Light \choul, Light bob-clam. Heavy truck wagon. Warm box com. plete, Flown. Han-rows. Pupen, Wind mills and towers. Wire, M in (one: ' Sawyer. Iron pig troughs. we. Hunt told at once. A, " I ‘n-“h 191 139 318 210 190 461 Lot 27, 28, Con. l 8. D, K. Ole 85mm cleared, 7 Icon hush. valued. Good Brick Home. " Bank turn (45:00.) iane from Jutnliun on new 0. P. u. 1 a nvettientto :Scboolnnd P. o. ther particulars npply on ' 'te men Joan RCA: nun I - __~~. w.“- W‘UIUI c, P R ttack, i mile from t sell right to quick buyer. a good opportunity. For 'ta apply at the (luv 4 Ion-enact We beg to announce that . be open to buy nay mummy of h all kind. including shingle am limbel delivered tn our ynrd. I will he quoted on appliing I Com puny's ottiee. Till: DURHAX Fun-anna- JOHN CLARK The qualities Farmers want. Washers, Sowing Machines, Charm. he In order to hove a happy home it is necessary to how I soluble above. There in no tron bio uni-(y- ing you with a swve if you give no a call. We also hove a second hand-Coal and Wood Heater sad I Box Stove which no bargain. A First class cutter tor Solo In every kind of: Lump we can suit you. See our as )nmem rf Fancy Stand Lamps " Mm never before heard of. No home in complete without a Meat Choptper. We hue I = variety o Meat Choppers, on are otreritut some choice one. " I very low price. DEERING H ARVESTERS For Sale or E;c. Gun’s Drug Store and Farm Machinery. will do it. They are a tspecific for LAGBIPPE, cows. W“ Knocks Com-Aggy: balm m romancoldlnmgy Free from all injurious drugs and made only at Reliable & Durable Farm tor bale. Farm for Sale. Hardware ! Logs Wanted. The Right Stove W. Black Gun’s Grip Capsules Iowa on appliink and); ottiee. Damn): Fawn-run: Co. For Sale. Meat Choppers is impossible. Fancy Lam , m room:co§gl_m is from school. Witt _ buyer. Don't In“ T. For further up the Bunny Onion. 541mm} iiri is possible. mm... Wind “ ie fencm , ' MC. lu.t ' J "yteotr. 32m... P. o. thip 'te prank... I'm“. Prop page". no will 03. of an] huh inc. "had " - ...f a ' 'dtfti?"ia 'Atltt14 was. i 2CCC, ' Milver td?igtg.'tt,iici'uss, For PM Christmas "A""-iaiuG=dL'PA9 Try Matthews & Latimer LII-bunny: khan. Ian's Over. Ihou, Mn Dubber- and Leggings at love“ prion. Children‘s Cardi. gan: at 31.5 per pair. Athroot Mullen at In: yur's price Also an moot 'iopuiii. Jiaii pug-km rm. "Aftuaws & Lumen is _tta4ft?tthetretto't ls bad toe the men o' the Thistle, And a' tther folk. you w I So If you wan. to wet. vour whistle You're at: wi'our one hulk Tomi “Whiskey W- are telling mninder of our ”defer/(mo d Co. will prevent the development of theotherttrmptmttn Thev cum .9 quickly that your cold will he (one lino“ before you real. belt. Them“ use of this remedy will keep you free from cold. all winter. Len Cold Tablets will Ibo cure trevere, fully developed colds quicker than anything you can take, We warrant this cure. Price, L McARTH UR ' Colds 7 Menace £172, £41m Cold arg/et, a use cl tightening in the anon who: of the non, then some a! pretax secretion and we It" the well-developed lite-dumb; cold. ' When the bat symptomsw the - or irritated throat W“, a few doses of our We wish all our friends a Dwain. and Booksellers JANUARY 16, 1908 A little was; huh: throat For Feed We In" speck! value in BULK TEAS lappy and irosperous 25 cent: A Grant lib if in 'ire mmy: EEG. “when to Cochin" from the TI I ridden! t ing friends. but can ll who moved three year- "quainatte H. Mr III the l The (In The our u old (:1. and M Other C Review and W Review and ttt Review and W. q Review and ttont _ Review and bumil Review and Badly: Review and [NIH A mm: O tr Yearly V66 when Good Yom Like e rel Jhtur, mod tor W It DAR Iftrp Clu "

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