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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jan 1908, p. 5

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in the than in; in the t the lag, " secretio- "uveiored, 'topartest c! Thee CBN I (Old 'in t you real. as. of this tt hee ho- Laxa Cold are m is quicker can take. re. Price. ymptetms- ated thmat its of our Mm Huh”. he hull 1'" Bran. HUR wn'o Cards. all 8, 1908 risen all» in il'rr- mold. 00'. "it. ler of out Iq's ther. um», AS Mend. io ey ee rad/of: er we " . In: 1. uurvy " Helping mt f,',tr, combinations made known Ott i Fulton, of Muloek, for .evor.| wo; App ncuuon. . Combinations of three or more paper- Mr yy' M" H, Fulton DNPHII can M” be made at reduced at... . hoe friends hurt Thumb, night. The Municipnl Election in now our end June: Corbett won the Reoyulnp. There on three of the old council. nemely. Alcorn. Cromn sud Middleton, the new Inn is R. D. Armurong. The Summon: woo minim-tend In the Esplin Church. Sunday. mm. The dey been " very stormy prevem- _ ed runny from "tending. On the Itch hot here in Mr Jones H. Scot: leid up with rheomntism and Mr Thoe McLenn with n cancer. Visitors hero ; Mr Robinson How. from the Township of Hope. formerly n raider“ of Egremont, I. here vim- ing friends. Mr George Conner end has eon Wm trom the North West who moved from the 15th Con. nbmn three you" ego is but to renew old "quaintattees. Review And Weakly Globe. . . . $1.25 Review and Pat - than .. . .. .1315 Review and w. Mail a Empire..l.70 Review and Montreal W. Wit. ..1.oo Review and Family Her. & Shall”) Review and Daily Globe. . . . . . . ..4.40, Roviow‘omd pyilr 1rorld -..... . AMO; Yearly Clubbing Otters. Good for DARLINGS, the Druggists Good for your Hands Good for your Face Good tdr Your Lips Good tor Shairers Good for tt Your Chaps Disappear Like Magic when you use pieuses CREAM of WITCHAZEL """""'---uasat2fa'2dLu'VU2 ( Worht Gr iiGiJdy JANUARY 16, Hopeville DARLINGS 26c. Mn Smith. of Mt. Wren, is visit.- Mr and Mrs Jun. Hanna u present. Mr T. Derby in helping Mr Wm Fulton, of Mulock. for neural weeks. Mr sud Mu H, Fulton entertained Mia Hattie Byers returned last week from Welland. She was ac- oompmned by Mr. W. Crowther and two children. Mr V. Ptefrer and Mr Jan. Hnnm nude bulinou "up: to Mt. Forest Int week. Allister and Norman Anderson spam seven] duyu hurt week mtb friends m Walkerton. Mr V. Ptetfer Ins purchased Mr Wm Bull's two hundred notes on the 16th for the sum of 87000. Min Anderson left on Friday on Visit to Grand Vulloy friends. Mr Ind Mrs Abel. of the Great Wow." visiting their comm Mrs Henry Byers n the Post Offhur. Mr June! mnier,on in visiting friends on the 18th the! In absence of seven! yen: in Saskatchewan. Anniverury union will be held In the church on Juno-q 19 and 20. Rev. Mr Cannon. ot Pnlmeruon. will take abuse of the Sunday nervices, morning and evening. DRUG STORE Good for Chaps Good for Girls Good for Ladies Good for Men 3. Then you'll say Hampden The snaivticil work necessary to determine whether wster contains impurities, requires great skill. but there are n few simple tests that meg often determine whether it is won while to perform a more elaborate analysis: Tu? No 1.--Pour half s pint of wnter intos wide mouthed bottle or Throughout the town and country, the water supply is often very impure and every householder should know. tor sure, whether his sulpplst tureet. ed in the least. Alla a forethought in this respect any often say» ttttttre trouble and expense. as contamina- ted Inter invariably carries with lt germs ot the various diseases. There are now over 300 municipali- ties In this proeitteesundet local option. surely an evidence that the tide of tim" is flowing against. the legalized bar room. Twentrtwo places, with 70 Int rooms. failed to get a majority and must, now wait three yum before an opportunity is again available The working of the. threedlttt" majority clause as, we have always held. not a lmd thing for a new law that makes a change in social customs. We are inclined to think it is a good thing for another reason I No fewer thnn25 municipalities pclled minori- ties for local option but came short of the 3-5th’n clsuse. and in those places the full effect of the deterrent measure is pressed home. There is no denying such failures hints on irritating effect that stiffen: temperance determin- ation, that will win next time. or bring pressure on parliamentarians to remove the handicap. In these 25 places 86 but rooms exist, which a majority of rate payers say should be abolished. Is your Water Supply Pure ? r The winning of 6 our of 7 repeal con- tests by largely increased majorities is a notable result, showing that when fairly tried the people hang on to It. The one defeat was by 9 majority only, and three years ago lt was curried by 4so that a matter of 7 votes would, put it where it was. It should not be fotgotten that there were 53 places open to repeal and only 7 tried it, with the above result. and the“ no doubt were selected as being easy moth. Ac 5 result of this year's vote nearly 100 tur rooms are put out of business. The working of the threedlttt" umjority clause II, we have always Since our last issue the clearing of the smoke of battle has allowed results to be seen clearly. and their Isa. de- cided improvement in the situation. now. D. Manhunt, Axes. Gun-nun, lug., M.P. of the British-hp treaty, proposes to go into the building of a navy ot her l own, with the avowed purpose of keepimga "white Australia." The United tates and Canada both have a Japanese question on their western coasts, and the South American coun- tries on the Paeitie are also preparing to resist a possible aggression. When the present treaty of alliance between Britain and Japan expires, it will not be renewed without protests from all the colonies, and perhaps without the buttress of Britain, the Jap may be less aggressive in his attempt to in, vade new continents. The Sovereign Bank of Canada -When Japan beat Russia inthten. ces were not Jo work the ending of which no man can foresee. One thing plainly is seen: the victory has had the elect ot rousing in every Japanese from the higheet to the lowest, tt bumpuone leelinx that is, not only going to make it hard to get along with them but is proving ity lectious to the other Asiatic peoples. It seems certain that it in their exam- ple, if not their instigation. that is causing part of the unrest in India. There is sn Asistic trouble in South Africa, Australio and New Zeslend both and it necessary to impose exclu- signings. tyri_Atmtrttlia, in detianee ---d content h on ittSottttt Huron for. sent in the Dominion Home. Mr. M. Y. Helen is the Liberal candidnte, a successful jam-nulls: with experience in the local Hume. His chances of winning seems good. Bat there 'g no saying. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16,19; on,» Durham 112mm Local Option Results. TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Menu at best current nth paid quarterly. um " m: 8mm Jaws, Eu... - - " Jbarddmg Ramon": Human». Exp. M Via-MW A. A. any, lug., " a Sand Via-hailed Mchmx, Hon. Pun ileum, AIPBILL. Elm, M.P. W. K. McNataurr, Eng" mun, Eng" M.P. _ Ann. BRDCI, 2.1., WC. HEAD OFFICE t--TORDNTo. Fold Up Capital: a c 88.01 'tmtit.BarttiBe-iaeat. DURHAM BRANCH All are invited to attend theme. meet. Ings. will hold a meeting It the sums time and plnco at which Dr, Annie Ruckus will give In uddnu on some import- ant topic; at LSO p. m. The departmental dele- gates are John Gnrdbouue. mtthfield, and W. F. Kydd, Simcoe. They will give good practical Adam-u both afternoon and evening. They we both men of large experience and Indy one-ken and both meetings will be vety interesting. The Women’s Institute 1 LrarGekvGitriiiiGti'ieiiiii"ui"ii'e Town Hall. Durham, Friday, Jan. l7, BIB ed glue and notice that it remslns clout. then pour in the Inter to be tested, should a strong milkiness appear that is not nearly cleared up on adding a few drops of dilute nitric acid. the water probably contains sodium chloride sunny: loam! in sewage water bat very seldom in‘ wholesome unless near the sec coast. Tu! No 3.--Poar 3 Halo solution of silv‘er 11.".an into a cgrelglly clun- Rosr Morgen. (no. Bungle. I TEST No 2.-Add to a ample ot water A drop of dilute sulphuric mid und enough pans-inn permanganate to tinge to a taint rose color. Cover veg el with n glass or "tter and? allow to stand for fifteen minnow It the water docl not. change to pink. it may be considered nnwholeoome. lieoanter close tight! y and then shake violently. It In often-1w odor is than perceived. the walerie probably contaminated by sewage or other conunuenu trom nimilnr sources. 1 The teAary.ttetitto.t qotst.tt. Gr?! Farmers' Institute. Asst. Gaunt-Km. ”momma. Lenahan (il/ McIntosh Remember the leading place for all kinds of Hardware and Furniture is in our new block, a few doors south of the Middangh House. v... sewn us continue" y increasing so that we are now better than ever prepared to supply wants of our customers. You will find our stock of both Hardware and Furniture to be complete and up-to-date. For the right goods, the right assortment and the right prices, give us a trial. Whether you are a regular customer or not; We are always pleased to have you call. We have now entered upon a New Y we trust it will be one of happiness and ity to one and all. We thank our m: tamer: for their patronage in the past tt our dealings have been such that their age will be continued. Our stock is continually increasing ’ardware 8, Furniture ONTARIO ARCHIVES J5me! Weducfion Jar/o I our which is now on. We are going to clear out the old stock to make room for new importations, and the prices will explain how we are going to do it. CALL AND BEF. US. l The undersigned having bought out the Shoe business conducted by the late Ir. Peel have pleasure in inviting all old customers and many new ones to share in the profits of urea ttpon a New Year and one of happiness and proapet. F We thank our many ens. New Shoe Store 15 Days (hliItriig (gilt IN " QUARTERS ones. PrompiniGGniriiii'r daf- lug will continue to be my motto. Your-for business. Alter two years in business in Durham I thank heartily the man farmers and others who haeefavored me with their trade and have Pt,'",',', in unnouncing that I will In the future has havsplessurein meeting in more oommodious cinema. all my old triendsnmd trust quay pew McIntyre Botsk--Umbton Sc. Bucky and Bell 'l old “and Entricken & Sewell . B. McLellan. in the past and trust CARD 0F THANKS patron. BON ROMS AL‘VAYB FRESH T We ore lining on upholster- or the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old god. reno- votod to look good u now would Advise - will b planed to attend to it It once. I all {or mm all]! ' “sanded to. Paibiiia' I: the thing to think of nvow All our experience at your service. Call and see us. [in I. full hue of Curtain Poles, Window Etudes, Picture Frame. Fume! to order of nil kinds. lfllllSll I J. C. NICHOL’S STORE A fall line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Conan And Tia Gloves and Role It", Cups. Shoes. and much more We can’t tell you of this week. i G. H. STINSON We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that we have opened up in New! New! New! F, -"_._ "au- "an ll. good soil. Convenient location, only 82li00. 200nm. tnetttttr--thu, hunk bnrn-- good frame dibellimr--otG good improvements. only W. on are: Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck. 815” A map. 250 new on Guzman 'tttad-fine huildin a. good tween. good soil. To quici buyer at 06511). 100 tel-es. 1#rptimsk,--owner in west. price 82700. Buildin a worth the 'umtey--farm for '/d'llh2 Lots of other granny for me. " ney to Lon . All kinds of busi- ness attended to. J ohn 100 acres Din-hum Road, Bonunck. Good dwalling. [Mme bunk hut-n. gogdggil. Convenient location. We have I. good supply of fresh Bakmg always on hand. Also 5 good unort- ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges. A Dollar for weld Pt" ttpetit dmthrd, 'trdrGit%TiG Can-luvs Gents' Furnishings The Bell Orazvl’iao ii,., Chm. and Wynn: luhlnu. We're the Axum for Woven Stool bun. an!" Serrrtttg Imam, Walker?! labia Works. We no solo Agent. in Durban tor the a." well known 1,,epltt,1ttlte Blodeu. Iowan. Dill: Huron DbOultinton. olnnm SET-den. Hcy Baku. Bay London. y Ted- dra. buoy-Emil Cram Sep'ruors The litatrfltrrit Co, McQueen a Morice ‘ouday Baking ,- "-m-v unusual]. an the followmg properties at the price. asked t " Undertaker The Hanover Conveyunc r 3. I). MILLER, Model Bakery Wm Fifty Cents Opened up in t'artrnin. Bo are munch; lmdenu would eater " the begin 1i.nAtttthit-itaiitidiiii.' Honda-n hob tltt22rsttttt?.i,,Eii: ttlet,',',', u a hung]: Mn n. mm a non dull. plus toe We. "I8: '1 per month In “men. Us. """t,tst.t:, e. Raga... Sn" and Equipment. Ttte Ichool In thorough] ut In touch! “In". in chenille-l sud Ul)ht,'ll1t,,'gti .33 Itttndi, be. tor in“ Junior having Bad Intric- IIMon work. The following cont-cum ml m " charge I K188 1o,tWil'd 1mWgtfihhh l A", art-a- un men‘- 'n vanity an In 70 et- 1te,e.9f,eettL-9uia', Artttmettc, m.. .- an “.4... {508. ALLAN, magma“. Principal WINE chENllE LOGAN. B. A., Honor 1hef.yt',t ot 1'eruo, _ "nftemits,-iiisUir, Mow Rooms--, her tiGif." "W Rum-men - First Lawrence‘s Buck, Embnlmlng . Specluty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Viv- ._ - mum any be left at ttia lmple mum Tum: raglan, McSitmoto old Md. orat mental! o cc. lamented A the County “canned Auctioneer tor the thr, mommy attended to. In Self, let. be left at In. In 4911/! CL A RK Durham School ton-y airway; uiiceotiioiiiGir,Gn'd "UM“ a Licensed Auctioneer 1 Term madame. Amugeme wanes, ac., mm be made at Ice. Durban. I." 1p'yr2spo1 than. or to Ceylon P.0., w, "tended :0. Term. on AMI-“tn Money to mun. 001cc, over (hudon'u Jewelry Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Cotnmiesroner, DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) orto ARTHUR B. JACKSON 1fyiy1:teicrxvsseszss. p, McPHAIL-.o Bu-rmou. Solicitors. Consumers. Att. Money to Loan. (y'iee. McIntyre Block over the Bank A. a. MICK.) K.C. w F Dun- lulunnce Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A non- eral tiicitU business transacted Ottue--4ahieru Block u tuiFiii ara _C7Git'i'Ai'll,'s7Jl,'l,' an y. Co lace um moon Datum-yin all It. bunches. D313 TAL W. C. PlCKERlNG o. o s., L D S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Summons of Ontario. Room- Ovel J & J HUNTERS New Store 0x030 w _ . VH1": H m. “it! LAL'LTmse. 1.99mi» w Woe. ll Float Bx, [as m: to MM¢:(-I;Idm. at to Knapp's (New You) Eye away Full line of Cntlnolic Ruben Ind Mack and While Cup- for aged people. tlteetoo - d.N4. Hanna”. 8... I ltolOA... noun: Ho “an 1 Ho 'rot. Special-mum wmu - Women um tsr/g,,'. J. G. EDITOR. I. D., C. lit IWOolhp Play-101s.- and turnout aloe m "sa,.,",')',','.'."-,,", and Geo. a. A; room! mu. Old loodie Coma. OHIO]: IOU“ 1lhrdirtrt,Psme & Throat notary Public, Commissio CONVEYANCER. he. '--tt..t. Hal“ Talent”. Go'"-, No. " . F. GRANT D. ARTHUR GUN. A. BELL MEDICAL MACKAY & DUNN, c. RCIA'Gi: Durham Ceylon bu A telephone 0mm. V IGPEAIE.‘ Sexlgn P. o 9 0"Hon iroT,"7ii"i"it ’. Tums on uppUuonu 4"th house south of Blukmith Shop. . P. TELFORD Next to Bwnllow'u Bar. "mu-tuning, - _ W 4-H. Hunter. Store - I you“... DR. BURT k em.- tor “In n aEfl', the Review of. WWW?!“ mam med Aucuoneerror 'oumy of Grey. Commissioner. JelL.tr .Pomptly " over Post one. for Go. Grey of orer. Hale P. with - - Ovulation-d W F Dunn more 'ot

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